Home Engine Electric car with your own hands. Demonstration. We make from gasoline car - electric vehicle. On the weaknesses of electric vehicles

Electric car with your own hands. Demonstration. We make from gasoline car - electric vehicle. On the weaknesses of electric vehicles

Electric car with your own hands

End of the XIX and early XX centuries - the first self-live carriages with steam engines internal combustion And (well, well) electric! By the way, the first line of speed in 100km / h overcame the electric car. However, then ravings developed faster and by the beginning of the 30s electric vehicles were forgotten.

Let's see the day today. Since 1988, Toyota has been producing auto-electric vehicle (model Prius). The essence is as follows: you sit down the car, turn the key, translate the control lever to the "Drive" position and immediately (!) Start moving. What are you going - you don't know. Usually, small trips occur on the electric shirt. When the machine "understands" that the batteries sat down, she itself turns the gasoline engine and charges the battery. There is an emergency case - if the batteries are satisted, there is no gasoline - you pull the red handle in the trunk and (o, miracle!) Batteries are charged, you can go.

Eco, battery, hybrid engine, starting current, homemade electric car, electric motor for car, electric car with their own hands

Such a situation was described in us, where for 4 years such a hybrid mobile is studied. It came across this model and on secondary market Auto (approximately $ 8.5 thousand for 98? 99g.v.). Such developments have GM, and Europe has a lot of small (1-2-local) electrical hybrids used in green areas or, simply, in the golf courses.

Let us return all the same to the dominant feature of the author of the site - the desire to save.

Pay $ 8.5 thousand for the right Japanese miracle - the hand does not rise, and the wallet does not allow, and how much time, forces and money will cost to assemble independently the vehicle on the electric shirt in the simple version:

1.Kuz (at bridges, plastic, homemade, with documents) - $ 1000. - Pay attention to the weight of the design. My without the engine and the battery weighs 350kg. It is important. - homemade plastic car Not such a big rarity, as it may seem at the beginning. More recently - in early August in the newspaper "From hand to hand" in the "Other" section, was sold. Who seeks will always find! (In the end, itches).

2. Calon. Two front seats from the car Porsche 924, pillow rear seat From Toyota Supra, 4m2 carpet from the store and all this is missed through the workshop on sewing covers (all sites B.U.) - $ 400. - Your fantasy may be limitless: in the country the mass of valuable wood, beautiful skin and very expensive acoustic tissues.

3.Silic unit (B.U.). Engine from a written off and almost completely ruined Bulgarian loader (3.6 kW, 84 V, 1400 rpm, 24 Nm) - $ 200. - I would prefer to use the engine 10 kW, 120 V - $ 650 - new, under warranty. (Anyone Supply Spare Parts for Loaders).

4.Akb. Seven pieces (12 V? 200 Ah), starter, Italian. In the wholesale firm - 2600 rubles / pcs, in the store - 4000 rubles / pc. - Do not try to use domestic Akb - You will receive a nominal container only a few first time (lead for the battery should be from fresh ore, and not EE repulpring old batteries, but in our country there are no lead ores, in any case for manufacturers of AKB). - Ideally, you need to use traction acb for loaders, but the price is 3 times higher! Why the battery is worth $ 80 for the car, and for a loader (equal capacity) - $ 250, guess yourself (not difficult).

5. The wheels are smaller width (rolling friction should be reduced to min) However, its standard load defense is indicated on the wheel, count, choose with a slight margin. The engine control unit. Options: 1) from the loader is new, relay, by 6 speeds - $ 400. 2) Thyristor with smooth regulation - $ 1100. 3) A huge reostat is the grandfathers on the Mitinsky Radine Station (you will be the only one to whom it will need) - several bottles of universal currency.

5) Personally, at 110% of the promotion of email friends, try to build the electronic unit Control. It turns out - I'll tell you.

The flange, the engine and transmission (in my case - PPC VAZ 2101). Made in the right place - the company "Kardan-Balance" - $ 70. It is better to do this thing from professionals who know the automotive specifics - will tell if it is possible to do with a rubber clutch or insert a cross or still like ...

Plan-washer - engine connection and gearbox. I managed to make it yourself, but the accuracy should not be worse than 0.2 mm, or you will get tired of changing the bearing of the primary shaft of the gearbox and engine bearings.

TOTAL: 3000 $ spent approximately.

300 hours of working time of one central engineer qualification. He is a welder, he is a locksmith, he is electric. For this money and time I have: Machine 850 kg Weight (4 local), Akb 84 V x 200 A · h, Mileage 200 km. Speed: 60 - 75 km / h in a straight line, up to 90 km / h Brief (for overtaking) or under the hill. 35 km / h is rolled and accelerated to this velocity of 12%.

