Home Salon Tractors. For what purposes is the tractor use? Wheeled tractor or caterpillar

Tractors. For what purposes is the tractor use? Wheeled tractor or caterpillar

Looking at what wonderful things from year to create scientists and engineers create, it is difficult to believe in all these futuristic killer robots. It is difficult to believe, but in the coming years, the fields may begin to join a fully automated agricultural machinery.

Have you ever thought about how agriculture will be in the 21st century? Unfortunately, agriculture is far from the most popular topic, although, frankly, one of the most important. Throughout its history, humanity has actively developed this industry, improving mainly used tools. And now the appearance of agriculture in the foreseeable future is completely obvious - robots will dominate here.

The most interesting thing is that robots have already begun to successfully "capture" the farm. It was possible thanks to companies such as CNH Industrial, specializing in the development of the latest samples of agricultural equipment and technology. In the middle of this year, the said company proudly presented its first full automatic tractor.

The resulting product is the symbolic name of the Autonomous Tractor. To date, the tractor is conceptual, but the project is developing dynamically, and release serial samples in CNH Industrial is also hoping in the near future. Not so long ago, the next stage of testing of new techniques was completed, at which the novelty demonstrated excellent results.

How does a new tractor work?

So, AUTONOMOMOUS TRACTOR is fully automated. The work of the tractor is ensured by an impressive set of "smart" technologies and sensors. For example, in the tractor there are barrier recognition sensors. However, they are used only to analyze the situation within a radius of several tens of meters. The tractor route is determined by the system running in a bundle with a GPS module.

A novelty can perform any field work. So the tractor can be plowing, fertilizing, sow and, of course, clean. No special equipment for Autonomous Tractor is needed, all that uses the usual agricultural machinery with the driver. The tractor also analyzes the weather, which is especially important during the harvesting campaign.

The most important advantage of AUTONOMOMOUS TRACTOR is to work with round days. Despite the full automation, it is possible to follow the tractor in real time and give him commands.

In continuation of the topic at once on the head.

The engine is called a machine that converts any kind of energy into energy spent on mechanical work.

In the tractor engine, this work is performed due to thermal energy released in its cylinders when combustion of fuel. Such engines are called internal combustion engines. They are divided according to the method of formation and ignition of the working mixture (diesel and carburetor), the number of operating cycle clocks (four-stroke and two-stroke), the number of cylinders (single-cylinder, two-cylinder and multi-cylinder).

Engine scheme:
1 - crankshaft; 2 - flywheel: 3 - engine core; 4- cylinder; 5-rod; 6- piston- 7 - piston finger; 8 - cylinder head; 9 - valves; 10 - gear details; 11 - cam shaft; 12-distribution gears

To understand the principle of operation of the tractor engine, consider its simplified scheme (Fig.). In the cylinder 4, the head closed 8, the piston 6 is tightly inserted, which can move in it. With the help of the finger 7 and the connecting rod 5, the piston is connected to the crankshaft 1 having a heavy wheelchair at one end 2. The listed parts 1, 2, 4-8 form a crank-connecting mechanism.

When moving the piston in the cylinder, the crankshaft rotates. The extreme position of the piston when he seems to stop and starts movement in the opposite direction, are called dead points of the mechanism. Two points are two: the upper (V.M.T.) and the Lower (N.T.).

The path from one dead point to another is called piston running. For each course the crankshaft rotates half the turnover.

Space over the piston located in V.M.T. is called the volume of the combustion chamber, and the space located above the piston when it is in N.M.T. - total cylinder.

The volume of the cylinder, freed by the piston when it moves from V.M.T. BC, called the working volume of the cylinder. The working volume of all cylinders, expressed in liters, is called engine litter.

In the cylinder head there are intake and outlet windows closed with valves. At exactly certain moments, they open and close with the assistance of the distribution mechanism, which, in addition to the valves, includes cam shaft 11, gear stations 10 and distribution gears 12.

Turn the crankshaft so that the piston approached V.M.T. If you continue the rotation of the shaft, then the piston connected to the connecting rod will start to go down by creating permissions in the cylinder. At this time, the intake valve will open and the surrounding air will begin to the cylinder. When the piston takes the lower position, both valves will be closed. Further turn of the shaft will force the piston to go up and compress the air, filling the cylinder.

