Home Transmission Diesel fuel additive Castrol TDA. Car oils and everything you need to know about motor oils Diesel antigel group

Diesel fuel additive Castrol TDA. Car oils and everything you need to know about motor oils Diesel antigel group

Happened: ran into trashy fuel! The engine itself will tell about it - with the smoke from the exhaust pipe, its "stupidity" and unwillingness to start off half-run, as it was yesterday. Moreover, everything will not happen immediately, because for some time after refueling the engine runs on the benign remnants of the previous feeding. What should I do?

The best thing is to drain, wash and clean! However, in 99% of cases this is unrealistic - according to different reasons... But if the producers have "not added" something to their fuel, then maybe we will do it ourselves? There are so many beautiful bottles on the shelf ...

Cheesy diesel fuel can be harmful because of its low cetane number, low lubricity and poor low temperature properties. Deteriorated start-up, for example, can be a consequence of any of the above - let's add here some merrymaking with the transformation of summer diesel fuel into winter diesel fuel by adding kerosene. The same applies to smokiness and dullness. Therefore, we will take "a pair of each creature": cetane correctors, lubricating additives, antigels and universal formulations. The latter proudly call themselves fuel correctors: there all the promised joys are mixed in one bottle.

All compositions are from different companies from among the most famous. Cetane-proofreaders: Russian BBF drug and "American" "Cetan-plus SMT2". With lubricating additives: our "TOTEK for EURO-4" and the French "Energy-3000". Antigeli: American Hi-Gear Diesel Antigel and Russian Astrochem Antigel diesel. Complex universal preparations: German Liqui moly- Super Diesel Additive and European Castrol TDA.


Diesel is much more sensitive to the composition of the fuel than its petrol counterpart. The peculiarities of its work are such that injection, evaporation and combustion go not somewhere, but directly in the cylinder, and very little time is allotted for this. Moreover, if for gasolines the differences in key parameters (octane number, fractional composition, content of various hydrocarbons and oxygen) are only a few percent, then for diesel fuel (DF) the picture is much worse. A recent scheduled inspection of diesel fuel at gas stations of leading brands in one large northern city showed that the cetane number, the most important parameter fuel, ran from 46 to 55 units, that is, by almost 20%! The distillation temperature of 95% of the samples varied from 290 to 360 ºС! It is known: the higher the distillation temperature, the worse the fuel evaporates, and the lower the cetane number, the more difficult it is to ignite. So much for the smoke and the unwillingness of the engine to spin.

But these are still flowers. Even in the samples taken at the "superfuel", the sulfur content was in the range from less than 7 ppm to 4000 ppm and more! The index of lubricity, the so-called wear scar diameter, varied from 245 to 460 μm. And the funny thing is that all this diesel fuel was conditioned! Such are our crafty GOSTs and other regulations.


To begin with, we took conditional fuel, but it goes along the very edge of our liberal rules. It remains only to finish it off - to dilute it with a fair percentage of kerosene. As a result, the cetane number dropped to 41, while the lubricity dropped to only 402 microns (which, by the way, meets the requirements of the regulations). The low-temperature properties of summer diesel fuel with the introduction of kerosene improved slightly, but the real winter diesel fuel was still very far away. Filterability temperature was minus 9 ° С, solidification temperature - minus 25 ° С. It's time to uncork the bottles!

The total is in pivot tables. Specialized drugs have fulfilled their main declared functions. Cetane correctors increase the cetane number, lubricating additives increase the lubricity, antigels improve low-temperature properties. Universal correctors are also workable, but in efficiency they are inferior to specialized formulations for each parameter. This is especially noticeable in the example of lubricity - compare "TOTEC for EURO-4" and Liqui Moly. A similar picture with the correction of low-temperature properties and cetane number. However, the "generalists" have always lost to the "specialists"! But they win in convenience and ease of use - instead of three bottles, you can take one with you.


Vials and beakers are good business, but what does the motor say? He really responded to the changes that the universal Castrol TDA and Liqui Moly correctors made to the fuel by reducing fuel consumption and smokiness. By the way, in this case, smokiness is a much more sensitive indicator of an improvement in the conditions of mixture formation.

