Home Steering Diesel cruise 100. New comment. Specifications, car capabilities

Diesel cruise 100. New comment. Specifications, car capabilities

This year, Toyota celebrates the anniversary - 50 years since the start of the production of a car, which can be considered the Dynasty Dynasty of the most popular Land Cruiser SUVs.

This year, Toyota celebrates the anniversary - 50 years since the start of the production of a car, which can be considered the Dynasty Dynasty of the most popular Land Cruiser SUVs. By the holiday, a special edition of the car was released - Anniversary Land Cruiser. It would be nice to make a gift company - take this car to the test, but where to get it? It hurts the circulation limited. Therefore, we were pleased with the "ordinary" Land Cruiser 100 ...

Land Cruiser 100 is the largest SUV in the Toyota range. Depending on the sales market and configuration, it is also known under the names "500", Amazon and Lexus LS470. The global debut of the current (fifth) generation "hundreds" took place in 1998 in Chicago, European - in Geneva. Since then, not one version of the car visited the tests of the "motor". Now here is the 2001 model in the VX configuration with a turbodiesel 4.2 l motor and mechanical checkpoint.

Name this huge car tongue is not rotated - due to the heavyness of the appearance (however, it can be called and solidity). There are no many cars that occupy so much space on the road, except for full-size "trucks" GM or, say, Hummer ...

Entry-out - no problem, thanks to the big doorway (both in front and rear), as well as a successful broad footboard. The interior is well designed and efficiently performed. Each trifle is thought out, everything you need is at hand. The car was practically in the simplest configuration, despite the VX index on the back board (in some markets these letters mean the most expensive equipment option). No pseudoderev in the cabin - everywhere honest plastic (none of plastic details During the test, it did not disturb us with their "sound"), no electronic rings, such as departing when the ignition of the steering and servo seats is turned off. But it will not hurt to find the optimal landing to the driver of any growth and the set.

Landing high, visibility complaints did not cause, but for confident parking reverse The habit is required - the feature of all large cars. Whether my will, on the Land Cruiser, would necessarily put a system similar to Parktronic.

The instrument shield pleased with large and easily readable speedometer and tachometer. They are complemented by fuel level pointers, engine temperature, battery charging and oil pressure. On the left and on the left of the steering wheel are switches of locks of inter-axis and rear inter-track differentials. On the selected mode, cross-tiles ignite on the icon, which schematically depicts transmissory.

On the central console - the radio and the microclimate control unit. Having pleased the stove: the test was held in a 15-degree frost, but a huge salon warmed up without problems.

In the back seat, three people will be comfortable, and if they are sighted, there will be enough space for the fourth (the machine is in width - without a small two meter). You can not be crowned, but to throw back the pair of suspended "chairs" in the luggage compartment, however, they will not leave them. In the folded state, they are located along the sidewalls of the body and do not occupy a lot of space, and if necessary, dismantled. The rear row of seats is formed both completely and in parts. The fifth door opens american - one half up, the other down. The bottom can be used as a "continuation" of the floor when transporting long freights ...

Land Cruiser - the car is serious, and this is once easier to make sure, opening the hood. All that can be carefully sealed - all the wiring is laid in special tubes, you will not see the electrical connectors with bare terminals, the generator and the starter are removed into special coves. For a confident engine startup, two powerful batteries are installed in any weather.

I'm starting the engine. It can be guessed only by the tachometer arrow - the noise and vibrations in the cabin almost do not penetrate. Turbodiesel gives the maximum torque (430 nm) at 1400 rpm. And keeps it up to 3200 rpm, which favorably affects both when touching and when overcoming obstacles. Such a characteristic, in my opinion, is ideal for an SUV. It allows in difficult conditions to move the latitude of almost idling and not be afraid that the engine will stall at the most inopportune moment.

We traveled to deep snow, stopped the snow dumps erected by the tractor, but never could "plant" the car - despite the fact that there were road rubber on it. But we did not use rich transmission reserves at all - blocking differentials and a reduced row ...

Attempting a sharp start (and especially - the beginning of acceleration) showed that Land Cruiser with Turbodiesel and mechanical box - not best machine For races from traffic lights. On low engine speed, the turbocharger works not in full force, and when they release the gas to go from the first to the second, the pressure is lost. However, when necessity land Cruiser fully starts at the second, and in the car with automatic boxWhere the leg from the pedal is not needed to clean, this problem will not arise at all.

Obviously, the car confidently keeps in the city stream. Here, a wide range of torque came very by the way, even on the fifth gear, you can accelerate from 60 km / h. At first, there are problems with dimensions, especially with fast rebuildings, however, after a while you understand that on a similar car, the "embroidery" tactics does not bring the necessary fruits. Yes, and nothing to do with it (not to mention what is dangerous). You just can simply move in the left row, rolling on going ahead. Only the most dubbed driver will not free the road, seeing Mahine hanging over the rear bumper.

Defects road coat You can not be afraid thanks to the powerful energy-intensive suspension. Even on serious Colds, the car only shakes, as if noting their presence. Despite the huge weight of the Land Cruiser, the brakes with their responsibilities are working successfully.

The massiveness of the machine and the corresponding engine volume implies a decent fuel consumption, and this is taken into account when choosing a tank volume - at one refueling, in principle, you can pass up to a thousand kilometers ...

With long-term operation of any car can manifest features that cannot be experienced along the test drive. Some comments accumulated over the year of the real use of "hundreds" were expressed by one of our readers on the pages of the magazine ("Motor" # 4, 1999), especially in terms of car manageability in the limit modes (for which it, however, is not intended) . But it was noted there that the only problem for this period was the failure of the headlight washer fuse ...

In general, the grievous burden of its popularity of Land Cruiser 100 is worthy.

The "Cruzak" - the topic is extensive, but we have been submitted for consideration. Previous generation, Land Cruiser 80, for today's day is very much in the years, and the Soviet contemporary, Land Cruiser 105, is largely a utilitarian car. And besides, with external similarity and common platform, Differences with "hundredth" he has so much that it is without small cars - we described in detail about it in the material about the choice.

Charisma TLC 100, as well as the last time considered last time: Despite the past years, it is still a rather status car, highly comfortable and richly equipped. The owners are incredibly heat to it relate, often "weaving" is a true family friend. It is so cool that his advantages are mostly universal values, that is, simply the fact that you would generally want to see in any car ("Manage the Dream", as they say), and cons - these are small reservations, nuances in these values .

Love # 5: capacity

Land Cruiser 100 was produced in versions with two and three rows of seats. And if there are three rows, all these are full-fledged places - two adults are located on the third row completely freely. The maximum volume of the trunk, which can be obtained in the Land Cruiser 100, is 2,122 liters with a folded second and third rows of seats. There is no full-fledged "sleeping room" here (but in a lot of various "tyuniga" options), but the pair-troika of children's highs are placed in the trunk standing, and, if necessary, "Cruzak" for one flight transports 700-800 kilograms of cargo - as a good pickup.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

Hate # 5: Because of the dimensions are inconvenient to park

This capacity is due to dimensions, and there is back side Medals: TLC 100 - never a city car. With a length of almost five meters (4,890 mm) and with a two-time width (1 940 mm), find a suitable parking place is not easy. Therefore, buying a Land Cruiser, it is worth thinking about personal parking at work and moving somewhere away from those who were contemporated by contemptant small-calt agents of urban yard.

