Home Generator ATF Z1 engine oil and its characteristic. Which liquid is better to fill in the automatic transmission of Honda, the preparatory stage and draining work

ATF Z1 engine oil and its characteristic. Which liquid is better to fill in the automatic transmission of Honda, the preparatory stage and draining work

November 25, 2016

A good, inexpensive liquid for the automatic box should be created taking into account the characteristics of modern standard oil and individual additives that maintain wear resistance.

No automatic Japanese box better fluidthan Honda ATF Z1. From the mid-90s of the 20th century, Honda car engineers did not disregard the hydromechanic. This type of automatic transmission works as a hydromechanical structure in which the transmissions are switched by changing the pressure of a special fluid on various elements.

Technical data

Honda ATF Z1 - oil for automatic transmission, The people "Liquid for the machine". Characteristics:


The manufacturer advises to acquire only the original to maintain automatic transmission. Moreover, ATP is compatible with any car brand "Honda", which were released earlier than 2011.

Earlier, even before commissioning various varieties of automatic transmission with a tiptronic, the manufacturer pointed to Dexron II. Motorists were focused on this labeling. In fact, the first replacement on ATP C1 guarantees the stable operation of the transmission system of any car "Honda" unchanged. After all, Z1 is created on the basis of DEXRON II.

Of the peculiarities, allocate the underdeveloped oxidation rate of the active part of the transmission. Another mild switching of speeds on overestimated and low temperature indicators is noted.

Since the engineers developed all-season, universal liquid for hydromechanics, and there are additives included in individual development. It turns out that the specific composition of additives in the secret.


For hydromechanics, the replacement of the fluid directly depends on the car run. Recommended gap: 30-35 thousand kilometers. Other signs associated with odor, color and consistency are not taken into account.

Why is that? The visual component of the oil is not treated until the automatic transmission does not start collapse. For example, when the liquid is merged, all "flaws" are visible at the bottom. Following the replacement for a mileage to break the operation of the transmission is impossible.

Tip! In Honda automatic transmission, it is necessary to pour exclusively atf z1, but without tricks and savings, without bypassing up to 100 thousand per fill.

When the replacement time is observed, but "testing" is suspiciously black, it is better to get a partial replacement procedure every 500 km. Prevention perform 2-3 times.

Full replacement is not welcome on boxes with mileage of more than 100 thousand. Chips can be washed, and it affects the clutch, because full replacement Perform under excess pressure.


We are talking about liquid for automatic transmission DW-1. Original transmission oils from the nominal manufacturer are not always possible to purchase in the right place. In the auto repair shops, more often make "transitions" with Z1 on the DW-1 mixture.

But is it allowed to mix "synthetics" with "mineralka"? It's not about the work, but in marking. DW -1 is an American analogue for the same Honda, similar value.

Here is the features of the analogue:

The key difference between the American analogue is associated with more stable behavior on critical temperature indicators. Which increases the service life of transmission nodes of automatic transmission.

DW-1 and Z1 liquids are compatible with any Japanese car boxes released until 2011, and therefore interchangeable. Oils can "be friends" when replaced without special flushing.

The manufacturer advises to replace the name Z1 on W1, because you do not need to rinse. But the reverse replacement is not recommended. Intervals of further substitutions are preserved (every 30-35 thousand).

But services are talking about full compatibility, which provokes a replacement replacement method.

What is the emphasis on:

  1. Auto manufacturer for replacement, because the properties are a little better.
  2. The price of DW1 is lower - the benefit is obvious!
  3. According to rumors Z1 removed from production (this is a myth).

For careful! In practice, still do not seek to change the mineral on pure synthetics, because the theory is disturbed by the box.

And if more thoughtfully, then more important than the composition of the branded special, the frequency of its replacement. For example, the boxes with serious mileage acquire gaps between working units, which is very significant for more viscous composition.


ATP Z1 is sold in various containers. And there are several types of coloring. Some kind of produced to the Japanese market, the other already applies to European or American.

And in Russia, you can purchase this specialty in any original packaging, because there are cars from all countries.

Each type of containers refers to the original, which means the standard corresponds to.

Flavor such:

  • Europe 1l;
  • America 946 ml;
  • Japan 4l (Iron Canister).

