Home Chassis What is the difference between winter oil from summer. We choose winter engine oil, study the labeling .... How to choose the best engine oil

What is the difference between winter oil from summer. We choose winter engine oil, study the labeling .... How to choose the best engine oil

Most vehicle owners know that the competent choice of oil affects the reliability of the engine and means a long enjoyment of a car ride without any problems.

Nevertheless, not every car enthusiast is aware of what lubricant It is worth pouring and how to choose it to pick it up.

Marking denotes oil matching conditions. We take into the hands of the canister, read the inscription like "5W-30". The presence of two indicators means - the oil is universal, simultaneously permissible for summer and winter.

"5W", where "W" that is, "Winter" - "Winter" index of low permissible working temperatures, while possessing admissible sufficient viscosity. The index "30" means the maximum summer temperature.

Climatic conditions when choosing an oil

When buying oil, you must be guided by the conditions of the microclimate. When operating a car in southern latitudes, where the temperature reaches up to +50 degrees, under the hood it will be 10-15 degrees.

Consequently, the oil must be chosen more thick, with high thermal resistance and thermo-oxidative stability, under such conditions it is better cooling the pistons and does not allow to increase the limit heating in the crankcase.

Under such conditions of operation of the car instead of recommended car manufacturers Oil brands 5W-30, it is better to apply 5W-40.

Vehicle operating conditions

An important circumstance when choosing a motor oil is the operating conditions of the car. If the car is larger on the track on the track, here the engine cooling will contribute to the cold air. This, among other things, helps reduce the temperature of the oil.

In the case when the main mileage of your car falls in urban environments, and these are "traffic jams" and uneven rotation of the engine, and even in hot weather.

In such conditions, oil will have harder, it is advisable to choose here motor oil thick, namely 5W-40.

Manufacturers recommendations when choosing a motor oil

All machines are individual, therefore oil is required to apply special. Of course, you need to take into account and follow the recommendations of manufacturers of each automotive brand.

If there are certain doubts about the expediency of using a brand of engine oil, it is better to consult the specialists to further consult.

Driving style affects the choice of oil

For fasteners, quick ride must be understood that the car additionally needs to protect the working units of the motor. On large speeds, the engine is quickly heated quite quickly, and all the friction force falls on the engine oil.

In such cases, it is necessary to use oil for high-mounted engines (for example 10W-60 or 5W-50), and do not forget to regularly check the oil level.

Motor oil quality

The most important criterion is the quality of engine oil. Before you buy it thoroughly examine all the characteristics (quality class, brand, viscosity, certification information: SAE, API, etc.).

Experts recommend purchasing oil for the engine only from proven sellers. For example, on the site Voenmasla.ru. This is due to the fact that there are quite a few fakes on the market.

Do not save, make a choice on oil with several levels of protection. Each oil has its own individual holographic element with a logo, an additionally logo is extruded on the canister.

The full address of the manufacturer is necessarily prescribed on the label. Many serious manufacturers each canister numbered.

There are companies that protect their product by the smell, for example, Valvoline is distinguished by a pleasant sweet odor, this is protected by its products from likely copying. Such protection is expensive, and potential intruders will not spend on it.

So it is possible to distinguish the original engine oil from a fake, it is worth only to be attentive. Minor savings on such an important product for the car can lead to essential cars for repairs.

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Motor oil viscosity indicator

Motor oil, as is known, performs a very important function in the engine - lubricates the conjugate parts, ensures the tightness of the cylinders and displays all fuel combustion products. Produce all engine oils by means of oil distillation and highlighting heavy fractions from it, and the specified set performance characteristics Sets the use of various kinds of additives.

One of the most important properties of any engine oil is its viscosity. Oil viscosity is this ability to maintain the desired properties in a given temperature range, that is, to remain between the conjugate parts, while maintaining the fluidity. The temperature range depends on the type of engine and on the climatic conditions in which it is operated. For example, for countries with a warm climate, oil is needed with a large viscosity indicator, respectively, it will be more dense than those oils that are used in cold edges.

How to determine the viscosity of the oil?

