Home Salon Research work "Car of the Future. Environmentally friendly car." Public transport of the future: faster wind and cheaper Metro Chief "Ecological Sinner" of the Future

Research work "Car of the Future. Environmentally friendly car." Public transport of the future: faster wind and cheaper Metro Chief "Ecological Sinner" of the Future

The transition to the "green" transport is undoubtedly the benefit for ecology. But what about this costs for logistics companies? The editorial board "Tlnews" decided to figure out how the process of introducing environmentally friendly transport and fuel is undergoing in Russia, and also how it can turn into transport companies.

"Green" project begins with fuel

In 2011, Rosstandart, Rostekhnadzor, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation and oil refining companies signed an agreement, according to which, in 2016, our country had to switch to the use of the fuel of the Environmental Standard not lower Euro-5. The 5th grade fuel is less harmful to the environment, since there is only 10 mg of sulfur in a liter of such a combustible, and, for example, in the 3rd grade fuel - already 150 mg.

The official transition to new standards formally took place on July 1, 2016. But according to the 2016 data, in reality only 1/3 of the vehicles registered in our country, complyed with the standards of Euro-4 and higher. Russians and now morally and financially not ready to completely abandon the "old" cars and buy a more eco-friendly model of the machine.

But experts believe that, first of all, not motorists like amateurs should go to the "green" transport, but transport companies. Yes, first, companies will have to spend money on a fleet update, which can work on eco-friendly fuel - electric, gas engine or hydrogen. However, it will later allow carriers to save on a mercy, since now the service of transport that feeds ecotopilais is much cheaper than the service of transport on diesel or gasoline.

With his opinion on the introduction of environmental transport to the work of logistics companies with the editors of Tlnews, a graduate student of Tambov State Technical University of Tikhonov Alexander was shared:

Environmental transport is designed to improve the environmental situation around us. For example, before in fuel of gasoline cars, a tetraethylswin was added. It increases the toxicity of exhaust gases. Modern eco-friendly models of cars are moving on high-class fuel, in which the content of toxic substances is minimized. I believe that the citizens of our country will buy eco-friendly cars if their price is equated to the value of the ordinary machine. At the same time, they should not give up in other important technical indicators, - he noted.

Transition to electrocars in Russia

Electric vehicles in the life of Russians enter slowly. According to Avtostat, on January 1, 2018, 1.8 thousand registered electrocars were listed in Russia. Most machines are manufactured in Japan under the brand "Nissan Leaf".

However, it is known that the serial release of electric vehicles plan to establish in Russia. Now the Moscow Technopark "Caliber" is engaged in the development of electric transport. Electric car "Caliber" will have both passenger and freight option. The car will be able to move at a speed of 100 km / h and work without refueling for 100 km. In addition, other brands are also developing in electric transport in Russia. Below we presented a list of electrocars that are released or can be issued by domestic producers in the near future.

Electric car "Sona"

In August 2017, Sona Motors showed the public the Russian electric car "SONA". While the project has only a test model, production plan to start in the current year immediately after the company finds the investor.

Electric car "Zetta"

The Russian company "Zetta" also decided not to lag behind colleagues and introduced the electric car "EL PANDA". The car got its name, because its design is similar to the panda. The engine capacity of the machine is 98 hp, the electric car without recharging will be able to drive about 200 km. An investor is also needed to organize the serial release of this model of the company.

Electric Mobile "Bravo"

The Mordovian company Bravo Motors worked on the creation of this electrocar. The car differs from its compactness from its compactness: the electrocar has a length of 2.7 m. The car is only calculated per person, instead of the 4th wheels at the car only 3 wheels. However, this does not interfere with the electric vehicle accelerate to a speed of 90 km / h. The vehicle is equipped with 3 airbags and can be controlled by a gadget.

Electric car "Lada Ellada"

The famous car concern "Lada" also presented its own version of the electric vehicle. The model should have replaced the usual gasoline machine. Its price varied from 800 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles. However, the car was a huge minus - she could not drive on one charge more than 30 km, and in the context of the Russian winter and less. Also, not all battery charge stations could serve "Lada Ellada", as the car had a non-standard connector for recharging. For these reasons, the electric vehicle was not popular among motorists.

Profile departments are hardly working on the introduction of electrical transport. For example, according to the project of a government program for the development of electrical vehicles in the Russian Federation to 2025, the owners of the electrocarbers will be given the opportunity not to pay transport tax, use free parking, to receive a discount on the passage by paid tracks, etc. In addition, Rosseti is now working on the embodiment of the All-Russian Charging Infrastructure Development Program. In 2018, the agency planned to put about a thousand electrostating stakes. According to 2017, a total of 60 charge stations for electric vehicles were built in the country, half of which were in the Russian capital.

