Home Chassis Rosneft motor oils - synthetics or semi-synthetic? Rosneft motor oils: Review of the best motor oil Rosneft maximum 5W40

Rosneft motor oils - synthetics or semi-synthetic? Rosneft motor oils: Review of the best motor oil Rosneft maximum 5W40

High level affordable Price

Domestic, affordable engine oil, in quality is not inferior to the best European brands - so characterize Rosneft Maximum 5W40 reviews of motorists. About what qualities is this lubricant for which machines it is suitable, what is his advantages and disadvantages, as well as drivers' reviews - in this article.

Product description

This lubricant is the semi-synthetic of the all-season viscosity class. Its excellent performance characteristics are provided at the expense of a high-quality oil base and a package of modern additives.

The product creates durable oil films inside the motor, which remains stable throughout the replacement interval. It greatly reduces friction, providing uniformly lubrication of all moving parts, due to which their degree of wear is reduced, the service life is extended.

Oil resistant to oxidative processes, as well as perfectly removes traces of carbon black and other sediments inside the motor. Thanks to this, the ability of the product to prevent the formation of sludge, the engine always remains clean, which is positively affected by its performance.

In addition to the mainstream relationship to the main assembly sites, this lubricant can also boast also compatibility with any materials from which the seals are made. Result - the glands remains longer and efficiently, the risk of leakage is significantly reduced.

It is also worth noting that this product was developed in Russia and precisely for the Russian conditions and CIS countries. All requirements are taken into account regarding climatic and road conditions. Thanks to this, the oil is optimal for our roads and off-road, for country trips, urban start-stop mode, for harsh snowy winters and hot summer.

Application area

Motor oil Rosneft maximum 5w40 semi-synthetic suitable for use in foreign and domestic passenger vehicles, minibuses, easy commercial machineryoperating on gasoline and diesel fuel. Compatible S. various types Modern engines.

Suitable for different conditions operation and different driving styles. It can be used both in the city and for country trips.


IndicatorVerification method (ASTM)Meaning / Unit
1 Vissedity characteristics
- Kinematic viscosity at 100 ° CGOST 33.13.8mm² / S.
- CCS dynamic viscosity at - 30 ° СASTM D5293.6600 MPa * with
- Viscosity indexGOST 25371.167
- Alkaline numberGOST 11362.8 mg Kon / g
- Sulfate ash contentGOST 12417.1.2% of the mass.
- Evaporability by Noak,%GOST 32330.13 %
- Density at 20 ° CGOST 3900.859 kg / m³
2 Temperature characteristics
- Flash temperature in open crucibleGOST 4333.234 ° C.
- Frozen temperature, ° СGOST 20287.-37 ° C.

Approval, tolerances and compliance

  • SL / CF.

Approval / University:

  • OJSC AvtoVAZ;
  • AAI B5 hundred 003.

Release form and articles

  1. 4290 Rosneft Maximum 5W-40 1l
  2. 4291 Rosneft Maximum 5W-40 4l
  3. 4293 Rosneft Maximum 5W-40 216,5l

Skip viscosity oils

How 5W40 is decrypted

The class of viscosity allows you to use this engine oil all year round in almost any climatic belts. It is well withstanding strong frosts, providing a light launch and a quick distribution of the lubricant, and severe heat - without changing viscosity and not oxidizing.

This is how the labeling class of 5W40 is decrypted. The letter W is marked with lubricants suitable for use both in winter and in summer. The figure 5 is an index of minus temperatures, to which the oil remains stable. If you take it from forty, then in our case it will be minus 35 degrees Celsius. Well, the number 40 means suitability and stability to plus 40 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive reviews of motorists confirm the high quality of Rosneft Maximum 5W40 motor oil. Here is what advantages he has:

  • excellent performance;
  • the stability of the oil film throughout the term of use;
  • good detergents and preventing the formation of harmful deposits;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures and oxidation;
  • a significant reduction in friction, a high degree of protection of the details of the wear of wear;
  • excellent compatibility with all types of salinists, which significantly reduces the risk of leaks;
  • optimization was powered in the context of Russian realities - climatic, road and urban.

