Home Transmission How the Tesla Model S. car battery is arranged. Tesla battery: device, characteristics, application of the Tesla battery.

How the Tesla Model S. car battery is arranged. Tesla battery: device, characteristics, application of the Tesla battery.

It is powered exclusively from electricity stored in batteries.

From the beginning of the production of Tesla on its electrocars of the model series Model S, and later, and on Model X installed the battery with a capacity from 40 to 100 kWh, each of which consists of 8, 12 or 16 sections.

Each section is interconnected by small "finger" Panasonic batteries, slightly exceeding standard AA batteries in size. TESLA cylindrical batteries have a diameter of 18 mm and a height of 65 mm. It is also worth noting that their advantage is in durability, reliability and productivity in harsh car conditions.

1 - rechargeable battery; 2 - voltage converter (DC / DC); 3 - high-voltage cable (orange color); 4 - main onboard charger 10 kW; 5 - additional charger 10 kW (optional); 6 - charger; 7 - drive module;

Battery 40 kWh.

The 40-kil-cylinder battery is two types: 40-kilowatt battery with 8 sections (segments / cells) (created on the basis of the Toyota RAV4 EV battery), and the 60-killyatt battery in which there were 12 cells and was programmed to charge up to 40 kilowatt .

Tesla Model S 40 kwh did not use popularity, so their production was soon completed.

Battery 60 kWh.

60 kW battery consisted of 12 or 16 sections. The 12-section was installed on the Model S40, the 16-section battery received the designation "NEW" and was radically modified.

Battery 70/75 kWh

In addition, this battery was installed on the Model S60 (S60D), it was also installed on the S70 (S70D) and S75 (S75D), but with
Extended features.

The 60 kWh battery for the 60th model was distinguished by the lack of 77 finger batteries, for the 70s model S, all 16 sections were filled with batteries completely, due to which the overall battery capacity increased.

Battery 85/90 kWh.

Tesla Battery 85, 90 and 100 kWh consists of 16 sections. Each cell consists of 444 "finger" batteries and has its own BMS card, which manages balancing all cells.

The most popular accumulator supplied Tesla (85 kWh), contains 7104 batteries 18650.

In 2015, Panasonic changed the anode design, increasing the battery capacity of about 6%, allowing the battery blocks to store up to 90 kW of energy. As a result, between the 90 kilowatte battery differs from 85-kil-cyllant no capacity:

  • first, the battery capacity of the Panasonic 18650 in a 85-kilowatte battery has a weight - 46 grams, in a 90-kilowatte battery the same battery weighs 48.5 grams;
  • secondly, there is a current time in the 85th battery - 10C, in the 90th - 25C (for this reason, the Ludicrous mode is available only on Tesla with 90 and 100 kWh battery, as the technical capabilities allow you to give a machine more frisky);

100 kWh battery

The most powerful TESLA battery. Internal battery elements were reconfigured so that 516 18650 batteries in each module.

In total, 8256 Panasonic batteries were placed in a 100-kilowatte battery, capable of storing a little more than 100 kWh of energy, and allowing electric crafts of Tesla to pass more than 500 kilometers.

This battery has Tokotdach 25C and represents the "Last Word of Technology" in the battery engineering from the Tesla company.

And even on this, the development and improvement does not stop. To further improve the efficiency of batteries and reduce costs, Tesla has built a large battery factory in Sparks, Nevada, which is called Gigafactory 1.

The factory produces a new battery design called 2170. It has a diameter of 21 mm and a height of 70 mm, and originally used in Tesla Powerwall and PowerPack, as well as in the new Tesla Model 3 sedan, which is smaller and cheaper from Model S.

The battery 2170 is 46% more in volume than 18,650 and 10-15% more energy efficient than 18650.

It is very important to correctly charge the battery, namely, with a proper charger - original or from a high-quality manufacturer, since the battery is overheated, bad contacts and poor quality current, as a result of which he strongly affects the capacity and durability of the battery.

During operation, the manufacturer strongly does not recommend exposing the car to the continuous effects of temperature above + 60C or below -30c more than 24 hours

It is recommended to prevent the full discharge of the battery. If the car is not operated, the energy is gradually spent on the power of the on-board electronics (the battery is daily discharged by an average of 1%).

