Home Engine Rechargeable battery recharges if. Is it necessary to charge a new battery after purchase? General Principles Charging Lead Acid Akb

Rechargeable battery recharges if. Is it necessary to charge a new battery after purchase? General Principles Charging Lead Acid Akb

Any motorist knows that it is necessary to serve the battery installed in the vehicle from time to time, but not everyone knows that it is also necessary to serve a new battery before use. Do I need to charge a new car battery? Why do you need to charge a new battery? Today we will consider this question.

In which cases you need to charge a new battery?

Many owners of various equipment, be it car, motorcycle, quad bike, motorboat, do not suspect that a new battery may be charged. Often it is the fault of incompetent sellers who say that the battery has been charged at the factory and nothing is required. Of course, the manufacturer charges the battery before shipment, but before the battery will get to you, it will still stand for several days in stock and weeks in the store. During this time, as a result of the self-discharge, the battery will lose part of his charge and will need to recharge. Of course, this is not true for those stores whose staff regularly serves batteries before selling, but it is also not a sufficient condition. And if the battery is already standing on a car, a motorcycle or other technique, and you buy a car in March, released in June last year? What do you think there was care for this battery?

You need to find out the date of the battery production

If the new battery walked to you half a year and more, it is clearly necessary to charge the charger before operating.

Despite the fact that the permissible shelf life of most modern batteries is one year, we do not recommend buying batteries, which from the moment The release has passed more than six months. The life of the acid battery begins with the moment of the bay of the electrolyte.

You can roughly estimate the charge level of the new battery using a voltmeter.

The voltage of a fully charged battery is 12.6─12,9 volt. If the battery voltage is less than 12.5 volts, then it is necessary to recharge it before use. If the case is a particularly running and rechargeable battery has a voltage of about 11.9 volts and below, then a full charge is required. But it is better to refuse to buy such a battery.

Checking such batteries with a load fork is not always objective, because The store can use a loading plug with a load current of only 50-70A, and test it, for example, 100 hour batteries. And if the same load fork test the battery in 60 hour - the result will be completely different. Therefore, it is worth trusting the stores where well-proven in the industry current scrolling current testers are used.

What can the installation of non-charged battery

As a rule, most motorists are carelessly thinking "put new and forgotten", but after some time problems may arise.

  1. If the battery has been stored not fully charged ( sulfate plates begins when the voltage decreases the battery is already up to 12.5V), the plates could be partially sulfated (plate coating with sulfate) and the generator charge is not always able to produce desulfate (cleaning plates from sulfate).
  2. Not always the generator is able to fully charge the battery, because In addition to the battery, as a current consumer in the vehicle, there are other current consumers (control blocks, lighting, air conditioning, etc.).
  3. Short runs of the car "to the store" and traffic jams are also adversely affect the life / battery life.

Therefore, in operation is always not a contaminated battery. Because of this, an irreversible sulfate comes, which can develop to a short circuit and, as a rule, at the most appropriate moment to lead to the abbreviation. This situation is also applicable to the cases of "chinning" the car in the winter. After such an operation, it is necessary to carry out a complete battery charge charger.

How and how much to charge a new car battery?

For charging, you can use a charger that is suitable for your battery, with the instruction manual for the battery. Most modern automatic chargers charge the battery without user intervention. Therefore, at present, breaking your head, how to charge the battery, do not have.

New battery slightly discharged

In the event that the new battery "sat down" is not strong (up to a voltage of 12.5-6 volts), then you can simply recharge it. To do this, put the battery on the recharge by any charger. In the case of an automatic charger, the electronics will make everything for you, and with manual - set the voltage of 14.4V and the current strength depending on the battery capacity. As charging, the current will decrease to 200-300m, after which the charging will be considered over.

Recharge such a battery will not take much time, because The battery is discharged by only 20-30%. After charging, the battery is ready for operation. Before charging, it is desirable to twist the tubes from the cans, if available. Battery charging in a well-ventilated room.

