Home Chassis Motors with different characters. Motors with different types of gas 31105 Engine 406 Injector Specifications

Motors with different characters. Motors with different types of gas 31105 Engine 406 Injector Specifications

No matter how much horses are under the hood, they are always not enough. Although the power of the ZMZ 406 injection motor according to the technical passport is 145 liters. with., this happens enough not to all car owners.

About the increase in engine power ZMZ 406 with an injector we will tell me today.

Machines on which 406 engine installed, usually differ in a large mass, therefore, to provide good dynamicsThey need a suitable power unit.

What are the methods of increasing the power of the ZMZ-406 injector?

Maximum boring cylinders, you can only harm the power unit and reduce its resource.

In general, the complete engine bulkhead and the installation of pistons having a smaller weight and lightweight crankshaft is expensive. Of course, the most optimal option Is installation on a turbine motor.

Compared to other means of increasing power, the turbine causes less harm to the power unit.

When using it on the ZMZ-406, it will be possible to increase the engine power to 200 hp. In addition, today there are different types of turbochargers that differ simplicity of installation and do not need special attention by car owners.

Mechanical reducing ZMZ-406

Increase the power of the ZMZ 406 engine with mechanical supervision.

All varieties of compressors can be conditionally divided into 2 large groups: with mechanical supervision and turbocharging. Both of these types have their advantages and minuses, they also have their own fans and opponents.

What type of compressor is best used for the ZMZ-406 engine? And in general, what is the mechanical supervision?

The principle of mechanical supervision is quite simple. His design resembles an oil pump. It consists of two axes, which are located gears with teeth in engagement.

By analogy with the ZMZ-406 oil pump, which creates pressure in the lubrication system, the air pressure is created by the compressor. In motion, the compressor is given by the crankshaft of the motor.

Mechanical supervision has several drawbacks. The most important thing is to significantly reduce the efficiency due to use crankshaft To drive the compressor, which leads to an increase in the load on the engine.

Due to the high pressure after the compressor, the likelihood of air leakage increases. To this not happened, the multi-stage air supply is used by several pumps installed one by one. However, this leads to complication and appreciation of the construction.

Turbochargedv ZMZ-406

Increased engine power ZMZ 406 Tupourdow. The best indicators for the ZMZ-406 injector displays turbocharging.

It does not have any belt drive from the crankshaft, and its design is much more reliable, cheaper and unpretentious.

The principle of operation of turbochargedwood is extremely simple: inside the exhaust manifold there is an impeller, driven by exhaust gases, and the number of turbine revolutions may exceed more than 200 thousand.

The turbine and the air blower are located on the same axis along with the impeller, inside the exhaust manifold.

That is, the injection motor does not need to spend the forces on the promotion of the compressor, due to which its efficiency does not decrease a, on the contrary, it grows.

However, turbochards, also has several disadvantages, although they are not so significant.

  • The first is low efficiency on low revs. This can be explained by the fact that under small turns there are less exhaust gases. The compressor starts working on full power, with high revolutions Power unit.
  • The second minus, which needs to be noted is the so-called "turboyama" effect. Between the press on the gas and the beginning of the compressor, a certain period of time passes, but the designers are constantly striving for a decrease in this time, by reducing the weight of the turbine nodes.

About the increase in engine power ZMZ 406 with an injector we told, good luck on the roads!

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Today, the most mass engines for Gazelle are ZMZ-406 with a working capacity of 2.3 liters, which since 1996 began to gradually displace the Motors ZMZ-402. Back in 1992, a small series was opened at the Savolzhsky Motor Plant, in which the pilot production of the engines of the new family of ZMZ-406 was organized. And the first sketches were made by constructors when approving the USSR Ministry of Automobile Industry existing then. The thought, the fracturing brain of many operationals since 1970 - "Why is it not possible to make a big" Zhigulevsky "motor for" Volga "and Raffi?" - got its embodiment in cast iron and aluminum. Although, of course, with a detailed consideration of the common between them, there is nothing, ZMZ-406, rather, simply similar to any good gasoline engine of that time. And not strongly outdated today. It became the first electronically controlled injection (injector) engine of this class, and even with a 16-valve two-walled head. How the curiosity today remembers the story with an overpriced to 150 liters. from. Volga motors capacity (how much money was overpowering for taxes ...), but in general the engine turned out to be very frisky. For a long time, only carburetor versions of the ZMZ-4061.10 and ZMZ-4063.10, developing 100 and 110 horsepower, were installed on the Nizhny Novgorod.

Contrary to expectations, the motor has retained the traditional maintainability of the ZMZ engines. The crankshaft is polished in three sizes after 0.25 mm, the cylinder block can be cleaned twice with an increase of 0.5 millimeters. The cast-iron unit is not so sensitive to the "Painted" antifreeze, as an aluminum in the ZMZ-402, and the absence of the sleeves only added stiffness and eliminated possible refrigeration fluid leaks. SCM specialists managed to disorderly assume the development of trends with the repair of engines that have been repaired at the beginning of the 90s. As in the water, the Motor ZMZ with boring in the last size unit usually stands to the Gazelle, moving on its own move to the scrap metal. Everything on it is already worn out, no one needs to be for nothing, but the engine is still alive.

Oil fasting ZMZ-406

Like all modern motors, the ZMZ-406 family turned out to be very demanding about the quality of the oil used. Unfortunately, many carriers neglected the recommendations of the plant. After all, the "406th" motor is more arrogant in the oil menu than the ZMZ-402, which was content with a standard group of oils with the code API SE and SF, or in our operational properties group "G", such as M10Gi, M12GH, M5Z / 10G. Perhaps, with more frequent periodicity of the replacement of oils of this quality group, it would be enough, but it should be remembered that in the late 90s it was full-possible low-quality fuel in the market. So "oil pirates" contributed to the creation of a negative image of the ZMZ-406 engine.