To prevent a full discharge, it is recommended to transfer the car to the power saving mode, which turns off the power of the on-board electronics, which will reduce the discharge to 4% per month. It is also worth noting that in energy-saving mode, charging a 12-volt battery stops that for 12 hours will lead it to a complete discharge. Therefore, in this case, you will need to connect to an external start-up battery or replace it.

But, you should not forget that when activating the power saving mode - you need to connect the car to the power source for 2 months to prevent full discharge of the Tesla battery.

The loss of battery capacity during operation is one of the problems of electric vehicles, despite the fact that this process is the norm for any devices equipped with lithium-ion batteries. However, the experts of the organization Plug-in America found that the electric vehicle in this regard is an exception.

So they spent independent study which showed that the loss of the power of the Model S battery even during long run is small. In particular, the battery pack of this car, the average loses 5% of its capacity after overcoming the machine of 50 thousand miles (80 thousand km), and when running more than 100 thousand miles (160 thousand km) - and at all 8% . The study was carried out on the basis of data 500 Tesla Model S electrocars, the total mileage of which amounted to more than 12 million miles (20 million km).

In addition, Plug-in America held another study that has shown that in four years (from the moment of the release of Tesla Model s to the market), the number of appeals to the Tesla service stations due to problems with the battery, electric motor or charger decreased device.

The battery capacity may depend on several factors, such as the frequency of complete charging of the container, the periods of stay in the uncharged state and the number of fast charging. Plugin America data also show that replacement coefficients for the main components have improved significantly:

Such data is encouraged, but despite this Tesla continues to work on improving its battery and cell technology. The company began scientific cooperation with the research team Jeff Dahn University of Dalhaus. This department specializes in increasing the service life of cells of lithium-ion batteries, and its goal is the maximum extension of the run on the battery with a small power loss.

Note that the Tesla Model S battery, as well as the car itself since 2014 has a warranty for a period of 8 years and without restrictions on mileage. Then the head of Tesla Ilon Mask explained the adoption of such a solution like this: "If we really believe that the electric motors are much more reliable than engines of internal combustion, with fewer moving parts ... then our warranty policy should reflect it."

We partially reviewed the configuration of the battery. Tesla Model S. Capacity 85 kW * h. Recall, the main element of the battery is the lithium-ion rechargeable cell of the company Panasonic, 3400 Mah, 3.7 V.

Panasonic cell, sizes 18650

The figure shows a typical cell. Really, the cells are slightly modified in the Cell.

Cell data parallel Connect B. groups of 74 pcs. With a parallel connection, the group voltage is equal to the voltage of each of the elements (4.2 V), and the group capacity is equal to the amount of the containers of the elements (250 Ah).

Further six groups Connect sequentially in the module. In this case, the voltage of the module is summed from the voltages of groups and is approximately 25 V (4.2 V * 6 groups). Capacity remains 250 Ah. Finally, modules are connected sequentially into the battery.. Total battery contains 16 modules (total 96 groups). The voltage of all modules at the same time is summed up and amounts to 400 V (16 modules * 25 V).

As a load for this battery, asynchronous electric drive is a maximum power of 310 kW. Since P \u003d U * i, in the nominal mode at a voltage of 400 V in the circuit flows the current I \u003d P / U \u003d 310000/400 \u003d 775 A. At first glance it may seem that it is a crazy current for such a "battery". However, you should not forget that with a parallel compound according to the first law of Kirchhoff I \u003d I1 + I2 + ... In, where n is the number of parallel branches. In our case, n \u003d 74. Since inside the group internal resistance of the cells, we consider it conventionally equal, then the currents in them will be the same.Accordingly, current directly through the cell flows In \u003d i / n \u003d 775/74 \u003d 10.5 A.

Is there a lot or a little? Good or bad? In order to answer these questions, refer to the discharge characteristic of the lithium-ion battery. American folk craftsmen, disassembled the battery, conducted a series of tests. In particular, the figure shows voltage oscillograms when the cell discharges taken from the real Tesla Model S., currents: 1a, 3a, 10a.

