Home Torkemose Motor oil 5W30 synthetic characteristics. Fluids: Motor oil, all you need to know. The main characteristics of oils, motor and gearboxes

Motor oil 5W30 synthetic characteristics. Fluids: Motor oil, all you need to know. The main characteristics of oils, motor and gearboxes

Each car owner should be able to decipher the marking of the engine oil, applied to the product packaging, because the pledge of durable and stable work The engine is the use of a qualitative one to meet all the requirements of the manufacturer. Such major requirements are made by them due to the fact that the oils have to work in a wide temperature range and under high pressure.

From this article you will find out:

Motor oil marking contains all the necessary information for right choicejust need to be able to decipher

To streamline and simplify the oil selection procedure for a particular type of engine according to the required characteristics and tasks assigned to it, a number of international standards have been developed. World oil manufacturers use such generally accepted classifications:

  • ACEA;
  • ILSAC;
  • GOST.

Each of the types of labeling oils has its own history and market share, deciphering the value of which, allows you to navigate in the choice of the required lubricating fluid. In the main one, we use three types of classification - this API and ACEA, and also, naturally, GOST.

Mix 2 main class of engine oils, depending on the type of engine: gasoline or diesel, although there is also universal oil. The destination data is always indicated on the label. Any engine oil consists of a basic composition (), which is its basis, and certain additives. The base of the lubricating fluid is oil fractions that are obtained by refining oil or artificially. Therefore, the chemical composition is divided into:

  • mineral;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • synthetic.

On the canister, along with another labeling, always indicate and Him. structure.

What can be on the label canister with butter:
  1. Viscosity class SAE.
  2. Specifications API. and Acea..
  3. Tolerances automakers.
  4. Barcode.
  5. Part number and production date.
  6. Pseudo-archling (is not generally accepted standard labeling, but applied as marketing stroke, for example, FULLY SYNTETIC, HC, with the addition of smart molecules, etc.).
  7. Special categories of motor oils.

To help buy exactly what will be suitable for the engine of your car is best, we will decipher the most important marking of engine oil.

Marking of motor oils by SAE

The most important characteristic that is indicated in the label on the canister - the SAE classification viscosity coefficient is an international standard that regulates with positive and minus temperatures (boundary value).

In accordance with the SAE standard, the oil is designated in XW-Y format, where X and Y are some numbers. First number - This is the conditional designation of the minimum temperature at which the oil normally pumps through the channels, and the engine is scrolled without difficulty. Letter W means the English word Winter - Winter.

Second number Conditionally means the minimum and maximum value of the boundary of the high-temperature viscosity of the oil when it is heated to the operating temperature (+ 100 ... + 150 ° C). The value of the number above, the more thick when heated, and vice versa.

Therefore, oils are necessarily divided into three types depending on the value of viscosity:

  • winter oils They are more flowable and ensure trouble-free engine launch during the cold season. In the designation of the SAE indicator of such an oil, the letter "w" will be present (for example, 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, etc.). To understand the boundary value you need to take away the number 35. In hot time, such oil is not able to provide lubricating film and maintain the necessary pressure in the oil system due to the fact that at high temperature its fluidity is excessive;
  • summer oils Used when the average daily temperature is not lower than 0 ° C, since its kinematic viscosity It is high enough so that in hot water turns does not exceed the desired value for good lubrication of the engine parts. At minus temperatures, the start of the engine with such a high viscosity is impossible. The summer brands of oils are denoted by a numerical value without letters (for example: 20, 30, 40, and further; the greater the number, the higher the viscosity). The population thickness is measured in centistoxes at 100 degrees (for example, a value of 20 speaks of a boundary thickness of 8-9 centistox at a motor temperature of 100 ° C);
  • all-season oils Most popular because they are capable of working both for minus and positive temperatures, the boundary value of which is specified in the decoding of the SAE indicator. Such oil has a double designation (example: SAE 15W-40).

When choosing an oil viscosity (from your car allowed to use in the engine), you need to be guided by such a rule: the more mileage / older motor - the greater there should be a high-temperature oil viscosity.

The viscous characteristics are the very first and important element of the classification and marking of motor oils, but not the only one - choose oil purely by viscosity is not correct. Always it is necessary to choose the correct attitude of the properties. Oils and conditions for its operation.

Each oil besides viscosity has a different set of operational properties (detergents, antioxidant properties, anti-wear, tendency to the emergence of various deposits, corrosion activity and others). They allow you to determine the possible area of \u200b\u200btheir application.

In the API classification, the main indicators are: engine type, motor operation, operational properties of oil, conditions of application and year of release. The standard provides for the separation of oils into two categories:

  • Category "S" - shows intended for gasoline engines;
  • Category "C" - indicates the purpose for diesel vehicles.

How to decipher API marking?

As already found out, the designation API can begin with the letter S or C, which will talk about the type of engine in which you can pour, and another letter of the oil class designation showing the level of operational properties.

