Home Transmission ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF engine oil. Automal and all you need to know about motor oils. So what users say

ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF engine oil. Automal and all you need to know about motor oils. So what users say

Known to many motorists eLF oil 5w40 is developed on the basis branded technology ELF companies are simply necessary for those drivers, whose driving style is characterized by speed and dynamism. This lubricant mixture is universal and can be poured almost into all types of engines operating on different fuel. Apart from this, in accordance with the applications of the manufacturer, it allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of fuel and prolongs the interval of the shift of the lubricant.

ELF EVOLUTION 900 SXR 5W40 synthetics is positioned as Fuel Economy, that is, super-monomic and combustible oil. It is created for use in passenger cars or minibuses. Great for the bulk of engines operating on gasoline and diesel population, including a multiclap-free system, as well as equipped with a convector or turbocharger. This car demonstrates excellent thermal stability and fluidity during the cold season. It is preferred by many car enthusiasts first because of its excellent characteristics even after a long run.



The ELF EVOLUTION 900 SXR 5W40 lubricating mixture provides a high-tech synthetic production scheme that makes it possible to get from power aggregate Best working data and increases the resource of the motor nodes. Initially, the ELF EVOLUTION 900 SXR 5W40 engine is developed directly for Renault cars.

This motor grease It can be used in auto engines operated in a variety of conditions, including extreme. Provides excellent operation of the power unit at any time of the year and easy start, even with very low temperatures. Prevents the appearance of Nagar and various deposits. In the case of a transition from another oil before using the lubricant, the Elf recommends a complete flushing of the motor nodes.

Oil in the canister of different volumes

Motor oil ELF Evolution SXR - the best choice For those who prefer to ride at high speed or engaged in a sports ride. It was created directly to order manufacturers of motors, taking into account their requirements regarding the extended interval of the change of car.

The ELF EVOLUTION SXR 5W40 motor machine is different:

  • excellent protection of engine nodes, especially in the distribution system;
  • provision of practically sterile purity in the engine;
  • good thermal stability;
  • high antioxidative stability;
  • preservation of lubricating oil quality, including in extreme conditions;
  • good cold start.

The car in our time is still not a luxury, but the means to deliver its owner to the desired destination. The problem with the machine is only that its content is sometimes not suiced, and repair, especially the engine, and is able to significantly shake the family budget. Accordingly, it is required to make every effort to work it as longer as possible. One of the most important deposits of success is to use high-quality engine oil.

One of the best is oil reviews about which, as well as its main characteristics, we will consider today on the pages of this article.

Basic information

Why did it happen that for all the time of the presence of this brand in the domestic market, it always remained as if as it were, since there was practically no frank advertising or frankly flattened reviews about it. But in recent years, ELF products have become increasingly conquering a domestic consumer. Even such "veterans" as Mobil and Motul in some areas begin to take their positions.

The manufacturer also "feeds" to the possibility of fill in the engines of cars that are operated in particular sophisticated conditions. It is suitable not only for a slow ride in a dense urban stream, but even for lovers to storm the expanses of the country, where, as you know, roads as such and does not smell. Even if you love desperate, sports riding, an excellent choice for you will be the oil "Elf 5W40". Reviews indicate that even in this mode of operation, your car is not threatened.

The interval between oil replacements was also seriously increased. In contrast, other valet manufacturers, Elf really developed oil, in full compliance with the recommendations of the most famous automotive concerns. Of course, in any case, we believe that before the fill of the new oil in the car you need to visit the site of its manufacturer and clarify all the compatibility nuances.

In general, the oil "Elf 5W40" (feedback confirm) you can safely pour into engines of any car. This is confirmed by its SL class, which speaks of full compliance with all applicable standards in this area.

The main advantages of the manufacturer

Summarize. According to the manufacturer, its products have the following advantages:

    Excellent with all operating modes. The high purity guarantee of all its components due to a special package of additives, which have always distinguished the ELF motor oils.

    The components of the oil itself are completely resistant to oxidation, the product retains all its quality even with very harsh operating conditions.

    Even cold winter starts are greatly simplified with the maximum possible maintenance of the motor resource: This is achieved through a special formula that allows oil to quickly warm up and immediately start lubricating engine components.

    Even with increased replacement intervals, the lubricant does not turn into a jelly-like "something" and does not cripple the motor.


    At 15 ° C, it has a density of 1298 g / cm3 (0.8526).

    The viscosity indicator at 40 ° C is 445 mm2 / s (85.11).