Technical and economic substantiation. The number of transcharge cycles to full capacity with proper use - 800 times (in advanced Italian, for reasonable money). 800 times x 200 km \u003d 160,000 km. The cost of one charging given to 1 km of the path.

(200 A x 84 c) / (1000 n) x C \u003d 25 rubles N - CPD charge \u003d 60% (0.6) C - cost 1 kWh · h (90 kopecks)

So: 12.5 kopecks / km. The cost of the battery, given to 1 km of the track. (2600 rub · 7 pieces) / 160 000 km \u003d 11.4 kopecks / km. Total 24 kopecks.

Primer VAZ 2101 with a flow rate of 8 l / 100 km, Ai 92 (10 rubles / l) 80 rubles / 100 km \u003d 80 cop / km.

Add here to regular oil replacement, filters, carburetor adjustment, ignition valves, cap. Engine repair, finally ... How much did it work out? 1.2 rubles / km and 24 kopecks / km.

In 5 (five) times cheaper, gentlemen! 5 times !!!

Any questions?

One question I will foresee: "Where did you give the erected money?"

Another prime question: what will say traffic police?

Answer: I don't know yet. But there are electric cars in us, they drove on the roads. There are also electromotive at AZLK (2 models). Vases somehow, 20 years ago, ride in Moscow rechargeable. UAZ for military hospitals existed with electric motors. And even there was a car- (pardon) of the electric hole. Now there is a truck ZIL electric with very good parameters. Were they, eat, drive ... what, strictly speaking, my car is worse?

You say this homemade body Was purchased ready. Is it known at all who did it, what is his story?

No, the pedigree I could not get it. In the past (2003), we communicated with algebraic (Brothers Y. and S. Algebraic - famous in the USSR homemade workers who created the car "Yuna"), he tried to remember with friends who did this car, but they did not succeed .

I got this car through the "tenths" hands. And at that time I was going to do an electric vehicle in some small, light body, for example, on the basis of "Oka". And here, just after the first "autoexotics", in which we participated with our converted Zaporozhet (with a BMW-Shnya chain), our familiar Yuri came to us, who gloves a plastic jeep herself, and suggested to take this body from him. I came to look at this homemade, appreciated her weight qualities and realized that this is what I was looking for. The most suitable platform for the electric vehicle. This fiberglass body is based on a kilogram of 200 lighter than the basic "Zhigulevsky".

By the way, the question about "base". What is this body? Fiberglass on the frame?

It is the "Zhigulevskoye" bottom with wheel arches, cursed in a glass fiber from two sides, so as not to rot (she has been held for 20 years ...), on all this is welded with square and, places, round tubes. Outside it is all glued with fiberglass panels.

And the bottom is somehow reinforced?

No, absolutely standard, the frame of the pipes on it is only on top.

So, you got a "base". What's next?

I began to make an electric car. The business is young, there is no patience, so I did not invent anything and tried to use standard components as much as possible. Traction motor - from the Bulgarian loader, a passport capacity of 3.6 kW. At the same time, in acceleration with good dynamics, he develops painlessly for himself up to 15 kW. From this advice to everyone who will do something like this: when choosing a motor, it is necessary to take into account its overloading abilities.

Yes, when I tried to figure it out, I found domestic motors - DPT-6. They are 6 kilowatts and also designed for the loader ...

In my case, 3.6 kW by turnover and gear ratios 4th gearbox and rear bridge Must be achieved by 1400 rpm of the engine, which corresponds to the speed of 44 km / h. So it turns out: when I'm going about at such a speed, I see 50 amps on an ammeter at a working voltage of 80 volts. Thus, I have 4 kW and efficiency \u003d 90%.

I made some calculation at your leisure. If you take the VAZ-2108 with a weight of 920 kg and a capacity of 57.2 kW, then we obtain the ratio of the mass to the power \u003d 16.1. With the weight of your car in 850 kg and the power of 3.6 kW we obtain the same indicator \u003d 236.1.

Yes. I, when I started to build an electric car, made a similar calculation and was horrified. And therefore left the gearbox - on the first and second I will come in any way. Plus it saves me that the real starting power of the engine is higher than the passport.

By the way, there is no clutch. How do you manage to include transfers?

And there is no idle move. When switching transmission, the Synchronizer "pulls" the engine anchor to the desired speed of rotation. The only inconvenience is to switch the gear slightly more than with clutch.

I hoped that with a new pulse unit, which I put on my own electric car, it will be possible to immediately turn on the fourth and touch it - but, alas, the power is not enough. Therefore, I'm talking to the second in the city now, and when moving I use the fourth.

How with charging time?

