Home Locks The filling tanks of the excavator SHMZ 6 CL. Yumz tractors. Review, characteristics, features of application and operation. How the tractor is arranged

The filling tanks of the excavator SHMZ 6 CL. Yumz tractors. Review, characteristics, features of application and operation. How the tractor is arranged

In the Soviet Union, the development and production of agricultural equipment was resolved centrally. The example of the example of the YUMZ-6 tractor designed by the Minsk Tractor Building Plant, the release of which was later organized in Dnepropetrovsk on Yuzhmash. Such an approach to project and experimental design measures has made it possible to save significant funds when implementing a model in production.

The Wheel Tractor of the SHMZ-6 brand belongs to the class of universal machines of the general purpose of the Belarus family. It is intended to perform the following types of work:

  1. Agricultural operations using trailed, semi-mounted and attachments.
  2. Road construction, forestry, and special types of work.
  3. The tractor can be used as a drive of mobile and stationary aggregates.
  4. Transport operations using trailers and semi-trailers.

Especially for YUMZ-6, a series of hinged equipment has been created, significantly expanding its capabilities. With the help of the aggregates mentioned, this tractor is transformed into a slot machine, a bulldozer, an excavator or loader. Re-equipment can be carried out both in factory conditions and in specialized workshops.

1. The history of the creation of a YUMZ-6 tractor

The first samples of this model were collected in the South Machine-Building Plant in the city of Dnepropetrovsk in 1966. The prototype for the described tractor was MTZ-5, which was developed by the Minsk Design Bureau tractor plant. This model was produced on the SEMM, starting in 1958. With the modernization, many technical solutions were preserved, providing high performance machines.

Yumz-6 tractors were produced serially, starting in 1970, the last copy left the plant conveyor in 2001. In the process of production, a variety of changes were made in the design, four modifications were developed. This is about following models: YUMZ-6L, YUMZ-6AL, YUMZ-6K and YUMZ-6AK.

The design of the tractor was so lucky that she was interested in abroad. In particular in 1974, the technological documentation was acquired from the Soviet Union swedish company Volvo. On the YUMZ-6 base, the Volvo BM-700 model was developed, which was produced from 1976 to 1982. This technique has proven itself in difficult climatic conditions of Scandinavia.

Yumz-6l tractor was produced from 1970-1978.

The last tractor of this series in the modification of YUMZ-6ACM-40.2 left the factory conveyor in 2001 and was removed from production as morally and technically obsolete. Yumz-8040.2, YUMZ-8040.2M, YUMZ-8244.2 and YUMZ-8244.2m came to replace this model. The described tractor was produced more than 30 years, which indicates significant potential.

2. General description and technical characteristics of the YMZ-6 tractor

The layout of this model is classic for machines of this class with a wheel formula of 4 × 2. The SIMZ-6 tractor cassettes is a half-frame, composed of two longitudinal spars and a transverse front timber. On this design, the coupling coupling cranks and gearboxes are fixed.

In the front of the tractor on the cozoch, articulated is mounted front axle With controlled wheels, the rotation of which is provided by pin. Behind the car relies on rigidly fixed to the gearbox gearbox housing. This design is the easiest and most reliable. The drive is permanent on the rear wheels through the end of the final gear.

Tractor is equipped pneumatic tires low pressure With developed primer facilities to ensure high passability. The wheels have different diameter, the dimension of the tires in front is 7,50-20 or 9.00-20; Rear - 15.5R38. This technical solution is typical for the machines of this category and provides them with quite high technical characteristics.

The YMZ-6 series tractors belong to the traction class 1.4, which makes it in demand in different areas of management. The machine is equipped:

  • separate-aggregate hydraulic system;
  • electrical equipment with the onboard network by 12 V;
  • pneumatic system;
  • the mechanism of the rear sample equipment.

The steering of the tractor is equipped with a hydraulic agent, turning the front wheels is provided by a trapezium through the longitudinal traction. The latter is connected to the trees of the three-sporing steering wheel through the cardan transmission. Working braking system - pneumatic, boom or disk type With pedal control. The parking mechanism is driven by the lever fixed by the ratchet.

The Yumz-6l tractor was produced from 1978 to 1986.

2.1 Dimensional Mass Parameters

The YMZ-6 series tractors refer to the category of medium-sized, universal machines.

The main mass-overall characteristics of the machine are as follows:

  1. Long.
    • with a sample mechanism - 4165 mm;
    • without a hinged system - 3690 mm;
  2. width - 1884 mm;
  3. height
    • on the roof of the cab - 2660 mm;
    • at the upper point of the muffler - 2860 mm;
  4. base - 2450 mm;
  5. cake adjustable:
    • front wheels from 1360 to 1860 mm;
    • rear from 1400 to 1800 mm;
  6. clearance agronomic - 450 mm.

Machine mass:

  • structural without technical fluids - 3350 kg;
  • operating - 3895 kg;
  • the mass distribution between the axes is 1 to 2.
  • The permissible trailer weight is 6000 kg.
  • The maximum mass of attachments is not more than 1150 kg.