Each of us, motorists, at least once in their lives, turned out (or still) in a situation where the discharged battery does not allow you to start the engine. Especially frequent is the phenomenon for the winter period, because at negative temperatures, the battery keeps the charge bad. And if the car stood on a strong frost more than a week, the problems with the battery are practically guaranteed, up to a complete discharge.

What to do in such a situation? Of course, you can "searcate" from the battery of another carAnd it will help if ahead is a long trip, but it will be completely useless if you go to get a couple of kilometers. The battery simply will not have time to recharge. In this case, it is best to charge the battery by an external device. About how to make it right and safely, we know and tell you.

Principle of automotive battery

Car battery - A small tank with an electrolyte containing sulfuric acid, into which metal plates are omitted. The principle of operation of rechargeable batteries is based on chemical reactions between lead and lead dioxide in the sulfuric acid environment, which result is produced by electricity.

During the discharge of the battery (at the moments of energy), the recovery of lead dioxide on the cathode plate (in the 5th item) and the oxidation of lead on the anode plate (in the 4th item in the diagram) occur. With a reverse reaction, namely, when charging the battery, the mirror reverse reactions occur on its plates to which the electrolytic water reaction (electrolysis) is connected at the final stage, which in turn is accompanied by a significant release of oxygen on the anode and hydrogen - on the cathode.

In simple language, sulfuric acid is actively consumed when the battery is discharged, as a result of which water is formed. With the formation of water, the total electrolyte density decreases. When charging the battery, everything happens in the reverse order. Water "Used" to create sulfuric acid, respectively, the total electrolyte density increases.

Thus, when the battery is operational, in those periods, when its energy is consumed, the reagents in the battery tank (electrolyte and lead platinum) interacting with each other "generate" electricity. When creating an electric charge, sulfuric acid is consumed, which is consistent with the electrolyte and water is formed. Water "dilutes" the electrolyte, its density decreases, the generation of electrical charge decreases. At this point, the battery must be put on charging.

As a result of charging the battery (the moment of charge accumulation), the previous density of the electrolyte occurs, the level of sulfuric acid increases, the water level is reduced. The battery is ready to use again. But nothing is forever in this world, and since these basic reactions accompanies another number of other processes (for example, sulfate and the destruction of metal plates), the battery loses its properties over time. Electric energy accumulation potential decreases and the battery has to be replaced with a new one.

Battery maintenance

The service life and the serviceability of the battery is largely dependent on timely service and the correct care. The battery must be kept clean, since its surface contamination leads to an increased self-discharge. For maintenance, it is necessary to wipe the surface of the battery with a 10% solution of ammonic alcohol or soda calcined, after which it is wiped with a clean dry wind.

During the charge, gases that significantly increase the pressure inside the batteries are distinguished as a result of the chemical reaction. Therefore, ventilation holes in traffic jams should be periodically cleaned with thin wire. Considering that when the battery is performed, the rattling gas is formed (a mixture of hydrogen with oxygen), it is impossible to inspect the battery with an open fire. It is necessary to periodically check the electrolyte level and its density, and if necessary, perform a complete battery check, as described above, in order to more accurately determine its condition and suitability for further operation.

For long-term storage, the battery must be removed from the car, fully charge and stored in a charged state in a dry place at a temperature not higher than 00c and not lower than minus 3000s, having in mind that the lower the temperature of the electrolyte, the smaller the self-discharge. Every 3 months should control the charge of the battery over the density of the electrolyte and, if necessary, produce its recharge.

When storing the battery directly on the car, you should disconnect the wires from the pole pins (if there is no special switch). It should be remembered that the temperature of the electrolyte freezing with a density of 1.1 g / cm3 is minus 70 degrees, a density of 1.22 g / cm3 - minus 370 degrees and a density of 1.31 g / cm3 - minus 660 degrees. The freezing of the electrolyte leads to the destruction and warping of the plates, the appearance of cracks in the tank and the failure of battery batteries.