Batteries are charged with a regular charger current equal to 10% of the nominal capacity, somewhere overnight. Now I am under the order a new control unit is being developed, which himself will charge, then move to the boiling mode - "digesions", and then turn off the charging and remain in the "waiting" mode. I have acid accumulators, ordinary, - they are reasonable money. Special traction batteries by a third are heavier and are inconspicuously expensive, so I refused them.

At the same time, for standard 200-ampere batteries, the discharge current is not very large - 50 amps. At the same time, if we take that the real capacity of the non-new battery is 170 amps / hours, we get at least 2.5 hours of confident stroke.

Clear. So you have two batteries in front and ...

... and five from behind. Just 200 amp. The engine is designed for 80 volts, I applied 84. Checked as it would lead yourself to 96 volts - it turned out much more fun. In general, I am satisfied with the engine - "overload" he keeps well. Enough "oak", wiring from a thick wire, everything is "glazed", etc. I can accurately say that you need to go to Volt 120 - to switch not such big currents. The motor control unit now was developed for a year and a half until he began to work in adequately and not burn.


Her-takes. On 8 field transistors standing in parallel. With thyristors there is a problem with a constant current. A variable is not a problem, but on constant current, a thyristor is difficult to close after the "breakdown". Another high plus field: there are several volts on a thyristor, and only 0.15 V. Plus in the perspective - the use of recovery.

And how in winter?

Yes, the battery capacity drops, but when driving, they are a little heated and the problem should be solved by itself. There is another question - with the stove. I consider gasoline to put the gasoline. There is a thought to use for heating or cooling salon The principle of a vortex pipe, which only a fan is needed for work. Now I think about the adaptation of this device for your car.

On this machine I even managed to ride, sitting at the wheel. By the way, it accelerates quite acceptable. True, when I clicked Gas to Paul, Vladislav still asked me to look at the ammeter so that it was not a big starting current. For me, there was still a problem with the lack of clutch. Well, I'm not used to automatic checkpoint. And then the brake pedal is made by combining the "classic" pedals of the brake and clutch ... After the stop, you need to put the car on the handbrake - the electric motor, unlike the MOD, does not hold compression.

In general, from electric car There were enough pleasant sensations. Of course, on dynamics and mileage on one "refueling", it is significantly inferior to gasoline. But, but what kind of savings!

Nowadays on the roads are increasingly appearing electric species transport. Many large manufacturers with world name have already established the production of serial electrocars, and in the cities there are actively developing electrical stations. But, as practice shows, an electric vehicle is not the cheapest and affordable pleasure, so many enthusiasts and lovers create something with their own hands think about how to make electric vehicles with their own hands.

What is electric vehicle

This whole set can be selected independently from individual components. But it is important to understand that when buying a finished set, the manufacturer offers an optimized kit with a connection scheme, which eliminates from a variety of calculations and possible problems.

It will also be necessary to remake the car body itself so that instead of an internal combustion engine, install an electrical power plant that has other sizes and fastening methods.

Choose body

When choosing a body for alteration in an electric car, two important parameters should be taken into account:

  • weight - the less weight, the better;
  • dimensions - In this matter, it is important to place a battery that will feed the electric drive. The battery must have a rather large capacity and power, which means that the battery will have serious dimensions and weight.

Also do not forget about the aerodynamic characteristics. The better the aerodynamics of the car, the smaller the resistance to the wind, and therefore less car Will spend power when driving.

This, in turn, affects the stroke. As a rule, in homemade battery electric vehicles are placed in the trunk, as it is the most optimal optionthat does not require interlock alteration. But in this case, the center of gravity is changing, and due to the large weight of the battery, it will have to increase the rigidity of the suspension springs.

The rest will suit almost any body, which will have to modify a little. And it will depend on what exactly the drive you choose exactly how it will be located and so on. After all, it is different variants, right up to leave the engine in its place, and the electric drive to install on rear wheels. We will return to this issue a little lower.

Another important factor is to choose a machine with front-wheel drive as a "donor" in order not to lose part of the power on rubbing items in the crossed of the cardan shaft.

Ideally, the weight of the Donor should be within 600-700 kg. But this option is quite difficult to find. And even if the car for alteration will be heavier, it is worth paying attention to the models with good rolling.

Probably the most important question - which electric motor for the electric vehicle to choose. And there is a lot of options:

  • direct electric drive;
  • drive through the gearbox;
  • motor-wheel - the engine are the wheels themselves.

There are also many options for power, from the easiest and weak to highly powerful, which are superior to the power of the engine. And if you have knowledge in this area, you will quite be able to make a self-made electric motor.

But independently create quite powerful and at the same time the compact engine is quite difficult, and this requires the presence of appropriate components and knowledge in electrical engineering.

If we are talking about a mini-electric car, a children's electrocare or an electrical trolley, then a motor from home appliances can be suitable, for example, from a washing machine.