The overall mass characteristics of the YMZ-6 tractor may differ from the above depending on the modification. The dimensions of the machine and rational routing provide it with excellent maneuverability and permeability. It is allowed to use on limited sites, in industrial and agricultural structures, in forests and in open spaces.

2.2. Yumz-6 tractor engine

The YMZ-6 series tractors are equipped with diesel power units of two models of D65M and D65N, which have a different design weight 525 and 540 kg, respectively. The engine is installed in front of the cab and fixed using rubber-metal supports on the frame. From above and from the front part of the power unit is covered with a hood, removable steel panels are installed on the sides. Main engine specifications:

The diesel engine is atmospheric without turbocharging, which significantly simplifies its design and operation. Force aggregate It has a liquid cooling system with a radiator installed in front. Fuel supply is carried out from the tank located behind the cab and shielded by a steel sheet from external influences. The manufacturer guarantees the minimum engine resource of 10 thousand hours before the first overhaul.

2.3. Yumz-6 tractor gearbox

Yumz-6 series tractors are completed mechanical gearbox, the latter are designed to change gear ratios, ensuring reversing movement and power take-off. The design allows the engine operation when the tractor is fixed and the clutch coupling turned on.

A continuous gear shift box and three moving carriages has five steps with manual lever control. The unit is equipped with a downhole gearbox, which is halvening to increase the number of modes twice. The primary shaft, mounted on roller bearings, leads to a rotation of the secondary or VO through the gear system and coupl.

The box device eliminates the possibility of including two gears simultaneously through a special scene. The blocking mechanism is also provided that allows you to avoid starting the engine If the PPC is not in the neutral position. The lubrication of parts and nodes of the gearbox is carried out by oil in the crankcase by partial immersion of the gear and its splashing.

2.4. Chassis and Transmission Tractor Yumz-6

Tractor Wheel Universal YUMZ-6 is equipped with reliable transmission mechanisms and converting torque from the engine to wheels. The composition of the chassis includes:

  • The main clutch coupling. Double, constantly closed with a dry crankcase, the principle of operation - frictional. In addition to the main coupling, a separate mechanism for clutching the drive of BOV, maintaining the main and additional device separate.
  • Transmission switch (described above in detail).
  • Rear axle in the crankcase, which is installed main and final transmissions, between which there is a differential.

The front wheels are installed on fixed axes, which in turn are mounted on rotary pin. Telescopic bridge beam, which provides a change in the rut across the limits. The rear wheels are mounted on the semi-axes with a support for the ball bearings installed in the sleeves. In the Carter Bridge flooded transmission oilproviding grease mechanisms.

3. Cabin tractor YUMZ-6

Cabab tractor YUMZ-6 ACL 1992.

The described model is quite simple in management and has a comfortable workplace For the mechanizer. The SHMZ-6 series tractor cabin is distinguished by the construction strength, for the purpose of safety, the driver is equipped with a spatial framework. The entrance is carried out through the doors located on the sides.

The glazing is two-level with large panoramic windows around the perimeter at the top, as well as small - at the bottom of the front panel and both doors. There are mirrors of the rear view and wipers and with an electric drive. Rear i. side glass Turning around the horizontal axis installed in the upper part.

The YMZ-6 tractor cabin is installed on four rubber shock absorbers with a frame support in the front and the brackets of the wings - in the rear. Here are placed the following elements:

  1. The driver's seat adjustable in height and mounted on a spring shock absorber.
  2. Controls:
    1. The steering column with the mechanism of the stepless change of position in height and departure.
    2. Gear shift levers parking brake Reducer and power take-off shaft mechanism.
    3. Pedals: clutch and brake system.
  3. Dashboard with speedometer, pressure sensors in the oil and pneumatic system, voltage and current indicators. Here is the engine launch lock with the key.

The cabin is equipped with large rear-view mirrors, visors to protect against direct sunlight. Temperature and humidity mode is provided by a built-in heater with a fan. There is a box for accommodation, ashtray, in basic configuration There is a thermos for water and a special clamp for its placement. The cabin in the parameters of ergonomics and amenities is recognized by experts excellent.

4. Systems of attachments of the Tractor YMZ-6

The YMZ-6 series tractor is designed to work with a variety of hinged, semi-mounted and trailed equipment. The nomenclature of these devices is distinguished by the manifold, their total amount is the specification of 258 positions.

The tractor can be aggregated with the following types of mechanisms:

  • Agricultural tools: Plows, harrows, cultivators, seeders and much more.
  • General purpose equipment: welding machines, compressors.
  • Trailers and semi-trailer transportation different types cargo, including containers.

To set the above equipment, a jacket mechanism is provided attached to the brackets of the rear wall of the checkpoint. The mentioned system consists of four links with three hinge points of fastening equipment. The mechanism is hydrocated, which provides the possibility of moving the suspension axis vertically by 750 mm up and down. The system of hinged equipment is equipped with the following devices:

  • The mechanism recording the device in the transport position.
  • The device of the Case-1 traction model with the control panel installed in the cabin.
  • Power selection shaft has a protective cover.

