Home Heating What is better than kia spectrum. What is better, KIA SPECTRA or HYUNDAI ACCENT? Compare, we appreciate and make conclusions for yourself. What is the difference between Kia Spectra and Hyundai Accent

What is better than kia spectrum. What is better, KIA SPECTRA or HYUNDAI ACCENT? Compare, we appreciate and make conclusions for yourself. What is the difference between Kia Spectra and Hyundai Accent

Fundamental budget cars have always been and will be in demand from the Russian consumer. In this regard, on the network on autofors, users are often asked as a question: what is better - "Kia" or "Hyundai"? The reviews of the owners of these machines are not always unambiguous, but, nevertheless, there are a lot of them, which means that there is a demand.

Special attention deserves budget series "Spectrum" from "KIA" and "focus" from Hendai. Just they have the bulk of shopping. And at the same time, the disputes are about what is better - "kia spectrum" or "Hyundai emphasis." Reviews, as mentioned above, do not always help, so there is something to understand here. Moreover, both brands not so long have pleased their admirers with updates of these series. But first things first.

Let's try to determine which car is better - "Kia" or "Hyundai" from the series "Spectrum" and "Accent", respectively. Consider both cars from all sides, we will find the pros and cons, and also listen to what the owners talk about these models.


To answer the question of which car is better - "KIA" or "Hyundai", first of all we will analyze the appearance of cars. If you put the "spectrum" and an updated "focus" nearby, then their relationship will be seen with the naked eye. Yes, both brands are part of one concern, but, nevertheless, there is still a noticeable difference in the exterior.

The spectrum is larger in its dimensions and, moreover, the diameter of the wheels has increased compared to the "accent". Both vehicles have the same smooth lines, narrow radiator grilles under the hood and marked rounded headlights.

The explicit difference is visible in the trunk. The "spectra" it is clearly highlighted, and the "accent" is understated on the manner of Liftbekov. Such a solution was especially popular in the early 2000s. So if you choose that it is better - the "kia spectrum" or "Hyundai emphasis" in terms of design, then, judging by the reviews, motorists were divided into two equal parts.


If in terms of the exterior of the "spectrum" a little left, then with the interior of things is somewhat different. Both cars as if left in the last century, even despite a decent list of modern equipment on board. And here it is quite difficult to determine what is better - "Kia" or "Hyundai".

Reviews about the cabin of both cars are different. Massive deflectors "Spectra" (photo above) are very reminded of "Moskvich" or about European rarities of the 70s and 1980s. The front panel is decorated for an old American manner: narrow and barely noticeable scales, as well as a speedometer in miles, which clearly do not contribute to the normal perception of readings.

Caps for airbags and radio tape recorders look at this background as hello from the future, diluting the dull interior of the cabin and making it a little presentable. But, judging by the reviews, the owners are ready to forgive the panels "Spectra" of its archaicity for the incredible convenience of landing the chairs. The seats are done here really qualitatively and with a loaf on advanced ergonomics: a soft pillow, anatomical profiles and a thin adjustment of the position under the individual features of the driver.

If we evaluate that it is better - "kia spectrum" or "Hyundai emphasis" in terms of the interior, then the last in an explicitly winning position. Moreover, the difference is very sensible. There are no questions to the seats "accent": gently, comfortable and many adjustments. The front panel (see above), unlike the "spectra", is distinguished by freshness and is already reminded of the current century, and not the past.

Deflectors at the "Accent" are strict, all elements are at hand, and the instruments have comfortable and easily perceived scales in kilometers. Despite the fact that the entire panel is made of medium in quality of plastic, it looks, judging by the reviews, very attractive.

Test Drive "Accent"

If you compare that it is better - "KIA spectrum" or "Hyundai emphasis" in terms of efficiency, the latter will be losing. Owners in their reviews complain of a decent fuel consumption at the "Accent". In the city, the car "eats" 10 liters per hundred, but maybe all 12. On the track such problems, naturally, there is no fifth gear.

In addition, the four-stage automatic transmission showed itself not the best and does not differ in high reliability. While about the mechanics for five steps only positive feedback.

