Home Locks Soft flushing into the oil before replacement. Washing the engine before replacing the oil: harm or benefit? Additive for high-quality rinsing Runway

Soft flushing into the oil before replacement. Washing the engine before replacing the oil: harm or benefit? Additive for high-quality rinsing Runway

Arguments encouraging the internal parts of the power unit before updating the lubricant seemingly abounding. However, some motorists are still doubted whether it is worth doing. In fact, the washing of the engine when replacing the oil is welcome with many specialists and workers in car service.


The main reasons for washing the engine

An unequivocal answer to the question is whether to wash the crankcase, does not exist. Factors affecting this process, great set. Everyone experienced motorist knows a huge number of examples when the engine operated excellently after the "dirty" replacement or showed signs unstable work. The problem happens once, and it is better to avoid it.

It turns out that in some situations, the washing is necessary, in others - no. That is how it is. For example, if the history of passing is the car "net", all required activities were carried out in a timely manner, the need for washing disappears. The same can be argued if the engine is constantly pouring the oil of one type and classification.

On the other hand, wash the Carter is necessary in the following cases:

  • the viscosity of the new composition is different (synthetics changes to mineral water);
  • replacement is carried out after repair power plant;
  • the lubricant brand varies;
  • by car purchased in the used state (it is thoroughly unknown which oil is flooded);
  • gasoline or Tosol got inside the motor.

When not required to clean

In some special cases, the engine washing when replacing the oil is prohibited. Modern expensive synthetic includes various useful additives in its composition. They not only lubricate the elements of the engine, but also purify the motor from various contaminants. After several replacements on the walls of the parts and the inside of the engine, a useful and clean layer is formed. You can have a power installation with a bear service, if washed it away.

It is not worth using "miraculous" additives. They only worsen the properties of native oil, mix with it, and the residual percentage of lubricant will change its structure for the worse.

Inexperienced motorists do so. Buy these alleged magic additives, pour them into the engine, and the filter does not change. As a result, the dirt accumulated in the cleansing element is split and falls into the lubricant system. What it leads, we think, do not speak.

More information about when the engine is not needed, learn from the video from the user Denis Mechanic.

How often do you need to wash the pallet

Washing must be carried out each time, after long and hard exploitation motor system car. It is necessary to do if Tosol falls inside the power plant. In some cases, cleaning when changing is recommended as one of the ways of cutting the piston rings.

Thus, if the car was operated by the same owner, the same oil was flooded, there are no problems with the engine, it is possible to wash the system and every 200-300 thousand km of the vehicle run. In other cases, and with heavy conditions of the motor, the replacement time is recommended to be reduced.

Security measures

Some modern engines So powerful that they fit to compete with airplanes. However, on the other hand, they can simultaneously require a superdictive circulation, and any incorrect effect will damage the parts or the complete output of the unit failure.

Examples are known when the motor stopped after using the washing stops forever. The disassembly showed such a strong level of pollution that deposits on the inner surfaces were thick in the finger of an adult.

The survey of the owners of these machines showed that before washing the engine flashed a flashing light bulb " Check Engine" Emergency pressure indicator burned constantly, however, the probe demonstrated a normal oil level. The whole thing was to the degree of motor pollution.

Deposits may be gathered unexpectedly and in large quantities. In this case, only by mechanical hard cleaning will be able to cope with them. Therefore, before starting the flushing procedure, the river must explore the state of the motor of its car, analyze errors issued on-board computer etc. In professional services, by the way, do it.

The situation is especially dangerous when the internal parts do not cope with oil starvation. This happens in the event of clogging the oil worker and channels. The oil does not come to the head of the block, although the level of the binding lubrication remains normal.

Methods and rinsing rules

Proper engine cleaning includes several stages of conduct. All of them are equally important.

  1. Before conducting the procedure, consult with a specialist. He will indicate specific features specific model Power plant.
  2. Make the diagnosis of all mechanisms and engine subsystems.
  3. Competently merge and change the old liquid.
  4. Run the engine correctly after pouring a new lubricant.

Processing methods can also be several. It is accepted today to recall the engine with a special composition, conventional oil, additives, etc., is distinguished by washing chemical, soft, full-volume and with forced fluid movement.

Flushing with chemicals

For some reason, some motorists believe that the washing must be carried out by the use of chemical compositions, although it is not. Panaceans, capable of saving a motor installation from perennial sediments, simply does not exist.

Flushing chemistry is the use of fluid that corrosive seals and seals. If the package is written that the tool is safe for rubber parts, it means that it is not aggressive enough, and there will be no effect on such a cleaning.

Chemical processing is also considered to use a "five-minute". These compositions, however, managed to get bad fame and negative reviews. Motorists complain that after their application, a piston group of the unit is damaged.