When changing the brand of oil and the manufacturer, and even more so when switching to oil another base, viscosity or quality, it is desirable to wash the engine lubrication system. However, the ZMZ-406 engine under the valve lid, near the valves and in the oil channels of the block head remains approximately 300-350 g of oil. Half from this quantity can be removed, turning the plug in the head near the pressure sensors. When switching to synthetics, together with costs, runs up to the next replacement to 15-20 thousand km, which compensates slightly. Well, numerous additives to the oils are better not to use, but rely on the quality of the main oil. It contains all the necessary additives for durable engine operation.

For a new family, in the design of which applied valves and hydrothetakers of the timing chains of the timing chains, it is recommended to use improved quality oils with SG, SG, SJ code and do not save on the oil filter. After all, the particles of metal or deposits, falling into narrow channels or gaps between the conjugate details less than half a million, are blocked by gentle hydraulic devices. The failure of one or more valve hydrothels is immediately noticeable by characteristic and frequent knock under the valve lid. Of course, this knock will not lead to immediate and greater destruction, but it should not drive for a long time with such a malfunction. After all, the empty hydrotherapler will not fully open its valve, and therefore the engine will lose power. In addition, unnecessary shock loads on the camshaft camshaft also do not add. To eliminate knocks, it is necessary to replace the hydrocomathers, and this pleasure is not cheap. Those carriers that have not saved on the oil poured semi-synthetic or the synthetics of the desired quality, the grief did not know with new motors, especially if it was lucky with the quality of the hydraulic fighters and hydrocomathers themselves.

Step and resource ZMZ-406 chain

Alas, hasty launch in the production of this motor did not give it the best on his quality and resource. Of course, there were also separate copies of engines that raided 200 thousand kilometers and more, but mostly problems arose much earlier. At that time, the Achilles fifth of a new perspective motor turned out to be a precision plunger pair of hydraulic equipment of the timing chain chain. They are in ZMZ-406 two, everyone works on their chain. For those tensioners who walked to the conveyor ZMZ, it turned out to be overly great movement of the pusher to the next fixation. It was almost three millimeters, and pollution or insufficient accuracy of the processing of precision steam led to the hydraulic casing. It was not provided to the necessary degree damping the oscillations of the slave branch of the chain. The shock loads increase, which caused premature wear of the parts of the stretching device and the plastic shoe. If the driver did not pay attention to the noise, almost a rumble of the chain, and continued the movement, then the shoe was destroyed. And there, as lucky. At best, the chain rushed along the tooths of stars, the gas distribution phases were shot down, and the motor stopped. It is good that the designers took care to make samples in the pistons for the valve plates - they did not get them. In this case, the repair has boiled down to restore the installation of the phases and replacement or "recharging" of the hydroletlayer. If the chain fell, then the front aluminum lid was often deformed, and it was necessary to buy it. Because of such little things, flights were broken, the car on a day or two rose to the fence. The most discerning - breakdowns arose on a relatively young motor, with mileage of just 30-40 thousand kilometers. Often the installation of a new hydroletlayer gave only a temporary result, then everything repeated again. The craftsmen even began to adapt to the ZMZ406 engines of the collet spring tensioners from the VAZ-2101 motor - adjust the tension of the chains once every 15-20 thousand kilometers of special work was not. Even further went to the Moscow company Seth, its designers at the end of the 90s developed their own option and installed on the Zavolzhsky motor tension star instead of a plastic shoe. Such a scheme was used on the Ufa motors "Moskvich-412", and in the 1980s, athletes put an asterisk to the Zhiguli engine. In the past five years, the position with the hydraulic puments has changed for the better. There were alternative manufacturers of this node, there are already several varieties. It is known six main designs of hydraulic fighters for ZMZ-406, and everything is recruited over one and a half dozens of options, even gas filled. In 2004, the Zavolzhsky plant abandoned the use of plastic shoes of tensioners, the place was taken by asterisks. It turned out quite reliably, although they are made somewhat casually - the bearing of the asterisks with a large backlash, and its bracket, as if shifted manually.


Konstantin Rukhaniexecutive Director of OJSC ZMZ - In 2008 - 2009 We are planning to hold the R & D complex and techno logical preparation of production aimed at further modernization gasoline engines The ZMZ-405 family and ZMZ-409, first of all, in order to fulfill them the norms of Euro-4. As you know, they are introduced in Russia from January 1, 2010. Since July 2007, exploited work on diesel engines ZMZ 514.32 is conducted. To fulfill the norms of Euro-3 Jewro-4, in return for mechanical TNVD equipped these motors electronically controlled fuel equipmentCommon Rail manufactured by Bosch. By August, September 2008, it was planning to create prototypes of the gasoline engines of the Euro-4 diesel engines and proceed to conduct tests. For the implementation of R & D on all engine, it is planned to invest about 130-150 million rubles. During 2009, preparation will be prepared for the release of these engines.


In general, in comparison with the engine ZMZ-402, a "four-plate" more compact motor, with the inter-cylinder distance, the diameter of the crankshaft neck and the piston finger have become less, but at the same time they did not lose in the resource. The ZMZ-406 engine became a source for other families of the family, while maintaining the unification of the design and technology. In particular, all ZMZ-406, 405 and 409 engines are the same elevation of the block from the crankshaft axis to the plane of the connector with the head, the same connecting rods, and the difference in the radius of the crank is compensated by a change in the distance from the piston pin to the bottom of the piston. For "Gazelle", the main advantage of the ZMZ-405 and ZMZ-409 engines with a working volume of 2.5 and 2.7 liters - greater torque: 215.8 N.Mm and 235.4 NM at 4000 rpm. In comparison with the ancient ZMZ-402, it is more than 23 percent. But only ZMZ-405 engines installed on Gazelles, more powerful ZMZ-409 for the totality of the reasons for the Gorky Automobile Plant do not supply. Installation on "Volga" and "Gazelle" chrysler engines Brazilian assembly is a partial alternative to ZMZ motors.

