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Whether hijacked cars are found. How do you find cheap cars? What to resort is not worth

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The hijacking of the car is a fairly common crime committed by even groups of criminals. But most of all the victims are interested in how to find a sophisticated car and punish criminals. Unfortunately, sad statistics says that a hundred styled cars have only 15 found. To be among the lucky ones and return their own property, it is necessary to effectively organize searches.

Search by police

First of all, finding the hijacking, you should contact the law enforcement agencies. The faster the victim does it, the less chance to hide the kidnappers. As soon as a person wrote a statement about the disappearance and gave employees with the necessary information about the car, it is immediately entered into the traffic police base. Thus, all DPS posts, as well as patrols, are connected to the interception operation - stop and check vehicles suitable by description.

It is worth noting that the traffic police work in such affairs in such matters. It may be that the criminals were caught by the police were involved in the situation with the embezzlement and other cars.

The initiated criminal case in order to return the car will have one of three outcomes:

  • representatives of the law will find a car and a criminal;
  • a car will be discovered, but those responsible for the abduction will hide;
  • it will not be possible to find a car, like thieves.

Independent search

After compulsory contacting the police, you can do independent searches - to help the consequence. As a rule, in the first days after theft, attackers do not risk appearing on the roads - they can easily catch in the first post of DPS. Therefore, they prefer to leave the car somewhere nearby, in the courtyards. The statistics of the results found says that this way, many owners find their vehicles in the near future after the hijacking.

It will not prevent the neighbors or any other possible witnesses. You can also place an ad on finding witnesses on the Internet, or print them and paste them on the posts. It is likely that passing by a pedestrian could see the process of theft.

If there are shops or institutions near the crime plot, you should contact the video surveillance record. Sometimes the course of theft is recorded by video recorders of neighboring machines. If you can communicate with their drivers, you must use it.

Sometimes the details of the stubborn TC are trying to sell parts in the market. In this way, the attackers are trying to avoid publicity theft, and quickly get rid of property. If the city is small, the seller can be easily found. All the information received is important to immediately transfer to the police.

Search by GPS / GLONASS

Drivers who took care in advance about the preservation of their car and installed a GPS tracker in it, with an almost one hundred percent probability will be able to return their car in a short time. In very rare cases, the thieves use fixtures for the "plug" of the gadget signal. And the owner, finding the hijacking, with the help of a smartphone or computer will be able to find independently in a matter of seconds, where its vehicle is now.

Act with the aim of finding the car needs quickly and consistently:

  1. Immediately you need to enable remote detection of the car through the program. As soon as it indicates the location of the found TS, transfer its coordinates to the police, and go to the place independently.
  2. To find the car styled thoras, it is necessary to maintain constant contact with the police. They will quickly send an outfit to intercept criminals, but since the car will most likely move, it should be reported to change its location to representatives of the law.

Sometimes thieves leave cars in an unsolved courtyard of the sleeping area.
It is better not to approach her. A group of police officers who have become stolen cars that have been stunned, much more likely to cope with possibly armed criminals that can be nearby.

Do not interfere with the work of law enforcement officers. Just follow their instructions and assist in drawing up the protocol.

Wanted on the Internet

With the advent of the World Wide Web, the set of problems found a easier solution. It concerns this and search for stolen cars. There are many specialized forums, where those who have once found their vehicles give advice on the misfortune.
You can also contact remote legal help. In such cases, victims most often advise:

  • Monitor the city and field bulletin board. The attackers are likely to try to sell transport entirely, or spare parts.
  • Send a message to the site of witnesses. Very often, random observers of the incident are trying to enter the owner of the stolen machine. And if the owner himself places the description of the stolen car, it will be even easier to do it.
  • Try to spread the news of the hijack in social networks.

Sometimes some people are not lucky, and they acquire already stolen cars. Such a phenomenon, unfortunately, is also found. But now with the help of the Internet, any user can and its former owner. Here it remains only to hope for the conscientiousness of the buyer. Perhaps he will try to return the car to her legitimate owner and will also help to go to the criminal.