Soft flushing

It implies just the use of such flushing fluids, the composition of which is less aggressive. One of the well-known manufacturers of such a composition is THK. The manufactured product is called Promo Express. Suitable for flushing not only a gasoline, but also a diesel power unit.

Soft flushing is designed to cope with insignificant engine pollution. If the degree of deposits are too high, the motor was not washed a long period of time, it is better to use other means.

As part of soft liquids there are solvent solvents of pollution. At the same time, they do not change the viscosity of the lubricant. As a rule, it is recommended to drive no more than 200 km on a soft flushing. Then the liquid must be completely changed, the bay is normal quality oil.

On the use of soft washing, see the video from the author Hi-Gear.

Full-volume flushing

The essence of the method is that a liquid with a large number of effective additives is poured inside the pallet. The compositions with a long action and "fifteen minutes" are distinguished. The first variety of fluid today is extremely rare, the second is more common.

The essence of washing is similar to the rest of the purification methods. The liquid is mixed with the residues of dirt, then all this merges from the pallet. The work of the motor in the XX mode is required for fifteen minutes.

Washing engine with forced fluid circulation

The best method of washing, as it implies the use of special professional equipment. The principle of its action is based on the use of pressure in the lubrication system, which doubly increases the cleaning effect.

Works are reduced to the following.

  1. First dismantled oil filter. Washing installation hose is in its place.
  2. Two other tubes of equipment are mounted on the oil refining neck and drainer Carter.
  3. The installation is poured washing fluid.
  4. The equipment turns on, air pressure supplies a washing liquid inside the lubrication system.

The engine with this washing method cannot be launched. The liquid circulates through the filter located in the installation itself. As a result of such a run, it remains dirt and deposits derived from the engine.

Shooting nuances

The feasibility of carrying out this or that method of washing should find out the pro. Only a specialist can exactly determine how much the engine work environment is dirty, and it takes a full-volume procedure, or you can do the soft flushing, it is necessary to replace the oil or not.

Requires full cleaning

Domestic motors

As a rule, motors domestic production They differ in less sensitive characteristics, capable of withstanding heavy loads, but at the same time are low-rise compared to foreign engines.

Wash the engine of domestic production can be ordinary means. This is an inexpensive way to clean, quite suitable for conducting in garage conditions.

Gasoline power plants

In any gasoline, no matter how high-quality it, it contains some percentage of resin-lacquer and rubber deposits. Over time, they settled on the walls fuel system, injector nozzles and valves.

Gasoline engines are washed with all known methods. When clearing old deposits, the use of a special installation feeding the washing fluid under pressure is welcomed. Light degree of pollution is displayed using soft additives and "five minutes."

Diesel units

Diesel motor is more sensitive to flushing. It is possible to clean it only with special intended for such aggregates. Use additives for gasoline DVS It is impossible!

The difference between the washing of the formation structure of deposits is explained. Diesel motor need more motor lubricant In nodes, rubbing elements should literally "swim" in oil. Washing fluids for gasoline DVS are not able to ensure the proper cleaning level.

Flushing diesel engine special tool We can look at the video from the channel COMPANY.

What wash liquid to choose

Today there is no deficiency in the engine washing. On the contrary, the choice than washed force aggregatemay complicate too much with a large number of different compositions.

Five minutes

This method is carried out using a "five minutes". This washing additive, which is added to the old oil. You need to give a motor to work for a few minutes, then drain the liquid along with the exhaust lubricant.

The disadvantages of the "five minutes" include its negative impact on the glands and seals. The additive is too aggressive and has the property to publish rubber surfaces. But in a short period of time, it is not particularly stupid, you can replace the oil.

Wash oil and liquid

These are products poured into the engine after full of the old lubricant. The engine must work on the flushing lineup for some time, be sure to idle mode.

The lack of oil is called its imperfect lubricant. Washing fluid does not allow the engine operation above 2000 rpm. This means that cleaning the motor with this composition, you need to monitor the turnover of the power plant, not to allow them to be exceeded. As a result, the pressure in the lubrication system is not increasing enough, and the effectiveness of the work is reduced.

Such a topic like washing the engine when replacing oil interests many motorists. Experts conducted a detailed analysis of this issue and made conclusions.

If you look under the valve cover, where the oil filter is located, you can see that a large amount of dirt accumulates in the engine.

The answer to the question: "Do I need to wash the engine when replacing the oil?" There may be only a highly qualified specialist.

In what cases is required mandatory flushing?

