Home Steering Antifreeze Felix Red fake and original. Antifreeze Felix - brand fame or high-quality engine protection? Tosol quality check with trial boiling

Antifreeze Felix Red fake and original. Antifreeze Felix - brand fame or high-quality engine protection? Tosol quality check with trial boiling

- This is coolant domestic productionwhich is used in passenger and trucks carsmobile. All cooling fluids under this brand correspond to international quality standards. Felix antifreeze are several species, consider their advantages and disadvantages.

1 Features of Felix antifreezes

Antifreeze of this manufacturer is recommended for different types Gasoline I. diesel engines And designed to work in a wide range of temperatures: from -45 to +50 degrees. The manufacturer produces fluids of various colors and compositions that are classified by european standards from G11 to G12 +. By using a moderate package of additives, a liquid of one color, but of different class, provided that they are produced under the Felix brand, you can mix with each other without consequences for the car cooling system.

Cooling fluids of the Felix brand In the antifreeges of this manufacturer, there are standard antiphenic, anti-corrosion and other types of additives that act locally or constantly and increase the resource of the entire cooling system, protecting rubber, metal and plastic elements. In addition to the standard set, some models of class G12 + have additional organic compounds in the composition that allow you to use fluid throughout the engine operation phase without the need for replacement.

2 pluses and cons use

All types of antifreeze of Felix brand are in the average price range and are available for a wide category of car enthusiasts. Antifreeze of this brand use for maintenance domestic carsand for foreign cars (mostly European production). Among the advantages of this antifreeze can be allocated:

  1. The high thermal conductivity indicator, which ensures uniform load on the engine and prevents the engine overheating or the wear of different parts of the system.
  2. Balanced additives set. The refrigerant Felix Red and Green includes organic compounds with anti-corrosion and good lubricant properties that allow you to maintain a motor operation.
  3. Affordable price and convenient packaging. Regardless of the type of antifreeze, it is supplied to the market in plastic cannors of various capacities with a special dimensional line to control the amount of fluid flexible, detailed description of the composition, protective film and the original number, which makes it possible to distinguish the original from the fake products.
  4. For the price of antifreeze Felix is \u200b\u200bquite competitive with liquids of leading manufacturers from Russia and Europe.

It is worth noting that since 2009, Felix antifreeze is poured into the cooling system of new VAZ cars, including Lada Largus. and Lada Priora. new generation.

Flexing Antifreeze "Felix" in the car cooling system

Among the drawbacks of the refrigerant from Tosol-synthesis, which, by the word, produces and antifreeze under the Sintec trademark, can be noted a high degree of evaporation of water from antifreeze and a fairly low local action of anti-corrosion additives from Felix Carbox and Prolonger liquids. The most popular types of Felix antifreeze are recommended to change once every 2 years - more often than other Russian antifreeze of the same price category.

The rest of the antifreeze FELIX does not differ in special disadvantages, which can be seen by numerous reviews in various forums and thematic sites. Especially if you follow all the recommendations of the refrigerant manufacturer, change the liquid on time and maintain the entire engine cooling system in the functional state.

3 Main types and differences in Felix antifreeze

The most common type of antifreeze of the Felix brand is the red antifreeze of the G12 Felix Carbox 40 standard.

Red Antifreeze of the G12 standard "FELIX CARBOX 40"

This is a red high-quality antifreeze on a carboxylate basis with the addition of an extended package of antipine and anti-corrosion additives.

The boiling point is -60 degrees, and the fluid resource is up to 250 thousand mileage kilometers. The red antifreeze has excellent heat sink characteristics, prevents the appearance of deposits and scale on various parts of the cooling system. Using additives locally acts on corrosion foci, eliminating possible consequences and creating a reliable protective film in those places where it is necessary.