The newest developments in the "green" transport


In Russia, in addition to electrocars, other types of environmentally friendly transport are also developed. Scientists of the National Research Nizhny Novgorod University. N.I. Lobachevsky work on the release of the first domestic neurosecale. Development is carried out within the framework of the state program "Project 5-100". Head of the Laboratory of Intellectual Biomegotronic Technologies of the University of Vasily Mironov, which neurobil will be controlled by the power of the driver's thought.

Imagine the situation when the driver decided to rebuild on the road to another row. The machine automatically recognizes that moves along the highway with several stripes. Based on the results of the driver's electroencephalogram, the neuroobil is rebuilt on another strip.

Unmanned cars

Yandex has been engaged in the development of unmanned vehicles for a long time. The prototypes of future machines are tested on a specially reserved polygon. However, in Russia there is no documented procedure for admission of machines to tests on public roads. Representatives "Yandex" hope that a regulatory act will appear soon with security requirements in this area. The head of the Russian traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov, said that the company addressed the resolution of testing an unmanned car in the UGIBDD in Moscow, but received a refusal.

Russia has the development of not only passenger unmanned vehicles, but also trucks. Kamaz also created and experiencing its own prototypes of drone trucks. The machine is oriented due to cameras and sensors. KAMAZ -Bespilot has the sensors all over the perimeter, which determine the quality of the road and can warn the driver about a possible collision. The system based on the data obtained, determines whether it is possible to make a turn, braking, etc.


Robotics is gradually being introduced into the logistics market. Plus drones in the fact that they can deliver the goods to settlements, which are not built comfortable roads. The editorial board "Tlnews" that "business lines" have already begun to test the robotics in their work. Drones perfectly coped with their responsibilities in the company's warehouses. The company TECHNOPOLIS "Moscow" has not fallen behind colleagues. Experts have developed software that allows drones to deliver cargo weighing up to 3 kg at a distance of 30 km.

Finally, we note that in our country the introduction of environmental transport has not acquired such a large-scale nature as, for example, abroad. This is due not only to the shortage of the necessary infrastructure, but also by the personal demands of motorists. Not every driver is ready to pay 1.5-2 times more for lower ecological indicators of the vehicle. Such a tendency in Russia will be maintained until the market price of the "green" transport will not be the same as on gasoline models of machines.

Another reason for the slow introduction of ecotransport is an undeveloped regulatory framework. In Russia, there are no officially approved legislative acts that would enshrine the movement of ecological transport, encouraged their acquisition, which means the use of ecotransport is still many questions at each stage of operation of the new technique.

Galina Dudina
An abstract classes in the cognitive development "Ecological transport" for children of senior preschool age

COMPOSTI NOD in cognitive development« Environmental transport» (Dudina G. Yu.)

purpose: consolidation and synthesis of knowledge children about transport.

Educational tasks: introduce me to With the history of the emergence transportation, reveal the value transport for people, introduce environmentally friendly transport, consolidate knowledge of road rules.

Developing tasks: intensify and enrich the vocabulary on the topic

develop in children Logical and associative thinking, attention, memory, mixtalk and speech activity.

Educational tasks: educate interest in cognitive knowledge.

Preliminary work: Listening and learning children's songs from cartoons about transport, conversations, reading art works about transportexecution on classes Fizkultminutmok and game charging on the topic, drawing on theme: « Transport of Future»

Equipment: Multimedia equipment, chairs in quantity children, pictures with different types transportationCutting pictures.

Travel course.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys today on classes We are waiting for an interesting journey into the past. We are visiting the traffic police inspector Panchenko Sergey Vladimirovich.

What will go talk, you will learn if you guess the riddle.

There are water, and air, the one that moves on land,

Loads and people. What is it? Tell me soon! (Transport) .

They guessed. Well done! Today we will learn a lot of interesting things about transport: How he appeared, for what is needed. And you did not think if there were cars many years ago? What did they look like? Want to know how they appeared?

2. The main part.

Many, many years ago, people wore goods on themselves. It was very hard. Man dreamed of an assistant. The first such assistant was a horse. Man invented the wheel. People built carts on wooden wheels. In the carts began to catch horses.

Cares appeared later. Four-wheeled, closed, they could carry a lot of people, their things: Luggage, mail. But at long distances, the carriage could not ride without stopping, because the horses were tired (could not do without water and food, and people were tired of a shaking ride.

A steam machine appeared. And this unusual invention a person called "car".

Such a car goes around the city, the copper boiler is suspended on it, and the driver sits on the bench and turns the steering wheel. East of a little - stop. it so: Couples in the boiler ended. No steam - the machine does not work. I had to plunge the driver from the car, to heat the firebox and boil the water. Such a car was inconvenient, since it was treated with firewood, the boiler could explode, which created a danger to the chaffin and pedestrians.