A small and lightweight mini electric car will be completely able to move and with the engine from washing machine. Of course, it is important to understand that you will not make a full-fledged car with such a drive, but for a children's toy or for a cart for the carriage of goods will be quite enough.

Another pretty good options is the motor-wheel. In this case, the car will be subject to minimal alterations. Moreover, you can even leave the internal combustion engine, collecting a real hybrid. Moreover, two options are possible:

  • leave the engine to move the car with a discharged battery;
  • instead of the engine, the electric generator will install, which will feed the electric drive and charge the battery.

In any case, whatever the layout you choose, the optimal engine power should be calculated. For this calculation there is a rather complicated formula that takes into account:

  • coefficient of aerodynamic resistance;
  • cross-sectional area;
  • car mass;
  • the force of friction asphalt;
  • maximum speed;
  • the angle of the roadbed and much more.

It is quite difficult, and not all the indicators can be found. After all, we will not be able to calculate the strength of the resistance of aerodynamics, for example, soviet car VAZ 2107.

Therefore, to simplify the calculations, you need to know that there will be 7.5 kW for each ton weight of the car. Such power will allow driving at a speed of 60 km / h.

Of course, it is better to make an electric car with a power reserve, so full weight Auto (taking into account battery, electric power plant And so on) in one ton, it is worth using an electric drive at a minimum of 10 kW. And this is subject to the connection of the electric motor to the CPP of the car through the appropriate adapter (we will look at this question more details below).

If you calculate the power of the electromotor by parameter horse power, 0.75 kW is equal to 1 liter. from. This means that for obtaining, for example, 100 liters. from. You will need an electric motor for 75 kW.

It is important to know that the electric drive has a higher torque, so such power is not required. It is also worth considering that electric motors are different types:

  • synchronous;
  • asynchronous.

The first option is running from direct current and has quite high power. But such drives are installed through the CAT, as they have limitations on the number of revolutions per minute.

Asynchronous drives operate from AC, and their rotational speed is significantly higher. Therefore, such drives can be used without a gearbox, by means of a direct drive.

In the first case (synchronous motor) must have an output shaft with slots for attaching to the checkpoint. In addition, any electric drive must have ribs for cooling, since at high loads they are heated.


As mentioned above, the electric drive can be connected to the existing gearbox of the transmission of the car "donor". In this case, the drive must have a shaft with slots. But even with this condition, the corresponding adapter will be required by which the electric motor will be connected to the checkpoint.

This is one of the most simple and efficient options, as it takes a minimum alteration. BUT reverse The gearbox itself will include, the control of which remains unchanged (gear lever in the cabin).

As a rule, when using a set for removing a car into an electric car adapter for connecting the electric motor to the gearbox is included in the set

If you use a direct drive (without a gearbox), you will have to provide a reverse button when you press the engine will spin in the opposite direction, thereby providing reverse.


The interior is absolutely not important for the alteration of the machine into an electric vehicle. The only thing that will be necessary to redo is the place to display information about the state of the battery (voltage, container, and so on).

Cut informative screens as in dashboardand separately anywhere on the torpedo. Also, if you plan to locate the battery in the cabin, you will need a suitable place for this.

Search and purchase essential spare parts

As mentioned above, you can purchase a ready-made set for alteration. It is quite simple to find: on the Internet there are enough shops offering similar goods.

If you decide to assemble the necessary details yourself, you will need to find the optimal kit that consists of:

  • electric Motor:
  • control unit.
  • control levers (accelerometer pedal and so on).

You will also need an adapter to connect the motor to the gearbox, battery and charge / discharge controller. It is quite difficult to choose all this on its own, as components must be optimized.

It is much easier, faster and often cheaper to buy a ready-made set, in which the manufacturer has already picked up suitable components. Prices for such kits can vary greatly and depend on the manufacturer, as well as from maximum power. For example, the Solectria AC42 Motor kit with the Solectria UMOC 440 controller with a maximum power of 80 kW will cost approximately 360,000 rubles.

Relatively recently, a Kit-kit for an electric vehicle from Tesla Motors appeared on sale. The cost of such a set should be specified by the seller.

There are less expensive alternatives, for example, Chinese. They will cost much cheaper. But in quality, as well as in power, they are worse.

Battery selection and charging

Battery for homemade electric vehicles It is one of the most important components. After all, it is precisely from the battery that the stroke is depends, as well as partially the drive power. First of all, the battery must correspond to two parameters:

  • the voltage must comply with the requirements of the electric motor;
  • The battery must produce a large current strength, about 400 amps.