Green antifreeze FELIX PROLONGER G11 is another popular type of antifreeze under the brand of Felix. Provides engine protection from overheating, other parts from corrosion and prolongs the life of such parts such as pump, thermostat and radiator elements. Green antifreeze contains as part of additives that provide prolonged protection of aluminum engine parts, so it is often recommended for AUDI models after 1996 with aluminum enclosures. In terms of its properties, many antifreezes of other domestic brands are slightly superior, for example, Coolstream antifreeze of a similar class or green antifreeze NORD, but not enough reliable in comparison with European and japanese manufacturers, for example, HEPU or TCL.

Felix Energy G12 yellow color is a high-quality coolant based on ethylene glycol with an increased additive content and an increased boiling point and the beginning of crystallization. It is intended for cooling systems of forced engines and engines with an increased degree of load, for example, on trucks. Yellow antifreeze provides fast warming and the start of the engine under conditions of extreme temperatures (up to +120 degrees). It has high lubricating properties and an increased service life. Recommended for all types trucks, including Mercedes, Iveco, Man, Cargo, Tatra and passenger cars with forced motors.

Unfortunately, the fake antifreeze is still found on the shelves of shops of our immense homeland. Well, the manufacturers of fakes were poured into the canisters simply tinted water, so there are no all-related chemicals from the soul.

What is dangerous fake antifreeze? Alas, but these mixtures can easily freeze the head of the cylinder block or make several holes in the radiator. Imagine that it would be if a man had a holey heart ... That's about the same with the car.

So, we turn to concrete question: How to buy a real antifreeze? In fact, it is easy, you need to know only a few properties of the real coolant. Here they are:

Real antifreeze is a little sweet taste. If you are afraid to try it into a language (which is quite logical), then try to touch. In the event that the bought liquid is slightly soaping between the fingers, then you are incredibly lucky - you purchased the original

Try to boil a certain amount of suspected liquid. Either in a spoon, if not sorry, either in a small tin jar. Felt ammonia smell? It is a pity - you slipped fake. The real antifreeze when boiling does not smell!

The third way to calibrate on authenticity is saturated. Take the aluminum container, pour antifreeze into it and throw a little salt. If the sediment falls on the bottom, then you bought a copper vigor. Fraudsters were previously indulged in this way, but now such cases are extremely rare.

Another method-check Areometer for density. You can do it right in the store, and give fake back in case of detection.

The last way is simple and reliable. Pour into a small cup a little liquid from the purchased canister and put it all in the freezer for the night. If in the morning it turns out that the liquid is frozen, then you slipped at all what they promised.

Breaks and freezes before laid and able to significantly harm the elements of the car cooling system. In particular, lead to corrosion of the inner surfaces of the radiator, tubes, impeller of the water pump, the cylinder block, the deterioration of rubber connections of the system. Because of this functioning of the listed nodes deteriorates, and their resource is significantly reduced to the fullest failure. Another trouble to which the use of fake antimony can lead is that the cooling fluid in frosty weather is quickly crystallized (for example, at -5 ° C instead of -40 ° C ... -30 ° C) or vice versa quickly boils (for example, at a temperature of + 80 ° ... + 90 ° C). Thus, the purchase of high-quality toosola will protect the car owner from the emergence of the problems listed above.

What should antifreeze should be

To begin with, it is necessary to deal with the question of which the cooling fluid should be, the boiling point of Tosola and its other characteristics. It will enable the car owner to compare the toosol fake with the original. There is a state standard GOST 28084-89, designed back in 1989, but currently still, in which clearly prescribed specifications Tosola.

Data from the State Standard is shown in the table.

Name of the indicatorNorm according to GOST 28084-89
AppearanceTransparent homogeneous painted liquid without mechanical impurities
Density, g / cm³, at + 20 ° С, within1,065-1,085
The temperature of the start of crystallization, ° C, not higherminus 40.
Fractional data: - the temperature of the start of distillation, ° C, not lower than the mass fraction of fluid distilled until the temperature of 150 ° C,%, not more100
Corrosion impact on metals, g / m² day, no more: - copper, brass, steel, cast iron, aluminum- solder0,1
Foamability: - volume of foam, cm ³, no more- stability of foam, with, no more30
Swelling rubber,%, no more5
Hydrogen indicator (pH), within7,5-11,0
Alkalinity, cm³, not less10

An interesting feature of Tosola is the fact that it is possible to reduce the temperature of its freezing. In particular, this is relevant for the Arctic areas, where the temperature may lower up to -60 ° C and even lower. We are talking about the ratio of ethylene glycol and water in the coolant. By the way, in this way you can check the originality of Tosola, but this will be discussed below.