Steam machines began to ride the railway and called them steam locomotives. In the firebox of the locomotive, the coal was burned so that the locomotive could move.

Steamers floated over the seas. They also moved with coal.

Soon the first car came to replace the steam car, which had a motor, and he fled the gasoline. This car was the wheels different:

2 large rear wheels and 1 small front. Later, the car appeared the roof, the wheels were made the same in size, and they became 4. For the strength, wooden wheels were covered with iron hoops, but there were no doors nor Steak. Such cars often broke. Gradually, the cars appeared doors, glad. They began to transport more passengers, but the most the main thing: Rubber inflatable tires were on the wheels.

Every year gasoline cars became more and more. Their appearance changed, improved design, movement has increasedMachines have become more comfortable for both the chapera and passengers.

Man really wanted to rise into the air. For the first time, it was done on a bowl filled with warm air or gas, which was easier than air. According to the same principle, airships were flying. Then the airplanes appeared - the first aircraft were called. The technique has improved, airplanes began to fly on more and more distances. Passenger aircraft appeared.

Modern vehicles are very convenientQuick, beautiful. And why is it needed? What benefits does he bring to a person? What do you think it does not bring any harm?

On asphalt, burning tires

Gas coughing cars.

How much gary, how much smoke,

Just unimaginable!

Transport Contamines air with exhaust gases.

The car is damaged by its smoke and noise, the nature of T. K. After burning gasoline, gas is distinguished, which is harmful for people and for animals, and for plants.

What to do? People thought. Need to do so transportwhich would not pollute the environment, did not spoil the air, and would be environmentally friendly. And they came up with. What the transport? Guess!

I'm of course transport Smart,

Fast and almost silent.

I don't knock on rails

I wipe the wheels,

Without gasoline I won't

I'm worried all day for you.

Here trouble! Light is turned off -

I do not have a move without light (trolleybus).

Looks trolleybus as a regular bus, but with "Usami" on the roof. These are current-acting rods. Trolleybus travels almost silently, does not rumbles, does not emit poison exhaust gases.

It goes on the rails he is always

And holds for the wires.

And every time the call gives,

What is sent forward (tram).

Currently there are trams in many cities. Electric current for tram also comes on wires. Usually the tram consists of one or two wagons. It moves quickly, but if it stops the electricity on the line - all trams stop.

And the trolleybus and the tram work from electricity and are designed to transport passengers. This is a public transport and it is environmentally friendly.

Electricity works and electric vehicle.

And this is an electroscuter.

The gyroscuter also works on electricity. Any transportworking with the help of electricity does not pollute air and is environmentally friendly transport.

Monocoleso. (Seggil) - Electric scooter, having only one wheel and steps located on both sides of it. Control transport The means occurs by changing inclination body: When the monocoles is rejected back, it slows down or changes the direction, forward - accelerates.

Currently available aircomers. So called cars, for which compressed air is used. You can charge it with a compressor at any refueling. Such a car uses only air without harming the environment.

People and cars came up with solar panels. On the roof of the car are placed photophalters, which are supplied with a motor solar energy.


And now, guys, let's play the game "We are the chaufferes!"

(children should show movement).

"We are going, we are going by car, (driving movement)

Click on pedal (Bend foot in the knee, pull out)

Gas turn on, turn off (lever turn to yourself, from myself)

We look closely in the distance (palm to forehead)

The wipers consider drops ( "Janitors")

Right, left purity! Hair erschit wind (with fingers to climb hair)

We are the chauffeons at least where! (big finger right hand up).

We forgot another species transportation:

Himself does not go, does not go,

Do not hold it - falls.

And the pedals will let go

He remembers you forward.

What it is?

- That's right, bike. Bicycle - the most affordable vehicle. In order to ride a bike, no fuel is required. Just cool pedals! Spring has come and it's time to ride bikes. Many think that the bike is not a car, sat down and Kati where you want, I don't need to know the rules. But it is not. Bike is vehicleAnd for cycling there is its own safety rules and that the trouble does not happen to you, you should always perform the rules of the road. Today, our guys-Jupidians will tell us about the rules of a young cyclist.

Speech by jupid team

Child: Agitbrigada kindergarten number 12 welcomes you "Story"

Leading: One simple fairy tale, and maybe not a fairy tale

About the rules of movement we want to tell

After all, if they are broken - and there is no doubt

Perhaps it is very bad that you can prove.

Child: -Muha, Muha-Tsokutuha

Gold plated belly

Fly money found.

I went fly to sporting goods

And bought that subject

What is the name of the bike.