What if the car is found

The car was found! And what's next? About the first case has already been stated earlier. It is enough to simply transfer all the information collected by the police and wait when justice will still triumph, thieves will be caught and punished, and the car will return to their driver. But not everything is always rosy. Sometimes, the usual protocol and the court over the thoraces does not end.

It may be that the rooms on the machine are already "interrupted" - the thieves were not too lazy to change the VIN code or license plates. Most likely, after such a legal owner will be waiting for a long examination, and then printing in documents on the car's change. With such a seal, unfortunately, the car is no longer sold.

The worst out of the outcomes (to some extent, it is even worse than saying goodbye to the machine forever) - this is when the hijackers ask redemption. It often happens that a few days after the hijacking, the owner begins to receive messages or calls to return the car for money. The main thing is not to succumb to provocations and threats. To begin with, it is better to ask about the special vents of the car, in order not to get caught on the bait of the scrolls who wish to catch in someone else's grief. If still call hijackers, the evidence of blackmail should be collected and go to the police.

But in no case you can not pay money - this is an unjustified risk! The car may be returned, but you can forever stay in the "white list" by robbers and be provoked again.

Although statistics at the moment are not in favor of owners of stolen cars, the situation is improved from year to year. Mostly due to the growing popularity of GPS trackers. In order not to set the case on how to find a stolen car, you need to protect yourself and your own transport. This can be done as follows:

  1. Parking auto is better not in the courtyard, but on a guarded parking lot.
  2. Install GPS tracker.
  3. Put a good alarm.
  4. Do not suck on the immobilizer - a device that will not allow the engine to start until a driver with an electronic chip appears.
  5. Even easier and cheaper - mechanical anti-theft castle. Conduct with him Warm will not at all.

A large number of roads on the roads is not only an indicator of the welfare of people and commercial activity of enterprises, but also certain problems associated with traffic accidents, hijacking, fraud, and simply dishonorary of individual drivers and car owners.

And although law enforcement agencies are constantly working on the disclosure of crimes and violations in many people happen moments when it is necessary to identify not only the car, but also the owner. Most often, at the same time I remember the brand of the car, its color and, of course, registration numberAfter all, it is most often the most brightly remembered in memory. That is why this combination of numbers of letters becomes the most sought-after to search for the owner of the desired machine.

State registration number and wines code are the main types of car codification and precisely on them and the owner of the car is searched.

Regardless of the reasons for the search for the owner by car number it is necessary to understand that the state registration license plate is one of the types of identification vehicle. It is issued by government registration authorities, and is assigned to a specific vehicle - a car, a trailer, self-propelled machine or agricultural machinery.

For each type of machine, their license plates are provided, differing from each other with the codification of digital and letter rows in which information is encoded in which the region is registered. According to the legislation, the operation of cars without license plates is prohibited, moreover, the signs themselves should be well readable and distinguishable.

The second machine identifier is the wine code, information that, unlike the state number, is assigned once - in the manufacture of a car. In the wine code encrypted:

  • Country car manufacturer;
  • Information about the firm, under the trademark of which the vehicle was produced;
  • Year of issue;
  • The plant on which the final assembly of the machine was made, in the finite final product;
  • Car body number;
  • His brand and modification.

Knowing the entire digital and alphabet number of the wine code can also be checked by the car history:

  • when and where it was produced;
  • under what conditions was imported into the territory of the country, if it is a foreign car;
  • where was the customs clearance and how was exploited - whether in the accidents;
  • whether insurance was paid to the insurance company for compensation for damage caused by the car;
  • when and where restrictions on the car were imposed and how it was caused.

Thus, the State Registration Number and Wine Code acts as the main types of car codification and it is on them to find the owner of the car.

How to find out the owner of the car in different ways

There are several ways with which you can find out the owner of the car according to the state number.

Today, during the development of digital technologies, the search for a car at its state number with the ultimate goal of determining the owner of the machine, its and contact data may be much easier than it seems.

For active young people, and most of those who are the owner of the car is no longer a different page on social networks, posting information on various sites and stock exchanges, participation in social projects. All this makes it possible to identify the owner of the machine, and its successful search.

The Machine's Machine Search Activities themselves have two main directions - the official way, when there is a need to establish communication with government bodies, and unofficial when for any reason there is no need to disclose their own coordinates.