The dependence of the concentration of ethylene glycol on antifreeze crystallization temperature
Concentration of ethylene glycol,%Antifreeze density, g / cm³Crystallization temperature, ° С
97,8 1,112 -20
93,0 1,110 -30
85,4 1,104 -40
78,4 1,098 -50
72,1 1,092 -60
65,3 1,086 -65
63,1 1,083 -60
58,0 1,078 -50
52,6 1,071 -40
45,6 1,063 -30
36,4 1,051 -20
26,4 1,034 -10

Always pay attention to the tosol production date. The term of its warranty storage is no more than five years (although until 1992 was only 3 years old, so it is still recommended to buy a more "fresh" product).

Previously there were two typical brands of Tosol A-40 (Blue) and A-65 (red). The temperature of their crystallization is -40 ° C and -65 ° C, respectively. Naturally, the A-40 was more common. Now the choice is much larger than the color scheme is wider, but it does not affect the freezing or boiling point.

As for the boiling point of antifreeze, it depends on two factors - the concentrate content in antifreeze (in percent) and antifreeze density at a temperature of + 20 ° C (although these are two interdependent values). Exact information about the temperatures of freezing and boiling antifreeze you can look at the graph. It is worth noting that many popular and not very producers of cooling fluids are currently adhered to density 1,071 g / cm³. This value corresponds to the freezing temperature of -35 ° C, and the tosol boom temperature is about + 106 ° C.

pay attention to interesting fact, famous from the School Course of Thermodynamics. So, for increased pressure in the system, the boiling point of the liquid increases, and crystallization - decreases. Accordingly, that the toosol remains in the form of a liquid and fully removed the heat from power aggregate, It is necessary to maintain a cooling system in a hermetic condition. If this is not, for example, it skips the lid valve, then even high quality, not to mention the fake!

Signs of fake Tosla

If you have suspicion that you bought poor-quality toosol, they can be supported by the following signs:

  1. With insignificant frost (about -15 ° С ... 10 ° С) inner side The neck of the expansion tank of the cooling system is formed with a jelly mass. In some cases, there is a precipitate, and even a cooling fan may turn on. The listed features indicate either on poor-quality antifreeze, which quickly lost its properties, or on the fact that it is time to change it.
  2. Antifreeze quickly changed its color on the dark (brown, brown, "rusty"). Similar reasoning are fair here. Liquid lost its properties due to poor quality composition or from old age.
  3. Tosol boats in an expansion tank. This is a direct consequence of the fact that the temperature point of its boiling is much lower for GOST.
  4. The appearance of foam in the cooling system. The formation of foam is caused by a physical phenomenon called cavitation (the formation of bubbles in the liquid, the temperature of which is close to boiling). Cavitation is dangerous in that over time it is very harming the metal, literally destroying it in particles (the so-called cavitation painting of the metal).
  5. Regular even with minor loads. This will signal the corresponding light bulb on dashboard. It is possible to loss the engine power and increased flow Fuel.
  6. If there is plenty of water in a poor poor-quality tosap, then water vapor will be trample from under the lid of the expansion tank. In this case, the smell of petroleum products will not be.
  7. Tosol with plenty of water does not smell and has a water consistency (its high-quality composition is a bit like soap and gives a sweet taste). It can be tried to the touch or carefully examining it.

Remember that the signs of poor-quality antifreeze listed here can also be the result of breakdowns of some other mechanisms and vehicles of the car. Therefore, also check them.