Both machines received engines by 105 horsepower, but the dynamics of the "accent" is better due to smaller dimensions. Due to this, the car is not as smoothly rushes as the "spectrum", so it can be called to some extent sporting, where it is necessary to work correctly with gas and do not regret turns.


The chassis of "accent" is rather quiet. Even with the active operation of the car on the bumps and country roads, the details do not creak and remain in place. Here we have a universal version, equally good for both the city and countryside.

Test Drive "Spectra"

The gearboxes of both cars are almost identical, as well as the problems voiced above. The five-speed mechanics "spectra" perfectly showed itself in different conditions and, judging by the reviews, does not cause any complaints. The machine for four steps is much less reliable, and experienced motorists advise not to consider this option.

There is no complaints about the fuel consumption - solid middling. "Eats" the car is smoothly per liter less than "emphasis", that is, 9 liters in the city and 6-7 - on the highway. The speakers at the "spectra" are noticeably less due to large dimensions, and the car has a gentle start, and a slightly muted gas response will certainly appreciate calm drivers.


The suspension is soft enough and does not allow serious rolls even if the steering wheel should be turned. Nevertheless, obvious irregularities of the car is poorly tolerated. Large bumps are felt in the cabin and do not give the best way to running. For frequent trips to rural roads or potholes, the spectrum is not very suitable. This is a calm and measured city car or traveler for good tracks.

So in this case, it is quite difficult to determine what is better - "kia spectrum" or "Hyundai-accent", and it all depends on the place of operation of the machine. The last car with a reliable chassis is suitable as a universal version. Well, the path "Spectra" is megalopolises and tracks with infrequent rides on dirt roads.


In general, both cars deserve to be purchased and work out their money. As such, there are no serious complaints of cars, especially considering their low cost. And the spectrum, and the "emphasis" was remembered by car service workers with a list of classic problems for these cars.

Owners in their reviews note the following nuances of operation of both cars:

  • Every 30-40 thousand km is needed to change the rear suspension shock absorbers.
  • Being ready for the failure of the friction transmissions of the automatic transmission at any time.
  • The radiator together with nozzles gives a flow of approximately 60 thousand km of active operation.
  • Hub bearings will need to buy every 50 thousand km.

Of the more specific problems, the owners mark quickly broken fixators of the front panel on the "spectrum". They begin to make noise even on a flat road. Some of the latest Acrosta models are completed by mediocre sides on a mechanical transmission, which also serves as a source of noise and the appearance of problems with speed switching.

In the section Choosing a car, a motorcycle to Qia Spectra or Reno Logan? Posted by the author Lika 2009 The best answer is how many people are so many opinions ...

I have the second "Lohan" - the first passed 270000km. I did not break anything, the second -27000 just bought.

I like the clarity of the checkpoint and the unbound suspension.

And about the appearance, taste and color. .

Just a normal reliable, budgetary machine.

Renault shit and Fiat his brother. And kia junk, better huff

All shit, but better than Kia.

All shit. Best of all take Skoda.

Nah those koreans fell.

Kia Spectra of course, and Lohan leave Loham!

Do not buy logan-moon something else. I will take better spectrum.

Better Kia. Renault is not a very reliable car. The familiar Logan 2 months in repair spent just purchased. In another Kia, the truth is LED, but it runs back and has not broken yet.

Fiat Albia! Compact spectrum and more reliable Logan)

Renault without options, but simol.

both variants of shit

Honda Civic you need to take!))

Kia Spectra is more expensive, take Logan.

Spectrum and Logan !! ! Spectrum beautiful! Logan sorrow! In the spectrum of noise in the cabin, in Logan is quieter! Spare parts in one price line, although there are more of them on the Korean. I probably chose comfort.

In my opinion, Kia spectrum, but it is not necessary to cut Logan, only those who about the car judge only with the shell can call, maybe it's not very attractive, but this opinion in my opinion is strongly contrived: that Logan is that Kia that Fiat Albea that Chevrolet Lanos as and Hendai accent is by no means an ideal of beauty, and yet in the class and sizes of Kia above, the motor is quite frisky, good term stability, the Logan takes its practicality that does not kill and not made by the suspension perfect for our roads, spacious Salon and a huge 510 liter trunk, ahead of it only Fiat 515l, in the spectra it is less but you can fold the seats.

as for Kia, the interior trim in the style of the 90s is not more Logan, but everything is quite convenient, in Logan, in spite of the absence of steering wheel adjustments, it will be comfortable any, pleases the clarity and thoughtfulness of the box,

In general, Reno is practical and logical, ideal as a car for work and cottages, besides, a very expensive service and that

Kia is a comfortable car for comfortable money, but it grieves the expensive that (for a cheap car is not justified)

for almost 2 years, in addition, I am pleased with anything with a machine gun, I am pleased with the glory of Bogum Reno.