Fly: - I am on the street I kach

Like a bird I'm flying,

Like a bird I'm flying

And I kachu, where I want.

I do not need traffic lights

Signs are also not needed.

Today, the fuelboard is all allowed!

All children: Not! Not allowed!

Child: Came to the fly grandmother bee

Rules Movement Fly brought:

Bee: Mukhini Rules Fly

I give without progress.

With them, fly, apply,

Untre the steering wheel sit down.

Fly: Dear guests, help

Explain the rules for fly!

Bee: - You have a bike

There is no cockpit from the roof.

And ride because

You can only one.

1. - Pedal bike

Not for a long time!

Inside the courtyard of his way,

And on the road - not Kati!

Circle painted in red,

And inside the bike.

This sign says everyone:

"The bike is closed!"

2. Where there are no cars,

You can safely go.

For you are always open

Stadiums and yards.

Circle is painted in blue,

And in a circle bike.

Fun, friend, katya,

Only pedals twist!

4. For your bike

You need to strictly observe.

Let you help you adult

All wheels pump.

And check the brakes,

After all, without them it is impossible!

5. Even if you fall,

In them, you do not miss cones.

Knee pads and helmet

We certainly need everything.

Fly takes and puts on a helmet and knee pads.

Fly: These rules movement

I will strictly observe

As a multiplication table

Without mistakes to perform.

Leading: Morality in this fairy tale, and maybe not a fairy tale

I will understand, of course, everyone who wants to live long

After all, the rules of movement are worthy of respect

They are very important to remember, they need to learn everything!

Lead: Thank you guys for your advice. Stay with us.

And now let's guys play.

The game "Gather transport» (Collect cut-out pictures with the image vehicle) - who quickly.

The game "Find environmentally friendly transport» (choose and put on a magnetic board pictures with the image environmentally friendly transport)

3. Final part. Reflection.

Educator: Guys! Did you like it occupation? What new have you recognized? About what transport Have you talked to today?

And now we will go to the exhibition « Transport of Future» .

Children fit K. "Exhibition" drawings and talk about drawn them transport.

The value of transport for humanity is difficult to overestimate. From time immemorial, he played an important role, constantly developing and improving. The scientific and technical revolution, the growth of the population, urbanization and many other factors that occurred in the 20th century has brought its development to a completely new level.

However, at the same time, a problem appeared: a huge amount of vehicles caused the deterioration of the environmental situation across the entire planet. That is why increasing attention is drawn today to the development of environmental modes of transport.

Any transportation, energy obtaining for which is not associated with the processes of burning hydrocarbons, can be called environmentally friendly. The exception is atomic reactions that are not used on land transport. Biodiesel, an internal combustion engine on alcohol also burn carbon, so they cannot be attributed to environmentally friendly modes of transport. It is most correct to classify ecotransport by type of engines.

Electric drive

At the moment, this is the fastest growing type of environmentally friendly transport. He prescribed a great future and this has already noticed all major automotive concerns. Several thousand electric vehicles are already driving on the roads of the world. Moreover, the future electric vehicle will not have such large dimensions and cost as the famous TESLA electric car. It will rather, rather, some kind of rickshaw with a cabin or with a conventional automotive body of plastic. On average, so that the electric vehicle can compete with gasoline, he needs to weigh four times less. There are similar examples in the automotive industry.

The main problem of electric vehicles - batteries. They are already the only limitation to the mass production of electric vehicles. All other technical limitations were overcome by another 50 and 100 years ago. The electric motor has an efficiency more gasoline. Its resource is much higher, and the complexity of the manufacture is small. In addition, it is not required by the checkpoint. Now most serial electric vehicles are made with lithium batteries. They have a very high cost. As an alternative, sulfur-sodium batteries are offered. At the moment, in Japan, stationary sodium-sodium battery stations are used, with a capacity of more than 1 MW. Perhaps in the future they will appear on electric vehicles.

Hydrogen engines

Hydrogen is the most energy-intensive fuel in the world. The caloric content of one weight of the pure gaseous hydrogen exceeds gasoline 2.5 times. This means that the weight supply of hydrogen in the cylinder may be at the same time less. The combustion of hydrogen can occur in the usual piston engine. At the same time there are technological difficulties. Due to the high combustion temperature, it is necessary to strengthen the cylinder block with ceramics, which is very difficult and expensive.

For this reason, catalysts are particular interest - the installation of flameless burning of hydrogen. However, they need balloon oxygen, and their cost is also high. When hydrogen oxidation in the catalyst, an electric current is produced. It works such installation silently and with high efficiency. Unfortunately, the high price does not promote hydrogen cars of mass distribution. Currently, they are also driving on the roads.