Consequences of using bad toosol

Use poor-quality and / or simply a fake antifreeze is not categorically recommended. This can lead to such sad consequences:

Consequences of the fill of bad toosol

  1. The appearance of cracks in the elements of the cooling system (tube, nozzles, radiator) due to the fact that the cooling fluid freezes at a temperature when it still should not freeze.
  2. Acids that are used in fake antifreeges instead of ethylene glycol, corrosive the inner surface not only the elements of the cooling system, but also directly the engine. And this naturally leads to a decrease in their life.
  3. With long-term finding of poor-quality toosol in the cooling system, there are situations where the liquid is cracked or a hole in rubber and even metal elements of the system. Naturally, this will lead to the inoperability of the cooling system. In turn, there is a risk of failure of the engine entirely with subsequent expensive repairs.
  4. As part of some fake antifreezes there are methanol. It is not only harmful to the inner surface of the cooling system elements, but also simply flashes! Consequently, there is a risk of its fire with a significant increase in temperature, especially in the summer.
  5. Contamination of the inner surface of the radiator, which leads to a decrease in its efficiency, as well as a decrease in the working resource.
  6. Due to the fact that the cooling system is clogged from the inside, water pump, The pump is distilled with coolant, works with increased impact. It also affects it badly, because of which the pump can be premature.
  7. Even in small frosts, when the antifreeze does not completely freeze, water, which gradually disrupt the inner surfaces of the radiator and the cooling system nozzles. This, among other things, can lead to the failure of the thermostat and the salon stove.

Thus, the consequences of the use of fake can be very sad, and the repairs performed after this are expensive. Therefore, when identifying the fact that poor-quality coolant is already flooded in the system, you do not need to try to an existing one. Instead, rinse the cooling system and pour high-quality fluid.

How to determine the quality of antifreeze

Many motorists are interested in how to determine what Tosol is bad? To check the coolant for quality, you can use the following methods:

Tosol density check by areometer

One of the most popular methods of Tosla check - detection of its density. This is done with the help of a special device - the areaometer. However, it is worth noting that the method does not give 100% guarantee of the correct result. The fact is that the unscrupulous counterfeit manufacturers also know about this method of checking, and artificially customize the density value for the desired parameters. This is done with the help of acids, sugar or salts. They are used instead of the above ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.

Interestingly, in such cases technical specifications Fluids will be original in the first time. However, after one or two weeks (and maybe earlier) these properties will be lost, and the coolant will freeze under negative temperatures, it is too early to throw in the engine operating mode and simply "kill" the cooling system and the engine.

How to measure the density of antifreeze using a carometer

Not bad check option with a lactium paper. As is known, it can change its color from the pink (small pH) to blue (high pH). Optimal option There will be a lactium paper painting in green color. This signals that the acid-alkaline balance of antifreeze is within the normal range, namely from 7 to 9. Otherwise (if the color is pink or blue), it is better to refrain from buying.

Another interesting experiment can be carried out using soda. Some cheap antifreeze add acid, including sulfur. Accordingly, if there is a certain amount of soda in a test small volume, then there will be a stormy short reaction with gas release (bubbles on the surface of the liquid) and precipitate. If you have witnessed such a phenomenon, it means that there is an acid, and from such a coolant is better to refuse.

Such a simple diagnostic method allows you to identify fake antifreezes based on cheap acids, which is the predominant majority among fakes.

Tosol Check Lacmus Paper

Another option of checking the coolant - trial freezing Its small quantity (pour into a jar or bottle). However, for this it is necessary to have a powerful freezer camera in accessibility, capable of lowering the air temperature to -40 ° C ... -35 ° C. You can use traditional doses of household refrigerators (they produce approximately -20 ° C ... -15 ° C), but it is necessary to slightly dilute the antifreeze in accordance with the table above and the schedule. But in the simplest case, you can simply put antifreeze in the freezer at a temperature of -20 ° C and below (to wind the minimum permissible temperature in it for several hours, for example, up to -24 ° C, however do not forget to return it to its original position!). If antifreeze is a frank fake, then, in a few hours it crystallizes.

