Home Torkemose Top Oil Club. Examination: "Kill" imported synthetic oils by Russian gasoline. Rating - Best Mineral Oil

Top Oil Club. Examination: "Kill" imported synthetic oils by Russian gasoline. Rating - Best Mineral Oil

How is Zhvanetsky about the difficulties of choice? "Five are very big, but yesterday. And today three, but small. " With engine oil as well. Expensive imported synthetics, which promises to hold out 15,000 km, or affordable russian oilwhich is twice as much more often - here is the choice!

A purely money question is aside aside. Now we are interested in exclusively the health of the motor, and therefore comparable levels of pollution, control the wear and we estimate the savings of fuel.

We limit the choice

We are not going to compare the top supersinthetics with the cheapest mineralka, the prices of which are sometimes spent twenty times. We are interested in those oils that can be recommended for the same motor. We owe the coincidence of the SAE viscosity classes - and we will take the most common class 5W-40. Must match the categories of quality. Modern expensive synthetics do not fall below the SN / CF level aPI classification (A3 / B4 via ACEA) - here on it and let's stop. The car manufacturer usually does not specify the type of oil, but to compare the synthetic with the mineral water is something awkward.

As a result, we chose two synthetic oils - the European price of 1950 rubles for a four-liter canister and Russian: 940 rubles for the same capacity. The European took one canister, and the Russian - two, because it will have to change 7500 km.

About Methodology

Motor VAZ-21126 on the road and at cheap oils worked in fully equivalent conditions - in the same modes, on the same gasoline, at the same outdoor temperature. The number of hours in both cases is equivalent to 15,000 km of run. Moreover, Russian oil in the middle of the "distance" replaced the fresh.

We studied the dynamics of changes in the parameters of the engine (power, efficiency and toxicity of exhaust gases), periodically selected samples to investigate the pace of aging oil and accumulation of wear products. At the end of the test, the motor opened and evaluated the color scale of deposits after work on one or another oil. Before and after testing, piston rings and bearings crankshaftTo assess the wear rate of the main friction nodes.

What we saw

Expensive oil for a complete test cycle did not lose performance, although the parameters spoke noticeably - both in the oil and the engine. Fuel consumption at the time of the end of the tests grew by 3-4% compared with the initial stage; Power fell by 2.5%. For 15,000 km of conventional mileage, a little less than a liter of oil from the flooded initially four was left. That is, the mode "from shift to shift without an attraction" was set aside.

When working on budget oil, the engine initially showed a little greater fuel consumption (+ 1.5%) than on European. Obviously, this is a consequence of a higher viscosity, non-leaving, however, beyond the admission to SAE for oils of this class. This gave a small (almost within the error), but a steady increase in power (slightly less than 1%). Budget oil quite expected was the higher dynamics of aging. For half of the test cycle (7500 km), fuel consumption increased by 2.1% (when operating on the road - by 1.5%). The second half of the tests, after replacing the oil, the engine worked almost the same way - the difference between the final measurements by 7,500 and 15,000 km lies within the measurement error. As a result, the engine on two fillings of the budget oil worked more economically than on the same fill of the road: the difference in favor of the domestic product was 1.1-3.0%, depending on the mode of operation (on average -1.5%).

Analysis of the main physicochemical parameters of oils characterizing the pace of their aging confirmed the results motor tests. For expensive oil at the end of the "Rabach" (15,000 km), viscosity increased by 11%, alkaline number It has decreased by 30%, however, the indicators beyond the limits of brave. In an inexpensive oil after 7500 km, the viscosity growth was 3.5% (first fill) and 5.8% (second fill), and the sample from the second half of the "run" the rate of aging was higher: contamination has affected fresh oil The remains of the spent, which were not merged when replacing. The alkaline number of the village is 13-15% relative to the initial value - by the way, higher (this is good for serious Russian conditions) than the expensive oil of European production.

And now we will estimate the result in the money. One canister of dear European oil, one filter plus the cost of replacing the oil is about 2350 rubles. Two capacities of budget, two filters, two replacements are 2680 rubles. If the work is not taken into account (that is, changing the oil yourself), the costs are equal to 2050 and 2080 rubles, respectively. And if you take into account the difference in fuel consumption? On the domestic oil, the motor was 1.5% more economically, and for each test cycle, about a thousand liters of "ninety-fifth" eaten. If you take the price equal to 38 rugs per liter, it will be 570 rubles of economy. Not much, but the balance has swung in the direction of more frequent oil replacement.

However, the fuel gain is not the most important thing. More importantly, motor well-being. Evaluation criteria Three: reliability of work (no failures due to application suitable oil), clean surfaces, wear.

Reliability of work is complete. There was no failure during the tests, an emergency oil tank was not required. However, we did not expect from the oils of the quality group of the other than SN. The level of high-temperature deposits in both cases was almost the same. Obviously, not to lose european Oil With higher quality, Russian has been able thanks to a smaller interval of replacement. Yes, and the initial (as well as the final) alkaline number from our oil is higher, and this is one of the indirect indicators of detergent. As for low-temperature deposits on the surfaces of the valve mechanism and oil pan, the European product worked a little better. Everything is obvious here: it uses better basic base oil. However, the difference is close to the error of the test method.

But when evaluating the degree of wear, we found an explicit effect of an intermediate oil replacement. This is especially noticeable by piston rings (and therefore in cylinders). The dirt accumulated in oil, especially metal particles, facilitated from the surface of the parts, works like abrasive, and no anti-empty additives high-quality oil With this misfortune do not cope. It will only help the timely removal of the abrasive from the motor - when changing the oil. It is impossible to make accurate recalculation in rubles in the rugs. But the scales bowl is increasingly inclined in favor of reducing the interservice interval.

Three or five?

So, our experiment quite proved the feasibility of using two domestic cans (THK Magnum Ultratec, Sintoil Platinum, Lukoil Suite) instead of one European ( Shell Helix. Ultra, Castrol Edge, Mobil Super 3000) - confirmed and wallet, and motor well-being.

Of course, it is possible to reduce the oil replacement interval using always only an expensive imported product - the use of the motor will be more. But about reasonable savings should not be forgotten.

In addition, we conducted tests in ideal conditions of the laboratory - warm, clean, on proven gasoline. And as practice shows (and our previous surveys in SM, 2015, No. 11), even expensive synthetics, not always withstands the notorious 15,000 km of run. Most marshmers think russian conditions Work is almost extreme. At the same time, everything that happens with the engine oil resembles the process of wear of any technical system: To some kind of work, aging is almost imperceptible, and then his pace grows sharply. In the technique, such a state is called catastrophic wear - and the same rule acts for oil. It is important to change the oil before the onset of this critical moment.

