Home Food Sultry topic. Summer oil for car engine Winter and summer oil for car

Sultry topic. Summer oil for car engine Winter and summer oil for car

How to do right choice Among the huge number of firms and species motor oils And to buy exactly what your car needs.

During my youth, everything was very simple. Oil M-8, M-10, and a couple of others, including oils for the transmission. And machines with motorcycles on these oils traveled for years (by the way, for two-stroke motorcycles, oils were not at all and died diesel or what would have to). Now the assortment of motor oils is calculated by thousands. And indeed, hitting a large auto-shop or to the market, the driver, especially from the depth, seeing the slender rows of beautiful canisters with bright labels, is lost and starts to scratch the turnip.

Absolutely all motor oils can be divided into three main groups: mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic. And this is not the only separation that should be considered. Any engine oil, there is at least a couple of essential qualities, and information about these qualities a competent driver can read any canister on the sticker. These are operating properties of oil and viscosity indicators (dependence of the viscosity of the engine oil on temperature).

Visitious temperature indicators. Many probably know that high-quality motor oil should not turn into pairs (at high temperatures), and in winter, at low temperatures, the oil should not turn into marmalade or margarine (I mean viscosity). The most important quality viscosity is regulated in accordance with the SAE J300 classification - the American community of automotive engineers. There are only 11 classes of viscosity and there are six winter: 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W, and english letter W, means Worder Word - Winter; And there are five summer classes, which are designated without the letter: 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60. And all-season motor oils are denoted by double marking, for example 10W-40 or 15W-30, and the like.

When the driver decides to change the oil to winter, so as not to be mistaken with the choice, it is important to know a simple figure of the figures 35. It's still quite simple, you need from the number 35 subtract number winter index The viscosity of the oil that you buy, and you will receive the limit minus temperature of the oil, which will be able to pump your car. For example, you want to buy mineral all-season 10W-40, then it is necessary to take the first winter figure of 10: 35-10 \u003d 25 from 35: 35-10 \u003d 25. So this oil Save its normal fluidity (viscosity) to minus 25 degrees. And the summer index 40 We do not use these calculations.

But it should be remembered that the calculations with the number 35 are ideal for mineral engine oil, but little is suitable for synthetics, which has completely different viscosity characteristics. And synthetic engine oil for example of class 10W-40 will work successfully and with minus 50 ° C. In general, synthetic oils at any temperatures have the best launchers and lubricating properties than mineral oils of the same viscosity. And so when buying synthetics, make a mistake in the choice and to ruin the motor with a strong frost is almost impossible.

And what does the summer number mean in universal (all-season) engine oil? It approximately corresponds to the ambient temperature in degrees to which it is possible to use this oil. For example, the oil with all the same labeling 10W-40 will normally work with the heat of the ambient air 40 ° C. And seeing the canisters on the label mineral Oil Classification of SAE 10W-30, you can define rather accurately that the temperature range of its use from -25 ° C to + 30 ° C.

Well, now we understand which engine oil it is desirable to pour if your new car It has a certain mileage.

If your machine run no more than 25% of the engine resource (the average value of the resource of any engine determines the factory's factory and it can be found in the manual of any car), and this is a practically new running motor, then it is better to use SAE 5W-30 or 10W-30 engine oil Almost the whole season (all-season universal). Now if your machine has already runs more than 25% of the engine's planned resource, but has not exceeded the Mileage of 75% of the Motor Resource (and the Motor in Normally technical condition). So you should already pour out the SAE 10W-40 or 15W-40 classes in the summer, and in the winter - 5W-30 or 10W-30, but it is better to pour all-season SAE 5W-40 so as not to bathe with a mulling of summer and the fill of the winter.

Well, now, if your machine worked well and ran over 75% of the engine's factory resource (that is, you already old motor), I advise you to apply the SAE 15W-40 or 20W-40 class oil in summer, and in the winter SAE 5W-40 or 10W-40, but it is better to pour out all-season SAE 5W-40. We dealt with one of the two important qualities of the engine oil - viscosity.

Second Important Oil quality, This is the level of operational properties, and determines its scale API-American Institute of Oil, which allows you to make the right choice of the variety of oil, which will fully match the type of engine and the age of your car. And in this classification system, in the designation of motor oil for gasoline enginesThe first is the letter S (Servis), for example SG, SH or SJ, and the second letter denotes the indicator of the engine oil group for operational properties.

