Home Steering Competition Off Road. Types of competitions on SUVs. Life in the basic camp

Competition Off Road. Types of competitions on SUVs. Life in the basic camp

All you need to know about off-road competitions before they go for the first time.

After about the pair of departures in the forest on your SUV, many begin to wonder: "Isn't it time to go to the competition? Yourself show yes to others. " Disgrave senselessly, it remains only to advise

There is an SUV, a little-to-faith-off-road driving experience, the desire to try out his strength in a competitive struggle and readiness for the fact that the car straight from the forest will go to the car service, smoothly swaying on the tow truck platform? I emphasize your attention on this list of necessary prerequisites at the very beginning of the article, because if any of the listed requirements you are not ready, then you should not go to the competition. If you are "somehow so-so imagined," continue.

Of the variety of off-road disciplines for beginners, two are suitable: nonlinear off-road orientation and jeep sprint. Jeep-trial, a rally raid and a trophy raid - to refuse, you do not need there. Why? For the same reason, according to which, barely learned to stay on the water, you should not swim through La Mans.

Nonlinear orientation

Excellent choice for lovers to ride forests and climb on dirt to their pleasure. The task of participants is to search and collect control points. The one who will collect the greatest number of points for this time will be defeated.

Perhaps the most democratic and soft of disciplines. Because, first, the participant chooses the route and the complexity of the points, and secondly, the machines of athletes are scattered around the territory of several dozen hectares, and, as a result, no one bothers anyone. Again, nothing prevents from the start by a couple of kilometers, getting stuck in the tower and, laying up on the hood food, sunbathe in the sun, periodically sluggishly wrapped with a shovel. Sooner or later you are evacuated, and you will get legal right to tell then to friends how the day in the swamp is desperate.

The minus of this format is only that if you broke or fatally stuck due to the remote points from the base camp, the expectation of the evacuation and the evacuation itself can be delayed. In addition, to participate in the activities of this format, the presence of a GPS navigator and the ability to use them (the second one should not be).

Jeep sprint

Single rally-light. A relatively small slotted track, which participants are produced in pairs. No, not towards each other, and in the same direction. Imagine the number "8", the track looks about the same, with the only difference that the lines do not intersect, but pass around. From this narrowing the participants and start each at their half of the track and, making the full circle (or several), finish. Accordingly, the first wins, the second leaves, and so to the victorious until the fastest and successful one will be determined.

Adrenaline streams, shouts of fans and drive. What is needed for those who are crazy about speed, as well as for owners of standard all-wheel drive cars Class "Parking Lawn". Again, it is not necessary to leave the asphalt far from the asphalt, and the format of the event is usually placed in several hours. You can grab your friends to grab with you, take a kebab and combine a dumb with useless - race and picnic.

The minuses also have: it is necessary to possess the skills of piloting an SUV at high speeds at rough terrain, besides, the car must have a dynamic motor and an energy-intensive suspension, otherwise participation in the competition will be reduced to lonely arrival and a few hours of idle surveillance struggle by participants.


Which of the presented (or not proposed) formats would neither choose, prepare the car to the competitions (not to be confused with preparation for driving off-road, now we are not talking about tuning), oddly enough, it will be necessary to approximately one and the same. It should be started with the fact that to produce a "diagnosis with addiction", and all the nodes and items that the mechanic will say: "This will soon need to be changed, but still thousands of each other," replace it in mandatory. If your surname Plushkin, you can not change, just buy a new part and take with you - change it later on the track. Old umbrella, a basket for mushrooms, spinning, in general, all those necessary and useful things that usually live in the cargo compartment of the SUV, lay out or, if there is no moist force to part with them, fasten, so that they did not remind themselves about themselves, You are at the most appropriate moment. Be sure to take a full-fledged tool kit: a balloon key, two installations, jack, carrying or a headlamp and a zip, which includes at least an outdoor belts of the engine, a jar brake fluid, wheel chamber and (if you have on the car electronic system Wheel Locks) Set brake shoes, and how much is all that in theory can break away and break away. Also, it will not be superfluous to read the regulations of the competition, from it you will learn about the list of equipment and equipment, without which you will not allow you to participate.

Before departure to the event I recommend to tell all my family and close, which is where you are going, cell phones does not work. Make it stands in three reasons: the family will not worry that you do not call and do not write; You can always turn off the phone so that it does not distract calls; In the place where you get stuck finally and hopelessly, the phone will not work perfectly for sure.

How to behave on the track

This is a truly important question. First, understand yourself that your paramount task is not to take first place, do not show everyone others how to actually ride. It's all then, through the heels, another races ... Maybe ... Probably. This time your primary and only task is to get to the finish line with its own move and on the minimum unfolded car.