So, even "steep" oil, surrender, damages the motor. And to protect yourself from trouble, it is necessary to replace it more often. If it is not possible to often buy an expensive product, then knowingly high quality affordable oil Subject to the more frequent replacement it is more useful for the motor.

3 4

Whatever the car, his owner always seeks to pour into the engine the best engine oil. It does not always work, but still this trend is present. At the same time, the consumer is very important not to lose vigilance, so as not to acquire a fake - there are enough of them in the domestic market.

In this review, the best (purely in our opinion, based on the characteristics of the product and feedback users) of the lubricant, which have proven exclusively with positive. For the convenience of the reader, the rating was divided into the most popular categories of engine lubricants.

Best Synthetic Engine Oil

Synthetic engine oil is much more stable with a long service, rather than mineral and semi-synthetic. It is well withstanding high and low temperatures, does not form a nap and does not freeze in conditions of a strong frost, and also has a good detergent property. However, the price is significantly higher.

4 BP Visco 5000 5W-40

Reliable engine protection from wear
Country: England
The average price: 1635 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Developed based on synthetics, Visco 5000 oil is intended for year-round operation in engines modern carsIn regions with temperature fluctuations ranging from -35 ° C to 40 ° C. The unique Cleanguard technology used in this lubricant effectively contributes to the best cleansing of the engine parts and prevents the formation of new deposits. This ensures reliable protection of all engine nodes and the extension of its service life, even in the most extreme conditions.

The synthetic engine oil Visco 5000 has stable performance indicators for any loads, which is well affected by the motor. This feature in their reviews note the owners who have decided to pour this product on an ongoing basis. Thanks to burnout resistance, lubrication is economically spent, which also likes to the owners.

3 ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 4 L

Retains its characteristics during peak loads
Country: France
Average price: 1440 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Synthetic motor eLF oil Evolution 900 NF 5W-40 intended for gasoline and diesel engines has good characteristics Countering wear. One of his shift with more than 10 thousand kilometers of run, while in Nagar and idle losses (due to the wear of seals), from the total amount of oil, is only about 350-500 grams. Thanks to a good lubricating effect and high level of reliability, ELF oil is recommended for applying in motor racing.

But at how many great advantage there is a small drawback. This brand of engine oil suffers from frequent fakes and sales of products inappropriate quality standards. Nevertheless, the owners reasonably consider this engine oil with one of the best synthetic products on the market. In the reviews, many of them recommend pouring Elf Evolution In engines that are constantly working in high-load mode, referring to their successful experience.

2 Mobil 1 0W-40

The highest quality oil. Best choice buyer
Country: USA
Average price: 3069 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Motor mobil oil 1 0W-40 has a minimum number of restrictions on use, so it is capable of supporting any vehicle driving mode. He is loved, the overwhelming majority of motorists are preferred, and there are reasonable causes. First, active additives that are part of the oil, effectively clean the engine parts from contamination. Secondly, there is no need for its frequent replacement - especially economical users note that on one full-fledged fill you can roll up to 15 thousand kilometers, and the oil almost does not lose its operational properties. Thirdly, the cost, which, with such advantages, will be a pleasant addition.


  • excellent lubricity;
  • excellent quality marked by users;
  • a huge range of operating temperatures;
  • optimum price.


  • no detected.

As mentioned above, engine oils are divided into three types: synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral. But what about them better? What are the pros and cons of one or another type? We will learn answers to these questions from the comparison table:

Motor oil type




The cheapest type of oil

Not bad quality due to distillation and subsequent purification of crude oil

High viscosity - wear of seals and glands will not give oil loss

- mediocre cleaning of crude oil from impurities

- Low level of heat and cold resistance: when heated to high temperatures, a naiga is formed, with a negative temperature it can climb

- Fast quality loss - the need for frequent replacement


High operating temperature range

Saving characteristics for a long time


Low viscosity coefficient, which favorably affects the lubricated friction surfaces

Performs detergent

- High chemical activity neutralized by adding additives

- Complete incompatibility with oils of another type


Cost is the amount of cheaper synthetic

Middle performance features

Optimal level of viscosity

Compatibility with other types of oils

- requires replacement more often than synthetic oil

- more than mineral

- operating temperature range less than synthetic

1 zic x7 ls 5w-30 4 l

Best price
Country: Korea
Average price: 1370 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

It does not matter what type of engine is in your car - this engine oil will become its reliable protection. The unique branded technology LOW SAPS, applied during its manufacture, provides a reduced content of aggressive elements - sulfate ash, clean phosphorus and sulfur. Due to this, the resource of the use of serving oil increases, as well as the ability to more efficiently protected the engine. The heat resistance is also at the height - it does not evaporate, does not fade at elevated temperatures, and also does not hustly even with a larger frost and provides trouble-free cold engine start.

Owners who have become pouring into the Motor ZiC X7 on an ongoing basis, it is noted by its high detergents and dispersing properties. Already through several cycles, the motor is completely getting rid of accumulated sediments, the noise of its work is reduced, it is easier to launch, and even decreases fuel consumption. In many reviews, warnings are sounded - the goods are chassis, has excellent characteristics and available cost. As a result, a lot of falsification is found in the domestic market, so close attention should be paid not only to the supplier, but also to pay attention to the quality of the packaging of engine oil.

Best semi-synthetic engine oil

"Polysintetic" is nothing more than a mixture of mineral and synthetic oils to obtain averaged characteristics. It is better than mineral, but is inferior as synthetic. Yes, and at the price is between these two types.


Neutralizes the impact of low-quality fuel
Country: Japan (produced in South Korea)
Average price: 1310 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

High quality semi-synthetic oilAccording to Japan, one of the best, perfectly proven itself in the domestic market. The unique developments of the company make it possible to improve the product, taking into account the increasing needs of modern engineering. Throughout the service life, the lubricant retains its initial fluidity, which ensures the timely distribution of engine oil. Due to this, all parts inside the engine are always fluidally lubricated and protected from the negative effects of mechanical effects (friction).

ENEOS Super Gasoline SL 5W-30 semi-synthetic, like all lubricants of this manufacturer, has a high alkaline number, due to which the combustion products are effectively neutralized, even the low-quality fuel, which is currently relevant for our country. Also, this product minimizes the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, relevant to worldwood in matters of ecology. Owners who have become pouring this oil, there are good energy-saving properties of the product in their reviews, as well as the easy engine launch at strong frosts.

3 Total Quartz 7000 10W40 4 l

The most favorable price
Country: France
The average price: 1130 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This "semi-synthetic" will become the perfect addition to gasoline engines operating on non-ettenited gasoline or liquefied gas, as well as an equipped catalytic survival system. Manufacturers adapted it and use with diesel and bio diesel fuel. What to say: with the versatility of this engine oil everything is in order. Total Quartz 7000 10W40 is also characterized by good heat resistance. The trouble-free cold start of the engine is possible at temperatures up to -30 degrees Celsius - it is noteworthy that with such a cold, the viscosity of the oil is practically not changed. But, like many other types of oils, it has a bad copying trend - poor-quality samples under this brand. So and the case fall into specialized stores.


