Home Salon How to quickly and cheap restore the lost key from the car. Lost all the keys from the car what to do? What to do with the car's worship from the car

How to quickly and cheap restore the lost key from the car. Lost all the keys from the car what to do? What to do with the car's worship from the car

Each vehicle owner must have two copies of keys from it. This is one of the basic rules that will avoid unpleasant situations and a common question about what to do if you lost the keys to the car.

But our life is full of surprises that are not always positive. For example, the keys can be lost in another city or even the country, and the second copy is at home where there is no possibility or time. In this situation, some rules should be followed.

The main thing is in no case to panic. It is necessary to remember the places where the keys from the car could fall out, and carefully examine the entire route you followed. With negative search results, you can seek help in the information service or the administration of the company, the shopping center, the hotel. They have the opportunity to advertise on loud communication, And if someone found the keys, he will surely return their owner.

You should write an advertisement about the worship of the keys and raise in places where they presumably disappeared. This may not give results, or the search will be delayed for a long time, but it is still worth trying. If the keys return, be sure to thank this person.

Restoration of keys not equipped with microchip

There are several options for the loss of such keys. It all depends on how the purchase and sale of the vehicle was carried out:

  1. car showroom;
  2. secondary market.

Machine purchased in the auto show

If the car is purchased from the official dealer, you need to call and report a problem. IN dealer Center You will select a key-duplicate, but for this you need to specify the following vehicle data:

  • model;
  • year of acquisition;
  • government number;
  • VIN-number auto.

Best if the wine code was discharged in advance on some piece of paper. Otherwise the situation will become more complicated, since it is most often indicated on the plate in open space or in the cabin on the front doors.

You will have to use the services of the tow truck and deliver the car to the dealer center. But with it, it is necessary to have documents confirming that the customer of services is indeed the owner of the vehicle. In the center, representatives will select the duplicate key and open the locks. But it will be expensive, and all expenses, naturally, will have to pay the owner of the car.

What to do with the loss of keys from the car acquired "from the hands"

If the vehicle bought on secondary marketAnd there is no spare key, you will have to seek help in an organization engaged in emergency opening of machines and the subsequent manufacture of duplicate keys on the larch of the castle. Specialists of such companies without any difficult tasks open the locks of any complexity, and this process does not take much time.

The advantages of this method include:

  • simplicity, since such keys are used for opening doors, and for the ignition lock;
  • speed;
  • lower cost is relatively recovered by the keys through the dealer.

Difficulties arise with many Japanese car brands, the design of the larvae of the lock of which does not allow you to make a duplicate key. It will be necessary to purchase a kit for any disassembly, consisting of the ignition lock, keys and larvae of the door lock, and install.

Chip-key restoration

The loss of the key with the built-in microchip, which is associated with the immobilizer in the car, is a more serious problem than previous. Production of a duplicate without chip in this case will not help. It will be possible to open the door, but the car will not work. But there are no hopeless situations.

What is a chip key?

The electronic key is equipped with a special microcircuit with a specific code. When the ignition is turned on, the signal is read from it, and the data is transmitted. on-board computer. Only after that it is possible to start the engine. If the radio signal is not accepted or not sent, the immobilizer blocks the operation of the main systems of the car, and it simply does not start or stalls.

Chip keys are more massive, some are equipped with buttons. The absence of buttons does not mean that the key does not have a chip. Check out its presence is quite simple - it is necessary to wind the head of the foil (in several layers) and try to start the engine. If it does not start - the key is equipped with chip.

Restore the lost chip key is recommended through the official dealer. When buying a vehicle, the owner is issued a special card with codes of the radio and immobilizer. If it is not, then you need to call the tow truck and transport the car into the car dealership. Recovery of data on the code of the immobilizer is the case costly and long (from several weeks to a month), so the card with codes is better not to lose.

Is it possible to restore the chip key without the participation of the official dealer?

A few years ago, the chip was carried out only by the dealer center. To date, the restoration of the lost key with the microchip is performed by companies with special programs, with which codes are selected to almost any immobilizers.

The recovery procedure consists of the following operations:

  1. adapting new keys to machine electronics;
  2. deleting data on the former key from the system;
  3. recoding immobilizer;
  4. zeroing immobilizer errors.

In many cases, the chip can be carried out even in place, but sometimes it is required to deliver the vehicle to the service center. The cost of work depends on many factors, but relatively with the recovery in the dealer center it is cheaper and much faster.