Splash on curve 10 A due to manual load switching on 3a. The author of the experiment solved in parallel another task, we will not stop on it.

As can be seen from the figure, the discharge of a current of 10 A fully satisfies the requirements for the voltage of the cell. This mode corresponds to the category of curve 3C. It should be noted that we took the most critical case when the engine power is maximum. Really, taking into account the very use of a two-dimensional drive with an optimal gear ratio of gearboxes, the car will work with a discharge 2 ... 4 A (1C). Only at the moments of very sharp acceleration, when driving up a mountain at high speed, cell current can reach in a peak of 12 ... 14 A.

What other benefits does it give? For this load in the case of direct current, the cross section of the copper conductor can be chosen 2 mm.kv. Tesla Motors. Kills two hares here. All connecting conductors also perform the fuse function. Accordingly, there is no need to use an expensive protection system, additionally use fuses. The connecting conductors themselves in the case of current overload due to the small section melted and prevent an emergency. We wrote more about this.

In the picture, the conductors 507 are the most connectors.

Finally, consider the last question, who worrying the minds of modernity, and causing a wave of disputes. Why does Lithium-ion batteries use Tesla?

Immediately make a reservation, that specifically in this matter I will express my own, subjective opinion. You can not agree with him)

We carry out a comparative analysis of different types of batteries.

Obviously, the lithium-ion battery has the highest specific indicators today. The best battery over the energy density and the ratio of mass / dimensions is still no alas, there is no mass production. That is why B. Tesle. It turned out to make such a balanced battery, providing a stroke of up to 500 km.

The second reason, in my opinion, marketing. All the same, on average, the resource of such cells is about 500 cycles charge-discharge. And this means that with the active use of the car, you will have to replace the maximum battery in two years. Although the company is really.

The new generation of Tesla batteries is designed in the secret zone

Alexander Klimnov, photo Tesla and Teslarati.com

Today Tesla Inc. It works very hard on the next generation of already its own batteries. They must keep a much greater amount of energy and at the same time become much cheaper.

New rechargeable batteries can begin to apply on a promising TESLA pickup (drawing of a possible pickup picap, which for other data can become more brutal, as it will have to be able to see the current bestseller of America Ford F-Series from the market)

Californians were those who created the first electric vehicles suitable for serial production. Energy-intensive lithium-ion batteries, thus, radically adjusted their stroke reserve. At that time, the batteries model Roadster - Tesla's primary brand, consisted of thousands of ordinary finger batteries for laptops, now for electric vehicles lithium-ion batteries are created specifically. Now they produce many manufacturers, but the advanced TESLA technology still allows it to remain the leader in the energy-intensive battery segment. However, the world's first information on the following even more powerful generation of Tesla batteries began to leak into the world media.

Technological breakthrough through business absorption
The revolutionary jump, in terms of the development of the design of Tesla batteries, will probably be due to the acquisition of Tesla Inc. Maxwell Technologies from San Diego. Maxwell manufactures supercapacitors (Ionister) and actively explores the technology of solid-state (dry) electrodes. According to Maxwell, when using this technology, it has already achieved energy intensity at the level of 300 watts of the battery. The task for the future is a breakthrough to the level of energy intensity of more than 500 W h / kg. In addition, the cost of producing solid-state batteries should be 10-20% lower than those used by today Tesla with a liquid electrolyte. The California company also reported another bonus - predicted doubling battery life. Thus, Tesla will be able to reach the coveted 400-mile (643.6 km) mileage of its electric vehicles and achieve complete competitiveness with ordinary cars for the price.

The new Tesla Roadster Supercar 2020 will be able to reach the stated stroke stock of 640 km only on fundamentally new batteries.

Tesla planned the own production of AKB?
The German website of the AUTO Motor und Sport magazine informs about stubborn rumors about the deployment of Tesla's own production of batteries. Until now, the rechargeable elements (cells) of Californians supplied the Japanese Panasonic manufacturer - for Model S and Model X, they are imported directly from Japan, and for Model 3 cells are produced at Gigafactory 1 in the US state of Nevada. Production on Gigafactory 1 jointly manage Panasonic and Tesla. However, recently it led to huge disagreements, as Panasonic was obviously disappointed with Tesla sales rates, and also feared that Californians would not expand this production of batteries in the future.