With the position of the piston in V.M.T. All air previously occupied the full volume of the cylinder will be compressed in the combustion chamber.

The number indicating how many times the volume is reduced (compressing) air (or a fuel mixture with air) in the engine cylinder is called the degree of compression.

Highly compressed air heats up to high temperature. In such air is injected small fuel. It flammives, in contact with hot air. With fuel burning, gases are formed. From high temperature, they seek to expand. Therefore, the pressure in the cylinder rises sharply. Under the action of this pressure, the piston moves down, performing mechanical work.

The movement of the piston by means of a connecting rod and the crankshaft is transmitted to the flywheel. At the end of the stroke of the piston down the exhaust valve opens. Heavy flywheel, having received overclocking, displays a mechanism from N.M.T. The piston under the action of the connecting rod rises and pushes out the exhaust gases from the cylinder, freeing it for the next portion of fresh air. When rotating the crankshaft, all processes in the cylinder are repeated, which ensures continuous operation of the engine.

Consequently, the operation of the engine is based on the property of gases when heated expands. It is composed of four piston strokes. Each move corresponds to one of the following four processes: inlet of fresh air, compressing it, expansion of gases as a result of fuel combustion, exhaust gas production. Each of such piston moves, during which one or other processes flow are called tact.

It is easy to see that one of the four clocks is the expansion of gases - makes a useful work. This clock is called a workforce. Three other clocks - auxiliary. They are committed due to the energy of the working stroke.

The totality of alternating in a certain order of clocks is called the engine working cycle.

Depending on the number of piston moves, which constitute a duty cycle, engines are four-stroke and two-stroke.

The engine, the scheme of the work of which we considered, the fuel is injected into the cylinder and flammifies from the high temperature of the strongly compressed air. Such an engine is called diesel.

The engine in which the combustible mixture (fuel with air) is formed not in the cylinder, but in a special instrument - the carburetor and then enters the cylinder, where it turns into the working mixture and is flammable by electrical spark, called carburetor.

You can start moving only after the engine warming up and checking it. Before going, make sure that there are no obstacles Before the tractor and warn people standing near people.

To move from the scene, follow these operations:

  • sick to the end of the clutch pedal
  • seamlessly enable the necessary gear
  • smoothly release the clutch pedal and start moving.

In case the required transmission does not turn on the first time - switching gear into neutral position, sick up a couple of clutch pedal and enable the necessary transmission.

When managing the tractor - let go of the clutch pedal smoothly.

Do not allow jerkbecause This may lead to breakdown mechanism power transmission and to premature wear lining.

The tractor control requires marginal attention. In motion is necessary follow the surrounding space And if necessary, feed warning signals.

Application of lower and higher gears

The correct use of the tractor gear increases its efficiency and productivity. During operation, the transmission is applied, in which the tractor will receive full loading and performance.

When transporting and idling along the soil, used higher Shows. During work with additional aggregates include as you can higher Showsat which the engine works with full loadbut not overloaded.

When overloading the engine and heavy conditions lower transmissions are used. When the tractor is moving on the descent and lines, use lower transmission. It is forbidden to switch the transfer in time of descent or lift. In the descent, slow down the tractor engines by reducing Fuel supply.

Selection of speed, turns, stop

On a solid rocky surface or uneven dirt roads should be moved with moderate speedSince the chassis and tractor mechanisms subjected to wear and serious impacts.

When moving with a tractor trailer should not be used sharp braking, adhere to middle cruiser speed. If necessary, smoothly reduce the speed by reducing fuel supply.

The control of the machine occurs using, to change the direction of movement. On tracked tractors, turns are implemented with levers Control mechanism of rotation. Not recommended to do cool turns at high speed and when carrying out work at full load.

Reverse movement is performed without installed hinged equipmentor permitted with raised in transport position.

To stop tractor sick to the end of the clutch pedal and translate the gear lever in neutral positionAfter that, release the clutch pedal. Stop the way turn off the fuel supply.

Tractors are managed by one person. The self-propelled technique of this species performs a variety of tasks in the agricultural, road-building, earthmoving industry. It can connect trailed, mounted or stationary tools. The movement of the unit is slow, but it is compensated by a high traction force.

We are in demand model Belarus MTZ, HTZ, Johndeere.