Watch an interesting video on this topic.

Fundamental budget cars have always been and will be in demand from the Russian consumer. In this regard, on the network on autofors, users are often asked as a question: what is better - "Kia" or "Hyundai"? The reviews of the owners of these machines are not always unambiguous, but, nevertheless, there are a lot of them, which means that there is a demand.

Special attention deserves budget series "Spectrum" from "KIA" and "focus" from Hendai. Just they have the bulk of shopping. And at the same time, the disputes are about what is better - "kia spectrum" or "Hyundai emphasis." Reviews, as mentioned above, do not always help, so there is something to understand here. Moreover, both brands not so long have pleased their admirers with updates of these series. But first things first.

Let's try to determine which car is better - "Kia" or "Hyundai" from the series "Spectrum" and "Accent", respectively. Consider both cars from all sides, we will find the pros and cons, and also listen to what the owners talk about these models.


To answer the question of which car is better - "KIA" or "Hyundai", first of all we will analyze the appearance of cars. If you put the "spectrum" and an updated "focus" nearby, then their relationship will be seen with the naked eye. Yes, both brands are part of one concern, but, nevertheless, there is still a noticeable difference in the exterior.

The spectrum is larger in its dimensions and, moreover, the diameter of the wheels has increased compared to the "accent". Both vehicles have the same smooth lines, narrow radiator grilles under the hood and marked rounded headlights.

The explicit difference is visible in the trunk. The "spectra" it is clearly highlighted, and the "accent" is understated on the manner of Liftbekov. Such a solution was especially popular in the early 2000s. So if you choose that it is better - the "kia spectrum" or "Hyundai emphasis" in terms of design, then, judging by the reviews, motorists were divided into two equal parts.


If in terms of the exterior of the "spectrum" a little left, then with the interior of things is somewhat different. Both cars as if left in the last century, even despite a decent list of modern equipment on board. And here it is quite difficult to determine what is better - "Kia" or "Hyundai".

Reviews about the cabin of both cars are different. Massive deflectors "Spectra" (photo above) are very reminded of "Moskvich" or about European rarities of the 70s and 1980s. The front panel is decorated for an old American manner: narrow and barely noticeable scales, as well as a speedometer in miles, which clearly do not contribute to the normal perception of readings.

Caps for airbags and radio tape recorders look at this background as hello from the future, diluting the dull interior of the cabin and making it a little presentable. But, judging by the reviews, the owners are ready to forgive the panels "Spectra" of its archaicity for the incredible convenience of landing the chairs. The seats are done here really qualitatively and with a loaf on advanced ergonomics: a soft pillow, anatomical profiles and a thin adjustment of the position under the individual features of the driver.

If we evaluate that it is better - "kia spectrum" or "Hyundai emphasis" in terms of the interior, then the last in an explicitly winning position. Moreover, the difference is very sensible. There are no questions to the seats "accent": gently, comfortable and many adjustments. The front panel (see above), unlike the "spectra", is distinguished by freshness and is already reminded of the current century, and not the past.

Deflectors at the "Accent" are strict, all elements are at hand, and the instruments have comfortable and easily perceived scales in kilometers. Despite the fact that the entire panel is made of medium in quality of plastic, it looks, judging by the reviews, very attractive.

Test Drive "Accent"

If you compare that it is better - "KIA spectrum" or "Hyundai emphasis" in terms of efficiency, the latter will be losing. Owners in their reviews complain of a decent fuel consumption at the "Accent". In the city, the car "eats" 10 liters per hundred, but maybe all 12. On the track such problems, naturally, there is no fifth gear.

In addition, the four-stage automatic transmission showed itself not the best and does not differ in high reliability. While about the mechanics for five steps only positive feedback.