  • good value;
  • versatility;
  • due quality;
  • good heat resistance.


  • many fake low-grade products.


Best Engine Protection
Country: Germany
Average price: 2292 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The feeling from the engine operation when pouring this semi-synthetic engine oil can be compared with the calm after the storm. Indeed, when moving to Liqui Moly Optimal Synth 5W-40, the engine begins to work quieter and smaller, small vibrations are excluded from the functioning of the car. This is due to an excellent lubricating ability and an ideal semi-synthetic consistency. Regardless of the type of engine, these advantages will be felt.

The only problem of oil is its value, comparable with synthetic products. But despite the decent price, those of users who once applied this original lubricant, did not cease to fill the semi-synthetic of Optimal Synth into engines of their cars. In their reviews, they are completely satisfied with the result and do not doubt that the motor is ensured the best protection against friction.

1 Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 R 4 L

Optimal properties for operation in Russia
Country: Germany
Average price: 1310 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

When developing this oil, the harsh realities of Russian operating conditions were taken into account: low temperatures, the problem of traffic jams and the mediocre fuel quality. That is why the sample came out to motorists is considered almost the best semi-synthetic engine oil. Due to the additive package and the special formula, the ideal protection of the engine is ensured regardless of weather conditions and temperature levels. It is reliably known that thickening and frozen oil Castrol Magnatec. 10W-40 R occurs at -36 degrees Celsius, and it distinguishes him from competing oils.


  • attractive price;
  • accounting of the specifics of Russian realities;
  • low threshold (-36 degrees Celsius);
  • quality composition and reliable engine protection.


  • no missing.

Best Mineral Motor Oil

The main advantage of mineral engine oil lies in a low price that causes the cycle of its manufacture. However, qualitative characteristics fully correspond to the price offer: in contrast to semi-synthetic and synthetic oils, it requires more frequent replacement, and also rapidly thickens at low temperatures.


Best Wear Engine Oil
Country: Japan
Average price: 1191 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Universal mineral oil With a high degree of cleaning, IDEMITSU 10W-30 was developed with one goal - to increase fuel efficiency. The content of high-quality additive set guarantees reliable protection of driving engine nodes and extends its service life. The stability of indicators of physicochemical indicators under the influence of different temperatures indicates that all operating characteristics of engine oil are preserved at a high level under any climatic conditions, ensuring uninterrupted operation of the engine.

In their reviews, motorists note that the use of Idemitsu oil significantly improves the operation of motors with big mileagewho have been in operation for a long time and are decently worn out. Thanks to its excellent detergent properties, they had the opportunity to stop even longer, so the owners once tried, do not cease to pour this oil into the engine. In addition, it is clearly a decrease in fuel consumption, which is especially noticeable on old engines.

3 Motul ATV-UTV 4T 10W40 4 L

High quality components. Perfectly dissolves deposits
Country: France
Average price: 1770 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

A little illogical "customized" rating of oils exclusively under the engines of passenger and trucks. Motinal Motul ATV-UTV 4T 10W40 motor oil is designed to diversify the top, intended for use in gasoline engines of motorcycles, and more specifically, motorcase and quad bikes. Like all the oils of the Motul brand, this challenger has high quality achieved thanks to several raw material cleaning stages. According to users, its use is advisable only in recreation technique, since the aggressive driving style characteristic of more serious models leads to a quick loss of operational parameters.


  • high quality;
  • well lubricates engine parts;
  • reliable protection against pollution.


  • with severe operating conditions vehicle Quickly loses its qualities.

2 Mobil Delvac MX 15W-40

Optimal quality ratio and price
Country: USA
Average price: 1370 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Mobil Delvac MX 15W-40 is a typical representative of oils for four-stroke gasoline and diesel engines of trucks and special equipment. Special lubricating properties speak for themselves: calculated for trucksThis engine oil is perfect for both engines of passenger cars.

Under heavy operation, the lubricating fluid has established itself excellent, which finds confirmation and in user feedback. It does not form a car at all, providing lubrication of all pairs of friction in the engine, which for large loads is a key factor to ensure the maintenance of the motor resource.

1 LUKOIL Standard SF / CC 10W-40

The most affordable price
Country Russia
The average price: 676 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This is a real find for the "rare" cars of the dashing 90s. Mineral Motor Oil LUKOIL The SF / CC 10W-40 standard is used as a generous source of refueling of engines with increased oil consumption, since it is characterized by a very low cost. The feasibility of infusion of this oil into old foreign cars is very doubtful - a foreign engine requires more delicate care. But for the products of the domestic car industry it is quite good. The only serious disadvantage is its heat resistance - at low temperature values, high-quality oil parameters change dramatically, despite the better.


  • oxidative stability at temperature rinks;
  • very low price;
  • versatility;
  • saving viscosity throughout the cycle of use.


  • a sharp change in quality parameters at low temperatures.

Top Motor Oils for Diesel Engines

Motor oils for diesel engines, in fact, no difference from those for gasoline models. Some oil producers allow the use of their products to both for the other type of motor. The main difference is to operate: in diesel engines, the oil is exposed to greater development and consumption, and therefore needs a rapid replacement and periodic gravity.

4 Totachi Eco Diesel SAE 10W-40

Effectively cleans the engine from deposits
Country: Japan
Average price: 1585 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

High high-quality oil Totachi Eco Diesel SAE 10W-40 was created on the basis of mineral and synthetic oils of a high degree of purification, with the addition of specially developed additives that provide excellent product specifications. This lubricant has pronounced dispersing properties that allow almost completely dissolve solid particles of slurry sediments and output them. The engine of the car is reliably protected from all sorts of sediments and is made full of purity, which largely extends its service life.

This engine oil has a high viscosity index and excellent oxidation resistance, which makes it possible to use it in motors with a long interval between replacements. Also, the use of this product involves caring for environmentSince the release of harmful substances is at a fairly low level.

3 General Motors Dexos2 Longlife 5W-30

Stable viscosity. Choosing a buyer
Country: USA
Average price: 1367 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Synthetic motor oil General Motors Dexos2 Longlife 5W30 is in high demand in ordinary motorists. And the point here is not in the famous brand. Despite the rather average parameters of the quality and time of operation (contrary to the length of Longlife in the title), it has good detergents, perfectly lubricates the skin of the part, does not form a car and does not freeze at low temperatures. What is the question, still need to get the title "Best"? The answer is simple: increase the term of work from shift to shift and more humane prices.

