Home Food Types and appointment of car suspension. Main types of passenger car suspension Purpose of the front suspension of the car

Types and appointment of car suspension. Main types of passenger car suspension Purpose of the front suspension of the car

The car suspension is a totality of elements that provide an elastic connection between the body (frame) and wheels (bridges) of the car. Mainly the suspension is intended to reduce the intensity of vibration and dynamic loads (blows, jolts), operating per person, transported goods or elements of the car design when it is moved along an uneven road. At the same time, it should ensure constant contact of the wheel with a road surface and effectively transfer the leading force and braking force without deviating the wheels from the corresponding position. Proper suspension operation makes car control comfortable and safe. Despite the seeming simplicity, the suspension is one of the most important systems of the modern car and the history of its existence has undergone significant changes and improvements.

History of appearance

Attempts to make the movement of the vehicle softer and more comfortable were taken back in Karet. Initially, the axes of the wheels were hard to fastened to the housing, and each road irregularity was transferred to the passengers sitting inside. Only soft pillows on the seats could increase the level of comfort.

Dependent suspension with transverse resort location

In the first way, to create an elastic "layer" between the wheels and the body of the carriage was the use of elliptic springs. Later, this decision was also borrowed for the car. However, the spring has already become semi-elliptical and could be installed transversely. The car with such a suspension was poorly controlled even at low speed. Therefore, soon the springs began to install longitudinally for each wheel.

The development of the automotive industry led the evolution of the suspension. Currently there are dozens of their varieties.

The main functions and characteristics of the car suspension

Each suspension has its own characteristics and performance that directly affect manageability, comfort and safety of passengers. However, any suspension regardless of its type should perform the following functions:

  1. Absorption of blows and shocks on the road To reduce loads on the body and improving the comfort of movement.
  2. Stabilization of the car while driving By providing constant contact of the wheel tire with road surface and limiting excessive body rolls.
  3. Saving a given geometry of movement and wheel position To preserve the accuracy of the steering during movement and braking.

Drift car with hard suspension

The rigid car suspension is suitable for a dynamic driving at which an instantaneous and accurate response to the driver's actions is required. It provides a small ground clearance, maximum stability, rinse resistance and body swinging. It is used mainly on sports cars.

Luxury car with energy-intensive suspension

In most passenger cars, a soft suspension is used. It smoothes irregularly as possible, but makes the car somewhat roll and worse managed. If adjustable rigidity is required, a screw suspension is mounted on the car. It is a rack shock absorbers with a variable spring tension force.

SUV with long-time suspension

The movement of the suspension is the distance from the extreme upper position of the wheel when compressing to the extreme bottom when hanging the wheels. The suspension stroke is largely determined by the "off-road" vehicles of the car. The more its value, the greater the obstacle can be overcome without hitting the limiter or without saving leading wheels.

Suspension device

Any car suspension consists of the following main elements:

  1. Elastic device - Perceives loads from the irregularities of the road surface. Views: springs, springs, pneumatic elements, etc.
  2. Demmp- Has the body fluctuations when driving through irregularities. Views: all types.
  3. Guide device Provides a specified movement of the wheel relative to the body. Views:levers, transverse and jet thrust, springs. To change the direction of impact on the damping element in the sports suspensions of Pull-Rod and Push-Rod, rockers are used.
  4. Stabilizer transverse stability - Reduces the transverse body roll.
  5. Rubber metal hinges- provide an elastic connection of the suspension elements with the body. Partially amortized, soften the blows and vibrations. Views: Silent blocks and sleeves.
  6. Stroke suspension limiters - limit the move the suspension in extreme positions.

Suspension classification

Mostly pendants are divided into two large types: and independent. This classification is determined by the kinematic scheme of the suspension guide device.

Dependent suspension

Wheels are rigidly connected via beam or continuous bridge. The vertical position of the pair of wheels relative to the total axis does not change, the front wheels are rotary. The rear suspension device is similar. It happens spring, spring or pneumatic. In the case of the installation of springs or pneumobalon, it is necessary to use special traction to fix bridges from moving.