  1. When moving from one brand of engine mixture to another. This can include such varieties of oil, as a semi-synthetic, mineral and synthetic. Particular attention is also drawn to such an indicator as viscosity. Oil different manufacturers cannot be mixed in the engine, because each individual brand has its own unique set of additives. It is necessary that they cannot be mixed with each other under any circumstances.
  2. After buying a car, which was already in use. Many drivers do not know which oil used the previous driver for his car. It is best to make a flushing of a motor to avoid serious problems in his work.
  3. Wash oil for the engine must be changed during the intensive operation of the vehicle. This applies to those cases when drivers drive quickly and pass the big kilometer. All items need more intense and regular lubrication. This means that all wear products need constant removal.
  4. Owners of machines that are equipped with a turbocharged engine must buy the highest quality oil. It is necessary to pay attention to its crystal purity. Dirt and other impurities are able to remove the details of the car.
  5. After performing the dismantling operation of the motor, with its subsequent complete disassembly. In this case, qualified mechanics are recommended to rinse all components manually using kerosene, diesel or gasoline. Washing engine is a rather laborious process that requires certain knowledge and small experience. This stage is considered as effective as possible. To learn how to rinse the engine is best to contact a qualified specialist. The diesel brass is a product of oil distillation, which is used not only as fuel, but also for lubricating engine parts.

In which cases there is no need to perform the engine cleaning?

A large number of motorists are wondering: whether it is necessary to wash the engine when replacing the oil.

Specialists have identified several cases when the engine washing is not needed:

  1. After purchase new car In the car salon.
  2. With timely and proper maintenance of the vehicle on specialized maintenance stations with an excellent reputation.
  3. If the washing oil is used for high quality engine.
  4. Washing engine and oil replacement were carried out on time. Today, washing oils for engines include a complete set of necessary additives in their own composition. Their main purpose is a thorough cleaning of the engine. Absolutely all particles of dirt will be washed together with engine fluid.

If the flushing of the motor is trusted with an unqualified specialist, then you can make serious damage own car. After draining, the motor defined part can remain directly in the pallet. After that, it will be mixed with lubricating mixtures, as a result of which a small change in the main characteristics and viscosity is observed.

What methods and means are effective?

Today there is a large assortment and the choice of lubricating materials in the automotive market. During the purchase, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice and not harm your car.

To decide whether to rinse the engine must be familiar with the following advice:

  • Special oil for cleaning the motor from impurities. This method is the most unsuccessful. After performing such a work, a decreased mud concentration in the existing liquid is reduced. Deposits and the remaining impurities will not be completely wedged or dissolved.
  • Washing the engine with a vacuum pump. This is also an inactive way that has been tested not one dozen years. Vacuum pump Apply at maintenance stations only in cases where it is necessary to replace the oil in the shortest possible time. Some experts are convinced that pumps are able to completely pump out all the impurities and dirty remnants. But this statement is erroneous and does not bring the expected results. Today, such pumps that are able to wash even hidden cavities have not yet been invented. This applies to the dissolution of dirt on the walls of the engine.
  • Fast rinsing of the engine with special solvents. Their basic principle of work is speed. The liquid must be pouring into the motor for ten minutes and then turn on the motor. It should work a little, after which you can merge this liquid. After long-term research and careful analysis it became clear that they are ineffective and can cause irreparable harm to the internal parts of the engine. Special quick flushing can not cope with mud or dissolve it for a small time interval. After such an impact, the oil channels are clogged with sediments, and the required amount does not come to the motor lubricant. This leads to its further failure. The most concentrated washing oils for engines in some situations can cope with their main task and save the motor from deposits. But there is a huge risk that they violate the integrity of rubber oils. After such a washing of the engine will have to repair the car and buy spare parts that are not suiced today.
  • The most effective I. effective method Motor cleaning is the use of a long-acting washing. Before replacing the oil into the engine you need to fill such a liquid. Next, you need to drive from 50-500 kilometers, after which the old oil merges and the new one is poured into its place. For the whole period of time, absolutely all sediments will have time not only to wash off the engine, but even dissolve. In this case, all parts and components are not harm.

How to perform flushing?

To flush the engine when replacing the oil and at the same time not to harm your own car, you must first consult with a highly qualified specialist.

He must have extensive experience in order to correctly and accurately determine the condition of the vehicle.

Before performing such work, it is necessary to make complete diagnostics of the machine and its engine. Experts will appreciate its degree of pollution and terms of oil change. The final solution depends on the intensity of operation and the state of the lubricant used.

Some motorists believe that the engine washing can be done for prophylaxis. But such an opinion is absolutely erroneous. These actions apply the maximum damage to the car engine, after which it will be necessary partial replacement His details.

Perform flushing to maintain cleanliness in the motor only in some cases. Before this, the specialist must estimate the state of the system and its purity.

Of the large number of techniques used and methods, it was possible to determine the most effective cleaning of the motor from a variety of deposits.

