Home Heating Toyota Prius principle of work. Who is interested in a complete description What is a prius. Configuration and price Toyota Prius

Toyota Prius principle of work. Who is interested in a complete description What is a prius. Configuration and price Toyota Prius

Hybrid model Toyota Prius. For three generations, they managed so much to improve that today this power unit can be found in a number of more popular mass toyota models. So what is the constructive know-how of the Toyotovsky hybrid?


The hybrid power plant Toyota Prius is a sequential-parallel design (combined), in which the torque on the wheels can be transmitted from the internal combustion engine directly and from the traction electric motor in any proportions. For the implementation of work on such a scheme in the structure of the power plant, the so-called, power divider was introduced. This is a planetary mechanism with four satellite gear. A traction electric motor is connected to the outer gear of this mechanism. It is also directly related to the main transmission, which transmits torque to the interstole differential and further on the wheels. Four satellites in this design are connected to the internal combustion engine, i.e. Their axes rotate around the axis of the central solar gear. The latter, in turn, is associated with the manager of the motor generator. To understand how this design works, it is necessary to consider the modes of its operation separately.

General principle of work

The initial acceleration of the machine provides a traction electromotor generator MG2. It rotates the outer gear of the planetary transmission through which the moment is transmitted to the wheels. When the power of the traction electric motor becomes not enough, it comes gas engine. At the same time, it works in the most economical mode. Rotating gears satellites are powered as an outdoor gear and internal, solar, which controls the MG1 motor generator. And it is from the behavior of Mg1, it depends on how much the internal force of the engine will be transmitted to the wheels, in other words, this is called "the formation of a gear ratio of transmission".

Also, MG1 is responsible for recharging the battery in any mode (even standing in place) and for starting the engine, which makes the system very flexible, regardless of the operation mode. Thanks to this Toyota engineer, it was possible to obtain a universal torque distribution system that most optimally distributes the energy obtained during the combustion of the fuel in the engine. This system also has unique mechanical reliability, since the torque control occurs on the wires, bypassing the traditional many of the most complicated mechanical and hydraulic nodes.

Making an eco-mobile with a very smart power plant, Toyota engineers seriously approached the choice of an internal combustion engine. He, like a whole car, is designed to maximize fuel economy. And since this characteristic directly depends on the efficiency of the motorcycle, i.e. From the efficiency of using the warmth of the combustable fuel, it was decided to create an inkinson cycle. IN this motorUnlike OTTO cycle engines, compression begins not at the beginning of the piston running up, but a little later, therefore, part of the air mixture is pushed back into the intake manifold. Due to this, it is possible to increase the working turn, which increase the time of using the pressure of expanding gases, i.e. Increase motor efficiency with appropriate decrease in fuel consumption. Atkinson's cycle in hybrids is more relevant due to the work of the DVS In this design in a narrower range of revolutions.

In the last 4th generation Toyota Prius, a 1.8-liter gasoline engine is used, with a capacity of 98 hp .. The Toyota Yaris Hybrid applies a 1.5-liter engine, with a capacity of 75 hp, in the Auris model - 1.8 -Listional 99-strong DVS, and in the last novelty Toyota RAV4 Hybrid used 2.5-liter DVS with a capacity of 155 hp The total power of the power plants of these hybrids is, respectively, 122 hp, 100 hp, 136 hp, 197 hp

It is worth noting that the Toyota engineers continue to improve the design of the DVS working on the Atkinson cycle. At the moment, motors with thermal efficiency (efficiency coefficient), which reaches 40% is already available. Previously, this indicator for the data of motors was 38%, and for the OTO operating on Otto cycle - even less. A higher efficiency means more efficient use of heat released during fuel combustion. Accordingly, the specific power and efficiency of new hybrid Toyota aggregates have become even higher.

By the way, the concept " idle move The engine "in the hybrids of Toyota is absent. If the control unit launched the motor, this means that: either the battery is charging, or the engine is heated, or the interior is heated or the car moves.


In the design of the hybrid power plant, Toyota uses two electric motors - control motor-generator (MG1) and a traction motor generator (MG2). Power of traction electric motor:

Yaris Hybrid - 45 kW, 169 nm;

Auris Hybrid - 60 kW, 207 nm;

Prius - 56 kW, 163 nm;

RAV4 Hybrid - 105 kW, 270 nm; Rear electromotor - 50 kW, 139 nm;

By the way, the controlling motor generator in this design also performs the starter function. This made it possible to exclude the Classic Starter from the design of the engine, which, in the case of a CCO, working on the Atkinson cycle cannot be launched on low revs (in conventional FVS OTO - 250 rpm). This unit for launch must be "promoting" to revolutions of at least 1000, which makes the motor-generator control.



For ensuring the operation of the hybrid power plant, Toyota responds to another series of systems. This is a voltage converter (inverter), 520V / 600V / 650V. It includes booster, inverter DC converter in d.C. 14 volts (for nutrition on-board network, DC / DC) and liquid cooling system. The latter is needed to create the most favorable conditions for the operation of electronics. It works with the greatest productivity and lowest losses at room temperature (about 20 degrees Celsius). Since the inverter is equipped with powerful cascades of transistors - they require rapid heat removal. The electric motors in the transmission also require. To do this, the fluid cooling system is connected to the inverter and transmission, the temperature range of which is much lower than the normal temperature range of the internal combustion engine.