Nevertheless, the owners continue to pour this oil into the engine on an ongoing basis. It is superbly coping with its tasks, does not lose viscosity in the frost and perfectly dissolves slurry deposits, withdrawing them with the next replacement. In addition, the DEXOS2 Longlife engine oil does not use the scams and fakes on the market is practically not found.

2 Lukoil Suite Synthetic SN / CF 5W-40

The most affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 1290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Patriotic oil Lukoil Suite Synthetic SN / CF 5W-40 hit a very funny situation. The combinations of low price and quality it turned out to be not enough to arrange most of the car enthusiasts. Although there is something to have something. Let's not be reference, but the good motor oil has good characteristics of the durability of work, supports parts of the engine clean and does not freeze on good frost. A feature of this model is a special canister, having protection against fakes. This is a competent step, given the special love of attackers to the issuance of a low-quality product for the brand material.


  • acceptable quality;
  • protected from fakes canister;
  • good lubricants and cleaning abilities;
  • low price.


  • not detected.

1 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40

Reliable motor protection
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 2334 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Around Shell. Helix Ultra. 5W-40 rumored that the oil burns very much on high revolutions. In this case, the problem may be associated with a fake branded product with low-quality raw materials, since the operational capabilities of the original are simply awesome. In diesel engines, the oil replacement period has 10-12 thousand mileage kilometers, which is very, very thoroughly. Package additives reliably protects the parts of the motor and prevents pollution. With such characteristics, the specified cost looks quite justified, which makes the oil one of the best representatives of its class.


  • product of amazing quality;
  • oil properly serves for 10-12 thousand kilometers;
  • large range of operating temperatures;
  • high protection and detergent.


  • the presence of low-quality fakes.

Top motor oils for turbocharged engines

Turbated engines are much more powerful than its atmospheric analogues. They have a more complex design and increased heat generation, which must be compensated for efficient cooling. Therefore, manufacturers of similar engines impose a special set of requirements for used systemic fluids, including motor oils.

4 Eni i-Sint 0W-40

The most reliable protection in extreme loads
Country: Italy
The average price: 2128 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Synthetic oil of a new generation with improved technical characteristics Recommended for the use of such auto hydriants as VW, BMW, Porsche, Renault. The use of ENI i-Sint 0W-40 ensures reliable protection of engine parts, even with extreme driving in the harshest conditions. The pouring temperature of this lubricant is -54 ° C, which guarantees the launch of the motor even in remote regions of the Far North.

Owners flooding Eni i-Sint 0W-40 on an ongoing basis are fully satisfied with their choice. Motor oil does not apply to the number of the most common, therefore, the fakes on the market is not observed. The reviews are particularly noted a decrease in fuel consumption, there is practically no amgar of oil, even with a constant operation of the engine at the maximum loads. High-strength oil film reduces the load when the motor starts and carefully spends the turbine resource.

3 Shell Helix HX7 5W-40 4 l

Best choice buyer
Country: Netherlands / United Kingdom
Average price: 1353 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

With semi-synthetic engine oil Shell Helix HX7 is a very dual situation. On the one hand, it costs less competitors, because it is "semi-synthetic". On the other hand, it has an obvious loss in operational characteristics, in many respects associated with the operating temperature range. But a curious fact and its direct dignity is a long operational period. The average duration of using one portion of the semi-synthetic oil is 3-5 thousand kilometers. This composition is capable of performing its function for 5-7 thousand kilometers, but its blackening is noted on an average standard mark.

At the same time, the owners could not identify the formation of a car and any noticeable consumption of engine oil, which for highly efficient engines is an excellent result. Related characteristics and reasonable price are highly evaluated. From the disadvantages there is extremely low frost resistance, therefore the semi-synthetic oil is not recommended to be used under conditions of low temperatures - it significantly loses its fluidity.

2 Mobil Super 3000 x1 5W-40 4 l

High performance
Country: USA
The average price: 1890 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Oil used for four-stroke gasoline and diesel engines with a wide range of operating temperatures. In the conditions of hot summer and cold winter, it exhibits itself in the best way - does not form an unwanted nagar and does not freeze even with the strongest frosts (-35 degrees Celsius withstands easily). But with the detergent oil, oil copes, alas, not very good. In general, one change is enough for 7-8 thousand kilometers of the way, even with an aggressive and non-religious ride manner. But for the most confidence, it is worth resorting to the replacement of oil every 5-6 thousand kilometers, the benefit of its cost allows it to do.


  • good value;
  • high quality;
  • large operating temperature range.


  • many poor-quality fakes.

1 Toyota SN 5W-30

Traditionally high quality
Country: Japan
Average price: 2780 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A great error that the engine oil from Toyota can only be used in the respective cars. Yes, the manufacturer clearly prescribes such a recommendation for use, but in fact it can be pouring into any new engine that requires the oil class 5W-30. There are no complaints from the users any complaints - "Synthetics" serves a long time, does not form a car and has very good detergents. One bay is enough for 10 thousand kilometers of run. Yes, the price of the product is high, but it is fully justified by high quality inherent in Toyota.


  • high quality product;
  • effective detergent;
  • one "portion" withstands up to 10 thousand kilometers of run;
  • users mark the quiet operation of the engine after the start of oil use.


  • not detected.

Everyone caring about own car, tries to choose only high-quality for him consumables: The best engine oil, clean fuel and so on. And if the engine condition depends on the characteristic features of the fuel, the choice of lubrication has a direct effect on all mechanical parts of the machine.

Every year a list appears on the network. motor oils"But their components of their experts are often focused exclusively on professional products, lowering one of the most important properties for the consumer - the cost. We took over the courage to make your own rating of lubricants based on the combination of price, quality and accessibility for the ordinary driver.

Machine oil on the package has the corresponding class and characteristics of the markings based on which it is easy to choose the best product for its own use:

  • The first number denotes pumpability in the corresponding range of functional temperature - the time for which the oil will fall into the system after starting the engine. What it is closer to the noise, the lower the work temperature.
  • The letter designation W - determines the lubricant as winter.
  • The second number is viscosity. The higher the figure, the stronger the thickness when the motor is heated.

Understanding the marking will allow you to choose a suitable lubricant even without specification.

What motor oil is better: synthetics or semi-synthetic?

Considering products from the point of view of functionality, we see that synthetic oil wins in all indicators. It successfully resists low temperatures, not subject to oxidation, shows outstanding anti-corrosion properties and requires a rarely topping in the motor. However, its high cost may be a serious obstacle, especially for owners of inexpensive cars up to 400 thousand rubles.

The semi-synthetic oil is developed on the basis of mineral with the addition of artificial lubrication. The percentage difference varies depending on the manufacturer, but on average is 40-60%. Qualitatively semi-synthetic is somewhat worse, but in some cases it turns out to be a preferred option for use.