There are other solutions in the field of ecotransport: pneumatic motors, chemical batteries (heat or current is released during metal oxidation), mechanical energy storage devices, spring drive. While all of them are at the development stage, giving way to electric vehicles.


Currently, aircomers are available (pneumomommobil), so called cars with a pneumatic engine, which use compressed air to work. Energy accumulation occurs by injection it into cylinders. Then, passing through the distribution system, the compressed air falls into the pneumatic motor, which leads the car in motion. Thus, when driving at low speed or for a short distance, a similar car uses only air, without harming the environment.


In a number of countries, employees of mail, golfing, police and many other categories of citizens move with such a type of transport as segway. This is a self-balancing scooter having two wheels located on both sides of the driver. Balancing segway occurs automatically and depends on the position of the housing of the rider: when it is deviated back, the scooter slows down, stops or rises with reverse, and when the slope forward - starts the movement or accelerates. On each of the wheels segwing there is a private electric motor that responds to the slightest changes in the vehicle equilibrium. The engine runs from lithium-ion batteries, their recharging occurs automatically when the mountain is descended. On the full charge for 8 hours. You can use the usual outlet - 15 minutes of charging is enough about 1.6 kilometers of the path.

Monocoleso (segil)

Monocoleso (segilvan) - an electric self-balancing scooter, which has only one wheel and the steps, located on both sides of him, first appeared in 2012 in the United States. It is equipped with a powerful electric motor (250-2000 W) and gyroscopes necessary for automatic balancing. When the power is turned on, the gyros align the wheel relative to the axis, supporting this balance. Also in the scooter are accelerometers and a variety of sensors.

The vehicle management occurs by changing the tilt of the body: when rejecting back it slows down, slows down or changes the direction, when transferring the center of gravity forward - accelerates. When the scooter stops, the driver must rely on the leg. The highest distribution received this type of transport in China.

City Ecotransport

Probably everyone knows such types of ecological transport as trolleybus and tram. They both work from electricity and are intended for the transport of passengers.

The tram is one of the first types of urban public transport, appeared at the beginning of the XIX century, then it was driven by an equestrian harness. The first electric tram appeared in 1881 in Germany.

The trolleybus appeared in the form of the first ecperimental trolleybus line in 1882, as well as in Germany. And first, trolleybuses were operated only as additional transport to the tram. The first fully trolleybus line opened in 1933 in Moscow.

Bicycle and scooter

No, probably, a person would never have tried to ride on a scooter or bike. These wheel vehicles are moving through the muscular force of the subject. Bike for this purpose, foot pedals are used for this purpose, and in the scooter, the movement is ensured by repeating the leg from the Earth. On a bike, a person takes a sedentary position, he stands on the scooter, holding the steering wheel. Scooters are now used not only to entertain children, but also along with bicycles are used by adults: employees of mail, police and even ambulance.

Many people in Europe and America prefer to work on a cycling, in Tokyo on scooter, because, on the one hand, there is no need to stand in traffic jams, and on the other - thanks to physical exertion, the body becomes more healthy.

Every year the need to use environmental transport is growing, since the functioning of the current transport system with the release of pollutants into the air increasingly worsens our planet's ecosystem.

On Friday, December 15, another meeting took place in the Library Environmental Club "Muravik". The guys got acquainted with an important environmental problem - the creation of modern ecological transport.

Progress or the development of civilization will not stop. But it is not necessary to forget that to spend the resources of the planet should be reasonably, carefully, and the primary task of people is care of the purity of the environment. We throw a lot of pollution and waste into the outer world, but one of the main pollutants is automotive transport. One car per year absorbs up to 4 tons of oxygen, and throws about 1 ton of exhaust gases, which contain more than 1000 different harmful or poisonous substances. And not only the air suffers from it, but also the soil, water. All this affects not only our health, but also on the environment of the planet.

At the meeting, schoolchildren learned about the modern know-how - absolute paint, which is not amenable to graffiti, restores concrete, does not form mold, flame retardant and hardens almost like a diamond. If it is once to paint his house once, it will not need to do it another 1000 years. The main property of absolute paint is its ability to clean the air that we breathe.

But the most important task for people is the manufacture of such cars that would be cheap, fast, durable, safe and most importantly environmentally friendly so that the air is not infected with poisonous gases.

The guys were surprised and saw the types of modern transport technologies in videos. For example, a car operating on the radioactive element of Thoria, which is responsible for the heat release in the center of the Earth. Already ride the roads of the world electric vehicles. In a hydrogen car, as a result of the reaction, not carbonated gas is distinguished, but ordinary water. Currently, aircombines are available (pneumomobi), working on compressed air. Flying cars look like ordinary light turbines, they can, folding the wings, go along the highway. Ekobus - New Ecological Type of Transportdeveloped in Saratov. Fuel for them serves natural gas, which is stored in special protected cylinders. In Europe, Europe has long been used and monocoles (segil) - electrical self-balancing scooters, the last of which has only one wheel and steps located on the sides.