And here are narrowly targeted compositions like "Energy-3000" and antigels motor performance practically did not improve. However, this was not promised in the description of the drugs - after all, they are aimed at solving only one specific problem. So everything is fair.

It's nice to see the success of domestic autochemistry. "TOTEK for EURO-4" also increased its lubricity, and did not forget about fuel consumption with ecology, and it worked even more efficiently than the titled "German-British"!

So it all depends on the situation. In the summer, it is worth keeping a can of a universal fuel corrector in reserve and using it as needed - when the engine becomes unwell after refueling. In winter, the situation is more complicated! The quality of the fuel in the cold period of the year has a much greater effect on the start of the diesel engine and on its resource. Therefore, we would add a specialized lubricating additive to the glove compartment, which will help to compensate for the problems associated with the "kerosene" method of obtaining winter fuel, and would apply it every 3-5 fillings. Antigels are needed during the transition period: in the fall and at the beginning of winter. You never know the cases when, with a steady minus on the street, they still sell the remains of summer fuel! And we poured antigel into the tank every time, refueling at unknown and suspicious gas stations. It won't get any worse from them, but they can save the fuel system from "sticking" on a frosty night.

A cetane additive is needed at any time of the year on long journeys. We did not see problems with the cetane number near the capitals, but in the distant Zamkadye they greatly complicate life.

Our comments on the results of working with different drugs are in the tables. We deliberately did not put the jars in their places - they are DIFFERENT, therefore it would be simply illiterate to compare their effectiveness. And we checked not so much the compositions as the possibilities of various technologies for saving fuel. What conclusions to draw, you decide.

Resulting tables open by clicking in full size:

Universal group

Liqui Moly Diesel Fuel Modifier - Super Diesel Additiv, Germany

Estimated price- 290 rubles.

Volume- 250 ml (for 75 liters of diesel fuel)

Everything is promised at once: increased power, lower consumption, lubricity, reduced noise and wear. But the diesel engine still makes noise (that is, it works), but in terms of power and fuel consumption, the effect is really detected. The increase in cetane number may have worked. But the effect on lubricity is small. And the price is too high - almost 4 rubles for processing a liter of diesel fuel.

Quite good motor effects in terms of economy and ecology, a noticeable increase in the cetane number.

Slightly increases lubricity and slightly improves low-temperature properties. Very expensive!

, EU

Estimated price- 350 rubles.

Volume- 250 ml (for 250 liters of diesel fuel)

The increase in lubricity and cetane number is within the measurement error. But in terms of engine and environmental performance, it's not bad at all. The price is reasonable. And the possibility of accurate dosing gives the drug a bonus in the test.

Good motor and environmental effects at a low cost of processing a liter of fuel.

Low effect of increasing the basic physical and chemical properties of the fuel. The drug is European, and there, apparently, they are sure that everything should be all right with this in the fuel!

Group of lubricating additives

, France, packaged in Russia

Estimated price- 90 rubles.

Volume- 200 ml (for 40 liters of diesel fuel)

The inscription on the bottle informs about the compliance with the Euro 4 standard. I wonder which one? Is it possible that such a standard has already been released for autochemistry?

A highly specialized drug that actually increases the lubricity of diesel fuel. We did not notice any bonuses in terms of motor performance. And it's a little expensive - more than 2 rubles for refining each liter of fuel.

The drug effectively increases the lubricity of the fuel.

Expensive, and no other bonuses - no savings, no ecology.

, Russia

Estimated price- 250 rubles.

Volume- 500 ml (for 250 liters of diesel fuel)

"Supercomponent", "nanotechnology of combustion control" - beautiful and incomprehensible. But this is the only drug that gave a powerful effect of increasing lubricity (as much as 40%!), And at the same time "nano-controlled" combustion. During the tests, the values ​​obtained were close to those promised by the advertisement - an infrequent case. The rise in fuel prices is per ruble per liter, which is quite comparable with the difference in price between good diesel fuel and not so much at different gas stations.

Increased lubricity combined with good motoring effect.

Mediocre packaging.

Group of cetane correctors


Estimated price- 580 rubles.