The critical situation with the environment and the permanent increase in fuel prices forcing new solutions to search manufacturers. Internal combustion engines (DVS) are enhanced, modified and "mixed" with electric motors. Why this is done, as a hybrid engine works, consider in today's publication.

Idea to connect two units (internal combustion engine and electric motor) do not call new. In 1897, the French company Parisienne des Voitures Electriques began production of a car with hybrid engines, and a little later American General Electric released the first hybrid with a gasoline four-cylinder engine. But then such innovation was economically inappropriate. The fuel was cheap, and the power of the car-hybrid was inferior to the power of traditional models. But times have changed. The fuel is becoming more expensive, the ecological situation is worsening. Cars with mixed power units have become relevant and began to gain popularity.

Simple words about complex

What is a hybrid engine? The hybrid engine is a system consisting of two connected units: electrical and gasoline. They can work individually and at the same time. Manages this system onboard computer car. He decides, depending on the movement mode, what type power aggregate It is necessary to use at a specific point in time.

To move around the city, when the engine does not require high power generation, an electric motor is used. During the movement along the country tracks, the computer shuts off the electric motor and uses the fuel unit.

With a mixed ride mode, when the car engine works under load with periodic accelerations and stops - two units operate in tandem. And during the operation of the fuel engine, there is a charge electric. Separate attention deserve.

Electricity savings in hybrid engines

It is known that a huge amount of energy is spent on the movement of the car. In this regard, a natural question arises: as an electric motor, even under conditions of small loads can work for a long time without an additional trailer with batteries. To understand the principle of operation of the car's electric motor, you need to trace the whole process from the start of movement to the stop.

When the car rows or moves at low speeds, the electric motor is carried out, which is powered by the battery. Next to its task enters the car to the extremely possible for the speed for the electric motor. After that, the computer gives the command to turn on the fuel engine. In this case, the engine is part of the energy to the generator, which replaces the battery and continues to feed the electric motor instead, parallel to the battery parallel. The car works on two power units at the same time.

When moving S. average speed The electric motor is disabled, only an internal combustion engine works, an accelerant battery power supply. With increasing load on the engine, the electric motor comes to help him. But electricity is replenished not only due to the work of the engine. The brake mechanism of the car with a hybrid engine is arranged in such a way that the energy formed during braking is converted into electrical and also goes to power the electric motor. Such braking was called "recuperative".

The work algorithm considered above describes the overall picture of the operation of the hybrid power unit of the car. To date, there are three types of such engines: serial, parallel and mixed.

Sequential hybrid scheme

The principle of operation of such a scheme can be considered the simplest of the hybrids. The internal combustion engine in this type is an auxiliary element and is designed to operate the generator. The generator, getting energy from the engine, converts it into an electric and powered an electric motor that leads a car in motion.

Such a scheme, as a rule, is used in low-power vehicles (small cargo). But the battery used has a large capacity, with the possibility of charging from the usual power grid. The large capacity of the battery allows you to minimize the use of the engine, that is, the car can move on the electric motor that eats only from the battery. Chevrolet Volt is one of the car models in which the hybrid serial scheme is used.

Parallel hybrid car diagram

The principle of operation of a parallel scheme is that the engine and the electric motor are installed in such a way that it is possible to use them both together and separately. Nevertheless, the main function of the electric motor in such a scheme is the creation of an additional power of the internal combustion engine during acceleration. In addition, the electric motor performs the starter and generator functions. Batteries with such a scheme do not require additional recharging, they have enough energy produced when driving.

Honda Insight, Honda Civic Hybrid, BMW Active Hybrid 7, Volkswagen Touareg. Hybrid - models with a parallel hybrid engine scheme.

Sequentially - parallel hybrid scheme

In this scheme, the engine and the electric motor connects the planetary gearbox with each other, with which the power from both engines is transmitted to the drive wheels.

The mixed circuit differs from the parallel presence of a generator generator for an electric motor.

Toyota Prius, Lexus RX 450H, Ford Escape. Hybrid is representatives of a complete hybrid.

Positive sides of hybrid engines

  1. The main advantage of hybrids is its economy. The minimum fuel economy is 20%, which in terms of price increases is quite a tangible advantage.
  2. Sharing two engines reduces the number of CO2 emissions.
  3. Excellent running characteristics that are achieved due to rational accumulation and subsequent redistribution of capacity generated by two engines.
  4. In comparison with the traditional car, the hybrid has a tangible stroke, that is, it can continue to move even with an empty tank.
  5. The characteristics of the hybrid motors are completely identical to traditional models with DVS, contrary to the established stereotypes, and taking into account other advantages sometimes even surpasses them.
  6. Electric motors are almost silent, which adds comfort when operating a car.
  7. In comparison with the electric car, the battery barrid is charged from the fuel engine, which increases the stock of its stroke.
  8. The gas station is carried out by the same gasoline as traditional cars.

Disadvantages of hybrids

  1. High cost car.
  2. Car maintenance requires high costs. It is hardly possible to repair such a machine, and the qualified masters find great difficulty. Components are also guaranteed to be problems.
  3. The drops of climatic temperatures do not affect the battery and lead to their self-discharge.