Immediately it should be noted that the search for a car or the owner of the car by official channels not only has more chances of success, but in some cases provides legal protection and assistance.

Search by filing a request to the traffic police

The most reliable way to find out the owner of the car is to send a request to the traffic police or the police.

The first, most correct and reliable way to search for a car's owner in the state number acts as a request to the authorities and traffic police. The advantage of this method is the guaranteed receipt of information on the owner of the car and its registration due to the fact that the rule of law is at their disposal full databases of registered cars.

Before you find a car on the state number, you need:

  1. contact the nearest residence or geographically located traffic police department;
  2. write a request for the reasons for the request and set out the circumstances that served this;
  3. in the application, be sure to leave your passport details and contact phones;
  4. get information about registration statements.

In the absence of the traffic police department, contact emergency cases It is possible to the police department and even in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, if it is related to traffic accident or a crime.

Usually, a fairly simple statement is enough to receive information to check for the presence of problem points associated with the purchase of the machine. Such a procedure is most often ends with the issuance of references on the presence of unpaid fines, finding wanted, or superimposed arrest.

Refusal to receive data or the absence of a car in the database means what has not quite pure history:

  • the machine is not submitted to the database due to the lack of registration documents;
  • the car was imported into the territory of the state in transit numbers and is not issued at customs;
  • the machine has changed the wrench or fake number;
  • the car was assigned a twin number;
  • the car has its own attitude to the special services and uses the operational cover numbers.

Check by purchasing databases

Information in the purchased database is not official and all 100% legitimate

It may be not the most correct option to find information about the car, but if there is no other exit, you can use this option. Truth. Immediately, it should be noted that the information from the database purchased on the radio market or the movable property registry is not official and all 100% legitimate.

Given that the databases of this kind are the property of the state, the likelihood that it is illegally produced is very and very large. In addition, such databases may have except useful information also a lot of problem software modules that can not harm not only a computer, but also those who search.

Most likely, such databases will require installations on the hard disk of the base program and registering it by receiving the activation code. Such code is usually sent using SMS or email after transferring the requested amount to the specified account.

Next, the work that resembles the filling of the questionnaire - in pop-ups it is necessary to fill out the data or put the checkboxes in the desired response options. The result is usually expressed in the form of a short reference or answer that such government number The database does not mean.

Check with the portals on the Internet paid / free

Information about the owner of the car, found on the Internet, is not always reliable.

A miracle of digital technology opens up new opportunities to independently begin searching for the right information in the worldwide network. It is obvious that the accuracy of such a search in the widest range of information about the car can be extremely low, due to the huge number of information debris associated with the automotive theme, but you can define a specific request for the database search in the search engine.

Surely such a request will open at least a dozen links, among which will certainly be the email addresses of official authorities, such as the police and traffic police and commercial sites, which are possible and there is a desired information.

For official sites of state authorities, such information is filed in the form of pages to search for information regarding the hijacking of vehicles imposed by restrictions, the presence of penalties and finding the machine in special conditions - as a mortgage property or ban it for sale due to lawsuits. You can get this information:

  1. on the website of the Avtoyspection;
  2. on the police website;
  3. on the page of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  4. in the section of the mortgage property of banks and other credit institutions with an official license;
  5. on the website of the Customs Service regarding the importation of cars into the territory and its customs clearance;

For information about the owner of such a car, it is usually necessary to fill out a standard search form and in some cases and register on the mail service to receive an email response. In most cases, such information is provided free of charge.

For the same information, but with the help of commercial services you will have to upset and after filling out the form enter the service activation code. Such code comes to the phone after payment of the service. The result of such use of the commercial service is practically no different from what will be obtained as a result of searching on public sites.

The difference is only in the form of a response. At the same time, when using paid services, it is likely that the site located on servers in Vietnam or the Philippines will have a hacker version of the database of auto inspection or police. In this case, these actions are automatically crime and persecuted by.

An option is also possible that information about the machine owner will be confidential and contain facts not related to the simple search for the owners of the machine. In this case, the owner itself becomes a victim of a crime.

The survey of the neighbors is perhaps the easiest, but at the same time pretty an effective way Find car owner.