On the picture: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 "2005-07

Love # 4: looks cool

This model was produced for a decade, from 1998 to 2008, and during this time survived a couple of restyings that did not change the appearance in principle, but only refreshing it. In any performance, Land Cruiser 100 looked cool, and that is why in his time firmly settled in the garages of officials and businessmen. Now he is no longer "blowing into the right lane" by one of his appearance, but the respect still causes, and the design itself glances the look, and it is so monolithic that it does not compare many many more years.

In the photo: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 "1998-2002 and Toyota Land Cruiser 100" 2002-05

Hate # 4: Still he rust

Despite the magnificent painting quality, the body "Kruzka" is still subject to corrosion - in those places where dirt and moisture accumulates: wings, bumpers, windshield frame, rear door. A rust is manifested in different ways - the body of those cars that were exploited in sparing conditions and a soft climate are practically deprived of it, but by the fact that they often kneaded the dirt was less. The same applies to the frame - it is extremely reliable, but still not eternal, and its rear part over time begins to suffer from corrosion. Everything is repaired, but it is impossible to say that this is a simple repair.

Love # 3: High Comfort

Oddly enough, comfort in TLC 100 is comfort with reservations, because there are those who are not enough, and just for those invented Lexus LX470, built on the same basis. But as a matter of the laid base and provides the lion's share of the buzz, which gives the "Cruzak". A high-rise landing that provides an overview to the horizon and a sense of security, soft and spacious front armchairs (the seats to name the language does not rotate) with a voluminous armrest between them, as well as architecture and settings of the chassis, allowing "to pour" at speeds of about 100 km / h and According to asphalt, and in the primer. Yes, there are nuances - for example, much faster than the same "hundred" even on very roven road This car does not like to ride. But what about?

In the photo: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 "2005-07

Hate # 3: He still breaks

The reliability of Land Cruiser 100 goes legends, and most of them are pure truth. But, as in the case of corrosion of the body, nothing is forever. If the machine is "enhanced" and works for wear, then problems begin by about 150,000 mileage kilometers if the operation is careful - on runs twice as large. In the fog, the moisture seeps, shruses end, steering Reika, front gear, shock absorbers and other elements of chassis. In turbodiesels "dying" nozzles, turbine, TNVD. But all this - on those runs that seem not particularly impressive only for the "Kruzka" against the background of its "Millionnikov".

Love # 2: High Passability

"Weaving" is too big, heavy and expensive car to be an uncompromising conqueror of impassable debrenor. But if you even sometimes not someone else's common sense, this car will be able to carry you and in the office (with the above-described reservations on the topic of parking), and fishing. The suspension is very powerless in the drawback on the line (despite the fact that the car rulits itself well on asphalt), reliable even with rigid operation and allows a lot of serious off-Round. Clearance in 240 mm, four-wheel drive, Lowering a row in the distribution, blocking the mid-scene and rear intercoles differentials - in fact, the TLC 100 permeability is limited only by the absence of a third blocking, some overweight and geometric nuances like hanging on the fifth door spare. Well, even the most common sense.

In the photo: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 "1998-2002

Hate # 2: Weak brakes

Despite the fact that TLC 100 is at all a sprinter, the owners complain about accelerating dynamics quite rarely, but the brakes are really a weak point of this SUV. "Native" brakes, especially in heavy V8, under the hood, work at the limit of opportunities, and the pads with disks are "fought" rather quickly. A common practice immediately after the purchase of a used "Kruzka" - change the discs on the ventilated, and the pads are on ceramic - and efficiency, and the resource increases markedly.

In the photo: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 "2002-05

Love # 1: Reliability

Yes, and in the reliability of "Kruzka" there are reservations: it would be possible to dwell on electronic controlled shock absorbers, on the age-related problems of turbocharged diesel engines already mentioned ... But the fact is that these cars are very slowly falling in price - it is too slow to bring it into a separate A reason for hatred: less than a million with a tail decent attention specimens are not worth it. Reliability - what made and continues to make this car name. Power units, chassis, body, frame - all this, with the exception of some little things, has a huge, completely unimaginable resource for the current standards. There is an opinion that in general all the breakdowns "Kruzaka" is not wines "Kruzak". And he sees a car, it is not far from the truth.

In the photo: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 "2005-07

Hate # 1: Popularity in hijackers

By virtue of the above-described prestigiousness and high costs, as well as the shortcomings in the method of applying the VIN-numbers and the imperfection of the regular anti-theft complex (the control unit of the FURS is easy to "open", and the protection transmission is not at all), TLC 100 has been popular with the hijackers. Owners, despite the abundance of telematic security systems, prefer not to put cars in unfamiliar places and are generally stored in the garage. As we understand them!

In the photo: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 "1998-2002


People who purchased Land Cruiser are very rarely compiled on the big transport tax Or high fuel consumption - first, on diesel vehicles, consumption is very decent, secondly, these costs do not look unjustified, and thirdly, such questions, the owners of TLC 100 are completely bothering. Despite the solid age, it is not old car. This is a car to which you need to grow. Well, finally, the best, in our opinion, comment on today's conversation: "It can only be" weaving ".

Toyota Land Cruiser: 100 or 200

Folk Truth reads: The best is a good enemy. Other wisdom hints that the new one is always better than the old one. This is applicable to everything, including cars.

Really, new modelAs a rule, on all or most of the parameters exceeds the previous one. But in the case of SUVs, alas, such a focus is not always. The more modern "passable", the closer it becomes to the asphalt. Is it really so hopeless?

We will learn about it after comparing two cars. Both - Toyota Land Cruiser, only one model "100", and the second - who changed it to Toyota Land Cruiser 200.

The design has changed, but not dramatically. More beautiful than "two hundred" or not - it's hard to say. How many people, so many opinions. Some believe that the new model has become more solid, others argue that the last "cruzak" is too massive. By the way, Land Cruiser 200 really grown, and in all directions: in length, and in width, and height. But the intercole base remained the same. Maybe because of this, "two hundred" and it seems too heavy compared to the "weaving".

But if the body design has not changed so straightened, then in the cabin the changes are visible immediately. And not only in design. In the "two hundred" applied better materials in the interior decoration: high-quality leather, soft plastic, rubberized inserts on the inner surfaces of the door handles. Steering column Adjusted not only on the angle of inclination, but also by departure.