According to this classification, the labeling of the engine oil marking is carried out as follows:

  • abbreviation EC.which is immediately after API, denote energy-saving oils;
  • roman numerals After this abbreviation speak about the level of fuel economy;
  • letter S. (Service) means applications oils for gasoline engines;
  • letter C. (Commercial) are designated;
  • after one of these letters follows the level of operational properties indicated by letters from A (most low level) to N. and further (the higher the alphabetic order of the second letter in the designation, the higher the class of oil);
  • universal oil has the letters of both categories via oblique line (for example: API SL / CF);
  • the labeling API for diesel is divided into two-stroke (digit 2 at the end) and 4-stroke (digit 4).

Those motor oil, who passed the test API / SAE and comply with the requirements of the current quality categories, denote on labels round graphic sign. At the top there is an inscription - "API" (API Service), in the middle of the SAE viscosity, as well as the possible degree of energy saving.

When using oil through "its" specification, the wear and risk of the engine breakdown decreases, the "avgar" of oil, fuel consumption decreases, the noise is reduced, the driving characteristics of the engine (especially at low temperatures) are improved, and the service life of the catalyst and the exhaust cleaning system increases.

Classifications ACEA, GOST, ILSAC and how to decrypt designation

ACEA classification was developed by the Association of European Automobiles. It contains operational properties, destination and category of engine oil. ACEA classes are also divided into diesel and gasoline.

The last edition of the standard provides for the separation of oils into categories and 12 classes:

  • A / B.gasoline and diesel engines passenger cars, vans, minibuses (A1 / B1-12, A3 / B3-12, A3 / B4-12, A5 / B5-12);
  • C.gasoline and diesel engines with catalyst exhaust gases (C1-12, C2-12, C3-12, C4-12);
  • E.diesel engines trucks cars (E4-12, E6-12, E7-12, E9-12).

In the designation of ACEA, in addition to the engine oil class, the year of its introduction is indicated, as well as the publication number (when updates were technical requirements). Domestic oils also undergo certification according to GOST.

Classification of motor oils according to GOST

According to GOST 17479.1-85, motor oils are divided into:

  • kinematic viscosity classes;
  • groups on operational properties.

By kinematic viscosity Oils are divided into such classes:

  • summer - 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24;
  • winter - 3, 4, 5, 6;
  • all-season - 3/8, 4/6, 4/8, 4/10, 5/10, 5/12, 5/14, 6/10, 6/14, 6/16 (first digit indicates a winter class, the second on summer).

In all listed classes, the more numerical value, the greater the viscosity.

In terms of application All engine oils are divided into 6 groups - indicated by the letter "A" to "E".

The index "1" is denoted by oils intended for gasoline engines, index "2" - for diesel, and oils without an index indicate its versatility.

Classification of motor oils by ILSAC

ILSAC - Japan invention of Japan and America, the International Committee for Standardization and Testing of Motor Oils issued five standards of engine oils: ILSAC GF-1, ILSAC GF-2, ILSAC GF-3, ILSAC GF-4 and ILSAC GF-5. They are completely similar to the class on the API, the difference is only that the oils appropriate classifications on ILSAC are energy-saving and all-season. This classification is best suited for Japanese cars.

Compliance with Categories of ILSAC relative to the API:
  • GF-1. (outdated) - Oil quality requirements similar categories API sh; According to the viscosity of SAE 0W-XX, 5W-XX, 10W-XX, where XX-30, 40, 50,60.
  • GF-2 - Maintains the requirement by quality oil API. SJ., and the viscosity of SAE 0W-20, 5W-20.
  • GF-3. - is an analog category API SL and enacted since 2001.
  • Ilsac GF-4 and GF-5 - respectively sM and SN analogs.

In addition, within the framework of the standard ISLAC for Japanese cars with turbocharged diesel engines, separately used jaso DX-1 class. This marking car oils Provides engines modern cars With high ecology parameters and built-in turbines.

IN aPI classifications And Acea formulated the minimum basic requirements that are agreed between oil producers and additives and manufacturers of cars. Since the designs of engines of different brands differ among themselves, the conditions of oil work in them are not entirely the same. Some main engine manufacturers have developed their own classification system. motor oils so-called tolerancesthat complements the system aCEA classification , with its own test engines and tests in the field. Engine manufacturers such as: VW, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Renault, BMW, GM, Porsche and Fiat, preferably enjoy their own approval when choosing an oil for fill in the engine. The operating instructions are necessarily present specification, and their numbers are applied to the oil package, next to the designation of its class of operational properties.

Consider and decipher the most popular and frequent tolerances present in the designations on cannors with engine oils.

Tolerances Concern VAG for passenger cars

VW 500.00 - energy-saving engine oil (SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 5W-40, 10W-40, etc.), VW 501.01 - All-season, intended for use in ordinary gasoline engines, produced up to 2000, and VW 502.00 - for turbocharged.

Tolerance VW 503.00 provides that this oil For gasoline engines with a viscosity of SAE 0W-30 and with an enthusiastic replacement interval (up to 30 thousand km), and if exhaust system With a three-component neutralizer, then the engine is poured into the engine with the VW 504.00 tolerance.

