Home Locks Nissan Cascaia 1 generation review. The first generation of Nissan-Kashkin crossovers: reviews of owners and characteristics of the car. External differences between the restyled version of the crossover

Nissan Cascaia 1 generation review. The first generation of Nissan-Kashkin crossovers: reviews of owners and characteristics of the car. External differences between the restyled version of the crossover

The report will be brief because there was a little more than six months after buying in October. For the winter, he hung a bit, but he traveled regularly - almost every week to the cottage (35 km), shopping and theaters, less often for a visit to the Son (70 km) and on the ski slopes in the suburbs. I went to work only once ... And I decided to go back there on the total transport (it turns out for 30-40 minutes faster).

The breakdowns, accidents and faults were no. In the frosts started instantly. LCP - as a new one, not a single scratch or scratch. That is, according to the technical part - there are no problems. Although there is one technical peculiarityComplete maintenance: access to salon filter - From the side of the pedals (inherited from the right-hand drive car), although I myself will not climb there.

It was refueling all the time on the same refueling right on the departure from the parking lot on which the last 12 years refueling (only AI-95, no problems). Fuel consumption is highly dependent on speed. If you go 90 km / h along a flat empty road, then the consumption is about 6 liters. At 100 km / h - 6.5 liters, and so on. Moscow traffic jams average flow 10.5-11 liters. In the deaf traffic jams - up to 15 liters.


  • Worth 100% money

Weak sides:

  • Staten brushes of janitors sprinkle with snow in heavy snowfall

Feedback Nissan Qashqai 1.6 (114 hp / 1.6 l. / Automatic transmission) (Nissan Kashkai) 2012

Hello, reader!

Today I will tell you about new modification Kashka, which I was alone and bought in the city of Hero to Moscow, namely, the nasha with a 1.6 liter engine and a variator.

As I would like to read mine, it was interesting and not painfully everyone I divided it into 4 parts: "Flour of choice", "About the car", "Cons", "About 1.6 with a variator". The smartest, which and so everyone knows about Cashki and they are only interested in the question: "Rides or not going?" Please go to the fourth part right away. All the rest, who never went to he, I think it will be not interesting to read the feedback completely, as it is written with "unmonimed eyes."


  • Good noise insulation
  • Comfortable suspension
  • Sympathetic
  • The most inexpensive of decent front-wheel drivers
  • Nonsense assembly
  • Economical
  • Without "children's" diseases
  • Very good brakes
  • Good visibility
  • Very nice salon
  • Large interservice interval
  • Trunk
  • Rich basic equipment hehe
  • The rest in the revocation

Weak sides:

  • Ergonomic punctuations
  • Dynamics is not impressive
  • Relatively low for crossover ceiling and doorways
  • Heavy steering wheel
  • High prices for special dealer
  • At the entrance, at a high speed, it may not intervene a little to the latter (ESP until the latter)
  • Scary key
  • Weak Cluson
  • The rest in the revocation

Part 2

Good day. Today I will tell you about the details of my choice. Since, apparently, my previous review was unsuccessful. Work on mistakes is done, now I will try to maximize my thoughts so that you can join my reasoning and understand why my choice fell on new Nissan Casca.

Immediately I want to say that I chose a car for three years, with the calculation that I will ride on it. Somewhere up to 60000 km run. Therefore, we considered the options that will be well walking for the first years of our service. And the fact that the car can start raving after 60000-70000-80000 km, I was really interested. Therefore, write about the fact that after 100,000 km. Casca will be bad - I do not need. I all exactly, it will be or not.