To do this, you need to perform a number of simple actions:

  • the old lubricant mixture merges;
  • a high-quality means for cleaning the engine is poured. Next, you must enable the engine in which the means is twenty minutes. Motor must work on idling;
  • next, the waste fluid needs to be drained;
  • low quality remedy is taken and the motor is turned on to work at idle. At this stage of washing, the engine must work for one hour;
  • low-quality liquid merges;
  • next, motorists must pour good and tested oil into the engine.

Existing types of washing oils

Today in the automotive market there is a wide and diverse selection of oils for the motor. Each manufacturer tries to make a beautiful and highlighting advertising for its product, while not forgetting to list all the advantages.

But after the acquisition, drivers and wizards at maintenance stations note that there is nothing new in such a proposal.

There are two main varieties of engine oil:

  1. Long exposure. This special fluid It is necessary to pour directly into the engine after the person will pre-grow old. After that, it is important to drive about two days by car for thorough cleaning of all parts and components.
  2. Fast exposure oil. On average, it is valid for ten minutes. Fill such a liquid is necessary after thorough drain test. Such oils are capable of cleaning the engine while idling.

The highest demand and popular additives are in pure form. They produce the world-famous Liquimoly company, which has conquered confidence in many motorists. Presented additives for a certain amount of time to further replacement must be added to the oil.

They will gradually perform their work and carefully clean the motor from clogs. As noted above, this is a fairly effective and efficient method. Additives do not harm the car, and also beneficially affect the entire system.

The composition of the washing oil includes components such as:

  • High quality base. Manufacturers use mineral industrial oil. The most common types and-40 or and-20 are the most common.
  • A certain part of aggressive additives. These ingredients are able to effectively dissolve all the dirt, which during a certain amount of time accumulated in the engine.
  • Additional additives. These components are able to minimize the negative effects of washing on a variety of engine elements.

Durable effects have a gentle effect on the motor, as well as all rubber products. When industrial oil is flooded into the motor, then the driver needs to follow several precautions. Specialists are recommended to operate vehicle exclusively in gentle mode.

Among the drivers, another common way to clean the automotive motor is used in special demand - this is a variety oil. It is this. The presented method of washing the engine applies a huge number of official service stations and dealer centers.

Let's start with the fact that the flushing is needed in order to clean the parts and the inner walls of the engine from deposits. What is deposited and what kind they happen, you can read in the article - any deposits in the engine can be considered harmful - sediments in the engine should not be! And in most cases, the engine must be washed.

There are four main engine washing methods.

Method 1. Disassembling the engine and cleaning into manual with washing parts with special means.

You can disassemble the engine to a hundred or familiar in the garage, cleaned every detail with the help of technical solvent (solarium, kerosene, solvent ITD). This method is probably the fastest time and efficient, but also the most time consuming. I do not say that a special room is needed - garage, certain conditions and knowledge. Not every motorist has warm garage, ability and skill to disassemble, clean and collect back the engine internal combustion. That is why there are special means for washing the engine, which will be discussed below. It should be noted that there are cases when flushing the engine washes harmful and dangerously, as in general, to run it. Therefore, in some cases, manual engine cleaning is the only option!For example, in such a case:

That is, there is nothing to help here, except to disassemble and manually clean, pass through the wear and the possibility of further use of this engine.

Method 2. Washing oils.

Designed for flushing lubrication systems car engines Without their disassembly, when changing engine oil. Washing oils received tremendous popularity in Russia. In the West in the mind of the mentality "Why will I spend extra money?" Washing oils were not gained great popularity.

Usually, washing oil is the usual mineral, the simplest and cheap oil - mineral water (and why is expensive there? Do not ride on it.), To which washing additives, anti-wear additives are added.

Here is a laboratory analysis of the washing oil LUKOIL

That is, on the analysis we see that anti-wear additives (zinc phosphorus) were added and washes added washing neutralizing additives (calcium). They are added to much less content than in standard engine oils. In fact, this washing in order to mix with the remnable residue of the old oil (in the crankcase as well as the engine parts are still in dirty oil) and neutralize the acid medium in the engine. All this merges along with the washing - here is the main and main goal of washing oil. I'm afraid to wash the dirty engine in a slam or varnish it is not capable ...

The principle of use of flushing oils is approximately like this: the car brought 10-20 minutes at idle, the worked out motor oil, fled the washing oil in the same filling out What is required by the automaker for engine oil, dried at idle 10-20 minutes, drained the wash oil and poured fresh oil.

