Home Food Motor oils winter summer how to distinguish. Automal and all you need to know about motor oils. Oil choice criteria

Motor oils winter summer how to distinguish. Automal and all you need to know about motor oils. Oil choice criteria

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Motor oil viscosity indicator

Motor oil, as is known, performs a very important function in the engine - lubricates the conjugate parts, ensures the tightness of the cylinders and displays all fuel combustion products. Produce all engine oils by means of oil distillation and highlighting heavy fractions from it, and the specified set performance characteristics Sets the use of various kinds of additives.

One of the most important properties of any engine oil is its viscosity. Oil viscosity is this ability to maintain the desired properties in a given temperature range, that is, to remain between the conjugate parts, while maintaining the fluidity. The temperature range depends on the type of engine and on the climatic conditions in which it is operated. For example, for countries with a warm climate, oil is needed with a large viscosity indicator, respectively, it will be more dense than those oils that are used in cold edges.

How to determine the viscosity of the oil?

If you have ever seen plastic canisters with oils that are sold and at refueling and even in many supermarkets, they all have designations of type - 10W-40, 5W-30, 15W-40, and on canisters for transmission oils, nigrol , gearboxes are designations - 80W-90, 75W-80, etc. What do these numbers and letters mean?

W is from the word Winter - Winter, that is, all kinds of engine oils that have such a designation are suitable for use in winter conditions. True, it is necessary to clarify that winter is different - in the Crimea or in the Sochi temperatures rarely fall to those extreme values \u200b\u200bthat are in Novosibirsk or Yakutsk.

Take the most common view in our climatic conditions - 10W-40. The figure ten suggests that the viscosity of the oil during frost is minus 25 degrees (to get this figure, you need from ten subtracts 35), it reaches the maximum value when the motor start is safe.

There is also a pumpability indicator that determines the lowest air temperature at which the pump will still be able to load oil into the system. To find out this temperature, you need from the first digit to take away forty - for 10W-40 we get a value in minus 30 degrees. Thus, this type of oil is adapted for those countries where it is not colder than 25-30 degrees of frost.

If we talk about the second digit in the marking - 40, it determines the kinematic and dynamic viscosity at +100 and +150 degrees, respectively. The thickness of the oil is the greater, the greater this indicator. Butter 10W-40, however, as it, in the designation of which the letter W is present, is all-season and is used at mean temperatures from -30 to +40. For those engines that spent half of their resource, recommend using oils where the viscosity indicator at high temperatures is 50 - 10W-50 or 20W-50.

Viscosity table.

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If we talk about transmission oils, then there is a special scale of the designations that we will not concern, say only that the lower the first digit in the marking, the more with more low temperaturesah Oil can save its properties. For example, 75W-80 or 75W-90 can be used at temperatures from -40 to +35, and 85W-90 - from -15 to +40.

How to choose oil by viscosity?

Choosing motor oil for specific modelYou need to pay attention to a number of designations: engine type, car type, viscosity degree - diesel / gasoline, injector / carburetor, passenger / cargo and so on. All this is usually indicated on the label. In addition, there are oils recommended by the manufacturer, you should not neglect these instructions, since the engine is designed for a certain level of viscosity.

Since Russia has a very large seasonal temperature difference, then you need to choose those oils that are suitable for your climatic conditions. For example, at low temperatures, even if not very extreme, it will be easier to start the engine if the oil is 5W-30, since it retains its operational properties at temperatures to -40.

If the average annual temperatures are in the range from -20 to +20, then you do not need to invent special and use all-season oil 10W-40, 15W-40, well, or 10W-50, 20W-50 for the "rod" engines.

Tests of some motor oils and their indicators.

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One of the main indicators characterizing the engine oil is viscosity. Motorists familiarize the situation at which the engine is impossible to start under the cold. The starter scrolls very sluggish crankshaft And the lubricant is stuck in the channels of the power unit. This means, the lubricant is high viscosity, not suitable for operation in winter time of the year.