Modifications and varieties

Tractors are divided into two categories by the type of moving part. Each received its advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Wheel. They have the right to move at high speed on road highways. The grip with a complex coating is not the best, the plot is appropriate. Moving along loose land, the unit can boot and lower. This is eliminated by the use of a full drive or the use of low pressure tires.
  2. Crawler. These are the most powerful models. The only specimens that can move along asphalt are tractors with a rubberosy tracked pair. In the work of the caterpillars create extensive contact with the soil and do not injure it. It is advisable to apply a caterpillar unit on a weakness of the soil.

The functional separation of the tractor technology occurs at work performed.

  1. Agricultural work. Pervasy, sowing, cleaning fields. It is allowed to perform haying tasks. Conducting agricultural goods on trailed mechanisms.
  2. Work in industry. Industrial unit is used as a base for earth-agricultural, construction device. After the suspension of the special vehicles, it is performed by the tasks of other industrial machines: a bulldozer, a staple, a pipelayer.
  3. Trelevka. The whole range of playing mechanisms works in logging enterprises. After the cutting of a row of trees, they are stacked on the sample base and are transported from the point of cutting to the point of storage, overload or processing.
  4. Work in the army. The army model shows a high speed of towing artillery weapons, trailers with weapons on long marchs. She has excellent permeability for any coating, can be operated in any climatic zone.


Tractor-building plants in Kharkov, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Vladimir.
John Deere, Belarus, New Holland, Claas.

At the very beginning of the existence of a young Soviet state, the tractor driver was very popular and washed with romance: films were filmed about them, wrote songs, poems wrote. The tractor driver in the execution of the famous Soviet actor Nikolai Kryuchkov was represented by a real shirt-guy, who and the work fee will be performed, and the homeland will protect.

At the very beginning of the existence of a young Soviet state profession tractor drive It was very popular and washed with romance: films were filmed about them, the songs were writing, poems wrote. The tractor driver in the execution of the famous Soviet actor Nikolai Kryuchkov was represented by a real shirt-guy, who and the work fee will be performed, and the homeland will protect.

Unfortunately, today all this in the past, and the profession of the tractor driver has become an ordinary working profession, which has lost its heroic halo. Moreover, modern youth, living in megalopolis, not only does not know who is a tractor driver and what he does, but does not even know what the tractor looks like. But it is thanks to these workers that we have the opportunity to eat fresh and delicious bread every day. And no technical progress and universal computerization will be able to replace the work of the tractor driver.

Understanding the importance and importance of this profession, the government of our country does everything possible to revive the former glory of tractor drivers. I would like to believe that in the near future, tractor drives, as before will be used by deserved honors and respect not only in villages, but also in cities. And we hope that this article in which we will try to tell about all the peculiarities of the profession of a tractor driver will contribute to its popularization among the younger generation.

Who is a tractor driver?

A worker specializing in the management of various types of tractors. In essence, this profession is one of the specializations of the driver's profession, since the tractor is nothing but a car widely used in agriculture.

It is not difficult to guess that the name of the profession has happened from the name of the Tractor's car, which in turn originates from the Latin Travere - drag, pull. Note that this word fully transmits the main purpose of the vehicle, as the tractor is a common tractor.

Profession The tractor driver appeared in the XIX century simultaneously with the invention of the car and the tractor. People always sought to ease the work of landpash and at least somehow automate it. The real opportunity appeared only with the invention of the steam engine, the internal combustion engine and the appearance of self-propelled tractors. Initially, the tractor drivers worked exclusively in agriculture, but as technology enhanced, the labor of these professionals was widely used in the field of construction, municipal economy and in other areas. In general, wherever a large force of thrust was required.

Basic the duty of tractor activity - Control of the tractor and those mounted or trailed mechanisms and instruments that are attached to it. In addition, the tractor driver is responsible for the performance and safety of technology, the use of fuel and lubricants and the quality of the works produced by him (plowing, sowing or cleaning the field, transportation of the crop, loading and unloading operations, etc.).

Depending on the direction of activity, it is customary to distinguish between several narrow specializations of the profession of a tractor driver. The most popular can be attributed to:

  • tractorist of agricultural work - works with such types of devices as seeders, plows, sprayers, cultivators, etc.;
  • the tractor driver of road construction works is most often engaged in servicing road coating, clearing construction sites and snow cleaning;
  • the tractor driver in the production sector - mainly moves large loads (for example, heavy machines) from one place to another.