In the West, wash oils did not fit and do not share in demand, there you will not see flushing oils (for civilian transport) Mobil, Shell brands, Castrol, etc. (I met BP in Japan) - Manufacturers voiced the standard opinion "When using our engine oils - washing The engine is not required! " And in its manufacturers of motor oils of the right. If you buy new car In the car dealership, change the oil more often (sometimes even more often than requires official dealer), pour good gasoline - The deposits in the engine will not arise! Why spend in empty money? Spend them for ice cream to children! But unfortunately, not all new cars, not everyone got a clean engine, and not always intervals are observed strictly. It is for such cases and there are washing oils.

In Russia, washing oils are presented in a sufficient assortment. Because the demand, in this case, gave rise to an offer. For example, a very serious and large domestic company LUKOIL - does not consider to produce that global manufacturers of engine oils are distrancted. Also on the market presented brands Spectrol, Felix, Novoufim NPZ, HADO VERYLUBE, LUXE, Volga Oil, SibTEK, Unico, Rosneft, G-Energy, ZiCT.

Pour or not pour wash oils - decide for yourself! I decided for myself - that I don't need "money to wind!", And I adhere to the version "at reasonable change intervals - wash oils like washing not needed." But if you, for example, tightened with a change interval or bought a car with an unknown oil change story, washing oil can help remove unsaluable acid residue.

Method 3. Washing of an oil system or "five minutes".

There are also the same special flushing "Five minutes" who are poured into the old oil when changing, the engine is allowed to work 5-10-20 minutes (read the instruction!) And merge along with the exhaust oil.

Among the motorists in the Internet community, the opinion is generally accepted - "Washing" Five minutes "- evil!" On the forums there are horror stories that "Five minutes wash the slices that fall off, clog oil canals, clog the filter, the oil grid and the engine fails!" "The five-minute pernicious effect on gaskets and glands - and after washing the engine necessarily" run "" "Five minutes are not compatible with your future oil, they remain in the crankcase with the unsolved residue and spoil the next oil, as well as your engine.". I will not argue with these statements, especially since when it possessed the same opinion, I just show it clearly and conclude the reader to the conclusion. See all yourself and with your own eyes!

Again, we ask the question, and somebody from manufacturers of motor oils makes five minutes? There are Shell, Valvoline, Wynn's, Liqui Moly., Motul - that is, some manufacturers pay attention to the demand of motorists, in a particular country, all the same produce five minutes. I spent two visual experiments with flushing two well-known and sufficiently respected brands. Liqui Moly. and Motul.

I spent two visual experiments with flushing two well-known and sufficiently respected brands. Liqui Moly. and Motul.

Experiment 1. Flushing "10-minute" (German name Liqui Moly Pro-Line Motorspulung).

Car Toyota Curren 1994 release, with 3S-Fe engine. The engine inside is very dirty - deposits like varnish and sludge. We open the valve cover, take the condition under the valve lid - BEFORE. Then we go with short change intervals, applying a fifth minute wash between shifts LIQUI MOLY PRO-LINE ENGINE FLUSH. With this procedure, strictly follow the instructions on the bank. If it says "10 minutes at idle engine speeds" then do it - this is important!

This amateur experiment nevertheless stretched from me exactly 1 year. Mode is mostly urban traffic jams and a little track. Motor oil was used common for gasoline engines with the North American Petro-Canada SUPREME 5W-30 and CHEVRON SUPREME 5W-30 (in common semi-synthetic, but on the fact of mineral water 2 groups API.). Gasoline used one and the same with one refueling.

In this case, the interval between the shifts of 1500-2000km is not randomly chosen - for the speed of experiment and smaller effect on the experiment of the engine oil itself. 5 flushing of the oil system of the engine was carried out - 5 cans left. We open the engine and photograph the result

Expether 2. Flushing 15 minutes Motul Engine Clean.

The car is the same Toyota Curren 94 release, 3S-FE engine. The mode is also a city of 80% and a 20% route.

5 shifts were produced, 5 washing cans were used.
Toyota 5W30 SM + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 3000km
Petro-Canada Supreme 5W30 SM + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 3000km
Petro-Canada Duron Synthetic 0W30 + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 3000km
Mobil1 0W40 Life + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 3000km
Petro-Canada Supreme 5W30 SM + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 1000km

Comparing photos BEFORE And you can make certain conclusions about the efficiency of washing the oil system.

The reader may have doubt "What is the oil filter? After all, score! " As the opening of each filter showed after each washing - inside they were clean - there were no serious savings!

And how does the engine feel after such flushing? Excellent! Nothing would have run anywhere and did not break - there was already enough time. Moreover! I made a laboratory analysis of engine oil on the content of wear metals - the engine showed near zero wear.

Another example of another protein forum staff. Video where it is clearly shown as washing the washing "Five minutes". Opened the engine, saw deposits, collected back washed with 15-minute washing according to the instructions, and opened to see "What has changed?" And nothing has changed! This is not a miraculous flushing. In general, see the roller:

Method 4. Flushing with engine oil - as the most tender flushing.