Until 2011 in all Honda cars, a special liquid was used, called ATF Z1. It is a special technical composition created on the basis of the mineral base. All subsequent years for automatic transmission used new prototype Fluids called ATF DW 1. Despite the set of developments, Honda ATF Z1 never received analogues of its products. For more than 10 years, Honda has been recommended to use ATF Z1 liquid for its cars.

If you have a need to replace one special fluid On the other, it is necessary to adhere to the prescriptions of the Honda. There is a clearly registered point that, if you want to replace the ATF Z1 special fluid, which is standard for all cars of this brand, ATF DW 1 will become the only full-fledged agent.

In addition, it is worth noting that in addition to this procedure, a special mixing of ATF Z1 and ATF DW can be used in the normal operation of the vehicle. And this will not have negative consequences on specifications cars. If you judge in domestic practice, both of these actions are performed without consequences. Most consumers began to note changes in the automatic transmission in a positive side.

Most often, improvement is clearly manifested in the machines where the transmission is jammed. When replacing special fluid, consider that Honda ATF DW 1 is suitable only by some varieties of cars. In addition, it is prohibited to use if your machine is equipped with rear gearboxesMade on SH AWD. They were installed on Cars Honda after 2011.

Preparatory stage and drainage

In order to proceed to replace the oil in your vehicles, follow these steps. First of all, get the Honda oil, and what exactly choose, ATF Z1 or ATF DW does not play a significant role. To fully replace the replacement, you will need 4 liters of special fluid. Do not worry about what you will have anything.

It is better if you are preserved unused about half liters than you do not guess how much fluid goes, and in the end you will seek who can sell the missing number. Check, in which Honda oil for the replacement period is contained in the automatic transmission. In order to find out, put a car on a flat surface and start warming up. Mock the engine and after a few minutes, remove the probe automatic transmission.

Performing the described action, pay attention to the level of the remaining oil. It must be on the upper border of the probe. If the level below should be remembered, because in the future the oil will have to pretend to the required level. After that, wait about a quarter of an hour until the warmed box cool down somewhat. It must be done in order to do not burn in the replacement process.

Take into account when working that if in your car BRAY engine automatic transmission, the plug will be to the right of it, and if the engine is a chain - then on the left. Consequently, on the other side where the box is located in your car, there is a special bolt that performs the plug function. It will be necessary to unscrew it with an internal tetrahedral size of approximately 10 mm.

After you have discovered and twisted the cork, substitute any available roomy container. It is there that the used liquid will be dragged. Choose a canister on which there are marks showing the level of fluid. This is necessary in order to measure the amount of flowing fluid. Next, everything is extremely simple, you will need to pull the dipstick and unscrew the plug.

Neat drainage of spent lubrication from gearbox

Honda oil will gradually flush into the container prepared by you. Of course, you can and do not extract the probe from the car, but then the Honda oil will begin to splash in all directions when pouring out of the automatic transmission. From the container to which the transfusion was carried out, the Honda oil is sent to the stamped canister prepared in advance. In mandatory, it is necessary to fix the level that Honda reached oil.

In most cases, the indicators range from 2.5 to 3 with a small liter. At the end of the work done, check in what condition is the aluminum washer, which performs the role of the cork seal. If you are afraid of an unexpected breakage from this side, it is not worth it. Usually it is enough for pretty long term. The cork gently screws up at the initial place, so as to prevent the thread from it.

Features of oil and filter replacement processes

Starting a direct replacement, it is necessary to take a clean hose connecting between the funnel from which the Honda oil will be poured into the car with the probe. Worth drawing special attention On the fact that the new oil must be pouring exactly the same number that you just merged. It was for this that it was necessary to do special marks when performing work. After that, the dipstick will need to be installed on the previous place.

Next, the car will need to start and wait a certain amount of time until the engine warms up. Perform a reusable switching of your automatic modes. Each of them will need to be lingering within a few seconds. Only after this procedure has been completed, the engine can be drowning. Now check, at what level is the Honda oil in the automatic transmission.

If you are all done correctly, it should reach the top mark. Also, cars are allowed to work, the oil level in which is in the position between the middle and the upper point. If, when performing a check, you noticed that the oil level is in a critical state, it is necessary to complete the oil tank procedure. If its level is normal, then, having driven about 20 km on your vehicle, re-check.