Input Startup Compact Tesla Model Y In 2020, the source of batteries arrived

In particular, the rhythmic supply of batteries for an announced on autumn 2020 Model Y is questioned by the Director General of Panasonic Casukhiro Tsuga. Currently, Panasonic at all ceased its investment in Gigafactory 1. Perhaps Tesla wants to become independent of the Japanese by mastering their own production of battery elements.
Tesla today acts as a leader in high-tank batteries for electric vehicles and Californians firmly intend to defend its fundamental competitive advantage. The crucial step can be the purchase of Maxwell Technologies, but it depends on how much San Diego experts really managed to advance to the conclusion of the revolutionary technology of solid-state batteries.

If the revolutionary technology of solid-state batteries really take place, it is possible that Tesla SEMI electric shock will become a bestseller in the cargo market, like Model 3 on the passenger

So far, many automakers are configured on their own production of battery elements. It seems that Tesla wants to become more independent of its supplier Panasonic and therefore also conducts research in this area.
With the advent of the revolutionary high-energy solid-state batteries, Tesla will receive a decisive advantage in the market and, finally, releases a long-promised Ilona mask owner, really cheap and "long-range" electric cars, which will cause an avalanche growth of the BEV market.
According to CNBC sources, the secret TESLA laboratory is located in a separate building near the Tesla plant in Frimont (photo by the screensaver). Previously, there were messages about the closed "zone-laboratory", which was on the second floor of the enterprise. Probably, the current rechargeable division is the successor of the former laboratory, but even more classified.

A valid breakthrough in the Tesla automotive market will be able to achieve only if its line of models will become even more "long-range" with a significant price reduction

According to analysts IHS Markit, the most expensive element of the modern electric vehicle is a battery, but most of the money receives not Tesla, but Panasonic.
Insiders are not yet able to report the real achievements of the secret laboratory TESLA. It is assumed that Ilon Mask will share it at the end of the year during the traditional conference session with investors.
Earlier it was reported that Tesla plans to sell 1000 electric vehicles Tesla Model 3 per day. The current monthly record TESLA for the supply of Model 3 is 90,700 electric vehicles. If companies manage to put a planned amount of electric vehicles in June, this record can be broken.

The main problem of electrocars is not an infrastructure at all, but the "batteries". Charging to put on each parking is not so difficult. Yes, and power grid power tighten quite real. If someone does not believe in it, remember the explosive growth of cellular networks. Operators literally launched the infrastructure around the world at times more complicated and more expensive than necessary for electrocars. There will be a "infinite" cash flow and development prospects, so it extends the topic quickly and without greater noise.
Prosthatsky Calculation of the Battery Economics TESLA Model S
Initially, we'll figure it out "From what this your hot dog is made." Unfortunately, on the manufacturer's website, these TTX is published for the buyer who does not even like to remember the Ohm's law, so I had to search for information and engage in our rude attacks.
What do we know about this battery?
There are three options that are marked by kilowatt-hours: 40, 60 and 85 kWh (40 already removed from production).

It is known that the battery is assembled from the serial batteries of 18650 Li-Ion 3.7V. Manufacturer Sanyo (it is also Panasonic), the capacity of each bank is supposedly 2600mAh, and the weight of 48g. Most likely there are alternative supplies, but the TTX should be ~ the same and the bulk of the conveyor is still from the world leader.

(In serial machines, rechargeable assemblies look at all like this \u003d)
They say the weight of the full battery ~ 500kg (it is clear that it depends on the capacity). We throw the protective shell, heating / cooling system, trifles and wiring weighing, well, let's say, kg 100. There remains ~ 400kg batteries. With the weight of one bank, 48g comes out roughly ~ 8000-10000 cans.
Check the assumption:
85000 watt-hours / 3.7 volts \u003d ~ 23000 amp-hours
23000 / 2,6 \u003d ~ 8850 cans
That is, ~ 425kg
So rude converges. We can argue that there are elements ~ 2600mAh in the amount of about 8k.
So I came across the film after calculations \u003d). Here foggy reports that the battery consists of more than 7 thousand cells.