Rosneft products, one of the world's largest producers of hydrocarbon deposits, is quite widely represented by the products of processing produced raw materials. An important value in the assortment of Rosneft goods belongs to auto chemicals, in particular - engine oils.

Production lubricants - one of the main directions of Rosneft

For this direction in the company's activities, the subsidiary is represented by the subsidiary - LLC RN-lubricants. Possessing a fairly powerful scientific and technical base and team of world-class professionals, the company develops and produces the highest quality that meets strict international standards and specifications. Motor oils under the Rosneft brand are exported to more than three dozen countries, which indicates their high consumer characteristics. Rosneft 5W40 oil occupies a worthy place in the company's lubricant line, featuring adaptation to work in climatic conditions, characteristic of most of our country.

Product description

When developing motor oils with a viscosity indicator, 5W40 in Rosneft decided to differentiate products intended for gasoline and diesel power units. As a result, a ruler appeared on the car chemical market, consisting of two directions: lubricants of the Premium series produced on the basis of a synthetic base, and the liquids of the MAXIMUM series, which are semi-synthetic products.

Rosneft 5W40 oil (synthetics) contains a package of additives specially designed for operation in russian conditions. According to the API specification, this oil is assigned class SM. This is the all-season lubricant, which can be poured into engines running on gasoline and diesel fuel and use on passenger cars, minibuses, commercial small transport.

Developing a package of additives, the company's specialists managed to achieve a compromise decision on the content of sulfur. This substance, possessing excellent anti-promotional characteristics, simultaneously has a destructive effect on catalysts that are part of the exhaust gas production systems. last generation.

The lubrication tickness indicator is 8.3, which guarantees excellent detergent properties of the product.

Many owners of old cars prefer not to use synthetic oils, being confident in their high yield and ability to flow through the glands. Butter Rosneft Premium. In this regard, it is completely safe - it was checked for complete compatibility with the entire spectrum of materials used for the manufacture of gaskets and glands. This allows the use of PREMIUM 5W40 Rosneft, including on passenger cars equipped with old power units.

5W40 oil series series is all-season lubricants

Maximum 5W40 Maslims Series is universal all-season lubricants, developed on the basis of a semi-synthetic base and include a balanced recent generation from well-known global manufacturers.

Advantages of semi-synthetic oil Maximum 5W40 from Rosneft:

  • effective and reliable protection of the power unit, regardless of the operating conditions of the vehicle;
  • the ability to provide a qualitative protector effect on deposits that are products of high-temperature combustion processes of the fuel mixture;
  • provides easy launch of the motor and fast transportation of lubricant in all points of the engine in need of this, even with extremely low temperatures and after long standstream of the power unit;
  • has excellent antioxidant properties;
  • able to maintain the optimal level of pressure in the lubrication system in a wide range of temperature modes characteristic of modern engines;
  • characterizing the low rate of evaporation, ensures the efficiency of oil operation.

Rosneft Maximum 5W40 Lubrication can be used for filling in gasoline power units (atmospheric and forced), as well as in foreign and domestic production Subject to the compliance of the characteristics of the oil, recommendations provided in the manual for the operation of a particular vehicle.


Motor synthetic oil Rosneft Premium 5W40 has the following characteristics:

  • according to the API specification, the product is assigned class SM / CF;
  • in accordance with the specification Acea Oil Rosneft Premium 5W40 is assigned class A3 / B4;
  • kinematic viscosity (at a temperature of 100 ° C) - 14.11 mm 2 / s;
  • dynamic viscosity (at a temperature of 30 ° C) - 5805 MPa * C;
  • cloth - 8.35 mg Kon / g;
  • viscosity index - 175;
  • sulfate ash content - 1.10%;
  • frozen temperature - -33 ° C;
  • flash temperature - 220 ° C;
  • density (at a temperature of 20 ° C) - 853 kg / m 3;
  • evaporability (according to the NAK specification) - 11.60%.