In this article, we will look at the main characteristics of the engine oils on the example of such popular oils like 5W40 and 5W30, and at the end we will consider separately than the 5W40 oil differs from 5W30 and which one is better to choose.

For seasonality, engine oils are classified as follows:

  • Summer oil. It has a high viscosity indicator, so effective with positive temperatures, but if the thermometer mark falls below 0 degrees Celsius, the engine will be difficult.
  • Winter oil. Due to its low viscosity, the lubricant contributes to a light launch of the power unit even into severe frosts, but in the summer is not effective, because it creates an oily film that is unstable at the positive temperatures.
  • All-season oil. Universal energy-saving lubricant that you do not need to change depending on the season, because in the summer it takes on high viscosity, and in winter - low, reliably protecting the motor all year round.

Viscosity is the main indicator, on which the qualitative characteristics of oil and its cost depend. One lubricant should be chosen in which the optimal viscosity indicators and additional components that increase the life of the power unit are harmoniously combined.

Car manufacturers provide recommendations on the use of certain types and brands of automotive oils. To find out which lubricant to apply in summer, or in winter, just read the instruction manual for the car. But this rule has an exception. Technologies do not stand still, and therefore changes and brands of oils are changing, therefore the data specified in the instructions for the used car can be outrage. In this case, the lubricant must be chosen independently.

SAE Oil Classification

In the lubricant catalogs and in the recommendations of car manufacturers often appear the Abbreviation SAE. This is not a brand of the manufacturer, but a specification developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE - Society of Automobile Engineers).

The classification does not prescribe, on which cars the specific type of lubricant should be applied, it only sorts oils by the degree of viscosity depending on the temperature:

  • Summer oils: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60;
  • Winter oils: 0w, 5w, 10w, 15w, 20w, 25w;
  • All-season: The name consists of two parts, for example, 5W40.

The letter "W" in the classification indicates the use of lubricant in the winter period (Winter). So what does the designation 5W30 report? The fact that 5w is a viscosity characteristic in winter, and 30 is the temperature indicator optimal for the summer season. The first part of the specification depends on how easy and painlessly for the power unit will be launched during the cold season. The second part indicates at what tallest temperatures the film between the parts of the motor will maintain a stable structure.

Which oil to choose 5w30 or 5w40

Selection of lubricant made by sAE SpecificationsIt largely depends on the temperature of the location where the car is operated. Winter coefficient, for example, 5W, determines the lowest temperature at which the engine will work without failures. For 5W it is -30 degrees Celsius, depending on the "summer" characteristics. Proper selection Lubricants retains a power unit from jamming and premature breakdown. Hardened grease makes it difficult to rotate the crankshaft starter. The oil pump is not able to drive a frozen mass on lubricating channels. The fluidity of lubricants should be sufficient so that it does not turn into "jelly". An ideal viscosity indicator for the winter period is 0W oil.

In the selection of the summer indicator there are subtleties. Too fluid lubrication will not be delayed on the contacting nodes of the engine, which can lead to overheating and premature motor output. Summer coefficient, for example, 30, indicates the minimum and maximum viscosity of the engine oil at operating temperatures of 100-150 degrees Celsius. The larger this number, the higher the viscosity of the oil at high temperatures. More details about it below.

Video about the differences between 5W30 and 5W40

Difference oil 5w40 from 5W30

If we talk about the differences of the 5W40 engine oil from 5W30, then first it should be noted that they have the same characteristics responsible for starting the engine during the winter period. Both the other oil is classified as 5W, which means such an oil can be used at temperatures up to -30 degrees Celsius. As for the second part of the marking, then it should be referred to as a SAE oil viscosity table.

As can be seen from this table, kinematic viscosity 5W30 at 100 degrees Celsius is in the range of 9.3 - 12.5 mm square. / S, while 5w40 viscosity 12.5 - 16.3 mm square / s. Mining hTHS viscosity 5W30 is 2.9, while 5W40 this parameter can be 2.9 or 3.7.