In the presence of a white or greenish flooring on the outputs of the battery and terminals of the wires, it is necessary to remove the terminals and remove the flare with a damp cloth, clean the contacts to the metal glitter with a metal brush or grinding sandpaper and after installing the terminals to apply a thin Lubrication Lubrication Lubricant or other acid-resistant grease. .

How is the battery charging?

Especially strong question about charging the battery gets up in winter - cold negatively affects the batteryAnd therefore so many car enthusiasts face the inability to start the car in the morning or after a long downtime. With proper maintenance and timely care of the battery, these problems can be avoided, as well as extend the service life of the device. And so how to correct the car battery?

Before charging, the battery is desirable to remove, but in an emergency situation it is not necessary. Remember that you need to charge the battery either in a well-ventilated room (the balcony, in the extreme case, open windows), or in the garage away from flammable items, or in the fresh air. When charging the battery highlights an explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, so during the process, protect the devices from the possibility of sparking. When charging without removing from the car on the battery you need to turn off all electrical cables.

To prepare the battery, it is necessary to clean the terminals from dirt and lubrication if you are lubricated during operation. For a quality charge of the battery, you first need to be completely discharged. To do this, you can connect external lighting devices to the battery and leave for several hours.

Check the electrolyte density. This can be done using a special device. It is called aryometer. Ideally, the density should be 1.25-1.27 g / cm3 at a temperature of +25, and the density in the battery banks should not be different than 0.01 g / cm3. The electrolyte must completely cover the lead plates conductive, so if necessary, it can be addressed or diluted with distilled water to the required density.

From all cans you need to remove the covers and connect the charger terminals to the battery terminals - plus to the plus, minus to minus. First you always need to connect plus, and only after that minus, and the charger should be included in the network after the connection. Set the current on the charger. The current must be equal to one tenth of the capacity of your battery, for example, if the capacity is 65 A-h, the current must be no more than 6.5a on the charger. With a deep battery discharge, these indicators must be reduced to 1,5A - 2A.

Ensure that the ammeter arrow moves to zero and the electrolyte temperature has not risen. For example, if the electrolyte was heated to + 40 ° C, reduce the amount of the current current twice. And if the battery voltage and the electrolyte density within two hours do not change - your battery is correctly charged. Charging the battery on average takes 10-12 hours, but if you put it on a full night - it will not be worse.

These are the basic battery charge principles. In the summer, the electrolyte swallows faster, and the plates outdoors are affected by destroying, so the periodic leveling of the level and density of the electrolyte should be a good habit for you. And, of course, try not to use the battery when the engine is turned off - it contributes to quick discharge.

How much time is the battery charging?

Very often, when charging the battery, motorists have a question - how much time do you need to fully charge the car battery? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to determine which method you will charge: a constant current or constant voltage.

Continuous Charge Features

In order for the battery to receive the necessary charge, it must be charged 10-12 hours by a current equal to 5% -10% of the battery tank. For example, if you charge the battery with a capacity of 60 a / h with an electrolyte density of 1.23 - it needs to be charged with current no more than 6 and within 10 hours. With a decrease in the charge current, the charge time increases. At the same time, the small current for the battery is considered more useful.

Charge features by constant voltage

A constant voltage battery is charged longer than a constant current. It is worth considering that most modern cartoons are turned off at the end of the charge process, which, as a rule, lasts 12-24 hours, so you do not need to control it. It is also worth noting that this method charges the battery only by 80-90%, while the method described above is able to charge the battery 100%. The same method takes place battery from the generator during the operation of the car.

What are the charging devices?

Chargers can be classified across several criteria. Depending on the method that is used for charging, the chargers are:

- such that they are charged from DC;

Such that he charge from constant voltage;

Such that they charge the combined method.

DC charging must be carried out at a charge current at 1/10 of the battery capacity. Such charging is able to fully charge the battery, but the process will need control, because during it the electrolyte is heated and can boil that it causes a short circuit and battery fire. Such charging should not last more than one day. Charging from constant voltage is much safer, but it is not capable of providing a full battery charge.