Useful video about recovering chip key:

The output one - the keys to the car are better not to lose at all, this will lead to additional financial costs and is fraught with loss of time to restore. To protect yourself from such troubles, you should take care of the manufacture of duplicate.

The car is an integral part of a modern person, without which it is already impossible to present his life.

Unfortunately, management technology vehicles Recompany the mandatory key. Having lost it, you can stay without your "iron friend" for a while.

There are several secret ways to allow you to open a car, even if the owner has lost the only car keys. You can hardly go on business, but you can take the necessary things and documents are quite real!

Lost the keys from the car. What to do?

First of all, you should not panic! Without finding keys in your pocket, gather with thoughts and remember when you were last seen. Go around the car around, look under it. Complete the places in which you were over the last hour, simply asking a question to the sellers: "Lost the key from the car with alarm, you have not seen?".

What to do before opening

1. Explain the people around you that the owner lost the keys from the car with the chip, and that this is your own car.

2. Be prepared for a conversation with representatives of law enforcement agencies. Prepare as a minimum passport if the other documents in the car. Without an identity card, you can get into a plot to clarify.

3. To know how to quickly disable the alarm. After a successful opening of the door (and, possibly, from an unsuccessful attempt), a strong unpleasant sound signal will be heard, and you will immediately find yourself in the spotlight.

4. Once again, is it worth opening a car? Can we provide enough protection to transport? At the moment it is protected from thieves. After the successful opening process - no longer.


How to open the car without a key, knows exactly the master who painstakingly studied the device mechanisms of hundreds of locks.

It is no secret that already in every city there is a service specializing in the openings of this kind. Services are not suiced. But are you sure in the qualifying of the master? Do not immediately trust breaking your car.

Carefully watch the specialist doing. If his actions seem suspicious or inept, the operation lasts for a very long time, refuse services. Collect the scratched place and change the broken lock you will have to you.

Fashion first

Most people and do not guess how to open a car without a key, and confident that only professionals can do it. Of course, it is not. If you have a simple car with a mechanism for closing doors in the form of "carnations", consider what is lucky.

You only need to purchase a small screwdriver, knife or scissors in the nearest store. As well as thread, thin rope, line or wire length up to meter. In the extreme case, you can even use the cord.

After which the tool engages rubber compressor The driver's or passenger front door is removed on three or four centimeters. Fully pull out the rubber is not necessary.

On the wire there is a loop, which we catch the "carnations". After numerous attempts, the goal will be caught, and everything that remains is to gently pull the wire up. If everything turned out correctly, the path to the car's salon will be free.

Method of the second

Lost the keys from the car ... what to do if the first option failed and from a thousandth attempt?

In this case, we will slightly upgrade our wire. It is necessary to make a "loop" around in the middle. After that, with the help of a girlfriend, pulling away the seal, provide wire access simultaneously with the left, and with the right side of the window. The resulting loop need to catch the lock lock and tighten the loop. I pull the wire up, you will unlock the door.

Method Third

In some machines, the door closing is not like that. Instead, only the control button of the central lock, which is most often located near the scenes.

The rope in this case will not cost, only a long durable line with a minimum bend is necessary. After pulling out the rubber seal, you need to try to reach this button and put pressure on it. Of course, security systems are far from every car will allow it to do. But even if there is a minimum chance to get inside, it is necessary to take advantage of them.

Four fashion

How to open a lineup machine? Sometimes it happens to help no one, buy the necessary devices nowhere. And at hand, only a metal ordinary line. Well, you can try to use it. To do this, we have already familiar to us in a way of flexing the rubber seal in the area of \u200b\u200bthe driver's door castle. And the line is trying to put pressure on the closure of the mechanism.

Many modern cars Equipped with a protective mechanism, but old foreign cars and classics can be opened at certain efforts.

Lost the keys from the car. What if it's completely desperate?

This method is suitable if you are confident that the keys in the car, or extremely urgently need a thing from the salon.

Alternatively, you can split one of the glasses. Do not choose the windshield and rear window - they are most expensive. It is also better to avoid the smallest windows like "Footing" on the classics. The fact is that they are quite rare, and their price is prohibitively high. If no choice, look at the side glass.

If there is a toning film on the window, then no special preparations do not need. Otherwise, it is better to glue the scotch to minimize fragments of fragments (close the risk of damage to any cloth in advance).