So, for a start, I would like to tell you about some things that I believe the most important. It will be done so that you can understand what I pay attention to when choosing a car. Let's start with what is followed by the very first - this is a visual acquaintance. For this, we have the car design, for me it is in the first place. I believe that the design is the most important thing, but of course must be supported by many others. I decided to list here some cars so that you could understand at least about my taste. Here is the car that I like the design is, for example,Lancer X, Infinity FX, BMW 3, Honda Accord, Lexus Is, Volvo S 60 OLD . After reading this list, I think many realized that I like the aggressive-looking cars. Therefore, first of all I was looking for a car that would look exactly aggressively and beautiful. Of course, I repelled from the existing amount of money, so Cayenne andX. 6 Will wait. Having gathered everyone in one pile (those who fits me in finance), I decided to choose who I like it more externally. It was exactly the new Rasyling Cascai (note that the rastalling, and not the old one, where the suspension flies and does not warm the stove). His appearance is what is needed. It seems that this is a reduced infinity. SonFX. "but). There are two but: the first is that in Kashkah there is a division of color on the body. The bottom of the machine is always black and if you take a car, for example in gray, it looks not entirely nice. Therefore, it was decided that I would take my favorite color - black. Second - well, the name. Cascais - an unsuccessful name for this car. But even this did not scare me.


  • Appearance
  • Interior and its quality
  • Affordable price for good complete sets
  • Control
  • Reliability has not yet failed

Weak sides:

  • Unsuccessful name
  • They say the climb variator

Feedback Nissan Qashqai 2.0 (Nissan Casca) 2011

Good day, the moment came when I decided to tell about my impressions, after the year of the operation of the carNissan Qashqai. (Reystaling). At the moment, its mileage is 10,000 km, we will soon have to go through the first.

I will tell you brief about myself, I am 24 years old, the driver's length of 6 years. I have experience driving the following carsAudi A 4, Opel Astra, Volvo S 60, Peugeot 206, PEUGEOT 207 and different others, where I sat down a couple of times and passed all anything. At the moment I go very calmly, I enjoy moving through the streets of the city, in the car.

My previous car was a Swede, originally from Belgium -Volvo S. 40, 98 year of release. A good car was, it was not particularly broken, but when broke down, I beat the pocket. I traveled on it 3 years, in control and comfort the car is excellent. The appearance is very pleasant, few could immediately determine her year of release, thought younger.


  • Appearance
  • Interior
  • Without citchchkov
  • Flooding and management
  • Poor coating movement
  • Reliability has not yet failed

Weak sides:

  • Say the variator does not go for a long time

Good day to everyone reading.

After numerous snowy drifts in December, 2010, when two weeks could not be moved along the wonderful city of Kazan, ripened a sharp desire to buy something with the clearance higher than Peugeot 308, because On the latter, moving in the winter is increasingly harder and more difficult, although it is not the fault of the car, but the fault of our roadmakers, which as always turned out to be not ready for another winter.

So, the decision was made. Surprising Peugeot was very quickly sold, it remained to choose what to buy. At the beginning, Toyota RAV4 was chosen, as more or less reliable and highly liquid secondary market apparatus. They even made a deposit, but here heed a dealer, first promised that the car will appear during the week, then it turned out that there are no free cars and there is an opportunity to either get a car in three months or somehow negotiate with managers about the "acceleration of the process" ... in general , normal divorce for money.


  • Optimal characteristic set
  • Good price ratio \\ quality

Weak sides:

Feedback Nissan Qashqai 2.0 (Nissan Casca) 2011

Feedback on the very first impressions about this car, owning only 5 days and drove on which only 250 km. Nevertheless, I will take over the courage to already make some conclusions, since my experience allows.

The issue of buying a car got up for me quite unexpectedly, and his choice was devoted to a separate topic on this forum: http://avtomarket.ru/forum/choose/47835/

The car was bought in new in the car dealership, chose from those that were available (therefore did not particularly rushing about the color and configuration).


  • Clearance 20 cm. - Practically in Russia, convenient for parking on curbs
  • Gaszobak - 65 liters (stock turn on the highway - 1000 km.)
  • Reliable (chain drive timing, no superimony), unpretentious (without problems with our "gasoline" and "oils") and economical gasoline motors 1.6 and 2.0
  • VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE!!! ACPP and DSG - do not go to any comparison (the first due to fuel consumption, the second - due to reliability)
  • Perfectly ruling - almost like Peugeot and Citroen, comfortable, but the collected suspension
  • Rich equipment already in the basic version (but it is with a 1.6 engine)
  • Excellent quality assembly, materials and design outside and inside
  • Beautiful seats, excellent review and good sense of size during parking
  • Adequate algorithms for the operation of the light sensor (put the lighting on the "Auto" and forgot about it forever), the rain sensor (put on the "Auto" and forgot about the wipers) and headlight washers (included for each 5 times or forced with a button)