Externally cars with hybrid power units do not differ from classic gasoline fellow. Of course, if the models of cars with hybrid motors had the same cost as analogues with the engine, and the service did not cause difficulties, it is unlikely that anyone would refuse such a car. But at the moment the realities are such that the difference in the price of the hybrid and analogue averages 4000 dollars. Even if you take into account all the advantages of such machines, including fuel savings, then the difference will still be disproportionate. If there is no breakdown, and the mileage will be significant, the machine will pay off at best of five years. This state of affairs does not instill optimism. But as the saying goes: "How many people are so many opinions," therefore the choice always remains for a specific person.

The car with a hybrid engine is not a new invention. The first step towards creating hybrid vehicle, I was made in 1665, when Ferdinand Verbest, Jesuit Priest, began working on plans for the construction of simple four wheeled vehicles that could work on a pair or equestrian. The first cars with a hybrid engine appeared at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Moreover, some developers managed to proceed from projects to small-sector production. Starting from 1897 and for the 10 following years, French Compagnie Parisienne des Voitures Electriques has released a batch of electric vehicles and machines with hybrid engines. In 1900, General Electric constructed a hybrid car with a 4-cylinder gasoline engine. And from the Walker Vehicle Company of Chicago conveyor, "hybrid" trucks have come down until 1940.
Of course, all these were only prototypes and small-sector cars. However, now the acute lack of oil and the economic crisis sprinkled the development of hybrid engines. And now let's figure it out in detail what is a hybrid engine and what kind of sense? The hybrid engine is a system of two -electric and gasoline engines. Depending on the modes of operation, gasoline and electrical can be included at the same time or separately. This process is controlled by a powerful computer, which makes the decision that right now should work. So when moving along the tracks, a gasoline engine is turned on, since the battery on the track is not enough for a long time. If the car moves in urban mode, then an electric motor is already used, both are working both during acceleration or laload. While the gasoline engine is running the battery charging. Such an engine is even taking into account the fact that a gasoline engine is used in the system, it allows to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere by 90% and at the same time the consumption of gasoline in the city is significantly reduced (only a gasoline engine operates on the track, so there is no savings there).

Let's start with the car rows. At the beginning of the movement and at low speeds, only the battery and electric motors are involved. The energy stored in the battery enters the energy center, which, in turn, sends it to electric motors forcing the car smoothly and silently to touch. After a set of speed, the internal combustion engine is connected, and the moment on the drive wheels comes simultaneously from the electric motors and the engine. At the same time, part of the energy of the internal combustion engine comes to the generator, and now it feeds the electric motors, and excess its energy gives the battery, which has lost part of the energy reserve at the beginning of the movement. When moving in normal mode, it is automatically used only front-wheel drive, in all the others - full. In the acceleration mode, the wheel on the wheels is made mainly from the gasoline engine, and the electromotors are supplemented with an increase in the dynamics. One of the most interesting moments - braking. The electronic "brains" of the car themselves decide when it is necessary to use a hydraulic braking system, and when recuperative braking, preferred the latter. That is, at the time of pressing the brake pedal, they translate electric motors to "generator" mode of operation, and they create a braking torque on wheels, producing electricity and fueling through the energy center battery. This is the highlight of the "hybrid".

IN classic cars The braking energy is lost completely, leaving how heat through the brake discs and other details. The use of braking energy is particularly effective in urban environments when you have to slow down on traffic lights. The system of integrated car dynamics management (VDIM) combines and manages the operation of all systems active security.
One of the first good cars Equipped with a hybrid engine, which went to the mass became developed by Toyota "Toyota Prius", spending 3.2 liters of gasoline per 100 km (in the city). Also, Toyota has released an SUV with a hybrid engine Lexus RX400H. The cost of such a car, depending on the configuration ranges from 68 to 77 thousand dollars. It should be noted the fact that the first versions of Toyota Prius were inferior to cars of the same class and in speed and in power, but Lexus RX400H is no longer inferior to his classmates in no power.

Leading car concern in the world, also turned their attention to hybrid engines, as to solve the problem of fuel economy and environmental pollution. So, Volvo Group announced the creation of a hybrid engine for trucks, tractors, semi-trailers and buses. The company's developers are counting on the fact that their brainchild will make it possible to get 35% fuel economy.
With all this, it should be said that hybrid cars "with a bang", so far, went only in North America (Canada and the USA). And in America, the demand is increasingly growing on them, since until recent years there were popular cars that consumed a lot of fuel, and since the fuel sharply and cool began to rise the Americans sharply thought about its savings and how to solve the problem began to use exactly cars with hybrid engines. In Europe, the appearance of hybrid engines was calm, since they have a sauna and more environmentally friendly taxis than a gasoline engine, an old good diesel engine. Unlike the United States, more than 50% of cars in Europe are equipped with diesel engines. In addition diesel cars Cheaper hybrid, easier and more reliable. After all, everyone knows that the system is harder, the time it is less reliable! And that's precisely because of its complexity and capriciousness, hybrid cars are practically no in the post-Soviet space. Official dealers They will not be taken here. And any owner of such a car in will inevitably collide with the problem of one hundred. We have a hundred that would be engaged in hybrid cars. And you do not redeeper such a typewriter!

