Home Steering Antifreeze for Mercedes-Benz cars. Antifreeze for Mercedes-Benz GL Class X166 What antifreeze in Mercedes

Antifreeze for Mercedes-Benz cars. Antifreeze for Mercedes-Benz GL Class X166 What antifreeze in Mercedes

Not all motorists know how often it is worth changing the coolant, which it is worth pouring, what to do with the loss of coolant and which proportions should be observed. Let's try to figure it out.

On sale We have the original Mercedes antifreeze with a catalog number A000 989 08 25 and his full analog A000 989 21 25 (blue concentrate). It is allowed to use products of other firms that have been certified and listed on the tolerance sheet 325.0 (the last tolerance sheet is shown below). Antifreeze A000 989 08 25 and A000 989 21 25 allow mixing. Antifreeze is used to adjust the level or replacement A000 989 08 25.

As for the preparation of antifreeze, for example, to achieve a freezing point -37 o with the ratio of concentrate and water is 1: 1. It is impossible to use undiluted concentrate, as this can lead to crystals (like sugar crystals) within the cooling system and clogging through the flow sections. This is the first moment, and the second - antifreeze does not have a linear dependence of the freezing temperature from the concentration - so, the freezing temperature of the undiluted concentrate is close to -20 ..- 25 o C, i.e. higher than that of a divorced water one to one (take a look at the chart). The maximum permissible percentage of concentrate in the finished antifreeze is 55%. This ensures protection against freezing to -44 about C. Further increase in the proportion of concentrate is proprietary - with increasing concentration of ethylene glycol in the coolant reduces its heat capacity, i.e. The ability to choose heat and remove it. After some time after replacing the blue antifreeze changes the color to greenish, but immediately make a reservation - the color change is not a criterion of its fitness - its color is due to the dye, which is subsequently "triggered."

Cooling fluid replacement frequency:

  1. most of the models since 2002 - once every 15 years or 250,000 miles of run, if there are no other instructions in the service book (justice to say that much depends on the quality of water, which was bred by concentrate);
  2. for earlier models (until 2002), the frequency was once every 3 years;
  3. for parts of cars and after that, antifreeze must be changed every three years. This list includes main machine with M111 engine:
  • W210 with chassis number to A956412;
  • all W202 C M111 from the beginning to the end of the release;
  • W208.335 / 435 with M111.945 engine with chassis number to F165935 / T056332;
  • W170 with M111 engine with chassis number to F252591;
  • W163 - regardless of the type of engine (all gasoline and diesel);

The list of products having a tolerance sheet 325.0 is given below.

Requirements for water by the manufacturer painted quite ambiguously. It is proposed to use pure, soft water. Drinking water, as written, is often suitable for this, but not always. Industrial, crane, river water - not applicable. Therefore, it is better to use distilled and agonized water. If you use conventional water, then the result will eventually be problems with the cooling system. It is deposited (scale) on the walls of the cooling shirt, radiator, and a decrease in anti-corrosion properties of antifreeze. The roughing of the cooling shirt walls, the decreasing cross sections of the radiator honeycomb will lead to a decrease in the flow rate of the fluid and, as a result, to a decrease in the efficiency of the system itself. For comparison, over the month, brew in the kettle in the kettle, without filtering it before and at the end of the experiment, see what will be inside. Now imagine what will be in the cooling system.

General information about antifreeze for Mercedes Benz passenger cars (326.0 tolerance sheet)

Here, too, everything should be clear - a leaf of admission negotiates the use of antifreeze, already ready for use. They should not be breeded with water, check the density, etc. Of the advantages - much more stable parameters, because Used demineralized water of very high quality. In addition, the responsibility of the manufacturer for ready-to-consume product is always higher than for the semi-finished product, which the buyer must bring himself. Of the disadvantages - first, the freezing temperature is standard for European products -37 about C, secondly - a large price - large overhead for storage, transportation, container, plus quality water is expensive. The list of products that have tolerance 326.0 is shown below. Otherwise, antifreeze from the tolerance sheet 326.0 is completely identical to the products from the sheet 325.0 and are used in all gasoline and diesel engines of Mercedes Benz passenger cars.