Weak sides:

  • High (from 780 thousand rubles) Price - In my configuration it's almost a million for a golf class hatchback (essentially, only with great clearance)
  • In profile forums, there are complaints about sweating headlights from new cars - I suppose that when preselid in our car dealerships are too diligent podcast space. When I took the car - everything was washed and wet under the hood, but my headlights do not sweat
  • The edge of the hood with two sharp protrusions (around the grid of the radiator) - when it is raised to the staffing backup, you can hit it head. I would have made a backup. The same with the lid of the trunk
  • Airef front passenger on the integrated panel - if it works, you have to change the entire panel (not a separate unit)
  • If you need to change the lamps in the left spotlight - you have to remove the air intake (it is not long, but still - minus)
  • If you need to change the candles, you will have to remove the fuel ramp. It is not long (there is a couple of bolts to unscrew and remove it aside), but still - minus
  • It is necessary to make a collective farm grid in front of the radiator - otherwise it is easy to catch a stone in it
  • Dance instead of full-size spare

Part 3.

Good to you, dear members of the forum!

There are a couple of minutes, I will continue your review about Cascai 2010, Restayl. Equipment and other about choosing in previous reviews, first impressions - too. Next, a small conclusion after the year of ownership and 32,000 km run - let's start.

Auto is still very pleased with the eyes and other perceptions when you approach the car and sit down in it. Some still consider cars at intersections and parking, especially when dorestayling county is nearby))). Here my enthusiasm preserved, pleases.


  • I consider it a completely balanced car for price-quality, especially you feel when you look at the price tags of new cars in different salons and analyze the configuration

Weak sides:

As without them - but if it is eliminated by a dealer, then you can not notice it. At least from your experiences, the situation will not change - go and change

Feedback Nissan Qashqai 2.0 (Nissan Kashkai) 2010

Hello everyone!

Before that, traveled on the cars of the Russian automotive industry (VAZ 06, 07).

I will not tire you with the flour of my choice, I liked the car for a long time, but the sales managers of the salon "AST ****** C" played, who strangled me with love and actually insistent on the test drive, after which I could no longer resist. It was in February 2010, leaving the salon asked Naobum, when the updated Kashka model comes out, and he was pleasantly surprised to hear that in a couple of months she will come into the salon. So, in April 2010 I became the owner of Nissan Kashkai (model 2010), 2 l, front-wheel drive, equipmentSE +, Cherry color, giving 1000015 ruble. With insurance, an alarm installation, carpets came out 1000080. By the way, about rugs. About 5,000 rubles cost, including trunk trough. The first emotions - Diva! It was necessary to take in the bazaar! - How many write. However, with all their unbelief (made not by the bore, ashadowed by wide ribs) after the monstering snow (rain), your shoes are not in a puddle with water, but on a dry surface. All in size and how it should be, the eye is pleased. Comrade in one of the salons was given as a gift mats. Such g ... extruded soot, 50 rubles. All 4 rugs. And they look as well as g ... so on the example of a friend made sure that such "mats as a gift" are.


  • Reliability
  • Safety
  • Beautiful design
  • Quality

Weak sides:

  • Gasoline consumption

Good day to all!

So it was almost a year, no month, from the date of buying a cat. We drove 20,000 km. In general, I want to say a great car !!! Restyling made his work, not a single bad word for the year I can not say the manufacturers this car. Plastic on site, does not creak, no "cricket" in the car is not detected. All devices and add. Functions work like a clock. Consumption of 8 l / 100 km city-route (mostly city). In winter, the car started without any problems, the first time, at -30 he warmed, became warm in the car in 20-25 minutes. In winter, the flow was about 9.3 l / 100 km, taking into account the warm-up of 20-30 minutes. The only thing that did not like in the winter is just the front drive of the car, because Easy stuck in loose snow, but it didn't really work out from it, but again there is always a current on your own for about 15-20 minutes))

Suspension: Work perfectly! It works out each hole, holds confidently on the track.