If you have ever seen plastic canisters with oils that are sold and at refueling and even in many supermarkets, they all have designations of type - 10W-40, 5W-30, 15W-40, and on canisters for transmission oils, nigrol , gearboxes are designations - 80W-90, 75W-80, etc. What do these numbers and letters mean?

W is from the word Winter - Winter, that is, all kinds of engine oils that have such a designation are suitable for use in winter conditions. True, it is necessary to clarify that winter is different - in the Crimea or in the Sochi temperatures rarely fall to those extreme values \u200b\u200bthat are in Novosibirsk or Yakutsk.

Take the most common view in our climatic conditions - 10W-40. The figure ten suggests that the viscosity of the oil during frost is minus 25 degrees (to get this figure, you need from ten subtracts 35), it reaches the maximum value when the motor start is safe.

There is also a pumpability indicator that determines the lowest air temperature at which the pump will still be able to load oil into the system. To find out this temperature, you need from the first digit to take away forty - for 10W-40 we get a value in minus 30 degrees. Thus, this type of oil is adapted for those countries where it is not colder than 25-30 degrees of frost.

If we talk about the second digit in the marking - 40, it determines the kinematic and dynamic viscosity at +100 and +150 degrees, respectively. The thickness of the oil is the greater, the greater this indicator. Butter 10W-40, however, as it, in the designation of which the letter W is present, is all-season and is used at mean temperatures from -30 to +40. For those engines that spent half of their resource, recommend using oils where the viscosity indicator at high temperatures is 50 - 10W-50 or 20W-50.

Viscosity table.

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If we talk about transmission oilsthen here is your own special scale of the designations that we will not touch, let's just say that the lower the first figure in the marking, the more low temperatures Oil can save its properties. For example, 75W-80 or 75W-90 can be used at temperatures from -40 to +35, and 85W-90 - from -15 to +40.

How to choose oil by viscosity?

Choosing engine oil for specific modelYou need to pay attention to a number of designations: engine type, car type, viscosity degree - diesel / gasoline, injector / carburetor, passenger / cargo and so on. All this is usually indicated on the label. In addition, there are oils recommended by the manufacturer, you should not neglect these instructions, since the engine is designed for a certain level of viscosity.

Since Russia has a very large seasonal temperature difference, then you need to choose those oils that are suitable for your climatic conditions. For example, at low temperatures, even if not very extreme, it will be easier to start the engine if the oil is 5W-30, since it retains its operational properties at temperatures to -40.

If the average annual temperatures are in the range from -20 to +20, then you do not need to invent special and use all-season oil 10W-40, 15W-40, well, or 10W-50, 20W-50 for the "rod" engines.

Tests of some motor oils and their indicators.

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Hello everyone! With the arrival of cold weather, becomes a topical question, how to choose winter oil For the engine. On the one hand, it's easy, and on the other - there are some nuances. If you pour the first liquid or thoughtlessly follow the advice of the neighbor - you can harm the motor. Why is that? Let's deal with.

Do I need to change the oil in the winter

At minus temperatures, the engine is most demanding about the quality of the oil. The smaller the viscosity of the lubricant during the cold start - the better. Just B. winter time There is an effect of oil starvation of the engine. What it is?

As you know, when starting, the oil should be filled with the engine. The faster it happens, the better. Because For a while, the motor has to work almost on dry. And when, inside the engine, the metal runs about the metal - there will be nothing good.

Naturally, the thick of the engine oils - the harder it is crushed through all the details. In addition, the load and on the battery. Not in vain, most failures rechargeable batteries It is for the winter. Not only that it itself loses up to 40% of the capacity with a strong frost, it is also an additional load in the form of thick lubricant.

To deal with this, you need to use high-quality winter or all-season lubricant, which will be stable at low temperatures. Therefore, all experts recommend changing the oil before the onset of cold. Even if a few more thousands left to the planned replacement - it will be justified. Especially if under the hood flooded a liquid with a low low-temperature viscosity.

What is the viscosity of the oil

- This is its main characteristic. It defines the maximum permissible temperatures in which the lubricant retains its properties. If the car is operated in a gentle mode, in the warm climate - you can not pay special attention on viscosity. The engine will feel well on any all-season lubricant.