There is also a washing of the oil system with ordinary engine oil - at which exactly nothing will happen. This flushing will be compatible with your engine, glazed gaskets, your future Oil ITD.

The method is very simple: pour your usual engine oil or cheap mineral water, which you usually prefer the brand (whatever money), rolled on this oil 500-1000km and merged. That's all! Just in case, you can change the oil filter. But there is one big but! Engine oil has a very low detergent! In fact, it can only take part of the particles that have already been pulled off from the walls - and the engine as dirty will remain so - either you need a lot of time and thousand km on the principle of "water stone sharpening." You can figure this stone and 500 thousand km - which reduces the engine washing with oil. Do not think that you poured the oil, roll back 1000km and everything inside you inside. If the deposits are really serious - everything will remain as well as it was! Washing with engine oil, I dedicated a separate article, since I have many years of experience - put such experiments.


And so we listed the 4 main methods of washing the oil system. The most important thing is to solve for yourself, should I wash the engine?
Take a flashlight, unscrew the lid of the oil-tank neck, look inside (and it is better to remove the valve cover). If there is a pure metal - then you have a clean engine and most likely no flushing you need. The walls of the neck - this is the same inner wall of the engine as everyone else, besides at the very top. Remember - washing must have a reason!

First, put the diagnosis and are responsible for: engine dirty or pure? And then decide to treat or leave as it is!

Wash washing a clean engine "for the sake of prevention" does not make sense! You spend money ... It is better and more efficient in this case to change the oil not through 10 000km, but after 7500km! Clean engine will feel much better than 10 thousand km with flushing!

Many of us do not represent life without a car, only thanks to the "iron horse" in our fussy century you can have a lot of time for a day. And of course I wanted the car to serve as longer as possible and helped solve everyday problems. Everyone knows that the "heart" of the car is its engine. One of the main conditions of uninterrupted work is a timely oil change.

And here, many motorists begin to ask the question and whether the engine washing needed when the oil is replaced. Opinions on this issue disagree, but still on the basis of the operation of the OI, some axioms on this issue have been developed.

To unambiguously wash the engine before replacing the oil in the following cases:

- when buying a non-nanny car, while you will not have reliable facts of operation of this car, and above all in the issues of the periodicity of changing oil and its quality;

- When conducting overhaul or anyone repair workwhen the block head is removed (in this case, the high probability of dipping dirt and dust into the lubrication system);

- with a possible hit of various kinds of substances (coolant, garbage, etc.) in the lubricant highway;

- with intensive operation of the car in a long period of time (during this time, the motor has much more accumulated by side products due to the intensive lubrication of the engine);

- during the operation of turbo engines (in this type of engines, the lubrication system has more intensively producing its resource);

- when moving from one type of oil to another (transition from semi-synthetic on synthetic oil etc.);

- When solving, change the manufacturer of the oil brand or change the viscosity coefficient used in your auto oil.

You can not wash the engine if the transition from one engine oil to another if the oil has one manufacturer.

If a different manufacturersA planning outcome may occur, since in each form / type / brand oil contains their unique to the set of additives. It is impossible to predict the effects for the engine when mixing different additives.

There is an opinion that you can not need the engine washing when the oil is replaced:

- when buying a new car;

- with constant maintenance of the machine (or on a hundred or previous owner, a car provided a book on maintenance) If the oil replacement time has been maintained, and the oils themselves were high.

In this case, the washing of the engine will not only be useless, but in some extent harmful to the engine.

It is necessary to know that almost always due to the design features of the engine, depending on the flushing method, it remains at least up to 10 percent or old oil, or washing oil, or washing chemistry.

This residue is mixed with a certain amount of new oil, thereby occurs not only changes in the characteristics of lubricating fluid, but also "suffer" afterwards oil-challenged caps, glands, etc.

How to rinse the engine when replacing the oil

At the moment there are four ways to wash the engine:

  • washing method with a complete disassembly of the engine;
  • chemical method of washing the engine;
  • washing the engine with oils (washing);
  • the so-called method of washing the motor in "accelerated technology".

Briefly consider each way, and we will focus on the features, on the "pluses" and on "minuses".

According to the first way, everything is simple. Drive the car to the service station, give the keys and money, "forget" about your car for a couple of days. The advantages of the method of complete disassembling of the motor include:

- thorough manual flushing with diesel / kerosene / gasoline of all parts of the engine;

- Simultaneously with flushing there is a check of the wear of these parts with the possibility of rapid replacement.


- quite expensive in financial terms at the same time there will be additional costs, for example, to replace the gaskets;

- This procedure will take a lot of time.