For Volkswagen cars, Audi and Skoda with diesel engines, a group of oils with tolerances are provided. VW 505.00 for TDI motorsproduced until 2000; VW 505.01 Recommended for PDE engines with pump-nozzle.

Energy Saving Engine Oil Viscosity Class 0W-30 with tolerance VW 506.00 It has an increased replacement interval (for V6 TDI motors up to 30 thousand km, 4-cylinder TDI to 50 thousand). Recommended for use for diesel engines new generation (after 2002 release). For turbocharged motors and pump-nozzle PD-TDI, it is recommended to pour oil with tolerance VW 506.01 Having the same extended replacement interval.

Mercedes passenger car tolerances

Mercedes-Benz autoconecern also has its tolerances. For example, engine oil with designation MB 229.1. It is intended for diesel and gasoline engines Mercedes issued since 1997. Tolerance MB 229.31 Entered into actions later and corresponds to the SAE 0W-, SAE 5W specifications with additional requirements that limit the sulfur and phosphorus content. MB 229.5. - It is energy-saving oil with extended service life, both for diesel and gasoline engines.

Motor oil tolerances BMW

BMW Longlife-98 Such a tolerance has a car intended for filling into the engine of machines manufactured since 1998. The enlarged service interval of the replacement is provided. Complies with the basic requirements of ACEA A3 / B3. For engines released at the end of 2001, it is recommended to use oil with admission BMW Longlife-01. Specification BMW Longlife-01 Fe It provides for the use of a car during operation in difficult conditions. BMW Longlife-04 allowed to use in modern motors BMW.

Motor Oil Tolerances for Renault

Tolerance RENAULT RN0700. It was introduced in 2007 and complies with the basic requirements: ACEA A3 / B4 or ACEA A5 / B5. RENAULT RN0710. performs requirements for ACEA A3 / B4, and RENAULT RN 0720. ACEA C3 plus additional Renault. Tolerance RN0720. Designed for use in diesel engines last generation from summary filters.

Ford tolerance

Motor oil SAE 5W-30 having tolerance Ford WSS-M2C913-A, It is intended for primary and service replacement. This oil meets the classification by ILSAC GF-2, ACEA A1-98 and B1-98 and additional requirements of Ford.

Oil with admission Ford M2C913-B It is intended for primary fill or service replacement in gasoline and diesel engines. It also meets all the requirements of ILSAC GF-2 and GF-3, ACEA A1-98 and B1-98.

Tolerance Ford WSS-M2C913-D was introduced in 2012, butters with such admission are recommended for all diesel engines Ford. with the exception of ford models KA TDCI, released until 2009 and engines issued between 2000 and 2006. It provides for the possibility of an increased replacement interval and refueling bio-diesel or high-fuede fuel.

Oil having tolerance Ford WSS-M2C934-A Provides an increase in the replacement interval and is intended for filling in cars with a diesel engine and a diesel filter (DPF). Maslo, corresponding specification Ford WSS-M2C948-B, Based on the ACEA C2 class (for gasoline and diesel engines with a catalyst). This tolerance requires an oil with a viscosity of 5W-20 and low-formation.

When choosing an oil, you need to remember several of the main points - this is the right choice of the required chemical composition (mineral water, synthetics, semi-synthetic), a viscosity classification parameter, and know the necessary requirements for a set of additives (defined in API and ASA classifications). Also on the label should contain information for which brands of cars this product is suitable. It is no less important to pay attention to additional notation Motor oil. For example, labeling Long Life. It indicates that the oil is suitable for machines with an enlarged replacement interval. Also among the features of some formulations, compatibility with engines having turbocharging, intercooler, recycling gas cooling, GDM phases and valve lifting height.

Viscosity is the most important oil property. Its change depending on the temperature determines the boundaries of the temperature range of oil. At low temperatures, the oil should not have a greater viscosity to ensure the cold engine start (starting starter) and pumping the lubrication pump. At high temperatures, the oil should not have a very low viscosity to maintain the necessary pressure in the system and securely create a lubricant film between driving items.

By the magnitude of the viscosity and its change, depending on the oil temperature, is divided into:

Winter - thanks to small viscosity, it provides a cold start at low, but do not provide reliable engine lubrication at high temperatures;

Summer - do not provide a cold start at ambient temperature below 0 ° C, but due to high viscosity, the engine is reliably lubricated at high temperatures;

All-season - at low temperatures have a viscosity of winter, and with high-year-old oils. All-season oils displace summer and winter for two reasons: there is no need to replace them when changing the season and they are more effective as non-combining.

In addition to viscosity performance features Oils are determined by anti-wear detergent, antioxidant and anti-corrosion properties.

Viscous characteristics are thus the first and most important elements Classification of motor oils. Any additives, including modifiers, increase its price, so it is always necessary to choose the correct ratio of oil properties and the conditions of its operation.

The basis for selecting a specific brand is the requirements of the manufacturer of your car to the oils and liquids in the instruction manual. Usually, in addition to formal requirements (specifications) on the products used, there is also a specific brand of oils or references to manufacturers of lubricants. If the car is already far from new and information provided in the instruction manual is not enough (or they are simply outdated), then you must independently choose the engine brand for the engine or transmission.