But when the machine is used with extremely low or high temperatures - viscosity needs to pay special attention.

What is viscosity? In fact, this is the ability of oil to create a lubricant between the parts of the engine. Here is a simple dependence:

  • high viscosity - film thicker;
  • low viscosity - film thinner.

Basic viscosity requirements:

  • it should not be too high - the lubricant layer on the details will be too thick and the engine will work heavier - as a result increased flow fuel;
  • it should not be low - a layer of lubricant will succeed in thin - as a result, it is possible to try the engine parts and its rapid wear.

Therefore, the viscosity of the oil must be optimal. It should be understood that the concept of optimality for each engine will be its own.

Viscosity index

Very interesting and most importantly important parameterdefining the operational characteristics of lubrication. Let's deal with it more.

When the engine works, it is heated, and the viscosity of the oil drops. Those. It is diluted. The dependence of the rate of ignition of oil and is its viscosity index.

From here you can get such a dependence:

  • the higher the index, the oil loses the thickness slower, and accordingly the engine parts are better than blurred;
  • the lower the index, the way it is diluted faster. In this case, the lubricant becomes thinner and the engine wear increases.

In a sense, this parameter is a characteristic of lubrication stability. Those. Determines how well it works at extreme temperatures. To select winter oil, it means that the higher the viscosity index, the easier it will take the cold start of the engine.

Unfortunately, manufacturers do not indicate the canister. But, it will not be superfluous to know their average characteristics for different species Oils:

  1. Synthetic - 140-170.
  2. Semi-synthetic – 130-150.
  3. Mineral - 110-135.

As you can see, the mineral car has the lowest. What is not surprising - it's no secret that these lubricants turn into Kissel in the cold.

The highest synthetic indicator, but unfortunately, it can be used on new engines. Motors with large runs are no longer so good tolerant.

SAE motor oil classification

On each canister oil there is a marking of its viscosity on SAE. For example:

  • 10w40;
  • 15w40;
  • 5W30, etc.

What do these figures mean, and how to understand what oil is better to pour into the engine for the winter? Let's deal with.

There are 3 types of lubricant:

  1. Summer.
  2. Winter.
  3. All-season.

It is worth saying that all-season fluids, practically crowded summer and winter oil. Still, it is inconvenient to depend on the weather and change the lubricant when winter or summer comes. Moreover, all-season fluids provide stable work In a wide temperature range.

Justice, it is worth noting that there is:

  • 5 year old grades - 20, 30, 40, 50, 60;
  • 6 Winter - 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W.

All-season fluids are marked up as follows: 10W40, 5W30, etc. The cyfra in front of the letter W (WINTER) denotes the lower temperature limit at which the engine lubricant is provided during cold start. The digit after - refers to work at the plus temperatures.

By the way, it is not necessary to believe that these numbers are equal to the extreme temperatures of oil. Everything is more complicated. And soon we will deal with it.

Temperature modes

Let's see what they mean sAE marksand in which temperature modes can be used. For clarity, take several oil brands:

  • Mobile super 5W30 - provides engine lubrication at temperatures up to -30 degrees;
  • LUKOIL GENEZIS POLAR SPECIAL 0W30 - real extreme, fluid is able to withstand the temperature in -40 degrees;
  • ZIK A + 10W30 - Universal All-season oil, will provide a good cold start at temperatures up to -25 degrees
  • Mobil Ultra 10W40 - a liquid with a higher value of high-temperature viscosity is better to use in warm regions;
  • Castrol GTX 15W40 - for cold winters no longer suitable, the temperature of the cold start to -15 degrees.

Thus, you can easily determine what kind of engine oil for the winter suitable better.

Oil choice criteria

To determine what kind of oil is pouring into the engine for the winter, you need to take into account several criteria. Among them:

  • recommendations of the car manufacturer;
  • mileage cars;
  • terms of Use;
  • driving manner;
  • fluid specifications for ACEA API, as well as tolerances.