And the farther in the English alphabet is the letter, to more modern car (more turning) Motor oil is intended. For example, the letter G is placed in the designation of motor oils that are intended for motors of foreign cars released until 1993. And the letter H is placed in the designation of oils, which are designed to fill in the motors produced since 1994. Well, the letter J indexes the oil designed for the most modern motors that correspond to the most severe operational requirements.

The development of oils with index J was dictated by the beginning of the production of gasoline turbocharged, multi-chamber engines (4 or 5 valves per cylinder) that work on more high revolutions And, accordingly, in more intense conditions. I note that the quality category of SJ oil is assigned only to the most modern and high-tech oils, with a deep mineral base, as well as partially or completely synthetic basis, and removed these oils from the class sh by their phased improvement.

Motor oils for diesel engines The letter C (Commercial) AESLi is universal oil, that is, it is also suitable for a diesel engine and for a gasoline motor, then it is indicated by a fractional index, where the preferred type of engine is written in the numener. At the moment, the best on the API operating scale are gasoline oils Quality level SJ.

If your car has steadily steadily, and you think that we will extend the life of the tired worn engine to the fill of the most expensive and high-quality oil, then I assure it is an erroneous opinion. Pouring and use of similar engine oil on old car, with a worn motor with increased gaps between the details (from wear), nothing will give anything other than the growth of oil consumption, compared with traditional cheaper oils.

Best of all, universal all-season oils, made on a high-quality mineral base, are suitable for older, well-run engines, made on a high-quality mineral basis and using a package of additives that are adjusted (enhanced gaps) gaps in pairing.

And the additives are developed by Shell and are used as part of many oils, including in our domestic oil "LUKOIL-SUPER", the viscosity of which is SAE 15W-40, and the classification by API - CF-4 / SG. In summer, you can pour such oil even in the car with worn engineAnd moreover there is a large stock of quality in all respects. Such oil was approved for use on Mercedes.

For powerful turbo diesel engines, the universal all-season oil is best sAE marking 15W-40 API CD / SF, for example, also "LUKOIL super. This oil is manufactured on a high-quality mineral base, using imported additive packages (mainly from Shell). And it is possible to apply it in the forced turbo-dieselms of domestic and imported manufacturers.

For modern gasoline injection engines and diesel domestic engines, the universal all-season oil "LUKOIL super" SAE 5W-40, according to the SG / CD API, which is made on a semi-synthetic basis using the package of additives by the American company Lubrizol.

More in the labeling of modern engine oils includes the approval of the world's leading manufacturers. It is denoted by a branded sign or code and means that this oil is allowed to use on cars a specific company. And the tolerances that determine the possibility of using engine oil in Motor Motors BMW, VW, Porsche are the basis for the use of engine oil in cars of other manufacturers. Well, if the oil has the approval of Mercedes-Benz, the classification of which includes more than 10 classes, then this means that such engine oil is suitable for almost any European engines of this class.

And I don't know how you, but I personally please me that our domestic oil LUKOIL-SUPER, received the approval of the company Mercedes, and three more oils of the LUKOIL-Luxe series and LUKOIL-synthetic oil meet the highest standards of Mercedes. And LUKOIL-Luxe oil and Lukoil-Synthetic laureate of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation "100 best goods of Russia".

In conclusion, I want to advise buying the oil only in large stores, and better in specialized, as there were now a lot of fakes of the basement spill. At best, they pour mineral water instead of synthetics, and at worst it is unknown that. And do not forget to save a check, since only he will be your main document on the court, upon request from the store's management, compensation for the damage to the engine.

That's it seems to be all.

I wish you all good luck and millions of miles to your cars and motorcycles.

Winter oil"For residents of Russia - judging by their desire to acquire such a real deficit and the very necessary thing in the farm. As soon as autumn comes, the real hunt for "good winter butter" that, in our opinion, is a waste of time.

7. Quality of gasoline

8. The overall state of the engine (compression)

With severe frosts (below -30), gasoline is badly flammored even from the match, and if the car has "bars" in the supply of electricity to the combustion chamber, it does not have to talk about the engine. Therefore, the chase for "super-lummy", "megainano-temperature", "ultrasim" oil is running for the latest developments of advertising departments of oil producers. The actual advantage of oil, class 0W before 5W has practically no. If you explore the test results on the oil turnover in the frost, then you can see that miscellaneous oils With the same labeling behave completely differently. In some cases, 5W oils are even more fluid than 0W.