Therefore, the combined charge method is used in modern charger. With this method, charging is first made from direct current, and then goes to charging from a constant voltage to exclude electrolyte overheating. Depending on the features of work and design, charger for car batteries are divided into two types:


Devices that, along with the rectifier, a transformer is connected. Such devices are reliable and effective, but very cumbersome (have large overall dimensions and noticeable weight).


The main element of such devices is a voltage converter operating at high frequencies. This is the same transformer, but significantly smaller sizes and weights than that of transformer charger. It is for this reason that such a kind of charging devices became very popular among motorists lately. In addition, the pulse instruments are automated by most processes, which will noticeably simplify the management of them. Depending on the purpose, the chargers are two species:

Charging and Prepass

Charge a car battery from an existing current source.

Charging and launcher

Capable not only to charge the battery from the network, but and make the engine start when it is discharged. Such devices are more universal and can issue a current of 100 V or more if you need to quickly charge the battery without an additional source of electrical current.

There is also a separate class of charging devices - solar batter charger. They make it possible to charge the battery without connecting to the network. Charging occurs with the solar battery unit that accumulates energy from the Sun. And the device itself is connected to the cigarette lighter or the battery terminals. Such devices are very convenient to use if the battery is discharged, and there is no power supply nearby.

Any motorist knows how important the battery for the vehicle is. It will not be superfluous to study the nuances of the recharge, because otherwise the opportunity to move on the car is simply lost.

New battery

Many are interested, whether it is necessary to charge the car battery after purchase, because this topic is quite specific. First of all, it must be checked for health and likely availability of various defects. The minimum voltage on terminals is 12 volts. If this parameter is below, you will need additional charging. The current charge also shows the electrolyte density, which can be checked with a special fork. Important is the date of manufacture. If the battery was produced more than half a year ago, it is better to abandon its acquisition at all.

Just making sure that all the above indicators are normal, you can install a purchased battery without concern. It is better to do it as soon as possible, because with long-term storage even new models can be discharged. Charging a new battery is needed only in very rare situations. In the overwhelming majority of cases, new models are fully ready for operation.

Charging selection criteria:

  • manufacturer,
  • charge scheme,
  • type of charger, etc.

Understand how to charge the battery correctly, it is not difficult. It is more important to choose the most suitable device for solving this task. Today there are transformer, as well as impulse chargers. The first option attracts consumer attention due to its reliability, but has too impressive dimensions. Pulse models are more compact, but it is important to close the manufacturer closely, because this is reflected in the reliability indicators of the device.

Preparation for charging

Experienced motorists know beautifully not only how to charge the car battery, but also spend thorough preparation. Quite often, the battery can not even be removed from the vehicle. True, it should be a socket nearby. In obligatory from the device, you must disconnect the minus and positive wire. Do not do without removing the battery. These processes are still not too complicated, because the attachments are quite simple.

Some citizens believe that the cold battery must be preheated, and only then proceed to charging. In the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to put it in hot water. This action will lead to serious problems. The fact is that due to the serious temperature difference, the active masses of the plates will begin to shock. You should also try to shoot and install batteries with a motor running. This will result in problems with electrical equipment installed on the vehicle.

Features of charging

To not be interested in whether it is possible to charge a charged battery, you must pre-check its current state. Any charging process is divided into two most basic stages. First of all, you should correctly set the current. The value in this case should be the tenth of the total battery capacity. With this approach, the charging will continue for 20 hours. After that, the current should be reduced twice and not disconnect the device from the battery for about two hours. It is important in this situation only to ensure that the temperature indicators are normal.

As for non-servant and sealed batteries, they faced with charging at a constant and stable voltage. The basic rules for the implementation of this procedure in this situation remain the same. Depending on the battery voltage, it is necessary to set the charging current.

The owners of new cars do not care about the battery charge issue. Of course, if the technique is operated in accordance with the instructions. But after 3-5 years, the battery is flashed, and can bring in the most inopportune moment.