In order not to climb into a technical debrist, you can use the selection of oil on the car brand. Let's not stop at this. It is enough to know that on the Internet there is a bunch of services where you can make such a selection.

Motor Motor Main. All aggregates are distinguished by their device and nuances of work. Therefore, first of all, you need to pay attention to the recommendation of the plant - the manufacturer knows best of all, what oil pour into the car. Well, on tolerances, if they are, of course.

For example, the oil recommended for the car is 10W40. If you board 15w40 - the pump will be more difficult to pump fluid in frost. If you change on 0W20 - the motor will start working for wear, because Too fluid lubrication is unable to provide good lubricant Motor.

Mileage and motor status

As you know, when the car moves a mark of 60-70 thousand, it is recommended to move with synthetics to semi-synthetic. This is caused by a decrease in the operational characteristics of the motor. Therefore, to determine which oil is better suitable for the motor, it is necessary to take into account his condition.

With the increase in the mileage, the engine changes the requirements for lubricant thickness. And it is recommended to use oil with more high index High temperature viscosity. I am expressed by a simple language - you need to pour the liquid thicker than before. In worn motors, also better not pour too liquid oil - due to increased gaps, the lubricant will flush with parts.

But, here is a stick about two ends. Too thick lubricant will kill the engine in the frost. Therefore, good engine oil for the winter should be a compromise solution.

If you listen to specialists, they advise:

  • when the machine is run, more than 100 thousand, all-season use 5W40, and in winter 5W30 and 10W30;
  • when running more than 250 thousand, all season use 5W50, and specifically for winter - 5W40 and 10W40.

But, again, even when large runs The engine can be in very good condition, as well as be killed after 50 thousand. Therefore, the mileage needs to be considered only together with the general state of the motor.

API standards, ACEA and tolerances

Everything is simple here - to understand what oil is pouring, you need to check the tolerance. If it has a liquid - it means the car it is suitable. If you do not know what a tolerance is, then I will explain. This is a special labeling on the canister, meaning that the oil passed internal certification from the car manufacturer and allowed by them for use in motors.

Concerning aPI standards And ACEA, it is also not difficult here. These standards determine the compatibility of the motor with a lubricant. So, by API (American Standard):

  1. Marking "C" - for diesel engine.
  2. Marking "S" - for gasoline engines.
  3. "S \\ C" - universal liquid.

For example, the Marking SL / CI-4 - indicates a universal oil, suitable for both diesel and petrol engines. The second letters on the marking, talk about quality. The closer to the end of the alphabet, the later the specification was adopted - and therefore the liquid is better.

ACEA - European Standard. In it, everything is almost the same. Only letters others:

  • "A" - gasoline;
  • "B" - diesel;
  • "E" - trucks;
  • "C" - universal class (analog "S \\ C")

Instead of a second letter, a digit is specified to decrypt the specification. What it is more - the better. For example, B5-2002 indicates a liquid for lubricating passenger diesel engines, and the specification is adopted in 2002.

So what kind of oil for the winter is best? Naturally, more fluid. Such a liquid will allow to avoid oil starvation during a cold start and will not deliver problems with strong frosts. At the same time, it is worth considering other criteria described in the article. Still from right choice Oil directly depends on the operation of the car.

That's all, leave your comments and read other blog articles.

Since in the second half of the twentieth century, publicly available all-season oils appeared, the question of a varietal choice, as it were, would automatically resolve: flood the wide-mead-tempered all-season and be calm. But even in our industrial-advanced time there are many nuances and disputes, especially in a complex climate. Mostly it comes to choosing the optimal class of viscosity, and by the summer, the dilemma "mineral water or synthetics" is also sharpened, because the first is noticeable cheaper, while the questions of the "frost and" goes to the background.

In general, it was in our climatic conditions that would not be worthwhile about choosing the basis - for all normal engines Ideally, only 100% synthetic. Moreover, in cases where the oil changes about once a year, taking into account the run of 10-15, a maximum of 20 thousand km - further to increase the replacement interval is not recommended due to our a priori of severe operating conditions (and first of all for fuel), and for passenger cars Diesels these numbers can be safely divided. Fully synthetic engine oil is no alternative or a harsh winter or hot summer. Already at the heart of such oils, the highest values \u200b\u200bon the viscosity index, physicochemical stability, oily film strength and antifriction properties are laid.