326.0 tolerance sheet

Product name Manufacturer
Castrol Radicool NF Premix BP P.L.C., London / United Kingdom
Classic Kolda UE G48 FG (1: 1)
Kühlstoff G05-23 / 50
Motorex Coolnt G48 Ready To Use

Antifreeze "30"

Since 2011, Mercedes introduced another antifreeze into appeal - with a catalog number A000 989 16 2514 (5 liters canister). It is intended for repairing the cooling system affected by corrosion of aluminum alloys (suspension, gel in the cooling system, overheating, loss of radiator bandwidth). Antifreeze is supplied in the form of a concentrate, which must be dissolved in a proportion of 50/50 with water to obtain a cooling fluid with a freezing temperature -37 about C. Antifreeze "30" It is forbidden to mix with any other types of antifreeze and, most importantly, the cooling system is subsequently Already filled with antifreeze "30" It is impossible to refuel antifreezes from the tolerance sheets 325.0 or 325.2. To distingvia the cooling system tank, the "TYP 30" sticker is glued. Antifreeze "30" must be changed every 3 years.

A bit of general information about antifreeze

In general, you can allocate the main four types of antifreeze:

  1. traditional antifreeze containing inorganic inhibitors - silicates, phosphates, borates, nitrites, amines, nitrates and combinations thereof. Now in Europe, they apply more and less often due to low life (2-3 years), low boiling point (about 105 ° C). In addition, silicates during operation covers the inner surface of the cooling system with silicate film, which worsens the heat exchange (but if the silicates do not add, then the corrosion instantly "shrinks" the engine of your car). This type of antifreeze does not apply in Mercedes from about the late 90s;
  2. hybrid antifreeze (often referred to as Hoat - Hybrid Organic Acid Technology, Hybrid Technology, NF - Nitrite Free). They are usually blue, green, blue-green, or yellow. This type corresponds to the Volkswagen standard TL 774-C and carries the Tolerance from Volkswagen G11 (ready-made antifreeze), G05 or G48 on the labels. They constitute a considerable part of the list of products included in the tolerance sheet 325.0. They differ in the use of both inorganic (mainly silicates and phosphates) inhibitors and organic, i.e. Combine the advantages of traditional and carboxylate antifreezes (with the same formation of the film on the wall of the cooling shirt, but more thin and unsuitable inhibitors, which come into operation only when corrosion foci occurs). There are many differences in such antifreezes: for the USA is characterized by the use of nitrites, slightly less phosphates, but with a minimum content of silicates (the main inhibitors - phosphoric acid, sodium metasilicate, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite), and for Europe, the use of phosphates is uncharacteristic due to increased water rigidity, as a result of which phosphates fall into the sediment (the yield is the use of demineralized water) - therefore the rate is made mainly to silicates; Also, European antifreeze does not contain amines, and some nitrites.
  3. "Carboxylate" antifreeze or "OAT COOLANTS - ORGANIC ACID Technology" are sometimes called "organic antifreezes". They are quite a few in the list of products that have received tolerance 325.0. Different with the use of organic (carboxylic) acids as inhibitors (but do not contain silicates, phosphates, borates, nitrates, nitrites and amines). Of the advantages - the high boiling point (about 165 ° C), longer service life (from 5 years or more). Again, the Japanese are characteristic even in carboxylate antifreezes to add nitrites and molybdates, and the Americans are phosphates. They are assigned quality class: - G12 - finished antifreeze; The class was going to 2006 and was determined by the Volkswagen Specification TL 774-D; - G12 + finished antifreeze; Class has borrowing since 2006 and was determined by the Volkswagen Specification TL 774-F; - G30 - concentrate for VW, G33 - concentrate for car group Peugeot-Citroen, G34 -Concentrate for GM group. G12 is colored as a rule in red, G12 + - in red, orange, crimson, pink or lilac. For carboxylate antifreezes, a slow, but long action of inhibitors is characteristic. Best of all, they work with aluminum, worse - with copper and brass, cast iron, welding with high lead content. There were cases of aggressive influence on elastomers. Antifreeze classification G12 and G12 + are mixed together within one manufacturer; G12 + is allowed (but undesirable) mixing with antifreeges, G12 - flatly not mixed with antifreeges G11.
  4. "Lobrid Coolants" or "Soat Coolnts" - occupy an intermediate position between hybrid and carboxylate antifreeges. In addition to carboxylates, contain a small (up to 10%) the number of inorganic components, mainly silicates. Colors can be any - yellow, green, orange or even colorless (for pouring on the conveyor). For these antifreezes, a separate designation is allocated - G12 ++ for finished antifreeze and G40 for a concentrate (corresponded to the Volkswagen Specification TL 774-G). Each of the manufacturers in its own way determines the class name - BASF calls them SOAT (Silicone Organic Acid Technology), Arteco - Lobrid Technology. Appeared relatively recently - approximately in 2008.