Or you listened to music too long in the garage, with the engine off. And maybe left the headlights on the night. Causes for unplanned battery discharge is enough.

And it is not always possible to "see" from another car, and restore performance from the standard generator. For this, you will have to drive in high speeds several hundred kilometers.

No need to despair. You can always charge the car battery by the charger, even if the voltage level dropped below the critical one. Therefore, such a device should be in the arsenal of the motorist.

How to propagate the battery?

There is no universal answer to this question. The general rule is as follows: long charging smaller current is more useful for AKB than an accelerated high current charge. However, this mode is not always possible. Sometimes it is necessary to continue to restore performance before leaving.

How much time to charge a car battery to not recharge? Details in this video

Yes, and the regular system of recharging is far from perfection: even with normal operation of the voltage regulator, the duration of the trip is different. As a result, the battery on the operating car is charged with jerks, unsystematic.

There are several ways of autonomous charging.

Optimal charge current

Should not exceed 10% of the battery capacity. That is, if you have a battery 60st (capacity 60 hour), the correct charge current should not exceed 6a. Thus, you charge the battery, if there is a lot of time to recover.

Important! It is necessary to make an amendment when charging maintained batteries. Since the electrolyte vapor exit valve is too small, the current should be reduced to 5% of the tank. Otherwise, in the event of boiling, the battery can crack.

Express method

If you need to quickly charge the battery charger (urgent departure), you can accelerately restore the container sufficient to start the engine.

In this case, the charge current is 25-40% of the tank. You inform the battery required charge for 30-50 minutes. But this method actually kills the plates of the battery. Therefore, it is possible to use only in exceptional cases.

Important! With accelerated charge with large currents, the battery can be twisted. Unattended hermetic battery charge in such a way dangerous.

Minimum current

A sufficient only to overcome the internal resistance of the battery. Such current can be charged with an ACB for several days, or maintain the charge level during storage.

Important! In any way of charge, leave the battery without control is unsafe. Even if you have an intelligent charger, automation can fail.

How to determine the charge capacity? By voltage on the contacts of the battery.
Table EDC battery in volt at temperatures:

+20 ... + 25 ° С-5 ... + 5 ° С-10 ...- 15 ° СBattery charge degree,%
12,70 – 12,90 12,80 – 13,00 12,90 – 13,10 100
12,55 – 12,65 12,65 – 12,75 12,75 – 12,85 75
12,20 – 12,30 12,30 – 12,40 12,40 – 12,50 60
12,00 – 12,10 12,10 – 12,20 12,20 – 12,30 25
11,70 – 12,00 11,80 – 12,00 11,90 – 12,10 no charge

EMF is measured without load on the battery contacts. Be sure to consider the temperature. The testimony in the table may differ slightly, it is not fundamentally. Having determined the discharge percentage, you can correctly calculate the time and charging current.

For example, a battery capacity of 60 Ah. At a temperature of + 5 ° С EMF on 12.4 volts contacts. So, the battery lost 50% of the container. With charge current 6a, it will take 5 hours for charging.

Set the current value in the device and check the time. At the end of the calculated set of capacitance, make member again. Just allow the battery a little cool, to determine the exact value of the EDC.

The electrolyte is heated when charging, and the thermometer you feed the temperature of the ambient air.

Another way to determine the residual capacity of the battery is measured by the electrolyte density.

Electrolyte densityCharge degreeFrozening temperature ° С
1,27 100 -60
1,23 75 -42
1,19 50 -24
1,15 25 -13
1.11 and lower -7
The hydrometer works more precisely than a voltmeter in a pair with a thermometer. However, they are not so comfortable to use, and dangerous to health.

The magnitude of the freezing temperature is no less important than the voltage on the contacts of the AKB. As it discharge, the temperature of the transformation of the electrolyte into ice increases.

If a fully charged battery can withstand frost -60 ° C, then with a charge of 25%, the electrolyte will freeze already at -15 ° C. A crack is formed on the housing, and the electrolyte will fall into the open space.