Improving the resource ZMZ-406: new trends

From January 2008, the release of the ZMZ-406 engines was stopped, although they will still be operated on the already released cars, and the motors corresponding to the norms of Euro-3 come from the assembly conveyor. These are injection modifications of ZMZ4052.10 and ZMZ-4092.10. Carburetor versions are released only for secondary market And on request for a complete set of export deliveries to those countries where environmental requirements are less rigid. For operation in Russia, only the 405th engine is installed on "Gazelle". Moreover, in addition to the fuel injection system, the engines have undergone a number of significant changes aimed at increasing the resource.

The old block of ZMZ-405 is easy to learn about the transverse slots of about 2 millimeters between the cylinders at the surface of the connector with the head. These ductures in the cooling system shirt improved the heat sink from the cylinder walls, but at the same time they reduced the rigidity of the upper part of the block. Even when tightening the bolts of fastening the head of the block, the required torque of the cylinder walls are somewhat deformed. If they were tightened "on the eyes", and even a good knocker, then the deformations increased. The changes in geometry affected the resource and at an increase in the oil consumption on the avgar. On the ZMZ-406 engine, such deformations were not observed, because the inter-cylinder jumpers of the 406th block, in comparison with the ZMZ-405, thicker: 14 mm against 10.5 mm.

To eliminate deformations, the new block of ZMZ-405 was made by 24 mm longer than the threaded part under the head bolts, and the inter-cylinder ducts were hidden in the depth of the unit. You can only see them in the context.

The head of the block with the introduction of Euro-3 norms was also upgraded. With the use of electronically controlled choke, the need for system channels has disappeared idle move and heating hoses of the choke knot coolant. Therefore, it will not be able to install an old head to the new cylinder block. Moreover, the former blocking of the head of the block from the baldas missing material was changed by the metallic, import company Erling Klinger. It is two-layer, similar to those used on modern passenger diesel engines, at a smaller moment of tightening bolts ensures a reliable seal of gas joints, as well as channels of lubrication and cooling systems. The thickness of the new gasket is almost a millimeter less than the old to compensate for this size, the pistons took half a million below.

It is no secret that domestic engines from many foreign cars are different increased flow Oil. Of course, on eating oil, the Motor ZMZ-406 does not go to any comparison with ZMZ402. That was really voracious. ONLY ONLY ONLY DANGE OF THE REAR NIGHT BEARING - Dan Ford Traditions, has been drinking operational places from 1932. The crankshaft on the ZMZ-406 immediately condensed with cuffs, and the front stands from the outside of the cover - if necessary, replaced it will not be difficult. Contrary to the expectations of pessimists, they keep oil, do not allow it into the combustion chamber of the oil-circuit caps of the valves. They are unified with "Zhigulevsky", for more than 30 years, they seem to have learned to do - do not dub, as before. Modern piston rings also contribute to a decrease in oil consumption, recently put Czech production of the Ring of Buzuluk. Save them safely and prevent the detonation sensor on the pistons to destroy the detonation sensor - adjusts the ignition installation. Although our OPERATORS and do not like electronics and especially do not trust ours, but still there is a lot from it.

And yet there is no limits to perfection. Now, to reduce oil consumption at the Ugra, the plant has changed the technology and parameters of the honing of cylinders. In order for the motor to do not sweat at the junctions compacted by gaskets, imported imported. The crankcase pallet laying, previously made from the rubber banding mixture, was replaced by metal, Erling Klinger with elastomeric sealing contour and T-shaped joints in places of pairing with the front lid and the gland holder. If during the repair of the engine of the new gasket will not be on sale, you can put the gasket of the old sample, they are interchangeable. The front engine cover was seriously changed,

from above, the fasteners were added with two more holes for a more dense contact with the head of the block. In addition, on the lid, they made a platform for the installation of an automatic tensioner of the polycliner belt of the attached equipment. Its resource should be about 150 thousand kilometers. Such a tensioner has long been time to do - due to the unsuccessful design of the old roller on the replacement of the belt, it was necessary to spend three hours. The difficulty of replacement, contrary to expectations, was not compensated by the belt resource. Imported serve about 40-50 thousand km, domestic less - from 10 to 30 thousand kilometers. Strong wear is observed in winter time - transverse cracks appear due to temperature drops. If the belt begins to shake the skeleton thread, it hurts the crankshaft position sensor, and with large turns it simply knocks on it. And here as lucky: or the wires will break to the sensor, or refuses the sensor itself. In any case, the operation of the ignition system is stopped, and the motor stalls. The length of the polyclinic belt has changed with the installation of the new roller, with the engine without a hydraulic power pump, it was 1220 mm, and it became 1275 millimeters long. On motors with hydraulic lines, the belt has grown to 1413 mm.

Be that as it may, but the current Motors of ZMZ for "Gazelle" are the very "tity" in the hands of the carrier, which is undoubtedly better than any "crane".

Of course, the slowness with which the engines got rid of childhood diseases, typically Russian, but, pay attention, factory flaws are not so much, and the number positive feedback Operationals about these motors are growing steadily. Mileage in 300-400 thousand kilometers without overhaul ceases to surprise, and after all, these engines already in years, they only slightly touched up modernization. Those that the lightest should be even stronger. There is no reason to complain about the lack of spare parts - there are any and in each trading point. Gas and ZMZ never previously cared for their quality, and the fight against counterfeit is not conducted in words, but in fact (see "Flight" No. 3 for 2008 "Left Bliss"). And despite the fact that the requirements for dealers are tightened, the network of service centers is growing and grows.