Both machines received engines by 105 horsepower, but the dynamics of the "accent" is better due to smaller dimensions. Due to this, the car is not as smoothly rushes as the "spectrum", so it can be called to some extent sporting, where it is necessary to work correctly with gas and do not regret turns.


The chassis of "accent" is rather quiet. Even with the active operation of the car on the bumps and country roads, the details do not creak and remain in place. Here we have a universal version, equally good for both the city and countryside.

Test Drive "Spectra"

The gearboxes of both cars are almost identical, as well as the problems voiced above. The five-speed mechanics "spectra" perfectly showed itself in different conditions and, judging by the reviews, does not cause any complaints. The machine for four steps is much less reliable, and experienced motorists advise not to consider this option.

There is no complaints about the fuel consumption - solid middling. "Eats" the car is smoothly per liter less than "emphasis", that is, 9 liters in the city and 6-7 - on the highway. The speakers at the "spectra" are noticeably less due to large dimensions, and the car has a gentle start, and a slightly muted gas response will certainly appreciate calm drivers.


The suspension is soft enough and does not allow serious rolls even if the steering wheel should be turned. Nevertheless, obvious irregularities of the car is poorly tolerated. Large bumps are felt in the cabin and do not give the best way to running. For frequent trips to rural roads or potholes, the spectrum is not very suitable. This is a calm and measured city car or traveler for good tracks.

So in this case, it is quite difficult to determine what is better - "kia spectrum" or "Hyundai-accent", and it all depends on the place of operation of the machine. The last car with a reliable chassis is suitable as a universal version. Well, the path "Spectra" is megalopolises and tracks with infrequent rides on dirt roads.


In general, both cars deserve to be purchased and work out their money. As such, there are no serious complaints of cars, especially considering their low cost. And the spectrum, and the "emphasis" was remembered by car service workers with a list of classic problems for these cars.

Owners in their reviews note the following nuances of operation of both cars:

  • Every 30-40 thousand km is needed to change the rear suspension shock absorbers.
  • Being ready for the failure of the friction transmissions of the automatic transmission at any time.
  • The radiator together with nozzles gives a flow of approximately 60 thousand km of active operation.
  • Hub bearings will need to buy every 50 thousand km.

Of the more specific problems, the owners mark quickly broken fixators of the front panel on the "spectrum". They begin to make noise even on a flat road. Some of the latest Acrosta models are completed by mediocre sides on a mechanical transmission, which also serves as a source of noise and the appearance of problems with speed switching.

Cars buyers are divided into two categories. Some choose the car at the emotional level - the style of the style, the history of the brand is important for them, the prestige, if the position obliges. Others are suitable for the choice of a four-wheeled friend solely from a utilitarian point of view, wanting to get a maximum of benefit in exchange for a reasonable amount of monetary signs. It is for them that Kia has released a Spectra car at one time.

A cheap foreign car with a "automatic" is the first thing that comes to mind at the sight of the squat silhouette of Korean. An option from mechanical gearbox is also there, but about it below.


If we say very, very short, then the car we know under the name Spectra is the second generation of Kia Cerato, which has a motor created in collaboration with Mazda and has nothing to do with Hyundai models. And all because Hyundai bought Kia in 1998, and the second generation of Cerato began to release in 1997.

The predecessor of our hero, the first generation of Kia Spectra in the "Sedan" body, saw the light in South Korea in 1992. In the Korean original source, the car was ordered Sephia, and in the foreign markets the car received the second name - Mentor. Over the first year, more than 100,000 cars were sold in the domestic market. Taking success, in 1993, the company KIA first begins to conquer the North American market and precisely from this model. In the US car dealerships, the car falls with a 1.8 liter engine manufactured by Mazda's license. In 1995, Kia makes the spectrum of facelifting under the American consumer, changing the grille and head optics.

A year earlier (since 1994) Sephia acquires a modification in the "hatchback" body. From the same year, the car is exported to Europe and starts a competitive battle with Ford Escort and Opel Astra.

Sales of the first generation continued until 1997 until the second generation of spectra rose on the conveyor. The second generation completely changed the appearance of the sedan and hatchback (Shuma). In addition, the engine was updated - 1.8 DOHC was already its own development of KIA (not without the help of Mazda).