The modern intelligent charger is capable of independently charge the car battery with restoring its capacity, to diagnose and desulfate in fully automatic mode. With this device, motorists contain a battery in working condition. The device is useful if the machine is used seasonally, and the rest of the time spends in the garage; You often move for short distances or leaving periodically, not every day, especially in winter: consumption more replenishment. The car charger is an exceptionally useful device in the driver's inventory that will not give it to come.


Types of charger

Chargers are two types: pulse or transformer. In the assortment stores predominate impulse memory. They are much easier and more compacting their transformer relatives, increase battery life and produce desulfate (about which we will describe separately).

Modern charger automatic. They independently define the type of battery, select the necessary power and charging steps. Some models allow you to adjust the current and voltage manually.

Universal zoom charge any batteries. Suitable for electrocars, motorcycles, passenger and trucks. Give a current with different voltage from 6 to 48 volts. The model is suitable for battery with a voltage of 12 or 24 V.

Starting devices are especially relevant in winter. Run the engine with a fully discharged battery. For the start requires the current of the current from 100 amps. The popular model gives 250 A: enough to launch a two-liter diesel engine or four-liter gasoline.

Charge car battery correctly

First make sure that you need to charge. So we will not allow the recharge of the battery, which will reduce the battery resource or spoil it at all. The non-servant battery does not require preparation, and the need for charging is determined by a special tester. If the car battery is served:

  1. Before charging and upon completion, it is desirable to wipe the battery housing from dirt and acid, remove the oxide film from the terminals.
  2. We unscrew the filler plugs.
  3. Check the electrolyte level. It should cover lead plates with a reserve. Immerse the level gauge into the electrolyte to the separator, we recruit the solution into it and remove it. The level will be 10-12 mm, if less - plot distilled water. The level gauge can be replaced by any glass or plastic tube of small diameter.
  4. Determine the battery charge measuring the density of the solution. Take the areaometer and score the electrolyte in it. The density of the charged ACB will be 1.27 ± 0.01 g / cm3. A decrease in density by 0.01 g / cm3 corresponds to a decrease in battery charge by 5 percent.
  5. Determine the degree of charge measuring the battery voltage. We lean the probe multimeter to the terminals: plus to the plus, minus to minus. The stress of the charged battery will be 12.6 ± 0.1 V.

We recommend using an automatic charger. Works safely and efficiently. Some models independently determine the state of the battery and report the need for charging. It takes place in several stages, in the process of which the battery will restore its original capacity and fully charged. On the example of the model:

  1. Desulfation: removes sulfates from lead plates.
  2. Smooth start: Checks the battery performance.
  3. Main charging: charges with a maximum current to 80 percent.
  4. Absorption: smoothly reduces the current and charges up to 100 percent.
  5. Diagnostics: Checks the ability of the battery to keep charge.
  6. Recovery: Eliminates the bundle of electrolyte.
  7. Buffer: Supports the maximum battery voltage.
  8. Prevention: Controls the battery voltage, supporting a full charge.

The charger is connected to the battery using the crocodile terminals: plus to the plus, minus to minus. Pray from the socket and turn on. Accordingly, the instructions choose the mode of operation. The charge went, no interventions in the process is not required - it will be completed independently.

Observe fire safety measures. In the process, explosive gas is distinguished: carry out the room and do not allow sparks near the battery. Do not charge the cold battery, let it warm up to room temperature.

Charging time depends on the battery capacity and charger current. In serviceable batteries takes no less than 12 hours. The optimal current is 1/10 part of the battery capacity: charging quickly and does not spoil the battery. That is, for a battery of a passenger car, a capacity of 50 Ah will need a current 5 A. How much you need to charge the car battery by the charger prompts the model, it accurately displays the remaining time in the clock.

Desulfation of automotive battery

Sulfate is a normal process when using the battery. When the battery is discharged, a decline of lead sulfate crystals are formed on the surface of the lead plates. They close the access of the plates to the electrolyte: the free surface of the plates decreases and the battery loses the container.