Why did we touch this issue on our portal? And why do we want to enlighten you in matters of hybrid engines? Everything is extremely simple and understandable. The fact is that many areas of our livelihoods are literally permeated with the interaction of all sorts of technologies, which in their symbiosis give rise to much more effective methods, gadgets and mechanisms. And of course, they did not dare to set aside and engines for our four-wheeled pets. And this is precisely about such aggregates, their positive and negative sides, about how they work and we will talk in this topic. In the meantime, make a small excursion to the story. Go!

A bit of history

Cars with hybrid "hearts" - the invention is far from new, as it may seem at first glance. The recorder and the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200ba hybrid engine became the Jesuit priest named Ferdinand Vorbist. In 1665, he began working on the plans for creating simple four-wheeled carts operating on the steam and horse rod. But the first serial models with hybrid engines saw the light at the turn on the 19th and 20th centuries. For ten years, starting from 1887 French COMPAGNIE PARISIENNE DES VOTIRES ELECTRIQUESreleased a series and cars with hybrid motors. And in 1900, General Electric has created a hybrid car with a four-cylinder gasoline engine. Walker Vehicle Company of Chicago has produced hybrid trucks until 1940.

Of course, at that time, the production of such cars was limited to small batches and the creation of various kinds of prototypes. However, in our time, the acute shortage of oil resources and constantly progressive economic crisis prompted automotive designers and developers to return to the origins and resume the release of cars with hybrid engines.

How the hybrid engine works - simple words about new technologies

Well, now it's time to deal with the fact that a hybrid engine for the aggregate and why is it so zealo produced cars with such hearts? The hybrid engine is a system of two connected engines: gasoline and electric. Two engines can operate both in the bundle and separately, it all depends on which mode of operation is currently used. The process of redistribution of "powers" is managed by a powerful computer, which in one or another, decides which of the engines should now work. For movement in rustic mode, the fuel engine takes full operation, for the battery on the track is missing for a while. For movement around the city turns on the electric motor.

If the car is exposed to large loads or it is often often accelerated, both engines work together. Interesting is the fact that while the car moves on the fuel motor, electric at that time is charging. The car with a hybrid engine throws into the atmosphere by 90% fewer substances than habitual fuel motors, and this is despite the fact that it includes petrol aggregate also. Also, the consumption of gasoline in the city can be reduced to zero, which, of course, not to say about country trips.

Let's look at the car with a hybrid engine begins. At the very beginning of the movement and at low speeds only battery and electric motor. Energy that stored in the battery nourishes the energy center, which further distributes it on electric motors, which already start the car from the spot silently and very smoothly. After the speed is dialed for the electric motor, the gasoline unit is connected. The torque on the leading wheels is already coming from two engines overnight. In the process of such a work, the internal combustion engine gives part of the generated energy to the generator, which further also feeds the electric motors, unloading the battery, excess the energy is transmitted to the battery, ignites it, lost to the beginning of the movement, stock.

If the car moves in normal mode, the automatt is used by the leading only front-wheel drive, in the other cases, the torque distribution is already supplied to two axis. In the acceleration mode, the torque on the wheels comes mainly from the internal combustion engine, and if it is necessary to increase the dynamics, the electromotors that complement the internal combustion engines are also included. But a more interesting point is still braking. The electronic brain of the car holds the on-controlling on and off when it is necessary to connect the hydraulic, and when the recuperative braking, but preference is still given to the second. That is, when the driver of a hybrid car presses the brake pedal, the electric motors switch the generator mode, thereby creating a braking point on wheels, which also produces electricity, which focuses the battery through the distribution center. In this, the entire essence of the "highlight" of the hybrid engine was covered.

In the usual classics of us, the energy highlighted when braking is spent in an empty, simply lost in space as heat from brake discs and other details. The use of brake energy is very effective in the conditions of the city, when frequent braking on traffic lights is common. VDIM system, which is the controlling car dynamics, manages all automotive systems Active security, combining them into a single "body".

Perhaps the first successful copy equipped with a hybrid motor released in the mass became known now "Prius" from company Toyota. This miracle car spends just more than three liters of gasoline for every hundred kilometers in urban mode. Also japanese company Further, letting your luxury hybrid crossover Lexus RX400H. But the cost this car On average within 70,000 cu Note that the first generation of Toyota Prius was inferior to cars of the same class with internal combustion engines in high-speed and power characteristics, unlike the Lexus RX400H, which initially constituted good competition in his class.

After Toyota, the leading global car concerns also have no attention to the use of hybrid engines, since this was seen to the solution of the global problem of pollution of the natural environment and fuel economy. And so followed by the announcement of the creation of hybrid cargo and transport technology from Volvo Group. According to their calculations, the release of this product will reduce the consumption of fuel by as much as 35%.

But with all the greatest desires and calculations of automotive concerns, cars with hybrid engines so far do not bind around the world as hot cakes. The popularity of hybrid cars is gaining momentum only in Canada and states. The demand for hybrids among the US population has grown due to a sharp rise in price of fuel, which mercilessly fell earlier. After all, the American auto industry has always been famous for its "muscles-karas" with incredibly powerful motor and huge consumption of fuel liquid. European motorists to cars with hybrid motors were generally neutral. There is a fairly environmentally friendly and more economical, who deserved the trust veteran, - diesel.