These requirements are required for the system to work at all. But the reserve of the stroke depends on the battery capacity, which is measured in kW / h. The greater kW / h (more capacity), the greater the reserve of the stroke we will get. But it is important to understand that an increase in capacity entails an increase in the mass of the battery. Therefore, it is important to observe the optimal balance.

In addition, there are different types Akb:

  • Lead-alkaline - those batteries that are used in ordinary machines. They are able to issue a large current strength, but at the same time rather quickly spend their charge and have a large mass. Therefore, this is not the most the best choice For the electric car.
  • Li-ion is the most common batteries that are used in almost all areas - from flashlights to electric vehicles. Such batteries are used in tESLA cars. These are usually small elements (standard 18650), which are combined into groups, creating large batteries with the desired container and voltage.
  • Helium - relatively new battery type. They are also suitable for electric vehicles in their technical characteristics, but there are somewhat more expensive than lithium-ion. Therefore, it is used in this area less often, and, as a rule, only in children's electrocars or in warehouse techniquewhere the mileage is not so important.

Nowadays, Li-Ion batteries are predominantly used in electric vehicles. Due to the small size of the elements, it is possible to collect batteries with any voltage and capacity.

From the school program of physics, we remember that sequential connection Suggested voltage, and with parallel - container. Thus, you can even assemble the battery yourself with the necessary parameters. Important: To create large batteries from elements 18650, point welding will need.

As mentioned above, there is an electric vehicle without a battery. In fact, it is a hybrid with a metering from the generator.

As for charging for the battery, regardless of which batteries you will use, charger (Memory) should also correspond to two parameters:

  • voltage;
  • current power.

To charge the battery, the appropriate controller is used, which controls the charge / discharge of each cell, align the indicators to the shared denominator. It is this controller that will define the parameters of the zoom and the maximum current strength.

To connect the charging to the electric motor, appropriate connectors are used, which are able to withstand high voltage and current strength.

IN homemade version You can use the same standards or use any other type of connector. The main thing is that it can withstand big currents.

Additional components

The control unit (it is the controller) in the electric car performs almost a major role. It is he who controls the operation of the electric motor, evaluates the battery capacity and the stroke, allows you to control the engine turnover and so on.

To assemble the controller with your own hands in principle, having appropriate knowledge in electronics. But even in this case, it is extremely difficult to do it. And since your security depends on the controller, it is better to purchase it already ready from the manufacturer.

The control unit must be compatible with the selected electric drive and respond to all technical specifications (and with power reserve).

Another important element is the battery charge / discharge controller. Without it, there is a high risk of overheating the battery and the exit of it. Therefore, the presence of such a controller is required.

It is called BMS - the Bank's protection fee from reloading / overlap) and costs about 300 US dollars. In this case, the cost may vary depending on technical parameters, as well as on how many cells you will use.

Asynchronous engine assembly

As mentioned above, the advantage of asynchronous engines is a high number of revolutions, thanks to which you can get rid of the checkpoint completely by making a direct drive on the wheels. In addition, such drives have the most simple design. Since they work from alternating current, they are used mainly in hybrid vehicles, where the power supply is a gasoline or diesel generator.

However, all this is accompanied by certain difficulties. Since the electric vehicle battery gives constant current, when building an electric vehicle with an asynchronous motor, you will have to additionally install an inverter that converts a constant current to variable. And this will attract additional costs.

This option will be relevant only in some cases. For example, if you want to create a machine with a hybrid power installation. Despite all the features asynchronous engineIt can also be used in a standard layout, through the checkpoint. But in any case, you will have to provide a device for converting a DC to a variable for the drive operation.

Homemade electric train

If you want to make a homemade electrical trolley for the transfer of goods, the task is greatly simplified. To do this, it is enough to weld a simple frame with a platform to which the load will be placed, to think through the fasteners of the wheels and the drive.

The powerful electric motor in this case will not be required, the engine is quite enough for 1-5 kW. Homemade electric train needs all the same components:

  • electric drive;
  • control unit with levers (control knobs);
  • battery;
  • charge / discharge controller (BMS fee).

But, unlike electric vehicle, in this case high power need not. The main thing is to come up with the location of all these elements and the output for control levers, as well as connect everything according to a specific scheme.

How to calculate the amount of money and time for assembly

Calculate how long it will be necessary for the assembly of an electric vehicle, is quite difficult, because it all depends on personal skills and knowledge. Experienced auto mechanic in the presence of required tools And parts are able to remake the car into an electric car in one week. IN garage conditions This time increases significantly.

Calculate the amount of funds that will be required for this event is simpler: everything resumes the price of spare parts and components. Above, we already led the approximate cost of a set for re-equipment, which can cost about 360,000 rubles. If you select each component yourself, then everything will depend on the selected parts.