In Land Cruiser 200 panel cooler! Healthy such, for real men. Next to the ACP lever, an empty platform. In more expensive equipment It contains systems management authorities: Crawl Control, which allows to maintain a constant speed when overcoming off-road; MULTITERRAIN, which helps to achieve the most efficient braking in any conditions; We and DAC that help safely descend from the mountain and climb it. The monumental panel of the Land Cruiser 100 instruments in gray tones against the background of a cheerful panel "Two-hundredth" seems to be gloomy.

But the difference in the size of the handles of the door is especially striking. After the usual Toyotov openers, which is installed on the "weaving", the handles on the new "Kruzak" give a clear slope for America. Such huge handles are more familiar on the overseas machines. Accent, by the way, not very good, and he is visible in the front seats. It is indisputable that the quality of the skin, which these chairs are trimmed, does not cause complaints. But, sorry, why make the seats so amorphous? Is it difficult to create at least the visibility of lateral support, which is as necessary when driving in Buaerakov. And "two hundred" on them ride, as it turned out, can. And no worse than his "parent", which, as you know, despite all the external glamor, was and remains a capable SUV. But we ran ahead of the steam locomotive, back to the salon.

The main difference - the salon became more spacious. However, this improvement to a greater extent can evaluate passengers sitting on the middle seat. Yes, it is on average, because from now on, all Land Cruiser 200 is equipped with three rows of seats. The seats of the second row are separated in the ratio of 40:20:40. All three chairs can be shifted back or forward. In addition, the backs of the middle row are adjusted along the angle of inclination.

In Land Cruiser 200 Barzaya Panel! Healthy such, for real men. Next to the ACP lever, an empty platform. In more expensive equipment, there are system management bodies: Crawl Control, which allows maintaining a constant speed when overcoming off-road; MULTITERRAIN, which helps to achieve the most efficient braking in any conditions; We and DAC that help safely descend from the mountain and climb it. The monumental panel of Land Cruiser 100 instruments in gray tones against the background of the cheerful panel "Two-hundredth" seems gloomy.

Two folding seats of the rear row easily in the two adult passengers.

The rear row, which is the third, is a full-fledged sofa for two adults True, the trunk in the case of a three-row arrangement of the seats will be like ... Well, for example, "Niva", and maybe even less. But if the seat is folded, almost a cargo cubic meter will fit in the trunk.

The seats of the middle row of Land Cruiser 200 in comfort are comparable to the rear sofa of the business class sedan: the place is plenty, the tunnel on the floor is immeasured, there is an opportunity to move the chair forward-back and adjust the tilt of the back. Rear seats Smecks provide a high level of comfort. They are soft, wide, the supply for the legs is sufficient. But still sit in the same place in the "two hundred" pleasant.

In general, the choice is small: or a minibus, or a truck. And in that and in the other, the "Two-hundred" role can be successful: 9 people or 800 kg of cargo bye not every all-terrain vehicle.

Off-road chants

The transmission of the new "Kruzak" does not carry revolutionary solutions. It also has a permanent four-wheel drive. However, the central differential is different. If it was free on "weaving", then in the "two hundred" it is self-locking: when the wheels are slipped by one of the differential axes (it is worth the Torsen differential) is blocked. The disadvantage of this differential is that it is blocked only when slipping. Therefore, it also provides forced blocking.

All this is good. But the control of the transmission has become different. The lever, controlling the transfer box, went into the past. Now, in order to enable a low row, it is necessary to stop (however, it was necessary to do it on "weaving" too), translate the "automaton" lever into neutral, then turn the handle on the instrument panel to the right of the steering column. And wait! The reduced will turn on approximately 3-4 seconds. Everything is good, but to wait for the transfer to turn on, while the car begins to link in the swamp, it is still unpleasant. The benefit that the owners of such cars in their majority do not even know the roads to the swamps, not to mention that there is to ride there.

In a rut from "weaving", perhaps more chances than the "two hundred", due to a greater 20 mm clearance

The "weave" reduced turn on the lever. Quickly, reliable!

The inter-axis lock in both machines is included in the same way - a button located on the right of the steering column. And on both machines, the differential is blocked equally quickly.

Compare on the off-road Land Cruiser 100 and Land Cruiser 200 is easy. It's hard to reveal the best of them. By and large, the off-road abilities of both machines are the same. Differences in the nuances. Because of the longer rear sweep "TwoDot", it begins to cling to the soil when moving irregularities. But "two hundred" is more suspension, so it resists longer with diagonal hanging.

Theoretically, Land Cruiser 100 may be an advantage on the soil shaft due to the smaller weight of almost three centners weights. Yes, and in a rut from "weaving" it is possible more chance due to the greater on 20 mm clearance.

However, these differences do not allocate any of the cars for the better.

On a smooth asphalt

The chassis of the Land Cruiser 200 compared to the predecessor changed little. In the sense, constructively: the same tough rear axle and the same independent front. The difference is that the "weaving" it was torsion, and the Land Cruiser 200 is a spring. Despite the dimensions of the Mastodont, both cars are maneuverable and the steering wheel is well. But the new model suspension is more collected, therefore rolls on turns are less, the reaction to the steering steering is clearer.

Both vehicles are equipped with five-speed "machines". But "two hundred" is provided for manual transmission mode, which is not available from Land Cruiser 100.

Dynamics of cars did not compare due to explicit inequality power plants configuring parties. In Cruiser 100, the V-shaped "eight" of 4.7 liters works under the hood, and under the hood "two hundred" V-shaped "six" with a volume of 4 liters. Naturally, the more powerful and easy "weaving" on the track will put Land Cruiser 200 on both blades.

Despite the fact that a constructive suspension on the Land Cruiser 200 is similar to the suspension "weaving", its moves are noticeably more. Under equal conditions, the rear wheel of the Land Cruiser 100 is removed from the ground earlier than the wheel "two hundred"

Who will win

By the aggregate of their qualities, cars are approximately equal. But anyway new SUV has some advantages. In most part, they relate to behavior on the asphalt, rather than on the road, where a clear parity. On the roads common use The novelty has more points challenges. She has better noise insulation, a more comfortable salon.

And the very fact that this is a new model, which produces only three years, is worth a lot.

History of the model

The legend states that the story of Toyota Land Cruiser began in 1941. During the Second World War, the Japanese army went as a trophy one of the first army jeeps Bantam MK II. The car liked the military heads who gave Toyota to the task to develop a similar car. Toyota coped with the task and made a prototype. However, he did not get into mass production. Moreover, not a single photo was preserved, which would confirm the existence of this all-terrain vehicle.

But the experience gained in the development of an army SUV did not disappear, he came in handy after 9 years - in 1950. Then the Americans ordered 100 SUVs for their army, which were planned to be used in the War in Korea.

The first such car called Toyota Jeep. BJ, saw the light in January 1951. It was equipped gasoline engine The volume of 3.4 l with a capacity of 82 hp It was the world's first passenger. all-wheel drive car with a six-cylinder engine. Prior to that, such cars were equipped with four-cylinder engines.