Most of the European cars are refilled by Diesel, which cannot be said about the United States. Moreover, cars with diesel engines Much cheaper hybrid, moreover, it's easier and more reliable in your design. After all, everyone knows this postulate: "The more difficult the system is designed, the less reliability." It is this factor that determines the number of hybrid cars in our country. Officially, such cars do not supply us, and the problem of a hundred is simply inevitable in the event of a breakdown. Profile a hundred to repair hybrid engines is simply not in our country. And on your own, such a device, we think it is unlikely that someone will undertake to repair.

Hybrid Engine Device - Scheme Description

So, we briefly considered that such a hybrid engine and why its use is not so common in the world as it would like. Now I would like to "shill" deeper and consider the scheme of its structure. But there are three of them. We offer to start with the simplest scheme, which causes the least interest in us - this is a consistent hybrid engine.

Sequential hybrid engine scheme

In this scheme, the launch of the car comes from an electric motor. The internal combustion engine is in a bundle with a generator that feeds the battery battery. Hybrid cars with a serial scheme of the power unit (plug-inhybrid), often, are issued with the possibility of connecting to the electrical network at the end of the trip. The presence of this feature implies the use of batteries with a large energy intensity, which significantly reduces fuel costs to use the internal combustion engine, which in turn reduces the number harmful emissions in atmosphere. These cars include Chevrolet Volt and Opel Ampera. They are also called electric vehicles with a wide range of action. These cars can only go from feeding from rechargeable battery With a speed of 60 km / h and using the generator energy, leading to a gasoline engine of as many as 500 kilometers.

Parallel hybrid car diagram

With this scheme, parallel to the connected internal combustion engine and the electric motor is set in such a way that they can work as separately from each other and together. Such an effect is achieved due to the design of the unit in which the gasoline engine, the electric motor and transmission are connected by automatically controlled couplings. The car with such a hybrid engine uses an electric motor of small power, about 20 kW. Its main task is to add the power of the DVS during the acceleration of the car.

In most of these designs the electric motor is installed between the internal combustion engine and It also performs the functions of the generator and the starter. The most famous representatives among cars with a consistent hybrid engine scheme are BMW Active Hybrid 7, Honda Insight, Volkswagen Touareg Hybrid, Honda Civic Hybrid. This scheme appeared due to the manifestation of the Honda initiative with its Integrated Motor Assist - IMA. The operation of this system can be divided into several characteristic modes:

- work from the electric motor;

Joint work of electric motor and engine;

Work from the engine with parallel charging of the battery using an electric motor that performs the function of the generator;

Battery feeding during recuperative braking.

Serial-parallel hybrid scheme

In this scheme, the electric motor and the internal combustion engine are associated with the planetary gearbox. This allows you to simultaneously transmit power from each of the motors to drive wheels in a ratio from 0 to 100% of the rated power. The sequential-parallel scheme differs from the previous one that the generator is installed on the first, which creates energy for the operation of the electric motor.

Famous representatives of cars with such a hybrid engine scheme are Toyota Prius, Ford Escape Hybrid, Lexus RX 450H. In this segment of the "hybrid" market, Toyota is leading with its Hybrid Synergy Drive - HSD system. The power unit of the Hybrid Synergy Drive system is represented as follows:

- DVS binds to the planetary gearbox;

The electric motor that is attached to the crown gear of the planetary gearbox;

The solar planet gear gear connected to the generator.

The internal combustion engine operates in the Atkinson cycle, which means it produces low power on low revs, resulting in better fuel efficiency and fewer exhaust gas.

Auto with a hybrid engine - pluses and cons

Positive sides of hybrid engines

1. The most important advantage of cars with hybrid engines is their economy. Fuel consumption in such cars by 25% less than the classic machines with an internal combustion engine. And in our situation with the constantly increasing price of gasoline, this is a very important factor.

2. The next no less important point is the following item among positive Parties Hybrid engines are environmental friendliness. Hybrid cars cause much less damage to our ecology than classic. This is achieved due to more rational fuel consumption. And with a complete stop of the car, the engine stops working, transmitting the brazers of the board electric motor. Consequently, during the hybrid car stops, the atmosphere is not contaminated with CO2 emissions.

3. The batteries of hybrid engines are recharged from a gasoline engine, which cannot be said about electric cars, which makes the stroke of the fuel engine much more. And he can do longer without refueling.

4. Modern hybrid cars are not inferior to a similar class of traditional in all major characteristics. So dispel this myth to which many are most likely believed.

5. In urban conditions with frequent stops, hybrid cars work as electric vehicles.

6. Standing on site a car with a hybrid engine is completely silent, as it works only on the electric motor.

7. The hybrid refueling is carried out by gasoline and in the same way as the traditional car.

Minuses of hybrid cars

There is nothing perfect in the world, and therefore hybrid engines also have their own minuses.

1. And the main minus is expensive repairs. Since the design of such engines is very complex, it is very difficult to find a specialist who will address the troubleshooting. This explains the big cost of maintenance of hybrids.

2. Batteries installed on hybrids are susceptible to self-discharge. They also do not tolerate sharp temperature drops. And their service life is strongly limited. But so far have not yet found out what the effect on the environment is the batteries due to which it is disposed of is a problematic task.