It is not difficult to notice that at high temperatures, 5W40 oil differs from 5W30 by viscosity. 5W40 oil is more viscous, which means it forms a thicker film on the walls of cylinders. On the one hand, this is good, but if the oil is too viscous, problems may arise with its admission. Therefore, in the matter of choice of oil between 5W40 and 5W30, it is better to trust information from the car manufacturer.

30 years ago, motor oils were indeed shared on summer and winter. The first most often were made in the countries of the former USSR, on the old equipment, based on cheap in the production of mineral oils. High-quality winter lubricant poured into Russia from abroad after the opening of "Free Trade". What happens in the car shift market now?

It's no secret that if you pour the first oil or thoughtlessly follow the advice of a neighbor, you can cause serious harm to the motor. Therefore, it is necessary to consider responsibly. For summer oils, operated in the warm time, the requirements are made significantly less. But in winter, in a laundered frost, the engine is most detrimental to the quality of lubrication.

When starting, the oil should be filled with the engine. The faster it happens, the better - because for some time the motor has to work almost on dry. And when the metal inside the engine is running about the metal, nothing good has to wait. Therefore, the smaller the viscosity of the lubricant during the cold start, the better. But it is important to observe the balance, since too thick engine oil will be harder to spread through all the details. However, about everything in order.


The main properties of engine oil depend on its "base". This is the basis in which the package of special additives is also added. Specified basic oil It may be mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic.

Mineral (made directly from oil) is considered the most affordable option for the price, however, at the same time, the period of maintaining useful properties during operation, as well as a number of other characteristics is at the lowest level. In particular, this type of lubricant in the frost turns into "Kisel", so that it is categorically not suitable for the winter. Of the advantages: mineral oil Cleans the engine from Nagar and the precipitate slowly and gradually, peeling the "garbage" in small parts. Then, when replacing it, it is simply excreted.

Following the mineral engine oils, more advanced on the automotive chemistry market came - syntheticbased on oil refining products and improved by adding various kinds of additives. Synthetic is designed for different temperatures and does not lose its working properties when heating or engine cooling. But if there was no low-quality or inappropriate lubricant in the engine, and it is covered with a solidified sediment and nagar, then when you switch to high-quality synthetics, a rapid detachment of "garbage" may occur, as a result of this, oil canals and the filter will be clogged. And after, it is generally necessary to give the engine to repair ... Therefore, if it is not known that it was poured before and how many thousand kilometers drove without replacement, then it is better to first pour cleaning liquid into the motor, and only then new oil, and several subsequent cycles to replace more often, What is recommended by the manufacturer.

Third view of oils - semi-synthetic. They are intermediate link Between affordable mineralka and expensive "synthetics". This is a natural basis with the addition of artificially created compounds. The semi-synthetic is greater resistance to change temperatures, but this oil into the winter engine is also not suitable, as the threshold of low temperatures is too high if watching the thermometer column.


So, with the types of oils were determined, now let's talk about an equally important characteristic - viscosity. When the engine is running, its internal nodes will rub each other at a huge speed, which affects their heating and wear. So that this does not happen, it is important to have a special protective interlayer in the form of an oil mixture. She also plays the role of sealant in the cylinders. Dense oil It has an increased viscosity, it will create additional resistance to details when moving, increasing the load on the engine. And a fairly liquid simplicity will flock, increasing the friction of parts and wear metal.

Taking into account the fact that any oil is thick with negative temperatures and diluted when heated, the American community of automotive engineers has divided all viscosity oils on summer and winter. According to the SAE classification, summer engine oil Duesed simply by the number (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60). The specified value displays viscosity. The greater the figure turns out, the more viscous is the summer oil. Accordingly, the higher the air temperature in the summer in this region, the more with the high indicator it was necessary to buy oil so that it remains sufficiently pulling in the heat.