In the summer of the same year, one of the factory Toyota testes was able to call in the vertex of the Fujian Volcano, after which the National Police Office ordered 289 such SUVs.

But serial toyota production Jeep BJ began only in early 1953. And already in 1954, the car was named Land Cruiser.

In 1955, a second generation of the SUV was appeared, which was called Toyota Land Cruiser BJ20. The car received a modified body as well new engine The volume of 3.9 liters with a capacity of 125 hp

This generation was produced until 1960, when he was changed toyota model Land Cruiser BJ40. The engine of the third generation machine remained the same, but at the same time the transmission received a lower row. This version of the SUV produced until 1984.

In parallel with Toyota Land Cruiser BJ40, there were other Land Cruiser models in production. So, in 1967, Toyota Land Cruiser BJ50 appeared, the production of which lasted until 1980, when it was replaced by Toyota Land Cruiser 60.

When the production of Toyota Land Cruiser BJ40 was discontinued in 1984, the 70th Land Cruiser series came to shift. In some toyota countries Land Cruiser 70 was sold as Land Cruiser II or Land Cruiser Light, which later became known as Land Cruiser Prado.. This series is still available.

In October 1989, the legendary eight-grade - Toyota Land Cruiser 80 appeared. In March 1998, Toyota Land Cruiser 80 was discontinued, and it was replaced by Toyota Land Cruiser 100. This is the first Toyota SUV, which received an eight-cylinder engine.

Well, our today's hero - Toyota Land Cruiser 200 - appeared in the fall of 2007.

Technique from within

Structurally, the Toyota Land Cruiser 200 transmission is not much different from its predecessor. The drive for all wheels is left constant. But if on the "weaving" the inter-axis differential was free and distributed the torque between the axes is equally, the TLC 200 is installed by the self-locking TORSEN differential with the torque distribution between the axes with a 40/60 ratio in favor of the rear wheels.

Mechanical gearboxes as well transfer case Changes practically did not undergo. But the "automata" on the "two hundredth" was able to manually switch.

For TLC 200, three engines are offered: gasoline volume 4 and 4.7 liters, as well as a diesel engine of 4.5 liters. The four-liter engine is a six-cylinder V-shaped, and the other two are V-shaped "eights".

The largest motor is aggregated only with a five-speed "automatic", and two others can be both with "mechanics" and with automatic transmission. For the American market, another engine is offered - the V-shaped "eight" with a volume of 5.7 liters. A similar engine is also installed on Lexus LX570.

Toyota Land Cruiser 100 also equipped with three engines: a 4.2 liter diesel engine and 4.5 and 4.7 liter gasoline. The diesel engine had three modifications: atmospheric and turbocked with one or two turbines. The gasoline row "six" with a volume of 4.5 liters was both injection and carburetor - such cars were supplied to some countries of the Third World.

The flagship modification "weaving", which is the designation VX, was equipped with a V-shaped "eight" volume of 4.7 liters. This engine was completed exclusively a five-speed "automatic". According to the manufacturer's regulations, the owner of Toyota Land Cruiser 200 must attend a service center for maintenance service every 10,000 km.

As a key, Toyota Land Cruiser 200 protrudes the keychain that is associated with the car access system. This system allows you to open the door of the machine and start the engine without removing the key out of your pocket. In the end of the keyre sits the metal sting of a regular key, which will help to unlock the car in case of discharging the battery or batteries in the keychain itself.

Handles on the new "Kruzak" give an obvious accent to America. He turned the handle on the instrument panel and wait for the reduced transmission after 3-4 seconds. And the car at this time slowly, but inevitably sinks in the swamp. Therefore, not knowing the broth ... in the dirt it is better not to travel.

Special Commission

After the release of the usual "two hundred", a presentation of the Land Cruiser 200 GX, a special version, the purpose of which is to ride off-road. If you remember, Land Cruiser 100 also had a GX modification. In fact, it could be called an independent model, since it was aggregated by other engines, and chassis There were other - in front of such a "weave" stood a continuous bridge.

New off-road Toyota, alas, does not have a whole front bridge. But B. basic configuration Land Cruiser 200 GX has an electrolybed. From other characteristics of the model, it is possible to note the reinforced suspension calculated on long operation By bad roads and outside them.

Because of the longer rear swap "Two-hundred" before the feed is beginning to cling to the soil when the irregularities move

For Land Cruiser 200 GX is offered a choice of two engines: V-shaped gasoline "six" with a capacity of 4 liters with a capacity of 243 hp and V-shaped turbodiesel "eight" with a volume of 4.5 liters, in which 220 hp is hidden.

The gasoline engine will be aggregated both "mechanics" and "automata", and the diesel will be sold only with a manual transmission. That's just one thing is not clear: why is the modification that allegedly designed for driving off-road, even in the list of proposed options there are no interclauses? And why systems that can actually help on off-road is equipped with the most luxury version, which is designed more for an entrance to the front entrance, and not for a trip to the swamp?

Some specifications

Toyota Land Cruiser 100

- Length / Width / Height - 4890/1875/1890 mm;
- Engine volume - 4664 cubic meters. cm;
- engine power - 238 hp at 4800 rpm;
- torque - 434 nm at 3400 rpm;
- maximum speed - 180 km / h;
- the dynamics of acceleration (from 0 to 100 km / h) - 11.2 s;
- Average flow Fuel - 17.6 l / 100 km.

Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Manufacturer data for a new car.
- Length / Width / Height - 4950/1972/1947 mm;
- Engine volume - 3956 cubic meters. cm;
- engine power - 243 hp at 5200 rpm;
- torque - 376 nm at 3800 rpm;
- Maximum speed - 190 km / h;
- Dynamics of acceleration (from 0 to 100 km / h) - 10.7 s.

Roman Kremnev

(fourth generation);
Toyota Land Cruiser 60 (Fifth Generation);
Toyota Land Cruiser 80 (sixth generation);

Toyota Land Cruiser 100
body Five-door universal
Number of doors 5
number of seats 8
length 4940 mm
width 1940 mm
height 1880 mm
wheelbase 2850 mm
Front track 1620 mm
Packed back 1615 mm
ground clearance 220 mm
Volume of trunk 1318 L.
Engine location Front of longitudinal
engine's type 8-cylinder, gasoline, injection, four-stroke
engine volume 4664 cm 3.
Power 235/4800 hp at rpm
Torque 434/3600 N * m with rpm
Valves on cylinder 4
KP five-speed automatic
Front suspension Double transverse lever
Rear suspension Cross lever
Shock absorbers Hydraulic, bilateral action
Front brakes Disk, ventilated
Brake rear Disk, ventilated
Fuel consumption 16.6 l / 100 km
maximum speed 175 km / h
Years of production 1998-2007
type of drive full
Curb weight 2260 kg
Acceleration 0-100 km / h 11.2 seconds