In the rear, devices are also located to connect hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical systems of mounted or trailed equipment to onboard networks. The mounted mechanism allows the operator to install independently and connect any of the devices mentioned above and use it. This circumstance can significantly increase productivity and abandon the services of utility workers.

5.Modification of the YMZ-6 tractor

The YUMZ-6K tractor was produced from 1986 to 1993.

The Designer Bureau of Yuzhmash constantly worked on the modernization of technology and the improvement of its operational and economic characteristics. In total, the history of the model was released four modifications of tractors described by the series:

  • Yumz-6l. It was produced from 1970 to 1978 and there is little different from MTZ-5 by device. According to the exterior, it is practically not distinguishable from analogue with the exception of the rounded radiator lattice.
  • Yumz-6l. I went from the conveyor from 1978 to 1986. During the upgrade, the instrument panel and the radiator grille changed, the braking system is improved.
  • YUMZ-6K. Produced from 1986 to 1993. It is an industrial modification of the model and does not have a fear of the sample mechanism for agricultural customs. The machine has elements for attaching a bulldozer knife and excavator equipment.
  • YUMZ-6AK. Collected from 1993 to 2001. From other models, it was distinguished by improved cab design, larger glazing and folding windows. The steering column adjustment mechanism has been introduced.

The YUMZ-6AK tractor was produced from 1991 to 2001.

The specified models are added indexes indicating the type of system of launching a power unit: L - launcher and M - electrical starter. All of the above modifications of YMZ-6 tractors were actively used in the national economy. Separate cars Exploited and still, despite their respectable age, which speaks of the high reserve of strength.

6. The possibility of operation of the YMZ-6 tractor

Agricultural and industrial models produced by South machine-building factoryshowed itself exclusively durable and unpretentious. The resource of the power unit to the first repair is at least 10,000 hours, and the complexity of the monthly maintenance does not exceed 0, 0586 people-hour. With the stated service life of 10 years, it is now on the move on the course of copies tripled and even four times higher than this indicator.

For all the time of operation, full statistics of the tractor failures have been accumulated. The following nodes and mechanisms are most susceptible to wear:

  1. Power steering mechanism. Cause failure output NSh -10 pump failure or camshaft valve.
  2. Clutch failure. Wearing of the friction linings of the working disk due to exceeding the limit loads.
  3. Development in the cylindrophone group due to undime replacement Oil or unqualified maintenance.
  4. Fuel supply system. There is a deterioration in the spraying of fuel due to wear of the nozzles.
  5. The loss of elasticity of springs and an increase in the gaps between the timing of the timing.

Long and trouble-free operation of the Tractors of the YUMZ -6 series was achieved by carrying out the proper run, compliance with the recommended modes of operation and timely execution of service procedures. The manufacturer managed to achieve an optimal combination of high technical and economic indicators and simplicity in mastering and using


The YUMZ-6 tractor of all modifications, despite the cessation of their release 15 years ago, are still exploited in different areas of economic and production activities. The success is confirmed by the fact that the technological and design documentation was acquired by the Swedish company Volvo. On its basis, a licensed model was produced and quite a long time.

The USSR problem of designing and making agricultural machines was resolved by centralized through. An illustration of this can be considered the YUMZ6 tractor, created on the technological areas of the Minsk Tractor Plant, the production of which was later transferred to the Dnipropetrovsk "Yuzhmash". This approach to technical surveys and project decisions contributed to significant savings and resources in the implementation of the machine into the production process. "YUMZ 6" refers to the category universal tractors and is a general appointment unit on wheezing. What is YUMZ decryption? The answer is pretty simple - the tractor is called the name of the enterprise (the Southern Machine-Building Plant), on which its release is carried out.

Where the YUMZ tractor is released? The first car came down from the conveyor of the Dnepropetrovsk engineering plant and this event occurred in 1966. The base for this model served as the MTZ-5 tractor created by the Belarusian enterprise. In the series "Yumz 6" entered in 1970, and finished produced in 2001. Over the years, the car has undergone significant changes and improved models were issued under the brands "YUMZ 6K" and YUMZ 6Al.

The UMZ aggregate belongs to the famous line of Machines "Belarus". The scope of its activities includes the following types of work:

  • moving goods;
  • gray trenches and pita;
  • loading and unloading operations;
  • soil transport in dump;
  • formation of embankments;
  • cleaning areas from snow and garbage;
  • plowing of agricultural land;
  • milling and soil looser;
  • sowing cultures;
  • plant Watering;
  • fertilizer making;
  • harvesting.

Tractor Yumz 6, General View


Yumz tractors have the following range:

  • Yumz 6l - the aggregate of the debut series. It is an analogue of MTZ 5.
  • Yumz 6al is an improved version of the previous car. The brake system was improved here, the dashboard was changed and improved steering column.
  • Yumz 6kl is an industrial unit with an attachment mechanism for a bulldozer dump and an excavator boom.
  • Yumz 6Kl - tractor with an improved cab. A hard spatial framework was installed on the frame, providing the driver's safety. The cabin acquired the spatial glazing of the upper and lower level.