To group winter lubricants It is customary to attribute products on SAE from 0W to 20W. The letter W is a reduction from the English word Winter - Winter. And the figure as well as with summer oils, indicates their viscosity, and tells the buyer about how the lowest temperature can withstand oil, without harming the power unit (20w - not lower than -10 ° C, the most frost-resistant 0W is not lower than -30 ° C).

Today, a clear division on the oil for summer and winter has moved to the background. In other words, the need to change lubricant with a warm or cold season disappeared. This became possible due to the so-called all-season engine oil. As a result, individual products only for summer or for winter are now practically not found in free sale. All-season oil has a symbiosis of the SAE 0W-30, being a kind of symbiosis of summer and winter Oil. In such a designation there are two numbers that determine viscosity. The first digit indicates viscosity at low temperatures, and the second to viscosity at high.

How to choose the best engine oil

First of all, choosing engine oil for the car, you should listen to manufacturer's recommendations. You can find information on the allowed oil in the service book that is provided to each machine. In it, the automaker sets which oil to pour in winter and in the summer in this car model.

If the service book is missing for some reason, or information is not relevant in it (for example, such brands are outdated and no longer produced), the liquid will have to choose based on the parameters of the car and tolerances. Do not rely on the advice of friends and seller in the store. In the professionalism of the seller store can not be confident. And your friend may have another car. For its car, the oil is suitable, and for yours may be destructive.

To determine how oil better suitable it is your car model, you need to consider motor and mileage. With the increase in the mileage, the engine changes the requirements for the thickness lubricant. And it is recommended to use oil with a higher high-temperature viscosity index. In other words, in worn out motors, it is better not to pour too liquid oil - due to increased gaps, the lubricant will flush with parts. In addition, when the car passes the mark of 60-70 thousand, it is recommended to move from synthetics to semi-synthetic. This is caused by a decrease in the operational characteristics of the motor.

One more an important characteristic In the selection of lubricating fluid is tolerance. This is a special labeling on the canister, meaning that the oil passed internal certification from the car manufacturer and allowed by them for use in motors. It is worth noting that the certification API and ACEA are not mandatory for the passage before entering the material on the store shelves, but usually high-quality lubricants at least one of them always pass than and differ from the rest.

According to the American Standard (API), oil with labeling "C" are suitable for diesel engines, with marking "S" - for gasoline, "S / C" - universal liquid. The second letters on the marking, talk about quality. The closer to the end of the alphabet, the later the specification was adopted, which means that the liquid is better. Perfect option - SM or CI classes.

ACEA is an analog API, only European. Everything is almost the same in it. Only letters others: "A" - gasoline; "B" - diesel; "C" - universal class; "E" - oils for trucks. Instead of the second letter to decrypt the specification, the figure is indicated. What she is more, the later accepted, which means better.

Choose the right engine oil - the task is quite complicated. It needs to be approached as carefully and carefully. It is important to remember that it is better to increase longer than then change the lubricant or to repair the car, since working on poor or unsuitable material, it will quickly fail.

Winter oil"For residents of Russia - judging by their desire to acquire such a real deficit and the very necessary thing in the farm. As soon as autumn comes, the real hunt for "good winter butter" that, in our opinion, is a waste of time.

7. Quality of gasoline

8. The overall state of the engine (compression)

With severe frosts (below -30), gasoline is badly flammored even from the match, and if the car has "bars" in the supply of electricity to the combustion chamber, it does not have to talk about the engine. Therefore, the chase for "super-lummy", "megainano-temperature", "ultrasim" oil is running for the latest developments of advertising departments of oil producers. The actual advantage of oil, class 0W before 5W has practically no. If you explore the test results on the oil turnover in the frost, then you can see that miscellaneous oils With the same labeling behave completely differently. In some cases, 5W oils are even more fluid than 0W.