The biggest costs go to the battery. And here it all depends on what type of battery you have chosen. Li-ion battery can be collected approximately 1000-5000 US dollars (depending on the battery capacity). To this cost you need to add the price on the BMS fee, which will cost approximately 300 dollars.

Specify the exact sums are not possible, as in this case too many variables. It all depends on the chosen donor, components, drive power, and so on. For example, to build a mini-electric car, it will take less finance than when assembling a full-fledged car, as it takes less power of the power plant, as well as less battery capacity.

Let's summarize

Indicate exactly what will be needed to re-equip the car into an electric vehicle, and how much money it will be necessary for it is extremely difficult. But with complete confidence it can be said that it is quite real, and the final result (with the right approach) will have a smaller cost compared to the new electric car from the manufacturer.

Of course, this requires appropriate knowledge in electrical engineering, radio electronics and auto mechanic, as well as enough free time and money. Is it worth doing this, depends only on you.

Electric car with your own hands for three days! Video step-by-step instruction Creating a homemade electric car!

The team of enthusiasts from Australia has delivered a challenge ordinary carsmobile In an electric car. The task seems to be not complicated (when you know how), but the deadlines are striking ...

The first day

Usually, the car conversion in the electric car takes from 6 to 12 months. We set out to do this for the week. I would like to make more electric vehicles on the roads, but for this you need to find ways to reduce the time and costs for reworking. In the future it would be nice to see auto services by alteration of ordinary cars to electrical.

I worked on the project along with my friend Michael from Gilong, Victoria. We decided to remake it with Daihatsu Charade (the same model as I) with the help of an inexpensive package of spare parts for alteration, Chinese production.

For the last few months we were preparing for the project by purchasing required spare parts, and manufacturing missing components (such as a coupling and an electric motor connection adapter to the gearbox). When adjusting a permanent enterprise by alteration, such things can be automated. For example, the PPC adapter is already translated into the CAD format, so the production of these parts can be established using laser cutting. We also prepared a detailed plan of work and estimates that will be published to help other enthusiasts.

I also invited many people interested in electric vehicles to participate in our project by alteration. Many agreed to come and yesterday we had about 10 people, with the help of which we did much more than the work than planned. Everyone was very organized and independently found an occupation in the project, and some were just amazing skills. We had mechanics, engineers, painters, videos and photos Operators, electricians, and my wife Rodemary prepared for everyone!

On the first day, we removed the internal combustion engine from the car and all the systems with it are associated, such as exhaust and fuel. We also installed the electric motor and gearbox connected to each other. And also mounted the engine mount to the car body and started to make the platform for installing batteries. According to my estimates and with the help of such a wonderful team, we made the work on which 3 days was set.

Teamwork was excellent, many of those who helped us took the ran away at work and got a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions. Teamwork on creating an electric vehicle is cool!

Video - Day One:

Second day

Saturday morning, just woke up after a very long day on Friday. Together with us under one roof, another 6 people spent the night:

We finished installing a battery set in the back of the car and even connected them to each other. The back of the car looks like a finished product, which can not but rejoice!
A more complex frame design for batteries in front of almost ready (there will be more welding work inside the pallet alignment compartment). Today we set the pallet, clean and paint.
Made wiring for instruments and a voltmeter is installed. Thank you Joel!
Engine and gearbox are installed, fixed and checked. Michael, John and team - great job!
Erick installed a vacuum pump, it remains to connect it.
Cable wiring brackets under the bottom of the car are installed left to complete the wiring.

Today we have to install a DC converter, switch vacuum pump, Charging batteries, emergency brake and control unit. Then connect all this.

The progress of the second day was less noticeable, because Mostly it was "finishes" of the first day, wiring and installing small equipment inside the car. Visually, it is not as impressive as dismantling the engine and the installation of the electric motor with the box.

Anyway these steps can take several months in single designers.

If you compare this project to the project of my first electric car, then here for the first day it was done as much as I did in the first 6 months! On the second day we made the work of the following 5 months of my independent work. Now we are at the stage of completion of the wiring - I was at this stage 3 days before the drive test. Today I hope we will bring this kid for a walk!

Initially, I planned to finish the project for the week and a little nervous about how many people responded to help. I thought all this would distract me from the work on conversion. Despite this, the opposite happened - thanks to all these people we did so much. I do not think that it would be possible if only Mike and me worked. It can be concluded that the work on the manufacture of some details occupy a lot of time. For the next project, it will be necessary to develop a plan for accelerating such work. For example, make a template for the manufacture of pallets for batteries.

Video - Day second

Third day

After a long working day, by 11 o'clock in the evening we left for the first test drive in the new electric car Michael. Just 3 days after the start of work!