The reverse process occurs when charging the battery. Crystals dissolve and the surface of the plates can be freely in contact with the electrolyte. In some cases, large hard-soluble crystals are formed, which run the process of accumulator degradation.

Once the engine does not start. A normal battery will last 5 years, but its degradation can occur faster. The sulfate process will accelerate if:

  • Ride with an uncharged battery.
  • The car is idle with a discharged battery.
  • Ride in cold weather. Due to cold, the battery slowly charges.
  • Ride in the heat. Sulfate is accelerated due to excessive heat.
  • Incorrectly charge the battery.
  • Incorrectly desulfate battery.

Exploit the battery carefully. The automatic charger will determine the level of the battery sulfate, correctly desulfatic and charging it. If the car has a protracted simple in the garage: Connect the charger to the battery, the charge will be maintained at a constant level.

Select charger by type of battery

Selecting the correct charger depends on the type of car battery. Child-acid, alkaline, AGM or gel - charger is adapted to work with one or more types of batteries. Learn the battery voltage and its container. Focus on these characteristics:

  • Voltage: corresponds to the battery voltage. Usually 12 V in passenger or 24 V trucks.
  • Current: 10 percent of the battery capacity. For a battery with a capacity of 50 Ah, a stack with a current 5 A.
  • Charge steps: The most efficient recovery of the battery occurs when eight and nine-step charge.
  • Weight and dimensions: models for passenger cars weigh no more kilograms and freely fit into the bag, for freights you need to highlight the place in the trunk.
Up to 5 thousand rubles
Location, model Photo Voltage, B. Charging current, and Stadium Capacity AKB, Ah Type of battery, lead +
1. 12 8 9 6-160 Wet, MF, VRLA, CA, AGM and GEL
2. 6, 12 4 9 6-120 Wet, Wet, Agm, Gel
3. 12 0,8 4 3-96 AGM, GEL
4. 12 4 9 1,2-80 Wet, MF, VRLA, CA, AGM and GEL
5. 12 2 3, no desulfation 4-80 Wet, MF, VRLA, CA, AGM and GEL

The most accessible chargers for everyday use. Suitable for a passenger car. The aggressor aggressor Agr / SBC-040 charges the motorcycle battery and quad bike, as it works with voltage and 12 and 6. The youngest Smart Power SP-2N model does not desulfatrate the battery and cannot be connected to maintain a charge for a long time.

Up to 11 thousand rubles
Location, model Photo Voltage, B. Charging current, and Stadium Capacity AKB, Ah Type of battery, lead +
1. 12 0,8-5 8 1,2-160 WET, CA / CA, MF, GEL, AGM
2. 12 0,4-5 8 3-240 AGM, GEL
3. 6, 12 2.5, 6 and 10 4 5-240 SLA, WET, MF, AGM, GEL, CA / CA
4. 12, 24 12.5 and 25. 9 12V 50-500, 24V 25-250 Wet, MF, VRLA, AGM and GEL
5. 12, 24 12-25 9 6-120 WET, AGM, GEL

Universal chargers for intensive battery support. Effectively restore a deeply discharged battery. SP-25N and AGR-250 models with voltage 12 or 24 V are suitable for passenger and trucks, construction equipment. Battery Service PL-C010P Expert has a voltage of 6 and 12 V. Golden middle among car chargers: CTEK MXS 5.0 and Optimate 6 TM180.

From 15 thousand rubles

Professional chargers will cope with the most capacious battery. Hold the car battery, tractor or boat. These models regularly serve in the service. The CTEK XS 25000 model is completed with a pair of accessories: an elongated six-meter cable and mounting on the wall. Model CTEK D250S DUAL connects to DC generators: solar batteries and wind turbines.


We hope our article helped to figure out how to charge the car battery correctly. We told how the charging devices should be used in 2017 and made a selection of current models. Boldly contact us for advice. We will pick up the best apparatus for your car.

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