Now we can easily estimate the financial side of the issue.
Each Bank of the ordinary buyer retail today costs ~ $ 6.5.
In order not to be unfounded, I confirm the screen. Paired sets of $ 13.85:

Wholesale price from the factory will apparently, almost 2 times lower. That is, somewhere $ 3.5-4 per piece. You can buy even one bibik (8000-9000 pieces is already a serious wholesale).
And it turns out that the cost of battery battery themselves is today ~ $ 30,000. Of course, they are significantly cheaper.
According to the manufacturer specifications (Sanyo), we have 1000 guaranteed recharge cycles. Actually, it is written there at least 1000, but the fact is that for ~ 8000 cans just be relevant to the minimum.
Thus, if you take the standard average mileage of the machine for the year 25000km (that is, somewhere ~ 1-2 charges per week), we will get approximately 13 years before complete unsuitability of 100%. But almost half of the capacity, these banks are losing already after 4 years in this mode (this fact is recorded for this type of batteries). In fact, they are still working, but the car is half a run. Operation in this form loses any meaning.
So, somewhere $ 30-40k in 4 years of normal ranks fly away. Against the background of this, any calculations for charging costs look ridiculous (there will be ~ $ 2-4k electricity for the entire battery life \u003d).
Even of these rude digits, you can estimate the prospects for the "DVS-Skyukhk" displacement with the car market.
For a Sedana-like MODEL S Sedan with 250km per year will leave ~ $ 2500-3000 on gasoline. For 4 years, respectively, ~ $ 10-14k.

As long as the price on the battery does not fall 2.5 times (or the prices for fuel will not rise 2.5 times \u003d), about the mass capture of the market to speak early.
However, prospects are excellent. Battery manufacturers will build capacity. Batteries will become easier. They will have less rare-earth metals.
Once for similar cans (3.7v) Affordable wholesale price for capacity 1000mah will reduce to $ 0.6-0.5, the mass movement in the electrocarios will begin (gasoline will be ~ equal to expenses).
I recommend monitoring other factors "Batars". Perhaps the prices of them will change unevenly.
I assume that such a decline in prices will occur even before the new revolution in the technologies of chemical batteries. It will be fast evolutionary process that will occupy 2-5 years.
Of course, the risk of a sharp increase in demand for such batteries remains. As a result, a shortage of raw materials or deliveries, but it seems to me that everything will cost. Similar risks were greatly overestimated in the past, and as a result, everything was somehow established.
Here it is necessary to celebrate another interesting point. Tesla does not just sear the banks of 8k to one "canned". Batteries pass complex testing, they are selected to each other, a high-quality chain is created, a tricky cooling system is added, a bunch of controllers, sensors and other, while inaccessible to the ordinary buyer, high current filling. So buy a new battery will be cheaper at TESL "s, than to save and take any Baid. And it turns out that Tesla immediately signed all buyers on consumables that are 10 times more expensive than the energy of charge. This is a good business \u003d).
Another thing is that competitors will soon appear. For example, BMW is about to begin the release of an electrical I-series (most likely I put in BMW shares instead of Tesl for many years). Well, then - more.
Bonus. How will the global market change?
From the point of view of the main raw materials, steel consumption will fall sharply for the production of cars. Aluminum from the engine will smoke into the cabinet parts, because the electrocarbers can already be done from steel (too heavy). Freshly does not need complex and heavy steel components. In the car (and in the infrastructure) there will be significantly more copper, more polymers, more electronics, but almost no steel (minimum in traction elements + chassis and armor. Everything). Even the wrapper of batteries will cost without tin \u003d).
Almost to zero will reduce the flow rate of oils, lubricants, liquids and any additives. Leaves stinking fuel. However, the polymers will need more and more, so Gazprom remains on horseback \u003d). In general, oil is irrational to "burn." From her you can do hard and durable products of the highest technological level. So the age of hydrocarbons will not end on the electrocars, but reforms in this market will be serious and painful.

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