    At 100 ° C, this characteristic changes little: 445 mm2 / s (14.05).

    Through at temperatures below -39 degrees on the Celsius scale.

    "Flash" - 92 ° C.

    General alkaline number 2896 MGC / G (10,1).

Important! At all, experienced motorists It is said that we are important only two indicators: the temperature of the pouring and an alkaline number. In the first case, it should be noted that it is quite enough if the winter ambient temperature in your region is rarely lowered below -35 degrees Celsius. If you live in closest to the north of localities, where such a temperature can be regularly, it is better to choose another lubricant.

As for an alkaline number 10.1 - this value indirectly indicates that the oil and in fact will clean the engine well. Given the characteristics of the fuel at most of the gas stations of our country, this characteristic is extremely important. This is what the motor oil is "Elf 5W40". Characteristics, however, little about what they say if the most important indicators Do not retell in a simple language.

Deciphering important indicators

What is the temperature of the frozen? Simply put, in this state, the oil loses its fluidity, turning into a homogeneous, amorphous mass. This indicator is tested simply: the lubricant is poured into the tube, which is installed in the thermostat with artificial ice. Temperature values \u200b\u200bare read every few minutes.

Important! The temperature of the frost must necessarily be five to seven degrees below that threshold at which the oil is still able to pump. It is necessary to know that the frozen of most lubricants occurs in a fairly banal reason: the loss of paraffin crystals.

This is especially characteristic of oils derived from cheap oil varieties. Normal manufacturers are defined by special additives that prevent such a phenomenon. Actually, due to this, ELF 5W40 oil and shows excellent results up to the temperature in -35-36 degrees on the Celsius scale.

Alkaline number. This value indicates a common possible resource. The fact is that in any oil that is operated for how many long time is formed a significant amount of oxidation products. To neutralize them, manufacturers use specific additives. The alkaline number below, the faster the lubricant will lose its characteristics. If you bought a cheap oil, or you operate your car in conditions of a major city and forget to replace the lubricant on time, the car's motor can quickly fail.

To find out this amount, the manufacturers use potentiometric titration. Simply put, an alkaline number in this case is the ability to neutralize a certain weight of the acid added to acid.

It should also be said that the oil "Elf 5W40" is not a purebred "synthetics", but hydrocracking lubrication. Many motorists also impress the fact that the manufacturer does not go down to the "miraculous ceramic dust" or other "nanotechnological" additives, which indirectly indicates the severity of the company.

That is why in recent years more and more often on the shelves of automotive stores there is an oil engine "Elf 5W40". Reviews about it We will now understand more.

So what do users say?

In our stores you can find canisters for one, four and five liters. Everything is done neatly, but sometimes motorists complain that it is impossible to disassemble the production date of the oil. As a rule, we get a French option. Very often there are canisters, instructions for the use of lubricant on which are printed with enough rudeness apparently, the French are saved in translators.

Of course, there is no frankly unreadable nonsense, so with the recommendations from the manufacturer's company you will probably understand. It can be said that ELF - oil is quite "serious", despite these minor shortcomings.

Experienced chauffeys also note that there are no carboards on the neck under the lid. But the last sometimes causes strong irritation, since the "plug" is sometimes glued so that after opening the canister, you will definitely fail with clean hands. Extremely commemorated itself, the bay bay neck, which is characterized by almost all ELF. Unlike all foreign and imported analogs, there is a kind of telescopic "bar", with which it is easy to pour oil in any conditions.

Many note that due to this "pleasant little things" when the lubricant is replaced, it is possible to remain practically clean, and even for periodic oil podium, such a container is extremely convenient.

Important note

Motorists, however, are strongly advised to use funds for in which ELF 5W40 oil was. Reviews indicate that a large amount of dirt twinks are differently removed from the motor simply will not work.

Two opinion

What else is the engine oil "elf 5w40"? Reviews about him Two ways: Some users claim that the engine begins to work softer. On the contrary, other motorists with heat argue that the engine makes little more sounds.

Let's deal with: Most often, negative reviews come from motorists who live in the northern regions. Please note that the article has repeatedly met recommendations not to use the Elf in areas where the ambient temperature is regularly lowered to -35 degrees on the Celsius scale even lower. ELF 5W40 oil is not adapted to such conditions that can be done here ... In general, in this case it is better to buy the usual synthetics.

At such temperatures, ELF - butter is not too good, since the process of engine lubrication is greatly complicated due to significant denotation. It is not surprising that after the launch, he begins to work "hard." In general, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations!