A heavy hammer (no less kilogram), stone, sledgehammer, metal tube will be suitable for impact.

1. You can find different sets of beams and for beginners, and for professionals. They are expensive enough, and whether you will be able to take advantage of them at the proper level, a big question. Think well before spending money on them. In addition, the kit will have to constantly carry with them, which is completely inconvenient.

2. On the Internet you can find a large number of proposals for the manufacture of key chains with a car number. Not the most rational solution. After all, if the keys with such information find a unclean man, you can never see the car anymore.

It is much more logical to specify your phone number. Even a refund for remuneration is much cheaper "pleasure" than the manufacture of a new key with immobilizer and buying a key chain for alarm.

3. Configure security system So that it does not close after a certain time after removing protection.

4. Make a copy of the key without immobilizer. You can always open the door. And even if you lose, the attackers simply will not be able to leave anywhere on your car.

4. Even if you open a car yourself or with the help of specialists, I could not despair. With every car is coming Two sets of keys. Perhaps you will have to lose a couple of hours for a trip home for a spare kit or ask to bring him from home. Agree, not the biggest spending in life.


Sooner or later, the problem of a closed door overtakes almost all drivers, and it should be ready. Even if the owner lost the keys from the car, what to do first, so it is not to be upset. You will definitely get into your car. It depends only on what costs you can do it.

In advance in the garage, practice open the car, and no adversity on the road will not be terrible.

The car is an integral part of a modern person, without which it is already impossible to present his life.

Unfortunately, vehicle management technologies rest in the mandatory key. Having lost it, you can stay without your "iron friend" for a while.

There are several secret ways to allow you to open a car, even if the owner has lost the only car keys. You can hardly go on business, but you can take the necessary things and documents are quite real!

Lost the keys from the car. What to do?

First of all, you should not panic! Without finding keys in your pocket, gather with thoughts and remember when you were last seen. Go around the car around, look under it. Complete the places in which you were over the last hour, simply asking a question to the sellers: "Lost the key from the car with alarm, you have not seen?".

What to do before opening

1. Explain the people around you that the owner lost the keys from the car with the chip, and that this is your own car.

2. Be prepared for a conversation with representatives of law enforcement agencies. Prepare as a minimum passport if the other documents in the car. Without an identity card, you can get into a plot to clarify.

3. To know how to quickly disable the alarm. After a successful opening of the door (and, possibly, from an unsuccessful attempt), a strong unpleasant sound signal will be heard, and you will immediately find yourself in the spotlight.

4. Once again, is it worth opening a car? Can we provide enough protection to transport? At the moment it is protected from thieves. After the successful opening process - no longer.


How to open the car without a key, knows exactly the master who painstakingly studied the device mechanisms of hundreds of locks.

It is no secret that already in every city there is a service specializing in the openings of this kind. Services are not suiced. But are you sure in the qualifying of the master? Do not immediately trust breaking your car.

Carefully watch the specialist doing. If his actions seem suspicious or inept, the operation lasts for a very long time, refuse services. Collect the scratched place and change the broken lock you will have to you.

Fashion first

Most people and do not guess how to open a car without a key, and confident that only professionals can do it. Of course, it is not. If you have a simple car with a mechanism for closing doors in the form of "carnations", consider what is lucky.

You only need to purchase a small screwdriver, knife or scissors in the nearest store. As well as thread, thin rope, line or wire length up to meter. In the extreme case, you can even use the cord.

After that, the tool engages the rubber seal of the driver's or passenger front door and removes three or four centimeters. Fully pull out the rubber is not necessary.

On the wire there is a loop, which we catch the "carnations". After numerous attempts, the goal will be caught, and everything that remains is to gently pull the wire up. If everything turned out correctly, the path to the car's salon will be free.

Method of the second

Lost the keys from the car ... what to do if the first option failed and from a thousandth attempt?

In this case, we will slightly upgrade our wire. It is necessary to make a "loop" around in the middle. After that, with the help of a girlfriend, pulling away the seal, provide wire access simultaneously with the left, and with the right side of the window. The resulting loop need to catch the lock lock and tighten the loop. I pull the wire up, you will unlock the door.

Method Third

In some machines, the door closing is not like that. Instead, only the control button of the central lock, which is most often located near the scenes.

The rope in this case will not cost, only a long durable line with a minimum bend is necessary. After pulling out the rubber seal, you need to try to reach this button and put pressure on it. Of course, security systems are far from every car will allow it to do. But even if there is a minimum chance to get inside, it is necessary to take advantage of them.