In January 1998, the Course came to replace the "eighties" Land. By that time, the name of the Land Cruiser had already become nominated and perceived as a symbol of reliability, endurance and passability, so this car was massively purchased for himself. For "weaving" several new engines were developed: gasoline V8 2UZ-FE (4.7 liters, 235 hp) and Diesel 1HD-FTE (Row "Sixer", 4.2 liters, 205 hp). Also offered a time-tested 4.5 liter in line "Sixer" 1fz, well known in the "eight-teeth". On some markets, the 1HD-FTE motor was equipped with a burgonaddow, removing it from it already 250 hp The atmospheric modification of this engine is preserved (1Hz), issued 135 hp. The creation of the V8 engine was dictated by Toyota's output to the American segment market full-sized ossevozhnikov (Ocean sold "Luxury" analog "Herbay" - Lexus LX470, as well as Toyota Sequoia, built on the aggregates of the "hundredth" cruiser). The box was offered two: MKP-5 and AKP-4. Later, the machine became the five-speed. The drive is permanent full, with reduced transmission. As the option was proposed blocking the rear intercoles differential.
The car tried to make more comfortable: the continuous bridge in the front gave way to an independent suspension on double levers, the steering was robbed. To further improve the comfort and stability of the control, the SkyHook TEMS system and the system of hydraulic clearance (ANS) system appeared, which improve the operating characteristics of the car when driving around uneven roads. Later, A-TRC and VSC systems were added, well-proven to Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 90. A separate conversation deserves "shocking" Land Cruiser. In fact, he was a deeply modernized "eight-dimension", but in the body of "hundredth". The car retained two continuous bridges, had a locking of all differentials (mid-scene and intercoles), had a narrower range than "hundredth", only MCP 5 and only six-cylinder row engines were equipped. It is not surprising that in Russia the 105th he became a hit from lovers of heavy off-Round. In contrast to the "weave" he had a double swollen back door (against the lifting at the "hundredth"), the interior was more modest, and the configuration is poorer.
Land Cruiser of the seventh generation several times was rated, during which the headlights, grille, lamps were updated, the configuration was changed. In 2001. toyota year Noted the half-century anniversary of the model. According to the company's marketers, the global market was sold without a small 4 million copies of Land Cruiser of all generations. In honor of the anniversary was released special series These religious cars are "50th anniversary". The anniversary copies are distinguished by chrome-plated aluminum wheels, an anniversary emblem on the body, trimmed with leather and a tree steering wheel, special linings on the thresholds and logos of golden color. In addition, the gear shift lever and the doors are also decorated with wood, and the salon - the skin of the ivory. The circulation of Land Cruiser - 50th Anniversary was very limited - so, only 400 of these cars came to Russia. Sales began in 2007

Part two.


The same body of the 100 series can hide three different cars. Simple and utilitarian bridge Land Cruiser 105. The 105th series was made as well as 100-ki until the end of 2007. The main difference from 100-ki was that the 105th series in front was a split bridge. In fact, the whole design and aggregates were moved from the 80th series, and these are bridges, engine and frame. The rear doors were mostly swinging, less often encountered folding.Series 100 was considered to the step above 105 to equip, and therefore it was considered a more chic version. IN top equipment There was a leather interior, decoration of the interior under the tree and hydro-suspension. Published with a powerful 4.7 liter gasoline engine or 4.2 liter turbo diesel engine or 4.5 1FZ-FE liter gasoline engine borrowed from the 80th series. And the third car, this is a luxurious brother of the 100 Lexus LX 470 / Land Cruiser Cygnus series. Published only with a powerful gasoline 4.7 liter engine, leather interior, a salon finish made of natural wood, hydro-suspension and a variety of other options. Outside, he was different from Land Cruiser 100 a little different design of the front part in the form of four-lens optics and another more sophisticated radiator grille.

In total, you can select 14 complete sets, not counting limited and special versions.

  1. STD / STANDART (equipment for foreign markets, except North America, Europe and Japan)
  2. GX (R1, R2) (equipment for foreign markets, with the exception of North America, Europe and Japan)
  3. VX (equipment for foreign markets, with the exception of North America)
  4. VX-E (equipment for Europe)
  5. RV (equipment for Australia (until 2002))
  6. G (equipment for Middle Eastern Markets)
  7. GX-R (K1, K2) (equipment for Middle Eastern Markets and Asian Market)
  8. VX-R (equipment for Middle Eastern Markets and Asian Markets)
  9. GXV (equipment for Australia (until 2002))
  10. GXL (equipment for Australia)
  11. Sahara (equipment for Australia (since 2002))
  12. VX-Limited (equipment for Japan)
  13. VX-LIMITED G-SELECTION (equipment for Japan since 2005)
  14. VX-LIMITED ACTIVE VACATION (equipment for Japan)

As well as the 80th series, formally all configuration can be divided into three versions.

On the picture russian version STD. In essence, no distinct from the UN-Skoy or Arab version.

Toyota Land Cruiser 105 (STD, G and GX) was chosen by the UN. They are used to this day, for rescue operations, patrol services, as well as for transporting relay equipment and satellite communications systems.

Car for transporting relay equipment and satellite communication systems.

The STD version did not have an electrophame, ABS, and airbags and a climate of control, the air conditioner was for its place. The salon was decorated with vinyl. The floor was also finished with vinyl (for Russian versions and versions for the UN) who was not afraid of water and mud, which later it was enough to wash it enough. The STD package had a four-spoke steering wheel (with a safety airbag), a three-spoke urethane steering wheel (without airbag). There was no additional heater of increased efficiency for the front and back of the cabin, but also did not have a leather finish of the knob KP, the skin was separated only the top versions. Did not have fog lights, Cruise of control, and the instrument panel was at dorestayling versions the same that VX is that STD and GX. After restyling, the "Optitron" instrument panel appeared on the VX, and the usual instrument illumination was used on STD and GX. The windshield was without blackout at the top, there was no green tint, the hatch in the roof, roof rails, side moldings, and heating mirrors. Side mirrors and bumpers were not painted in body color. All versions of STD are regardless of markets, had chrome door handles. The version of STD and GX at the bottom of the torpedo did not have a plastic console like VX. The STD did not have an anti-theft system, immobilizer, and a central lock with Du.

All std. rear doors There were only swing, on some versions there were no rear fog.

There were aluminum steps. Magnetol is only a cassette with a tuner, 2 dinovaya. There were 10 seats in the cabin, on the first row for the place of one passenger seat there was a one-time shop, and the sofa of the second row was solid, in luggage compartment There were two more shops that stood along the sides, there could be 4r people with less comfort. The engine was installed only atmospheric diesel 1Hz. The rear brakes were drum. The steering was driven by screw nut. It was wound into narrow tires with steel discs 235/85 R16.

Grade STD had a three-spoke urethane steering wheel without airbag. The rear benches were in use.

Arabic version G.

In fact, the same STD difference in small things.

The Arab G was almost identical to STD, the difference was only in trifles. For example, the salon was fabric and not vinyl as on STD. It also stood a narrow tooth off-road rubber on steel disks. On Russian versions, rubber was a highway, and wheel disks were with the removal.