Connecting to the search for neighbors to determine the owner of the car, it may well bring its results. After all, if one person is unbearable in several places, it does not mean that there are no other people. In this case will be a valuable source of information.

  • concierge;
  • wipers;
  • young mothers walking with children;
  • motorists leaving their cars in the parking lot;
  • disabled people living in the house and constantly bored by the window;
  • even people without a certain place of residence, which is industrial in trash can, are also able to give valuable information.

You can not underestimate and video cameras installed in the windows of apartments as weathering information stations, video surveillance cameras security system And video recorders of other cars. Even 1-2 frames from these devices will help clarify who was driving the car when the car moved from the place where she went and when he disappeared.

Attraction to the search for a private detective

Given that privately friendly activities are usually dealing with professionals who have good acquaintances with the law enforcement and a criminal world, an appeal to a private detective for help is not so ridiculous.

Of course, his work will have to pay, but at the same time the information that such a person will be provided will not only be interesting, but also in many respects reliable. Nobody will be expected for finding the car or its owner, but the chance is that it is a private detective that organizes and conducts an investigation promptly, efficiently and most importantly confidentially without disclosing the topic of the request and interests of your client is very large.

What information can be found by car number and how to find its location

The basic information, which, with a high probability, you can find out by entering the request of only one car room will be:

  • brand, color, year of production of the car;
  • year and place of registration;
  • on whose name the car is registered;
  • the place and date of re-registration, new and old license plates, whether the owner's change took place;
  • is it imposed on the car the arrest, in which case, what court and how much the restriction is acting;
  • are there any unpaid;

Alas, find out where exactly the car is currently located, to find out until it is possible, but where he passed technical inspectionWhen and where it was registered and to which region refers registration is quite possible.

Video about what can be found in the state number:

In Russia, more 1000 cars die daily. How to find a sophisticated car if this situation happened to you and are there any nuances in the search process?

If you have cooked the car - come accelerate, you will have to pay anyway. If not a criminal, so law enforcement agencies.

Police officers, unlike the hijacker, directly rarely require money, but without "thanks" the car will probably not be sought. Often they are roofing gangsters, and the car is defended in the parking lot.

So you came to the usual parking place, but there is no transport. What to do and how to find a car if it hijacked her?

Why did your car come under the sight and how much really find it? To understand in these moments, consider several categories of hijacking:

  1. Hyon guests. When the car steal and disappear from the site of the so-called "registration". This is done in order to resemble the car. It is very difficult to find it in this case.
  2. Delivery to parts. According to statistics, there are few such situations, because the unemployed car is sold faster and at a higher price. But police officers categorically disagree with this. They often declare a hijacking to parsing the car, because they do not want to search.
  3. "To order". Here you need to immediately pay attention to one important moment: Thus, only dear carswhich most often belong to special categories of citizens. Naturally, a car type VAZ-21093 no one will order, because the service is more expensive than the machine itself. Most often, the car does not save any protection (starting from the presence of a guard in the parking lot and ending with Cliffords, reservations of the garage gate and other). Chances of finding a vigorous car practically zero, because professional professionals are engaged.
  4. To get a redemption from the owner. This option is theft and it will be most frequent. Often the car does not disturb anywhere, and the driver on the same day declare the amount you need to pay. Such machines are very often.

If yes - then immediately open the program for remote tracking machine. It is necessary to determine where it is and where it goes.

After that, you need to try to catch up your car, in parallel to convey the machine description and its direction to the police. They will exercise emergency interception only if no more than half an hour passed after the hijacking.

Important! With you, you must have documents for transport and keys.

With police officers need to be maintained until they cane and vigorous transport. After that, they stop the car and on the spot form the protocol.

But there are such situations where the police do not have time to catch up with the car and the attackers leave it in some place to stand up (mostly the cars put in the courtyards of quiet bedrooms).

If this happened - the driver is not in any case you can not approach the car and try to penetrate inside. This is due to the fact that in proximity can be hijackers, which are often armed.

It is safe to wait for police officers who will examine the car will make the necessary acts. If you have seen the faces of the thieves - be sure to inform their signs alongside. After registering the hijacking, the patrol will give instructions to the owner for further action.