Elf Evolution

The Elf Evolution engine oil is worth a mansion. How are motorists talk about this species? It should be noted here that the company makes a special emphasis on the use of this lubricant in severe climatic conditions. Judging by the proclamation, it can be successfully pouring into cars that are operated in the conditions of our north. Is it really?

Alas, but this time the French slightly survived. Indeed, more additives are added to this brand, which in theory is quite well opposed to the rapid thickening of lubricant material even at very low ambient air temperatures. But in practice they are coping with this is not too good.

Drivers from northern cities in one voice claim that oil " Elf Evolution 5W40 "frankly poorly behaves at temperatures from -25 degrees and below! That is, it manifests itself worse than his "colleague on the workshop"! What is connected with such a paradox, is unknown.

For example, let's not forget about fakes. Only a very naive buyer may assume that no one will interest the lubricant from a fairly well-known overseas concern. As studies of many domestic experts show, at least 15-23% of fakes of motor oils. In the number of popular brands that are particularly expected, included and "elf". Of course, the use of such erzans extremely negatively affects the motor status of your car.

Thus, buy lubricants exclusively in certified large stores. Yes, this advice is very banal, but it is relevant, unfortunately, did not lose at all. Only in this case can you save high performance features Motor of your car.

But there is a positive moment. It is connected with the operation of a car in urban environments: motorists believe that this oil engine 5w40 "Elf" actually allows you to save up to 7% fuel. And this is a confession from car enthusiasts who are forced to spend a few hours in traffic jams, expensive!

A little about fantasies

In principle, far from all reviews should be served. And this applies not only to negative, but also to some positive characteristics. So, some "experts" complain that after the fill of this lubricant ... the engine power does not increase! We think, do not always remind all the time that all the welding admonition of some unscrupulous manufacturers about the "engine restoration" or "increasing engine power" are fairy tales to which you do not need to pay attention.

We also said that the producer of the Elf causes respect for the fact that such ridiculous promises do not give to buyers. Yes, and certificates from large automotive concerns also inspire considerable confidence and respect.

So, what finally can be said about Elf 5W40 oil? Its characteristics allow it to talk with a clean conscience about its high quality and suitability for use in many climatic and operational conditions. In any case, Elf is definitely nothing worse than many of its analogues from other manufacturers. Finally, I would like to wish all the good road and high-quality oil!

And even the race is not terrible

This engine oil is all on the shoulder. And a quiet ride, and the most difficult operating conditions. Even you can't scare him at the sports races! Property stability and consistently high quality - here are distinctive features synthetic oil ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W40.

Product description

Motor oil Elf Evolution 900 NF 5W40 (and before it was called ELF Excellium NF 5W40) is made according to its own synthetic technology only from the components of the highest quality. His specifications Ideally combine and complement each other. Judge for yourself: economical consumption is complemented by fuel savings. Excellent cleaning and dispersing properties are combined with the ability to prevent Nagar's formation.

This oil is a real find for those who want to get the product is not worse than the branded software affordable price. After all, one of the advantages of this lubricant - low price. And this is despite the fact that it is almost not inferior to the leading products of the global market for lubricants!

The substance will be optimal in all indicators: it is resistant to oxidation, the effects of high and low temperatures, forms a strong film that protects the film on the surface of the parts, and also remains steady, whatever the loads are not tortured.

In addition, it is worth noting his well-thought-out protection against counterfeit - in the canister of oil many distinctive features that can be faked by a handicraft.

Application area

This lubricant Designed according to the most modern technologies, and therefore, taking into account the needs and possibilities of modern vehicles. At the same time, it is very universal. So, this lubricant is suitable for any gasoline and diesel species engines. These are equipped with turbocharged and catalytic neutralizers, multicast, with the exception of only those equipped with the particulate filters.

Oil applied in passenger cars and small trucks, autofurges. Approved for the application of the Volkswagen Group of Companies (and this includes Skoda, Audi, Seat and others), Porsche, Mercedes-Benz.

Suitable for long replacement intervals, as well as absolutely any operating conditions and any ride styles, including - to drive around the city and outside the city, high-speed races on the highway. The manufacturer emphasizes that the lubricant is particularly well acting in difficult operating conditions and at high-speed modes.