Eduard Bogomolovthe head of the department of industrial equipment "Avtolan", Moscow - now Gazel's buses with new engines "ZMZ-405" on the enterprise are not at all, therefore there are almost no information on them. What can not be said about his predecessor 406th Motor - minibuses with such engines we have plenty. Unfortunately, it is difficult to make some comparison with others power plants. Yes, there are diesel engines, but there are not much released at all, and we did not buy such "gazelles", fundamentally working with gasoline, especially since they have proven themselves very worthy. After all, it is often to repair them worth dozens of times cheaper than, for example, Ford engines, and in terms of time, too, it turns out faster. And their resources in our conditions are comparable and amount to about 300 thousand kilometers. Although, according to official statements by Ford, the minimum mileage of their unit must be from 350 thousand kilometers. And not every mechanic will be able to repair the outstanding engine, despite the fact that the ZMZ-406 has long learned to repair in any workshop.

Spiral evolution

In 2005, the Ulyanovsky Motor Plant (UMN) entered the "GAZ Group" and continues to produce engines for UAZ and Gazelles. Own engineering in the conditions of tough competition allowed the "gas group" to gain some independence from suppliers and get additional profits. Motors are delivered not only to the assembly conveyor of the gas, but also go to spare parts, and this is a very capacious market. Note that the goals on the conveyor of the Gorky Automobile Plant Motors ZMZ engines UMZ are not persecuted. This year it is planned to release only 20,000 engines for "Gazelles", about 10% of the need, and they only complement the existing set of power units.

Motors Umz: Epoch 92x92

Of all those installed on "Gazelle" engines at Ulyanovsky UMPS421 the longest life. On the basis of the Volga's Motor M-21, which was put on the conveyor back in 1956. Of course, during this time it was upgraded several times, but still the inter-Cylinder distances near the block, the diameters of the indigenous and connecting skeins remain unchanged. And by and large: connecting rods, distribution and crankshaft, the pallet of the oil crankcase, and an externally block does not confuse with any other motor. And it all started at the end of the 60s, early 70s from the release of "loaf" and "headstands" UAZ-451 and UAZ-452, as well as all-terrain vehicles of UAZ-469, were initially installed in its pure form a Volgovsky motor. They have from the loads associated with the road dripping road, as well as from a considerable mass of the gearbox and dispensing collected together, cracked and flew in half the carter of the flywheel. Several ventilation holes served as stress concentrators, and how to upgrade the crankcase, peeped on the ZMZ-24 engine. At the same time, instead of coarse and filters thin cleaning Oils, ("saucepan" with a cardboard interchangeable element connected with a block of frequently tearing hoses), put a full-power oil filter from "Zhiguli". It immediately increased the resource of the engine, and such a solution turned out to be more successful than even on the ZMZ-24, although the further modernization was led to the Lentally on the Savolzhsky Motor Plant. Then they were not yet competitors. Changing the crankshaft - the indigenous liners have become the same width, and their covers are cast-iron, with the skirts of the pistons removed the thermo-componence slot, entered the crankcase ventilation system, made collectors "round" in cross section. The next modernization occurred in the late 80s, at the beginning of the 90s, the engine received the designation UMP-417. By this time, the ZMZ-402 engines were moved to the production of ZMZ-402 engines, and the head of the ZMZ-24 block went to Ulyanovtsy, it became possible to put two-chamber carburetors, the power increased. Installed an oil pump of increased performance, with a large diameter of gears - in all modes it became more stable oil pressure. Thanks to this, the "advanced" repairmen ceased to fit the nut under the spring of the reduction valve, the motor was less sensitive to wear in the pair of shafts.

All this time, the Ulyanovsky motor transferred several outdated design solutions and technologies of ZMZ, and he lagged in modernization. But on the engine UMP-417, Ulyanovsk designers still overtook colleagues mentors, given the poor quality of our RTI, they carried the front seal of the crankshaft to the outer side of the lid.

Motor UMW-421: end packing

In the mid-90s, Motor UMW-421 was put on the conveyor in Ulyanovsk. On him, on the joy of operationals, already instead of asbestos cord, there was a gland, and on the back pinch of the crankshaft for the sake of this changed the fastening of the flywheel. From the point of view of the plant, the main event was the use of pistons increased to 100 mm diameter, they went to increase the power and torque. Compared with 2.5-liter engines, the moment has grown from 170 to 220 N.m, and the power is from 90 to 115 horsepower.

In the Volga region, by this time, 16-valve Motors ZMZ-406 were already produced, there were nothing to the Ulyanovans, they have not fallen, then they remembered that on the distant Radio, the GAZ-M21 engine for the KGB was installed "Tchaikovskaya" piston with "weaving" in diameter. But the blocks in those times were cast in "Earth" and aluminum did not regret - the walls were very thick, in addition, the sleeve was installed on the top and bottom belt. The unit remained rigid even with increased size sleeves. And the current casting is not a couple of still - aluminum in deficiency, because on the UAZ-421 they decided to abandon replacement sleeves and pour them into the block forever. That is, they created a new block of cylinders. It would seem that it would seem a convenient case to abandon the ancient and capricious pallet of the oil crankcase with four pads, lower the connector below the crankshaft axis. Make a block tougher and reduce the likelihood of oil leaks. But no, everything remains straight. Another miscalculation was revealed during the operation of new engines when the time came to clean the sleeves. Not on each machine turned out to be "trunk" of the desired length, if it was not enough, and the move was insufficient - it had to unscrew the headed heads. On old motors with replaceable sleeves, they never did. It was not always possible to hardly screw them back after repair, when the head was tightened, one or two were often served from the block. I had to remove the head, cut into an enlarged thread in the block - if you managed to find testers of such a length! But it was possible to fill in aluminum ten long steel bedding nuts and secure the head bolts. Another problem was related to the fact that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gas joint of the block and heads due to the characteristics of the fill of the sleeves on top of their boil was the layer of aluminum alloy block. It fanned during the operation of the engine, even with a small detailed ringing, is known than the diameter of the piston, the higher the tendency to the detament. So far, UMZ-421 was established only on UAZ, and even performed by the "under 76th gasoline", the misunderstanding. What are the runs on all-terrains ... The most serious tests were waiting for the engine after since 1998 it began to establish it for some modifications of "Gazelles". It was one to another: an increased load, large runs And urban traffic jams that cause engine overheating. As a result, the imaging of the motor in carriers was significantly undermined.