Choosing the best synthetic or semi-synthetic engine oil, you should focus on its cost, operating conditions and the "age" of the unit. For a relatively old motor, it is rational to use semi-synthetic, in new - synthetic oil.

What motor oils are the best for difficult conditions?

Choosing what engine oil is better to purchase for winter, especially for SUVs for hunting and fishing, in the extreme northern regions of our country, you should pay attention to the designation of 0W30. It indicates that we have an all-season product providing high-quality lubrication in the range from -40 ° C to +30 ° C. Best brands Motor oils of this category in 2018-2019 are as follows:

  • Motul 8100 Eco-Clean - motor greasewhich demonstrates excellent functional properties by working with diesel and gasoline units recent generations, lowers fuel consumption.

  • Mobil 1 Fuel Economy - reduces car wear degree in serious cold conditions thanks to Special SuperSyn technology.

  • Motul Nismo Competition Oil 2108e - artificial oil that allows you to raise the frequency of revolutions power aggregate Without the threat of turning and wedge, destroying for technology.

  • Repsol Elite Turbo Life 50601 - originally designed for German diesel cars, It perfectly manifests its antioxidant and anti-corrosion properties on machines of other countries.

  • Teboil Diamond Carat is a premium-class oil that significantly improves the engine functionality, effectively cleans the mechanism from a car and reduces fuel consumption.

Top best engine oils category 5W30

Outstanding indicators Lubrication of this range will be shown at temperatures from -25 ° C to +20 ° C. Taking into account the characteristics affecting the quality and availability of the product, the top best engine oils look like this:

  • Castrol Magnatec A1 - demonstrates a low degree of dilution and consumption due to burnout, reliably protects the engine when using poor-quality fuels with a high sulfur content.
  • TNK Magnum Professional C3 - a high alkaline number indicates improved antioxidant and anti-corrosion qualities. Acceptable value and optimal lubrication consumption.

  • Mobil Super Fe Special - contributes to a decrease in fuel consumption and prevents depreciation of the internal elements of the engine.

  • Shell Helix Ultra Extra is an impressive set of additives, the outstanding value of the flow rate due to a fusion, low aggressiveness and optimal protection of the engine nodes, but the high cost and "rejection" of fuel with an increased sulfur content.

This turned out a list of the best engine oils 5W30.

The best motor oils 5W40

The ranking of the best engine oils 2018-2019 can be made exclusively from the products marked with 5W40. This category is used everywhere and gained the greatest distribution, due to its versatility. Such engine oils are suitable even for cars up to 800 thousand rubles.

  • Motul 8100 X-Clean - demonstrates the stated fuel consumption reduction indicators, purifies the engine and protects in the future, does not lose functionality when the claimed temperature is reduced in -25 ° C.
  • LIQUI MOLY MOLYGEN NEW GENERATION - All-season oil with a high indicator of stability, ensures a uniform coating of moving parts, reducing friction, reduces fuel consumption by 4%.
  • Castrol Edge is an additive from titanium-based compounds, covers the mechanical parts of the motor, cleans and protects them, increasing the power of the unit.
  • LUKOIL LUX SYNTETIC SN / CF is the best Russian engine oil, thanks to which car mechanisms function smoothly and gently.
  • ELF Evolution 900 NF is a synthetic lubricant working with a wide range of gasoline and diesel units. The exception is only the presence of diesel squeeze filter. Provides efficient cleaning and long-term operation.

This is the current top 5 motor oil 5W40 for 2018-2019.

Top Motor Oils 10W40

At elevated average annual temperatures, it is necessary to pour the best engine oil of the 10W40 category.

  • Total Quartz 7,000 - initially the best semi-synthetic engine oil for a gasoline engine. Subsequently, it was improved and no longer reduces the performance of aggregates operating on liquefied gas or diesel.

  • Motul ATV-UTV 4T - dilutes our rating lubricantintended for motorcycles. French products providing a reliable level of protection, cleaning and increasing operational characteristics.

  • LUKOIL Standard SF / CC - will be a great choice to protect the mechanisms "in the years." Low cost, versatility and ensuring the softness of functioning gives the use of this mineral oil.

If doubts are doubts which oil must be pouring into the engine, then you should pay attention to our rating for 2018 - 2019. This top 10 of the best motor oils was compiled according to buyers. The ideal price-quality ratio, which often goes to the fore when buying is also taken into account.

Top Motor Oils 5W30

10 zic x9 5w-30

For the latest engines with turbocharged or without it, it is recommended to purchase ZiC X9 5W-30 oil. It significantly reduced the ash, sulfur and phosphorus content. The motor resource will be significantly extended, and the fuel will be saved economically. Suitable for absolutely all seasons.


  • Suitable even for engines with turbocharged.
  • Makes the engine reliable engine.
  • Ideal for use at any time of the year.


  • It is advisable to use high-quality gasoline.

9 General Motors Dexos2 LongLife 5W30

Inexpensive Synthetic oil General Motors Dexos2 Longlife 5W30 is necessary with constant aggressive ride, as well as during the period of heavy operational conditions. All critical elements of the engine are quickly lubricated, the visible fuel economy appears. Even at low temperatures, the motor will be able to start the first time. A durable oil film that protects especially wear elements appears.


  • Very quiet engine compartment.
  • Makes the car starts in the cold.
  • Minimum price.


  • You must often change the oil.

8 Shell Helix HX8 Synthetic 5W-30

SHELL HELIX HX8 SYNTHETIC 5W-30 engine oil is completely synthetic, and can also be actively used for gasoline and gas engines. Also oil is suitable for diesel motors without filters. It protects perfectly and cleans the most important component of the car. On the surface of the motor will no longer have harmful deposits. Moreover, friction between the details are significantly reduced, which favorably affects fuel economy.


  • Used in various engines.
  • Saves fuel, reducing its consumption.
  • Makes the motor more durable.


  • A large number of fakes.

7 Total Quartz Ineo ECS 5W30

Total Quartz Ineo ECS 5W30 oil is distinguished by a reduced sulfur and phosphorus content, as well as rather low sulphate ash. Due to this, the exhaust gases are substantially cleaned, and the fuel is seriously saved. This oil can be poured almost any engines - diesel and gasoline.


  • Motor starts working quieter.
  • The engine life is extended.
  • Serious fuel economy.


  • Rarely can be found on sale.


LUKOIL MALOZIS CLARITECH 5W-30 Majal Motor Oil is suitable not only for most cars with diesel and gasoline engines, but also can be applied in all seasons. Such an oil increases the longevity of the motor, and also improves the functioning of the sweeping system of exhaust.


  • The engine is easily started even in winter.
  • There are practically no fakes.
  • Minimum oil consumption.


  • Requires quite frequent replacement.


Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W-30 oil was created for absolutely any cars running on gasoline. High efficiency in terms of fuel consumption is complemented by a stunning viscosity. This synthetic oil is adapted to a variety of temperature conditions, having favorably affecting the motor. For its manufacture, the most complex catalytic dewaxing is applied.