Similar the procedure can be performed with heating. However, for this you need to have a professional thermometer who would show the fluid temperature more than a year Celsius. The procedure is very simple, a small amount of antimony is poured into a metal dishes, installed a thermometer there and put on the burner of the gas or electric stove. Accordingly, it is necessary to fix the temperature in which the cavitation process and the active fermentation phase (boiling) begin in the antifreeze. Recall that at atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of the toosol should be not lower than 106-108 degrees.

Also, with heating, it is possible using a combustion test to be carried out in the composition of methanol antifreeze. However, it is necessary to do it carefully, in compliance with the rules of fire safety and preferably in the laboratory or on the street (not at home and not indoors)! When heated, the pairs of methanol will be highlighted, which can be settled directly over the test vessel. If they are - there will be bright ignition. The methanol is replaced by ethylene glycol, since it is cheaper, however, it is firewood and has a low boiling point - +64.7 degrees (unlike ethylene glycol, the boiling point of which is +197.6 degrees). That is, the appropriate tosol sample will boil already at 70-80 degrees.

In high-quality toosol or antifreeze there should be no characteristic smell of petroleum products (gasoline, lubricants, oil). It makes sense to check the toosol reaction with rigid water. To do this, cast a small amount of means and mix it with tap water. If as a result chemical reaction Perusting was formed or fell out - in front of you fake or poor-quality product.

When buying will not be superfluous and check the tightness of the canister With coolant. To do this, sufficiently surpasses it and listen. If the air will go out from under the cover or the upper part, then it is 100% fake. In this case, the liquid certainly lost its properties, since it was in direct contact with the outer air for a long time.

Remember that a complete check of the chemical composition of one or another antifreeze can be carried out only in laboratory conditions using appropriate equipment. Therefore, do not fall immediately purchased toosol, and open the canister and draw the experiments described above. Next, let it stand in a closed vessel (canister) about two weeks and re-check. If antifreeze is initially bad, this time will be enough for it to determine the technical characteristics of Tosol. If they are fine - you can pour it into the car.

How to buy a real antifreeze

Recommendations for the purchase of original high-quality toosol, regardless of its manufacturer, are reduced to similar reasoning to acquire another product. First you need to decide on the brand. It is best to choose a cooling fluid from the middle or top price range. Cheap antifreeze are usually not different. According to Internet reviews and other materials, you can learn about the quality of one or another antifreeze.

What antifreeze to choose

Do you know what affects the choice of antifreeze, its color (red, green, etc.) and the manufacturer's company? But from this depends on its life and cooling system. Choose the one that recommends the manufacturer

Next makes sense to decide on the store or trading platformwhere the probability of buying counterfeit is reduced to a minimum. Choose famous stores specializing in branded modern spare parts, consumables, auto chemicals. They must have all permits for the right to conduct trading. Tosola packaging should have a tightly sealed cover. Some manufacturers put it with a special seal. On the body, the canisters often can be found a hologram or another protective sign (each manufacturer it is realized in different ways, so before buying it is better to clarify this nuance.

Label on canister It must be high-quality, barcode and inscriptions on it even. Information should be technical. Well, if the canister is translucent. If the sediment is visible in the liquid, then the purchase should be refrained! If you shake a canister with a coolant ready to fill, then foam should settle through 2 ... 3 seconds. If this is concentrate - then after five ... six. A good feature is considered to be membranes under the cork canister.

Many car owners and masters do not recommend buying a diluted Tosol, ready to directly pour into the cooling system. Instead, they offer to buy antifreeze concentrate, and independently carry out it with water in the appropriate proportions. This is due to the fact that many fakes are in finished solutions of technical antimony.

How to make Tosol

If you bought a fake Tosol, and at the moment you do not have the opportunity to replace it with a good factory coolant, but there are all components according to the recipe (the composition includes 4 main ingradients), you can make it yourself. However remember that before pouring new antifreezeThe cooling system must be rinsed from the old fake composition.

In order to independently make Tosol you need:

  1. Isopropyl alcohol.
  2. Washing powder.
  3. Normal or distilled water.
  4. Ethylene glycol.
  5. Any flavoring agent, for example, essential oil (optional).