Arab G, as well as Russian STD and GXs were without airbags.

Australia .

Australian version of Standart.

Standart. In the photo restyling model 2002-2005

In fact, no difference from the two previous ones, except for the location of the steering wheel and a 5-seater salon. There was no dual seating in front, and there were no shops in the trunk for 4 people. The additives did not have the footnight. There were a little different wheels, and the transmission was type part-time, i.e. front axle was connected.

The GX equipment was subdivided into two subcompliaments for Russia and for Arab markets, for example, for Russia were R1 and R2. R2 was the richest equipment. On R1 was not anterior blocking of differential, ABS and rear brakes were drums. R2 had already disc brakes. R2 by the locking of the rear and inter-axis differential was also in addition and the blocking of the front differential. She also had chrome decorative linings on the bottom edge of the doors and glasses. The engine was only less powerful, this is atmospheric diesel 1Hz, for Arab and other markets, 1fz-Fe. All GX for Russian versions were wheel wheels in size 275/85 R16. The steering was driven by screw nut. The R1 bundled.

  1. Air conditioning
  2. Plaidwater washers
  3. Halogen headlights
  4. Roof rails
  5. Power steering
  6. Glasses with electric drive
  7. Antenna with electric drive
  8. Adjusting the steering wheel
  9. Sitting with fabric finish
  10. Green strip on lobby glass
  11. Side protective moldings (narrow)
  12. 4th dinovaya cassette radio tuner
  13. Additional stop signal (it was not on STD)
  14. Three-fed urethane steering wheel, without airbag
  15. Additional rear fog lamp (there was no it on STD)

To R2 you can add:

  1. 4th dinovaya stereo system
  2. Blocking front differential
  3. Rear disc ventilated brakes
  4. Electric winch on the front bumper with the cap
  5. Luke (after 2005 R2 for the Russian market and the CIS went without a hatch)

All GX models for the Russian market were equipped with an anti-theft system and a damage. There was a central castle with a do.

Salon dorestayling version GX (1998-2002).

GX version for Middle Eastern markets and Asian markets.

The Arab versions of GX were much richer Russian. They had 2 fuel tank, total, 141 liters. Two air conditioning. Airbags, alloy wheels. Stickers on board 4500, which meant that this is a gasoline version. It was possible to order an additional spare wheel On the door + and the cover on the spare tire. The engine gasoline 1fz-Fe 4.5 liters, less often came across and atmospheric diesel 1Hz. Had 7 seats. The boxes were both upgraded mechanical 5-speed and automatic 4-speed. The color of the cabin was both gray and light.

Version without a second spare wheel, on a standard narrow rubber.

There were also Kazakhstan versions, just like Arabic, they were divided into two configurations K1 and K2.

In the photo two sets GX and GX-R for the Arab market.

He had in the addition of a 4-step automatic, or an upgraded mechanical KP. Painted in the color of the mirror body and door handles. Airbags, and narrow protective molding on board.

Version without a second spare wheel, on standard wide rubber.


GX (until 2002 RV)

Grade GX, with folding rear doors.In the photo version for Australia.For Russia, there was exactly the same equipment but it was calledVX until 2002 and VX-Comfort for 2007. The only difference is that The VX and VX-Comfort bumper were painted in body color, there was only a mechanical CP and 10 seats were.The set of GX (with swing doors) was ceased to sell in early 2007.GX equipment (what's in the photo) andVX-Comfort. sold only in 2007.

4500 GXL. Has ABS, Front airbags SRS. , Only gasoline engine was installed 4.5liter 1FZ-FE.

The gasoline version of GXL was distinguished by other stamped wheels.

GXL turbodiesel.

All GXL were richer GX. GXL salon is the same as a Japanese VX.

Restyling version of 2006.

Dorestyling African version GX (1998-2002).

Code of configuration STD, GX, GXL
Body type 5 - Door universal, 5-10 seats
engine's type 1Hz, diesel, 6-cylinder., 12-valve
Working volume, cube. cm 4164
Max. Power, hp / kW / rpm 128/96/3800
Max. Torque, nm / rpm 285/2000
Transmission 5-st. Mechanical, 4-st. Automatic
Maximum speed, km / h 165
Acceleration 0-100 km / h, with 16.9
Fuel consumption, l / 100km ( mixed cycle) 10.9
Mass of the exhaust car, kg 2570
Full car weight, kg 3260
Length, mm. 4890 (4940 - GX (R2))
Width, mm. 1940
Height, mm. 1925
Wheel base, mm 2850
Road clearance, mm 230
Fuel tank capacity, l 95
Tire size 235/85R16 - for STD / 275/70 / R16 - for GX

Europe and Russia.

It is considered in some markets the richest complete set. It has a full electropacle glass, mirrors etc. Completed with a leather interior A to 2002 on turbodiesel versions was offered with a velor interior, or with a velor interior from the 105th version in a pair only with a mechanical KP. In the markets of Japan and other countries, it is also offered with a salon from Velor. The skin and velor were two species, gray and bright. VX had only folding rear doors. The engine was only the most powerful, 4.7 liter gasoline engine 2UZ-FE, and 4.2 liter 1HD-FTE turbodiesel. For Europe, completed by regular stamped discs (optionally alloy wheels can be installed). Heated front seats and trimming of the steering wheel and knobs of KP and dispensing. In gasoline versions there was a refrigerator. For turbo diesel engines, the refrigerator was not provided for, in its place there was boxing for small things, as an option in this box was offered a CD-chain on 6 disks. For Europe, the 100 series was in a 5-seater version. As the option was offered the third row of seats. Blocking was for the gasoline version of only the inter-axis differential, and for the turbo code, also rear Differential. For Russian versions he was offered with cast wheel discs, 275/65 R17.

The complete set included for Russian and European versions

  1. headlight washer
  2. Cruise control
  3. Climate control
  4. Roof rails
  5. Mirror in body color
  6. Heated front armies
  7. Antenna with electric drive
  8. Door handles in body color
  9. Electric front armchairs
  10. Front fog lights
  11. CD stereo system with 7 speakers
  12. Side glass With green tonirovka
  13. Side Protective Moldings (Wide)
  14. Luke (on some versions it was not)
  15. Electric steering wheel tilting and departure
  16. Finishing the cabin under the tree (since 2002)
  17. Illuminated devices "Optitron" (since 2002)
  18. 2 airbags (since 2002 to 4)
  19. Windshield with dimming at the top
  20. 4th spoke steering wheel with leather trim
  21. Leather Salon (until 2002 and tissue trim)
  22. Side steps of black (only for Russia)
  23. Currency Stability System (VSC) (2UZ-FE gasoline engine only)


Australian VX did not have fog headlights and roof rails. But in the database was already chrome package.