  • Excellent, modern design
  • Cool Patency (Borders, Pits, Forests)
  • Excellent handling

Weak sides:

Feedback Nissan Qashqai 1.6 (Nissan Cascais) 2010 Part 2

Good day, dear members of the forum!

I decided to add new impressions of the ownership of Casca in the evening. At the moment, mileage is 24,000 km, there were long trips. In general, I will try to calmly convey.

1. Safety - left 5 - did not experience, all systems work, nothing is buggy. As they say, pah-pah-pah.


  • Around the city and on the highway - very a good option. And jump into the order, and on the track with a bad road surface to be calm!
  • Now consumption in the city (on May 23) on the computer is 7.2 liters of 92 benz

Weak sides:

  • When listening to music at the level above the average starts to "talk", the covering of the doors - the official persistently sends the cabin and doors to the sizing and doors, because My regular head device is replaced with DVD pioneer. How to fight as the official in such a question - I don't know yet, maybe there is a shine doors to do ...

Feedback Nissan Qashqai 1.6 (Nissan Casca) 2010

Good day, forum users!

From all sites, with reviews about ours iron horses, Impicts this particular site (informatively, the interface like), and I decided to leave a feedback about my porridge here)).

Behind the wheel for about 12 years, owned to this domestic front actuator (except 10 families - well, I don't like it and everything is here), I traveled to Kashka for 4 years Kia spectrum (I took a new one and drove 120000 km). In the spring, in the summer, the question arose about the replacement of the spectra (here really, I can't say anything bad about this typewriter !!! The trouble-free and simple), I decided that I want to buy a high hatchback with an enlarged clearance. The car was needed for rare rods on nature, confident driving on the highway (tired of slowing down on "whiskers" and catch foregrudes to the belly russian roads) Well, and so that on the bordriceg in the city could jump. The budget was determined at 700 tr. (without insurance), used options did not consider.


  • Design: new to how, and I like, on 5-ku

Weak sides:

  • Now, when I wrote a review, I caught myself thinking that I was not much reviewed on Cascai (restyling) - it turns out that there is nothing more to write more. Now I remember, but, here - the door skin is not holding, when you make music pogrom (found)))) - Begins to get up

Feedback Nissan Qashqai 1.6 (Nissan Casca) 2010

Before the casquet, the wife exploited 2 years Tucson 2.0 l automatic transmission. About his impressions of ride on it wrote here.

The biggest problems are sounds from suspension, from the road, cheap plastic and the worst - incredible fuel consumption.

Tucson in such a configuration eats as much as TLK120 with a 4 liter engine. In the city - from 16, on the highway - from 10.5. For a compact crossover, it's just a waste! Since the favorite for gasoline pays itself (it happens :)), it was decided to look after something from the compact value class of low cost, more than Tucson and most importantly - with moderate fuel consumption. After a two-week walking along car dealers, I decided - Nissan Cascai 1.6 5mkp. Naturally, I did not refuse myself the pleasure of riding on it as a whole about a month and I would gladly provide first impressions.

Since its appearance - in October 2006, at the Paris Motor Show - Crossovene Nissan Qashqai. It was possible not only to create a "new subclass of cars", but also to become an absolute leader in the segment created by him. For the fact that the segment of "compact urban crossovers" is growing rapidly, but his "pioneer" - Nissan Cascai, still, confidently "takes his top lines "(By the number of copies sold).

This car, with his "birth", was so successful that he eventually demanded only the "cosmetic restyling" - which was held at the end of 2009, which predictably heated, naturally fading, the interest of motorists to Qashqai.

The appearance of this car demonstrates "confidence and pressure" - by hanging it with all the "attributes" of the crossover (i.e. "fashionable", but looking like a "full-fledged oscidence": the high five-door body "A la Hatchback"; small front and rear swells and Plastic protection from unscreed plastic around the perimeter.