Yumz 6 machine and its technical characteristics have the following values:

  • operational mass - 3,895 tons;
  • traction force - 14.0 kN;
  • movement speed - 24.5 km / h;
  • number of gears - 6;
  • radius of rotation - 5.0 m;
  • wheel base - 2.45 m;
  • maximum trailer weight - 6.0 tons;
  • range of operating temperatures - from -40 to +40 s;
  • road clearance: front axle - 0.45 m, rear axle - 0.64 m;
  • fort depth, which is capable of overcome the tractor - 0.8 m;
  • tractor dimensions: Length - 3.69 m, Width - 1.884 m, Height - 2.66 m;
  • capacity fuel tank - 90.0 l;
  • the amount of cooling system is 29.0 liters.

Maintenance of technology

"YUMZ 6" is distinguished by a high level of reliability and undemanding to the quality of fuel, but, like any technique needs periodic maintenance. This category of work includes the following activities: checking the capacity of the main transmission, control of the rear axle, eliminate steering hollows, checking the gearbox, adjustment of the valves and the clutch mechanism.

Engine characteristics

The tractor was installed four-stroke diesel engine Yumz without turbocharging, with frequency of rotation crankshaft 1800 revolutions per minute. He could be two types:

  • "D-242-71". Its capacity was 62 hp, the operating volume reached 4.75 liters, torque - 241 nm;
  • "D-65". The power of this unit was 60 hp, the working volume is 4.94 liters, the torque value was 270 nm.

For these types of engines, the fuel consumption of YUMZ 6 is 245 g / kW per hour.

Cabab tractor YUMZ 6

Cabin features

The tractor cab is mounted on a frame using special shock absorbers made of rubber components. Her inner space Consists of the following components:

  • spring-loaded air chair;
  • steering device, with the ability to change the height and angle of inclination;
  • control levers;
  • pedals of clutch and brakes;
  • the dashboard on which the control sensors of the control capacity of all systems and the working bodies are located.

The cabin is equipped with large rear view mirrors and elements of protection against sun rays. The heating device and fans are responsible for climate control. The package includes water capacity and device for securing it in the cab.


The basis of the "YUMZ" machine is a framework consisting of spars and a transverse beam. The front part is equipped with a bridge with small diameter wheels. Their control is carried out by means of a TACF. The tractor is mounted on the drive bridge. To ensure good patency on the machine installed low pressure tires. The tractor is equipped with the following complexes:

  • separate hydraulic system;
  • electrical equipment designed for a 12 volt network;
  • air supply system;
  • the mechanism ensuring the operation of the equipment for the rear hide.

A hydraulicer is installed on the steering device that provides a comfortable control of the aggregate. The brake system is represented by the mechanisms of the brake and disk type.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Wheel Tractor Yumz differs in the following positive characteristics:

  • high power;
  • good performance;
  • economical engines;
  • a large selection of work equipment;
  • ease of design;
  • reliability of all systems;
  • ease of repair and maintenance;
  • unpretentious to fuel and lubricants;
  • high quality components.

The disadvantages should be attributed to the hard side, a small number of revolutions power plant and lack of a comfortable workplace.

The YUMZ-6 tractor was produced for three decades. The design was so successful that the technique went from the conveyor before the beginning of the XXI century. It was stopped to collect in 2001, when the veteran gave way to the SEMZ-8040, with more powerful (80 l. With.) Engine.


The YUMZ-6 tractor was produced in the Southern Machine-Building Plant (Dnepropetrovsk, now - Dnipro, Ukraine).

The decision on the construction of the auto plant in Dnepropetrovsk was accepted after the liberation of the city in the summer of 1944. It was planned to produce gas-51 trucks, but then "changed the mind." Das switched to the ZIS-150 assembly. In 1951, DMZ became the "mailbox number 186", received secret No. 586 and engaged in the manufacture of Ballistic missiles of the designer S. Queen, as well as another military equipment. Production of trucks turned. Later, the DMZ became part of Yuzhmash.

In 1953, for covering the release of intercontinental missiles, a legend was developed (as for all closed plants of the USSR), according to which, since 1954, DMZ began to produce a general-purpose tractor. (They were considered by side products. Nevertheless, the production of equipment at the license plate, from their spare parts that have passed the Military OSCE for all conveyors led to the high quality YUMZ-6). The firstborn was MTZ-2 (1954-1958), collected from Belarusian components. Then - MTZ-5 (1958 - 1972). This model of MTZ specialists (Minsk) and DMZ have already been developed together. The tractor was subsequently called the YUMZ-5, but the trademark "Belarus" so remained behind him (it was one of the elements of the legend of the cover). In 1966, Plant No. 586 was renamed Yumz.