At the same time, everyone recognized that he was just a locomotive thrust with revolutions a little more idle. This is the indisputable dignity of Motors Umz. On these engines, as opposed to the Zavolzhsky, a large-diameter flywheel is still applied, which allows you to place a clutch that can transmit a higher torque. A good moment characteristic plays a primary role for a truck motor. The clutch basket leading its pedigree from GAZ-51 is rigid, with peripheral springs and forever chatting legs, has long gone to a modern with a petal diaphragm spring. Now most often put a basket of the German company "LUK", according to most carriers, it goes better than others.

There was no case that the operational was complained about the drive of the timing gears and wander around the chains, and even more so toothed belt. The gears are enough for 300-400 thousand kilometers, cases of breakdowns can be counted on the fingers - why look for them an alternative. Usually the first, and even the second overhaul on the ZMZ-402 engines and UMP-417 were made without replacing the camshaft, pushers and gear glasses. The only problem encountered in the Timing drive on Ulyanovsk engines and previously inherent ZMZ-402 engines - breakdown of the axis of the rumor with weakened fastening studs, breaking the shallow thread in the adjusting screw, stopping the lubricant to the upper tip of the rod. Slightly changing the design, all this can be eliminated.


Igor Ganingeneral Director of Green-eyed Taxi LLC, Togliatti - In 2004, we purchased ten "Gazelles" with the engines of UMW-4215, but they showed themselves extremely unreliable. So, due to the destruction of the pistons, the cylinder block was punched on two engines. It is impossible to write off this on gas fuel, since the "fist of friendship" showed a motor operating on gasoline. In order not to endure losses due to transportation of the transport, it was decided to replace Ulyanovsk engines at the ZMZ402 tested time. Now on the balance of our auto industry is "Gazelles", equipped only with Motors ZMZ-405 and ZMZ-406.

Wind of change

And the thrust for the modernization of engines at the plant appears, but not in their will - competition between producers of light trucks is now rigid. "The GAZ group, where since 2005 it includes UMS, not only" Europeans ", Koreans and the Chinese with diesel engines are pressed (there is no dispute, in varying degrees), compatriots also do not guarantee that calmness that was before. Severstal Avto "is going to seriously press the Gazelle on the market with his Fiat Ducato and Malotonnazh Isuzu, collected in Elabuga, and in Semenov, the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the release of Iveco Daily (see" Flight "No. 2 for 2008" New Well "Selflor").

Russia's transition to the norms of Euro-3 demanded a refusal to the carburetors in the power system of Ulyanovsk motors, the use of electron-controlled fuel injection. The plant is completed with the engines of the UMP-4216 fuel equipment of the company Bosch, and, according to specialists, they are causing even promising Euro-4. After upgrading the Gazelle's nutrition system with UMP-4216 motors, the flow rate is 14-16 liters per 100 km during operation in mixed mode, against 16-18 liters in the former carburetor modification UMPS-4215. The maximum power of the engine intended for installation on the "Gazelle" is 125 liters. with., And torque - 240 NM, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of a loaded car. In parallel with the improvement of environmental performance, work was carried out to improve the reliability of the engines, the quality of the assembly and an increase in the resource. In the direction of force aggregates, Experts of the British company Ultra Motive helped engineers. Together with modernization engine UMP-421 At the factory, work is underway to finishing design and technologies for setting in the future on the conveyor of the new Udeal 16-valve engine UMP 249 with an aluminum unit and the preservation of a working volume of 2.89 liters. His release of Ulyanovsky is planning to start in 2010.


Evgeny Berezin The chief designer of the Ulyanovsk Motor Plant - Motors UMP 4216 (Euro-3), tested in 2006, differ from Euro-2 engines to diagnose the crankshaft position and ignition passage. This was achieved thanks to the new design of the crankshaft damper with a tight bond between the crankshaft and the synchronization disk. In the control system, instead of an unreliable mass flow sensor, a sensor is applied absolute pressure Air with temperature sensor. This made it possible to simplify the accounting of the air entering the engine, including in the event of a tightness impairment. inlet system. Cast-iron sleeves of modernized motors are now removed to the upper plane of the cylinder block connector, which ensured the tightness of the combustion chamber on the engineered plant declared by the plant (250 thousand km). Motors released until the end of 2007, the top edge of the sleeve was below the plane of the cylinder block connector and the GBC. Such a technical solution was dictated by the processing technology of the plane - the cutting tool works better on homogeneous material. However, the operation revealed that the gases penetrated the junction of the sleeve and the block, which affected the reliability of motors. The withdrawal of the sleeve on the level of the connector significantly increased the tightness of the sealing head of the cylinder head, this made it possible to use liquefied gas as fuel. Among the essential steps of modernization, I would note the use of piston rings of the Czech company Buzuluk and applying the sealant of the company "Hehkel". To reduce oil consumption, improve the working conditions of the piston rings and thereby increase the resource of the cylinder-piston group, instead of the traditional Honing Diamond Bru in the factory, the so-called soft surface treatment of the sleeve is used, in which significantly less pressure is provided for honing bars. To adapt the operation of the motor on gas fuel, changes and geometry of the pistons are made, the gaps in the interface of the sleeve valve are reduced, and the piston fingers are manufactured by cold extrusion. The connecting rod and the root cable of the crankshaft are hardened on the German automatic line "Aeg- Elotherm". To reduce the likelihood of gas rylot in castings of cylinder blocks, the degassing of aluminum alloys of the German company "Foseko" is mounted and launched.