Differences dependent and independent suspension
  • easy and reliable in operation;
  • high load capacity.
  • bad handling;
  • bad stability at high speeds;
  • little comfortable.

Independent suspension

Wheels can change the vertical position relative to each other, while remaining in the same plane.

  • good handling;
  • good car stability;
  • large comfortable.
  • more expensive and complex design;
  • less reliability during operation.

Semi-dependent suspension

Semi-dependent suspension or torsion beam - This is an intermediate solution between the dependent and independent suspension. The wheels still remain associated, but there is the possibility of their small movement relative to each other. This property is ensured due to the elastic properties of the P-shaped beam connecting the wheels. Such a suspension is mainly used as the rear suspension of budget vehicles.

Types of independent suspension


- The most common suspension of the front axle of modern cars. The bottom lever is connected to the hub by means of a ball support. Depending on its configuration, a longitudinal reactive traction can be used. A shock absorption rack with a spring is fastened to the hub node, its upper support is fixed on the body.

The transverse thrust, fixed on the body and connecting both levers, is a stabilizer, counteracts the car roll. The lower balloons and the bearing cup of the rack-shock absorber make it possible for rotation of the wheel.

The details of the rear suspension are made by the same principle, the difference lies only in the absence of the possibility of rotation of the wheels. The lower lever is replaced with longitudinal and transverse thrust fixing the hub.

  • simplicity of design;
  • compactness;
  • reliability;
  • inexpensive in production and repair.
  • average handling.

Double front suspension

A more efficient and complex design. The upper point of fastening the hub is the second transverse lever. Spring or spring can be used as an elastic element. The rear suspension has a similar structure. Similar suspension scheme provides better car handling.

Air suspension

Pneumatic suspension

The role of the springs in this suspension is performed by pneumatic bullons with compressed air. When it is possible to adjust the height of the body. It also improves the smoothness of the course. Used on luxury cars.

Hydraulic suspension

Height adjustment and rigidity LEXUS hydraulic

Shock absorbers are connected to a single closed contour with hydraulic fluid. makes it possible to adjust the rigidity and height of the road lumen. If there is a control electron in the car, as well as the functions, it is independently adjusted for the conditions of the road and driving.

Sports independent suspension

Screw suspension (coilovers)

Print suspension, or coilovers - depreciation racks with the ability to adjust stiffness directly by car. Due to the threaded connection of the lower stop, the spring can be adjusted its height, as well as the magnitude of the road lumen.

Push-Rod and Pull-Rod suspension

These devices were designed for racing cars with open wheels. Based on a double-way diagram. The main feature is that the damping elements are located inside the body. The design of the type of suspension types is very similar, the difference is only in the location of the elements perceive load.

Difference of sports suspension Push-Rod and Pull-Rod

Sports suspension Push-Rod: Perceiving load element - pusher, works on compression.

The chassis of the vehicle is the most important high-tech group, from which many characteristics of the vehicle depend on the work. The health of all its nodes and aggregates is a security deposit on the road. In turn, the kernel of the car is the suspension of the car. The depreciation system serves to communicate the wheels with the body of the car, and its main goal - to smooth out all the fluctuations, the cause of which are defects of the roadway, and at the same time effectively realize the energy of the vehicle movement.


Many requirements are presented to modern machines. They must be well managed and at the same time stable, silent, comfortable and safe. To implement all these wishes, engineers need to thoroughly consider the suspension device.

To date, there is no universal reference. In the arsenal of each automaker, their tricks and modern developments. However, for all types of suspensions, there are characteristic of such objects:

  • Elastic element.
  • Guide part.
  • Stability stabilizer.
  • Shock absorbing devices.
  • Wheel support.
  • Fasteners.

Elastic element

Automotive suspension contains elastic elements made of metal and non-metallic parts. They are necessary for the redistribution of the shock load obtained by the wheels when meeting with the irregularities of the road. Metallic elastic details include springs, torsions and springs. Non-metallic elements are rubber bumps and buffers, pneumatic and hydropneumatic chambers.