The first Yumz-6 came down from the conveyor in 1966. The serial tractor began to produce since 1970. Despite the fact that the model was created on the basis of MTZ-5, and retained the continuity of the structure, it is already considered to be their own products of YUMZ, which is simply very similar to the technique collected in Minsk. From that time, YUMZ and MTZ - two various brands. This feature manifested itself in the design approach. If the Belarusian models are increasingly more complicated, then UNZ engineers put such nodes on their braes that they easily removed and repaired in the conditions of a collective farm workshop. It was the easiest and most reliable Soviet tractor.

In 1972, YUMZ-6L / 6M recognized best tractor Last year. In 1974 - received a quality mark. At the same time, the documentation for YUMZ-6 was sold to the Swedes, which, after deep modernization, from 1976 to 1982 released by Volvo BM-700 based on it.


YUMZ-6 was developed as a universal agricultural general purpose tractor. Main applications of YUMZ-6: Agriculture, construction, industry, utilities.

It was used for:

  • Performing agrotechnical operations with trailed, mounted or semi-mounted guns: plowing, cultivation, etc.
  • Road, forestry and construction works - as a bulldozer and / or excavator, loader, etc.
  • Transportation of trailers.
  • Actuators in the action of stationary aggregates.

Modifications YUMZ-6

The YUMZ-6 tractor was produced in four main modifications:

  • YUMZ-6L / YUMZ-6M. The machines of the first series visually could be easily distinguished from later in the grille with rounded corners, as on MTZ-5.
  • YUMZ-6AL / YUMZ-6AM. Here the hood is rectangular. The dashboard has become completely different, the steering column was adjusted along the angle of tilt and the installation height. One of the main improvements concerned the brake mechanism.
  • YUMZ-6KL / YUMZ-6KM. This is a modification for industrial enterprises, so the rear pit was absent. Instead, fasteners are provided for bulldozer shovels and an excavator bucket. The cabin visibility has improved. After the "6a" model was removed from production, "6K" became basic. It began to be released for agrarians (with a rear attached system).
  • YUMZ-6KL / YUMZ-6AKM. Serial production - since 1978. The main differences are to install a positional and power regulator, improved hydraulics. The cabin received a new design.

L is an option with a starting engine, M - with an electric starter, K - from the cabin of increased sizes. By the type of propulsion, this wheel tractor Could be reworked for half agenic.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you compare YUMZ-6 with other brands of the same traction class, then it is possible to note its numerous advantages:

  • Excellent manufacturer quality, as well as assembly. As a result, reliability and durability. As practice has shown, the nodes work out for a long time.
  • The design is extremely simple, with a high degree of maintainability in nozzles.
  • Interchangeability of spare parts I. supplies at 70%.
  • The tractor is characterized by unpretentiousness to fuel. It is relatively easy to start in the cold, it works safely in the heat.
  • For design, ergonomics and comfort, the cabin has almost been inferior to foreign samples of those times.

Yumz-6 was good, but not perfect. Among the main drawbacks are as follows:

  • The center of gravity is relatively high. Because of this, the car can not work on the ground with a slope of more than 10 degrees. In such cases, the rut is expanded to 1800 mm, this allowed to partially solve the problem.
  • According to the operational points, the suspension of the chassis could be made softer.
  • After the tractor produced the first half of the stated resource, in the checkpoint on increased speeds knocked the lever. Especially often it happened on an uneven road, when moving with a trailer.
  • Periodically leaks oil.
  • The long-term operation of the power plant at idle or small revolutions was not recommended, as it could cause increased wear of engine parts.
  • According to the owners, it would be quite good if YUMZ-6 had a modification with the leading front axle. Yes, and the number of motor revolutions could make more.


YUMZ-6 is a semi-text wheeled transport and universal-missing tractor of a traction class of 1.4 TC. The layout is classic, with the engine ahead and the cabin back. Transmission mechanical, 5 gear forward and 1 back. There are elevated and low. On the front wheels the spring suspension, on the rear - tough. Dry disc brakes, separate-aggregate hydroneave. Side electrical equipment operates on voltage 12 V. There is a mechanical blocking of differential.


  • Engine - diesel, four-stroke. There is no turbocharged. Brand / working volume / power (hp) - D-65 / 4.94 l. / 60 hp or d242-71 / 4.75 l. / 46 hp
  • Resource - 12,000 moto-hours
  • Rotation frequency - 1800 rpm.
  • Fuel consumption, l / h - 3.8
  • Volume of fuel tank, l - 90
  • Speed, km / h - minimum 2.1; Maximum 24.5
  • Clutch coupling - two-way, dry type.
  • PPC - five-speed, with movable gears. A gearbox may be present.
  • Brakes - dry, disc, driven by rear wheels
  • Management - hydro-pumping; on request - mechanical
  • Dimensions (D x W x B), mm - 4065 x 1884 x 2730
  • Tractor mass, kg - 3400
  • Agrotechnical clearance, mm - 650

Optionally proposed discontinuous couplings, remote hydraulic cylinders and many other nodes and fixtures.


Due to its unpretentiousness and reliability, high maneuverability and good maintainability, Yumz-6 became a popular tractor for all regions of the country. Many cars work until today's day so successfully that their owners are not going to change the "old tested horse" on more modern technique.