Tara 4 liters


IndicatorVerification method (ASTM)Meaning / Unit
1 Vissedity characteristics
- Density at 15 ° CASTM D1298.854 kg / m³
- Viscosity at 40 ° CASTM D445.87 mm² / s
- Viscosity at 100 ° CASTM 445.14.3 mm² / s
- Alkaline numberASTM D2896.10 mg Kon / g
2 Temperature characteristics
- Flash temperatureASTM D92.220 ° C.
- Frozen temperatureASTM D97.-36 ° C.

Approval, tolerances and specifications

International Classifications:

  • ACEA: A3 / B4;
  • API: SL / CF.


  • Volksvagen VW 502.00 / VW 505.00 (VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda ...);
  • Porsche A40;
  • Mercedes Benz MB-Approval 229.3 (MB, Chrysler ...).

Release form and articles

  1. 194875 ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 1l
  2. 194873 ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 4L
  3. 194872 ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 5l
  4. 194785 ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 60L
  5. 194796 ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 208L

Maself viscosity table

How 5W40 is decrypted

As for the class of viscosity, it has all-season. It says his marking 5W40, more precisely - the letter W in the middle. It comes from the English word Winter (winter) and it is her all-season lubricants. The numbers in front of it are the index of maximum minus temperatures, in our case it is minus 35. Well, the numbers after saying that it remains stable to what heat heat. So it turns out that this substance retains all its properties in the range from minus 35 to plus 40 degrees Celsius.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to the selection of high-quality components and modern technology, Motor oil Elf Evolution 900 NF 5W40 has a number of significant advantages:

  • optimal combination of technical characteristics;
  • ensuring flawless purity inside the engine;
  • cold start relief;
  • extends the term of the uninterrupted motor service;
  • long replacement interval;
  • excellent engine protection against wear;
  • preventing premature wear of the distribution system;
  • resistance to thermal acid;
  • stability of indicators even in the most severe operating conditions;
  • fast pumping and distribution even with a cold start.

Positive auto owner reviews for the most part confirm the high quality elf, however, it is noted that this oil is not everywhere and cannot be purchased, it is not as common as more popular brands. Another drawback is a large number of fakes. About how to protect yourself from this, read further.

In this product, ELF is the edge of the cover polished to the glitter glitter. The counterfeit product - the lid has the same level of "roughness" of plastic, without polished corners.

How to distinguish fake

ELF engine oil NF 5W40 and others under this brand are produced on different plants. For this reason, the canister of the same product released in different countriesmay have differences in appearance. This is not a reason to refuse to buy, oil is genuine. But this signs should be paid attention to:

  1. Cap. The original is perfectly smooth, polished edge over a ribbed part, the top is a bit convex. Fake all covers are homogeneous rough and flat.
  2. Bottom canisters. The original - on it there are three convex "ribs" at an equal distance that are not reaching about half ancantimeter to the edge of the container. In fake, the bands can be more or not at all, or are located at different distances.
  3. Label. On the scope of the original there is a two-layer label that opens with a "book" without any problems, and then easily falls back. For fake, when it opens it, difficulties may arise.

And, of course, the genuine product must have a quality certificate.

Most Russian motorists are aware of the fact that Renault cars are collected in Russia, and immediately at two factories - in Moscow and Tolyatti. therefore vehicles Renault is so popular. This fact gave fame to another product of French origin - ELF 5W40 engine oil, as well as its collections with a viscosity of 5W-30.

Modern Family Elf Evolution

In 2014, Total Concern, which is the owner of the ELF brand, decided to change the series of outputs. Now the motor oil elf is organized in total in two groups - Evolution and Sporti. In turn, Evolution is divided into several families.

In addition to titles, the design has changed, the shape of the canister. Label design also became different. Since changes have occurred recently, you can find the ELF 5W40 engine oil of the old sample.

Are there any differences in old and new products

For comparison, we take an earlier product - Lubrication ELF Excellium NF viscosity 5W 40, as well as a new lubricant - Evolution 900 NF 5W40. You can immediately see that there are no differences in the specifications. Both lubricants are evaluating A3 / B4 from european Association automakers ASEA. The American API Classifier defined the SL / CF category.

There are differences in OEM tolerances that have lubricants. For the old elf 5 - approval from MV (Mercedes, Chrysler), VW (Volkswagen, Seat, Audi, Skoda), BMW (BMW, Mini), GM (General Motors, Opel, Saub, Chevrolet, Vauchshall), Porsche. The 900 NF 5W-40 oil substance obtained permissions only from VW, MB and Porsche. The discount can be done that the product is relatively new, the rest of the approval will be received later.