Four fashion

How to open a lineup machine? Sometimes it happens to help no one, buy the necessary devices nowhere. And at hand, only a metal ordinary line. Well, you can try to use it. To do this, we have already familiar to us in a way of flexing the rubber seal in the area of \u200b\u200bthe driver's door castle. And the line is trying to put pressure on the closure of the mechanism.

Many modern machines are equipped with a protective mechanism, but old foreign cars and classics can be opened at certain efforts.

Lost the keys from the car. What if it's completely desperate?

This method is suitable if you are confident that the keys in the car, or extremely urgently need a thing from the salon.

Alternatively, you can split one of the glasses. Do not choose the windshield and rear window - they are most expensive. It is also better to avoid the smallest windows like "Footing" on the classics. The fact is that they are quite rare, and their price is prohibitively high. If no choice, look at the side glass.

If there is a toning film on the window, then no special preparations do not need. Otherwise, it is better to glue the scotch to minimize fragments of fragments (close the risk of damage to any cloth in advance).

A heavy hammer (no less kilogram), stone, sledgehammer, metal tube will be suitable for impact.

1. You can find different sets of beams and for beginners, and for professionals. They are expensive enough, and whether you will be able to take advantage of them at the proper level, a big question. Think well before spending money on them. In addition, the kit will have to constantly carry with them, which is completely inconvenient.

2. On the Internet you can find a large number of proposals for the manufacture of key chains with a car number. Not the most rational solution. After all, if the keys with such information find a unclean man, you can never see the car anymore.

It is much more logical to specify your phone number. Even a refund for remuneration is much cheaper "pleasure" than the manufacture of a new key with immobilizer and buying a key chain for alarm.

3. Configure the security system so that it does not close after a certain time after removal of protection.

4. Make a copy of the key without immobilizer. You can always open the door. And even if you lose, the attackers simply will not be able to leave anywhere on your car.

4. Even if you open a car yourself or with the help of specialists, I could not despair. With each car there are two sets of keys. Perhaps you will have to lose a couple of hours for a trip home for a spare kit or ask to bring him from home. Agree, not the biggest spending in life.


Sooner or later, the problem of a closed door overtakes almost all drivers, and it should be ready. Even if the owner lost the keys from the car, what to do first, so it is not to be upset. You will definitely get into your car. It depends only on what costs you can do it.

In advance in the garage, practice open the car, and no adversity on the road will not be terrible.

The calm life of the motorist depends on many small "accessories", which have a leaning property. And good, if it is a vehicle or right, to restore which you can in a couple of hours, but, often, car owners lose their keys from their car. As a rule, when buying a car is issued a second set of keys, but it happens that a person has lost two keys from the car at once.

Action plan

The loss of important things always brings a panic, so the first thing that should be done is to calm down.

To decide how to find lost keys from your car, you should follow the following points:

Such actions will only help in half cases. The loss can detect on the same day if the car owner has recently lost the keys to the car. What to do if the car is needed in the near future? To begin with, it needs to be transported.


If the keys are disappeared outside the house, then the car is transported. In large cities there are services offering the autopsy of the car and create a key duplicate. Such services will cost more than normal replacement. In addition, the good faith of such services remains.

To transport the machine to the desired parking or garage, it is worth useing the services of the tow truck. To implement a similar procedure, documents will be required for auto proving your rights to its possession.

Loss of a key from cars without chip

Replace the key to cars up to 90 years of release is much simpler. The cars of those years have not been equipped with the so-called "chips", so it is enough to replace the larva of the door lock and the castle itself to open the car. You can buy these components from an official representative or in the car market. Services for the replacement of locks offer many car services.

In most cases, the procedure for replacing the castle does not take more than 2-3 hours. A complete set of larvae, a lock and keys costs from 4 thousand depending on the brand and class of the car. For the installation will have to pay additionally.

Japanese car owners can not always take advantage of such a service. These machines have a special configuration of the castle, so it is possible to replace it with the official supplier.

Chip keys

The principle of the key with the chip is simple enough. It is associated with the receiver of the header of the machine. If a signal with a special encoding was not received by the system, then a few minutes after the start of the movement, the immobilizer will turn off the car control system.