The oil has the following tolerances:

  • for all ;
  • on cars Renault (RN 0700/0710);
  • AAI B6STO 003;
  • bMW LL01 tolerance;
  • porsche A40 tolerance;
  • MB50;
  • Volkswagen 502 00/505/00.

In general, this engine lubricant can be attributed to products approved by many automakers. Without possessing outstanding characteristics, Synthetic oil Rosneft Maximum 5W40 - excellent option For most models of modern vehicles belonging to the initial and average price segment.

Characteristics and features of oil Rosneft Maximum 5W40:

  • according to the API specification, the semi-synthetic oil is assigned the SL / CF class;
  • kinematic viscosity (at a temperature of 100 ° C) - 13.80 mm 2 / s;
  • dynamic viscosity (at a temperature of 30 ° C) - 6605 MPa * C;
  • cloth - 8.00 mg Kon / g;
  • viscosity index - 1675;
  • sulphate ash content - 1.20%;
  • frozen temperature - -37 ° C;
  • flash temperature - 235 ° C;
  • density (at a temperature of 20 ° C) - 858 kg / m 3;
  • evaporability (according to the NAK specification) - 13.00%.

The Maximum 5W40 semi-synthetic agent has access to AvtoVAZ and the Russian Association of automotive engineers B5STO 003 is a domestic standard that allows the use of engine oil on cars produced after 1996.

What cars will suit

Rosneft Premium 5W40 - Universal All-season motor lubricant, the main target consumers of which are almost all domestic cars, as well as foreign cars of primary and medium price levels. Product can not be poured into vehiclesEquipped summer filter. A good option for petrol carssince 2004, as well as for diesel carsMade after 1990. Suitable as forced (turbocked) and atmospheric power units.

Semi-synthetic motor liquid Rosneft Maximum 5W40 - optimal option For the entire "classic" line of AvtoVAZ models, for Muscovites of all generations, Volga and SUVs UAZ, including patriots. You can pour this oil and in engines with respect to the "elderly" foreign cars.

When choosing suitable oil You can use the services of online services for the selection of engine oils for specific model Auto.

Advantages and disadvantages of oil Rosneft 5W40

The list of advantages of motor lubricants under the Rosneft brand is due to their technical characteristics shown above. The undoubted advantage of this domestic oil can be called the disadvantage of production of falsification due to the sufficiently low value of the original products.

Currently, auto chemicals from Rosneft can not be available without any problems not only in retail outlets specializing in sales of auto chemicals, but also on any petrol stationowned by the company. For this reason, the car owners willingly acquire these oils without fear for their quality, being convinced that the lubricant from Rosneft fully complies with the declared technical characteristics. And this is a sufficiently significant factor in the light of the current situation in the motor market lubricating fluids, literally flooded counterfeit products.

The main disadvantage of this line of motor oil is its orientation on the engines of domestic production. On modern foreign cars properties motor lubricant Rosneft 5W40 is not so good as products of famous foreign brands. An exception can be called foreign cars with a decent age for which the Russian product will be a good choice.

If we talk about the competitive capabilities of synthetic and semi-synthetic oils Rosneft 5W40, then they are in the same segment as the products of the Korean company ZIC, as well as the domestic brand LUKOIL. This applies to both technical and performance characteristicsand price level.

Leading price increases for motor liquids Imported production only enhances the already steady demand for products under the Rosneft brand. Extensive networked network filling stations Allows you to purchase high-quality oil without fears to run into the fake practically throughout the country. In terms of quality, this product takes a worthy place in the budget lubricant market.

The State Corporation Rosneft is considered an impressive player on the world arena, from the line of engine oil produced by it, two products have fallen into the review - Premium and Maximum, these oil Rosneft 5W40, their feedback and characteristics, as well as chemical and physical properties will be described in detail in the material.