Obviously, of course, that hybrid engines have more advantages than minuses, but in our country they did not fit yet. The first reason for this is the price. The cost in Ukraine is a popular Toyota Prius from 850,000 hryvnia. But he is not only the most in its popularity, but also the cheapest. Also in Russia, it was planned to establish a hybrid issue called "E-Mobile", but the project was cooler. Today, the most powerful car with a hybrid engine is BMW ActiveHybrid X6.

The struggle for the ecology in our time is in full swing and very zealo, in connection with which motorists stimulate to acquire cars with hybrid engines. So in America, owners of such cars provide certain benefits and free parking spaces. Similar laws are also planned to be introduced in our country, in particular, duties on imports of cars with hybrid engines will be reduced. Gasoline engines are already gradually departed to the background, losing their positions. And hybrid engines are one of the main steps that are being taken for this. But while the price category of these cars remains at the same level, the demand for them will be small.

About cars with hybrid engines

Like all new, unusual and interesting, cars with hybrid engines differ from their classic brethren of a greater value. Today, hybrid cars are much higher in the cost of cars with similar characteristics, but with gasoline engines. For example, hybrid Toyota Camry. Excellence at the cost of its gasoline fellow by almost $ 7,000. The cost of hybrid Honda Civic increased by $ 4,000 compared to its traditional model. Lexus GS 450H is a wonderful dynamic (from 0 to 100 in just 5.9 seconds) a car that is also much more economical than similar in the power of sedans with eight-cylinder engines. Fuel consumption of this car approximately 8 liters per 100 kilometers in mixed cycle. The average retail price for this car in Ukraine will average about $ 80,000.

On the topic of introducing hybrid cars, of course, you can argue for a long time and take certain positions and defend your points of view, but one thing is clear - the future is not far off and soon this jump will be committed. Changes in the automotive are randomly coming! And we hope it will be what we need to all.

Toyota Prius. This is a full-fledged hybrid car with branded technology Hybrid Synergy Drive. Among the main features of the car - high environmental friendliness (with a stock covers the requirements of Euro-5) and economy (consumption in a mixed cycle of less than 5 liters / 100 km). This is the third generation of the model, substantially recycled and improved. In addition, the 2010 LED lights are used on the 2010 models.

Let's try to figure out the features of the hybrid drive and check the car in the city and on the track.

2. In fact, there are two large players in the hybrid car market: Toyota Prius and Honda Insight. Of course, there are other hybrid models, but I will not list them, in view of the fact that they are much less popular and are known. Both models are manufactured from the late 90s, mainly for the US and Europe market. The difference between them lies in the types of hybrid installation - the prius, as I mentioned above, is a full hybrid (details below), while hybrid installation Honda Insight works on a parallel diagram (the electric motor helps a gasoline engine, but the car can not move only on the electric shirt). Russia began to officially sell only the prius of the last, third generation.

3. Let's start with a hybrid power plant. Under the hood is a gasoline engine with a volume of 1.8 liters (last generation was used a motor with a volume of 1.5 liters), two motor generators, a planetary transmission and an inverter. The rechargeable battery is located behind the backs of the rear seats, under the hollow of the luggage compartment.

4. The gasoline engine works on the Atkinson cycle, although this is not a completely true statement. In reality, a simplified analog is used, working on the Miller cycle, in view of the fact that the creation of an Atkinson's cycle engine requires a very complex crank-connecting mechanism. If we speak in a nutshell, then the atkinson cycle is characterized by an increased phase of the working stroke. In practice, it gives higher performance and environmentally friendly indicators, but traction is lost on low revs. In a hybrid car, this is compensated by an electric motor, which gives the maximum torque in a wide range of revolutions. To increase engineering from the engine, all attachments are removed: water pump and air conditioner compressor electrical. In addition, there is no starter, its role is performed by one of the electric motors.

For clarity, I made a scheme that will allow you to understand the principle of operation of the hybrid drive. In fact, the design is very simple. On the left we have a gasoline engine that is connected to the first motor generator. On the right we have the second, traction motor generator. It is connected to the inverter, which in turn connects to the battery and the first motor generator. The center is the planetary transmission, which summarizes the power streams to the left and right and transmits the moment on the gearbox and the main transmission to the wheels. The planetary transmission completely replaces the gearbox and works on the principle of a stepless variator.

5. How does it work? On the start, only a traction electric motor works, if necessary, a gasoline motor is automatically connected to it. It launches the first motor generator, which makes it very smoothly and unnoticed by regulating the speed of revolutions. The moment from the gasoline engine is transmitted to the planetary transmission, as well as (!) To the first Motor generator, which works in the generator mode and gives energy to the inverter, which in turn redirects the received energy either into the battery battery for recharging or on the traction electric motor, The moment from which through the planetary transmission is transmitted to the wheels. As a result, a closed cycle is obtained, where the main role is played by the traction electric motor, and the gasoline engine works on pickup. When braking, the traction electromotor operates in the generator mode and all the resulting energy accumulates in the battery.

Power of gasoline engine 98 LS, and a traction electric motor 79 hp. At the same time, the total power of the hybrid drive is 136 hp. A loss horse power Conducted to the fact that the current given by the battery is limited by electronics, and the electric motor actually operates half of its power. But, as the experiment showed, the degree of charge of the battery does not absolutely affect the dynamic characteristics and overclocking time to 100 km / h.