Nissan Qashqai, of course, has already been given on Russian roads, but never ceases to delight with his "simple unisex design." Front lighting with "rectangular" block headlights located at extreme points of the body, the powerful bumper with the lower additional air intake is made of two parts (the top painted in the body color and harmoniously contrasts with the bottom - in cross-handed plastic and beautiful "enemy" anti-stamped plastic) . The falseradiator grille is closed by an openwork grid and carries a chrome insert with the Nissan logo. The hood with two characteristic ribs, strongly "digested" front-racks of the body, almost flat roof line, frying feed ... profile - with harmonious sidewalls, "circular" wheel arches (accommodating wheels R16-R18) and high subcast line. Roof line and swelling up the glazing line - "form" powerful rear rack, giving the stern of this crossover a special solidity.

Well, the back of "Qashqai" - with a big door luggage compartment, neat ceiling overall lights with fashionable lED lamps, bumper (protected plastic - like a "serious SUV".

Dimensions "Kashka" of the 1st generation make up: length - 4330 mm, width - 1780 mm, height - 1615 mm, wheel base - 2630 mm, ground clearance - 200 mm.

Inside, Nissan Cascaia demonstrates a simple and functional salon for five passengers. By the way, the for whom "five places is little" - there is a seven-known version, called "Qashqai + 2" (a separate review is devoted to it).

The three-spoke steering wheel goes to hand perfectly steering column Adjusted in height and depth. Informative appliances with a large TFT-monitor onboard computer, front torpedo and a central console with simple lines and a classic arrangement of controls. The front seats are designed for a calm ride (not a sports profile) with a soft pillow, but thanks to a good range of adjustments allow you to comfortably accommodate the driver and passenger. In the second row of the place enough passengers of the middle bodies (the place for the legs is enough, the ceiling is high, sit comfortable).

The trunk allows you to transport from 410 to 1513 liters depending on the "layouts" of the rear seats.

Specifications. In Russia, Nissan Cascais is offered with petrol aggregates: 1.6 liters. (114 hp) with 5 MKP; 1.6 liters (117 hp) with CVT and 2.0 liters. (141 hp) with 6 mkp or cVT variator.

Nissan Cascais 1.6 A priori front-wheel drive, version with a 2.0-liter motor may have front-wheel drive (2WD) or full (4WD) with the company Nissanovskaya system ALL MODE 4x4.

Front pendant independent - MacPherson racks, rear multi-dimensional is also independent. Disk brakes with ABC, Brake Assist and EBD, with system stabilization ESP., steering with electric powerful.

In terms of challenges - Nissan Qashqai 1.6 (114 hp / 117 hp) 2wd - typical front-wheel-water hatchback with energy-intensive and loyal to bad road covering suspension. Several spoils the impression "artificiality" of the steering (without sharpness and intelligent feedback), and the power of the motor sometimes lacks ... But Nissan Qashqai 2.0 (141 hp) with the system full drive All MODE 4x4 is already much more interesting and gone - thanks to the settings, this car can be with a "forced" full-wheel drive (copes with a small off-road) or with automatically connected rear axis when slipping the leading front wheels (on slippery winter Road Good assistant).

Prices and equipment. In the number of proposed complete sets, the Nissan Qashqai market in 2013 ranks first among compact crossovers (although Nissan representatives themselves often refer it to the "European C-Class Hatchbacks").
Already in the initial configuration for russian market Nissan Qashqai 2013 has: air conditioning, 2 DIN magnetic with CD MP3 AUX and Bluetooth and 4 speakers, heated electric boards, 4 power windows, heated front seats, on-board computer, aBS systems and ESP, 6 airbags. And the most "packaged" equipment boasts: two-zone climate control, BOSE music, a circular review camera with a color 5-inch display and a Nissan Connect system, a cruise control, xenon, panoramic glass roof, invincible access, rain and light sensors ... and other "chips."
The price of Nissan Cascai of Warrows dealers starts with 806,000 rubles for a complete set of XE (2WD 1.6-114 hp with 5 MCP). The cost of Kashka Xe with a variator (2wd 1.6-117 hp) is 861,000 rubles. The most affordable all-wheel drive Nissan Qashqai is offered at a price of 986,000 rubles (4WD 2.0-141 hp with 6 MCP), and the "Replacement" of the manual transaction on the variator will increase its cost by 55,000 rubles. In the following configuration - SE (which is more expensive than XE 60,000 rubles) added: Rain sensor, climate control, 16 " alloy wheels and cruise control. In the configuration SV for an additional 50 thousand rubles you can get a lot of "decorations": 18 "Alloy wheels, aluminum lining on pedals, tinting rear windows, rails and panoramic roof. The prefix "+" adds to the equipment of Casca: already 6 speakers, a rear view chamber with a color display and a multifunctional Nissan Connect system, and the price increases by 26,000 rubles. Also in 2013, a special grade "Qashqai 360" is proposed.