If the engine oil really changes once a year, then in many cases there will be the best synthetic oils With the viscosity of SAE 5W-30, 5W-40, 5W-50, 0W-40 and others. The viscosity class is selected based on cumulative Data - automaker recommendations, actual exploitation, mileage and motor condition. "Winter" viscosity values \u200b\u200b5w and especially 0W will provide oil fluidity at low temperatures (up to -25 and lower), and the numbers on the right give an idea of \u200b\u200bhigh-temperature properties - the higher the digit, the "thick" oil at engine operating modes.

Optimal Class 30 is considered for new cars (it also contributes to less energy consumption for pumping oil and less shift resistance at friction points), for used class 40, for "well used" class 50, but this is based on normal operating modes, without "extremes". By the way, it is often necessary to "raise" viscosity for non-deep engines dictates increased flow At the avgar. And if the engine oil simply does not follow through the leakage seals, then in this case the synthetics is also preferable due to the low "volatility" of its molecular structure. The king among highly viscous oils is the product of the SAE 10W-60 class. It is usually recommended for sports and other extreme movement conditions when the engine in the engine is exposed to strongest loads and heating.

Repeat - good synthetics, even in typical viscosity classes, it is expensive, and "extreme" options especially. Thus, for the production of SAE 10W-60 luxury sports oil, the esters are usually used, which ensures particular durability and the "adepebility" of the lubricant film, but such raw materials and most expensive among all "synthetic".

Oil on mineral (oil) based on the most sophisticated technologies (including common hydrocracking), due to natural restrictions, do not possess such parameters. But they are noticeably cheaper! As alternative Alongs, we are popular with semi-synthetic (preferably) or mineral oils SAE 10W-40 viscosity class: they have low-temperature properties and normal viscosity at operating temperatures. For "fresh" engines also suitable oil SAE 10W-30 class, which, like any "narrow-band" oil with a minimum content of thickening or depressor additives, is also characterized by better viscous resistance. All these products are not too expensive, but also the deadlines for their replacement should be shorter than 100% synthetics.

And yet if the oil changes just for the warm season, and the means are limited, then relevance acquire the mineral products widely available at the prices of which low-temperature properties are very mediocre for our winters, but high temperature viscosity For our summer just right. Here is the classic of the genre and the most massive use of SAE 15W-40 viscosity oils, which are not terrible and intersonic temperature differences. If required more viscous Oils, then at the disposal of motorists there are variants of SAE 15W-50 classes or even 20W-50 - in the second case, low-temperature parameters for our region are unimportant, but high-temperature resistance is wonderful.

In addition to the basis and class of viscosity, motor oils are characterized by the level of operational properties ( quality level), which steps is growing approximately with the periodicity of changing car generations. The most common standard is American API., In accordance with the defining category of quality for gasoline engines (S) and diesel (C). The second after them is "growing" in alphabetical order with each new (and more rigid according to the requirements) quality stage.

For gasoline engines on the API today there are oils already in six Categories, and all of them are still produced and are available on sale. The most modern standard - SM, embedded in 2005, and the most "ancient" - SF, which was still designed for consumers of the end of the 80s. In principle, taking into account the average age of our fleet, category API SL and even previously previous SJ can be considered the most sought-after.

More and more on the engine oil market and with indicators for european Standard Quality ASEA, which for all the basic requirements of the American, moreover, classifies oils in three types of engines: a - for gasoline, in - for passenger diesel engines, e - for freight diesel engines.

BUT B. this case It should be noted that recently a number of leading European brands have begun to supply flagship Motor oils, where in ASA, along with categories A, in and e, an alphabet classification with (also in a pair with numbers 1, 2 or 3 is also, depending on the level of operational qualities), began to appear. There is nothing "threatening" here, on the contrary, this indicates an environmentally cleaner composition of oil, where the content of sulfate ash, sulfur and phosphorus is minimized - elements that contribute to the accumulation of Naigarov and sludge, "destruction" of catalysts and diesel filters, as well as reduction in service The oil itself.