The manufacturer of motor oils LLC RN-lubricants exports products to more than 30 states, and the total number of tolerances for the products of this enterprise exceeds 200. Now the company is developing dynamically, and is widely known in the international arena.

Synthetic oil ROSNEFT PREMIUM 5W-40

  • API: SM / CF;
  • ACEA A3 / B4.
  • OJSC AvtoVAZ;
  • AAI B6 hundred 003;
  • RENAULT RN 0700/0710;
  • BMW LL 01;
  • MB 229.5;
  • Porsche A40;
  • VW 502 00/505 00

Certification can be said that this is a good engine oil, which is approved by a large number of automakers. It cannot be attributed to the latest generation products, but most modern inexpensive cars It will fit well.

Typical properties:

  • Kinematic viscosity at 100 ° C 14.12 mm2 / s;
  • CCS dynamic viscosity at - 30 ° C 5800 MPa * C;
  • Viscosity index 176;
  • An alkaline number of 8.30 mg of con / g;
  • Solness sulfate 1.1% mass.;
  • Flash temperature in open crucible 220 ° C;
  • Frozen temperature -33 ° C;
  • Evapoability in NAK 11.6%;
  • Density at 20 ° C, 852 kg / m3.

Rosneft Premium 5W-40: review experts

By chemical composition, motor oil is quite standard:

  • Phosphorus (P) - 989 mg / kg;
  • Zinc (Zn) - 1097mg / kg;
  • Calcium (CA) - 2701mg / kg;
  • Bor (B) - 79 mg / kg.

The presence of boron nitride in engine oil allows you to attribute this product to modern engine oils, it increases the resistance to wear and is a relaxed dispersant.

By physical indicators Data received by experts is comparable to official, from the manufacturer. But the differences in the freezing temperature seemed interesting. According to official data, the temperature of frozen -33 ° C. According to the independent examination of -44 ° C, which makes this oil hardly by the leader in cold resistance. Why official data is an important indicator It turned out to be underestimated by more than 10 degrees - a mystery.

Outcome Expertise and expert review about Synthetic Oil Rosneft 5W40: Good Engine Oil from domestic producerWith a relatively small ashivity for oil of this level and good indicators for pouring. Product, without any raisin, but also without major failures.

What cars do the oil of Rosneft PREMIUM 5W-40?

Budget foreign cars and representatives of the domestic auto industry - here the target audience This product. Contraindicated in cars with soot filtration. Suitable cars on gasoline, released after 2004, and diesel engines that came to light no earlier than in 1990, atmospheric and turbines.

Rosneft Oil 5W40 Synthetic Reviews

Base rosneft Synthetic Reviews 5W40 Large, and can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe quality of oil, no worse than TUJ examination.

Premium 5W40 recommend 87% of its users - it is very good result. Rosneft Premium 5W40 Reviews Positive Gets for the budget price level (often this engine oil is twice as cheaper than overseas analogs), a good launch of a motor in a strong frost, no fakes (subject to purchase on Rosneft gas station). In negative reviews about the Synthetic Rosneft 5 W40 mentioned high flow At the avgar, and loss of properties to 8000 km. The last strongly depends on the type of engine and travel manners, but the oil is really not designed to work with forced, highly loaded auto motories, and quickly loses its properties in them.

Semi-synthetic Rosneft Maximum 5W-40: reviews and tolerances

  • API SL / CF.
  • OJSC AvtoVAZ;
  • AAI B5 hundred 003.

The last certification that can be rarely found on engine oil is the domestic standard of the Association of automotive engineers, the engine oil is suitable for cars released after 1996.

Typical properties:

  • Kinematic viscosity at 100 ° C, 13.8 mm2 / s;
  • CCS dynamic viscosity at - 30 ° C, 6600 MPa * C;
  • Viscosity Index 1674.
  • Alkaline number 8 mg of con / g;
  • Ash content sulfate 1.2% of the mass;
  • Flash temperature in the open crucible 234 ° C;
  • Frozen temperature -37 ° C;
  • Evaporability in NAK 13%;
  • Density at 20 ° C, 859 kg / m3

For which auto is appropriate to apply semi-system Rosneft Maximum 5W-40?