6. The prius is noticeably stand out in the urban stream of its streamlined form. Past generations of the Pria looked really ridiculous, but the last model is quite nice. The coefficient of aerodynamic resistance CX is 0.26. This is one of the best indicators for serial cars.

7. LED optics (details below). On the wheel disks Dressed aerodynamic caps. Look, honestly, so-so. In practice, their presence reduces fuel consumption by only 1-2 percent. It is more correct to do them completely closed, but then the problem of cooling brake mechanisms will arise.

8. The main statement on the 2010 model is the LED Middle Light. The block headlight consists of several modules. The above is the overall fire (surprisingly with a halogen lamp), on the right - a classic module far Light With a reflector and a halogen lamp. Middle Light is divided into three modules. Two linase modules that give a clear and focused light flux in the distance. Above them module of scattered light, for lighting space near the car. The front turn signals are rendered on the bumper, next to the protootane headlights. The total energy consumption of the near-light section is 33 watts, which is comparable to the usual xenon. But between them a colossal difference in the power of light. Light on the head is above any, the best xenon.

9. Compared to the last generation, the rear of the prius remained almost without major changes. Similar lights and beveled glass rear door Of the two parts with the spoiler. Visual absence of a pipe exhaust system hints at the loyal attitude of the car to environment.

10. The most popular applications were received in the United States, and this is their main sales market (not forgetting at the same time that in the homeland, in Japan they are also very popular). There are many owners clubs who are trying to squeeze the minimum fuel consumption from the Prius. Often meaningless, in terms of practical applicationThe lesson attracts a very large number of people.

11. A minimum that managed to squeeze the enthusiasts from the Prius - 1.73 liters per 100 kilometers in urban mode. For this, tire pressure was raised to 5 atmospheres.

12. Large trunk with convenient access. Under the floor there is a scene and a fairly spacious box for the smallest detail. On the sides, huge niches between the rear lamps and the wheeled arches.

13. Inside the prius resembles an airliner. The interior decoration is made of rigid plastic, but with a very pleasant texture. Due to the strong inclination of the windshield, the cabin seems great and spacious.

14. On the steering wheel, touch buttons with duplication of information on the central display. Instead of handle gearbox - non-fixed joystick. "Parking" is included with the button (in the background). In motion, you can use two modes: D - a regular drive, b - engine braking mode, mostly needed to move on descents in mining and additional fuel economy with proper use.

15. On the left in the corner - the projection control buttons on windshield (It is shown in the video below). The climatic installation has no separation on the zones, but it uses a completely electric air conditioner. As an option, it is possible to launch the cooling of the salon remotely with the keychain (not in this configuration). Read more about the media system. Coating navigation so-so - Russia further the Urals east for it does not exist in principle. The most interesting is that this is the first full-time media system, which supports the possibility of receiving music via Bluetooth with mobile devices via A2DP protocol (while ordinary radio tape recorders learned to do another 5 years ago). By the way, the audio system sounds significantly better than you expect. Even below, three hybrid installation control buttons. In fully electrical mode, overclocking occurs so much smoothly and you can move at a speed of no more than 50 km / h. On a fully charged battery, approximately 1-1.5 kilometers can be driving. The "ECO" and "POWER" modes just change the sensitivity of the gas pedal, setting up the driver to a calm, or vice versa to a more sport manner driving.

16. The READY indicator means that the machine is "started", while the gasoline engine in the parking lot is started only in the case of a strong battery discharge. The tachometer is absent, its place is occupied by an economizer, prompting the optimal mode of movement with the minimum fuel consumption. Fuel consumption of more than 10 liters for applications from the field of fiction (conditional).

17. Salon is particularly interesting in detail. The glove box of two offices is very similar to similar luggage boxes on airplanes. With a smooth discovery and characteristic click when closing.

18. Some screens of the media system.

19. And display options on the central display. Two round images duplicate the corresponding buttons on the steering wheel and are activated when touched. On the right several screens: the energy monitor showing where the energy between the motors, wheels and the battery; Indicator of the hybrid installation, so to speak advanced economizer; As well as fuel consumption schedules over the past intervals and the last 5 minutes (real-time work can be viewed in the video below).

21. Car dynamics are easiest to compare with trolleybus. Calm and constant acceleration from any speed. Acceleration up to 100 km / h - 11.5 seconds (by passport 10.5 seconds). Feels like a C-class car with a two-liter gasoline engine and an automatic transmission. For a safe movement, the speakers are sufficient.

23. The central tunnel is excellent. From above on it very conveniently lies the right hand. But just why the seats heating button placed in this niche, next to the cigarette lighter socket? So uncomfortable to turn it on.

24. Multifunctional armrest - moves back to turn into a cup holder, or rises upward for access to the box. The function of the closure of air ducts is very cool, without complicating the design with unnecessary elements. Enabling the recycling mode with a button on the steering wheel, Toyota engineers clearly spied at BMW, but the temperature changes are clearly excess and useless.

25. Rear is spacious, but very boring. Of the features of the front seats - the back of the driver's seat does not have a smooth adjustment of inclination, and at the same time it cannot be fixed in a strictly vertical position.

26. Light gray perforated leather does not impress the expensive, but very practical. Next to the right rear seat is a ventilation lattice of the battery - according to the instructions it is impossible to close it. Along the back of sitting perfectly, but the threesome will be closely.