Separately, propylene glycol antifreeze are isolated. According to the Volkswagen classification, they are assigned the designation G13 and bright yellow or orange. They are becoming more and more, but only in Europe is very expensive. Most buyers are not ready to buy such a product, although public transport in Europe is translated into polypropylene glycol antifreeze for a long time. Advantages: It is not toxic and very environmentally friend. Propylene glycol or ethylene glycol / glycerin antifreeze is the designation G13, but in Mercedes antifreeze of this class do not apply.

Antifreeze color. In some manufacturers, the color meant the type of antifreeze, others - the freezing temperature. Thus, the Japanese have long adhered to the principle of temperature gradation: red (maximum) -30 o C, green -25 o C, Yellow -20 About C. But there is one "but": the lower the temperature of the frost, the lower heat transfer, i.e. The efficiency of the cooling system is seriously reduced. Therefore, some Japanese manufacturers whose cars are characterized by small amounts of cooling systems, use not red, as it takes place on 80% of machines, and green or yellow antifreeze. But this does not mean that the red and yellow Japanese antifreeze are disappointing, although it may be the opposite. It does not mean anything at all, because antifreeze is generally better not to mix. Europeans had a more systematic approach, thanks to the Volkswagen concern. It is these guys and become legislators mod in the field of antifreeze. Volkswagen tolerance sheets carry GXX designation.

So, an approximate set of colors according to Volkswagen classification:

  1. class G11, G05, G48 is usually painted in blue, green, blue-green, sometimes yellow (this is "hybrid" antifreeze);
  2. class G12, G30, G33, G34 - usually in red (these are carboxylate antifreezes);
  3. class G12 + - usually in red, orange, raspberry, pink or purple color (it is also carboxylate antifreeze);
  4. class G12 ++, G40 is usually in a purple or purple color. Refers to the class of "lass" antifreeze;
  5. class G13 - propylene glycol antifreeze. Color as a rule in orange.

And one more thing about the color of antifreeze is all we know that the market often you can buy the same product under different trademarks and at a given price. So, the same antifreeze can be painted in the following colors: in orange for Ford plant, in yellow for Volvo, in a pink for the Opel plant, in blue color - for the Komatsu plant. For sale, the same antifreeze comes in orange. More questions about the legality of the choice of antifreeze in color are there? Understand, to the choice of antifreeze, it is necessary to approach no less responsible than to the choice of engine oil and it is not necessary to pour into the tank. The differences between the products are simply enormous and from mixing different antifreezes can occur anything. It is better not to buy "just blue" antifreeze and add it to the tank and ride with this mixture for the next 2-3 years.

Is it possible to mix antifreeze of different brands and what should I add to the cooling system?

The answer is similar to the answer to the question "Is it possible to mix oils of different marks and classes?". So oil in most cases can be mixed. And antifreeze - rather no than yes! Consider cases when the coolant topping may be required:

  1. cooling fluid leak as a result of a malfunction (system leakage). If you have the opportunity to get to the service to eliminate the defect - it is required to eliminate the defect and adjust the coolant level using a diluted concentrate (with a density check at the end of the repair). Even better fluid just replace;
  2. if there is a leakage of fluid in the far road, or simply in a situation where the machine with such a level simply does not get to service. In this situation, we felt that we find - there is a number of auto shop - any antifreeze, which has a sheet of admission 325.0 (if the concentrate is only in collecting it with water); If there is no one - anyone, what is there; If you buy or score nowhere - plot water; If in the winter there is no place to take water - melt the snow (in the expansion tank it will melt for a very long time) and move without turning off the engine. In a situation with the top of antifreeze, it is possible to travel a hundred - two kilometers, in the water situation - less, since the water pump suffers, more precisely, the seal that protects the bearing, but also in the other case the end point of the journey should be the maintenance station, where All that you poured should be replaced with a normal cooling fluid. As for the sealing of the bearing of the water pump - specifically in the composition of antifreeze no lubricating additives are not introduced - ethylene glycol due to its qualities ensures slipping at the place of contact of the impeller and seals. When using clean water, the seal is abruptly;
  3. if there is a drop in the level without visible leaks (after the night parking lot under the car and on plastic protection there is no puddle), there is no emulsion on the oil probe or a white pair does not picked out of the exhaust pipe - plot the water. Upon the closer to the service, check and adjust the coolant level. The reason for the fall in the level can be a reset vapor through the plug of the expansion tank, the valve task of which includes the maintenance of overpressure (usually for Mercedes it is 1.5-2.0 bar). And there are a pair of water, which begins to evaporate at 100 ° C, and not ethylene glycol, which boils at a temperature of 197 o C. That is why, if you add a divorced concentrate, then the content of monoethylene glycol in the cooling system can become too high, which will lead to a sharp decrease in heat capacity Coolant and other negative consequences that have already been dealt with higher.

Thus, if you do not know what's flooded in your car in the cooling system - it is better to replace - it's not so expensive, but for sure. Moreover, you get rid of questions to add to the system. You will not top up LUKOIL oil in Shell? Mix antifreeze different types - transfer of money - additive packages are unfailed and we get a cocktail with unknown properties. Mix antifreeze even having a 325.0 tolerance from Mercedes, but different manufacturers are also not the smartest course. Each manufacturer uses his set of inhibitors and can so it turn out that some positive properties of antifreeze will be lost, and some negative - the stock edge is strengthened! The fatal situation from the mixing of antifreezes of different types and manufacturers and colors will not occur in 99% of cases, although there were situations when the sediment fell out or even a gel! Just in the shortest possible time it is necessary to completely replace the cooling fluid in the system, because Antifreeze is not just a non-freezing, but a set of very balanced additives - anti-corrosion, anticavitational, detergents and many more, many.

Then another question arises - what to add to the cooling system in which the original antifreeze is present? Only the original antifreeze. The manufacturer of the product for the conveyor and supply to spare parts is not known, although it is clear that the Daimler AG itself does not engage in the production of antifreeze. It is possible that there are several such suppliers. But in any passenger car you can safely pour the original antifreeze, since they are all created according to a single recipe. As for the products from the tolerance sheet 325.0, they can be used in the cooling system, but cannot be mixed with each other! You will not mix the oil from a sheet of 229.5 among themselves in indiscriminate proportions only on the basis that they come in one tolerance sheet?

Further! The main criterion of the suitability of antifreeze in the cooling system of your car is not a color, but its freezing point. Closer to winter it makes sense to find out this amount. To do this, visit the maintenance station. If you decide to do it yourself, remember that the density is not necessary to adjust the density, but in the system as a whole, for which, after each concentrate, the engine must be launched, turn on the stove to fully and give a "cocktail" to be sampled several minutes. Then you can check the result (though with correction to the coolant temperature: antifreeze density decreases with approximately 1.065 at 20 ° C to 1.022 at 100 ° C). As for the danger of freezing the coolant in the engine. If the fluid consists of at least 30% of the concentrate, then the risk of destruction (the rupture of the engine parts, as it would have happened in the case of water) practically absent: the increase in volume is unlikely to reach 1%. The fluid can turn into a cashey substance, but after warming up the engine will return its qualities. Worse, if she succeeds in turning into ice-impeller, the pump will most likely not stand.