March 17, 2011 → Mileage 17200 km

Nissan Cascai, 2010 (Restayl).

Good day, forum users!

From all sites, with reviews about our iron horses, it impresses this particular site (informatively, the interface like), and I decided to leave a review about my porridge)).

Behind the wheel for about 12 years, it was up to this domestic front-wheel drive (except for 10 families - well, I don't like it and everything here), I went to Kia Spectrum to Kashkaya 4 years (I took a new one and drove 12,000,000 km on it). In the spring, in the summer, the question arose about the replacement of the spectra (here really, I can't say anything bad about this typewriter !!! The trouble-free and simple), I decided that I want to buy a high hatchback with an enlarged clearance. The car was needed for rare rods on nature, confident ride on the highway (tired of slowing down on the "divers" and catch the promotion of Russian roads to the belly), well, so that the bordurcheg in the city could jump. The budget was determined at 700 tr. (without insurance), used options did not consider.

Under the impression of Kia, I watched Sportage (previous body). Front-wheel drive, maximum equipment for this drive, in general, everything satisfied (and the price of about 720 tons. RUB at that time too). But while I expected for 30 days a certificate of wages for a loan (the central office was far from being), the sport went up in price as well as 770 tons. - Bust !!! Moreover, the model went from the market. Refuse. I drove in Nissan (I didn't like the old Cashqius very much and externally did not experience anything positive) look at the restyled casca, rolled on the test drive and everything)) in mid-May I ordered the maximum for the front-wheel drive option with a 1.6 engine on the mechanics. Price - 820 tr. Fact: Overclocking 1.6 Mechanics is 2.0 variator. Surprised. Moreover, Nissanovsky's loan was interesting - 9.9%. The car promised in the middle of August - came in mid-July - normally. So he is mine))

The first nuance - I check the completeness, open the hood - there is no decorative cover on the engine and Shumkov on the hood. I called Managra - it turns out that such a "luxury" is only for a 2-liter version. Shumka hood inserted himself - did not break. The second nuance - insert the disc into changer the disk - does not read))) I did not find the release on the flash card in the armrest - in the cabin, you were told that you can order a branded radio with navigation, the price of the question is 50,000 rubles. Not an option, I went, bought a 2-movie pioneer from the DVD for 18000 and 1500 Installation - the problem of favorite disks was solved (control on the steering wheel, though lost and bluetooth - not critical). The rest - everything suits!

Equipment: Rain sensor - before such an option I did not have - I am satisfied, it is adequate enough if something is wrong - there is its setting. The light sensor is its main plus - adjusts the lighting devices depending on the time of day. The rest of the advantages did not see, because When you put the car on autorun and it starts, then why the headlights and the car attracts attention to themselves. I try to turn off at all - the same story. Climate control is the first thing that you feel after the spectra - the climate work does not affect the dynamics and there are no failures. It's good. In winter, in -30 degrees exhibited the temperature on the climate of +22 degrees and order. He warms the interior quickly. In general, the climate is satisfied - a decent option, works correctly! On the headlight washer - the thing in principle useful, and I did not notice a special consumption of non-freezers. The light of the headlight + fog - no xenon does not need, everything suits. There is a moment - at night on the track (even when in the car you are going alone) "The middle" is sometimes darned, considering that I am going on the "Far". I turn on the "far" - the question is removed. Coupon of technical inspection got it honest - I think that there is no malfunction in the headlights. Cruise control is an interesting thing and get used to it quickly))), in many respects, it is not for the Russian Federation with Kamaz, but with it at 100 km / h instant flow of about 5 liters per hundred - interesting. Heated seats with 2 positions - quickly heats the seat, which is especially pleasant - this is what is not only the 5th point, but also back.