Price oils affect not only the basis, viscosity class (the wider the temperature range of application, the more expensive) and the level of quality, but also the features of the technologies of manufacturers. Products, it would seem, with similar data, it may noticeably differ in price, and there is nothing strange in this: the standards only "outlines" the level of claims and parameters of the applicability, while the firms within this framework are "prepared" in different ways and position their products. For example, the accurate composition of the oil, its real anti-wear, antioxidative, dispersing and other properties, which ultimately affects the efficiency and resource of the engines, which are not found for all expression on the packages - this "kitchen" remains on the conscience of manufacturers.

Presenting a certain range of motor oils in the table in retail Irkutsk trade, we took into account mass interests in the period seasonal shift. That is, focused on more viscous varieties, on brands for comparison in economy, middle and upper price range, as well as on universal Products, that is, oils designed to work in gasoline and passenger diesel engines - such products today are the most. However, in the line of many manufacturers, along with universal varieties, oils are offered, primarily oriented or specially intended for diesel engines. For passenger, as a rule, they are even more expensive, but for freight is significantly cheaper.

Motor classification oils SAE. J-300 DEC-99
Class by SAE Low-temperature viscosity High temperature viscosity
Turning Pummier Viscosity, mm² / c at 100ºС Viscosity, MPa.c at 150ºС and shift speed 106 C-1, min
Maximum viscosity, MP.C, at the corresponding temperature mIN. max
0w. 6200 at -35 ° С 60000 at -40 ° С 3,8
5w. 6600 at -30 ° С 60000 at -35 ° C 3,8
10w. 7000 at -25 ° C 60000 at -30 ° С 4,1
15w. 7000 at -20 ° С 60000 at -25 ° C 5,6
20w. 9500 at -5 ° C 60000 at -20 ° С 5,6
20w. 13000 at -10 ° С 60000 at -15 ° С 9,3
25w 5,6 9,3 2,6
20 9,3 12,5 2,9
30 12,5 16,3 2,9*
40 12,5 16,3 3,7**
50 16,3 21,9 3,7
60 21,9 26,1 3,7

* for classes OW-40, 5W-40, 10W-40

** for classes 15W-40, 20W-40

Some varieties of motor oils in the Retail of Irkutsk

(Typical prices for March 2010)

with high high temperature viscosity

The foundation SAE viscosity class Quality API level Prices in rubles. Behind the capacity
1 liter 4 liters 5 liters
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 270 1000
miser. 15W-40 SL / CF. 250 1150
sint 10W-60 SM / CF. 550 2080
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 370 1400
miser. 15W-40 SL / CF. 270 1000
miser. 15W-50. SL / CF. 280 1040
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 240 890
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL. 195 850
miser. 20W-50 SL. 140 515
sint 5W-50 SG / CD. 350 1300
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 250 915 1100
miser. 15W-40 SJ / CF. 200 980
miser. 20W-50 SJ / CF. 190 725
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 235 910
miser. 10W-40 SL / CF. 220 820
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 150 495 595
miser. 10W-40 SG / CD. 135 430 505
miser. 15W-40 SG / CD. 125 405 480
miser. 15W-40 SF / CC. 115 350 435
sint 5W-50 SL / CF. 355 1250
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 250 880 1085
miser. 15W-40 SL / CF. 205 880
miser. 15W-50. SG / CD. 210 900
miser. 20W-50 SG / CD. 210 910
sint 10W-60 SM / CF. 450 1730
sint 5W-50 SM / CF. 685 2550
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 360 1400
miser. 10W-40 SL / CF. 290 1100
miser. 15W-40 SL / CF. 235 915
sint 20w-60 SL / CF. 790
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 1450
p / Sint. 15W-50. SL / CF. 1550
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 1250
p / Sint. 10W-50. SL / CF. 2400
sint 10W-60 SL / CF. 500 1900
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 280 1070
p / Sint. 10W-40 SJ / CF. 235 970 – ;
miser. 15W-40 SJ / CF. 165 680
miser. 20W-50 SF / CD. 195 740
sint 0W-50. SL / CF. 305 1125
sint 5W-50 SL / CF. 238 865
p / Sint. 10W-50. SL / CF. 135 460
miser. 10W-40 SG / CD. 88 338
miser. 10W-40 SF / CC. 80 325
sint 10W-40 SM / CF. 2450
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 160 520
p / Sint. 10W-40 SG / CD. 140 465
miser. 15W-40 SF / CC. 100 380 405
miser. 20W-50 SF / CC. 75 260 305
miser. 10W-40 SL / CF. 190 715
miser. 10W-40 SJ / CF. 165 550
miser. 15W-40 SJ / CF. 175 550
miser. 15W-40 SG / CF. 135 455
p / Sint. 10W-40 SL / CF. 220 760
miser. 10W-40 SG. 205 705
miser. 15W-40 SG. 205 705
miser. 20W-50 Sh 205 705