This engine oil is perfect for the entire "classics" of AvtoVAZ, Volga, Muscovites and Oyas, up to the Patriot, as well as elderly foreign cars. So as not to torment doubts about right choice - Take advantage of the function of the online oil selection under the car model.

The correct choice of engine oil is not only the key to a large engine resource, but also by 3-5% increases the power and pickup engine, and also reduces fuel consumption. Therefore, often drivers ask themselves questions, which is better:

  • synthetics or semi-synthetic;
  • 5W40 or 10W40;
  • Rosneft or any imported oil?

In this article, we will respond to the first two questions, and the third detail disassembled in the article - Rosneft motor oils - comparison with other oils. There we have proven that russian oil Under the brand "Rosneft" is not inferior to many foreign oils of the same class, and all the stories about poor-quality oils of Rosneft are generated incorrect use These products.

How oil kills engine

Most of the car owners know that the oil lubricates the details, cools the pistons and performs other important functions, but few understand why good oil Suddenly turns into a motor killer.

After all, from this misunderstanding and grow myths about the low quality of one or another oil. Even the most best oilrecommended by the car manufacturer after rebirth kills it just like the most cheap oilwhich gets, cleaning the old workout.

What is oil? Despite the fact that it is visually perceived by a homogeneous liquid, it is not quite so. Basic oil obtained from oil (mineral), gas (synthetic) and mixtures of both products (semi-synthetic) has mediocre characteristics. In addition, each type basic oil full of various flaws. For instance, mineral oil Well lubricates only at room temperature, and a small heating dramatically reduces the lubrication ability.

The synthetic oil is much resistant when heated or cooling, but its lubrication is much lower. The semi-synthetic is a cross between synthetics and mineral water, so in some extent it is inherent in the drawbacks of both source products.

To turn mediocre lubrication in high-quality oilIt adds various additives that change its properties. Despite the fact that each manufacturer uses its own set of additives, here are those that are included in any oil:

  • detergent;
  • stabilizing;
  • antioxidative;
  • contamilated;
  • antipid;
  • adjustable viscosity at high temperatures.

That is, the oil is a very complex substance from many components. Part of the additives is mixed with the source product, forming a homogeneous solution. Another part makes an oil suspension - a liquid in which small solid fragments float. In ideal conditions, the service life of oil is 10-15 thousand kilometers. From the first kilometer in the oil begins changes affecting how basic baseand additives. First, these changes are invisible, but approximately 2-3 thousand kilometers part of the additive stops acting. This is due to:

On new engines, where the breakthrough of crankcase gases is minimal, these processes occur closer to 5 thousand kilometers. When the oil deprives parts of the additives (they fall into the sediment or simply lose their properties), its characteristics are changing and the oil ceases to match the motor and operation mode.

After that, the oil degradation process begins to accelerate and 10 thousand kilometers it loses half of its characteristics. What does it say about? It is possible to ride for some time on such oil, but carefully and slowly, without sharp accelerations and high loads. To 15 thousand kilometers, the substance that is in the engine is not much different from the initial mineral or synthetic oil, that is, is very mediocre lubricant.

To change such a development of events has not yet been able to any manufacturer of motors or oils. But we described the processes that occur in ideal conditions, in reality, everything is much worse. After 10 thousand kilometers of the mileage, the most expensive premium oil is no different from the cheapest, that is, no qualitative engine lubrication can be speech. It is like that of the domestic fuel, broken roads and the inability of most drivers to ride. After all, the right ride is not only safety on the road, but also the optimal mode of operation of all car units.