What is "sae"?

SAE Specification (SAE - SOCIETY OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERS) - Society of automotive engineers) is an international standard that regulates the viscosity of the oils.

This is no case brand of oil producer !!!

It should be remembered that neither the quality characteristics of oils or their use for concrete marks Car and engine types The SAE specification does not say.

Read which requirements for SAE specification to motor oils:

Kinematic viscosity. Characterizes the belonging of seasonal oils to one or another class of viscosity. Determined at 100 ° C and low shear rates (from 20 to 100 s - 1).

Starting properties. Characterize resistance when starting a cold engine and the ability to achieve starting speed. Defined at negative temperatures from -10 to -35 ° C, depending on the class of viscosity and high, about 105С-1, shift speeds. In other words - under conditions characteristic of working in the bearing of the crankshaft during a cold start.

Pummier. It characterizes the rate of oil flow to friction pairs with a cold start and the likelihood of the engine outlet due to the grinding of the liners during the cold start. Determined by negative, from -15 to -40 ° C, temperatures depending on the class of viscosity and low, about 10 C-1, shift speeds. Thus, in the evaluation of this characteristic, the conditions of oil flow in the pallet to the oil purity and in the pump oil procession during the launch of the cold engine are being implemented.

High temperature viscosity. Reflects the effective, real viscosity of the oil during the summer operation of modern high-loaded engines. It characterizes the anti-wear properties of oils, friction losses and an impact on engine efficiency. Determined at 150 ° C and high, about 106 C-1, shift speeds. Thereby simulating the conditions for loading the crankshaft bearings when working with high loads and temperatures.

As you can see, the SAE specification is the characteristics of the oils by viscosity classes. To date, it contains 6 winter classes and 5 year old oil classes. In the designation of the winter classes there is a letter "w" from the word "Winter", which means "winter". The greater the viscosity of the oil for this specification, the higher the number included in the class designation.

For winter viscosity classes include: SAE 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W;
The summer viscosity classes include: SAE 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.

For example, we will analyze what it says, for example, the designation SAE 10W-40 for motor oils. The designation class of the viscosity "10W" gives us information about the winter use of this oil. In other words, the correct choice of this parameter will enlighten how easy it is, and most importantly without negative consequences, you can run the engine in the frost.
The class of viscosity "40" in our example is the so-called "summer" class and indicates how oil is capable of maintaining performance in high-temperature engine zones.

The presence in the designation of two classes at once (as in our example - SAE 10W-40) speaks of the extrance of this oil.

How to choose a viscosity class by SAE?

When choosing a motor-viscosity class, you must follow the instructions of the manufacturer of your car. If it is missing or does not contain similar recommendations (for example, if the car is far from new and recommendations in the instructions or already outdated or simply absent), you must remember that:

a) When choosing the so-called "winter" viscosity class, you must be guided by the values \u200b\u200bof the average winter temperatures in the region where your car is operated.

Following these recommendations you and your car will be insured against problems with the launch in winter time and from negative consequences for the engine (such as elevated wear and "jamming" during and immediately after starting when the engine works in the oil "starvation" mode), which usually occur when the oils of non-compliant viscosity class occur. It must be remembered that each time the engine is launched (not necessarily on a strong frost, and even at the plus temperatures), it takes some time so that the oil pump is pouring the oil on the lubrication system and it entered all the rubbing parts. At this time, the engine will work in the so-called oil "starvation" mode, which we have already mentioned above. It is clear that friction and wear increases sharply. Thus, the more oil is able to maintain fluidity at low temperatures, the faster it will be pumped over the lubrication system and ensures the protection of the engine. The best in this regard are motor oils of class "0W".

c) With regard to the choice of the so-called "summer" class, it should be noted that most European car manufacturers recommend using the SAE-class class oil. This is due to high thermal tension. modern engines internal combustion and the presence of high temperatures, specific pressure and shift rates in different engine zones (piston rings, camshaft, Bearings of the crankshaft, etc.). In these harsh conditions, oil must maintain viscosity sufficient to form an oil film and friction steam cooling. This task becomes especially relevant to prevent increased wear, scaling and "jam" in the heat or during a long stay in the "traffic jam" (in the absence of a blowing and cooling of the engine in the streams of counter air and, as a result, overheating oil in the engine crankcase), and also in the case of engine overheating due to possible faults in the cooling system.

For all-season oils with properties of both winter, so summer varieties of oil, SAE specification provides a double designation, for example, 10W-40, where winter tanning-temperature properties are reflected in the left part of the designation, and the summer is right.