To preserve and make our environmental environmental need to transform, change technology. Choosing environmentally friendly transport, clean production, we will save our planet, and all cities will become cities of the future.

E. V. Pak,
librarian Children's Library

Puchkov Nikita

Research on the topic: "The car of the future. Environmentally friendly car? Examined for students of primary classes.

Purpose of work - Prove that modern car must be environmentally friendly m.. In the work described about the history of the car's occurrence, which will be ecologically clean e.automobiles in the future, for co-prevasions can cause environmental pollution by road, the attitude of adults and children to this problem.



Municipal State Educational Institution

"Center for additional education of children"

Barabinsky district of the Novosibirsk region

Research Competition

"The car of the future. Environmentally friendly car »

"Primary technical modeling",

Grade 3.

Leader: Mantn Olga Pavlovna

teacher of additional education

I qualifying category

Barabinsk, 2014

I. Introduction 3-4

II. Basic part 4.

2. 1. From the history of the first car 4 2.2. What will be the car of the future? 5-6

2.3.MI research 6-7

2.4. The relevance of an environmentally friendly car on the roads of our country. 7-8

2.5. Design proposals for creating environmentally friendly

Car. eight

III. Conclusion 8.

References 9.

Attachment 1

Appendix 2 Appendix 3

Appendix 4.

Appendix 5.


The most important global universal problem of modernity was the environmental problem, which consists in worsening the quality of the environment. One of the environmental pollutants is transport. All types of modern transport are damaged by the atmosphere, but the car is most dangerous for her. Today there are about 600 million cars in the world. On average, each of them throws up 3.5-4 kg of carbon monoxide per day, a significant amount of nitrogen oxides, sulfur, soot.

From the sources of the media it is known that every year 49 million people die in the world. The high level of air pollution in cities contributes to the widespread disappearance of respiratory diseases, which every year leads to death 3.5 million children under 5 years of age.

The saying "I need as air" is not accidental. Folk wisdom is not mistaken. No food, a person can live 5 weeks, without water - 5 days, without air - no more than 5 minutes. In most people, the air is heavy. What he is clogged, do not feel on the palm, not to see the eye. However, annually on the heads of citizens drops to 100 kg of pollutants. These are solid particles (dust, ash, soot), aerosols, exhaust gases, pairs, smoke, etc. Air pollution adversely affects human health, animals and plants. The main sources of pollution of the atmosphere in the cities are motor vehicles and industrial enterprises. While industrial enterprises within the city will steadily reduce the amount of harmful emissions, the car park is a real disaster. For example, Moscow vehicles, moving in the city center at a speed of 15 km / h, throws about 1.7 million tons of pollutants per year. The solution of this problem will help the transfer of transport to high-quality gasoline, competent organization of movement and creating an environmentally friendly car

Purpose of the study

Prove that the modern car must be environmentally friendly.

Objectives of research

Get acquainted with the history of the car,

Find out - what are environmentally friendly modern cars,

To determine which consequences can cause environmental pollution by exhaust gases,

To identify the attitude of adults and children to this problem.

Object of research, research subject, research base

Object research - car,

Research Subject - Modern Cars. How to use them affects the condition of atmospheric air.

Research base is a student creative association. Primary technical modeling of MKOU DOD Center, their parents.

Hypothesis of research

I can assume that cars pollute the air and harm human health.