27. Review Back Closes the glass separator with a spoiler. The lower glass is toned. For me, it remains the biggest mystery - why is the rear janitor? The zone of its cleaning is exclusively the top of the glass through which anyway does not see anything. Parktronic is missing, it replaces the rear view camera. In addition, there is a function of automatic parking, its work is shown in video (hereinafter referred to as text).

28. To argue about the intricacies of controllability with tires of such dimension is simply meaningless. But in fact, not everything is so bad as it may seem at first glance. The electric power steering is perfectly clearly increases the force on the steering wheel with an increase in speed, and the suspension does not allow the wheels to lose the clutch with the road. The long base is extremely positively affected by stability and comfort when driving along the highway.

29. A separate review deserves brake system. When the brake pedal is pressed, the hybrid power plant switches to the energy recovery mode. Thus, most of the energy that is on ordinary car It goes on heating brake shoes and disks are converted to electricity, which accumulates in the battery. With a stronger press on the brake pedal, the regular brake system begins to work. In this regard, the scheme of the anti-lock system (ABS) and the system of dynamic stabilization was significantly changed. ABS allows intensive braking with full blocking of the wheels and turns on only after the car slip with the locked wheels for a certain distance.

30. The on-board computer shows the flow scale with five minute intervals. Small machines are accumulated bonuses for the effective use of a hybrid installation, they can be "collecting" on braking.

I spent a small study in order to reveal real flow Fuel. When moving on cruise control on a relatively level highway without drops of heights, such values \u200b\u200bturned out:

Speed \u200b\u200b60 km / h - 3 l / 100 km
Speed \u200b\u200b70 km / h - 3.5 l / 100 km
Speed \u200b\u200b90 km / h - 4.5 l / 100 km
Speed \u200b\u200b120 km / h - 6.5 l / 100 km
Speed \u200b\u200b135 km / h - 7.5 l / 100 km

Of course, in this mode, the hybrid installation does not work as intended and the consumption is actually determined by the fuel efficiency of the gasoline engine and the windshield coefficient (for a speed of 90 km / h and higher). Any modern turbodiesel on the track will show comparable flow numbers (for example, BMW 123D).

Tests in Moscow traffic jams showed more interesting numbers. If you go calmly with the speed of the flow, stand in traffic jams (no matter what - the gasoline engine is turned off at stops, so you can at least stand on the spot with zero fuel consumption) and absolutely not thinking about saving fuel 5.5-6 liters 100 kilometers. If you ride dynamically, with frequent accelerations, then get the average consumption of more than 7.5-8 liters per 100 kilometers will be extremely difficult. The most important thing is not to forget to slow down to recharge the battery.

It will assume that the average annual mileage A typical car owner is 30 thousand kilometers. The usual machine comparable power (2 liters gasoline engine with automatic transmission) in a mixed cycle with a predominance of traffic in the city under traffic conditions will be spent by 10 liters per 100 km of way. Prius in similar conditions will show consumption of about 6 liters per 100 km. If we assume that the cost of one liter of the 95th gasoline is equal to 25 rubles, then the annual savings when using the Prius will be only 30 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that in pursuit of the minimum flow, the wind should also be taken into account. road coat, Air temperature, as well as tire pressure. All tests were carried out at a temperature of +5 degrees on winter studded tires with a pressure of 2.5 atm.

Footage demonstrates the work system of parking. An extremely useless option, which, besides how to turn the wheel anything else does not know how, and always requires support from the driver. I only filmed perpendicular parking, because I didn't have enough forces to perform all the conditions of the system so that it does not turn off before (it is impossible to press gas, you need to hold the brake, the machine can not drive into a small lift without gas, the system does not "see" the potential parking space). Pay attention to the opposite squeak when rear transmission Which is impossible to disable! In addition, the work of the projection of the speedometer and the economizer on the windshield is shown (tips are displayed there navigation system), Episode accelerates up to 100 km / h (I immediately want to note that the overtaking car in the left strip did not slow down at the traffic light and already had a speed at the time of the prius start) and the screen showing the modes of operation of the hybrid power plant.

32. The prius is supplied to Russia in two complexes: Elegance for 1.1 million rubles and prestige for 1.35 million rubles. The main difference between the equipment: LED Middle Light, navigation, leather interior, rain and light sensors, climate control and bluetooth.

Prius is beautiful with its uniqueness. He attracts the attention of others, it is comfortable and reliable, as it should be supposed to be a car Toyota. It is the most technologically and unfartified by all modern electronic systems Under the string (up to the option in the form of solar panels on the roof, which feed the climatic installation so that the air in the cabin is not in the parking lot, but they do not carry such a complete set). The only problem of buying prizes in Russia is that our state does not encourage the purchase of environmentally friendly and economical cars, as implemented in civilized countries. And our society does not think about environmental issues in principle. And even conscious people understand that their personal contribution to environmental care will not be noticeable against the background of that autochlama, which goes on our roads without satisfying any environmental standards.

In any case, this is an excellent car for urban traffic jams. Purchase Prioce This is primarily the image thing and a reason for pride, that you are the owner of a high-tech and environmentally friendly pure car. But do not be surprised if society does not understand your choice.

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