Please note that ethylene glycol is sufficiently poisonous, so you need to work in air or in a well-ventilated room and in the means individual protection. You can replace ethylene glycol to propylene glycol. It is safer.

Tosol manufacturer's recipe in this case It will be as follows:

  1. To obtain a solution that will not freeze to a temperature of -30 ° C, it is necessary to take two identical volume of water and one volume of alcohol (for example, two liters of water and one liter of alcohol). Note that you can use another alcohol number in accordance with the table above.
  2. Add ethylene glycol. It is believed that 15 cm ³ of this means for each degree below zero. Accordingly, 450 ml of ethylene glycol will be needed for temperature -30 ° C.
  3. Add a little washing powder to the solution (near the tablespoon) and the flavoring agent so that it removes the alcohol smell.

Another embodiment of self-made toosol is to use glycerol. In particular, you will need:

  1. 30% water volume.
  2. 70% of glycerin volume.

These two components are mixed with each other, resulting in a cooling fluid with a crystallization temperature -40 ° C. However, note that the resulting composition is very viscous, so its movement in the system is associated with increased wear wear. Accordingly, such a composition you can only use in extreme cases or not to use at all! It is according to such recipes and make a fake bad toosol that does not meet any technical requirements and characteristics.

Some car enthusiasts that are disappointed in purchased technical toosolas use self-made compositions on an ongoing basis. However, it is necessary to make aware that their composition is still not ideal, and can harm the car cooling system. And if the car is quite old and the focuss "do not surprise" (for example, a VAZ-classic), then this option is more or less acceptable. But if the car is new, and even more so quite expensive, it is better to use antifreezes recommended by the manufacturer of the machine.

All owners of Toyota cars are sooner or later faced with a choice. The modern market offers many effective and qualitative solutions of these tasks, but not every driver can make the right choice.

The optimal option in such cases is the antifreeze of Toyota, because the automaker knows exactly what his brain need and offers only the best.

Toyota antifreeze description

The original antifreeze for Toyota is made on the basis of environmentally friendly and safe polypropylene glycol and effective thoroughly balanced additive packages. Special attention When creating these cooling liquids, manufacturers have paid protection against corrosion - powerful inhibitors are used as part.

On the modern European market you can meet two varieties of branded cooling fluids: Toyota Long Life. COOLANT and Toyota Super Long Life Coolant.

Currently, most of the models of the automaker uses antifreeze of the latter of these brands.

Both antifreeze are supplied ready for use (in proportion to water 50/50) and in the form of concentrates that are diluted with water before use. For conventional operating conditions at temperatures up to -40 ° C, water is added based on one to one.

Depending on which the minimum temperature is to be operating a car, the proportion of the concentrate in water may vary from 33 to 70%.

When the concentrate is diluted with water, you can use distilled, and even better deionized water. In the extreme case, you can use plumbing. Take water from open reservoirs or wells categorically not recommended.

Conducted testing and testing have shown that both Toyota cooling fluids comply with the requirements of not only Japanese, but also leading European, Asian and American manufacturers. Reviews received from car owners and drivers confirm it.

Toyota Long Life Coolant

Toyota Long Life Coolant (LLC) is the composition of red-based propylene glycol, functional additives and corrosion inhibitor. It is intended for engines both cars and trucks.

Antifreeze of this brand is characterized by high heat sink properties, perfectly lubricates and protects the engine cooling system from wear and corrosion formation.

Antifreeze Toyota Long Life Coolt comes to Russia in the following packaging:

    1 l - Article 08889-80015

    4 l - Article 08889-80032

    5 l - Article 08889-80014

    60 L - Article 08889-80017

Toyota Super Long Life Coolant

Coolant toyota liquid Super Long Life Coolant (SLLC) is used to fill on the conveyor. It is used for further replacement. Used for any modern engines passenger and trucks.

In the manufacture of this pink antifreeze, carboxylate technology is used (organic acid additives). Polypropylene glycol is used as a coolant. The antifreeze contains nitrates, silicates and other components that form deposits in the system, thereby reducing the effectiveness of heat exchange.