What is needed for this? And you need to turn on the head at the start and do not turn it off to the finish. Do not allow themselves to succumb to Azart because of the adrenaline-diluted with water-based adrenaline. The actions of the pilot and the navigator must be deliberate and most accurate as possible. Yes, with unusual, everything will be turned out slowly and not as experienced athletes passing by your stuck car, but it will be nothing, with time and you will start to get it, well, but for now, you do not have to try to drive on a standard car across the river next to the cage From pipes, covered with aluminum, with wheels size with a milling mill. I do not want to upset you, but the likelihood is that you are stuck in this river, though, perhaps you just drown.

In the perfect version, the competition is better to come with two three cars. So ride more fun, and you can always inspire each other. Earlier on traditional (club) events (and those are approximately 90% of the total), it was customary to help other participants, now the people in the off-Round have become more, and the culture is less, so I would not strongly count on the help from other participants . So it makes sense to stock up the assault rising, and better than two. And yet: Be sure to take with you a set of dry clothes and a stock of water and food. Of course, he will not be useful to you, because you are not going to spend the night on the track, of course, you will come to the finish line, and everything will be fine with you, but take food and water. Better let it deteriorate excessive food than you will deteriorate from its shortage. And removable clothes should be packed in a hermetic bag, also just in case.

Life in the basic camp

The basic camp resembles an anthill. It grows from the center, from the tents of the organizers, in all directions and from morning to night is filled with chaotic moving people, dragging various goods.

If you have to spend the night in the forest, arriving at the glade of the base camp, try to get on as far as possible from the center. Then there is a chance that in the morning your tent and the car will not be forced from all sides to be machines of other participants.

Choosing a place for your camp, look carefully so that there are no parking lots of quadroclists and professional athletes. Quadrocyclists will ride all night on their lawn miles on the camp, riding friends and girls, to the tent of the organizers, to pee in the forest. When they won't ride, they will simply gas, standing still, because they like the sound of a working motor. Then they will muffle all the ATVs and turn on loud music. So, if you choose quad bikes with your neighbors, you will not sleep.

Professional athletes can be easily recognized on the autothos and the "cutlets" unloaded from them. They will not bother until late at night and will not include loud music. Athletes - people serious and early goes to sleep before the race. But their mechanics will lead a three-kil-coat generator, pre-pulling it away from his camp to your tent, so that he does not interfere with his crash. Then they will lie down all night with welding and knocking with sledgehammes, commending the fact that they did not have time in the city, and on their background, quadrocyclists will seem to you just cute quiet guys.

Another important moment. No matter how much I want to sit at the fire behind the bottle and conversation, I recommend to postpone this pastoral for the evening after the finish. Before the race, you need to sleep well and gain strength. The off-road race is not a computer game: when you get tired, you will not save and do not turn off - you need to get to the finish line or at least go back to the base camp, and for this you will need all the forces that you just find. Because it is precisely that force will have to compensate for the lack of experience and knowledge. Do not know how to work your head - work a shovel.

Something a gloomy picture turned out. Do not fit - kill, go - kill. Well, it is approximately about. The car is a means of increased danger in itself, and multiplied to adrenaline, stress and sometimes (unfortunately) alcohol, becomes a very dangerous way of rest. Because of the above, it is not necessary to refuse herself to engage in off-road sports, just need to remember possible dangers and not relax.

Good luck on your first off-road competitions! You will succeed. The main thing is to believe in yourself and in the car and not to pass before difficulties.

text: Lenya Fashionable
figures: Katya Musyovskaya

The second stage of the Cup "OFF-Road Racing Cup 2018" took place on Sunday September 30, 2018.
As used at the Trial Group, the atmosphere was at home cozy and leisurely. The very state of the surrounding world in these or the last, or the first, but belated, the sunny days of women of the summer was filled with calm and serenity.

Therefore, the preparation of the crews also slowly: who in four hands "pokel" wheels

Who in the same composition trapes and led leisurely conversations.

The route today was laid on the sandy career and was a vicious circle.
The races were planned in three circles and the winner was determined by the sum of all races.

Suddenly, this was noticed in the camp!
Whether the cutlet, or just a monster. What even reminded Buggy that were in the participants of the Silk Road 2018

Meanwhile, a briefing began.
Denis Ternovsky explained some moments of passing the route and the finish.

Listened carefully.

In the frame of the press replenishment :)

The first check-in was qualified. Its results were not in charge, but only influenced the positioning of positions in subsequent starts.

Qualification took place mainly calmly. Participants were once again able to roll the track.

Although Alexey Bystrov justified his last name.

Even on qualifications, he could not resist and "pressed" so that some turns were included on two wheels.

The cutlet performed immediately under two numbers. This is due to the fact that two pilots were stated.

Her crew, by the way, also pushed the gas pedal. Therefore, in the first rounds, it seemed that these two crew would fight for the first place.