The chipping of recovered keys is a complex process of adapting new keys to the car electronics. It is also necessary to erase from the memory of the system that the key data was lost. After that, the immobilizer is recoded. After completion of the work, the error of the immobilizer is reset. This requires special equipment. If I lost the chip keys from the car, what to do in this case can suggest service staff.

The keys are restored in place, in rare cases, the car is delivered to the service. If there is a card with an immobilizer control code, the manufacture of the chip will be much cheaper. If you lost the keys to the car with the chip, it is worth it to the service center.

How to avoid loss of keys

In order not to pass all the procedures for recovering keys, it is worth protecting them from loss, for it it is worth remembering the following tricks:

Such measures do not require special discipline, but will not let the keys in the future again.

How to open a car

If you have lost the keys from the machine with alarm, there are many ways to open it.

The easiest - to use the wire, which bend 45 °:

  • The wire must easily pass through the place of the compound of the seal with glass, but do not bend from the slightest pressure.
  • Then you should push the hook between the window and the seal, and then find the craving on which the button is located.
  • Once the rush is nasty, you need to drag the wire on yourself.

To figure out how to open the car, if you lost the keys, it is worth seeking more "loud" ways - using a drill. The tool must be drilled by the secret. However, this method requires further replacement of each of the larvae. Also can come in handy a key of the key. To open the door, you just need to stick it into the castle and scroll sharply. The main thing is to make a great effort.

Understand how to start the car, if you lost the keys, helps the knowledge of the car's electric grid. If you do not open the door when the locks froze, there are several ways to get into your car.

You can use the cable of the hood lock. He passes from the castle of the hood to the left wing, and then in the car salon. It is easiest to get it with the help of a wire near the left headlight, and then dramatically pull on yourself.

In addition, you can connect an external battery. It is necessary to submit minus from the battery on the mass of the machine, and plus to the positive contact of the starter. The assistant has to open the lock keychain / key.

Here you are the happy owner of the car, and in your hands you have now a set of keys. As a rule, all cars have two keys: the main and spare. There may be only one key from him, and the old owner says that he lost the key from the car and remained from two one. Wonder: "If you have lost the keys from the car?" did not, because was the second. In fact, buying such a car with one key not the best way, Unknown, where the second key and who can use it.

Situations are very much and in most cases we think that this will not happen to me. But no one is insured and from such a case as loss of keys from the car. So let's deal with what to do if I lost the keys to the vehicle, and the late one came to mind.

Your actions

Firstly: Do not panic, go through the places where you were, follow exactly the way that we walked, carefully examining the floor, as well as the floor standing next to your promotion racks, cabinets, and so on. Communicate with people with whom they were encountered in the office, they could have seen your keys and took with them or handed over to someone else (office administrator, duty personnel).

Secondly: Passing the entire search path where you were, but not receiving results, do not despair. In many shopping centers there is an information service, in hotels, administrators, you can submit a message over loud-speaking links or leave a message, and maybe someone will find and bring your car keys to the rack of the information service, the administrator. Do not forget to leave your data in this case by which you can contact you.

Keys can get lost anywhere - you need to search

Thirdly: Being in different places, in the resort, in the shopping center, somewhere on vacation, in the hotel you probably were with someone, ask your friend (friend) to help you in the search, and allegedly tell him the whole of your route and approximately where They may be. This will increase the search area and the probability of finding the loss.

Fourth: With unsuccessful such searches, try to file an ad "I lost the keys from the car, pleased to return for the remuneration ..." written on paper and put these ads in those places where you allegedly discovered the loss of valuable things to you. You can also file an announcement on the radio and on television.

Such searches can lead to positive results, may not give any result. The person who has found your vehicle keys, if he is kind and intelligent and not haunting mercenary purposes, he will try to return them to you or inform the information desk or the administrator of the building, but be sure to return. If the keys were not immediately found, but after some time a period of time, then ask him where he found them, and why he could not return the loyalty right away. During the time of finding keys from another person who pursues any mercenary goals, he could safely make a duplicate and in the future to take advantage of this duplicate, causing you even more troubles. Do not forget to thank the person who has found the keys, at least you suspect it in fraud, you cannot prove it.

If someone found your keys - thank it

If the keys are not found - try to hack the door yourself

In-eighth: Without resorting to the perfidy actions, described above, you can call the wizards to open doors in cars. These services are practically provided in any. A trained person, with professional skills and, at a certain time will drive up to the specified place and will open your car without unnecessary trouble. But he will need to submit documents confirming your right to own this vehicle.