Good oil with marking 0W leaves a chance to start a freezer at a temperature of -37, subject to the ideal state of all other systems, but the launch of the car in such conditions is the most severe test for all elements of the motor. Most optimal option - Install on the alarm the automatic warming function at the engine temperature so that the start is made at a temperature of -10 ... -15, and then your car will not be scared, no frost, whatever oil you choose, - 0W or 5W. By the way, as you can make sure the video, the "zero" "zero" also mint.

Five-year observations by engines Honda.Operating on oils 5W30 and 0W20 only confirm all the above. You can make it easier to start on the "five", and do not start at the "zero" if weak battery, eg.

Myth Fourth:

Before winter, it is necessary to change the oil on the winter, even if the previous replacement was a couple of thousand years ago.

We hope that we managed to convince you that the modern purely summer and purely winter engine oil practically does not exist. 99.99% that all-season motor oil is flooded with your car, and almost certainly it has a viscosity parameters of 10W ** 5W ** or 0W **.

If your engine oil has a viscosity of 10W, it would be better to change it in front of the winter to the "five", or "zero" as you wish. The fact is that the oil with a viscosity of 10W still thickens early enough, and if you do not live in Gelendzhik, it makes sense to change it. Although, let's say honestly, experience winter operating 10w oils in Siberia are and very good.

If your oil has 5W or 0W marks - no transitions for winter oil do not do at all, - just change the oil at the end of the term of its run, and do not worry about anything - if everything else is in working condition, - the machine will not let !

Myth Fifth:

Winter engine oil must be synthetic!

This myth fell in the heads of people even streaming the myth about the "winter" and "summer" engine oil. Thanks to home-grown masters who do not seek to understand the intricacies of technology, as well as the reluctance to immerse themselves in the part of consumers, the ideas about the need to use only synthetic engine oil are transmitted from the mouth.

In fact, everything is not at all. We have also raised this issue, and our opinion is the "synthetic" engine oil obtained by hydrocracking the first 5000 - 7000 km will not give up in its properties to synthetic oil obtained from polyalphaolefins. The advantages of 100% synthetics are manifested only in highly affiliated engines that work in the "Red Zone" for several hours. In "civilian" cars, the use of high-quality hydrocracking synthetic is cheaper and more correct. Such oil combines all the advantages of synthetic oil for "ordinary" motors (low freezing point, oil film stability, etc.), while its value is significantly cheaper, and recycling is much less harmful environmentrather than the processing of 100% synthetics.

Yes, 100% Synthetic engine oil can be held longer than 7000 km, - and 10,000 km, and 12,000 km, but do not forget that the oil replacement interval recommended by the automaker is 5000 km - 7000 km. Therefore, the use of good hydrocracking oil is safe, useful, and inexpensive if your car does not have a turbine, or not "pressed" as a lemon and from 1.6 volumes did not "removed" 200+ hp In the second case, it is recommended to use synthetic engine oil, recommended parameters and properties.

Well, finally:

Do I need to wash the engine when moving to "winter" oil?

Not! We have repeatedly raised the theme of the engines of the engines and the consequences of this event and are ready to confirm once again, the usual washing of the engine without disassembling the engine itself is an ineffective thing, most often meaningless, and sometimes very harmful.

Wantively rinse the engine, - prepare about $ 200 for this work, - give good masters- They will do everything reliably and efficiently. Required spare parts Pay later separately. Chemical flushing of the engine fifteen-minute (five-ten-ten-thirty and other) composition - at best there will be a waste of money and time, - at worst, - will be wrapped in expensive repairs.

Prepare the car to winter correctly, and she will tell you "Thank you"!

Honda Vodam.ru.

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Each car owner, caring for his car, pays special attention Not only the reliable operation of all moving parts of the engine, but also the durability of their service depends on its properties and quality. In addition, poor-quality or incorrectly chosen oil can cause failure of the entire lubrication system.

In order for the motor of your car to work as a clock, and its details served a long time, you need to learn to understand the types of lubricants presented today on the market.