Movement: the first thing I want to pay attention is to be noise insulation on 4+, which is noise from the engine (only after 3500 revolutions), which is annoyed by the Wheel Ark, though the noise from the Winter Gudik shares (sin on the Hoodik, because From native rubber were different). When moving 90-120 km / h on the highway, only weak noise in the mirrors is heard - it suits me. The suspension is comfortable and not shaking - the first impressions - small irregularities on the road can not be slightly noticed, the cashak passes them "with a bang."

The main question: he tormented me when choosing mercilessly - but whether 1.6 l will go with the size of the wheels and the mass of the car. I am not a racer, I go more often alone. I speak honestly - I have enough full !!! I do not remember the situations when I regretted that I did not take a 2.0-liter engine. Now, at 17,000 km, the engine rolled out and it suits me completely, that on the highway, which is on light snowy virgin (15 cm in the garden). He just rides and that's it! It pleases the consumption of 92 gasoline - the route 6.0-6.5 liter, now in the winter in the city with warm-up and traffic jams (ekat) jumps 8.9-9.0. I think it is acceptable.

Service: The first one was 14,500 km - the cost of 5900 rubles. And allow me to come with my oil - then cheaper by 1500 rubles, but with warranty warning. Oil as it was in the middle of the probe when buying, it was up to 1 that it lasted - a positive moment. Fallen level of antifreeze to a minimum. I noted that when I was accepting a car, I give me a liter of antifreeze to push (((- they talked like - felt free. For 14,500 km brake pads About 1 mm erased - here I am a rice))) I did the collapse by 5,000 km - for some reason it began to pull the car, after work it became normal.

If you have any questions - I will be happy to answer. I look at the site every evening.

For the first time, the Crossover "Nissan-Kashkai" was represented by the public in October 2006 in the framework of the Paris Auto Show. And despite the fact that by this time the world manufacturers have already managed to take a niche of their innovations, "Casca" confidently debuted and was recognized as one of the most the best cars in its class. The first generation of "Japanese" was so successful that in 2009 he took only cosmetic restyling. Well, let's consider what the small crossover Nissan-Kashkin conquered such popularity in the global market.

Owners and Overview Reviews

Designers endowed a novelty rather assertive appearance. In front of the crossover demonstrates us a powerful shock bumper with an unusual air intake design (it is visually divided into 2 parts). The sides are the main optics of the rectangular shape, and there is an openwork from the chrome-plated Nissan emblem. The embossed hood and a smooth roof successfully completed the appearance of the Nissan-Kashkin crossover. Reviews of owners say that the developers managed to create a design of a real SUV. However, still its main element is a city. Therefore, comfort here should not be in last place.

"Nissan-Kashkai": Ownership reviews about the interior

Car salon surprises with a scope and functionality. Machine with comfort accommodates up to 6 people, taking into account the driver. By the way, for large families, the company has provided a separate modification of "Casca + 2". It can accommodate for 2 people more. For the driver there is a convenient 3-spoke steering wheel, adjustable column and a mass of electronics. Among the main auxiliary systems, it is worth noting the presence with the TFT monitor, which are equipped with all configurations of the "Nissan-Cashier" crossovers (you can see the front panel of the front panel).

As for the seats, the manufacturer did not solve the highlight and sportiness, as the Japanese did recent generation "Lancer". The seats here are quite soft, comfortable, and the presence of various adjustments allows you to adjust them under the anatomical features of the person. As you can see, comfort is not the last thing that the developers of the "Nissan-Kashkin" crossover are attracted.

Engine characteristics

For the Russian market there are three gasoline engines, among which the basic is a 1.6-liter unit with a capacity of 114 horse power. It is equipped with the only 5-speed "mechanics". The average motor at its volume of 1.6 liters develops already 117 "horses" of power. It works in a pair with the "top" a two-liter 141-strong unit, which is supplied with 6-speed "mechanics" or CVT variator.

The cost of the new crossover "Nissan Qashqai"

Sales market: Russia.