Chemical washing procedure is very simple: a special liquid for washing the engine is poured into the neck for oil when replacing the oil. Depending on the instructions, the engine is created and allowed to work from five to 20 minutes.

After that, the old oil and filter are drained, poured new lubricant liquid and screw the new oil filter. Using the engine washing using chemistry has a two-digit meaning.


- simplicity and speed of engine washing;

- In some point, the dirt is not only washed away, but also dissolves;

- Very economical way.


- requires special precautions;

- the chemical components of the five-minute action in time do not cope with the task of dissolving scale and dirt, which then fall into the oil channels and lead to the lubricant "starvation" of the engine and to the wedge / turning rods;

- washing higher concentrations (from 15 to 20 minutes) are removed and dissolved unnecessary substances in the engine, but then negatively affect the rubber parts of the motor, since not all chemistry merges with old oil.

Many are resorted to K. washing the engine with washing oils. The actions algorithm with this method is simple:

- the engine is heated and the old oil is drained, the oil filter is removed;

- poured flushing oil, install the filter, give the engine to work or ride by car in gentle mode (the operating time is determined by the instructions for using this type of washing oil);

- everyone merge and remove the filter, poured high quality oil And screw the new filter.


- gentle method of washing the engine;

effective methodin which the likelihood of full and high-quality engine washing is high.


- not quite convenient way, because during the operation of the car with washing oil It is necessary to adhere to certain rules for the speed of movement, according to the motor turnover and the load capacity;

- Additional financial costs (twice it is necessary to travel to a hundred, additional oil filter and flushing oil).

Method on "accelerated technology" It implies that the engine washing process will be the following:

- after warming up the car merges old motor fluid, the filter is removed (oil);

- the new oil is poured (not very expensive) and the machine is operated for 2-3 days in the "run-in" mode, while the mileage is from 100 to 500 km;

- Then everything merges and poured new oil;

- on the this oil Mileage of the car is not 10,000 km, but from 5 to 7 thousand km.


- this method is the most optimal and gentle for the lubricant system;

- The engine is rinsed quite well.


- the average way of financial costs;

- Permanent visit to a hundred and changing filters.

Video: Washing for the engine when replacing the oil, price


The main thing must be understood that the engine washing procedure is needed.Over the years, trash, nagar, dust, etc. accumulate, settle on the walls of the engine, form a flare. Over the years, all these formations accumulate all and thicken. When the oil is replaced, only a partial removal of these particles from the motor occurs. Therefore, to continue the service life of "our faithful iron friend" before replacing the oil, it is necessary to do the engine washing procedure. Methods of this procedure were given above. I wish you success!

Often, when replacing oil, car owners are wondering: Do I need to wash the engine before pouring a new oil? And most of them respond to this question affirmatively.

Naturally, mechanics in car services and do not think to discourage such clients from washing, and many advise it additionally, even insist, although the client did not ask for such a service. They start in colors and details to describe all sediments, accumulated in the engine over the years of work, as well as tell what effect will be given the flushing procedure. But is it possible to objectively assess the words of a person who is interested in selling us as much of goods and services as possible? Yes, and there is hardly a lot of truly good auto mechanics who really understand cars and understand that they are useful and necessary for them, and what is not.

The flushing theme is relevant for any car owner, because it is unlikely that there is at least one one who did not occur to anyone. But, despite the relevance and popularity of this topic, issues in it are much more than answers. More precisely, the ordinary motorist usually lacks information about the processes occurring during washing to take the right decision. And auto mechanics are not always competent or want to enlighten the client so that he spent in their car service as much money as possible. In the article, we will look at the engine washing mechanism, its main types, as well as let some recommendations on the conduct of this procedure.

Flushing process

Before you delve into the conversation about how the washing of the engine is better, the process itself needs to be understood. So, you are going to replace the oil in your car, but before this decide to "clean" the motor. To do this, you come to the service station, where the car mechanic advises you to use a good expensive engine flushing fluid.

Important! It should be understood that when plum washing fluid (as well as during the drain of the engine oil itself) does not occur its complete leakage from the engine. It accumulates in various channels, cavities, cracks and other "irregularities" on the inner surfaces of the engine. Usually, its content reaches from 5 to 20% of the total volume of the engine.

Now we found out that when washing the engine with a special tool, it is not completely merged and some part remains inside. So, In the average car with an engine capacity of 1.6 liters, approximately 400 ml of washing fluid will remain. What is equally important, this fluid will not be clean, but mixed with what should be rid of your engine: old, dirty oil and other pollution.