The model lived safely before the start of the new century and again changed the name in the United States. From the marketing considerations of Liftbek, they ordered the name of the spectrum (Spectra), "shed light over the entire North America" \u200b\u200b(from the English Spectrum, the second value in the plural from Spectra).

The car was sold quite successfully. They contributed to the rich equipment and a democratic price. Kia made a security bet and did not lose. The spectrum could already buy even then with six airbags and with disk brakes on all wheels. In total, three configurations were offered - base under the index s, extended GS and top GSX.

In 2003, KIA launches third-generation in production under the Cerato / Forte Splatik, while in some foreign markets, the second generation was still produced until 2004.

And what about Russia? We traditionally, at that time, did not get the latest reincarnation. In 2005, "Izhavto" is taken for an industrial assembly of the second generation of spectra in the "Sedan" body. In 2008, the car engine is driven to the norms "Euro-3". 2011 was the last year of the production of the spectra in Russia.

Market offers

The potential buyer will be deprived of the flour of choice, because the Russian version was released only in the "Sedan" body, and only with one gasoline engine.

The whole choice is reduced to the search for the variant with the desired gearbox - mechanical or automatic. For the sake of fairness, it is worth saying that the overseas wind on our market also entered the American versions of different generations, but their account is on the pieces.

The price variation on the spectrum will please you more: depending on the year of release from 175 to 350 thousand rubles, - on any wallet.

Year Price max / minimum, thousand rubles. Average price, thousand rubles. Range of mileage, thousand km Mileage Middle, thousand km
2005 170 – 260 215 70 - 140 105
2006 168 – 270 215 41 - 280 160,5
2007 170 – 300 235 42 - 205 123,5
2008 165 – 350 232,5 28 - 216 122
2009 200 – 350 275 19 - 150 84,5
2010 260 – 305 280,5 38 - 82 60
2011 290 – 350 320 25 - 58 41,5

It is worth understanding that the stated price of the car is the one on which it stands on the market; The real price for which he eventually goes, in practice is always lower, at least 2-3%. In case of reasonable bargaining, you can achieve discounts up to 5%.

It can be seen from the table that in the first 4 years of release, the bottom plank varies slightly, as is the top for the last 4 years. Why? In the first case, the technical condition of the car plays the role, in the second - a small number of proposals for a certain year of release. If there are few sentences in the market in 2011, then the 2010 is at the price of 2011, etc. By the way, the volume of release since 2009 gradually decreased by 2011, which is not surprising. The "Izhavto" plant due to the crisis at that time already fought in prebankcrumb convulsions.

The car with the "automatic" is easy to find, to a quarter of the proposals (24%) account for it.

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The Russian version of the spectra was released only with a gasoline engine of 1.6 l, with a capacity of 101.5 hp And designed for the 95th gasoline. It is more powerful only an American version - 1.8 l, 126 hp, but only with the "automatic". According to the regulations, the dealer is carried out with an interval of every 15 thousand km, with a mandatory replacement of oil in the engine and filter. Every 45 thousand km change the timing belt, every 30 thousand km - spark plugs.
The engine is generally reliable - Japanese roots are felt. Single incidents and breakdowns happened to the owners of new cars on runs up to 10 thousand km, but it is rather a consequence of the assembly than the constructive flaw. It is only worth paying attention to the state of the timing belt and change it in advance. The belt break leads to the bending of the valves, and there are 16 there, 4 per cylinder.

The new engine can be found in 70 thousand rubles, but this information is rather for reference, you can ever come up with it.

According to the owners, on 99 out of 100 cars during cold start, tapping (terrain), which disappears with the engine warming and does not exhibit anything else. In most cases, the use of synthetic oil and periodic control of its level, inspection of the engine for leaking lubrication is helped.

If the engine suddenly begins to work unevenly, "walk" by turns and then "get well", then suddenly "troit", do not rush to order a new one. Such cases are just noted on runs closer to 90-100 thousand km. It is to blame for this spark on one of the cylinders, or rather, the ignition coil. Here one coil goes to two cylinders.