QASHQAI received his name from the name of the Arabic nomadic tribe. That is, in advance is expected to be readily for changing places, which first of all should evaluate lovers of outdoor activities. Such, apparently, a lot, if Qashqai, barely appeared on the light, immediately gained many fans. Interest in model is not accidental. This five-door compact crossover Combines the characteristics of the hatchback and the capabilities of the car class SUV. The car is designed on a new platform in the European Nissan Design Studio and is produced in Sunderland, in the UK. In the Japanese market, this crossover goes under the name of Nissan Dualis. From the consumer qualities of Qashqai, you can note the convenient location of the steering wheel, adjusting the driver's seat, the optimal location of the control devices, excellent visibility with the almost complete absence of dead zones. Backseat The car is unfolded in the proportion of 60:40, with a fully folded second row, the trunk volume increases from 352 to 1513 liters. An even higher interest was heated by the appearance of the seven-bed version of Qashqai +2, the wheelbase of which was increased to 2765 mm (by 135 mm). This affected the dimensions: the length of the body of the seven-bed model Nissan Qashqai +2 is 4526 mm, and the height is 1645 mm (at the standard model - 4315 and 1606 mm, respectively).

In the minimum configuration "XE" there are several pleasant options, such as a multifunctional steering wheel with the Hands-Free system control keys built into the CD magnetic, heated rear glass With a timer, washer and rear window cleaner, halogen headlights. In equipping "SE" in addition to the base set, rain sensors are coming, alloy wheels, fog lights and dual-zone climate control. Steering wheel and knob of gearbox leather. Grade "SE +" is distinguished by the interior design. Only cars with a 2 liter engine have a complete set of "LE". It includes additionally rear parking sensors, CD changer on 6 discs, cast seventeen-seed wheels and xenon headlights. And finally, two-liter cars with a variator in the equipment "Le +" instead of parking sensors are equipped with a rear view chamber with a color display and a CD changer with the ability to play MP3. In 2010, the car was restyling, as it usually happens, making minor changes in appearance Car: new front wings, hood, radiator grille and updated headlights. Changes made Nissan Qashqai still more effectively and more interesting - this model will not remain unnoticed on the road.

Qashqai sold in Russia was completed by two gasoline engines 1.6 l. (115 liters.) And 2 liters. (140 l.) And five-speed mechanical box Transmission or stepless variator CVT. In addition, the version with a 2-liter engine in the list of options have a four-wheel drive. Fuel consumption of the basic front-wheel drive version - 6.6 l / 100 km from mechanical gearbox and 6.4 l / 100 km with a variator. Two-liter with the same types of transmission - 7.8 and 7.6 liters per hundred. It is clear that it is growing, although not much, the all-wheel drive modification looks like 8.2 and 8 liters, respectively. As for high-speed characteristics, acceleration up to 100 km / h, depending on the modification, will take from 10.1 to 13 seconds. QASHQAI + 2 special dynamics does not differ - the fastest version (front-wheel drive, 2 liters) is accelerated to 100 km / h per 10.5 s, and the slowest (1.6) for 12.9. Fuel consumption - 6.8-8.4 liters.

Suspension Nissan Qashqai independent. Front McPherson Rack with Screw Springs and Stabilizer transverse stability. The rear is independent, spring, multi-dimensional, with a stabilizer. Decent road clearance and four-wheel drive are indisputable advantages of the model. Principle of action full drive Nissan. Qashqai is exactly the same as on Nissan X-Trail: In the usual mode of movement, the car is a front-wheel drive, but when the front wheels slip the part of the torque is transferred to the rear axle.

It is not enough that the car is beautiful and representative in itself, so he also received an excellent result in the EUROncap tests, deserving the maximum number of points for the protection of the passenger and the driver and in the side test. IN basic configuration The car is equipped brake system With ABS, Nissan Brake Assist and EBD, a course stability system, double front, side airbags and curtains to protect the front and rear passengers, active head restraints, as well as ISOFIX child seat fastening system.

Qashqai - a typical urban crossover, but still, judging by numerous reviews, far from "weak" in difficult road situations. Do not forget that he is the closest X-Trail relative. The offer on the secondary market is more than widespread. As for the specifics, 2-liter versions are most in demand in terms of reliability and resource. They make up the basis of the offer.

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