  • Really quiet motor operation.
  • Suitable for harsh winters.
  • Serious savings of gasoline.



Need serious engine protection? Then Liqui. Moly Special TEC AA 5W-30 will be a good choice. This synthetic oil reduces the fuel consumption and protects against excess wear due to the special recipe. Details of the motor are not damaged during operation, and he himself remains extremely clean. Special emphasis is placed on the car of American and Asian production, on which active testing was performed.


  • Great fuel economy.
  • The engine remains clean.
  • Oil quickly goes to all the details.


  • More suitable for cars of Asian and American brands.

3 Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30

All engine parts remain as clean with Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 synthetic engine oil. It is manufactured on the basis of the exclusive formula, which includes technological components. The oil for gasoline and diesel engines was developed. Protects the motor and saves fuel.


  • Makes the engine clean and durable.
  • Significantly saves fuel.
  • Allows you to launch a car in a cold winter.


  • Pretty expensive pleasure.

2 Castrol EDGE 5W-30

Durable oil film allocates Castrol Edge 5W-30 against the background of competitors. The oil is perfectly withstanding even extreme pressure. Titanium FST technology makes the motor much more productive. There is protection against wear, as well as fuel savings.


  • The car accelerates more dynamically and smoothly.
  • The engine works efficiently.
  • Good motor protection.


  • The sound of the engine operation may change.

1 Motul Specific Dexos2 5W30

Synthetic Motor Oil Motul Specific Dexos2 5W30 is ideal for four-stroke diesel and gasoline engines. It suits almost all motors. It is also recommended to use it, having SUVs or engines with a separation injection. This is an advanced energy-saving oil. aPI class SN / FC provides a high level in terms of ecology, forcing the car to throw much less harmful substances into the air.


  • Highest quality.
  • Suitable for a variety of motors.
  • Attentive approach to environmental friendliness.


  • Pretty high price.

Top Motor Oils 5W40

10 TNK Magnum Super 5W-40

TNK Magnum Super 5W-40 oil is semi-synthetic. Balanced composition qualitatively protects the motor from pollution and other problems. The oil with ease "turns" the engine in the frost. And it can be used almost with all motors.


  • Protects overheating and deposits.
  • Stability on all operation.
  • Any temperature is not scared by the engine.


  • In some cases, forms black nagar in the motor.

9 Lukoil Suite Synthetic SN / CF 5W-40

If there is a desire to try out the synthetic oil of the premium class by affordable price, It is necessary to look at Lukoil Synthetic SN / CF 5W-40. It fully meets the latest operating standards. Oil is recommended for passenger cars, as well as small trucks and minibuses. Well protects modern engines even in conditions of intensive driving. In this case, the noise level decreases noticeably, and the deposits cease to form.


  • The car goes quietly and gently.
  • Almost there are no fakes.
  • Suitable for a wide range of motors.


  • Not the highest quality canisters.


Really high-quality G-Energy F SYNTH 5W-40 oil will improve the operation of the motor not only of the passenger car, but also trucks, as well as minibuses. This oil is poured into the most different motors (gasoline, diesel, turbocharged units). Its consumption is rather low due to special components. And the details always remain clean.


  • Seriously prolongs the resource of the motor.
  • Always clean details.
  • Large replacement intervals.


  • Over time, can lose properties.

7 ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 4 L

Synthetic lubricant ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 was created for motors passenger cars. Such an oil can be poured into any diesel and gasoline units, with the exception of diesel particulate filters. Withstands the expanded replacement interval, and also effectively cleans all the details. Excellent option for a variety of climatic zones.


  • Does not require frequent replacement.
  • Suitable for many engines.
  • Excellent cleans all the elements.


  • Packaging not most securely.

6 Total Quartz 9000 5W40

Total Quartz 9000 5W40 high-quality motor oil is suitable even for turbocharged engines. Ideal for aggregates with direct injection, as well as with a common fuel ramp. Thanks to the highest viscosity, the most different temperature conditions can withstand. He has increased protection against wear and elongated replacement intervals. Simply canceled for passenger cars, making the motor perfectly clean and neat.


  • The highest degree of protection.
  • The engine remains complete.
  • Significant replacement interval.


  • There may be problems with bad fuel.

5 Mobil Super 3000 x1 5W-40

A truly universal can be called synthetic oil Mobil Super 3000 x1 5W-40. It is it that makes the engine more reliable, and its service life increases significantly. Suitable for both diesel and gasoline engines. Withstands the widest temperature range, which again speaks in favor of this oil. If there are often complex driving conditions, then such an oil will become an excellent choice.


  • Good work in summer and winter.
  • Auto starts always from the first time.
  • Motor functions extremely quiet.


  • There is a huge number of diverse fakes.

4 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40

Modern engine Requires care? Pay attention to this - Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40. This synthetic oil allows diesel and gasoline aggregates reveal in a new way. The engine becomes clean, as deposits cease to form. Moreover, this is the only oil, approved by Ferrari itself. It is able to withstand even a long replacement interval, making the motor as productive as possible.


  • The oil has a property not burned.
  • Motor works incredibly quiet.
  • Great lubricates all the most important details.


  • There are frequent fakes.
  • The price may seem high.

3 Castrol EDGE 5W-40

With the help of a durable film Castrol Edge 5W-40, it qualitatively protects the engine from different problems. Titanium compounds that have incredible resistance are used here. This oil favorably affects the motor, revealing almost the entire potential. No deposits will no longer spoil the engine, and its smooth work will be felt during the press on the gas pedal. With such an oil, the motor will heal with a completely new life.


  • Positive affects the dynamics of overclocking.
  • Reveals the potential of the motor.
  • Reliably protects against contamination.


  • Can change the sound of the engine in operation.


For the lightweight car, all year round can be advised by Liqui Molygen New Generation 5W-40 oil with high stability. The oil is effectively struggling with deposits, extending the service life of the motor. The manufacturer declares that the oil is able to save up to 4% of fuel. This is noticeably extended and the overall engine resource.


  • Smooth and clear operation of the motor.
  • It is consumed almost unnoticed.
  • Saves fuel to 4%.


  • Quite solid value.

1 Motul 8100 X-Clean 5W40

Motul 8100 X-Clean 5W40 oil for progressive gasoline and diesel engines has the quality standards of Euro-4 and Euro-5. This oil will save the motor with a new car, leaving him in primeval form. In this case, absolute purity will be guaranteed not only of individual elements, but also the engine. May be frozen only at a temperature of -39 degrees, which allows you to actively use the oil even in the cold winter.


  • Ideal for enough new motors.
  • Effectively cleanses the entire engine.
  • Really saves fuel.


  • Some turbocharged motors strongly consume oil.