Good oil with marking 0W leaves a chance to start a freezer at a temperature of -37, subject to the ideal state of all other systems, but the launch of the car in such conditions is the most severe test for all elements of the motor. Most optimal option - Install on the alarm the automatic warming function at the engine temperature so that the start is made at a temperature of -10 ... -15, and then your car will not be scared, no frost, whatever oil you choose, - 0W or 5W. By the way, as you can make sure the video, the "zero" "zero" also mint.

Five-year observations by engines Honda.Operating on oils 5W30 and 0W20 only confirm all the above. You can make it easier to start on the "five", and do not start at the "zero" if weak battery, eg.

Myth Fourth:

Before winter, it is necessary to change the oil on the winter, even if the previous replacement was a couple of thousand years ago.

We hope that we managed to convince you that the modern purely summer and purely winter engine oil practically does not exist. 99.99% that all-season motor oil is flooded with your car, and almost certainly it has a viscosity parameters of 10W ** 5W ** or 0W **.

If your engine oil has a viscosity of 10W, it would be better to change it in front of the winter to the "five", or "zero" as you wish. The fact is that the oil with a viscosity of 10W still thickens early enough, and if you do not live in Gelendzhik, it makes sense to change it. Although, let's say honestly, experience winter operating 10w oils in Siberia are and very good.

If your oil has 5W or 0W tags - no transitions to winter oil Do not do at all, - just change the oil at the end of the deadline for its run, and do not worry about anything, if everything else is in working condition, - the car will not let it down!

Myth Fifth:

Winter engine oil must be synthetic!

This myth fell in the heads of people even streaming the myth about the "winter" and "summer" engine oil. Thanks to home-grown masters who do not seek to understand the intricacies of technology, as well as the reluctance to immerse themselves in the part of consumers, the ideas about the need to use only synthetic engine oil are transmitted from the mouth.

In fact, everything is not at all. We have also raised this issue, and our opinion is the "synthetic" engine oil obtained by hydrocracking the first 5000 - 7000 km will not give up in its properties to synthetic oil obtained from polyalphaolefins. The advantages of 100% synthetics are manifested only in highly affiliated engines that work in the "Red Zone" for several hours. In "civilian" cars, the use of high-quality hydrocracking synthetic is cheaper and more correct. Such oil combines all the advantages. synthetic oil For "ordinary" motors (low point of freezing, stability of the oil film, etc.), while its cost is significantly cheaper, and recycling is much less harmful environmentrather than the processing of 100% synthetics.

Yes, 100% Synthetic engine oil can be held longer than 7000 km, - and 10,000 km, and 12,000 km, but do not forget that the oil replacement interval recommended by the automaker is 5000 km - 7000 km. Therefore, the use of good hydrocracking oil is safe, useful, and inexpensive if your car does not have a turbine, or not "pressed" as a lemon and from 1.6 volumes did not "removed" 200+ hp In the second case, it is recommended to use synthetic engine oil, recommended parameters and properties.

Well, finally:

Do I need to wash the engine when moving to "winter" oil?

Not! We have repeatedly raised the theme of the engines of the engines and the consequences of this event and are ready to confirm once again, the usual washing of the engine without disassembling the engine itself is an ineffective thing, most often meaningless, and sometimes very harmful.

Want to rinse the engine qualitatively, "prepare about $ 200 for this work," give good masters, "they will do everything reliably and efficiently. Required spare parts Pay later separately. Chemical flushing of the engine fifteen-minute (five-ten-ten-thirty and other) composition - at best there will be a waste of money and time, - at worst, - will be wrapped in expensive repairs.

Prepare the car to winter correctly, and she will tell you "Thank you"!

Honda Vodam.ru.

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Based on the vehicle engine requirements, the engine oil is selected by two main criteria: the level of operational properties on the API and the viscosity of SAE.

What better to use?

Motor manufacturers at the design stage are determined with oil brands depending on the working conditions and constructive features. After that, the resource tests of the engines are carried out and recommendations on the use are issued. So, before the choice you need to look into the instruction manual, what exactly is necessary. The oil specified in the instructions is the right choice.

If you do not want to pour original corporate oilthen you can do non-original. And in order not to lose guarantees, you should choose it with the admission and approval of the car concern. Approval of the car manufacturer is one of the main landmarks when choosing. In the designation of approval, not only the name of the brand of the machine, but also a special index, which is comparable to what is in the automotive documentation are indicated.