Pluses such a search method two - through GPS you can find almost every car, the interception occurs on hot wakes. Of the minuses - the gangsters can use a special muffler, which is why there will be no signal from the car.

If you act completely independently, it can also be dangerous.

In 2020, in the Russian Federation began to actively implement the project ERA GLONASS. Special devices are installed on the machines, which, in addition to the SOS buttons and bilateral communication, have built-in lighthouses showing the location of the car. This can also help in finding a stolen machine.

Before the call, you need to make sure that the car was not taken to the penalty. It happens that it can even be parked under due sign, and they still evacuated him.

If you are confident in the fact of hijacking - call the police on the total number 02. In a conversation with duty, it will be necessary to describe the machine in detail, indicating such facts:

  • brand;
  • the color and availability of special recognizable signs (drawings, stickers, specific tuning, possibly bodied body);
  • state number;
  • completion of the cabin (additionally confirms the fact of property and helps to distinguish similar cars).

Additionally, the break time and address where the car stood. When carrying out interception, police officers start looking for a car immediately. This is connected not only with a big chance of catching.

The reason also lies in the fact that the car could steal for another more serious crime. Operational actions will help to warn it.

If you have discovered a break in a few hours - check at the duty room for the time interval. Often the gangsters on the stolen cars fall into an accident due to inexperience in terms of driving or due to alcohol intoxication.

After a conversation with the duty officers, it is necessary to come to the department itself, where the statement of the hijack will be drawn up. After making all the papers, many drivers advise you to take a phone number of your business and write it my name.

Police officers often have a job on samonek, postpone it. Because of this chance, it becomes less like a car.

Periodically remind the investigator about yourself, call the phone or attend the department. In such a situation, it is necessary to behave correctly, but persistently.

How to find out if a stolen car found? Police officers will contact you themselves and will be invited to the department for closing a criminal case.

There are two options for the development of events: either the detective will really turn on and highlighted in the search, or will pull the time (they almost always pay for the clock) until the moment when looking for the car later. Therefore, before applying to a specific organization, read about it feedback from other drivers.

It often happens that detectives find the car rightly suspiciously quickly. This may indicate cooperation between him and criminals.

Your car, like you, can make a list of solvent customers. You will be returned to you, but after a couple of days you will bearing reused and then they will already call with the requirement of ransom.

Thus can be cheated: the client reports on the search for the search, while working in parallel with the hijacker themselves. While the detective pulls the time, the car disassemble, take off the abroad or interrupt.

Then the driver throws into black lists and just begin to ignore. Such office most often require prepayments for their services.

Cooperation with proven people significantly facilitates the search. They actually act in the framework of the law, have many informants who give important to search for tips.

Thanks to the experience of detectives, they know about all sumps for stolen machines, they constantly monitor them for the appearance of new cars.

Important: You can contact a detective only after making a statement in the police.

This type of investigation may exist only together with the police search. Without this, you can not get payments in the insurance, legally return the car. The initiative on your part can significantly help the consequence.

What can be done to promote search:

In such a situation, the insurance company must pay compensation. But this procedure itself is very wisdom because of:

  • about the month is confirmed by the insured event (you can even recognize the partner of theft);
  • will be returned to 90% of the price of the car, not the entire cost;
  • payment is not less than in 3 months (if the machine is more expensive than 1 million - even longer);
  • when secondary handling, the service may refuse.

You need to act on this algorithm:

  • documenting the hijacking in the police;
  • taking a control talon;
  • taking a certificate of treatment for the subject of theft;
  • obtaining a copy of the documents on the initiation of a criminal case;
  • providing these documents, polis, documents for the car and statements about the insurance case into the insurance company.

In collaboration with the insurance company, the case often reaches scandals, so take patience. It is necessary to constantly lead evidence to your side and control the course of the case.

If the car is found

Where to call if I found the car? At that office, where they wrote a statement or directly to the investigator.

You need to inform the police to the police. They almost immediately go to the detention of criminals.

At this time you need to collect previously executed acts, documents for the car, keys and wait for instructions from the police.

Before leaving on the road, you must check if the car is working.

Criminals could steal or damage important mechanical spare parts, without which the use of a car is unsafe.