Replacing the oil must also be accompanied by the filter replacement

The oil level should remain in the same limit, as in the period when a replacement was carried out. Since the machines in which the automatic transmission comes together with the flow filter were made in classic form, began to be produced more than 10 years ago, at that time they did not receive mass distribution, but today the situation is radically changed. Now every car brand Honda necessarily needs timely replacement filter.

To get direct access to it, remove the case air filter. After that it is believed that the replacement process oil Honda. It was successful. The only thing that should be paid is that the oil change is, of course, the procedure necessary for high-quality work, but you cannot immediately replace all the oil. But if the car is properly exploited, even partial replacement Bring your positive fruits.

If you have purchased a machine that has previously already been in operation, and see that when replacing the oil that you pull out is black, then after you drive more than 300 km by car, the procedure for replacing the oil will be necessary to repeat. This is done so that all low-quality oil, which has been used for a long time in the car, could be completely replaced with a new one.

In addition, if you, purchasing the car, do not know the exact deadlines when the last oil change was performed, or the previous replacement was not made on time, you must perform all the required actions aimed at improving the quality of the car. If the oil in your car is flooded, the color of which has become very dark, do not immediately replace the filter, it will be better to perform it simultaneously with the oil replacement.

When the automatic automatic transmission car will need to raise the car for towing

It is worth paying separate attention to the fact that it will be necessary to take if your vehicle automatic transmission suddenly stopped functioning. First of all, it is necessary to contact the evacuation service company. Consider that the time for which the machine can be transported on it is unlimited. If the car works on front drive, It can be installed in such a way that the first wheels are on the tow truck, and the rear remained freely rotating.

Moving on the tow truck in this state is also not limited. If the car is in stock four-wheel drivethen towing in this position should not exceed 40 km, otherwise it will drive rear bridge, the repair of which will fly to you in a penny. Consider that if you need to evacuate the vehicle for a long distance, only its bearings will receive damage, but it will be practically imperceptible.

If your car runs on the front drive, towing, exceeding the distance of 40 km at low speed, will not drive any significant damage. Remember, if you cannot use the services of the tow truck, the injured machine can still be towed to the right place. To do this, perform a clutch on neutral transmission. If you transport the car away, and the distance is more than 60 km, we can't do without negative consequences.

If you decide to replace the old filter to a new, pay attention to the fact that you in any case will need to perform the permutation of magnets from the old filter to the new one. If you purchased a filter made of plastic, the magnets must be attached to the pallet. At the end of the installation, pour the cleansing fluid and on the tray, so that it will sparkle cleanliness.

As a generalization: Please note that if you replace the ATF Z1 special fluid on the ATF DW, the fact you will make a complete replacement or simply mix them together, will not play a significant role. ACPs in any case will work without interruptions, especially if you also immediately replace filters and oils. All procedures are directed primarily to extend the operation of the automatic transmission in the car. Thanks to the timely elimination of the root cause, it will work without breakdown for many years.

In world automotive industry There are only a few manufacturers who fully supplies their vehicles Automatic gearboxes of their own manufacture. Company Honda. Designs and releases automatic transmission independently.

ATF oils for European and Asian markets

In most automatic boxes of this manufacturer, the Honda ATF Z1 liquid is filled today. What is the original transmission oil z1, where it applies and is there a fake market, as well as how compatible with other liquids with Honda machine guns - will understand within this material.

Specifications Honda ATF Z1

Almost all transmission fluids fill in Japanese (and in general asian cars) were originally designed by standards.

This standard was introduced by GM. It became the first generally accepted standard for transmission oils. And on its basis, most modern ATF-liquids were created, including Z-1.

Iron Tara for the Asian Market

Consider the mains honda characteristics ATF Z-1.

The foundation

As the basic liquid for the liquid under consideration mineral oil High purification. Some sources say that the base of ATF Z1 refers to semi-synthetic or even synthetics, as it turns out by hydrocracking distillation.

However, in the USA basic oilsobtained by this method are considered mineral. Confirmation of this - the absence on the canister with a liquid intended for the American market, any marks pointing to the base.

If it were synthetics or semi-synthetic, then the container would be marked with the corresponding inscription (Synthetic or Semi-Synthetic).