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The SHMZ 6 wheel tractor is the legendary model of the Soviet Union, created for field processing, and deserving world glory.

Such a brand of tractors is not issued since 2001, but still successfully serves many agricultural enterprises. The history of the creation of the model, its characteristics, advantages and purpose.


The launch of the first model of the tractor started in 1966 on the Southern Machine-Building Plant in Dnepropetrovsk. The plant began to be built in 1944 as a car, but later his profile changed and since 1951 he began to produce intercontinental rockets and other military equipment.

The first modification of the tractor - YUMZ 6l was designed by the Minsk Transport Plant based on MTZ 5, was very similar to the original and had a scarlet color. The idea to transfer the production of equipment with MTZ to Yuzhmash was economically profitable and allowed to reduce the cost of the finished machine. During the production (from 1966 to 2001) several modifications of such tractors were created, and an excavator was created based on them.

The popularity of the model was interested in the Shvetskaya company Volvo, and in 1974 the USSR sold them technical documentation for the tractor. Based on the technical documentation, Volvo released its brand of Tractors VM70.

Yumz 6 is a universal wheelchaater, designed to perform the following tasks:

  • for help B. agriculture. It can be attached to him attachments and semi-mounted equipment that helps to plow the earth;
  • in road construction for digging trenches with a bucket;
  • with it, you can carry various mobile aggregates;
  • it is used to carry out transport operations with trailers and semi-trailers;
  • the technique is designed in such a way that it can operate at temperatures from -40 to + 40 ° C.

For the tractor, a number of guided devices were specifically created, with which the technique can easily be transformed into a slot machine, an excavator or bulldozer.

Description and technical parameters of the model

Design: Semiramp, to which the front axle is attached, diesel engine and clutch coupling. A control cabin is attached to the back of the frame, with which the driver controls the unit.

engine's typeD65 n or d65 m
Modifications6a, l, al, Akl, Akm
Maximum operating speed11 km / h
Maximum speed of movement24.5 km / h
Maximum rear speed5.7 km / h
Radius of rotation5 M.
Engine power45.5 kW
Volume of motor4.94 L.
Motor power60 l / s
Motor dimensions4065x1884x2730 mm (d / w / c)
Weight3400 kg
Torkemosedisk, rear-wheel drive
Volume of diesel tank90 L.
Number of gears6
Fuel combustion4 l / h
Clutch couplingbinary

Main modifications

Modifications of model: 6kl, 6 m, 6a, 6 K, 6 ACL. Consider each of them:

  1. Yumz 6kl. This is the very first modification that was made from 1966 to 1978. Its device was identical with MTZ 5;
  2. 6 M. Together with the model 6l, the model 6m went out in parallel, the main feature of which was the launch of the motor using an electric starter;
  3. Yumz 6 al. Main changes 6 Al compared with the L model lies are to change the brake system, upgrading the instrument panel and adding the capability of the steering column in the angle of inclination. A modification was produced from 1978 to 1986. Class 6a is an option for the industry, which took place for fastening attachments.
  4. 6 AKL - modification was produced, starting from 1991 to 2001. It was enlarged by the cabin (which indicates the letter "K" in the model name), and also added the ability to automatically control the hydraulics control;
  5. AKM - the differences between the Tractor YUMZ 6 AKM from 6 ACL are that it started not from the starting engine, but from the electric starter;
  6. YUMZ 6 Excavator is a tractor of this modification from a special bucket for earthmoving work.


  • Reliability. This tractor has not been released for more than ten years, but it can still be found on the agricultural enterprises of the country.
  • Universality. The possibility of mounting various attachments to work on construction, agriculture and road construction.
  • Ability to work in the harsh climate.
  • Smooth move.
  • Easy to dismantle the engine for repair.
  • Simple design and accessible details.


  1. Little engine speed.
  2. The engine is not adapted for long work Without load (cocks).
  3. Clear speeds on the gearbox.
  4. Leaks oil.

The YUMZ 6 car is the legendary Wheeper model of the USSR, which ceased to be made in 2001. At his shift, an updated MTZ model 1221 was replaced. 15 years after the last release, in the villages you still have to find the oldest tractor (most often there are modifications of Al and Akl), which indicates its reliability and durability.

The smallest rotation radius in the middle of the track of the external front wheel with the internal rear wheel braking, M - 5.0

Mass of the towed trailer with cargo, kg - 6000

Mass constructive, kg - 3400

Rise (descent) angles without trailer, hail - 20

Depth of overcome foddes, M - 0.8

Diesel engine tractor YUMZ-6

Engine D-65

Power, kW - 45.6

Rated rotational speed of the crankshaft, min - 1750

Number of cylinders - 4

Cylinder diameter, mm - 110

Piston move, mm - 130

The degree of compression (calculated) - 17.3

Working volume of cylinders, L - 4,94

The order of cylinders is 1-3-4-2

Specific fuel consumption, g / kWh - 245

Air cleaner - combined, with dry centrifugal and oil inertia-pin air purification

Dry motor mass (diesel engine) Yumz, kg - 540

Transmission YUMZ-6

The clutch of YUMZ is dry, friction, two-flow, constantly closed type.