Yesterday I knew almost all day with the connection of the power pump tubes and it took several adapters for this. We also made the wiring of power cables under the bottom of the car. Andrew made excellent work on connecting all 12 volts and 96 volts. The controller fee, which came together by the Chinese set perfectly in its place and we quickly connected it.

In the morning we cleared and painted the pallet for the front batteries and installed it after Lunch. All metal work performed excellent. And painting is done very professionally, so everything looks just super!

Many people helped us on this day. At some stage, one group did wiring under the car, the other bought the oil into the transmission, and the third made the missing details.

By evening, we were so close to the completion that everyone added the pace. Finally, all connections under the hood are completed and the entire electrician is installed. First of all, we checked all 12 volt devices to make sure that everything works when the "ignition" is enabled, after that they connected 96 to the power supply and checked the vaccinal pump brake system And DC Converter. After small settings of the brake vacuum pump switch earned as it should. After that, they connected the converter to 12 in the system, it worked perfectly.

As a result, we connected the last engine cable and launched the motor. Fortunately, he twisted the wheels in the right direction on Stand. Despite the heavy rain, we could not resist the first trip. At first they made several circles around the building - everything works fine, despite the increased weight, thanks to the new T-shirt suspension. The engine works very quietly and you can quickly switch transmissions without clutch. Everyone was very satisfied with the first test drive.

There was still a couple of small problems such as a small oil leak from the transmission, as well as the acceleration of the car seemed weak (peak current was less than 100a) most likely due to any error in connection. On Sunday, we rest and Monday I think these problems will solve. Cleaning and cosmetic work remains before being the official auto inspection of the car.

As a result, we turned out a great project that ended with a lot faster than planned.

While hybrid cars are a wonder not only in our country, but also in a number of others, therefore they are trying to collect particularly gifted craftsmen. And not only… Company Poulsen Hybrid. Also offered its decision on the transformation of an ordinary car to a hybrid, achieving gasoline saving by almost 20%. Do it offered with Power Assist System - Setconsisting of two DC electric discoid engines. They need to be installed using special adapters, to rear wheels. An additional battery and two controllers are placed in the car trunk. The battery is charging from the household network socket. The company's specialists argue that small motors whose capacity is 7 hp, for 50 km can help the main gasoline engine Drive on the electr shirt, saving fuel.

Installing electromotors can be installed on most of the cars produced today with wheels from 14 inches and above. Each motor weighs no more than 17 kg. The capacity of the lithium - ion battery, which nourishes them - 4.3 kW / h. Charger 96 V / 10 A. As a result, the weight of the system with the battery will be 90 kilograms, and the power is 13.5 hp. The cost of the project is about 8,000 "green", plus six hundred and if experts will be installed (official dealer).

But, while those who want to "improve" their favorite car, a little. And a large group of specialists considers the project very doubtful. We are waiting for time.

One of the options for installing an electric motor to a regular car

The end of the nineteenth century is a period when cars with a steam and electric motor first appeared. By the way, it was an electric car for the first time managed to overcome the high-kilometer line of speed. And although so far not so much electric vehicles, it appeared hybrids, in which the electric motor and the engine are used. The essence of the hybrid is that his movement begins immediately, but even the driver does not know (if not to look at the monitor), on which motor it goes - it solves the electronics. But, it is worth it vehicle Expensive, so the Russian "craftsmen" tell how you can collect a hybrid car with your own hands. Moreover, it is not so big enough as it may seem.

Estimation for a hybrid car with your own hands:

    Body (homemade, plastic, at bridges) - costs about 1000 dollars. It is important to choose its QC can be less weight - it is important.

    For the cabin: two front vessels of the car Porsche 924 will fit very well. The rear seat cushion can be borrowed from Toyota Supra. It will take another meters of five carpet, which must "visit" the workshop on sewing covers. The cost of materials and work is approximately 400 dollars. Well, but, in principle, it all depends on the fantasy, and the materials in the country mass: wood, leather, acoustic expensive fabrics, etc.

    The power unit, in our case, also used, is the engine from the writer of the Bulgarian production loader, the capacity of which is 3.6 kW, and developed turnover - 1400 rpm. The engine can be chosen and other by contacting the office that supplies new spare parts for loaders. It will cost 550 dollars approximately.

    Speaking about the battery, it is necessary to recommend, not to use domestic, since the nominal capacity will be able to get a few first time, and that's it. For AKB, we need a fresh lead ore, which we do not have in the country, so for batteries use the repulsion from old batteries. The perfect option is traction batteries for loaders. But their price is the second higher than starter Italian, which will need seven pieces. Their cost in stores will be 4,000 rubles, and in the wholesale company - 2600 per piece.