Metal objects

Historically, springs appeared. In terms of design, these are metal stripes of different lengths interconnected. In addition to the efficient redistribution of the load, the springs are well absorbed. Most often they are used in the chassis of trucks.

Torsions are sets of plates or rods working on twisting. Typically, the torsion car is the rear suspension of the car. The devices of this type are used, in addition, Japanese and American manufacturers of enlarged machines.

Metal springs are part of the chassis of any modern car. These elements may have a constant or variable rigidity. Their elasticity depends on the geometry of the rod, from which they are made. If the diameter of the rod is changing throughout, the spring has a variable rigidity. Otherwise, elasticity is constant.

Non-metallic objects

Elastic non-metallic parts are used in conjunction with metallic. Rubber elements - bumps and buffers - not only participate in the redistribution of dynamic loads, but also amortize.

Pneumatic and hydropneumatic chambers are used in the designs of active suspension. Their action is determined by the properties of only compressed air (pneumocamera) or gas and liquid (hydropneumatic chambers). These elastic elements make it possible to change the vehicle clearance and the rigidity of the depreciation system automatically. In addition, they provide high smoothness. The first were developed hydropneumatic chambers. They appeared on Citroen brand machines in the 1950s. Today, pneumatic and hydropneumatic suspensions are optionally equipped with business-class cars: Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW, Volkswagen, Bentley, Lexus, Subaru, etc.

Guide part

The guide elements of the suspension are racks, levers and hinged connections. Their main functions:

  • Hold the wheels in the right position.
  • Support the trajectory of the movement of the wheels.
  • Provide the connection of the depreciation and body system.
  • Transmit motion energy from wheels to the body.

Stabilizer transverse stability

The car suspension would not provide the vehicle with the necessary stability without a stabilizing device. It struggles with a centrifugal force seeking to overturn the car when turning, and reduces the casual rolls.

Technically, a transverse stability stabilizer is a torsion that connects the depreciation system and body. The higher its rigidity, the better the car holds the road. On the other hand, excessive elasticity of the stabilizer reduces the movement of the suspension and reduces the smoothness of the vehicle movement.

Transverse stability stabilizers are usually equipped with both axis of the machine. But if the rear pendant car is a torsion, the device is installed only in front. Mercedes-Benz engineers were able to completely abandon him. They have developed a special type of adaptive suspension with electronic body position control.

Depreciation devices

In order to soften the strong oscillations, the suspension is supplied with shock absorbers. These objects are pneumatic cylinders or cylinders with working fluid. Severe two main types of shock absorbers:

  • Unilateral.
  • Bilateral.

One-sided shock absorbers are long bilateral. They provide greater smoothness of the course. However, when driving on roads with a bad coating, one-sided shock absorbers do not have time before the next irregularity to return the suspension to the initial state in a timely manner, and its "breaks". For this reason, bilateral "oscillation damages" received more distribution.


Wheel supports are necessary for the adoption and redistribution of loads included on the wheels.


Spherical bearing

Fasteners are needed so that the car suspension is one for a single. For communication of nodes and aggregates, three types of compounds are used:

  • Bolt.
  • Hinged.
  • Elastic.

Fasters, carried out using bolts, are rigid. They are necessary for fixed articulation of objects. Schedule compounds include ball support. It is an important part of the front suspension and provides the leading wheels the possibility of proper turn. Elastic fasteners are silent blocks and rubber-metal sleeves. In addition to the function of connecting parts and fastening them to the body, these objects prevent the spread of vibrations and reduce noise.

All elements of the chassis are interconnected and most often perform several functions at the same time, therefore the definition of accessories of spare parts for a particular group is conditional.

No one is a secret that any car has an anterior and rear suspension, which is a combination of springs shock absorbers, levers. The suspension ensures the smoothness of the vehicle and has a direct impact on its dynamic characteristics.