Vissedity-temperature properties - one of of the most important characteristics Motor oil. The temperature range depends on these properties. ambientin which this oil provides engine launch without prior heating, unhindered oil pumping pump over lubricant system, reliable lubrication and cooling engine parts with the largest permissible loads and ambient temperature. Even in moderate climatic conditions, the range of changes in the temperature of the oil from the cold start in winter to the maximum warm-up in the crankshaft bearings or in the piston rings zone is up to 180-190 ° C. Viscosity mineral oils In the temperature range from -30 to +150 ° C varies thousands of times. Summer oilshaving sufficient viscosity at high temperatures provide engine start at ambient temperature around 0 ° C. Winter oils, providing a good start at negative temperatures, have insufficient viscosity at high temperatures. Thus, seasonal oils, regardless of their developments (car run), it is necessary to change twice a year. This complicates and increases the operation of the engines. The problem is solved by creating all-season oils thickened with polymer additives (polymethacrylates, olefins copolymers, polyisobutylene, hydrogenated styrene copolymers with dienes, etc.).

The viscosity and temperature properties of thickened oils are such that at negative temperatures, they are similar to winter, and in the area of \u200b\u200bhigh temperatures - summer (Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.3. Viscosity characteristics on the example of summer (7 - SAE 40), winter (2 - SAE 10W) \u200b\u200band
all-season (3 - SAE 10W-40) Oils:
4 - maximum viscosity when cold start;
5 - the minimum required high temperature viscosity

The viscosity additives are relatively little increased viscosity of the base oil at low temperature, but significantly increase it at high temperature, which is due to the increase in the volume of macropolymer molecules with an increase in temperature and a number of other effects.
Unlike seasonal, thickened all-season oils change the viscosity under the influence of not only temperature, but also shift speeds, and this change is temporary. With a decrease in the speed of relative movement of the lubricated parts, the viscosity will increase, and the increase decreases. This effect is more manifested at low temperature, but it is also preserved at high, which has two positive consequences: a decrease in viscosity at the beginning of a cold engine turning starter facilitates the start, and a slight decrease in the viscosity of oil in the gaps between the friction surfaces of the engine of the heated engine decreases the loss of friction Gives fuel savings.
The characteristics of the viscosity-temperature properties are kinematic viscosity, determined in capillary viscometers, and dynamic viscosity, measured at various gradients of the shift rate in rotary viscometers, as well as the viscosity index - a dimensionless indicator of the edge of the viscosity-temperature dependence (see Fig. 2.3), calculated by

the kinematic viscosity of the oil measured at 40 and 100 "C (GOST 25371-82). In the regulatory documentation for winter oils, kinematic viscosity is normalized at low temperatures. Mineral oil viscosity index without viscous additives is 85-100. It depends on the hydrocarbon composition And the depths of purification of oil fractions. Purification deepening increased the viscosity index, but reduces the output of the rafinad.
Synthetic base components have a viscosity index 120-150, which makes it possible to obtain all-season oils with a very wide temperature range of efficiency.
The low-temperature characteristics of oils include the temperature of the frozen at which the oil does not flow under the action of gravity, i.e. Loses fluidity. It must be 5-7 ° C below the temperature at which oil should provide rolling. In most cases, the frosting of motor oils is due to the formation of paraffin crystals in the volume of cooled oil. The temperature required by the regulatory documentation is achieved by the dewaxing of the base components and / or the administration of depressor additives (polymethacrylates, alkylnaphthalenes, etc.) into the engine oil.

The action of lubricants is aimed at providing normal work The engine with completely hermetic cylinders and in high friction conditions. Competently selected engine oil supports the good functioning of the power unit and increases the operational period of its components.

Types of oils

Lubricants on automotive market Presented in three categories:

  • For gasoline engines.
  • For diesel engines.
  • Universal. Designed for both diesel and gasoline engine.

Oils, depending on the season of application, are divided into three types:

  • Summer.
  • Winter - 5W and 10W.
  • All-season - 0W30 and 5W30.

The efficiency of engine oil depends on physical properties, one of which is viscosity. It provides the ability lubricant Stay on the surface of the details and maintain your turnover. The parameter affects the protection of the engine from premature wear and friction during the operation of the car. If the stated viscosity is not compliance with the manufacturer recommended by the manufacturer's work resource can be reduced.

High temperature viscosity is at least an important parameter, non-compliance with which can lead to the need for early overhaul Due to the operation of the engine on high revolutionsleaving the limits of permissible norms.

When choosing a lubricant, a viscosity indicator is taken into account - it must meet the parameters recommended by the manufacturer. The use of motor oil other than the necessary requirements may cause an engine output and expensive repair.

How to choose engine oil

When selecting lubricant For the car take into account several criteria:

  • Viscosity. It determines the ability to start the engine at negative ambient temperatures. The smaller this parameter, the easier it is to start the motor. Prevention of mechanical and chemical damage, the degree of uniform coating of engine parts with lubricant material also depend on its viscosity.
  • Temperature mode. It depends on it the effectiveness of the selected engine oil during operation during the cold season and the temperature range in which the safe operation of the machine is ensured, regardless of the degree of engine heating.

The US SAE engineering community has adopted the above-mentioned classification of fuel and lubricants. Oils corresponding to this classification are marked with SAE abbreviation.

Motor oils 5W30.

Synthetic lubricants with labeling 5W30 are most in demand. The SAE decoding will be given below. Products of this group complies with the requirements and standards of the vehicle operating in the urban feature and on country tracks.