Research methods

1. Analyze this problem on literary sources;

3. Conduct a sociological survey "A car in a person's life";

4. Find out whether environmentally friendly cars exist;

5. Suggest ways to solve the problem;

6. Observation,

7. Internet.

II. Main part

2.1. From the history of the first car

The history of the creation of the first car is very interesting. In 1885, Karl Benz demonstrated its three-wheel self-live carriage with a gasoline engine to the residents of Mannheim. However, the novelty caused not so much interest as irritation. When Benz decided to drive around the city, the noise of the motor sheared the butcher's horse. She suffered, scattering the cargo on the road. To lean the scandal, Karl bought a spoiled product, put the car under the carport and began to improve it. The car "hijacked" early summer in the morning of 1888, when her creator slept. Evgeny's eldest son sat down behind the wheel, next to him mother, rear - younger brother. They went to relatives into a small town of Pforzheim. However, it was only a pretext. Adventures and excitement on the road was abound. At that time, gasoline could only be bought in kerosene shops, where it was sold as a means for cleaning clothes from spots. The malfunctions had to be eliminated by shirts - to clean the closed berth berth, used a long hat pin, and the tape from the hat - to fasten the parts of the ignition system. Each time, going down the mountain, the mother was worried about the boys - suddenly the wooden brake would deteriorate. I had to stop more than once and ask for rustic shoemakers to rebuild it with skin. The chains of the rear wheel drive pulled out and began to jump off the stars from the teeth. I had to stay also at the forge. But for all his excitement and solarms, travelers were rewarded with interest. Residents of Pforzheim fought by crowds to lay on a three-wheeled "slamless wagon." The whole Germany learned about the far auting race, the press turned serious attention not only for her journey, but also on the car of Charles Benz. From that time, his way to fame and success began. All Germany learned about the new invention, and this tour of historians consider the first reflections. In the 90s of the XIX century. Karl Benz has established mass production of its cars. Sale went spores, and now the whole world learned that a new era came - the era of the car.

The first four-wheel car "Benz". Despite the unassumability of the design, such machines were produced up to 1901, and their number reached 2300. The figure shows the Victoria model. 1893

The first "Mercedes" (December 1900) is a model of a modern car with the simplest body for participation in car racing. For walks instead of such a body, another body was installed - quadruple.

Over the creation of the car worked and another German engineer - Gottlieb Daimler. He created a car based on an ordinary flight - a small carriage in which horses hardened. The designer adjusted the engine and steering - the first four-wheeled car turned out. Its maximum speed was just fantastic for that time - 18 km / h. Modern cars are created precisely by its sample. Both inventors independently built "self-deviating carts". Benz and Daimler were united in 1926, having received the world-famous name Mercedes-Benz, which now exists.

Together with the creation of the car there was a question about creating an environmentally friendly car.

2.2. What will be the car of the future? And what is an environmentally friendly car?

We probably watched films about fiction or read famous science fiction writers. So many of them probably represented what will becar of Future. Very often, this car was represented by flying, often in the form of a flying plates, and sometimes quite unusual.So let's take a look at the car of our time and suppose that it will be for years in 20-30-50 years. Maybe the car will change in the future, but one thing can be argued - the steering wheel and four wheels will remain.

Let's talk - and how willcar of Future? Having studied the appropriate literature, Dad helped me to figure it out. Let's start, perhaps, from the car engine. In the future, options are possible:

1. Electrical engine - There will be small sizes and will eat from the usual electrical outlet.

2 . Hydrogen engine - In the future, hydrogen production will be cheap, which means the most profitable majority of motorists.

3. Car of the future: on solar panels

Teachers and students from the University of South Australia designed and built a prototype that, in their opinion, will soon be ordinary transport in Australian cities and may replace ordinary cars. This car is called Trev, it looks impressive. By the way, the most important thing. Charging Trev from solar energy or wind. Thus, no extra emissions spoiling atmosphere will not. The lack of fuel can not be. Overasty-optimist began to think over the project in 2002, and others began to be connected to the project. Today it is already a big team from specialists: mechanics, engineers, electricians, scientists, etc. At the moment, they register their invention and in the near future they want to start selling.

4. Automobiles of the future: Air instead of gasoline

In 2000, numerous media propheted that in early 2002, mass production of cars using air instead of fuel will begin.The reason for such a bold statement was the presentation of the car called E.Volution at the AUTO Africa Expo2000 exhibition, which took place in Johannesburg. The amazed public reported that E.Volution can easily drive about 200 kilometers without refueling, while developing speeds up to 130 km / h. Or within 10 hours at an average speed of 80 km / h. At the same time, the car weighs only 700 kg, and the engine is 35 kg.

The revolutionary novelty presented the French company MDI (Motor Development International), which immediately announced the intention to start the serial release of cars equipped with an engine on compressed air.Inventor of the engine is the French Engineer Guy Negre, known as the developer

starting devices for the "Formula 1" and aircraft engines.


The car of the "Future" will satisfy all the needs of a person, namely:

  1. work on environmentally friendly fuel;
  2. comfortable;
  3. economical;
  4. silent.

Currently, the automotive industry exists the following main trends:

1. Pisch for economy - Modern engines consume significantly less fuels than the engines of the old years.

2. Increase power - The development of technologies and science has increased engine power.

3. Ecology - The car should not pollute the environment.

4. Security - The modern car must be safe to protect the driver and passenger in cases of accident.

5. Good car flowing - In order to increase the economy and engine power, designers are constantly working on a decrease in the CX coefficient.

6. Reduced car size - Since the cars every year becomes more and more, and the road space does not increase, then, for example, in Europe, small-sized cars are very popular.

But still one of the main trends of environmental friendliness.

2.3. Research

Putting, in front of him such a serious question and having studied the appropriate literature, I spentexperience.