This liquid not only helps maintain normal thermal modes of engine operation, but also perfectly prevents cavitation, foam formation.

Antifreeze Toyota (SLLC) is available in the following packagingx:

    2 l - Article 08889-80070

    4 l - Article 08889-80071

    5 l - Article 08889-80072

How often do you need to replace Toyota antifreeze?

The replacement of Antifreeze Toyota Long Life Kilant is recommended to produce every 40,000 km of run or for a term of operation - after the factory after three years, in the future - every 2 years.

The manufacturer recommends the first replacement of the Antifreeze of Toyota Super Long Life Coolant through 160,000 km of run, in the future - every 80,000 km. If you focus on the service life, then the manufacturer declares that this liquid is subject to replacement every 5 years.

During the operation of the car brand Toyota, various situations may occur when the cooling fluid must be changed previously specified deadlines.

For example, if you bought a car with mileage and do not know which antifreeze is flooded into the cooling system, then with a decrease in its level in the expansion tank, it is not worth topping the liquid of the same color. Better produce full replacement Regardless of the run or service life. It will save you from many problems - antifreeze of different chemical compounds when mixing can cause precipitation, lose or reduce cooling, protective and lubricating properties.

How to determine what time to replace?

In order to replace antifreeze in a timely manner in toyota cars, you need to adhere to several rules that, however, are valid for motor vehicles Any manufacturer and any brand.

    Secondly, it is advisable to fully update the antifreeze when buying a car with mileage, if it is not known which fluid is flooded in it.

    Thirdly, it is necessary to periodically monitor the fluid level in the expansion tank. When plotting into it, any differ in the composition of the liquid at the first opportunity should be washed and the complete replacement of antifreeze.

    Fourth, should be monitored appearance Spilled into the liquid system. Her pollution, loss of transparency or discoloration indicate a decrease in or complete loss of work properties. In this case, the replacement of antifreeze is also necessary.

Is it possible to mix different antifreeze?

Different brands, colors? Is it possible to dilute one antifreeze with a liquid of another brand of the same manufacturer? Does the engine do not harm the mixture different antifreezes same color?

These questions are worried almost every car owner and driver.

The answer to these questions is simple - without any harm for the car you can mix only antifreeze of the same chemical composition.

If both fluids are made on a polypropylene glycol using the same additive packages, they can be mixed regardless of whether the dye of which color is added to them.

Most often, we do not know exactly, so it is better not to risk. Additives, different in their chemical composition can be reacted with each other, causing deposits in the system, reducing certain operational properties that are required from antifreeze specifically for your car model.

As for the Toyota antifreezes, the manufacturer categorically does not recommend mixing the liquid toyota brands Super Long Life Coolant and Toyota Long Life Coolt, because they use different additives in them.

How to distinguish fake?

Prices for Japanese antifreeze for Toyota cars are far from the lowest.

These are high-quality fluids that provide long-term uninterrupted operation of the engine and contribute to maintaining the cooling system in perfect condition.

Like any running product, antifreeze Toyota. Often become the object of falsifications and fakes.

In order to maximize yourself to protect yourself and your car from the acquisition of fake and not to get to the fishing fraudsters, it is necessary to follow several simple rules:

  • The packaging should contain the release date and (or) date of bottling
  • Before buying, carefully inspect the canister for defects.
  • Check the quality of packaging and labeling - labels must be glued smoothly, without distortion, over the entire surface. On the canister should not be traces of glue or opening of packaging
  • Create antifreeze only at proven points, from authorized representatives or in large specialized stores
  • Be sure to make sure that all the inscriptions on the label are clear, lines are flat, errors in the text are missing
  • The purchased liquids must be transparent, without precipitation. Toyota Super Long Life Coolt must have pink color, and Toyota Long Life Coolt - Red

If you discovered the inconsistency at least one point - with a large share of the likelihood in front of you fake.