Features 5W30 oils

For urban vehicle operation of the car is characteristic:

  • Long work Engine on idling.
  • Finding traffic jams.
  • Regular trips for short distances.
  • A large amount of dust in the air.

The listed factors adversely affect the engine's work resource. The key to the long functioning and maintaining a technically good motor status is knowledge of labeling and decoding oil 5W30.

The unique formula of synthetic lubricants is based on the base oil and the package of additives that gives the finished liquid the following characteristics:

  • Engine protection from prematurely wear and friction.
  • Resistance to oxidative processes during operation in conditions of high humidity.

Packages of additives

The additives used are indicated in the product name and affect its decoding. 5W30 engine oils are developed for a specific engine type and provide it with protection due to a set of additives. The substances used and their properties must comply with the quality standards for lubricating fluids.

Properties of engine oils depend on the temperature of the engine heating and the intensity of its operation. According to decoding, the semi-synthetic 5W30 may heat up to 150 degrees.

Oil selection 5W30

Car manufacturer indicates specificationswhich are based on the selection of engine oil. The tolerance of lubricants is issued by type of engine, not brand and models vehicle. For this reason, the selected engine oil must comply with the requirements of the autoconecer.

The selection of 5W30 synthetics by decoding depends on the characteristics of the engine, the age of the car and the features of the operating conditions. For cars over 5-7 years, mineral engine oil is best suited, since its use allows you to reduce the consumption of lubricant material and increase the operating resource of the power unit.

Replacing motor oil

Operating conditions, engine condition and car mileage affect the frequency of replacement of lubricant material. Optimal option - 10 thousand kilometers of run. The replacement period is increased by one and a half - twice when using two types of fuel and is reduced during the operation of the car under difficult conditions. The number of engine oil in the engine is checked every two weeks with special detection.

Standards decryption 5W30 and 5W40

All engine oils of class 5W30 and 5W40 meet the environmental standards and SAE, API and ACEA standards and have tolerances to use BMW, MAN, Volvo, Renault on gasoline and diesel engines. Lubricants pass laboratory tests and control at each stage of production. The characteristics claimed by decoding 5W30 must comply with the requirements specified by the automaker.

Advantages of synthetic 5W30

For synthetic motor oils of the 5W30 series, the following advantages are characteristic:

  • Protection of engine components from chemical and mechanical impact.
  • Create on the surface of parts of the heavy-duty oil film.
  • Have anti-corrosion and antioxidant properties.
  • Engine protection from wear and increased friction.
  • Increase the deadline for the replacement of motor oil.
  • Ability to use in different types of engines.

Synthetic engine oil, according to 5W30 decoding, can be used all year round, while maintaining operational properties and eliminating the need seasonal shift.

5W30 series oil decryption

Marking lubricants Categories 5W30 is carried out according to SAE standards. The 5W30 decryption allows you to determine the temperature of the oil, properties and other nuances of operation:

  • The minimum temperature at which the oil characteristics are stored unchanged, indicated the first labeling digit. In decoding 5W30 digit "5" means that the lubricant can be used at a temperature of not lower than -30 degrees. It may also hide the speed of lubricant in the main channel channels and energy costs.
  • The time of year to which it is desirable to operate the oil is indicated by the letter. Lubricants with index w are designed for winter use.
  • The maximum temperature in which the oil retains its characteristics is marked with the last number: 30 means that the operation of the lubricant is possible at the air temperature of no more than +30 degrees. In the W40 marking, the digit means that the oil can be used in the summer at ambient temperature to +40 degrees.

Synthetic oil for diesel engines

For cars equipped with diesel engines with a double cleaning system exhaust gasesThe 5W30 series motor oil was developed. It is manufactured according to the adopted environmental standards. Can be used in vehicles with particulate filters, catalysts and turbocharging.

The 5W30 motor oils for diesel engines include additives developed by innovative technologies. Their action is aimed at lowering the amount of ejected substances and increasing protective functions. The content of chlorine, phosphate and sulfur ties in synthetic additives is lowered.

The properties of 5W30 motor oils allow them to pour them into diesel engines equipped with turbines and diesel filters:

  • Saving the cleanliness of the engine parts.
  • Ensuring fast oil access to working items.
  • Stabilization of working pressure regardless of the degree of load on the engine.
  • Lowering fuel consumption.
  • Reducing the amount of exhaust gases.

5W30 motor oils for diesel engines provide a long service life of gas neutralizers and retain the characteristics of the motor. Autocontraceans allow the use of this synthetic oilthat allows you to preserve the possibility of preferential passage maintenance During the warranty period.

Modern engine oils of the 5W30 series are significantly reduced fuel consumption and are considered universal lubricants that have tolerance in engines of automobiles of domestic and foreign production. Materials meet adopted standards and regulations. Autocontracens recommend that many engine oils category 5W30, including for diesel power units, are recommended for use. When choosing a lubricant, it is advisable to pay attention to the labeling decoding, which indicates the conditions for its operation.

One of the main indicators characterizing the engine oil is viscosity. Motorists familiarize the situation at which the engine is impossible to start under the cold. The starter scrolls very sluggish crankshaft And the lubricant is stuck in the channels of the power unit. This means, a lubricant is high viscosity, not suitable for operation in the winter season.