Therefore, on russian roads Those who really take care of the motor, change the oil every 5 thousand kilometers, if you have to ride in difficult conditions, then every 3-4 thousand. With this approach, the engine is equally protected equally and lubricated both branded and most domestic oils, including Rosneft.

Selection of oil by engine

To choose the right oil, you need to understand - under what conditions the motor works. New engine It has minimal gaps between driving parts and minimum breakthrough of crankcase gases. Therefore, it requires the maximum fluid, which formulated at high temperatures, is thin, but effectively lubricating film. As the engine wear is wear out, the gap between the logging parts is becoming more and more, the underworned fuel and exhaust gases are all stronger through the piston rings, turning into crankcase gases. Therefore for worn engines It takes a more dense or less fluid oil, otherwise it will not be able to form a film on rubbing surfaces due to a large gap.

Therefore, the viscosity directly depends on the engine state, this refers to any type of oil. In addition, the engines that put on the cars in the mid-80s need less viscous oil than those put in the 21st century. The above accuracy of manufacturing rubbing parts, less gaps, and therefore, less viscous oil. Therefore, the oil is selected:

  1. First determine the viscosity of SAE - 30 or 40 . Viscosity 30 is well suited for new or capital repaired engines in which all gaps are minimal and not broken. In addition, the viscosity 30 is good only for machines that are exploited in calm conditions, without sharp accelerations and heavy loads. The viscosity 40 for those motors where compression is below the rate of 1.5-2 atmosphere. If the compression is lower than 2 atmospheres, it does not matter which oil to fill, the engine will still not work normally. Also, the viscosity 40 is more suitable for motors working in severe conditions - mountainous areas or frequent sharp accelerations and braking.
  2. Then determineaPI viscosity, given the year of the car. It is undesirable to pour into the engine an oil that does not correspond to this parameter, because it will be too thick and will not be able to flow to rubbing items in sufficient quantities or too liquid. Liquid oil flows from rubbing parts, leaving a thin layer that does not provide reliable protection.
  3. The oil is selected byair temperature summer oil In winter, it will be too thick, because of what every attempt to start the engine will turn into torture for the driver and the motor. The driver will be angry, because the car starts not immediately, and the driving parts of the engine will spin "on dry", because too dense oil It will not create a film of the desired thickness on them.
  4. Only after that choose betweensemi-synthetic and synthetics . There is a simple rule - if the motor works in comfortable modes, then there is no difference between oil species. Such a motor works equally well on synthetics or mineral. The worse the engine mode, the stronger there should be a skew toward the synthetic oil, up to a complete refusal of the mineral base. That is, completely synthetic oil. In addition, the numbers before the viscosity indicator indicate the cold resistance index. That is, oil with 5W index will provide normal launch At temperatures up to minus 30 degrees, and with an index 10w at a temperature of minus 25 degrees.
  5. Lastly, choose oil manufacturer. We have already proven that Rosneft motor oils are no longer inferior to their analogues on SAE and API from other manufacturers. It is clear that it is impossible to compare Mineral Oil Rosneft 5W40 with synthetic oil Shell Helix. 5W30, even if they, by some miracle, turned out to be one class by SAE. Moreover, it is impossible to compare oils with different SAE class, because they are made for various motors and operating conditions. But within the same class by SAE and API Oil Rosneft is not inferior to foreign counterparts.

Rosneft oil - what is better: synthetics or semi-synthetic

Often in the stores car owners ask a question that is better, 5W40 synthetic or 10w 40 semi-synthetic from Rosneft? In fact, this is the root of the wrong question, because both oils are good, but for their situations. After all, such a semi-synthetic is good engines operating in medium and heavy modes, for example:

  • taxi;
  • ambulance cars;
  • courier cars.

This oil is well suited for those who sometimes have to squeeze out of the motor. Everything possible, spinning to maximum revolutions or driving through a complex highy relief, but mostly operating the car in a calm mode. If the driver prefers a very fast and aggressive ride, the synthetic is preferable for it. Especially if it goes in the same way and in the mountainous area.

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