There are several types of car suspension: double-handed, multi-dimensional, MacPherson suspension, de Dion suspension, dependent rear suspension, semi-independent rear suspension. Any suspension has its advantages and disadvantages and can be applied on a specific type of transport. Consider more all kinds of car suspension.

Double suspension

This type of suspension has a short upper lever and a long lower lever. Thanks to the configuration of the transverse lever, each car wheel independently perceives the irregularities of the road, remaining in the optimal vertical position. This ensures good adhesion with expensive and minimal tire wear.

McPherson suspension

MacPherson suspension is a suspension that has one lever, transverse stability stabilizer, a block of spring element. The design of MacPherson suspension includes a telescopic shock absorber, which received the name "swinging candle", since during the movement of the wheel it can swing up and down. Despite the imperfection of the design, MacPherson suspension is widely used in modern automotive industry due to technological and low cost.

Multi-dimensional suspension

This type of suspension, in many respects reminiscent of a double-handed, provides a smooth move and improved vehicle handling. The design of the multi-section suspension includes silent blocks and ball hinges, effectively softening strikes during overcoming car obstacles. All suspension elements are fixed through the silent blocks on the subframe. Thus, it is possible to improve the noise insulation of the machine from the wheels.

An independent multi-dimensional suspension is usually used on a representative class auto, which are characterized by improved handling and stable contact of the wheels with any road surface. Among the main advantages of the multi-dimensional suspension, the independence of the wheels of the machine from each other can be distinguished, low unsresserving weight, independent longitudinal and transverse adjustment. Multi-link suspension is great for installation in a 4 × 4 scheme.

Rear dependent suspension

The suspension, where the role of elastic elements is performed by cylindrical screw springs - this is the rear dependent suspension, which is often installed on the "Zhiguli". The biggest disadvantage of this type of suspension is a big weight that has a beam of the rear axle. The weight increases even more if the rear axle is leading, since the gearbox is placed on the beam, the main transmission card. This, in turn, causes an increase in nonresserves, which worsens the smoothness of the car and leads to the occurrence of vibrations.

a - dependent suspension; b - independent suspension

Suspension "De Dion"

This type of suspension is distinguished by the "lightweight" rear axle, as the crankcase is separated from the beam and attached directly to the body. The engine transmits torque to drive wheels through the semi-axes, which are swinging on the hinges of angular velocities. The suspension "De Dion" can be both dependent and independent. The main disadvantage of the dependent suspension is the "squat" of the machine at the start. During braking, the car begins to clearly bend forward. To avoid such an effect, special guide elements use dependent pendants.

Rear semi-independent suspension

The semi-independent rear suspension is two longitudinal lever connected in the middle of the cross. The rear suspension applies only from behind, but on most front-wheel drive cars. The advantages of this design consist in ease of installation, compactness, low weight, reduced unsourous mass, which as a result positively affects the kinematics of the wheels. The only disadvantage of the rear semi-dependent suspension is that it can only be used on native rear bridges.

Suspension of trucks

The most common type of dependent suspension is the suspension with transverse or longitudinal springs and hydraulic shock absorbers. This type of suspension is widely used on trucks, as well as on some SUVs. This option is considered the easiest, as the bridge is placed on longitudinal springs, which are fixed in body brackets. Immediately obvious simplicity of such a design is noticeable, which is the main advantage of the rear dependent suspension having a value primarily for the manufacturer. The motorist receives only the disadvantages consisting in the inefficient work of the spring as guides. The softness of the spring adversely affects the car charter at high speeds and on the clutch of the tires with the road.

Pendants of pickups and SUVs

If we talk about SUVs and pickles, then multiple suspension types are used for these types of cars:

Dependent front and rear suspension;
- independent front and independent rear suspension;
- Fully independent suspension.