In this article, we will look at the main characteristics of the engine oils on the example of such popular oils like 5W40 and 5W30, and at the end we will consider separately than the 5W40 oil differs from 5W30 and which one is better to choose.

For seasonality, engine oils are classified as follows:

  • Summer oil. It has a high viscosity indicator, so effective with positive temperatures, but if the thermometer mark falls below 0 degrees Celsius, the engine will be difficult.
  • Winter oil. Due to its low viscosity, the lubricant contributes to a light launch of the power unit even into severe frosts, but in the summer is not effective, because it creates an oily film that is unstable at the positive temperatures.
  • All-season oil. Universal energy-saving lubricant that you do not need to change depending on the season, because in the summer it takes on high viscosity, and in winter - low, reliably protecting the motor all year round.

Viscosity is the main indicator, on which the qualitative characteristics of oil and its cost depend. One lubricant should be chosen in which the optimal viscosity indicators and additional components that increase the life of the power unit are harmoniously combined.

Car manufacturers provide recommendations on the use of certain types and brands of automotive oils. To find out which lubricant to apply in summer, or in winter, just read the instruction manual for the car. But this rule has an exception. Technologies do not stand still, and therefore changes and brands of oils are changing, therefore the data specified in the instructions for the used car can be outrage. In this case, the lubricant must be chosen independently.

SAE Oil Classification

In the lubricant catalogs and in the recommendations of car manufacturers often appear the Abbreviation SAE. This is not a brand of the manufacturer, but a specification developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE - Society of Automobile Engineers).

The classification does not prescribe, on which cars the specific type of lubricant should be applied, it only sorts oils by the degree of viscosity depending on the temperature:

  • Summer oils: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60;
  • Winter oils: 0w, 5w, 10w, 15w, 20w, 25w;
  • All-season: The name consists of two parts, for example, 5W40.

The letter "W" in the classification indicates the use of lubricant in the winter period (Winter). So what does the designation 5W30 report? The fact that 5w is a viscosity characteristic in winter, and 30 is the temperature indicator optimal for the summer season. The first part of the specification depends on how easy and painlessly for the power unit will be launched during the cold season. The second part indicates at what tallest temperatures the film between the parts of the motor will maintain a stable structure.

Which oil to choose 5w30 or 5w40

The choice of lubricant made according to the SAE specification, largely depends on the temperature of the location where the car is operated. Winter coefficient, for example, 5W, determines the most low temperatureat which the engine will work without failures. For 5W it is -30 degrees Celsius, depending on the "summer" characteristics. Proper selection Lubricants retains force aggregate From the jamming and premature breakdown. Hardened grease makes it difficult to rotate the crankshaft starter. The oil pump is not able to drive a frozen mass on lubricating channels. The fluidity of lubricants should be sufficient so that it does not turn into "jelly". An ideal viscosity indicator for the winter period is 0W oil.

In the selection of the summer indicator there are subtleties. Too fluid lubrication will not be delayed on the contacting nodes of the engine, which can lead to overheating and premature motor output. Summer coefficient, for example, 30, indicates the minimum and maximum viscosity of the engine oil at operating temperatures of 100-150 degrees Celsius. The larger this number, the higher the viscosity of the oil at high temperatures. More details about it below.

Video about the differences between 5W30 and 5W40

Difference oil 5w40 from 5W30

If we talk about the differences of the 5W40 engine oil from 5W30, then first it should be noted that they have the same characteristics responsible for starting the engine during the winter period. Both the other oil is classified as 5W, which means such an oil can be used at temperatures up to -30 degrees Celsius. As for the second part of the marking, then it should be referred to as a SAE oil viscosity table.

As can be seen from this table, the kinematic viscosity of 5W30 at 100 degrees Celsius is in the range of 9.3 - 12.5 mm sq. / S, while 5w40 viscosity is 12.5 - 16.3 mm square / s. Mining hTHS viscosity 5W30 is 2.9, while 5W40 this parameter can be 2.9 or 3.7.

It is not difficult to notice that at high temperatures, 5W40 oil differs from 5W30 by viscosity. 5W40 oil is more viscous, which means it forms a thicker film on the walls of cylinders. On the one hand, this is good, but if the oil is too viscous, problems may arise with its admission. Therefore, in the matter of choice of oil between 5W40 and 5W30, it is better to trust information from the car manufacturer.

Divided into three categories: gasoline, diesel and universal. They are still divided into all-season, winter and summer. But to what class they would neither belonged to the main characteristic for the oil remains one - viscosity. It is from this parameter that the level of distribution of this fluid on the friction surface of the engine parts depends. We can say that the resource of the car is more dependent on viscosity, so today we will dedicate this time a separate article.

Today you will learn what viscosity is, and familiarize yourself with such a concept as the transcript of the motor

What is viscosity?

The main function of this fluid is to prevent friction moving inside the motor "on the dry" parts. Also oil provides minimal friction force, while maintaining the maximum tightness of working cylinders.