Volume- 240 ml (for 480 liters of diesel fuel)

We have not tested the cleansing properties, but an increase in the cetane number is evident. And the lubricity has improved - not very much, but noticeably. The motor clearly liked it. And also - the most convenient and well-thought-out packaging with a dispenser. But the price is high.

The good effect of increasing the cetane number is combined with a slight improvement in lubricity.

Expensive! And the motor effects are not high.

, Russia

Estimated price- 40 rubles.

Volume- 325 ml (for 50-60 liters of diesel fuel)

The drug is the cheapest, highly specialized. The cetane number increases, while everything else does not spoil - it's already good. After this corrector, the diesel engine began to smoke noticeably less. But the packaging is clearly inconvenient for large diesel engines - do not carry a box of bottles with you ...

The most low price with good efficiency.

Narrow specialization.

Diesel antigel group

, Russia

Estimated price- 55 rubles.

Volume- 300 ml (for 60-120 liters of diesel fuel)

Also a cheap highly specialized composition. And very effective in its field. The engine performance of the diesel engine almost did not change, which means that the drug had no effect on other characteristics of the fuel, except for low-temperature ones! But this was not promised, so everything is fair.

Low cost, best efficiency in improving low-temperature properties.

Very narrow specialization, the complexity of the exact dosage.


Estimated price- 135 rubles.

Volume- 325 ml (for 160-640 liters of diesel fuel)

Promise to improve low temperature properties and lubricity. Checked - it improves! But how to use it when the application plate offers a concentration range with a fourfold (!) Difference between the lower and upper limits, and the bottle itself is opaque and without dispensers? But inexpensive.

Improves both lubricity and low temperature properties at the same time - this is usually difficult to combine. Inexpensive!

The complexity of the dosage.

Castrol TDA is a comprehensive multifunctional diesel fuel additive. It is used all-season in a volumetric ratio with fuel 1: 1000. The additive is intended for all vehicles with diesel engine with or without turbocharging - passenger cars of any design (including those with fuel supply systems Common rail and Pump Nuzzle), trucks and buses, tractors and stationary diesel engines.

  • Detonation resistance (cetane number) this is an indicator that affects the mode of ignition and combustion of diesel fuel in the combustion chamber of the engine and, as a result, has a direct impact on the softness and noise of the engine, on its power indicators, smoke. The optimal cetane number is from 40 to 50, depending on the season. To correct the cetane number, special technologies are used in the production of fuel. Too high or too low a cetane number is detrimental to the operation of a diesel engine. Castrol TDA has no effect on the cetane number.
  • Viscosity and density determine the processes of evaporation and mixture formation in the engine. Castrol TDA, present in fuel in an amount of one tenth of a percent, does not significantly affect the viscosity and density of the fuel, unlike many competitors' additives. Thus, the factory-set viscosity and density parameters remain unchanged. Work fuel equipment carried out in standard, calculated modes.
  • Low temperature properties are characterized by such indicators as the cloud point tp, the limiting filterability temperature tf and the pour point tg. For diesel fuels of summer brands, these values, it would seem, are not so relevant, since according to GOST, the pour point of summer diesel fuels is regulated at a level not higher than minus 10 ° C, and the cloud point is minus 5 ° C. But, probably, everyone who has operated a car with a diesel engine in winter has already become convinced that quite often the stocks of summer diesel fuel continue to be sold until late autumn, when the air temperature at night drops to negative levels. Starting the engine becomes very problematic. The pour point of winter diesel fuels is regulated by GOST at a level not higher than minus 35 ° C, and the cloud point is minus 25 ° C, which in general allows the use of such fuel in the middle lane, but it is really high quality diesel fuel not easy. Castrol TDA has powerful depressant properties, i.e. being in the recommended amount in the fuel, it significantly improves its low-temperature properties. When summer grades are added to diesel fuel, the full filterability of such fuel remains up to minus 20 ° C, partial - up to minus 30 ° C. When added to winter diesel fuel, still top scores... The need to use Castrol TDA in our conditions in the cold season is fully justified.
  • Chemical stability diesel fuel is the ability to resist oxidative processes during storage. When the car is parked for a long time with a full fuel tank the fuel is oxidized and a sludge forms at the bottom, which negatively affects the operation of the engine. The oxidation process takes place especially quickly in the presence of some metals used for the manufacture of fuel equipment. It is there that the fuel will oxidize even faster. Castrol TDA has anoxidizing properties, stabilizes fuel and enables long-term storage.
  • Corrosive activity diesel fuels are characterized by the presence of sulfur compounds in it. Castrol TDA is a corrosion inhibitor and partially inhibits the harmful effects of sulfur compounds.
  • Antiwear properties. Diesel fuel is lubricant for moving parts of fuel equipment, friction pairs plunger pumps, locking needles, pins and other details. The lubricating properties of diesel fuels are much worse than those of oils, since the concentration of surfactants in them is lower and their viscosity is much lower. To improve the lubricating properties of diesel fuels, special antiwear additives must be used. Castrol TDA has excellent antiwear properties and fully compensates for the lack of lubricity of standard fuels. Regular use of Castrol TDA will allow you to significantly increase the service life of fuel equipment and save a lot of money on its repair.