Russian legislation does not limit the right to use the car owner technical fluids Any brand. The main thing is that the product specifications comply with the manufacturer's recommendations. In the event of a breakdown of the motor in which the neoriginal, but satisfying the basic requirements of the oil, the dealer may refuse warranty repair only if the examination establishes that it was fake.

Use the oil that is recommended by the manufacturer. If you choose yourself, it is selected by two main parameters: according to the group and quality class. It will also be useful to find out.

Classification by SAE

The main property of the engine oil is viscosity and its dependence on temperature in a wide range. We give the standard classification by SAE: 10W-40. The first designation "10W" denotes the use temperature, and "40" - viscosity. We will talk about each parameter separately.

The viscosity of the oil speak the most notable numbers on the canister - this is a classification of SAE. Two numbers separated by the letter W denote that it is all-season. The first numbers indicate the minimum negative temperature at which the engine can be checked. For example, with the designation of 0W-40, the lower temperature threshold is -35 ° C, and in 15W-40 it is -20 about C. The number after hyphena indicates the permissible range of viscosity changes at 100 o C.

Winter, summer and all-season efficiency ranges

With the middle climate, it is recommended to use the "universal" 10w - it is suitable for most machines. If the harsh winter is, then the oil of the class is not lower than 5W (it will be best - 0W). For summer exploitation, 10W is suitable.
  • when running a car less than 50% from the planned resource ( new engine) It is necessary to apply the oils of classes 5W30 or 0W20. This is due to the fact that new engines have no wear, all gaps are minimal, therefore bearings work at a lower viscosity.
  • when the car runs more than 50% From the planned resource (technically serviceable engine) it is advisable to apply the oils of class 5W40. This is due to the fact that under large wear offices, the carrying capacity is compensated by an increase in viscosity.

Modern motors require low viscosity oil, because It has low energy-saving properties and saves fuel. The conveyors are poured fluid with viscosity not higher than 30. If the mileage of the car is large and noticeable increased consumption, then oil with an increased viscosity index should be poured.

API classification

The classification of oils under the conditions of their application and levels of operational properties was repeatedly supplemented, but the principle of separation into two categories - "S" and "C" was preserved. The "S" (Service) category includes oils for gasoline engines, to category "C" (Commercial) - intended for diesel engines.

The levels of operational properties by API in ascending order of quality requirements are divided into the category "S" to classes (SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH, SJ, SL, SG, SH, SL). The second letter further from the beginning of the alphabet - the better. For gasoline engines, the most modern is the marking SN, and for diesel engines - CF. To refer to universal oils, which are used for gasoline engines and diesel engines, double marking, for example SN / CF, is adopted.

All fluids with quality above SL can be attributed to energy saving - they allow saving fuel. The difference in real exploitation will be 2-3%. Hardly you feel it.

Should choose oil itself last class by aPI classification. The packaging should be the markings not below the class SM or SN. It is this class that gives best features Engine operations and reduce consumption for avgar.

Next remains to choose a brand. Here the choice is wide: domestic oils are comparable to many foreign - after all, with their production, modern basic base and additive packages. The main thing is not to run into the fake and buy in corporate stores. Or choose in tin cans that are difficult to fake.

Market lubricants not suffer from shortage motor oils from Russian and foreign brands. Motor fluids are accepted for three volumetric groups for use in gasoline engines; in diesel; In those and others (universal).

Choosing engine oil for summer

Lubrication is selected based on summer temperature indicators and viscosity parameters. It is also recommended to pay attention to the operating conditions vehicle. To sort out this issue, analyze specifications and the properties of the car.

Lubricants are traditionally separated on summer and winter according to the viscosity and dilution parameters when heated in the KBS system. Summer lubricants must have a greater viscosity to protect the engine mechanisms from friction and further wear.

These products include motor liquids With viscous classes according to SAE classification from 20 to 60. Digital pointers display the degree of viscosity. The higher the number, the greater the summer oil viscosity index.

Temperature conditions

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to temperature indicators and fluctuations for one or another climatic belt. Than on the average colder climate / weather, the smaller the viscosity indicators should be.

Motor oils with indexes 0W30, 0W40 provide a quick launch of the internal combustion engine in severe frosts due to light crankshaft turning. They quickly pump out in the system, which allows the pump to increase the pressure level depending on the loaded mechanisms of the power unit.

This increases the operational resource car Engine. Oils with the smallest viscosity index minimize friction force and mechanical loss, due to which the fuel consumption is saved.