Intermediate equipment between GXL and Sahara. In contrast to GXL included all sorts of security systems VEHICLE STABILITY CONTROL (VSC) and (TRC) . Also had a leather interior, hatch, side moldings. Had two fuel tanks, on a 141-liter (96-liter main, and 45-liter spare tank), it is very relevant in African deserts, where there are no charges for hundreds of KM.

Prices began in 4.7-lithing gasoline Machine 68000.australian $ , and the price for 4.2-liter turbo-diesel this car was the car81,000 Australian $.

In the salon there was a wood finish, climate control, stereo system with a display, but there was no multifunctional steering wheel, the multifunctional steering wheel was only with the top stereo system. The instrument panel was normal, not Optitron. There was no heating of the front seats.

Package for the countries of the Persian Gulf and China.

VX-R for Arab countries and China, the main difference is only that in the Arabic and Chinese versions there were stickers on the side, there were 2 standard air conditioners in the front and back of the cabin, and two standard fuel tanks with a total of 150 liters. Also, they are an imoredroy starter (the starter power was 1.4 kW instead of European 2 kW.), Radiator, the electronic unit Injection management, water Pompe etc.

Middle Eastern versions are not very adapted to operation in winter conditions. Since their injection system simply does not support the cold start, and the tropical radiator does not allow the engine to warm up normally, which leads to jerghine when moving with a non-heated engine. For example, for example, the second outline of the air conditioner for the rear of the cabin (its duralum tubes rot under the body in a few years). Arabs have a rather weak paintwork and no anti-corrosion protection, the glands are not designed for the cold, weaker starter and battery, and many engine parts and cooling systems differ from European. As well as many Middle East Specification details did not coincide with the indices of similar spare parts fori am European versions.

Restyling version for China with a regular swan.


The equipment was only until 2002, until 2000 was offered only with a gasoline engine after also with turboodisale, a couple with these engines was 4-speed ACP, there were no versions with mechanics. It was the most full set For Australian Land Cruiser 100. After 2002, the GXV package was replaced by VX. It was7th place. The configuration was an audio system with 6-CD, refrigerator, hatch, blocking Central and Rear Differential, ABS, climate control, electric car (mirror seating etc.) Two airbags,16-inch alloy wheels, Front fog lights.The fuel tank was on141-liter (96-liter main, and 45-liter spare tank). The salon was fabric, no skin, leather only knob KP and steering wheel. Prices began from 47,460 Australian $ for a gasoline version, and $ 49,690 per turbo code.

Top Australian version version. In essence, it is comparable with the package of VX, has the same options, exceptions are only trifles, like the absence of a multi-steering wheel.The price was112 015 Australian $.

In Australia, the first two years series 100 was offered only with the V8 engine, only for GXV packages, and less powerful gasoline 1FZ-Fe was installed for model 105.The new Turbodiesel 1HD-FTE began to be offered at the Australian market in October 2000, after it was available in Europe and the UK, from the moment of launching in 1998.Automotive edition"4WD.MONTHLY MAGAZINE " in Australia, the decision of Toyota was criticized, which began to offer a 1HD-FTE diesel engine only in combination with IFS.Australian Monthly Journal"4WD.MONTHLY MAGAZINE " Said: "We will never forgive it to Toyot, for the fact that she is going to sell 4.2 liter turbodiesel."

The Japanese gasoline version of VX can be identified by narrow moldings and stamped discs, as well as the absence of a spare wheel on the trunk, it was located under the bottom. It is comparable with a complete set of GXL, GX, and VX-Comfort for Russia 2007.

There was only a fabric interior, without electrically regulating the front seats. There was no gasoline versions of the spare wheel on the door of the trunk. There were stamped discs, narrow moldings, there were no rails, a hatch, there was a normal instrument panel without backlight "Optitron", a simple radio tape recorder, the steering wheel and the knob of the CP and the disduction were not separated by the skin, the salon was not separated by a tree.

Turbodiesel version "Van VX" Spare wheel with a secret, located on the door of the trunk.

It was a little richer, had a leather trim of the steering wheel, knobs of the CP and dispensing, the interior trim under the tree, as well as the dashboard with a backlit "Optitron". Outside already had wide moldings, cast wheeled discs, roof rails.


The richest version , had TV, "Touch Screen" monitor, leather interior, dashboard "Optitron" After 2001, the salon was separated by a tree (walnut root).

The salon was separated only by the skin, after 2001, and a tree.

On the photo of the restyling version.

Versions for the USA and Canada.

The photo is dorestayling version for the United States.

North American versions were sold only as Land Cruiser 100 in a single top-end configuration and completed only the most powerful 4.7 liter gasoline engine. There were no turn signals on the wings, they were integrated into the headlights. As an option, all sorts of deflector, hatch, windows, trunk doors were offered. The salon was offered only leather, ivory or gray skin.

Salon of the North American version intended for the United States. The speedometer is digitized in miles.

Special and limited versions.

Until 2002 there were 8 versions.

  1. Snowy Limited Edition
  2. 50th Anniversary / Limited Edition 50th Anniversary
  4. Millennium Limited 2000.
  5. Active Vacation
  6. Field Version.
  7. Off Road. Version.
  8. Sporty Version.

"Snowy Limited Edition" " 06.1999

Australian version. Released in June 1999 limited edition. How many units were unknown.Built on the basis of the GXL configuration. "Snowy"translated means "snow". The release of the "snow" Land Cruiser 100 was devoted to the 50-year-old presence of Land Cruiser in the Australian market.It all started with the fact that Australia required reliable SUVs in the construction of the largest engineering project of that timeHydro-Electric Scheme. When the Australian industrialist Leslie Thiess in 1959 saw how the Toyota SUVs work (which was very impressed with what he saw), he agreed on the supply of 13 Land Cruiser, which were later transferred to work on the construction site. From now on, officially Land Cruiser is sold on the Australian market. Offered with 4.5 liter gasoline engine 1FZ-Fe, and with 4.2 liter turbo-diesel engine 1HD-FTE.

Features Version:


  • Sticker "Snowy" on the doors of the trunk
  • Concave 16-inch alloy wheels
  • Chrome Package (Radiator Grid, Door Handles and Mirrors)
  • Died in two body colors: Blue Marlin (Slob) and Natural White (056)


  • Velor Salon
  • CD-chain on 6 disks

"50th anniversary" / "VX-LIMITED G-SELECTION 50TH ANNIVERSARY" "2001


Australian version. B. sLA released limited circulation. How many units were unknown. Built on the basis of the GXL configuration. Was the continuation of the first version "Advantage"That was first released in 1995 on the 80 series. It was offered both with 4.7 liter petrol and 4.2 liter diesel or 4.2 liter turbo-diesel engine.

Features Version:


  • Concave 16-inch alloy wheels
  • Limited Series had a characteristic body color - Blue Marlin (mica), in body color also painted and bumper


  • Cruise control
  • Electric front seats
  • Electric mirrors and windows

Prices began from $ 60,650 with a diesel engine with a mechanical KP and up to $ 74,260 with a turbo-diesel engine.