In order for the motor of the car or any other type of transport working properly, it must be lubricated special means. Provide this is possible only when using the best engine oil for the engine. It needs to fill only the most good toolswhose rating we have accounted for on the basis of customer feedback. The tops present semi-synthetic and synthetic materials, their advantages and disadvantages are described.

There are many manufacturers worthy of motor oils on the motor oil market, but only a few of them offer the best value for the price and quality of products. Just to such firms and include the following companies:

  • Mobil Delvac - this is a popular manufacturer of engine oils for cars, off-road techniques, cargo transport and buses for needs agriculture. It creates products both for use in standard and extreme conditions, including weather. Its lubricants demonstrate bright temperature characteristics, economy of consumption and reliable engine protected.
  • Lukoil - This is one of the most famous oil companies in Russia, which offers not only gasoline, but also lubricants for motorists. They are environmentally friendly, safe for nature and person, for a long time, reliably protect engines both gasoline and diesel type, depending on the name of the goods. They are easy enough to find on sale and the cost of them is quite adequate.
  • Zic - The company produces some of the best engine oils, including all-season intended for use in passenger and small trucks, as well as in the agricultural, mining and number of other industries. Its assortment has mainly synthetic agents cooked under laboratory conditions.
  • ELF. Evolution - Products of this manufacturer are sold in more than 100 countries around the world. It is poured into engines of the Dakar Rally, Moto 3 rally and many other competitions. His lubricants are characterized by a good value ratio and quality. He has means for both motorcycles and cars and trucks.
  • Liqui Moly. - The company is engaged in the release technical fluids, lubricants, car seats and series of car care products. She has a synthetic, mineral and semi-synthetic oil oil. They are packaged both in a small and overall canister of up to 40 liters.
  • IDEMITSU. - The firm offers good engine oils with a 100% guarantee of quality and originality. But in order not to buy a fake, you need to purchase them from official dealers or proven implementers. All products have one of the best performance properties. She has a product for both ordinary engines and turbocharged, including two and four-stroke. Here you can find the appropriate option for domestic cars, and for foreign cars.
  • Total - The company produces universal engine oils for lubricating the engine in all weather conditions. They have good viscosity, perfectly protect the motor from low temperatures and premature wear, reduce the level of its noise when working. They, depending on the specific product, can be used both for gasoline and diesel engine in almost any models of machines.
  • Shell. - The company specializes in creating lubricants for car motors and motorcycles. They satisfy all the requirements for such products, perfectly behave in frosts and in extreme driving conditions. There are funds such as ordinary and premium. Many of them are suitable for cars with great mileage. There are also synthetic and semi-synthetic offers.
  • Castrol - The company works in order to produce good engine oils for lubricating the engine, allowing to make it functioning as efficient and long-term. Its products prevents premature wear of this part of the car and reduces the density of the contact spots by 40-50%. It offers a wide selection of funds with different viscosity - 5W-40, 10W-40 and near others. True, they have only synthetic and semi-synthetic agents.

In the selection of goods, in particular, we focused on the reputation of a particular company.

Rating of the best engine oils

  • Degree of viscosity;
  • Lack of nagar;
  • Smell;
  • Frequency and simplicity of replacement;
  • Cleansing properties;
  • Motor lubrication quality;
  • Level of protection against low temperatures;
  • Reduction of engine operation noise;
  • Tolerances - for which types of motors is suitable and in which machines can be poured;
  • Preservation of the initial state at low temperatures;
  • Cost economy;
  • Volume of release;
  • Convenience canisters.

Special criterion for the selection of good engine oils for the engine has become the frequency of fakes, the availability of oil in stores and the ratio of its price and quality.

Best Synthetic Motor Oils

This type of motor oils is considered the most perfect, but at the same time the most expensive. It has the original chemical formula, does not oxidize, has excellent viscosity and increases the compression of the engine due to a large number of additives. This category presents the 4 best engine oils of synthetic type.

Synthetic Castrol EDGE 5W-30 LL oil is one of the best in terms of motor protection at high temperatures and active motion. Even when long operation engine it provides him stable work Due to high-quality lubrication of parts. Its characteristics are standard - the density is 0.851 g / ml, the viscosity is 11 and 66 mm2 / s at a temperature of 100 C and 40 C. Motor operated on high revs, it will not quickly "hit" oil.


  • Produced in 1 and 4 liter packs;
  • Suitable for cars different typesVolkswagen Jetta., Nissan, Skoda, etc.;
  • Relevant for gasoline, and for diesel engine;
  • Stable viscosity;
  • Really increases the service life of the engine.


  • Officially has not many tolerances for use for different machines.

According to customer reviews, the best synthetic motor castrol oil EDGE 5W-30 LL is because it efficiently supports the operation of the motor, including for long-term operation. It prevents the formation of deposits and accelerates its reaction, which is especially relevant when the engine is started.

Motor shell oil Helix Ultra 5W-40 is original and 100% consists of basic oils and quality additives. It improves the efficiency of the automotive engine, gives it reliable protection against corrosion, and also prevents its pollution. The tool showed itself with the long functioning of the machine's motor, even in the case of low temperatures. It has an adequate smell and safe for humans. It is precisely it is used by Ferrari manufacturers.


  • High class viscosity - 5W-40;
  • Easily flooded;
  • The best ratio of price and quality;
  • Almost does not burn at high speed;
  • Excellent lubricating properties;
  • Motor is easily started at low temperatures;
  • Does not lose your color.


  • Officially created only for the four-stroke engine;
  • There are fakes.

Initially, Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 oil was created for engines bMW cars, Renault, Fiat and some others, but I successfully use it to lubricate the engine in Mazda. The effect is enough for a long time, the motor is eventually softer and not so noisy.

Tests confirmed that this engine oil increases the efficiency of the engine and increases the efficiency of its operation. It is suitable for engines both ordinary and equipped turbines. It can be used, regardless of the type of engine - whether it is diesel or gasoline, which makes it a vehicle universal. This oil can be safely used in foreign cars in the type Hyundai, Ford, Skoda, and here for vases, including Lada Vesta, it is not recommended to apply it. It improves the operational properties of a motor when driving both outside the city and in the city, at any time of the year.


  • Good class of viscosity - 5W-40;
  • Suitable for engines equipped with a turbine;
  • Comfortable canister with handle;
  • Economical flow;
  • Reliable corrosion protection;
  • Excellent brand.


  • It is not easy to check the authenticity of products.

In responses, sometimes complain that fakes are often found. total oils Quartz 9000 5W40 4 l. Therefore, it is recommended to buy it either from official dealers, or from familiar sellers.

The engine, smeared by Idemitsu Zepro Touring 5W-30, I easily start even in cold winters ...