By analogy with motor oilsThe manufacturer provides two viscosity parameters. At a temperature of 40 ° C, the viscosity is 39.49 CST, at 100 ° C - 7.64 CST (standard for dexroniii-like lubricants). Honda cars hot cars. The temperature in them reaches 100 degrees.

Viscosity index. For transmission oils, this indicator is traditionally high. Honda ATF Z-1 - 215.5 units viscosity index.

That is, when the working temperature changes, the viscositive parameters of the fluid are not changed strongly. And this is one of the key factors. stable work hydraulic automatic transmission of Honda cars, as in winter Temperature oscillations transmission Oil Great.

Working temperature

Power loss temperature. The liquid under consideration freezes and ceases to flow at a temperature of -50 ° C. It is not necessary to confuse the fluidity loss temperature with the minimum permissible threshold of the automatic transmission.

The box will refuse much earlier, since before the complete loss of fluidity, the pump will not be able to create the necessary pressure in the system.

Flash temperature. The ATF Z-1 oil flashes at 187 ° C. Everything transmission lubricants Have a low ignition threshold, as in principle, in the automatic transmission, unlike internal combustion, high heat resistance is not required.

To the detriment of this parameter, other characteristics are improved, which are more important for the operation of the automatic transmission.

The cost of Honda ATF Z-1 oil is at an average level relative to other similar liquids.

Applications and compatibility with automatic transmission of other manufacturers

Honda ATF Z1 transmission oil is intended for all automatic transmissions installed on Honda cars until 2011 release.


In 2011, the Honda machines were developed and implemented in production new standard: ATF DW-1. And, starting in 2012, in all automatic transmission of this brand from the conveyor and within maintenance ATF DW-1 liquid is used.

The new DW-1 transmission fluid differed from Honda ATF Z1 to several criteria:

  • a more advanced type of base with increased stability and durability is taken as the basis;
  • improved low and high-temperature characteristics, which affected the stability of the automatic transmission and reduced the dependence on the ambient temperature;
  • thanks to new additives, antioxidant properties are improved;
  • increased strength and durability of the protective film.

Pouring in DW-1 automatic transmission designed for Z1 oil is permissible. Reverse replacement is contraindicated.

The area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the transmission oil Honda ATF Z1 is limited by the transmission of this autocontrace. The precedents are known when the ATF Z-1 was flooded with some other auto automakers in the automatic transmission.

But objectively evaluate how much such a solution was justified, it is impossible due to contradictory and sniffing the nature of information.

In theory, if you consider the performance, this ATF liquid is close to the family of dexron-III oil. However, this is not enough to argue that Z-1 will work normally in other automatic transmission, designed for the Decron standard.

Even small differences in additives can be fatal, since deviations in the operation of the control and executive hydraulic box of the box will lead to serious violations of its functioning as a whole.

Oil is available in iron and plastic containers. Plastic canisters are mainly supplied to the markets of America and Europe. Metal - to the Asian market. In Russia, the Honda ATF Z1 oil occurs both in the gland and in plastic.

Articles for searching: 0826699904 - Iron Canister 5l, 082009008 - Plastic Bank 1l, 082009005 - Drafts from the barrel.

Automatic Honda Transmission Until 1994, nothing was distinguished from other cars automatic transmission. Just like the rest, she worked on the principle of hydromechanical construction, where, due to changes in fluid pressure in various elements, gear shifts occurs. Carrying the box cars Honda followed the same prescriptions as the rest.

In the mid-90s, the Honda was separated from other car manufacturers. Some believe that the reason for this was the introduction of the system Vtec. (Technology for changing the phases of gas distribution in dynamic mode). Where it was applied, the automatic transmission was out of order for the shortest possible time. Company owners could not accept this and began to invest in order to invest separate knots ACPP to bring to perfection. At that moment and was created new liquid Honda ATF Z1.which used special cooling additives developed by the company's engineers.

The new Honda cars were developed on the basis of modern standard oils with the addition of the most advanced additives resistant. Together with friction additives, this liquid allows you to "squeeze" from the engine with a small amount of the maximum allowable amount of horsepower.

Transmission fluid ATF Z1 Engineers companies recommend to use in the passenger, wish-road cars Hondaissued until 2011. This oil contributes to a softer switching speed at high and low temperatures. Additives increase the life of the transmission. Due to the reduced oxidation rate, the oil replacement in the automatic transmission can be less common.