Market lubricants not suffer from shortage motor oils from Russian and foreign brands. Motor fluids are made to divide into three volume groups for use in gasoline engines; in diesel; In those and others (universal).

Choosing engine oil for summer

Lubrication is selected based on summer temperature indicators and viscosity parameters. It is also recommended to pay attention to the operating conditions vehicle. To sort out this issue, analyze specifications and the properties of the car.

Lubricants are traditionally separated on summer and winter according to the viscosity and dilution parameters when heated in the KBS system. Summer lubricants must have a greater viscosity to protect the engine mechanisms from friction and further wear.

These products include motor liquids With viscous classes according to SAE classification from 20 to 60. Digital pointers display the degree of viscosity. The higher the number, the greater the summer oil viscosity index.

Temperature conditions

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to temperature indicators and fluctuations for one or another climatic belt. Than on the average colder climate / weather, the smaller the viscosity indicators should be.

Motor oils with indexes 0W30, 0W40 provide a quick launch of the internal combustion engine in severe frosts due to light crankshaft turning. They quickly pump out in the system, which allows the pump to increase the pressure level depending on the loaded mechanisms of the power unit.

This increases the operational resource car Engine. Oils with the smallest viscosity index minimize friction force and mechanical loss, due to which the fuel consumption is saved.

However, low-grade fluids under high temperature conditions become fluid. This is especially touched by hot weather, when at temperatures of more than 30 ° C, the lubricant becomes more liquid, and the protective microfiller is destroyed. Therefore, experienced car owners use a more viscous machine for systems of DVS: 15W40, 10W40, 5W40, 20W40.

Tolerances from automakers and viscosity of oil

Manufacturers motor vehicles use different tolerances for motor lubricant composition. When choosing a summer car, it is recommended to analyze tolerances for concrete brand cars. Let's push off from conditional tolerances and consider the temperature ranges of the application of summer out-arrangement oils.

For example, K. power aggregate The manufacturer recommends using the All-season fluid with a 2W30 viscosity class from -25c ° to + 25c °. In the summer, it is recommended to pour 5w40 lubricant, and when the street is hot weather more than 40 ° C, use 10W40, 15W30 or 20W40.

As a rule, car enthusiasts prefer to use more viscous oil to reduce the wear of the DVS system. An experienced car owners are familiar to that, as the engine wear, the gaps in friction pairs increase.

To compensate for microcracks and gaps, as well as reduce extraneous noise, in the summer season it is recommended to pour oils with a large degree of viscosity - 10W40, 20W40, 15W30. Due to this, the pressure in the oil system is stabilized and its operational resource increases.

In summer mechanisms of DVS Are subject to severe heating. Increases friction force between the details, which leads to wear. Therefore, it is recommended to use more viscous motor lubricants.

In addition, some car enthusiasts prefer quick ride. The engine begins to promote after 100-150 thousand km of mileage, so it is recommended to transition from 5W30 universal lubrication to 5W40 or 10W40. If the engine is in a worn condition, then optimally use lubricants with a viscosity index 15W40 and 20W40.

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