Steir-Alpina Legend

The very first owners of the Nizhny Novgorod half-timer dreamed of economical and reliable diesel for her. And it is still not, although the production of SteeR licensed diesel engines in Nizhny since 1995, immediately renoving it to GAZ-560. But to this day it is a rare motor, unfamiliar carriers. However, there is a place in Russia where everything knows about him. Two years ago, about 800 "Gazelle" worked in St. Petersburg "Third Park" with these diesel engines. Agree, excellent statistical sample, you can make a reliable list typical breakdowns, despite the fact that the local engineers and repairmen have, with what to compare. On one routes with these Gazelles, there are cars with gasoline engines, and even with Iveco diesel engines and, moreover, diesel Ford Transit. And Mercedes Vario.

Diesel GAZ-560: experience, the son of difficult mistakes

The main feature of the engine Steyr M1 is a cylinder block combined with a head into a monoblock. Block and head - one casting, without fasteners or bolts, without any connector and therefore without gBC pads. From the bottom to the monoblock ten bolts M12 (it would seem, a diesel bolts must be thicker) the housing of the native crankshaft bearings (full-rod shaft) is fixed, and the same bolts attract the indigenous covers. On top of the monoblock, the camshaft housing is installed, the timing of the timber belt. So absolutely without the motor connectors does not work.

The monoblock design, in comparison with the engines with a removable head, there are two advantages. The first is higher rigidity at the same material intensity. Stiffness is needed to maintain the correct geometry at the cylinder sleeves. Consequently, the motor is obtained easier, although at a volume of 2-2.5 liters the difference will be small, about 10-15 kilograms. The second advantage is the lack of laying the head of the block, which from time to time goes on diesel engines. Whether the water goes to the cylinders, whether the oil falls into antifreeze, but the result is one - it is necessary to change the gasket. However, usually with this work for 4-6 hours, it can be a little longer, a more or less qualified driver or a 3th discharge motorist is successfully coping. The disadvantages turned out to be much more. The combination of a cunning Austrian design with russian features Operation - created a rare rattling mixture.

Monoblock was known at the beginning of the twentieth century, (remember AMO F-15, from which ZIL began), but the engines were then large and small, there was no need to make developed shirt channels made by reliable gears, and not a toothed belt, like Steyr M1. Often precisely with the replacement of the belt, the Austrian motor starts the problems. Belts going to the factory equipment are quite durable, and the frequency of their replacement, according to the gas instructions, is 120 thousand kilometers. But in the Third Park, the belts change preventively by 90 thousand. And all the same with the torn belts, two or three cars per day are dampped on the rope. One of the reasons is to replace there are no belts of the desired quality and reliability. On Steyr put imported belts of two firms, and both ripped in half the framework, and does not cut the teeth at all, as expected. One of these belts is thicker, he walks better, but hardly stretches on toothed pulley camshaft, and with its back side - on the pulley of the water pump. It happens, pulls out the thread from the aluminum camshaft body, on which the stud is screwed tensioner roller Timing belt, then the belt is slipping into several teeth. There is only a thread M10, for recovery cut M12, it keeps more reliable.


Igor Sibirevchief Engineer of OJSC "Third Park", St. Petersburg - during operation at the Gazelle license, the licensed diesel engine Steyr M1 money saved on fuel, hardly enough for its expensive repairs.

Foreign cars do not break?

It is known that in diesels different manufacturers There is some protection that reduces the engine damage when the belt break. Volkswagen, with a "meeting" of valves and piston, camshaft burst into several pieces, but it is still cheaper than changing the head. Cast-iron 2.5 liter Ford Transit engines produced for almost 20 years, up to the beginning of the third millennium, only the rods were bent. It was a very successful solution - leveled them with a hammer, put it in place, adjusted the valves, and you can ride further. Steyr during the belt break, at best, in half the same-sleeved valve levers are bursting - rockers. Everyone costs about 700 rubles, and their eight, and they will only have to spend 5,600 rubles on them. It happens that not all rockers break, but if they scatter on the fourth cylinder, you have to remove the camshaft housing, on the other three cylinders for replacement you can do without it. Accordingly, different labor intensity is obtained. If without removing the camshaft, then the experienced repairman can eliminate the breakdown in 1.5-2 hours, otherwise it will be twice as much. It seems not a very terrible defect, but the crumbs from the broken rockers fall into the pallet, and from there through a large grid of the oil processor - in the oil pump. What moves there can get to the liners of the crankshaft, to hope them. What is the resource there after that. It happens even worse when the belt break occurs on the crankshaft turns above average. Then the valves are bent, and to get to them, you have to remove the engine and fully disassemble it by violating the acquisition of many details. Such a breakdown can put a fear for several days or a couple of weeks a car with mileage of just 100 thousand kilometers. And it's not just the difficulty of repair, one of the reasons for the delay is a shortage of spare parts. As in the old times of the universal deficit, they are highlighted by the quota on Steyr, and if it is chosen, you will have to look for other suppliers, and the price can grow one and a half or twice.

In general, the main problems delivers the monoblock. On average, it runs 200-300 thousand kilometers on the minibus to the steyr, if lucky - a little more. For comparison, diesel engines have a heavier Ford Transit go minimum two times better, in the same "third park" there is a car that has worked without capitals more than a million. Perhaps, on the "Volga" with one owner, Steyr will serve longer, but on Gazelle - this is exactly the case.

In 2004. In a new car, significant changes have occurred, but a lot of things left from the predecessor. In particular, the engines of ZMZ 402 and ZMZ 406 were installed on the new "Volga" from the very beginning.

Engine ZMZ 402 in the context

In the future, the line of motors for 31105 was changed - since 2006, the model "One hundred fifth" with the "Chrysler" engine was 2.4 liters, also added force aggregate ZMZ 405 volume of 2.5 liters.