Conduct experience.

He placed a sheet of white paper to the street near the motorway, and then compared with a clean sheet.

Results and conclusions

It can be seen, the particles of pollutants remain on the sheet: dust, soot, tire dust, fine sand, which means that truly car transport pollutes the atmospheric air.

I made a questionnaire on the topic"A car in a person's life"and he suggested answering them by my classmates and their parents-owners. (See Appendix 1)

Purpose of work: Find out the opinion of classmates and parents - car owners about the impact of road transport on the environment.

Research method: Questioning of the guys and their parents - car owners.

As a result of the survey, 58 people were surveyed: 30 guys, 28 adults.


  1. What criterion was the main one for you when buying a car?
  2. Do you use public transport?

On the first question.

Results of questionnaire

After analyzing the answers can be concluded according to the table (Appendix No. 2), which when buying a caradults first look at:

The prestige of the brand is 1 person

The needs of the family - 14 people,

The minimum price is 6 people.

In children Answers are a bit different from adults

The prestige of the brand is 10 people,

Efficiency in operation - 7 people,

The need of a family is 11 people,

The minimum price is 2 people.

Answer to my second questioni was upset. I decided to find out if you use public transportadults. (Appendix No. 3)

Yes - 6 people

No - 13 people,

Sometimes - 10 people.


Yes - 26chelek

No - 2 people,

Sometimes - 2 people

The answer to my third question. Do you know that automobile transport - the main source of air pollution in the city?Adults. (Appendix No. 4)

Yes - 22 people,

No - 4 people,

For me, this fact does not matter - 2 people.


Yes - 21 people,

No - 8 people,

For me, this fact does not matter - 1 person.

An important criterion for buying a car is the need of a family. N and the second question, whether you use public transport, almost all car owners do not use, children enjoy. After Acquisition of the car The owners protect their car and try to ride at moderate speed, regularly carry out prevention, keep oil and air filters in good condition. Although almost all the surveyed car owners know that road transport is the main source of air pollution and they have had to be dismissed due to the high level of air basement in the city.

I want to ask the developers of new Russian cars so that they designed environmentally friendly cars.

2.4 The relevance of an environmentally friendly car on the roads of our country.

Relevance The problems chosen by us are that the study of the problem of environmental pollution by road is relevant as the number of vehicles every year increases, then we are worried:

Problem Increasingly pollution of the atmospheric air of our city by exhaust gases, as the number of cars is increasing?

After reading the literature and analyzing, I concluded that the vehicle in the world ranks first on environmental pollution, so the subject of my research is a car.

According to forecasts, currently 1 billion units of cars, which means for every 10-11 people approximately, there is 1 car.

About 40 million cars are produced annually in the world.

purpose of work : Assess the number of harmful substances entering the atmosphere from vehicles in our city.

But, no matter how the car's design improves - layout, engine, speed increase, etc., the environmental problem remains acute. The process leading the car in motion is based on the burning of fuel, impossible without air oxygen. On average, one passenger car every year absorbs about 5 tons of oxygen from the atmosphere, thus thrown out with spent gases more than 1 ta of carbon oxide and other harmful substances. If you multiply the number of cars in the world, then you can imagine a degree of threat. Collecting data on the number of harmful emissions when working in the city of Barabinsk for 2011, 2012, and 2013, I, together with Olga Pavlovna, made a table (Appendix No. 5)

It can be seen from it. Recently, more and more cars are becoming more and more in our city. All together they spoil the air very much. And instead of breathing fresh air, I breathe machine exhaust gases. You need to do something!

2.5 Design proposals for creating an environmentally friendly car

I decided that when I was growing up, I will become the designer of the most environmentally friendly machine. In the meantime, I would like to offer several options for an eco-friendly fuel for a new car:

First, createcar that will beride on liquid hydrogenAnd it will be stored in the back of the car. Such machines are very quiet and economical, and instead of a dirty exhaust, they produce water.

Secondly, cars canride on plants. In Brazil, invented a source of fuel obtained directly from plants. One "gasoline tree" can produce up to 4 liters of fuel, but it is necessary to grow huge plantations of plants.

Third, on the sunlight, they willrecycle solar energy In electricity for their engines. Such a solar car, the future, it can be similar to the car with a solar panel on the roof. While I decided to construct it from paper, it does not differ from the usual design.

In the future, the driver will have a large number of electronic assistants. In general, almost mechanical parts will remain in the car - everything will replace the electronics. She will follow the car and for the driver, as well as behind the road situation. In the future, electronics will have more rights in management than that of the driver, and maybe in the distant future, it will replace a person at all. Then a person just has to set the route, and the car himself will take it to the destination.

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