What is it dangerous

Most motorists should understand what modern engine oil is. Such a liquid, conventionally speaking, is a mixture of the main (or basic) oil with various additives. Actually, the presence and number of additives is now determined by its class, the price and possible operating conditions. Each manufacturer seeks to achieve the most successful combination. There are quite a lot of species of various additives, the most important of them are:

  • viscous;
  • antipid;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • antioxidative;
  • detergent;
  • etc.

Now try to imagine what is happening with engine oil, which is added to the engine, a quarter filled with washing liquid and slags. Quite right, nothing good. The main negative consequence is the "dilution" of oil. Now in your motor, the composition, the concentration of additives per unit volume in which less than you expected. This means that such an oil will behave at all as you are accustomed; Some of its properties are either completely disappeared, or become less pronounced. That is, the probability that the breakdown can happen with the engine, increases. TO possible consequences Ride on the "diluted" oil can be attributed:

  • his foaming;
  • appearance of emulsion;
  • too fast resource generation;
  • insufficient lubrication;
  • etc.

But Samoa An important problem, naturally, is to reduce the viscosity of the composition.This engine oil indicator is responsible for the thickness of the composition and its change depending on the temperature. Also, by viscosity parameters, you can approximately determine the service life of the engine oil, so it decreases when diluted.

Obviously, the larger fluid remained inside the engine, the greater the difference between the expected and actual viscosity after its fill. For example, if you pour engine oil with 5W-40 viscosity indicators, then in fact in the engine, you get at least 5W-30, and even less viscosity value.

What and when rinse the engine

Before moving to the answer to the question "The better to wash the engine before replacing the oil," we'll figure it out when, in general, it is worth conducting this procedure with your car. Since we found out that the engine washing has their own negative consequences, to make it before each replacement is still not recommended. You should also not do this on new cars, because at the factory they pour good in them, corporate oil (Including then so that you subsequently continue to fill it out). Those who are worried about poor-quality oil "from the plant" or "from the cabin" to listen not to.

Tip! Do not rinse the engine before each oil change, especially on a new car.

However, such a council is relevant only for those car owners who are followed by the state of their car and regularly replace all technical fluids.

In which case the oil change is desirable and even necessary? Their little:

  • First, it is necessary to rinse the engine when switching from one type of oil to another. For example, when switching from synthetics to semi-synthetics, from summer for the winter or when replacing composures with a large difference in viscosity indicators (5W-40-15W-40).
  • Secondly, it is better to wash the engine when buying a car with mileage. The purchase of used cars is always a bit like a cat in the bag, so the motor will be reinsured and rinse will be completely useful (just as it is replaced by all other liquids and consumables).
  • Third, in the risk area of \u200b\u200bthe car, susceptible to intensive exploitation or operation in severe natural conditions.
  • Fourth, turbocharged engines. Engines equipped with turbines require the use of good, clean oil. Otherwise, the turbine can fail and seriously hit the wallet. Therefore, take flushing of turbocharged engines every two or three oil replacements.

Having understood when the engine washing is precisely necessary, we will understand the better to wash the engine when the oil is replaced. Traditional ways to replace four:

  • Salok

Immediately I want to note that the diesel car was not a specialized means for washing gasoline / diesel engines. She used our fathers and grandfathers, washing their vases, gases and others soviet cars. Nowadays, there are many followers left, which are washed domestic cars Saluar. In general, wash the engine with a diesel engine it is categorically not recommended, especially if we are talking about a foreign car. Not only is the impact of diesel fuel to the gland, gaskets and seals can contribute to their destruction, so it also additionally pollutes the engine. If you are still interested in this way of washing the engine, the next video will help you understand all its subtleties:

  • Five minutes

So called the means that are added to the old oil in five minutes to its drain and subsequent replacement. These five minutes the motor should work. Manufacturers argue that their compositions really finish the engine for such a short time. Confirm their words is much more difficult than to refute, therefore, we do not solve this method. If the benefit from it is very dubious, the damage to the oil and seals can be quite real.

  • Washing fluid

We have already talked about its shortcomings in detail above: it remains in the engine and "dilutes" new engine oil, thereby changing its properties.

  • Wash oil

Perhaps the most best Flushing For the engine is washing with oil. For its implementation, it is usually buying inexpensive engine oil in a fairly large quantity (so that at least 2 fillings). Some car enthusiasts at the first flushing interfere with the engine oil with a washing liquid in the ratio one to one. In principle, before washing the engine, the oil can be washed with its liquid, and then displace it with oil residues. Of course, after washing, some part of the oil will remain in the engine. But unlike flushing with liquid or lack of washing, it will be clean engine oil.


Summing up, I want to advise once again do not rinse the engine before replacing the oil if your car is not exploited too often or in difficult conditions. For his normal work there will be enough timely replacement of oil and oil filter, as well as gentle operation. If you have any questions about washing the engine before replacing the oil, see this video:

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