"Active Vacation""05.2000-07.2002

"Field Version""1998-2002

The version for outdoor activities was only 5-seater, built on the basis of "VX-Limited". Compatible with "Active Vacation", but the difference with it is noticeable. "Active Vacation" is essentially a house on wheels with a gas burner, a washbasin and a bedroom, and "Field Version" rather more freight, for example, was very convenient for fishing trips or hunting.

Features Version:


  • Spoiler on trunk doors
  • Branded stickers on board
  • Decorative plastic arc
  • Chrome grille radiator
  • Land Cruiser Sticker on Trunk Doors
  • Plastic Case Spare Wheel with Land Cruiser Inscription


  • Trim
  • Covers of the Fresh Skin-Zam
  • The trunk could be divided into sections, for convenience of boot
  • The salon was offered in two colors, gray or beige leather deputy.

All other more detailed differences you can see in the photo.

"OFF Road Version""1998-2002

Off-road modification made on the basis of the usual VX.

Features Version:

  • Trunk on the roof
  • Land Cruiser stickers were labels
  • Decorative plastic arc on bumper
  • Chrome decorative protection front bumper
  • Small chrome metal Radiator grille with Land Cruiser inscription
  • Chrome package (mirror, tip exhaust pipe, grille radiator, pad on the rear bumper with the inscription Land Cruiser), lining on rear lights, trunk door handle with Land Cruiser inscription was also chrome)
  • Staircase on the door of the trunk (for the convenience of booting things in the trunk on the roof)

"Sporty Version""1998-2002

This sports version is intended for those who do not move from asphalt or rarely moves. Stained only in the color of the Snow Queen.

Features Version:

  • Rear spoiler
  • Hood and Luke Deflector
  • Front plastic Guba
  • Chrome grille radiator
  • Stickers on sides with the inscription Land Cruiser
  • Additional rear footrest (for the convenience of entering the trunk)
  • Plastic cap with Land Cruiser inscription and painted in body color
  • The steps were painted in the color of the body (they were more massive, made under the body)

Modifications I. Options.

Land Cruiser 500.

Almost all the Land Cruiser 500 on the trunk doors there was a sign of 500 (photo at the top), but it was not on some versions (in the bottom below). TDI or V8 signboard means that it is turbo diesel or gasoline, respectively.

Land Cruiser Amazon.

For England and Ireland, the 100th series until 2007 was sold under the name Land Cruiser Amazon.

Until 2001, Amazon had a VX / GX nameplate on the front doors, after restyling it disappeared (the top right photo). In the cabinthe differences were only in the digitometer digitization in miles.Dorestayling models, like all european versions, were equipped with a simple radio tape recorder, and restyling were already with navigation (bottom photos). Pay attention to the left underground photo, 4-speed CP suggests that the photo turbo code 2002-2003.

Until 2002, an Amazon nameplate was on the door of the trunk (or rather left photos). After 2001, they made one plastic bar with the inscription Land Cruiser Amazon(Rather right photo). On some machines, for some reason it was not at all. After restyling 2002, Splatik Amazon moved to the bottom of the fifth door (the lower right photo).

Designation Engine Power Torque Markets
Hzj105. 1Hz 4.2 L Diesel i6 96 KW (131 PS; 129 HP) AT 3,800 RPM 271 N · M (200 LB · FT) AT 2,200 RPM Africa, Asia, Australia,Near East and the country of the Persian Gulf, Russia, South America
FZJ105. 1FZ-Fe 4.5 L PETROL I6 Africa, Asia, Australia, Middle Eastand the country of the Persian Gulf, South America
FZJ100 1FZ-Fe 4.5 L PETROL I6 158 KW (215 PS; 212 HP) AT 4,600 RPM 373 N · M (275 LB · FT) AT 3,200 RPM Asia, Middle East and the Persian Gulf Country
UZJ100. 2UZ-Fe 4.7 L PETROL V8 170 kW (231 PS; 228 HP) AT 4,800 RPM 410 N · M (302 LB · FT) AT 3,400 RPM Africa, Asia, Middle Eastand the country of the Persian Gulf, Australia, United Kingdom, Europe and Russia, North America
HDJ100 1. 1HD-FT 4.2 L TURBODIESEL I6 123 kW (167 PS; 165 HP) AT 3,600 RPM 352 N · M (260 LB · FT) AT 2,000 RPM Africa, South America
HDJ100 2. 1HD-FTE 4.2 L TURBODIESEL I6 150 kW (204 PS; 201 hp) at 3,400 rpm 430 N · M (317 LB · FT) AT 1,400 RPM Australia *, Japan, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia and CIS countries

* This engine appeared in Australia In 2000.

Do you have a Japanese or Chinese?

Body indexes.

4.2 Diesel, AKP, MCP.

  • KG-HDJ101K 01.1998 - 07.2002, 1HD-FTE
  • KR-HDJ101K 07.2002 - 2009, 1HD-FTE

4.7 gasoline, automatic

  • GF-UZJ100W 01.1998 - 07.2002, 2UZ-FE
  • GH-UZJ100W 08.2002 - 2009, 2UZ-FE

Engine table for Toyota Land Cruiser 100.

Gasoline engines.

Model Working volume, cm3 Power, hp / kW / rpm Type of injection G. oDD release Features
1FZ-FE 4477 211/155/4600 MPI 1998-2005 R6, DOHC, 24 Valves
1FZ-FE 4477 224/165/4600 MPI 1998-2006 R6, DOHC, 24 Valves
2UZ-FE 4664 205/152/4800 MPI 1998—2002 V8, Ddohc, 32 valves
2UZ-FE 4664 235/173/4800 MPI 1998-2002 (1998-2002*) V8, Ddohc, 32 valves
2UZ-FE 4664 238/175/4800 MPI 2002-2007 V8, Ddohc, 32 valves
2UZ-FE 4664 275/202/4800 MPI 2005-2007 V8, Ddohc, 32 valves

Diesel engines.

Model Working volume, cm3 Power, hp / kW / rpm Type of injection Years of release Features
1Hz. 4164 131/96/3600 D. 1998-2006 R6, OHC, 12 Valves
1HD-FT. 4164 167/122/3600 DI 1998-2002
1HD-FTE * 4164 196/144/3200 DI 2002-2006 R6, OHC, 24 Valve, Turbocharging, Intercooler
1HD-FTE 4164 204/150/3800 DI 1998-2007 R6, OHC, 24 Valve, Turbocharging, Intercooler
1HD-FTE 4164 250/184/3800 DI 1998—2002 R6, OHC, 24 Valve, Double Turbocharging, Intercooler

MRI - distributed
D - separated combustion chamber
Di - direct injection Fuel
R6 - row six-cylinder engine
V8 - V-shaped eight-cylinder engine
DOHC - two camshafts in the head of the cylinder block
Ddohc - two camshafts in each head of the cylinder block
OHC - One camshaft in the head of the cylinder block
* For the market of Japan

The end of the second part.

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