    Well, all that can be called "different". This includes wheels (their width should be small to minimize rolling friction), the motor control unit (again you can use the one that is used in the loaders - relay by six speeds, cost up to $ 400, or a thyristor cost tripled greater, but with smooth regulation), a flange designed to connect the transmission and the engine (for example, the PPC VAZ 2101) - $ 70, a table cheeper with a coaxiality is not worse than 0.02 mm (for connecting the gearbox and motor) so that it does not have to change the bearings (can be made independently ).

In total, everything will go to everything 3000 dollars And three hundred hours of time engineer of secondary qualifications, which to act as a welder, locksmith, electrician.

For this amount, you can become the owner of a quadruple car, the weight of which is 850 kg, and the battery has characteristics - 84Vx200 a h. Speed \u200b\u200bin a straight line machine develops to 75 km / h and up to 90 - short-term (for overtaking, for example or when you need to go under Mountain).

The number of recharging cycles is 800, the cost of charge of one 12.5 kopecks per kilometer, which is possible to compare with the VAZ 2101, the flow of 8 liters per hundred kilometers, i.e. 80 kopecks per kilometer.

Economic Justification

The number of transcharge cycles to full capacity with proper use - 800 times (in advanced Italian, for reasonable money). 800 times x 200 km \u003d 160,000 km. The cost of one charging given to 1 km of the path.

It seems that there are no questions - there is a benefit. True, there will be questions from the traffic police, but everything in the end is solved.

There are also no problems with the assembly with your own hands of a rear-wheel drive hybrid, which has an electric motor under the bottom of the machine on cardan shaft. Mounted in salon on-board computer works in a bundle with a computer system installed in open space. Of course, do not do without an electric motor, controller, housing for batteries, batteries of wires and connectors.

Tip: Motor must be installed on an authorized service center to properly withstand the angle of inclination. It is also necessary to take care of the strict fixation on the frame of the batteries. To do this, install special guide rails under the bottom, thanks to which the electric motor and the battery are securely fixed.

Calculate this car (if the battery is 200 Ah), maybe on a mile in one mile.

»Total and electrical circuit of electric vehicle.

Topic: General Electromotory Scheme - make electric vehicles with your own hands.

Let's see and discern the total electrical circuit Electric car. After that, you will have generalized ideas that what exactly and where exactly moves in this regard. So, the electric car consists of several fundamentally important parts. This is a powerful element (rechargeable battery), electrical engine DC, motor control unit (controller), potentiometer (reactor, reacting to pressing gas and brake pedal). Each of these parts has an important fundamental importance. Each part must be correctly selected and is properly configured. The work of the electric vehicle as a whole depends on it. This will give the opportunity to answer the question - how to make an electric vehicle correctly.

Since overall power electrical system (first of all the electric motor) for the electric vehicle lies within 5-10 kW, and even more, then we will proceed from these data. The electric motor is chosen under this power. Specific diagram of the controller depends on the power supply voltage and quantity rechargeable batteries (type of connection between them). Please note that you should not go on the principle - the more power of the electric motor supplies, the better the car will be stronger. Additional problems with batteries will appear. Choose the optimal option based on the existing mass of the machine, the necessary technical characteristics, speed, driving range on one charge cycle, etc.

How to make an electric car with your own hands in terms of mechanics, this is already a matter of creativity and the electromechanical skill of the wizard. And we will analyze the most difficult elements in this system from the point of view of electricians. And this part is the controller. Why? Yes, because it is precisely the subtleties of the entire electric vehicle depend on it. The controller is an electric (electronic) circuit, the main task of which consists in the frequency control of the electric motor. If you directly connect the battery to the electric motor, then we will get the maximum turns without the ability to control the speed of movement. It is not right and not good. If the control produces a conventional powerful variable resistor, then in this case the "cut" electricity will simply be lost on heat. Savings does not smell here.

How to make electric vehicles do it yourself all the same? The most acceptable version of the electric vehicle speed control is a special controller scheme. The scheme consists of a low-power alternating resistance, the direct scheme of the rotational speed setting (pulse diagram) and the power part, which delivers the required amount of electricity to the electric motor. The power part may consist of powerful thyristors, simistors, bipolar or field transistors. It is important that all the controller scheme must properly react to measure the variable resistance and smoothly produce the necessary energy portion, which will be supplied to the electric traction motor of the electric vehicle.

In this article, as you see, two electrical schemes controllers. General principle They are similar to them. The difference is only that one is assembled on a more simplified scheme and on one supply voltage, and the second is more complicated and has other electronic elements in its composition. If there is no desire to meline yourself and to invent the schemes, then you can purchase a ready-made converter, without moving your head with homemade.

P.S. Before you start creating your electric vehicle for a start, we definitely think over all your wishes, namely, what exactly should your future device possess the parameters. It will allow you to significantly save time, strength and finance.

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