With the regular use of Castrol TDA in the recommended quantities, the purchase cost will be less than 2% of the fuel cost. Amounts required for repair fuel systems, have a different order, in addition, using Castrol TDA in the cold season, you have more chances to start the engine after refueling at an unfamiliar gas station.

Quality and service for you!

To buy the product "Castrol TDA Diesel Fuel Additive (0.25 L)" from us, call or leave an online application.

Castrol is a well-known manufacturer that produces a wide range of Supplies for stable work car different types... One of them is a TDA additive for diesel aggregates, which can optimize performance characteristics fuel (diesel fuel).

Overview of useful properties

This type of multifunctional and complex additive is used for operation with diesel fuel. The lubricant is actively used at any time of the year in an amount of 1: 1000. Active ingredients are relevant in any form passenger car with turbocharged units on a diesel basis. In addition, the additive is relevant in auto systems with fuel injection Pumpe Nuzzle and Common Rail.

The main advantages of TDA:

  • excellent level of viscosity and density;
  • knock stability;
  • chemical indicators;
  • depressor characteristics;
  • improved properties against system wear;
  • anti-corrosion resistance.

The high level of viscosity and density in gasoline affects the evaporation and formation of mixtures in the internal combustion engine. Castrol TDA has no effect on the variation of the stated values ​​in a diesel engine compared to similar competitors. As a result, the set high density parameters will not be changed. Accordingly, the car system will operate as usual, based on the calculation of fuel.

Knock stability

Knock resistance plays an important role as it has a positive effect on diesel ignition and combustion. As a result, soft and quiet operation depends on the action of the additive. power unit... In addition, the performance is improved and the smoke level is reduced.

Optimal value octane number- 40-50, according to the period of use. To change this number, it is necessary to use special technological components when creating a diesel engine. A very high value adversely affects the smooth operation of a diesel engine.

Depressor characteristics

TDA additives are characterized by high depressant properties. Thus, in the presence of active components in diesel fuel, they increase and stabilize its temperature indicators.

If such additives are actively used in a diesel system, then summer brands of diesel fuel can maintain a high level of fluidity - up to -20 ° C. As for the winter diesel fuel, these data are much higher. Therefore, many experts recommend using Castrol for efficient car operation in winter period time.

Chemical indicators

The stability of the chemicals in the fuel makes it possible to effectively influence the oxidation processes at the time of storage. Prolonged downtime of the car, even with an incomplete fuel tank, adversely affects the oxidation of diesel fuel.

In addition, a sludge is formed in the fuel equipment, which negatively affects the operation of the internal combustion engine. To restore it, it is necessary to use active additives TDA Castrol with high antioxidant properties, which normalize the operation of diesel fuel and internal combustion engines in general.

Effective against wear

The active additive TDA has high protection characteristics of the components of the diesel system of a car. Everyone knows that the fuel used is an additional lubricant for rubbing elements. The effective lubrication performance is enhanced by the use of Castrol TDA. Active additives of the substance increase the lubricating properties of diesel fuel and thereby prevent wear of the main components.

Regular use of diesel TDA additives, helps to reduce financial costs for the purchase of fuel. In addition, an effective additive will reduce the risks of wear and deformation of fuel equipment, while improving the quality of the diesel fuel used.

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