Opinion expert

The best synthetic engine oil is considered due to its excellent viscous properties, which it has been given a unique composition of 100% synthetic composition. oil VHVI. Its production using hydrogenization reforming technology, thorough cleaning from sulfur and chlorine minimized evaporation of funds. It has a wide range of application temperatures, so it can be used at any time of the year, even in heat, even in the cold. Thanks to him, the engine is reliably protected from pollution and corrosion, which increases service life.


  • High quality;
  • Optimal price;
  • Reduces the noise level of the engine operation;
  • Easily replaced;
  • Not very black;
  • Does not burn;
  • Great protects the engine.


  • Not everywhere you can buy;
  • It is difficult to distinguish between the original and fake.

The best semi-synthetic motor oils

This type of oil is something average between synthetics and mineral, as it contains both in its composition. That is, in fact, it is their mixture prepared in a ratio of 40/60%. Because of this, it is less viscous than alternative optionsand also has more low level additives. It also determines the low price on them. We present to your attention 3 best semi-synthetic type engine oils.

The tool is produced in convenient canices with a narrowed "nose", from which it is comfortable to pour into the engine. Even after a large car run, it remains clean. One load in 4 liters is enough to the planned time limit of the composition due to the fact that the oil does not burn and does not dry. Nagar does not arise from it, there is a smooth flow of the car and intensive acceleration without consequences. This is a good option for sedans, although it can be used in other types of machines. It can be chosen both for vase and gas.


  • Suitable for turbocharged engines;
  • Makes the work of the engine quieter;
  • Prevents the motor heating to high temperatures;
  • Eliminates the output of the engine out of order;
  • No need to top up the oil between planned replacements;
  • It does not evaporate and remain clean even with long use.


  • With critical temperatures this oil Still inferior to the synthetics.

This engine oil is included in the rating of the best semi-synthetic due to its good viscosity, the lack of unpleasant odor and normal reaction to low temperatures. Its use makes it possible to start the motor quickly even in winter, and in the summer the tool is not contaminated and prevents engine overheating. It is convenient that it is released in 4 liters in the canes, which is a standard volume for one-time replacement. This agent is bought for passenger cars, both foreign cars and domestic. It can be used both in gasoline engines and in diesel.


  • The best is purity of all options in the ranking;
  • There is a reserve for the temperature of heating;
  • Good resource;
  • Excellent viscosity;
  • Economical flow;
  • Easy refueling.


  • Not everywhere for sale;
  • There are fakes.

ELF EVOLUTION 700 STI 10W-40 4 L motor oil, according to customer reviews, is excellent option For lovers of a sporting ride. It can be used in difficult operating conditions due to good protection.

This engine oil is unique in that it is not very welcoming in terms of the quality of gasoline, 92 and the 95th are suitable for it. At the same time, it is compatible and with diesel fuel. It has good class Viscosity 10W-40, which is very relevant in winter, when problems arise with the launch of the motor. And this is despite the fact that it is attributed to the grade of semi-synthetic! The remedy is packaged in comfortable canisters with a handle, it is easy to change it, it slows slowly, and it does not evaporate.


  • Does not give nagar;
  • Makes the work of the motor not so noisy;
  • Reliably protects against corrosion;
  • Enough for a long time;
  • It remains clean to the new replacement;
  • The engine is not so heated.


  • Not suitable for diesel fuel;
  • Not the biggest package of additives.

According to customer reviews, sometimes low-loaded new engines may have problems with compression, it is necessary to monitor the state of the block.

The best mineral engine oils

Such oil is extracted from the bowels of the earth and is a purified oil, while the synthetic is created in the laboratory. The first in production is processed and distillation. This allows him to reliably protect the engine from wear, prevent deposits and corrosion, eliminate the negative impact of low temperatures. In our ranking are described 2 better option Mineral oils.

LUKOIL Standard SF / CC 10W-40

This engine oil is designed for use in gasoline machines or diesel engine. It slowly burns when lubricating the parts of the motor, does not give an unpleasant smell and makes ride on the car more comfortable. With it, the uncomfortable noise is eliminated, the move becomes smooth, and the launch and braking is neat. Since this is a semi-synthetic agent, the price is lower than that of other options in the ranking, while the requirements of claims are not presented to the quality of claims.


  • Very quiet engine compartment;
  • Allows the car easily to start at minus temperatures;
  • In the summer does not give a motor overheat;
  • Excludes friction between the details;
  • Fuel economy;
  • Rare fakes.


  • Suitable only for the four-stroke engine;
  • Requires more frequent replacement than other options from the rating.

Motor oil LUKOIL Standard SF / CC 10W-40 5 reduces fuel consumption and protects the engine of the machine from premature wear. At the same time it remains clean, and it does not change the means of special work.

This engine oil is interesting to what is buying with 20 liters, you can safely save. It is sold in a comfortable canister, however, to pour it, for example, a woman, because of a considerable weight is not very simple. Unlike other options in the ranking, this one is intended for cargo and special equipment, in passenger cars He is not filled. Its plus is that the oil is suitable for both turbocharged motors of both gasoline and diesel type.


  • Designed both on foreign cars and on domestic cars (Vases and gases);
  • Makes it possible to launch a car in cold weather;
  • Allows the machine to reveal without any problems;
  • Does not cause third-party noise when transporting transport;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Protects overheating and deposits.


  • Not detected.

Mobil Delvac MX 15W-40 is available in a large volume, the standard load is usually 4 liters, but it is rather quirk, since the expiration date in the means is large.

What kind of engine oil is better to buy

For winter it is better to choose engine oil with a labeling 5W30 / 10W30, as well as SAE 5W40 / 10W40, they perfectly carry low temperatures. To the All-season, which can also be used in summer, and in winter, are the means with the mark of SAE 5W-30 / 10W-30. For gasoline engines, a lubricant is needed with the designation "S", and for diesel - "C". To eliminate the purchase of fake, you should pay attention, in particular, on the color of the tools - it should be amber, if there is a dark shade, this indicates its recycling or low quality.

This is what engine oil is better to buy for what cases:

  • If you need an original lubricant, which could be applied in summer, and in winter, with extremely low temperatures, the following means will be relevant: Total Quartz 9000 5W40, Liqui Moly Optimal Synth 5W-40, ELF Evolution 700 STI 10W-40 or Zic X5 10W-40.
  • LUKOIL STANDARD SF / CC 10W-40 is great for long journeys;
  • If you need a good engine oil for turbocharged engines, it is worth paying attention to Mobil Delvac MX 15W-40.
  • For a car with a powerful engine, the Demitsu Zepro Touring 5W-30 will be the most time.
  • In foreign cars it is best to pour Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 engine oil.

There are quite a lot of companies in the market. The best engine oil is released, so it's not so easy to choose it. We hope this rating narrowes the zone of your search and greatly facilitate you the choice of the most suitable lubricant.

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