Among the most common rear suspension of SUVs and pickups there are spring and stems. Sproughts are distinguished by reliability and simplicity design. Spring pendants are constructively more complex, but are highlighted compactness and softness, so they are installed on light pickups and SUVs. "PARKTERS" is usually equipped with independent lever rear suspension. As for the front suspension of SUVs, most often manufacturers prefer torsion and independent spring pendants.

Suspension of passenger cars

If we talk about passenger cars, which mainly have the front driving wheels, then an independent MacPherson suspension or an independent double-end suspension is used as anterior suspension. Speaking about the rear suspension, it is worth noting that manufacturers usually choose an independent multi-dimensional or semi-dependent rear suspension.

Article on automotive suspension - History, Types of suspension, Classification and purpose, Features of functioning. At the end of the article - an interesting video on the topic and photos.

The content of the article:

The automotive suspension is made in the form of a design from individual elements, which in its entirety bind the base of the body and the bridges of the car. Moreover, this compound must be elastic to be depreciated during the process of the machine.

Purpose of suspension

The suspension serves to pay off the oscillations to a certain extent and to mitigate the blows and other kinetic effects that negatively affect the contents of the car, the cargo, as well as the design of the machine itself, especially when moving along a poor-quality road surface.

Another role of suspension is the implementation of regular contact of the wheels with a road surface, as well as the transmission of the engine and braking force to the road surface, so that the wheels do not violate the desired position.

In good condition, the suspension works correctly, as a result of which the driver manage the car safely and comfortably. Despite the external simplicity of the design, the suspension belongs to one of the most important devices in the modern machine. Its history is rooted in the distant past, and from the moment of its invention the suspension passed through many engineering solutions.

A little story about the car suspension

Even before the car era, there were attempts to soften the movement of the carriage, which initially the axes of the wheels were perfectly attached to the base. With such a design, the slightest irregularity of the road was instantly transmitted to the carriage body, which was immediately felt sitting inside the passengers. At first, this problem was solved using soft pillows that were installed on seats. But this measure was ineffective.

For the first time, the so-called elliptical springs were applied for the carriage, which were a flexible connection between the wheels and the bottom of the carriage. Much later, this principle was used for cars. But at the same time, the spring itself has changed - it turned into a semi-elliptical one, and this allowed it to be installed transversely.

However, the machine with such a primitive suspension was managed with difficulty even at the lowest speeds. For this reason, the suspension was subsequently installed in the longitudinal position for each wheel separately.

Further development of the automotive industry made it possible to evolve and suspension. To date, these devices have dozens of varieties.

Suspension and technical data

Each type of suspension has individual characteristics covering the complex of work properties, which directly depends the controllability of the machine, as well as the safety and convenience of people in it.

However, despite the fact that all types of car suspension are different, they are produced for the same purposes:

  • Repayment of vibration and blows from an uneven road surface in order to minimize the loads on the body housing, as well as to improve the comfort of the driver and passengers.
  • Stabilization of the position of the machine in the process of following by regular contact with the road, as well as the reduction of possible bruises of the body body.
  • Preserving the necessary geometry of the position and move all wheels to ensure the accuracy of maneuvering.

Varieties of pendants for elasticity

With regard to elasticity, suspension can be divided into three categories:
  • rigid;
  • soft;
  • print.
The hard suspension is usually used on sports cars, because it is most suitable for quick ride, where you need to prompt and clearly respond to driver maneuvering. This suspension gives the machine maximum stability and minimal road clearance. In addition, thanks to it, it is strengthened by the resistance of the roll and body swinging.

The soft suspension is installed in the bulk of passenger cars. Her dignity is that she smoothes road irregularities quite well, but on the other hand, the car with such a design of the suspension is more prone to fluffs, and it is worse.

The screw suspension is needed in cases where the need for variable stiffness occurs. It is made in the form of rack shock absorbers, on which the strength of the spring mechanism is regulated.

Travel suspension

The suspension is taken by the interval from the lower position of the wheel in the free state to the upper critical position with maximum suspension compression. From this parameter, the so-called "SUV" of the machine depends largely.