It is worth noting that the characteristics and lubricating properties of this fluid can vary significantly depending on the temperature of the engine itself. By the way, the motor temperature data that is displayed on the car's dashboard can differ significantly from the level of oil heating. And this is not displayed on the instrument panel in the cabin. Depending on the intensity of the engine's work, this substance is able to heat up to 140-150 degrees Celsius (and this is designed to be 90 degrees!). But under such conditions, it can differ significantly from the initial one.

That is why it is precisely a long service resource and minimal friction on the walls of the cylinders, each car requires its own type of oil recommended by the automaker.

The viscosity parameter itself is very important for the machine, because the ability of the liquid remains on the surface of the engine parts for a long time. But this parameter, as we have already noted earlier, can differ significantly at different temperatures. But then how to understand what viscosity should oil be ideally? Fortunately, the solution of this problem was found in the American Association of Automotive Engineers (SAE), which has developed a classification of automotive viscosity oil. In other words, this system gives us a range of temperatures in which work in the DVS. It is safe provided that the producer of "lubricant" made it with such parameters to use in this engine.

Decoding oil marking

5w30, 14W-40 - such ciphers are absolutely on each label with lubricating fluid. What are they denoted?

In essence, any marking of such a product will include several digits, divided by the letter W and dash. In our case, the decryption of 5W30 engine oil says that this liquid is the all-season - the most popular among motorists. Determine everything detailed features very simple. Consider this on the example of oil 5W30.

The 5W decoding tells us about low-temperature viscosity means, which allows the cold start of the car at a temperature of minus 35 degrees Celsius. This is determined as follows - from the figure that stands before the value W, take 40. The resulting number and will be the minimum oil temperature in which the DVS pump can pump it through the system, not allowing dry friction of parts inside.

Minimum launch level of the motor

Such mathematical manipulations can be determined by the minimum temperature of the "rotary" of the motor. On the example of 5W30 oil, the decryption indicates us that this parameter is minus 30 A it is determined it is very simple: from the resulting temperature of the cold launch of the motor (in our case it is -35 0) Taken 35. It becomes obvious that the oil becomes more and more thick And the starter is more and more difficult to turn the "cold" motor.

So, we found out which oil 5w30 has a decryption. Synthetic This or "mineral water" - will depend only on age age. If this is a car over 5 years old, it is better to use "mineral water" for it, if younger, then "synthetics".

Pay attention

It should be noted that all parameters defined above are only averaged for the car. Decoding (oil 5W30 including) gives approximate data. Real values \u200b\u200bdepend on the characteristics of the engine itself, so when choosing an oil, you should not close your eyes on the manufacturer's recommendation.

Temperature features

In most cases, modern manufacturers of automotive oils allow them to operate at a temperature not more than minus 20 degrees Celsius. If you live in such a climate, it is not fundamentally the choice of between and 5W-30 for you. Deciphering both allowing operation even to the most severe winter. However, if your starter / battery is very worn / discharged, it is better to give preference to 5W-30 or 0W-30 oil. The less viscosity, the greater the chances that your starter will check the engine and launch it "on the cold".

High temperature viscosity

Another important parameter is indicated after the letter W. These numbers mean the high-temperature viscosity of the oil. In our case, for liquid 5W30, this parameter is 30. This value indicates the minimum and maximum viscosity at operating temperature at 100-150 degrees Celsius.

Unlike previous cases, it is not necessary to take anything here. Note that, the higher this parameter, the higher the viscosity of the oil at high temperatures. But when choosing, you should not be guided by the principle "The more, the better." Again, the optimal parameters choose the automaker itself, therefore, the viscosity indicator should not be strongly separated from the standard norm. You can learn all the recommendations in the instruction manual.

In what cases does the car require high viscosity?

Many motorists consider the higher this parameter, the better the engine will behave. Partly this is true.

Why in part? Yes, because oils with high viscosity recommend pouring only in sports cars. But this absolutely does not mean that if you foul out such a substance in the VAZ, in terms of the dynamics of overclocking it will behave like "Lamborghini". Moreover, purchasing oils with high viscosity (Such that the manufacturer does not recommend), you only exacerbate the operation of the engine and increase its load. As a result, the car loses its power, and if the liquid is reloaded again, it is possible that soon your motor will be subject to overhaul.

How often do you need to change the oil?

Finally, we note the most optimal replacement interval. It is believed that the oil exhausts its resource after 10,000 mileage kilometers. It is with this time interval that is best to change the liquid in the car. More lucky owners of machines with HBO: Thanks to more environmentally friendly gas (no matter, it is propane or methane), the oil is practically not clogged and retains its transparency even on a 20 thousand mileage. It should also be regularly checking the level of its remnant in the engine.

It is necessary to do it at least once every 2 weeks. Otherwise, you will not know whether it remains at all in the engine, and the start "on dry" can lead to severe consequences, up to a capitial repair. So take care of your car and pick up oils correctly by holding the recommendations of manufacturers.

So, we found out what SAE 5W30 decryption, and learned all the nuances of viscosity, as well as the optimal substitution interval of this fluid.

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