Inspection can be carried out or in the car service. It is better to do this from specialists and get an official discharge, which you can provide in the insurance and police.

It is also better to rebuild and change the locks on the doors. If you have an access system without a key - you need to update it, because there is a risk that it broke or changed the configuration.


Statistics of the hornbeam found cars are quite positive and most of them are. For a successful completion of the case, it is necessary to provide as many specifics as possible by police officers, to assist in the investigation.

If you somehow found your car - do not try to return it yourself, it is dangerous and not completely legal.

Video: hijacked the car, what to do?

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One comment

    Useful article, but the point about the system of the ERA GLONASS is not corrected. According to the head office of EG, they do not have the ability to provide info on the location of the car without activating the button, which is directly in the vehicle, you can only learn about the location of the machine only if the button is pressed. Otherwise, the car search system is not activated (in sleep mode).

Arriving in a new shopping center or a conference in another city, you encounter 2 tasks: first find a parking place near the ultimate goal, and then - find your car in an alternate area. But car owners can always solve this task with their own smartphone. Here 5 applications that will help you find your car even on the most downloaded multi-level parking.


3. Find My Car Smarter

If you have a Find My Car Smarter, you don't remember anything at all and do not need to search: this application automatically saves the location of the parked car, and then synchronizes it via Bluetooth with your iPhone 5 or 4S.

The IOS version is free, and to work with device from third-party manufacturers that use Bluetooth SMART technology, download the Pro version of the same application for $ 1.99.


The interface of this application will help you find the direction and place of parking your car. You can also synchronize the location with notes in Evernote.

The application is available to the owners of smartphones on Android at a price of $ 3.99. There is also a free trial that limits you 10 attempts to use.


And this is hardly the only application for Windows Phone, which solves the task with the search for a parked machine. You can not only save the marked place, but even make it a photograph.

Free version is available to all owners of smartphones. There is also a version of the Windows Phone application, it is also free.

Photo itStactical.com.

In Russia, the increase in the number of hijacking is fixed. Before the breakdown of the Band of the bus station in the 90s is still far away, but the tendency, however, on the face. Today, the "cars" steal brazenly and naked: under the cover of the night from courtyards, protected parking and garages, in the midst of the working day before the eyes of an indifferent public, on weekends and holidays From the parking lots of shopping and entertainment centers. And all thanks to the passive indulgence of law enforcement and legislative systems stimulating, in fact, the development of criminal "business". What personally was convinced by the portal's browser "Avtovzalud".

But all the hopelessness of the current state of things you realize only when you become a victim of hijackers, and before that moment there lives faith in the ubiquitous cameras, satellites, billing and other fright stuff, designed to help in the disclosure of any crimes. And heated this faith "Letters of Happiness" from. You open the envelope and you understand that the "big brother" knows not only on which site and at what speed you drove, but also what gasoline was filled with, in which roadside eatery snacks and under any bush did you make a need.


And those on: as soon as the case is touched by the search, it turns out that half cameras - a donkey, and the other half either looks not to the other side or on the prevention ...

And this is not to sue the reasoning of the journalist. This is a certificate of a person who at the end of the working week at 11 am from the courtyard of the house was scaled albeit, but a very favorite foreign car. When a call to the service of 112 minutes, ten went to expanse the lady at that end of the wire that I am not a marazmatic, forgotten in what yard parked cars, which I am in a sober mind and full of confidence that the lifting of the vehicle is not the misties of the metropolitan evacuation service ...

The investigation lead ... secretaries

Soon, apparently for the protection of the crime scene, arrived at the fall of PPS. Well, after about forty minutes, the investigator arrived with a retinue. Photos, questions, infinite written statements, explanations, survey of near-door grandmothers. In general, somewhere by 16.00 bureaucracy ended. But any other actions, actually aimed at the search for stolen property, alas, did not begin. What in my understanding should have been made by Skakari?

Photo itStactical.com.