Ivanovna on Jimnik were more pruded and powerless.

In addition to these foreign cars, all other participants were on the UAZ. That by the way is very gratifying to see!

Fadeev Vasily on UAZ-469

Despite carburetor Engine The verakhan passed with a "scrolling".

Gorbachev Igor on UAZ Hunter.
He had to speak in his fighting UAZ, but the fighting Uauka was not ready. I had to go to the "civil" version.

And immediately strides that during the compression, the tires takes up to the wheeled arches, especially on the rear axle.

One thing that did not allow to develop the speed that would like.
A little distracted ... But I think many types will be interested in knowing how the suspension behaves in those or other conditions.

Qualification ended. Crews were broken into groups of two or three cars and started the first round.

And it is necessary to happen such that the experimental cutlet in the first arrival turned over. And almost in the same place.
As the crew justified - the wheel hit the hill and opa.

Moreover, the crew looked absolutely happy. As like three year old children who first "squeeze" the depth of puddles with their legs :)

But in this position, it is good that you can consider the device of some units.
Here for example rear suspension, it is also an element of transmissions

And the bottom of the cutlets is flat, like a boat of flat-bottom. ( Maybe she also swims ... Check? ... joke!)

Front wheel gearbox.

The car with the help of the winch was put on the wheels.

Light movement of the leg was fixed the door shape.

She even started. And the pilot making us a "handle" went to his move.
And it is necessary to pay attention to that thanks to the powerful carcass of the body's safety, almost did not suffer.

What you can not say about the engine.
Apparently oil fell into some cavities in which it should not be. In any case, the engine from Euro 5 has become euros minus 5.

Igor first races turned out to be smooth.

He showed a great time, only thirty seconds giving fast on Toyota.

Several spectacular frames:

I must say that the trajectory within the fenced track, the pilot could choose himself. Therefore, the same bugs could be held from different sides, and then it was possible to go around them.

But who will refuse himself the pleasure of saving the sandy dune?

The rest of the crews were the first circles on a slightly lower speed.

Especially Arseny Breslavtsev, who in the past stage made "ears" and apparently this time gave the opportunity to distinguish between others.

The first race ended. Machines lined up in the park.
There was an opportunity to look at the wheels. Visually practically in the middle of the arch. But in the footsteps of the friction of the tread on the feet, it is noticeable that the back is more worn, although there are also traces of contact.
In general, it is necessary to put an extra sheet in the refrigera, it can throw one spacebreed out of the sandwich, and you need to lend a bias of the bridge back if it turns out that the wheel terts is more than in front.

The front suspension did not cause special complaints. Although she pierced to the bump box, but what to do if she was not intended for racing.

To whom the race, who is lovely conversations in nature.

Second check-in and again there is a coup.

This time Vasily.
Also hit the wheel on the scor and turned over. And just as unusually happy! :)

Old, kind UAZ-469 on diagonal rubber. It is possible to consider its insides.

Put on the wheels

A little bit up with the starter, the car came to life and moved to the base with his move.

It turned out that the cutlets gathering (the car, after the coup, did not develop the necessary power), Vasily involved in the question, and the Arseny today saves their UAZ. Thus, ahead went out: Alexey Bystrov on Toyota and Igor Gorbachev on Hanter.

Alexey did not reduce the pace, and on the contrary, it was only increasing from the circle.

Igor, by the way too.

But Toyota has a powerful diesel engine, and horses there more little.

What was especially noticeable when comparing the irregularities of a power bumper.

Sand as tinted air flows in the aerodynamic tube showed all swirls passing along the body.

UAZ could not, he had a completely different aerodynamics :)
(Who said brick?)

Arseny heard what I told everyone on a briefing and in my opinion the only one who managed not only to steer, but also "waving the handle" to the Officer! For what a particular thank you!

And several additional photos.

Vasily seems to have dropped out of participation. But, thinking, looking at the "wounded friend", still decided on another check-in.

And started alone, because everyone has already managed to complete this check-in.

At the finish, rates have already become: whether he will get his own move, or it will be necessary to evacuate it.

We walked a little minute.
After some time, Spotted UAZ appeared having fun having flown around the tail of the snorkel.

I drove myself, although one was once his trajectory went on a critical curve.

However, the speed was not the one that before the coup. Apparently the oil leaked out of the box still got to the clutch and it began to slip.
So, in the end, the descent: (

Ivanov Alexey and Ivanov Andrei showed a steadily even time of passage and even claimed second place. Especially after Igor calculates the number of circles and drove one extra, thereby giving the most two minutes of the fory.

But in the final arrival, Igor gathered and passed him at a good speed.
Even ahead of the arseny that started in front of him.

Here it is an exciting picture of overtaking by inner radius.