That is, the greater the course, the greater in size, the irregularity is able to pass the machine without blows on the limiter, as well as without provisit of the leading bridge.

Each suspension contains the following components:
  1. Elastic device. Takes the load provided by road obstacles. It may consist of a spring, pneumatic elements, and so on.
  2. Damping device. It is necessary to repay the body vibration in the process of overcoming road irregularities. All varieties of depreciation devices are used as this device.
  3. Guide device. Controls the required displacement of the wheel relative to the body housing. It is performed in the form of transverse thrust, levers and springs.
  4. Transverse stability stabilizer. Dims the tilting of the body in the transverse direction.
  5. Rubber-metal hinges. Serve for an elastic connection of parts of the mechanism with the machine. Additionally, they are a small extent to perform the role of shock absorbers - partially quenching the jackets and oscillations.
  6. Suspension stop limiters. Fix the course of the device in the critical lower and in the critical top points.

Suspension classification

The suspension can be divided into two categories - dependent and independent. Such a division is dictated by the kinematics of the suspension guide device.

With this design of the wheel wheel, the car is rigidly binded due to beam or monolithic bridge. The vertical location of paired wheels is always the same and no change. The device of the rear and front dependent suspension is similar.

Varieties: Spring, spring, pneumatic. Installation of spring and pneumatic suspension requires the use of special thrust to fix bridges from possible offset during installation.

Advantages of addicted suspension:

  • large loading capacity;
  • easy and reliability in application.
  • makes it difficult to manage;
  • a weak resistance at high speed;
  • insufficient comfort.

When the machine installed independent suspension, the machine can change the vertical position independently from each other, while continuing to be in the same plane.

Advantages of independent car suspension:

  • high degree of manageability;
  • reliable stability of the machine;
  • elevated comfort.
  • the device is quite complex and, accordingly, costly in economically;
  • reduced durability in operation.

Note: There is also a semi-dependent suspension or so-called torsion beam. Such a device is a cross between independent and dependent suspensions. The wheels continue to be rigidly interconnected, but, nevertheless, the ability of a small displacement separately from each other they still have. Such an opportunity is provided by elastic quality of a bridge beam, which connects the wheels. This design is often used for rear suspension of inexpensive cars.

Types of independent suspension

McPherson suspension (McPherson)

On the photo McPherson suspension

This device is typical for the front axle of modern cars. Ball support connects the hub with the bottom lever. Sometimes the form of this lever allows the use of longitudinal reactive traction. A shock absorption rack is fixed with a spring mechanism fixing to the hub block, and its upper part is fixed at the base of the body body.

The transverse thrust, which connects both levers, is attached to the bottom of the car and serves as a kind of opposition to the tilt of the car. The wheels are freely rotated thanks to the bearing of the shock absorber and the ball fastener.

The design of the rear suspension is made in the same way. The only difference is that the rear wheels cannot rotate. Instead of the lower lever, transverse and longitudinal traction are installed, which secure the hub.

Advantages of the suspension MacPherson:

  • easy easyness;
  • takes a small space;
  • durability;
  • affordable price both in the acquisition and repair.
McPherson suspension disadvantages:
  • ease of control at the average level.

Double front suspension

This development is considered quite productive, but also very difficult on the device. For the top fastening the hub serves the second transverse lever. For elasticity, the suspension can be applied either spring or torsion. The rear suspension works in the same way. Such an assembly of the suspension gives the machine maximum convenience in control.

In these devices, the elasticity provides non-springs, but pneumatic cylinders filled with compressed air. With a similar suspension, you can change the height of the body. In addition, with such a design, the car's move becomes more smooth. As a rule, it is installed on luxury machines.

Hydraulic suspension

In this design, the shock absorbers are connected to a molded closed contour filled with hydraulics oil. With such a suspension, you can adjust the degree of elasticity and ground clearance. And if the machine has electronics, providing for the adaptive suspension functions, then it can adapt itself in a variety of road conditions.