Up to 97 years, Honda manufacturers on the probe automatic transmission were set by the inscription DEXRON II. Some car owners were mistaken at this expense and thought that this liquid could be poured into the box. The inscription only testified that the automatic transmission can work on this oil in emergency situations. Immediately after troubleshooting this oil It is necessary to replace the ATF Z1. The new transmission fluid is designed based on the same dexron, which was used in removal cars until 1996. At the same time, it was stipulated that the automatic transmission could fail prematurely.

It is worth noting that since 1998, Honda begins to produce cars with ACP-TitRenik. This is a gearbox that permits an increase or decrease in the transfer "manually". Otherwise, this is the same box "Avtomat", the maintenance of which is no different from the standard automatic transmission. It uses the same aTF Z1 liquid.


Corporate oil has the following indicators:

  • Density at 20 degrees in accordance with GOST 3900-85 equals 836 kg / cubic meters.
  • Kinematic viscosity at 40 degrees in accordance with GOST 33 \u003d 2000 equals 39.49 SST
  • Viscosity at 100 degrees in accordance with GOST 33-2000 equals 7.64 CST
  • The viscosity index for GOST 25371-97 is 215.2
  • The flash can occur at a temperature of 187 with
  • Fluidity is lost at a temperature of -50 degrees

You should buy only original oil. Engineers Honda are developing liquid under their automatic transmission. The unique composition of additives is own development This company, therefore, the exact ingredients are not known to anyone.

Replacing Honda ATF Z1 oil in automatic transmission

Change oil in automatic transmission only in accordance with the mileage of the car. Replacement produced every 30 thousand-35 thousand km. You can not judge the condition of oil by smell, color or consistency. These indicators do not change until the irreversible consequences of destruction will begin in the automatic box. If the liquid is drained, then at the bottom you can see that it is not so already transparent. If this rule does not follow, the oil loses its viscosity, all additives cease to act that it cannot but affect the worse on the automobile automatic transmission of Honda.

Almost all models of Honda cars are equipped with automatic transmission boxes. Having sash constructive featuresThese automatic transmission work at very high temperatures. Such a mode of operation requires the use of special transmission fluids. Engineers and researchers Honda Motor Co., Ltd. We developed their unique transmission oil for this purpose - Honda ATF. Since 1994, 2 brands of this fluid were released. First used aTF oil Z1, and since 2011 it replaced the synthetic Honda ATF liquid modifying DW 1.

Features of the ACP HONDA

Machines for their cars Honda Motor develops independently. This is due to the fact that since 1994 power units Began to produce with a system of dynamic change of gas distribution phases (VTEC). This approach made it possible to squeeze the maximum power out of the motors. Naturally, elevated loads automatic boxes An old sample could no longer withstand, so they often failed. This situation could not arrange a company, therefore it was decided to design automatic transmission independently.

Principal changes in the classic design were not introduced. Just selected more enduring materials that allow the box to work well to work sharp accelerations and braking. It was possible to do, but the result led to the work of the mechanism was accompanied by the formation of a very high temperature, in which the standard ATF used before (Dexron II) simply boiled. Such a state of affairs forced the company to develop their own unique oil to its machines - Honda ATF. It was designed for high temperatures, but at the same time maintained all the necessary qualities, obtaining the name Honda ATF Z1.

If we talk about the device of the classical automatic transmission from Honda, it includes a node of the hydrotransformer plus mechanical box Gear controlled by hydraulically. Until 1994, the mechanics were a paired planetary gearboxes change ratio By braking or releasing one of the elements. This approach allowed to do hydraulic system Control is quite simple. All control of the box is carried out by electronics - both on old and on new automatic transmission.

Since 1994,Honda. Refused planetary gearboxes. Instead, a multi-disc clutch of a wet type is used, by which the torque is transmitted directly through the toothed pairs. That is, speeds are switched by turning off one clutch and turn on the other. These processes must be clearly synchronized, so the Honda automatic hydraulics control hydraulics is quite complex on the device to meet these requirements. Managed, naturally, electronics.

The device of the hydrotransformer remains classic. There are two impellers - the presenter (pumping) and turbine (led). The torque is transmitted from one impeller wheel to another by means of Honda ATF Z1 or DW1, located in the cavity between the impellers. The blades of the impellers are configured so that they transmit a torque only one-sided way. In this case, the pumping impeller should rotate faster than turbine. It turns out that when driving under the slope or inertia there is no connection between the motor and transmission. To circumvent this drawback, the company's engineers applied forced blocking of the hydrotransformer.