But Alexey Bystrov was still not catching up.

So places were distributed naturally.

A small counting of the results and small Cups of the second stage are waiting for their winners.

As usual, the most interesting is going on in the background. ( Arseny licked to the Cups, but he only has a fourth place, and the Fourth Cup does not give :))

Alexey Bystrov

The third place of the guys from Sergiyev Posada.
They arrived in general, then a short way, participated in the "civil" car and entered the top three winners. And the guys almost the first competitions!

Igor Gorbachev took the second honorable place.

Alexey Bystrov's first place, and how unexpectedly it turned out from Vasily, who, after the loss of his "horse", had moved to the winner.

Photo of participants in memory.
The guys came out under the impression of a race, a little compound, but they were able to cheer.

They cheered these mischievous girls, and how they managed it :) Only those who participated in OFF-Road Racing Cup 2018

Video Competition Off-Road Racing Cup 2018:

Competition Results Off-Road Racing Cup 2018:

Second phase:
1st place: Bystrov Alexey, Fadeev Vasily (number 1)
2nd place: Gorbachev Igor (number 8)
3 place: Ivanov Alexey, Ivanov Andrey (number 9)

We tried to collect all kinds of competitions for you, with the participation of SUVs. For some, this list will seem unexpected, because we are accustomed that SUVs are only off-Road, but, in fact, the list of competitions for all-wheel drive cars is not limited to this.

  1. Trophy Raid - Competitions to overcome various types of off-road. It can take place with orientation elements, and without them. Usually carried out in forests and rough terrain.
  2. Autocross - Race on a closed track of an arbitrary configuration without coating either with bulk coating (sand, soil, crumb, etc.). There is no intersection of streams or other natural or artificial water bodies and canvas. Sometimes it is held with the simultaneous start of several cars.
  3. Autotourism - tourist travels on cars. The main obstacles in the roads are mountain roads and highland passes, brodes, roads without solid coating, stony, sandy, etc. Autotourism is one of the most affordable and interesting events on SUVs. To participate in it, it is not necessary to have a specially trained car, it is enough to have only a desire and financial opportunity, because Entertainment is not cheap.
  4. Aphill is a single passage of the route, which the finish is located above the start line. The winding track with a lot of turns is located on the roads with asphalt coating, the straight line is located on an earthen or sandy hill with a large tilt angle.
  5. Jeep Cross - a group racing along the ring highway with short straight areas located on a strongly rough area with a large number of natural barriers. The route is selected using water barriers, forest duties, sand dunes, with areas of impassive dirt.
  6. Jeep Sprint-Pair Race on a closed track without plots heavy off-road. The track includes bugs, sharp turns, slopes, rhesis and other natural obstacles.
  7. Jeep Trial is the passage of the route along a highly rough terrain with a large difference in heights and complex natural or artificial obstacles. In this competition, it is often resorted to the use of special cones, restrictive tapes and other designations of the route limits. A rather spectacular competition in which there is nothing to do on the unprepared "jeep".
  8. Jeep Freestyle - spectacular passage of the route along a strongly rough terrain with a large difference in heights and complex natural or artificial obstacles in free skating mode to demonstrate the possibility of the car.
  9. Drag Racing - a pair race along a straight line with concrete or asphalt coating. The distance of the track is strictly regulated and is 1/4 miles (402.32 meters) or 1/8 miles (201.16 meters). No matter how strange it sounds, but Drag Racing also arrange on SUVs. And believe me, cars there can "give odds" to some cars.
  10. Dual raising - a steam parallel race on a ring or linear track with the same amount of obstacles. Two crews start at the same time.
  11. Dune Bashing - riding outside roads on sand vegans or dunes. Very popular in Arab countries.
  12. Cross Country Orientation - Determination of the location of the specified control points by legend using a map, compass or GPS instrument for a set time interval. Control points are located on the ground, including areas of asphalt roads. common use, ground roads, forest areas and a large number of natural obstacles (mud plots, brodes, fallen trees, pits, ditches, pivots ...).
  13. Ice race - a group racing along a closed winding track with a rammed snow-covered or ice-coated.
  14. Long Jump - Performing Length. Jump is carried out in length from a springboard. Often such competitions are conducted as a show, causing delight of fans.
  15. Rally Raid - Race for long distance from crossed terrain passing within a few days. Racing participants usually overcome 400-900 kilometers per day.
  16. Rock Crawling - passage of the route on a rocky area with complex obstacles. The crew is two people: the pilot and Spotter. The name of this competition speaks for itself - the task of the participants is to drive along the highway fully consisting of stones and rocks. That is where the suspension is checked.

Perhaps these are all kinds of competitions on SUVs. If you know other species, write about it in the comments. And also look at the video with the most beautiful moments from the competition on SUVs.

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