Why need to label oils

Correctly choose the lubricant for the engine or the transmission can only be measurable, which means the labeling of the oil. The set of incomprehensible at first glance and numbers applied to the tank with lubrication, determines its manufacturer, composition, the possibility of using different types Engines or transmission, as well as limiting temperature for operation. In addition, the marking of oils allows you to determine their classification for a quality group and viscosity properties.

To understand all this, first you need to deal with what the characters contained on the container label with the lubricant material. Do not run forward, start with the oils for engines.

Decoding Motor Oil Markings

When choosing grease, the first thing is to ask the seller about its purpose, characteristics and manufacturer, and then compare the information provided with the data specified on the label.

Typically, the engine oil marking contains such information:

  • manufacturer;
  • name of oil;
  • basis of lubricant (organic, synthetic or semi-synthetic);
  • quality and purpose by API classification;
  • viscous properties by SAE classification;
  • party number;
  • manufacture date

Today, the products can be found in the market as world leaders in the production of lubricants and anyone unknown semi-propelled import and domestic firms manufacturing motor oil. The price of the brand and Selfal, naturally different, but it is unlikely to be challenged for the cheapness, if it comes to lubricant for your personal car.

When choosing an oil, it usually does not arise with the manufacturer and title. Advertising and recommendations of specialists here are the best criterion.

Part number and oil manufacturing date indicate the use of lubrication use. Although lubricants are not a perishable product, it is better to refrain from the use of overdue goods.

If the manufacturer, the name and date of the manufacture of lubrication is more or less clear, then with other quality indicators contained on the label, it is worth understanding more in detail. Correct labeling of engine oil marking will help not only understand how lubricant does your car engine, but also choose the highest quality product.

The base of the oil

Absolutely all lubricants in composition are taken to the process of three groups:

  • mineral (organic);
  • semi-synthetic;
  • synthetic

Mineral oils are made of natural material - oil. They do not have ultra-high lubricating characteristics and dramatically change the viscosity when changing temperatures. Such lubricants are used mainly for use in old domestic cars and tractors. Marking of oils derived from oil contains the inscription "Mineral".

Synthetic lubricants are an artificial product obtained during organic synthesis. These oils in terms of their operational properties have a huge advantage over mineral. They were created artificially specifically for use in critical temperature conditions. Marking of synthetic oils contains the inscription "FULLY SYNTHETIC".

Synthetic lubricants have minimal evaporation when used, have long term operation, and also provide the most stable work mechanisms under conditions of low temperatures. They are used for both diesel engines and gasoline, including highly affiliated.

For the predominant majority modern cars Used exclusively synthetic oil. The price of it is much higher than mineral, but the use of the latter in newest engines Just unacceptable.

Semi-synthetic lubricants are a universal lubricatory product obtained as a result of proportional mixing of mineral and synthetic oils. Possessing all best qualities "Organics" and "Synthetics", they are a universal lubricant for any type of engine. Determine semi-synthetic oil You can marking "Semi Synthetic".

Oil viscosity

The main characteristic of motor lubricants is viscosity. It is for it that you should guide first, choosing oil for the engine. Today is a generally accepted separation system motor lubricants SAE classification is considered to be viscosity. It is developed by the society of American automotive engineers and is one of the most important oils in marking.

According to her, there are two types: kinematic and dynamic. The first is characterized by the ability to flow through a special capillary tube for a certain time interval. The second shows how viscosity changes under the influence of temperatures and the speed of driving elements.

Oil, like any other liquid, has a property to change under the action of the ambient temperature. Its viscosity in winter is higher, and in the summer below. With strong drops, this indicator may increase or decrease hundreds of times. Oil marking on SAE takes into account the seasonality of its use with gradation on:

  • summer;
  • winter;
  • all-season

Summer oils

Summer lubricants have a greater viscosity, which provides best lubricant Running details with the smallest friction. However, such an oil lowered the temperature below 0 0 s becomes too thick, which makes the engine starting almost impossible. The starter is simply unable to scroll through the whole mechanism due to such viscosity.