However, low-grade fluids under high temperature conditions become fluid. This is especially touched by hot weather, when at temperatures of more than 30 ° C, the lubricant becomes more liquid, and the protective microfiller is destroyed. Therefore, experienced car owners use a more viscous machine for systems of DVS: 15W40, 10W40, 5W40, 20W40.

Tolerances from automakers and viscosity of oil

Manufacturers motor vehicles use different tolerances for motor lubricant composition. When choosing a summer car, it is recommended to analyze tolerances for concrete brand cars. Let's push off from conditional tolerances and consider the temperature ranges of the application of summer out-arrangement oils.

For example, K. power aggregate The manufacturer recommends using the All-season fluid with a 2W30 viscosity class from -25c ° to + 25c °. In the summer, it is recommended to pour 5w40 lubricant, and when the street is hot weather more than 40 ° C, use 10W40, 15W30 or 20W40.

As a rule, car enthusiasts prefer to use more viscous oil to reduce the wear of the DVS system. An experienced car owners are familiar to that, as the engine wear, the gaps in friction pairs increase.

To compensate for microcracks and gaps, as well as reduce extraneous noise, in the summer season it is recommended to pour oils with a large degree of viscosity - 10W40, 20W40, 15W30. Due to this, the pressure in the oil system is stabilized and its operational resource increases.

In the summer, the MEC mechanisms are susceptible to strong heating. Increases friction force between the details, which leads to wear. Therefore, it is recommended to use more viscous motor lubricants.

In addition, some car enthusiasts prefer quick ride. The engine begins to promote after 100-150 thousand km of mileage, so it is recommended to transition from 5W30 universal lubrication to 5W40 or 10W40. If the engine is in a worn condition, then optimally use lubricants with a viscosity index 15W40 and 20W40.

What a lot of topics can be raised when discussing seems to be a banal theme - engine oil. Indeed, for the sake of choosing one of this technical fluid, hundreds of forums can be delayed, read thousands of lines, change the mind of many and different. After all, it is from the choice of engine oil "the health and longevity" of your iron horse depends. And if it is also added to this and the desire to get the optimal ratio of the price quality, then this is no longer a banal topic, but the current urgent! So, about the choice of oil for the winter we have already been told about the choice of oil in the offseason, it does not have to speak, it means it remains to talk about the choice of oil or winter. It is this topic that we will touch on our article.

What oil to fill in the summer to the engine than guided by

Perhaps this is one of the most simple options Oil selection, that is, the choice of oil for the summer. The fact is that here the criteria will be somewhat simplified, since there are no critical low temperatures in the summer, and the warm weather will never exceed the engine operating temperature. This automatically puts the temperature of the medium around the engine at the chapter, and the possibility of oil to work with the engine operating temperature.
Here we first are not talking about working with high temperatures, with the requirements for the minimum oil toothed. These things are granted and depend on its quality. And the default quality we assume high. Here, first of all, I want to say about the viscosity of the oil. That is, about the most marking before and after the letter W, about which we told in one of our articles "What is marked on the canister with butter before and after the letter W". If you read this article, you can conclude that oils with the letter W belong to winter, and without such a summer. As a result, it turns out that we should no longer pay attention to the indicator before the letter W, but it is worth paying attention to the marking only after it. So what indicator should be after?

In fact, everything is simple here. Like all technical fluids, oil should perform their functions of lubrication and heat removal, while the minimum effect on the mechanical power of the engine. Simply put, the low viscosity of the oil will reduce the torque value, it will reduce the inertial effect when it is transferred over the lubrication system. That is, the oil must have a minimal viscosity.
However, there is another snag. The fact is that too liquid oil, that is, with low viscosity, they can "support" not all engines. This is due to design features, tolerances and landings of parts. In this case, the lubrication system pump simply will simply provide due pressure in the system, which means the engine parts will not be washed with oil.

Summarizing what oil to fill in the summer to the engine

So, when choosing oil for the summer, it is necessary to pick up the oil with a minimum viscosity, it will save you gasoline, the resource of the oil pump details, improves the dynamics. But it is impossible to use the oil with a viscosity below recommended for the engine. Otherwise, the oil pressure in the lubrication system will be insufficient.
If we talk about specific labels. That for gasoline engines is an oil with an indicator 20, after the letter W, or simply 20 without the letter W. That is 0W20 or 20. In extreme cases, as close as possible to this. And for diesel and old on the design of the engines, it is 0W30 or 30.

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