The above two cases on the opening of the doors should not be used just like that, since when opening the doors can, if it is, of course, installed. And the whole district will be very "grateful" for the concert, which you arranged to them, well, and if there are no spare keys in the car itself. This method is worth applying if there is good reasons Opening the door - in the cabin are the keys, important documents, do not give God a child or an animal. If I still had to operate, then try to disable the alarm, throwing the wires from the terminals rechargeable battery, and provide in the future the safety of things in the cabin and, of course, the preservation of the transport itself, if your property is expensive.

V-ninth: Take advantage of the services of companies that are engaged in the roads. Such organizations send to the place where you are, wizards with all the necessary equipment. The range of services for such companies is very wide, it is a tow truck, and repair, and autopsy and so on.

Funny video, about how to open a car:

All moments are good in their own way, and everyone chooses its way of solving a particular problem in the question "What if you lost the keys from the car?" Do not forget that for this period of time your iron favorite becomes vulnerable to fraudsters. It can be saccked, the worst option - others can wait for the moment and climb into the salon and rejoicing there with valuable things, interior items and car devices. For this, if there were no keys at once or within the first few hours when you detect the loss, ensure the safety of your property. Call the tow truck, but it will cost you expensive, but it is cheaper than the hijacking of the car, transport with it to a safe place, to a paid parking, to official dealer, in your garage or a garage of a friend. This most secure yourself from unforeseen circumstances.

Of course, there is a high probability that found the keys from your car, pursuing mercenary goals, will look for your car for further profit. To further be more confident, and not allow, in any established situation due to the loss of keys, try to change or alarms on the car or with the signaling to replace all the secrets: on the locks of doors, trunk and, of course, the ignition lock. In this case, you will protect yourself from unnecessary troubles and theft of your favorite "iron friend." If you have not done this and stayed with one key, then your insurance company may refuse you from, as the hijacking occurred because of your negligence. Take care of yourself and your property. Good luck on the roads!

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Whatever was dear and modern car Convenience and comfort of movement primarily depend on the work of the suspension on it. Especially acute it felt on domestic roads. It is no secret that the most important part of the suspension responsible for comfort is the shock absorber. ...

What car russian production The best, the best Russian cars.

What kind of car of Russian production is the best in the history of the domestic automotive industry there were many good cars. And the best of them choose difficult. Moreover, the criteria for which one or another model is estimated can be very different. ...

Selection of available sedan: ZAZ Change, Lada Granta. and Renault Logan.

Still some 2-3 years ago a priori was considered that available car must be mechanical box Transmissions. The five-speed mechanics was considered their lot. However, now everything has changed dramatically. First, installed the machine on "Logan", a little later - to the Ukrainian "chance", and ...

That outside the eye and extravagant "Nisan-Juk" does not try to even look like a solid sacrifice, since this car is still pulling a boyfriend. This machine cannot leave anyone indifferent. She or like, or not. According to testimony, it is a passenger station wagon, but...

Self the best cars 2018-2019 in different classes: hatchback, SUV, Sportor, Pickup, Crossover, Minivan, Sedan

Let's look at advanced innovations of the Russian automotive market to determine best car 2017. To do this, consider the forty-nine models that are distributed over thirteen classes. So, we offer only the best cars, so make a mistake to the buyer when choosing new car It is impossible. Best...

The most expensive cars in the world

Of course, anyone at least once wondered what the most expensive car in the world. And not even receiving an answer, he could only imagine himself, which is the most expensive car in the world. Perhaps some think it is powerful, ...

Overview of the most popular crossovers and their comparison

Today we will consider six crossovers: Toyota RAV4, Honda CR-V, Mazda CX-5, Mitsubishi Outlander., Suzuki. Grand Vitara. and Ford Kuga.. To two very fresh new items, we decided to add more and debuts of 2015, so that the test drive crossover 2017 was more ...

The best gifts of the car owner

The best gifts of the car owner

The motorist is a man who has a lot of time to carry out the wheel of his car. After all, in order to provide the desired comfort in the car, as well as the safety of motion, you need to make a lot of effort when caring for cars. If you want to make a nice friend ...

SAMI cheap Machine In the world - Top 52018-2019

Crisis and financial situation are not too placed to buy a new car, especially in 2017. Only go to everyone, and not everyone is ready to buy a car in the secondary market. There are individual reasons for that - who does not allow the origin to ride ...

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