What personal qualities should tractor driver?

Despite the fact that the tractor, as a rule, cannot develop a greater speed, this vehicle is characterized by high power and weight, and therefore the tractor driver must be extremely attentive and neat. In addition, the real professional has such personal qualities as:

Conditions truck works It is impossible to be called comfortable - almost all year round it works outdoors, in the heat and cold, in a noisy cockpit, among vibration and gases. Because good health is a guarantee of successful activity. The profession of a tractor driver does not suit people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular and nervous system. Eye diseases and diseases of the respiratory system can be acted from unfavorable work conditions.

It is also necessary to say that among other things, the tractorist requires the quality of the mechanic repairman. After all, he not only controls the tractor, but also monitors its technical condition (that is, if necessary, performs repair work). And since modern tractors are equipped with electronics, and onboard computers, tractor drivers have to constantly increase their qualifications, ragging their knowledge of both the latest technical achievements and computer equipment.

Advantages of the profession of tractor drive

Speaking O. benefits of the profession of tractor starFirst of all, it is necessary to note its relevance in the modern labor market. The fact is that today, however, as before, no economy of the agro-industrial complex or an enterprise can do without machine-tractor work. That is, tractorouse needs in almost all sectors of production and economic activities. And since this profession, as well as other working specialties, is not very popular among young people, the demand for tractor drivers is high as ever.

And this is despite the fact that tractor drivers today not only receive quite a decent salary (about 30 thousand rubles per month), but also have great opportunities for additional earnings and creating their own business on the provision of machine-tractor services to the population.

The incompaired advantage of this profession can also be considered the fact that in the learning process, the future specialist is developing management not only by the tractor, but also by other types of vehicles. Thanks to this, he will be able in the future with ease to change the profession and become, for example, a trucker.

Separately, I would like to note that the tractor driver works primarily in the fresh air. This is especially true of those specialists who are involved in field work (crop sowing / harvesting). Agree that it is expensive. After all, some of us are willing to spend a huge amount of time and money just to at least get out of the limits of a noisy and tanned metropolis. And this profession allows for free to obtain an unlimited amount of fresh air, seasoned with a sense of significance of its work and limitless pleasure from communicating with nature.

Disadvantages of tractor truck profession

Disadvantages of tractor truck profession related, first of all, with features of work. The working day of the tractor driver is most often monotonous and monotonous. No bright events, fireworks of ideas and exciting adventures. Therefore, this profession is categorically not suitable for those people for whom life is a kaleidoscope of emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Do not choose this profession and those who want to have a job with a normalized schedule. Often, tractor drivers have to work at night, and on holiday / weekends. After all, sowing / cleaning work can not wait for holidays, and communal work (for example, clearing streets from snow) do not stop due to the fact that the weekend came.

Well, most importantly, when repairing a tractor (and you remember that the tractor driver repairs the tractor itself), and sometimes in the process of control, freelance and traumatic situations may occur, which may cause injury as a specialist and others. At the same time, the risks of this profession are much higher than, let's say, a repairman or stallower.

Where can I get the profession of a tractor driver?

As we mentioned above, the tractor driver is a working profession, which can be obtained in secondary special educational institutions (colleges and technical schools). Well, since this specialty refers to one of the most sought-after get a profession of tractor owlyou can practically in any city of Russia.

Another embodiment of this profession can be practical classes at a particular enterprise. This refers to the study of the tractor management skills as a student of a tractor driver. True, this method of obtaining a profession is practiced mainly in rural areas, when the deficit of specialists becomes especially critical.

It is not difficult to guess that a qualified specialist who can not only manage the tractor, but also to repair it in the event of an unexpected breakage, one can only be after the end of the technical school or college. Therefore, we recommend first of all to consider the first embodiment of this profession, and only in the most extreme case is the second.

You can master the profession of a tractor driver in such colleges and technical schools of Russia, as:

  • Vyatsky State Agrarian-Industrial Technical School;
  • Georgievsky technique of mechanization, automation and management;
  • Transportation College;
  • Ekaterinburg Mechanics and Technology College;
  • Novgorod agrotechnical technical school.

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