But what is missing this engine in a pair with a gearbox is the speakers. And if the bundle with the manual transmission allows you to overclock the car up to 100 km / h in 12.6 s. (which is close to the level of most budget foreign cars), then the machine will reach this turn for 16 s. You can only compete with the bus.


To the reliability of the automatic transmission (factory index f4ael-k) there are certain questions. On the one hand, the box also has Japanese roots, but somewhat modified towards simplification. On the other hand, evil languages \u200b\u200bargue that the assembly at the same time is Chinese, though supplied to the plant from Korea. According to the KIA Regulation, the automatic transmission on the spectrum is considered to be non-servant - the dealer only checks the oil level. But we know that in our conditions for the quality of oil in the "Automat" it is better to follow and easily change.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to leaks of oil. The lack of level can cause overheating and noise in the box and, as a result, leads to the destruction of the mechanisms of friction and bearings. Overheating can be determined by characteristic black oil with a smell of Gary. A spoonful of honey can be what dealers and workshops have already bent the hand on repairing these boxes. Restored automatic transmission is estimated by sellers along with a replacement of 30-40 thousand rubles.

The smooth operation of the automatic transmission corresponds to the technological age of its development. Freshing jerk when switching from 1st to 2nd transmissions (solenoid solenoid valves) and steadpressure when switching from 3rd to 4th transmission ("automatic" 4-speed). The last "is treated" by replacing the firmware in the electronic control unit.

The mechanical box (5 steps) is deprived of these drawbacks, but the owners have claims to clarify the inclusion of gears and to the long turn of the checkpoint lever. To 50 thousand km can begin to leak the oil through the gear sealing ring. The clutch disc is "dying" (on average) to 70 thousand km.


Classic Scheme: Front Independent MacPherson, Rearly independent, multi-dimensional, with shock absorbing racks and transverse stabilizer. It does not cause any particular complaints. Ball supports are held up to 130-150 thousand km and make themselves felt by the knock due to the presence of a backlash. According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the ball is changing assembly with the lever, but those who want to save can be ordered in the store only the support itself.

The suspension is soft and comfortable, some car owners prefer rigorously and put non-original springs and shock absorbers. The "native" suspension is prone to break, but if the course is too soft and the car rolls in turns, then this is a reason to estimate the working condition of the shock absorbers. If the car begins to swim on a straight course, see the stabilizer bushings.

By 90-100 thousand km, almost all car models begin to buzzing hub bearings. They change assembly with the hub. If there is a garage and free time, the craftsmen knock out old bearings and scoring new ones.

Front brakes disc, the rear is more often drum, although on versions with ABS are also there are discs. Standard pad resource. 30-40 thousand km for disk and up to 100 thousand km for drum. There is no complaints about the brake system, it provides an adequate and predicted slowdown.

The disadvantages of the suspension include extremely low clearance - 154 cm, and with an installed engine protection and full loading and less. Pay attention to the long Front Sve. The long hood of the sedan along with a small road lumen dramatically reduces the geometric passability of the car. Purchasing the "muzzle" to the generation, storming railways and ramps are necessary with a margin.

Body and Salon

The factory anti-corrosion treatment of the body spectra included a 4-fold cataphorous bath (on both sides), in the spacious "galvanized". The factory guarantee from the cross-cutting "Chervotocin" was 100 thousand km. Therefore, you will not find frankly rust specimens, of course, if the car before that did not "attached" about the obstacle. The iron of the body does not have an excessive thickness, so does not like when any significant effort is attached to it. More tender, even more tender ...

Most of all the complaints from the car owners causes noise insulation of the cabin, especially the engine is especially annoying when it becomes uncomfortable to communicate.

In the basic configuration there is already a central castle, all power windows, a full-size spare, folding rear sofa (in proportion 60/40), GUR, two front airbags. The spectrum was supplied in 5 sets. In all versions (except base), air conditioning is installed, and the "automatic" box was available only in two top versions of Premium and Suite.

The volume of the trunk is 410 liters is quite good for the compact sedan, and it can be increased due to the folding back of the rear sofa. There are cases when access to useful liters may be impossible due to the junior trunk lock or weakened remote opening cable from the cabin. It is rather a confusion than a malfunction, and after adjusting the problem disappears.