Sports independent suspension

They are also called coilovers or screw suspensions. Made in the form of depreciation racks, in which you can adjust the degree of rigidity directly by car. The lower part of the spring has a threaded connection, and this allows you to change its vertical position, as well as customize the size of the road lumen.

Push-Rod and Pull-Rod suspension

This design was designed specifically for racing autocars, which have open wheels. Based on a double-way diagram. The main difference from other species is manifested in the fact that damping mechanisms are installed in the body. The device of these two types is identical, the niznitsa is only in the placement of those parts that are subjected to the highest voltage.

Sports pendant Push-Rod. Loining the component, called the pusher, functions on compression.

Sports suspension Pull-Rod. The same part that is experiencing the greatest tension, works for tension. This solution makes the center of gravity lower, due to which the car becomes more stable.

However, despite the listed small differences, the effectiveness of these two versions of the suspension is approximately at the same level.

Video about car suspension:

What is the suspension of the modern vehicle and its purpose? First of all, this is a combination of individual components and units that perform the role of an intermediate link between the road web and the actual car. It is this system that drastically solves the problem of smoothing, or "quenching", oscillations caused by the irregularities of the road canvase. In addition, the car suspension, the scheme of which is presented below, provides a reliable connection of the vehicle bodies and wheels.

The functional purpose of the suspension can be formulated as follows: the implementation of a sustainable connection between the body of the vehicle and its wheels with simultaneous minimization of the effects of oscillatory processes caused by the irregularities of the road canvase.

The suspension of the modern car is quite complicated in the technical execution system consisting of the following nodes and units:

    Elastic elements. The components of the system with specific physical characteristics and evenly transmitting the load from the road to the body of the car. Divided into non-metallic (rubber, pneumatic, hydropneumatic) and metal (torsions, springs, springs) details.

    Shock absorbers, or "quenching" devices, the functional purpose of which lies in the effective leveling of the oscillatory movements of the body of the car derived from the elastic elements. May have a pneumatic, hydraulic or hydropneumatic constructive design.

    The guide elements - links of the system, not only providing a reliable connection of the body and suspension, but also the position of the wheel position relative to the body and vice versa. These include a variety of levers, both transverse and longitudinal.

    Stabilizers of transverse stability performed in the form of an elastic metal rod connecting the body of a vehicle with a suspension. The main function of this element is to counter the growth of the car's roll angle arising in the process of its movement.

    Wheel supports, or special swivel fists designed for perception and subsequent distribution of loads from wheels on the suspension.

    Fastening elements of individual parts, units and system nodes. Performed in the form of rigid bolt connections, ball hinges (supports) or composite silent blocks.

The car suspension device is definitely the prerogative of the manufacturer. Nevertheless, currently, there are several basic (most common) versions of suspension systems, differing in the constructive performance of the guide elements:

The main constructive element of this type of suspension is a rigid beam that performs the role of a continuous bridge between the wheels (right and left). A characteristic feature of this element is dependent (transmitting movement in the transverse plane) of one wheel from the other. Modern manufacturers use this type of suspension on low-tonnage trucks, commercial vehicles, as well as as rear suspension on some SUV models.

The most propagation was obtained by a dependent suspension equipped with guide levers or based on longitudinal springs.

Video - car suspension (chassis)

This car suspension, the scheme of which involves the independence of the right and left wheels of the car from each other, is characterized by increased amortization qualities that reduce the course of the stroke. This led to a sufficiently successful application as an anterior and rear suspension of passenger cars.

The basis of independent suspension serve shock absorbers, or "quenching" devices. Currently, pneumatic (gas), hydropneumatic (gas and oil) and hydraulic (oil) shock absorbers are widely used.

A third option that has a more complex constructive design is the active suspension of the car, the scheme of which includes the ability to change the technical parameters depending on the operating conditions of the car. These features are implemented through a specialized electronic control system.

List of variable parameters:

    the degree of rigidity of elastic elements;

    the level of damping "quenching" devices;

    the length of the guide elements;

    the degree of rigidity of transverse stability stabilizers.

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