Summer row of motor lubricants has a digital designation from 20 to 60 units that define the class of viscosity depending on the temperature with discreteness 10.

Thus, marking oils for summer use has the designations of SAE 20, SAE 30, SAE 40, SAE 50 and SAE 60, where the numbers indicate the minimum and maximum viscosity at operating temperature 100-150 0 C. The higher this indicator, the coming to the grease when heating.

Winter oils

Winter oil marking contains numbers from 0 to 25 with a discreteness of 5 units denoting a worker as well as the letter W, indicating the use of the application (from the English. "Winter" - winter). In order to determine the minimum temperature of its use, it is necessary to take 40 from the specified number. For example, for winter oil 5 W it will be -35 0 C, for 20W -20 0 s, etc. This is the lower boundary temperature at which the lubricating fluid is possible on the system.

However, for winter lubrication, another criterion is important, determining the lower boundary of the temperature, at which the starter will be able to scroll the engine mechanism to start it - this is a turnover. To find out, it is necessary to take it from the specified number 35. Thus, for oil 10 W, the lower limit of the temperature to start the engine is -25 0 C.

All-season oils

Such lubricants are universal and make it possible to apply them year-round. These are the most popular and in demand automotive oils. Marking of all-season lubricants consists of two numbers and english letter W between them. The first indicator indicates a boundary minimum temperature at which a cold engine start is possible, and the second is on viscosity at maximum working heating.

For example, the 5W40 oil marking indicates that the launch of the motor with this lubricant will take place at -35 0 C. Letter W, dividing winter and summer indicators, indicates here to universal seasonal use.

Maximum viscosity at a temperature of + 100-150 0 C will be 40 units.

Marking of SAE oil and its correspondence

Russian meets the requirements of GOST 17479.1-85. It divides lubricants to viscosity classes and for appointment.

Summer oils are marked with numbers 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24. They indicate viscosity in mm 2 / s. The higher the number, the thick of the grease. Winter oil marking provides only three digits - 4, 5 or 6.

All-season lubricants have a double-split designation, where the numerator is a winter class, and the denominator is summer. In addition, the labeling transformation often contains the letter "s", indicating that the oil is thickened with special additives (4zz / 10, 6 s / 16).

In order to determine which domestic oil according to GOST classification corresponds to an imported analogue, special tables have been created. With their help, you can easily choose our lubricant for a foreign car and vice versa. For example, the labeling of oil 5W30 corresponds to our designation 4/12, 15W50 - 6Z10, 20W40 - 8Z / 16, etc.

API Oil Classification

In addition to the class of viscosity, lubricating products It is customary to classify according to the degree of operational characteristics and scope. The American Oil Institute (API) is engaged in studying and systematization. According to this system, everyone is divided into two groups:

Lubricating products for petrol engines designated S and are intended for use in engine passenger cars, minibuses and small trucks.

Oils for diesel engines are marked with the letter C, which orients to use in industrial, commercial and agricultural automotive technology.

In addition, the API classification includes another liter indicating a qualitative level of operational characteristics. The further it is distant from the beginning of the alphabet, the better the quality of the product. For example, SJ marking indicates that it is an oil for gasoline engine system with an average quality indicator.

However, most of the overseas manufacturers of lubricants for engines produce universal products, the use of which is possible in gasoline, and in diesel engines. Marking Oils for both types of DVS contains 4 liters of 2 through the fraction. For example, SD / CJ.

This largely simplifies the choice of lubricating fluid, but it is worth paying attention to the first letter of marking. If this is, then this product, according to the manufacturer, is more suitable for gasoline engines if C, then for diesel.

So, having understood with all possible characters present on the engine oil label, let's try to read the standard labeling. For example, the inscription "BP Visco2000 SG / CC SAE 15W-40 MIN. No. 234567/96 04/22/2013 "It says that this is a universal mineral product of British Petroleum with the name" Visco2000 ", intended for use in any types of DVS (gasoline and diesel) year-round at a temperature not lower than -25 0 s, produced 22.04.2013.