SUMM transmission is a mechanical, ten-speed, with a downhole gearbox or mechanical, ten-speed, synchronizers.

The rear axle Differential of the UMZ is a conical with two satellites, an open type.

Chassis and management systems YUMZ-6

Tires, inches:

Front - 7.5-20.

Rear - 15.5R-38

SHMZ brake mechanisms - disc, dry, with mechanical drive

SUMM steering - mechanical, with a hydraulic fluid

Hitched system of the tractor YMZ-6

Methods for regulating the position of the mounted gun - high, with a mechanical coupling proofreader

SHMZ hydraulic system pump - NSh32U-3-L

Distributor Yumz - P80-3 / 1-222

Maximum fluid pressure in hydraulic system, MPa - 14

Power selection shaft VM YUMZ-6

Drive type - semi-dependent two-speed

Rotation frequency (at a nominal frequency of rotation of the crankshaft diesel), min - 551 (1000)

The SHMZ-6 wheel tractor belonging to the category of universal machines was made by the Southern Machine-Building Plant in Dnepropetrovsk for 30 years. The MTZ-5 machine was used as an initial base, which was designed from the UMZ conveyor until 1972. Basic model I experienced several modernization and was produced until 2001.

Device and specifications

Yumz-6 tractor technical characteristics Refers to the category of machines of traction class 1.4 tons. The design of the tractor is classic, the front axle and the engine are installed on semiracy, rigidly fixed on the clutch and gearbox. Carter boxes is part of the power construction machine. In the device of the YMZ-6 tractor, a 2-flow clutch clutch was applied to provide separate control of the drive of the attachment of attachments.

The equipped tractor YUMZ-6A weighs from 3.4 to 3.9 tons. The mass of the machine depends on the modification, the list of hinged equipment and the type of power unit. An additional cargo is applied to change the wave.


On the tractor, 2 types of diesel engines were installed:

  • 60-strong YUMZ D-65 with a working volume of 4940 cm³;
  • 62-Strong D-242 with a working volume of 4750 cm³.

Both 4-cylinder engines are equipped with liquid cooling. The lubricant system is forced, oil supply and pump are located in the engine crankcase. Engines do not have a turbocharger, a mechanical pump with a centrifugal regulator is used for fuel injection.

The fuel consumption of YMZ-6 depends on the state of the dosing equipment and the nature of the work performed. The factory value of consumption per hour is on idling 5.6 liters. The tractor "Cockerel" (with an excavator arrow) consumes up to 14.4 liters of diesel fuel per hour.

To start the power plant applied petrol motor PD-10 or electric starter. PD-10 engine power is 10 hp The startup type is reflected in the description of the modification - L (gasoline starter) or M (electrical). Engine repair does not require special equipment and equipment and can be carried out in car repair shops.


The tractor uses a mechanical 5-speed gearbox. For the transmission of torque, 1-disk clutch is used to transmitting the SEMZ. Box and clutch control is performed from the operator's cab. Next to the lever is shown the gear shift scheme that facilitates the operation of the operator.

The rear axle of the machine is equipped with a differential with a mechanical blocking system.

The inclusion of blocking is performed by pressing the pedal, when the pedal is released, the differential returns to its original state.

The machines are collected by the owners using elements from T-40 wheel tractors. From T-40 an front axle is used, a distributing gearbox and a cardan transmission. The 4x4 actuator is implemented from gear gear 2 installed on the secondary gearbox. The inclusion of PVM (front leading bridge) is performed by a separate lever.

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On the tractor installed anterior beam of the swing type. At the ends of the beam, the retractable elements used to adjust the gauge are mounted. The front wheels are placed on the beam. The steering department of the UMZ-6 early editions of the mechanical scheme. Late version of the tractor is equipped with a steering with a hydraulic amplifier.

Rear wheels are installed on the gearbox crankcase without suspension. King adjustment is performed by moving the hub on the slots of the semi-axle. Pressure in the tires of the rear axle low. Due to this, the passability of the machine is improved, and the vibrations transmitted to the tractor are reduced.


A separate hydraulic system is applied by car, which allows you to manage multiple units at the same time. The characteristics of the tractor make it possible to use various agricultural and industrial equipment. The source of pressure is the gear pump located on the engine. The pump has a capacity of 44-49 l / min at a pressure of 20 MPa.

On the tractor, the main and remote cylinders are mounted, designed to directly control the mood. It is allowed to install snap-in with a power drive from the shaft. The shaft is bred on the back of the box, has 1 speed (540 rpm).


Yumz-6 tractor is equipped with electrical system direct current. The electrical equipment circuit is built on connecting the negative output of the battery, electrical wiring and appliances to the machine body. For the difference in wires, various color marking isolation is used. The tractor has 3 blocks of fuses installed in the instrument shield. Each block is designed for 4 fusible inserts. The central block has a spare fuse.