It is strange that in general this ICA was on new Machine - It is impossible to equip cars with the same engine as the same motor. For the first time, this engine was serially installed for the transition in 1985, and since that time there was practically no change. Nevertheless, he walked from the factory in 2004 and 2005.

Replacement oil filter In the motor ZMZ-402

But the FROZ ZMZ 402 still had their advantages. First, he has more low price, and the car in the configuration with it, respectively, is cheaper. Secondly, car owners bribed the simplicity of the motor. For so many years of production of the power unit, many owners were studied along and across, and repaired it sometimes almost in the field.

Of all, the 402th motor is the most low-power and low robust. He has his own characteristic malfunctionswho most often meet:

  • Leak oils from the rear root bearing (with the gland stuffing);
  • Increased passe oil through piston rings;
  • Open the hex drive of the oil pump;
  • Loss of valve saddle in the head of the cylinder block.

If with many shortcomings somehow could still be put up, then the loss of the valve seat became a real catastrophe for a car owner.

Disassembly of the engine ZMZ 402

The saddle most often crumbled into small pieces and scattered over all cylinders. As a result, I had to change the block head and the piston group, it is mandatory to carefully clean the intake manifold and the carburetor. Saddle loss is technological flaws of the plant, almost never occurs on any other engines. By the way, 3m3 402 on the "Volga" 31105 was the only engine that had carburetor systemAll other internal combustion engine was equipped with an injection type fuel system.

The undoubted plus of the 402th is that it can be pouring almost any engine oil. Taxi drivers in order to save up to the point that the motor was filled with the cheapest "KAMAZ" oil and autoloral M8. Moreover, the plot was made by the oil that was at hand.

It remained only to be surprised how this engine still works - when disassembling, often after such operation, it was possible not only to the nagar on all internal details of the 402th, but also curved consystem lubricant type "Solidol".

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Suspension on GAZ-31105

In total, the engine 402th was produced in two versions:

  • To work on gasoline AI-92 - ZMZ 402;
  • To work on gasoline A-76 - ZMZ 4021.

The deformed Motor ZMZ 4021 has an increased combustion chamber, and all the difference from it from the ZMZ 402 is only in the GBC, which is above 4 mm.

Specifications of DVS ZMZ 402:

ZMZ 406.

By the time the Motor ZMZ 406 appeared on the "Volga" 31105, it was already well tested on the previous model 3110, and established himself mainly from the positive side. MOD 406 serially began to be installed on the "Volga" 3110 since 1997, and with a smaller volume (2.3 l) had a greater power and the best torque. True, in connection with the presence electronic system The management of ZMZ 406 added new problems - often faced the sensors and the ECU, broken and closures occurred in the undercase wiring.

This looks ready for installation ZMZ 406 engine

Some faults could be defined by error codes when the ignition is turned on, but already an ordinary user vehicle Disassemble the electronics on their own not at the power. The diagnosis is mostly Volga car owners with a 406th engine pass on a specialized station of maintenance.

The 406th had their own "sores":

  • The chains and other parts of the gas distribution mechanism were relatively rapid;
  • Often the hydraulicers of the timing chain are jammed;
  • Periodically faced electrical remote fuel pumps;
  • With the slightest overheating, the blocking of the head of the block was rooted, and the head itself was often cobbled.

The design of the ZMZ is not thought out the design of the timing tension chains. The extension of the upper shoe chain has a greater load, and is often clouded.

Timing chain on ZMZ 406 Engine

His detergent delivers a lot of problems:
  • First, its residues have to drill out of the cylinder block;
  • Secondly, chains are broken, and it is necessary to produce labor-intensive repairs.

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ZMZ 406 engine installed on GAZ-31105

The clincling of the top tensioner also contributes. But first, with a faulty tensioner, the sound of "working diesel" appears. If the auto owner, not paying attention to the noise, continues to ride, as a result, it gets to repair - replacing the timing chains.

Excess the coolant temperature with the ZMZ 406 engine can not be allowed - the cylinder cylinder bolts quickly weaken, and breaks the block head gasket. The surface of the GBC is often breeding - in some cases it is milling on the machine, but often the head has to be changed. The GBC price is tangible, and the repair as a result is expensive.

Disassembled Motor ZMZ 406

Interestingly, with the 402th engine in the 406th, there is nothing to do with the 406th, unless the engine pillows remain the same. TO motor Oil ZMZ 406 is more demanding, the autol will not fill in it. The following can be noted about attachments: the starter is quite reliable and broke out not often, but the generator is a weak link.

More about gas station - on 406th engines mainly they are external, and are installed under the bottom of the car near the gas tank.

In the first models of the 3110, the plant has completed a Bosch gas station car, these details have differed by high reliability. But the Russian spare parts began to be produced - here they have become problematic on gas 3110 and gas 31105.

It often fails the engine control unit on the motor ZMZ 406. The malfunction can be detected differently - the engine begins to trim, do not develop revolutions.

ZMZ-406 engine control circuit

Often, the failure of the ECU leads to the fact that the engine does not start at all.

Specifications ZMZ 406:

  • Type - Injector;
  • The power is nominal - 133 liters. from.;
  • Recommended fuel - gasoline AI-92 and AI-95;
  • The volume of cylinders is 2.3 l;
  • The number and order of the cylinder is 4 in one row;
  • Number of valves per cylinder - 4;
  • Compression in cylinders - 9.3;
  • Piston diameter - 92 mm;
  • Piston stroke - 86 mm;
  • Weight (with hinged equipment) - 187 kg;
  • Carter oil - 5 liters.

Gas 31105 with ZMZ-406 injection engine, like any other machine, has its own characteristics. In the people, such a car is called simply Volga. The features of this car are associated not only with external characteristics, but also with the technical side.

This looks like a GAZ 31105 engine ZMZ 406

Motor power system type 406 Injector includes:

Diagram of the engine device ZMZ 406 per gas 31105

The power system was set exactly the same as on. That is, she also had a hanging pump for fuel. The model of gas 31105 has such a pump with a bracket under the bottom. Activated after receiving the command from electrical circuitwhich manages the engine. After that, fuel flows into the ramp from the tank, gasoline passes the fine filter.