List of products included in the tolerance sheet 325.0

Product name Manufacturer
Mercedes-Benz Korrosions- / Frostschutzmittel MB 325.0
MB 325.0 COOLANT A 000 989 01 25 Daimler AG, Stuttgart / Deutschland
MB 325.0 COOLANT A 000 989 09 25 Daimler AG, Stuttgart / Deutschland
MB 325.0 Korrosion- / Frostschutzmittel A 000 989 08 25 Daimler AG, Stuttgart / Deutschland
Alliance Primecool C-MF Mercedes-Benz Pty. Ltd. / Australia, Victoria, Mulgrave / Australia
Alpine C 48. Mitan Mineralöl GmbH, Ankum / Deutschland
Anticongelante Voltro®. COMERCIAL ROSHFRANS, S.A. De C.V., Mèxico, D.F./Mexico
Antifreeze Anf KK48. Kuttenkeuler GmbH, Köln / Deutschland
Antifreeze RL-Plus Raloy Lubricantes, S.A. DE C.V., Santiago Tianguistenco / Mexico
Aral Antifreeze Extra Aral Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg / Deutschland
Avia Antifreeze Apn. Avia Mineralöl-Ag, München / Deutschland
Castrol Antifreeze NF.
Castrol Radicool NF. Castrol Limited, Swindon / United Kingdom
Classic Kolda UE G48 Classic SchmierStoff GmbH & Co. KG, Hoya / Deutschland
Concentrate Coolnt (G48) China Changchun Delian Chemical Co. Ltd., Changchun / p. R. Of China.
Concentrate Coolant G48. Changchun Delian Chemical Co. Ltd., Changchun / p. R. Of China.
COOLANT G48 Concentrate. Bucher Ag Langenthal, Langenthal / Schweiz
Engen Antifreeze & Summer Coolnt
EngMan's Super Antifreeze & Coolant Unico Manufacturing, Durban / Republic of Southafrica
EUROPEAK COOLANT / ANTIFREEZE Old World Industries, Inc., Northbrook, IL 60062 / USA
Genantin Super Clariant GmbH, Frankfurt / Main / Deutschland
Glixol Extra Plus. Zaklady Chemicalzne Organika S.A., Lodz / Poland
Glycostar ST48. Müller Mineralöle GmbH & Co. KG, Eschweiler / Deutschland
INA Antifriz Al Super Ina Maziva Ltd., Zagreb / \u200b\u200bCroatia
Lubex Antifreeze TSM. Belgin Madeni Yaglar Tic. Ve San. A.S., Gebze Kocaeli / Turkey
Lukoil Antifreeze HD.
Lukoil Antifreeze HD G11 Zao Obninskorgsintez, Obninsk / Russia
Mobil GS 333 Plus Exxon Mobil Corporation, Fairfax, Virginia / USA
MOFIN KÜHLERFROSTSCHUTZ M48 Premium Protect BVG Blume GmbH, Bomlitz / Deutschland
Motorex Antifreeze G05 Bucher Ag Langenthal, Langenthal / Schweiz
Omv Coolnt Plus. Lukoil Lubicants Austria GmbH, Vienna / Österreich
Panolin Anti-Frost MT-325 Panolin AG, MADETSWIL / SCHWEIZ
Po Özel Antifriz Petrol Ofisi Anonim Sirketi, Istanbul / Turkey
polyston (R) G48 (R) FRIPOO PRODUKTE AG, Grüningen / Schweiz
POWER COOL OFF-HIGHWAY Detroit Diesel Corporation, Detroit, Michigan 48239-4001 / USA
Ravenol Alu-Kühlerfrosschutz -ExClusiv-
Ravenol HTC Hybrid Techn. COOLANT CONCEN. Ravensberger SchmierStoffvertrieb GmbH, Werther / Deutschland
Rowe Hightec Antifreeze An Rowe Mineralölwerk GmbH, Worms / Deutschland
Tectrol CoolProtect. Baywa AG, München / Deutschland
Voltronic Coolant An. Voltronic & Act GmbH, Bad Boll / Deutschland
York 716. York SAS, Toulon Cedex / France
Zerex G 05.

It should be borne in mind that the tolerance sheets are constantly changing. In the tables given - the tolerance sheets 325.0 and 326.0 as of 06/11/2015

The basis of the article now does not exist www.mb-info.ru

Antifreeze for Mercedes-Benz GL Class X166

The table indicates - the type and color of the required antifreeze for fill in the Mercedes-Benz GL class X166,
released from 2012 to 2016.
Year Engine A type Color Lifetime Recommended manufacturers
2012 petrol, diesel G12 ++. redfrom 5 to 7 yearsFreecor QR, Freecor DSC, Glysantin G 40, FEBI
2013 petrol, diesel G12 ++. redfrom 5 to 7 yearsFEBI, VAG, Castrol Radicool Si Oat
2014 petrol, diesel G12 ++. redfrom 5 to 7 yearsFrostschutzmittel A, FEBI, VAG
2015 petrol, diesel G12 ++. redfrom 5 to 7 yearsMotul, Vag, Castrol Radicool Si Oat,
2016 petrol, diesel G12 ++. redfrom 5 to 7 yearsFreecor QR, Freecor DSC, FEBI, ZEREX G