Well, at least raise the houses installed on the entrances and roofs of houses and on these cameras trace into which direction the car left ... but no. First, Friday, AB This day of the week, as you know, there are no such cases that could not be transferred to Monday. Secondly, except for the stolen car on the investigator only on this day, theft of mirrors from Mitsubishi Pajero, pressed on a lawlessness in a teenager and women, two apartment theft ... It became obvious that the work of the investigator and his colleagues would not be reduced to practical actions, but only to Writing paper and taking explanations with "tolerant". That is, in essence - to the secretarial work.

All the weekend, my friends and regions we were tired of the neighboring courtyards and areas, hoping to stumble upon a stolen car, because the attackers often throw a car on a sucks near the crime scene. Alas, everything is in vain. But I want to remove a hat in front of servants from PPS, with the cars of which our "search group" then met in the courtyards. The most funny thing is that after optimizing a law enforcement system, there are only two police patrols on the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe wise generals. This is negligible, but the guys work so that there is a feeling of their presence literally in every quarter. True, on the wanted list of stolen cars, this activity does not affect

Traffic cops without "eyes"

After communication with the investigator on Monday, it became obvious that the maximum that he was able to within the framework of the system in which it works, it is to send some abstract request to. I began to connect the existing connections, thanks to which it was possible to watch records from the camcorders installed on the roofs of houses and understand that the hijacker, without fear of the reaction of passersby, broke the rear window, less than a minute depends the alarm with full-time immobilizer, started the car and slowly went on it on Ryazan Prospect in the area. In the Line of the traffic police, found out that through the gage cameras either Moscow, nor the Moscow region this car It didn't take place on this day, although the hijacker did not touch the state numbers.

Photo heraldsun.com.au.

I note here that all these actions I have done almost illegally, because according to the rules of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for watching the police officer, but not a civilian person, must compile a special request, to sight it from leadership comrades and only after that start acting. However, this procedure can get up to three to five days when the car is already dismantled or goes into the near abroad, or has a new life under foreign documents.

At the same time, in the process of his own investigation, I found out that it turns out that work chambers that are able to read the numbers and run them on the basis of the data (the so-called "flow" system) can be counted on the fingers of one hand. What is already there - one finger is enough! If you go to Dubler Ryazan, then there is not a single camera, the departing post of DPS, which used to be at the intersection from the Moscow Ring Road erased from the face of the earth, and with it they removed from there and "stream". On Lermontovsky Avenue, there is not a single crayon camera, but for the entire October avenue (this is Lyubertsy) - the camera is only one, and that, in view of large traffic, is technically not able to process and 70% of the numbers in its lens. The rest of the "electronic eyes", aimed at the road, or doubt, or by technical reasons does not work.

How to resurrect cars

Received information shared with the investigator, which was quite surprised that for such short term A civilian person managed to get such information. He will repeat, it hovered at the stage of coordination with the superior guidance to gain access to data from cameras. At this very moment, hope that the car will find, completely disappeared.

Photo Cars.com

And I know for sure that the car would never find. Invtovorov, the scheme is worked out: after the hijacking of the car for a week, the sump, in order to make sure of the "bugs" installed on it. Then the baryga arrives behind it, which distilts the car to the "Dolly Cardon", where it "disshit" under the available documents from a similar T / C, which has fallen into an accident (usually, a part of the body is cut off, where the number is screwed down and is welded on the stolen machine) . Thus, the burnt or "total" cars are resurrected.

Ircky goes on the trail

But one familiar joint with the former operations (however, it is not difficult to find these helpers via the Internet), which "sput" a reformed law enforcement system from their ranks. They were recommended as detectives from God: give them accurate muri signs, and they will lead it in handcuffs in a couple of days. It was believed in this with difficulty, but a friend insisted that these guys find 99% of the cars to find them to find them. The main thing is that from the moment of hijacking no more than three days passed. For their services, trackers take a remuneration in the amount of half the price of abducted transport, but not less than 300,000 rubles. That is, you know, the owner of the used "Zhiguli" to contact them for help is economically meaningless, but if you, until recently, were the owner of a decent uninsured by CASCO cars, the game is worth a candle.

I will not care for a long time: they raised records from urban cameras, for which they tracked the car to the border with the Moscow region. Then connected through links with former colleagues to regional fixation complexes and found out that the car went to Lytkarino, where the villains began to change the rooms near one of the grocery stores. We went to the place and viewed the recordings from the storecases, thanks to which they found out, on which rooms cars went further. But on one of the Lytkarinski streets, she finally lost - clearly stood on the sucks somewhere in this quarter.