The operating voltage is 12 V. Sources of the current are the generator (with the drive belt from the crankshaft engine) and accumulator battery. On machines with an electric starter, a battery of an increased container is installed (up to 215 a * h instead of 50 a * h). Machines with gasoline and electric starter has differences, since the gasoline motor is equipped with separate system Ignition and small electrical starter.


The machines use a 1-seater metal cabin equipped with 2 swing doors. The cabin is based on a power frame that protects the operator from injuries when tipping the tractor. The cabin is equipped with protection against noise and vibration, glass with heat shielding. Windbreaker I. rear glass Installed in folding frames. Cleaner and washer are installed for cleaning windshield.

In the cabin floor there are removable hatches designed to maintain the gearbox. The operator's chair is tested using torsion suspension and is equipped with a seat belt. The seat is adjusted by the weight of the operator, as well as at the distance to the pedals and the corner of the back of the back. The cabin includes the heater installed on the floor. The heater is connected to the engine cooling system.


The basic model of the first sample was produced in the EMM-6L and 6M variants, which differed by the engine start system. Early machines are easy to learn on the rounded form of the radiator's casing.

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In 1978, the basic model was modernized. The machines began to be equipped with a steering column with the possibility of adjusting the length of the steering shaft and angle of inclination. The instruments panel underwent changes. Externally, the cars are distinguished by a rectangular grille. Machine parameters 6Al and 6am are identical except engine starting system.

The YUMZ-6CH version is an industrial version of the tractor. The mounted system is dismantled on the vest part of the machine. On the subframe and the back of the velocity box, the dump and arrows of the excavator are installed. A modernized cabin was used on the tractor, which provided an improved review. In addition to the option class, the version of the CM, which differs in the engine start-up method. After stopping the production of machines of the model 6a, the modification 6kl / km became the base model.

In 1978, the release of the YUMZ-6 ACL was started. The distinction of the tractor was hydraulic system With finalized flow distribution mechanisms. An option YUMZ-6AKM is characterized by the type of starter.

In addition to the main modifications, many individual versions obtained as a result of independent tuning tractor are found. On the machines are installed front bridges from other models, modified cabins, additional attachments.

What can be completed

The tractor characteristics allow you to install different attachments with hydraulic and mechanical drive. The system of attachments and hydraulics admit separate control of the front and rear hide. Machine owners carry out tuning YUMZ-6, which is to install additional equipmentborrowed from other tractors.

Types of equipment:

  • bulldozer knife;
  • excavator arrow;
  • graon;
  • agricultural equipment;
  • watering installation;
  • cylindrical road brush;
  • trailed equipment.

Repair and maintenance

The instruction manual contains a list regulations and frequency of execution. The resource of the machine and its trouble-free operation depends on the maintenance periodicity. The list of works includes adjustment of the gas distribution mechanism, adjusting the clutch clutch and periodic replacement of lubrication in the crankcasers of the power unit and transmission.

Before the start of the implementation of the arable work requires the adjustment of the SHMZ-6 plow. The setting is performed on the adjustment site before leaving the machine in the field. The left side of the tractor and the plow wheel is located on wooden wedges. The height of the wedge is equal to the depth of plowing less than 20-40 mm. After that, the lemeh is brought to contact with the surface of the platform and the screw is lowered the supporting roller to contact with the wedge. Then the plow is aligned with the right and central adjustment.

Clutch adjustment

During operation, periodic clutch adjustment is required, which consists of stages:

  • setting the free stroke of the pedal;
  • setting the full pedal stroke required to disable the clutch of the clutch;
  • setting the gap between the plane of the stubborn bolt and the surface of the pressure disk.

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To adjust the clutch YUMZ-6 with their own hands, it is necessary:

  1. Install the adjustment of the length of the thrust free move within 30-35 mm.
  2. If when you turn off the clutch is dropped, then this indicates incomplete dilution of disks. The normal course of the pedal is in the range of 140-150 mm. Changing the progress is performed by setting the length of the thrust designed to drive the blocking shaft.
  3. To adjust the gap, it is required to remove the cover located below the clutch crankcase. Wrap off the squeeze levers at a distance of 73.5 mm. The distance is measured between the end surface of the slave of the power take-off shaft and the working cams installed on the clutch shutdown levers.

Adjustment of valves

Setting the gaps between the valve rod and the fishery bolor is performed on the engine heated immediately after stopping the motor. The gap is set in the range of 0.25-0.35 mm. An increase in the gap to 0.45 mm is allowed. The change in the gap is performed by rotating the adjusting screw located on the rocker. The screw is fixed from spontaneous leaking by lock nut. The decompressor mechanism is regulated by a similar procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

The characteristics of the YUMZ-6 tractor do not provide high performance when performing work. Power units do not like long-term work at idle and reduced turns. The speed switching mechanism is wear out, speeds start spontaneously turn off. Transmission nodes due to the features of the design passes oil on the joints of the surfaces and covers.

The advantages of YMZ machines include simplicity of repair and low cost of spare parts. The power unit can work on low quality fuel.

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