When buying, you need to know the shade - Color and A type Antifreeze, permissible for the year of release of your GL class X166. Manufacturer choose at your discretion. Do not forget - each type of fluid has its own service life.
For example: For Mercedes-Benz GL Class (X166 Body), 2012, with a gasoline or diesel engine type, the muffin class of antifreeze is suitable, type G12 ++ with shades of red. An approximate term of the next replacement of which will be 7 years. If possible, deposit the selected fluid for compliance with the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer specifications and maintenance intervals. It's important to know Each type of fluid is its color. There are rare cases when the type is tinted with different color.
The color of red antifreeze can be from violet to light vehicle (in green and yellow the same principles).
Mix liquid from different manufacturers - canIf their types correspond to the mixing conditions. G11 can be mixed with analogs G11 G11 can not be mixed with G12 G11 can be mixed G12 + G11 you can mix G12 ++ G11 can be mixed G13 G12 can be mixed with analogs G12 G12 can not be mixed with G11 G12 can be mixed with G12 + G12 can not be mixed with G12 ++ G12 can not be mixed with G13 G12 +, G12 ++ and G13 can be mixed with each other. Antifreeze with Tosol is not allowed. No way! Tosol and antifreeze are very different in quality. Tosol is the trade name of the traditional type (TL) of the cooling fluid of the old sample. At the end of the service life - the liquid is completely discolored or faster. Before replacing one type of liquid to another, rinse the car radiator with ordinary water.

As a result of the operation of the engine of the internal combustion, it heats up - this is a process. But the heating process can not be infinite. To maintain the operating temperature and exclude the Mercedes motor overheating factor, as well as in Durga Mark, the cooling fluid is used for cooling - antifreeze.

The coolant has special properties and characteristics, which does not allow it to boil at 100 degrees and do not freeze at minus temperatures. Like any automotive fluid, antifreeze has its own service life and must be changed.

Cost The cost of the work on the replacement of antifreeze on Mercedes depends on the model of the car and the volume of the cooled coolant from 2100 rubles

Replacing the coolant is recommended in accordance with the Mercedes Service Regulations. The regulation states the replacement every 2-3 years or in 100 thousand km.

Overheating of the engine leads to the loss of the indigenous oil oil. In addition, the aging of the oil in an overheated motor occurs faster, and the load on the operating surfaces of the motor is more painted.

Replacing coolant on Mercedes

IMPORTANT! Cooling fluid must be changed every 2-3 years / every 100 thousand kilometers / when washing radiators

The antifreeze replacement procedure is the replacement of the old coolant to the new one. Old liquid merges through a drain plug located at the bottom of the radiator. After the fluid flows from the radiators of the cooling system, the drain plug closes, and the coolant is poured into the system through the expansion tank in advance mixed with distilled water.

We recommend replacing the cooling fluid also when washing the cooling radiators. Usually this procedure is beginning to engage in spring when it melted snow and all the dirt washed away from the roads. Here there is nothing to add, washing radiators is recommended to replace the working fluid to the new one.

When it is required to add coolant in Mercedes

Smart car systems can determine the coolant level. Of course, the system will not indicate the exact amount of missing fluid, but it will promptly notify the car owner on the insufficient level.

For what reason requires a liquid topping? Let's start with the fact that it is necessary to check the level, that is, every 15,000 km. Level check is not a complex procedure and possibly for self-access.

Like any liquid, the antifreeze can still evaporate, although the point of evaporation or boiling antifreeze is much higher than ordinary water. In addition, the antifreeze does not allow to climb the system of cooling the car and its properties to crystallization primarily on the degree of concentration (the percentage of mixing with antifreeze with distilled water).

Antifreeze tops each in a small amount is the norm. If the level drops quickly and often have to top up the fluid into the cooling system, then you need to search for malfunctions and search for leaks, because the motor overheating can lead to serious breakdowns and expensive repairs.

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