There are no complaints on the salon. Simple and angry. Inexpensive plastic with a budget "cloth". The layout of the chairs allows you to comfortably set up a large passenger in any row. True, not all drivers can find a good position behind the wheel, despite the adjustment of the steering column vertically. Experiments with the slope of the base installation of the driver's seat through spacers are coming.

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Electrical equipment

Electrician serious complaints does not cause. As we wrote above, over time it may be necessary to replace the ignition coils. Sometimes the owners complain about insufficient luminous floodlight headlights. In the first thousands of mileage there were cases of failure of Klasson.

Maintenance cost / then

Initially, a warranty was provided for 3 years (or 100 thousand km), so you can't find the warranty options, and there is no direct reason to serve the dealer.

The cost of some operations on specialized, but informal services

EVERYONE The car has drawbacks, the spectrum is no exception. Knowing about them, it is easier to choose a decent instance on the secondary market and easier to contain it then during operation.

Prices for three year old copies with mechanics - from 230 thousand rubles, with an automatic - from 260 thousand. Amazingly, but six-year cars only a little cheaper - from 220 and 250 thousand rubles. respectively. Obviously, the model is in demand. But among the hijackers "Spectra" are unpopular. Nevertheless, many newly minted owners are in a hurry to put additional alarm.

HUNTER Behind the easy progress - the alarm installer, the dowel cleaned the alien electronics into the standard wiring, can put a pig. And the point is not only in negligent twists, which are quickly oxidized and lead to failures in the work of the signaling itself and the fuel pump (its chain is most often blocked). Does not tolerate the hack of the salon electronics. Connecting to it somehow, for example, to use the function of automatic lifting of the glasses, the block itself can be burned. If this happened after the expiration of the warranty on the installation, it will be changed at its own expense - 5 thousand rubles. loss.

The switching block, which is under the hood, often begins to be capricious after 100 thousand km - weakens the grip of the tips of the power contacts, which they are overheated and tightened. At the first failures, let's say in the heating chain of the rear window or the cigarette lighter, remove the block, disassemble it and adjust the contacts- "Moms" at the ends of the current-driven plates. This repair is enough for a long time - verified. If you run the disease, the device with burnt tracks will have to be changed.

Wishes Does the company Kia undermine the prestige "Izhmash", where the "spectra" today is assembled, it is not known for certain, but with automatic transmission supplied from Korea recently, it's just a matter. It happens, the front turn clutch falls apart, then the car simply does not go. Frequently, the planetary rows and springs wear out - this is almost the most massive defect. Sometimes the unit falls into emergency mode, leaving the third transmission included, the mechanics failures in the hydraulic block. In these cases, get ready for expensive repairs. If switching from the first transmission to the second began to occur with a noticeable delay and blow, then you are lucky. This defect is eliminated by adjusting the rod, without disassembled the box. Another "luck" is the failure of electromagnetic valves, because for their replacement it is necessary only to remove the pallet.

Dealers, let them give them due, recognize sores even in secondary signs and repair boxes with closed eyes. But what is the sense, if there are no high-quality spare parts! It is rumored that the F4ael-K machine is collected in China, hence, they say, and problems. Let's see what the Representative Office of Kia will answer. So far, due to the lack of normal spare parts, the masters are forced to collect one unit of several - only then the client leaves the service more or less for a long time. Moral: When buying a machine with a machine, do not save on the diagnosis!

With mechanics there are much less problems, but also happen. So, the fastener of the gear selection mechanism can be unscrewed, while the lever hangs on, and you will not turn on the transmission. Sometimes you turn on the second, and the box resists and crunches - a sign of the monster of the synchronizer. In both cases, without repairing the unit, it is not necessary, but compared with the repair of the machine is a penny. It happens, the seals of the drives or stock shift rod are leaving - with this, as a rule, it is possible to ride another 20-30 thousand km, regularly controlling the oil level on the side and waiting until it flirt seriously. There is no complaints to the clutch, 120-130 thousand km it keeps.