The importance of the cooling system for the engine engine does not require clarification. Working fluid The cooling system is antifreeze, it is also coolant, it is also toosol. Consider in detail the principle of operation and properties of antifreeze, allowing efficiently cooling the parts of the unit. How to choose the right antifreeze to not run into the fake? Answers in our article.

Water as the first antifreeze

At the dawn of the automotive industry, the coolant was ordinary water. If the cars were traveled only in warm latitudes, then another antifreeze would never need it. After all, water has a high boiling point, perfectly removes heat from heated elements and accumulates it. In addition, the viscosity of the water is very small, which makes it possible to pump it without problems. But there are water and serious cons. This freezing at a sufficiently high temperature (at zero degrees), a sharp expansion of the volume during freezing, leading to the rupture of pipelines, the manifestation of metal corrosion, scale.

Initially it was supposed to add the necessary substances to water to level its disadvantages. But, as a result, the positive qualities of water decreased. The solution to the problem was the use of glycols.

Ethylene glycol - the basis of modern antifreeze

Ethylene glycol began to use antifreeze. Its boiling point is higher than that of the water, and the freezing point is -65 degrees Celsius. Evaporation losses are minimal. The heat capacity and thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol is slightly lower than that of water. Interestingly, even when the glycol frozen is freezing, they do not form a solid mass of ice and do not expand in volume. A sort of "porridge" is formed with ice crystals floating in ethylene glycol. Of the disadvantages of ethylene glycol, it is worth highlighting the extension with a strong heating. Because in cooling systems began to use expansion tanks. Ethylene glycol is no less aggressive to metals than water. Therefore, anti-corrosion additives add to it.

Modern coolant contains water, ethylene glycol, corrosion inhibitors, dye and anti-additive. In the CIS, antifreeze is called "Tosol", this name occurred from the trademark of cooling fluids popular during the USSR.

I distinguish real antifreeze from fake

How to choose a real toosol and not run into fake? They say that the real antifreeze taste is slightly sweet. This is true, but it is categorically impossible to try it, because of its emergency poisonousness. It should be noted that the legends on the addition of sugar in antifreeze today went into the past. Sugar for these goals today is unreasonable roads! Some negligent sellers managed to add salt. This, of course, turned the cooling radiator and the entire cooling system into a slow bomb. After all, the salt is detrimental for all metal parts. But this is most likely in the past. Another people's "test" - you need to put antifreeze for the night in the refrigerator. If the fluid remains transparent, it means it is not fake.

Let us back in the direction of home-grown methods for determining real antifreeze. We advise rely on common sense and logic. First, 1 liter of coolant cannot cost a certain level determined by the price of 0.5 liters of ethylene glycol included in its composition. Secondly, buying antifreeze should have proven sellers and in reliable stores.

Pay attention to the integrity of the factory packaging! Each packaging with antifreeze should contain an image of a quality certificate, also on the package should indicate all the main coolant indicators. The main one is density and crystallization temperature. No less important is pHIC acidity level. It should be within 7.0-11.5, which means a neutral or weakly alkaline antifreeze medium. Alkaline indicator allows antifrase to resist acid appearing during the decomposition of ethylene glycol, from exhaust gases etc. Alkaline indicator Measure the amount of milliliters of dilute hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for neutralizing the alkali antifreeze. One key indicators is and boiling temperature (there must be no lower than 100 degrees) and mass fraction Antifreeze, distilled to a temperature of 150 degrees. The last indicator should be no more than 50%. It shows the ability of the liquid to pour with overheating.

Less important indicators - Foaming, swelling of rubber elements, corrosion of metals. I wonder what per day any metal surface is 1 sq.m. Under the influence of antifreeze should not lose more than 1 gram of metal.

Finally, we note that the deadline for the operation of the antifreeze in the car cooling system - 3 years or 60 thousand mileage kilometers. But this is for a new radiator and cooling system. In other cases it is necessary to change antifreeze once every two years. This will protect you from corrosion of the details of the cooling system, "blowing" of rubber elements and other troubles.

Take care of your car, pass on time, use high-quality consumables And the car will serve you faithfully.

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