On models of 11 years old, installed submersible pump For fuel. Such a system better catches pairs and reduces toxicity. The space over the car fuel tank is associated with a steam capture system through a filter, which is a coal-based device. Everything domestic cars Good in your own way. Here is the case of taste.

So the head of the ZMZ 406 engine block looks

Technical characteristics of all high enough. Initially, the model 3110 was considered the best, but she came to replace a new one. Spending on the Volga is quite justified, however the price depends on what specifications at the car.

So, you can additionally install bEST SYSTEM . It is important to constantly check the carburetor, as well as prevent overheating if installed. This type of engine is considered the best for this model. Not recommended . This is due to the fact that it requires high costs. And the repair will be so much more expensive than the car itself. Therefore optimal engine 406.

Mounted Motor ZMZ 406

They produce such an engine on the Savolzhsky motor factory, supplying components on. This is the best product from the entire line. Such an engine can be found on.

Read also

Cooling and heating radiators on GAZ-31105

When the last model of the Gazelle was updated and received the engine 406, then 402 was completely removed from production. Now it can be found only from private owners or on disassembly. During all this time injector Engine 406 gained great popularity. Until now, it is not inferior to modern motors. It has high performance and reliability. Moreover, its cost on the pocket of any car owner.

Path from 402 to 406

Unfortunately, the 402 engine had a number of flaws that were trying to eliminate from time to time. For example, he constantly overheated. Most often, overheating cases were noticed in the summer. The car began to boil, the engine demanded a repair. All disadvantages were fixed later. During the reconstruction appeared new model 406. This model was similar to the previous ones, but was characterized by a higher strength.

The most important advantage is an injector. Fuel consumption has become much smaller. And in winter, the engine was rotated faster. In addition, the price has become much smaller.

A distinctive feature was reliability, so the model still occupies a leading position in the market. Engine repair is performed on mileage indicators 200-300 km. However, the cost will be high enough. The engine has a diagnostic system that allows you to evaluate the working stock.

Electronic devices Capable to output data, maintain them and eliminate outdated indicators. Always under control is the operation of the motor. All faults are encoded, and their decoding is stored in the service book. Those that are constantly repeated are removed independently. To learn about the data that stores the motor, you must purchase a special tester. With it, you can display all the data on the computer. It is connected to the diagnostic connector block.

True, only specialists can do it. The cost is quite acceptable. If you turn off the battery, then all information will be erased. It is not worth discounting. However, this fact does not affect this fact. The main thing is that the engine does not require any modifications and is low. If fuel consumption becomes high, then you should look for the reason for which it happens.

Disassembled engine carburetor ZMZ 406

It is possible that the whole thing is in filters, which is time to change. 406 Engine attracts its availability in price and prevalence on sale. It can be found completely without problems at an attractive price. It does not require any additional investments. Reviews about it positive. Owners of such a motor note that it is not capricious, reliable, durable. It can not but rejoice those who are going to buy it.

ZMZ 402 and its enhanced injector version of the model 405.

It is strange that this installation is marked with a great value than its heir. The inexperienced motorist will think that the ZMZ 406 is designed much later than the 405th and is more productive. Well, let's look at what the 406th engine is different.

a brief description of

This engine refers to a number of 4-cylinder carburetor gasoline installations. ZMZ 406 has an inline layout of cylinders. Quantity in GBC - 2. Operation of the cylinders: 1-2-4-2. The operating volume of the engine is 2.3 liters, power - 130 horsepower.


Based on Figure No. 2, we see that the engine ZMZ 406 consists of:

  1. Carter pallet.
  2. Masloballcher.
  3. Oil pump.
  4. Pump drive roller.
  5. Crankshaft.
  6. Rod.
  7. The driven gear of the oil pump drive.
  8. Covers of the same device.
  9. The drive gear of the oil pump drive.
  10. Pistons.
  11. Pasters
  12. Exhaust valve.
  13. The inlet pipeline with the receiver.
  14. Camshaft inlet valve.
  15. Hydraulic pusher.
  16. The camshaft of the exhaust valve.
  17. Covers CHC.
  18. Oil level pointer.
  19. Graduation manifold.
  20. Exhaust valve.
  21. Cylinder block.
  22. Cork plug holes.

Note: The numbering of the parts of the ZMZ 406 engine coincides with the designation of the devices in Figure 2.

As for the development, this unit was constructed in conjunction with the German company Mercedes, due to which engineers managed to increase the intersavice interval to 15 thousand and significantly improve the service life of the main parts of the engine. As practice shows, ZMZ 406 can serve up to 300-400 thousand kilometers without any boring blocks and replacing cylindrophone groups. However, this value is largely depends on the state of the chain. If it comes into a malfunction, the entire motor will fail. Hence such a disagreement: one engine can serve as 400 thousand without problems, and others break through hundreds. But it was definitely a positively involved in the reliability of this unit for the reliability of this unit, because compared to the 402nd motor, its resource of operation was almost twice.

ZMZ 406 - the thing is very serious, because the process of boring parts becomes more complicated by the 16th valves. Therefore, due to the complicated design, the price of overhaul this motor ranges from 1 to 2 thousand dollars. However, at the same time, you should not forget that 16 valves provide excellent dynamics of the machine and serve where much longer than 402nd.

In conclusion, I would like to say one thing: the Zavolzhsky 406th engine really passed the stage of evolution and became an example for the imitation of many Russian automakers. His amazingly large operating resource and excellent power characteristics brought the Gorky and Volga plants one step closer to modern times. And even compared to American "Cminuse", which are staffed on a par with ZMZ, all "Gazelles" and "Volga", it does not lose its popularity, and the demand for it is growing.

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