KNOW The fact that the plant has reduced the period for replacing the timing belt from 60 to 45 thousand km away, this regulation must be strictly observed. By 40 thousand km can notice the rollers noticeably, but before regulatory replacement, they usually hold. But with Pombe - how lucky. Usually it retreats to the second replacement of the belt, but recently the quality of the node has worsened noticeably. If you heard an extraneous hum in the drive, immediately install its source. If it is a pump, urgently change, otherwise, the jamming, cut the belt teeth and, as a result, the valves will fit. Then serious repair of the motor can not be avoided.

In general, the engines are quite reliable and any surprises in operation, as a rule, are not presented. The only thing that does not suit many owners is sluggish acceleration, especially on machines with MCP. Under the Trogan, the engine is spinning as if reluctant. The new engine control unit program, which many official dealers are offered, is deprived of this shortage, does not give side effects on other modes of operation of the motor and slightly reduces fuel consumption.

Watch out for the cooling fluid level! It can leak on the rolling of the main radiator - unpleasant, but Polbie. Worse, if the heater radiator gave a flow. First, change it - to disassemble the half, and secondly, even with a slight leak, it is more expensive to postpone the repair of yourself: they can suffer the engine control unit or the stove shutter motor unit below the flow. Even no longer lucky if the machine was installed on the car - such a meter went around since 2007. There, the radiator do not change separately, only assembled with the corps fragment, which is why the spare part is almost three times more expensive (15.6 against 5.8 thousand rubles).

WHERE Bulkates when turning the steering wheel, the dealers will say from the go - in the return of the gur. Right in the highway is a fatter, a hole in which it is often very rude. It is worth removing the oblast and chamdes on the edges, as unpleasant sounds will disappear. The remaining problems in the steering mechanism are not atypical and are random. Rake rarely, tips serve for a long time.

Do not wait until this block will stop switching energy-intensive chains! Each 80-90 thousand km remove it, disassemble and press the contacts, then the device will last long.

Do not wait until this block will stop switching energy-intensive chains! Each 80-90 thousand km remove it, disassemble and press the contacts, then the device will last long.

There are no special complaints and suspension. In front of 40-50 thousand km. Change the stabilizer racks - a typical consumator for many cars. It happens, shock absorbers knock - check the tightening of the guts of the rods, which sometimes it is possible to pull out almost half-turn. The shock absorbers themselves are well tolerant and deprivation, bringing to them from the Colds of our roads. Ball supports, silent blocks and stabilizer bushings are also kept well and rarely require replacement to 150 thousand km.

The weak link is the hub bearings of the rear wheels, representing a single integer with the hub. Especially bad they carry the load caused by the installation of alloy discs. Their departure is usually less than that of the regular (wheels drank more), and on the larger shoulder effort, naturally, increase. With the rest of the elements of problems, in fact, it does not happen. Do not forget only here to regularly check the angles of the installation of the wheels and take care of the transverse thrust by handing the car with reverse.

The front brake pads serve 30-40 thousand km (ACP / MCP), the disks are enough for 90-120 thousand km. Rear can stand or drum, or disk mechanisms, and since 2007 - only disk. The drum pads are enough for 90-100 thousand km, but this is not a reason until then in them not to look - do not forget about cleaning and lubricating the mechanism of the spacer plate. Otherwise, the handbrake will scatter, and the drums because of the deep grooves will have to change. Disk pads wear out very quickly - after 15-20 thousand km. If you miss the moment, you will have to buy new discs. Under normal conditions, the latest very survivors: they never changed due to natural wear, even when running over 150 thousand km.

IS SITTING, It happened, the passenger in the back seat and flashes - can not go out, because the door does not open from neither inside, nor outside. At one time, such a defect was massive - scored a thrust in the castle. To the rest of the armhole of the body, as well as himself, no comments. The paint holds steadfastly, and also from Korean, and Russian cars.

Crash test "Spectra" in Europe did not spend, there are only test results on American IIHS. This technique does not provide (read about it in the "Security" section) of the assignment of points and stars, however, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of security model still gives. Alas, not the most positive (see the model history).

PHEASANT... This bird with a colorful plumage does not fit in any way with the appearance of the Sita "Spectra". But the technical filling of the car, albeit not the most modern, noticeable hassle in operation does not deliver. Of course, if you compare it with a filling of competitors and remember that we do not sing di-gras in this heading. It is a pity that the warm tones of the spectral palette are somewhat poured with dark purple smears of a capricious machine.

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