Other engine oil classifications

In addition to SAE and API, there are other classifications of oils. For example, the Association of European Automakers (ACEA) makes more stringent requirements for their quality. This is due to the difference in the design of the engine and operating conditions of cars. First, European machines have a smaller mass and volume of the power unit, and secondly, their engines are high-speed and more powerful.

The ACEA classification provides 12 classes and systematizes motor oils in 3 categories:

  • A - for gasoline power aggregates passenger cars;
  • B - for diesel engines of passenger cars;
  • E - for diesel engines trucks and other heavy equipment

The International Committee for the Study and Systematization of Lubricants (ILSAC), together with the Association of Japan Automobiles (JAMA), has developed its own classification that includes only 3 class of oil quality for gasoline engines (GF-1, GF-2, GF-3).

Leading world car manufacturers have their own classifications of lubricants or put forward certain requirements for manufactured products. This is due to the fact that engines different cars Have significant differences in the design. Autocontraceans independently conduct research and testing of motor oils, based on the results of which its specification creates or certain recommendations for the exploitation of the product existing on the market.

Transmission lubricants are undeservedly paid much less attention than the motor, although they perform almost the same functions. The only difference is the absence of high temperatures caused by the engine internal combustion. Due to this, transmission oils have a much longer service life. Their destination is reduced to lubrication and reduce friction force in gearboxes, control mechanisms, dispensing systems and leading bridges.

The marking of transmission oils is not as detailed and complex both in motor lubricants, but also requires understanding, since it will depend on this stability of the work of listed aggregates.

In total, SAE classification distinguish 9 levels of viscosity of lubricants for cars with mechanical transmission: 5 Summer (80, 85, 90, 140, 250) and 4 Winter (70W, 75W, 80W, 85W). However, in practice, all-season transmission automotive oils are used, most often, motorists are applied. The marking of such products also consists of a combination of two digits with a Litera W between them. For example, SAE 70W-85, SAE 80W-90, etc.

Transmission oils, as well as motor, are classified according to the API system. Its adopted standards share lubricants into groups, depending on the type of design and operating conditions. In addition, the presence and amount in the lubricant product of special additives that prevent wear are still taken into account.

According to API Oil For transmissions are indicated by GL lists and numbers from 1 to 5, which correspond to the class. The greater the class, the tougher conditions in which the lubricant can be operated.

Concerning automatic boxes Transmissions, then for them, ordinary transmission oils are not suitable. ATF working standards that have nothing to do with SAE and API are valid here. Lubricating products for automatic transmission are even painted in bright colors in order to prevent accidental use in mechanical structures.

  • before you purchase a motor or transmission oil, you should explore the recommendations of the car manufacturer;
  • use lubricating products with a higher level of high-quality properties is not always justified, as this may adversely affect the stability of the lubrication system itself;
  • it is important to replace the oil in the time limits specified in the manufacturer's manufacturer's recommendations;
  • in cars S. big mileage oil should be changed more often because worn engine It is subject to more stringent working conditions;
  • when replacing the oil, it is desirable to change the oil filter;
  • unacceptably mix mineral and synthetic oil, it can lead to the formation of an insoluble sediment;
  • tosses to the engine follows exactly the same oil, which was flooded earlier;
  • periodically, the engine lubrication system is flushing with special liquids;
  • it is impossible to reduce the oil level below the set minimum, it will inevitably lead to a rapid wear of rubbing parts;
  • marking Oils for the engine and transmission must necessarily contain the production date of the product, focusing on which it is possible to determine its suitability (the maximum storage period of lubricants is 5 years);
  • store motor or transmission oil only in a sealed container that protects the product from moisture and air exposure.

Knowing these simple rules, a variety of problems can be avoided.

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