Photo 965Thebuzz.com.

During the day, methodically bypassing the courtyard behind the courtyard, private sacks found a "trophy", whose photos sent me to the phone. Rooms hang others (in front of the Volgograd number, behind - near Moscow), but your "swallow" according to characteristic signs you will learn from a thousand. To get the address of the car, you need to list the agreed amount to the card. When I fulfilled the conditions of our oral agreement, they reported an accurate address and before my arrival looked after "found". Then they explained where to call what to say and how to act further.

Passive wanted list

Fiction? Not. Just an example of good work that the police are not able to do. During these five days, that passed since the disappearance of the machine until its discovery, the official bodies managed only to attach a couple of papers and a 30-second video taken by the camera from the roof of the house where it can be seen how someone breaks the glass, sits in the car And leaving on it in an unknown direction. Now I know for sure that the domestic police if it is capable of finding a sophisticated car, he will be either imprinted by villains in a pillar, either burns the dot. That is, they will find when he finds himself.

I ask you to understand correctly, I do not mumble at the police officers at all for their professional incapacity. The nuance is that they work in the system, which requires not a return of ownership to citizens, but completely different. What can be seen in my case. The car was found and I am damn satisfied. But here is the servant from this not hotly, nor cold, because the crime is not disclosed, and therefore it is "hanging". But if you delay a teenager who came across Durke on the hijacking of the car and hang on it all the autocracy of the area that happened this year, then thanksgiving letters, material promotions and new stars on the shoulders are guaranteed. And do not care that 30 car owners (with the prefix ex) remained with anything. Obviously, engage in the search for the stolen car, stolen mobile phone Or the property from the furnished apartment, the police will never be, because they do not require this system.

Photo by eyeonsecurity.co.ke.

Cases paper

Moreover, if the leadership learns that the opera does not catch the car station, but a wanish car, will be subjected to a disciplinary recovery, and even accuses to corruption at all and with a cracking, it is cleaned from the organs. And how well the operative works well, the leadership is assessed exclusively on papers tailored to the case. But instead of real affairs, police officers strict only reports (and calling things with their names - write writings) about what investigative events they are carried out under a matter of one or another. And it does not matter that it has nothing to do with the real position of things. But finally finished and completely disappointed the situation with the removal of the car with the search and the sign of it from the parking lot.

First of all, it is necessary to undergo an examination so that the criminologist documented, the numbers interrupted or not. Record on this event Azh two weeks ahead. Another week of law enforcement officers went to pick up a ready-made conclusion. A few more days the epic lasted with a submission of some paper in the head to remove the car on the search. The most ridiculous (although what is funny here?) That often the Volokita happened because of ... lack of paper for the printer or suddenly ending toner. And in order to obtain such banal consumables, ordinary servants need to go through all the circles of bureaucratic hell. To speed up the process, I had to give them a pack of paper.

Photo blog.safeauto.com.

Laws write for bandits

And, the experts, assistance and all facilities are assisted by autotransports seem to be a state course. After all, on the part of the authorities, absolutely everything is being made to turn the life of gangsters in Malina. Start at least with the fact that car Engine He became an ordinary spare part, and therefore the identification number of the motor during registration actions is not checked. And to legalize a stolen car, it is enough to kill the VIN-number that for the Arsa of your business is a whore event.

Under the faithful pretext (they say, weak efficiency) eliminated stationary posts of DPS, each of which was equipped with a "flow" system, which is thin, but contributed to the fight against theft. Yes, and checking cars on such posts was thoughtful and comprehensive.

At one time there was an idea to span on the details of the car microscopic tags with unique roomsThanks to which you can identify not only the car, but also separate parts. This project for some reason turned.

The ERA-GLONASS system has a lot of potential in terms of the fight against businesses. In fact, each car, equipped with her, has a "bug" with which the competent authorities can determine the location of the machine at any time and night, listen and record the conversations of people in the cabin. However, nobody in a hurry to orient the GLONASS system to fight theft.

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