To give a hydrotransformer, the entire required dynamic range of rotation is used, a manual gearbox is used, a very similar device on the usual manual transmission. That is, there are primary and secondary trees.

At the same time, if you consider the pairs of gears, then one of them is toughly connected with your shaft, and the other is connected through a multi-disc clutch of a wet type. When the grip turns on - hydraulics, managed electronic block, compresses the clutch disc. This transmits torque.

The main quality of transmission oil

Honda ATF DW 1 liquid is issued since the end of 2010. It is synthetic, and its predecessor - ATP Z1 - was mineral and now is no longer produced. DW1 is a replacement of mineral water, it can be added without any consequences, especially since the Honda automatic transmission provides for only partial replacement of transmission oil. It has full compatibility with all transmissions released by the company. Now this specialty is used as a conveyor, that is, it is filled with automatic transmission of all new cars coming from the conveyor. It has several important positive qualities.

The new transmission fluid Honda ATF DW 1 shows a more stable behavior throughout the temperature range than its mineral predecessor. Many car owners, going to new oil, noted an improvement in the operation of the automatic transmission, expressed in a softer shift. To replace it with it, it is not necessary to wash the gearbox at all, since full compatibility is achieved. But the reverse replacement, according to the manufacturer, is undesirable. Is that on short term - in case of unforeseen circumstances or emergency.

Honda Genuine ATF DW1 is produced in Japan and the United States. On the Japanese Islands it manufactures Idemitsu Corporation.

Replacing oil in automatic transmission

Transmission fluid, in Honda machines, changes every 30-35 thousand mg of mileage. It is not necessary to pay attention to the fact that the oil seems to be clean and its color is normal. Even if it is, it still loses its basic qualities after the specified mileage.

Despite the fact that thermal oxidative stabilityDW.-1 higher than thatZ.-1, and a new oil longer retains its basic qualities, the replacement intervals in both compositions are the same.

It should be remembered - in no case cannot be replaced by a propeller with the installation, pumping lubrication under pressure. It will just destroy the box, because the Honda automatic transmission pallets are worn. Moreover, the filters are inside the housings. To get to them, you need to "prick" a box, but it does not mean it - they can be cleaned or replaced only when overhaul. If we use pumping, raised from the pallet to the torment just scores the filter. The consequences are the failure of the automatic transmission, since the scored filter element will not give to circulate transmission fluid inside the box. Optimal output - partial oil change. If I want to change to the maximum, you will have to make several such substitutions (from 3 to 4) with a range of 500 km run. Work on replacing ATF is performed according to a specific algorithm. This will require about 4 liters of fluid. In addition, it will be necessary to acquire a container for draining the spent lubricant.

  1. It is necessary to warm up the transmission and drive the car to the overpass or place over the observation pit. If you check the oil level, it should be on the top of the probe. If the level below is still needed to add.
  2. It is necessary to find a drain plug located on the end of the automatic transmission case. Motors with belt transmission automatic transmission is on the left of the engine, if you look at the move. With motors having chain transmission Timing, the box will be located on the right of the engine.
  3. Next, the capacitance and the quadrupter on the "10" is unscrewed by a plug. You need to do it carefully, so as not to drop the plug into the container.
  4. After the lubricant ceased to flow, it will be necessary to measure the volume of liquid flowing. As a rule, it should be between 2.5 and 3.2 liters.
  5. A new insulating washer is inserted into the drain plug, the plug is twisted with a little effort.
  6. Next, the hose is preparing, one end of which is inserted into the neck of the probe, the funnel is fastened at the second end.
  7. So much oil composition is poured as it was fused. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Property is inserted into place.
  8. The engine starts and it works until it comes to operating temperature. At this time, all the automatic transmission modes are switched by alternately when the brake is pressed. After this procedure, the motor is muffled.
  9. The ATF level is checked. It should be on the top label of the probe. If below, it will be necessary to draw a little by little until the level reaches the desired mark.

Driving 20-30 km, you must once again make sure that the lubrication level is normal. If desired, the procedure can be repeated several times, as mentioned above.

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