Laboratory testing and analysis of compositions

Detailed analysis suggests that dynamic and kinematic viscosity EXCELLIUM NF and EVOLUTION 900 N is within the limits defined by the SAE standard for the temperature and viscous levels of 5W-40. Viscosity indexes in both oils practically coincide, are at level 170 and 172. This value confirms good thermal stability in both lubricants. That is, they do not thicken at low temperatures and are not converted into a liquid at high temperature values.

The temperature of the frozen in the new oil is only 2 degrees below - minus 42 ° C. Old sample It has 40 degrees of frost. The outflow temperature, indirectly characterizing evaporation, for 5 degrees exellum is lower than that of the evolution, is 229 ° C. Both characteristics are on good level, confirming the information that little lubricant is consumed on the avgar.

An alkaline number (TBN) is equally, has a good indicator - 10.1 mg of con The worse than the quality fuel mixesMoreover, acid connections enters the engine.

As an alkaline number, the alkaline number is spent on the fight against these harmful emissionsBy protecting the basic properties of oil. When its level becomes critical, the engine oil should be updated. Here is one of the main reasons why for russian conditions It is necessary to change the lubricant more often - we have fuel of poor quality.

The presence of phosophra and zinc in both oils inform about the presence of zddp anti-wear additives - the best at present. The package of detergents, neutralizing and dispersing additives is also approximately the same and strong - it is built on the basis of compounds of magnesium and calcium salicylate.

Situating the foregoing, it can be argued that the difference between both oils is very small - most likely, the new mixture is more purified from impurities basic oil. In general, both lubricants are very good for Russian engines. If they change them every 7-8 thousand kilometers, the engines will feel good.

New oil 900 SXR and its features

In addition to the two NF lubricants, the French released another oil - ELF EVOLUTION 900 SXR with viscosities 5W30 and 5W40. Both products combine what they are created specifically for the Renault automaker motors have OEM-tolerance from it. 5W30 engine oil is poured into new power units, and lubricant composition 900 SXR 5W40 is used to Motor Mileage more than 100 thousand kilometers. With this level of wear, the more low-viscous oil begins to spend more in the avgar. A more viscous engine mixture is suitable for increased gaps between the details.


Obviously, Total takes care of the quality of its motor oils, producing them for new and worn-out power units. 5W40 viscosity ELF products are well suited for a large Russian car fleet with solid mileage.

ELF EVOLUTION 900 SXR 5W40 engine oil exists in the lubricant market recently, but has already gained popularity among drivers. This is due to the fact that the lubricant is used in many engine systems operating on diesel population or gasoline.

Elf lubricating mix - fully synthetic product obtained using special manufacturer technologies. Automotive oil Thermostable, has elevated lubricating characteristics. The oil has a number of positive properties, among which the formation on the surface of the working uniforms of a uniform oil shell, which protects the system from premature wear, reduces contact between working parts and improves the operation of the power unit as a whole.

High resistance to temperature differences and oxidizers helps the automotive mixture to maintain viscosity. Oil shows good results for rolling in frost, which eliminates the oil starvation of parts at low temperatures.

the main distinctive feature Oil composition is an increased distance between oil replacement processes. And what is important, it contributes to the careful use of fuel. The driver's savings are up to 7% fuel. In addition, the ELF ELF EVOLUTION 900 SXR 5W40 motor oil is not spent on the avgar, which means that there is no need for a periodic tank to the level.

The parameters of the substance are stable the entire period of operation and does not lose the working properties even with a large mileage. The manufacturer managed to adapt the oil for extreme loads and severe climatic conditions.

In the assortment row of lubricants, the 6W40 2W40 series Elf series 900 has products with SXR and NF marking. The description of one is identical to another, that is, the properties are no different from each other. But there is still a distinctive feature - these are specifications of technical substances. The SXR marking oil is allowed to work in systems equipped with soot filters, but the ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W40 lubricant is not allowed to work with similar devices.

Application area

ELF Evolution 900 SXR 5W40 1 l.

ELF EVOLUTION 900 SXT 5W40 car oil is positioned by the manufacturer as supercontomic to use. Lubrication is designed specifically for diesel power units of lightweight vehicles, low-tonnage trucks and minibuses. The composition is combined with the main mass of motor systems operating in various types of fuel.

Suitable for use in motors equipped with a multiclap system, turbine or convector. Engine oil perfectly manifests itself in extreme driving and working conditions. At this time, the protective functions of the product work at an optimal level. The car feels well in any driving style, whether it is high-speed on a highway or slow in traffic.

The lubricant is used in the power units that have rotted more than 100 thousand kilometers on the speedometer.


ELF EVOLUTION 900 5W40 automotive oil has characteristics:

To identify the quality indicators of the oil composition of sufficient two signs - alkalinity and freezing temperature. Motor oil freezes at temperatures below 35 degrees, so it is necessary to apply it in the regions where the temperature plan in winter does not often reach this mark. If the driver stays in the northern regions of the country, where such a temperature ambient Not uncommon, it is recommended to choose another lubricant material. What does the driver says the alkalinity of the composition? In our case, an alkaline number is 10.1. This indicator shows that the composition is not bad to cope with the oxidation products and acid formations in the car engine and output them from the system. As russian gasoline Contains a large amount of sulfur in its composition, this indicator is very relevant.

Approval, tolerances and specifications

ELF EVOLUTION 900 SXR 5W40 car lubricant complies with standards:

The oil product is designed specifically for RENAULT motor systems and has the appropriate OEM tolerance - RNAULT RN0710, RN0700.

Release form and articles

Motor oil has the following forms of release and articles:

  • capacity 1l - 194849;
  • packaging 4l - 194878;
  • kanister - 194877;
  • tara 60l - 194776;
  • barrel 208l - 194793.

How is 5W40 decrypted?

Averaged oil performance ranges

In the labeling machine, the ELF 5W40 contains digital and letter values. The letter W means that the oil makeup can be used at any time of the year. On the left, the numbers show the allowable index of minimum temperatures. To calculate this value, it is necessary from among 5 subtracts 35, it turns out the number of minus 30. This temperature is considered minimally permissible, in which the oil fluid saves the operating properties. Figure 40 shows the stability of the viscosity of the mixture to 40 degrees Celsius.

Advantages and disadvantages

High-quality ELF lubric fluid characteristics prove numerous tests and expertise as well positive reviews Car owners who choose this oil composition for their car.

Qualitative lubricant indicators:

  • Supports the motor system in properly pure state, does not give sediments of various kinds to remain in the motor;
  • High resistance to oxidizing processes;
  • Thermal stability of the composition, in all conditions, including the extreme mode of operation;
  • Increased replacement range;
  • The oil quickly pumps and is distributed throughout the engine, even in a strong frost. Therefore, the car engine is protected by the adverse environmental factors from the first seconds.
  • Low evaporation, cost-effective consumption;
  • Extends the operational service life and increases its resource to the initial state.

It is also important to use the oil composition correctly. In the market of fuel and lubricants are now great chance to run into the goods produced by intruders.

How to distinguish fake?

Label of original oil

Fake products today more often than, for example, a decade ago. Subcase products can seriously disrupt the operability of the car's motor system. There are many distinctive features of the original product from the fake product, and it is not necessary to carry a mixture into a laboratory analysis. There is enough attentive visual inspection of packaging to understand what product is currently in front of the consumer. Therefore, there are also indirect signs, proving not the quality of acquired products - it is extremely low cost of goods, which must be alarmed by the buyer and the lack of certificates.

It should be borne in mind that the real price should not differ from the approved price of the original greater than 15%. You can find out the real value of the oil product via the Internet. This can be done with mobile phone, Before direct purchase in the outlet, everything is simple and convenient.

The main differences of the falsification and the original product:

  1. Canister should not be made of oak plastic, plastic packaging polymer in the original product.
  2. The cover on the packaging of the branded engine oil with smooth ribs, and the falsification of the container cap is flat or rough with ribbed curvature.
  3. The edge of the cap is polished and gives a gloss - all this is a sign of the originality of the product;
  4. The ELF car oil is poured into the tanks, having three strips at the base, located at the same distance between themselves.
  5. The label on the back of the original products consists of two layers. It freely reveals in the form of a book.
  6. Date of filling motor fluid. On the branded elf canister, the inscription of the bottling time is applied by the laser method and this time cannot be before the manufacturer of the tank.
  7. Falsification of oil composition 5W40 has a darkened container and information label than the original product.

Any defects on the tank with engine oil must be alarmed by the buyer. In the outlet, the original is replaced without problems. If refuse to replace motor fluid, I wish to buy automotive chemistry in any other place, for example, official representatives, and forget about the former point.

Relying on the main distinguishing features of the original and products of handicraft production, allows the driver to save the engine of the car as possible and preservation, that is, will be removed from breakage. The service life of the power unit will increase.

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