Home Chassis The first caterpillar tractor. Museum of the Tractor History. Tractor plant in Chelyabinsk

The first caterpillar tractor. Museum of the Tractor History. Tractor plant in Chelyabinsk

In 1922, tractors in the USSR had not yet been. Until 1917, about 1,500 tractors were purchased abroad and brought to Russia. Civil war made adjustments to their number.

The peasant courtyard tractor will not be able to buy. Peasants can organize a cooperative, reset with money and buy a tractor, say, for 10 yards. The daily performance of their labor will increase sharply, but the annual will remain the same. After all, the peasant will still not be able to leave the earth, therefore, the industry from the cooperation of agriculture there is no sense: the influx of workers in the city will not still be.

An ideologically unacceptable exit - to return the land of landlords - was unacceptable not only by ideological, but also for state reasons. Yes, the landowner, taking the land from the peasants and buying a tractor, would have left only one peasant out of 5, and the rest would drive into the city. And where are they here, in the city, do? After all, workers must enter enterprises in strictly necessary quantities - in such that already built enterprises. And they are sick from the landowner, because the landlord does not care about that plants are built in the cities or not yet.
We have different govorukhiny that, they say, if there were no revolution, then Russia would be rich and happy. Hell no! Even if there were no First World War, then for the year by 1925 in Russia would be such a riot that civil war would seem like all children's fun. After all, Henry Ford has already begun to produce his tractors "Fondson" with a pace of more than a million pieces per year and at such a cheap price that they would be bought in Russia not only landlords, but also the average hand of fists. From the village in the cities of Russia would rope such a lot of hungry unemployed, that she would have demolished the royal power, and landlords with capitalists are still cleaner than the Bolsheviks did. After all, the king worked without a plan, he did not develop the economy of Russia meaninglessly, for him the course of scientific and technological progress would be absolutely unexpected.

And see how much the Bolsheviks acted in meaningfully! At first they developed the industry in cities, i.e. Created jobs, and only then began to improve labor productivity in agriculture, filling out jobs in the city by the released peasants.
But in 1922 there were no tractors in the USSR. Until 1917, about 1,500 tractors were purchased abroad and brought to Russia. Civil war made adjustments to their number.
In that memorable 1922, the party leadership of the Zaporizhia province was contacted with the authorities of the "Red Progress" plant - the largest industrial enterprise in the Kichkiss district of Zaporizhia and set the task: the country needs tractors. Lot. It is necessary to establish production in the most squeezed dates.

And now it is necessary to make a reservation: the old, pre-revolutionary technical intelligentsia in the management of the plant did not remain. It is not left at all at the factory. Revolutions and civil war Wars do not pass ... Someone from the "former" landed in the shotthew, someone emigrated from sin away, someone's bloody vortex civiced to another end of the country ... In general, not a single elder engineer.
However, the tractors are needed! Go and work! Report on the results weekly!
The workers screamed in the heads. And carefully asked: what is it, the tractor? How does it look like and what is designed for?
Well, yes ... not produced in the Tsarist Russia tractor in such quantities to be famous to everyone and everyone, single, experienced instances. The horse livestock was enough ... and a few units were purchased abroad - none of those units before Kichkussa did not reach.
Zavodka (not so long ago named "South Plant Society A. Kopp") After the military destroyed, only breathed, thanks to NEPA - and more complicated by the corps for kerosene lamps and the machine for sewing machines so far has not produced anything. And then immediately the tractor ...
The party leadership in the issues of tractor construction was more accredited - they are the tractor at least seen. Once. Glimpse In the newsreel. They explained how they were able to, with words and gestures.
Clear, left the workers. Let's do.
Project, drawings, calculations? Oh, leave ... we, as Leskovsky left-handers used to say, the pets of the melkoscopes, we shoot our eyes ...
Technical leaders of the Kichkiss plant Engineers G. Rempel and A. Unger, with the support of Zaporizhia Gubottal, began to build the first original tractor. It was built without any drawings, according to sketches of the pencil, from random materials, and then the details of other machines that were at hand.
And they did! Without drawings and melkoscopes!
Two weeks before the designated period in the factory courtyard stood a tractor, which received the proud name "Zaporozhets". An experienced instance is a concept, as is customary to speak.
The appearance of the concept had the most fantastic. And no less fantastic was arranged ... Although the relationship did not have a relationship: the engine stood still not steam, - internal combustion. But the miracle-car did not fit into the diesel punk, the comrade did not tell the Zaporizhia left-handers about the brainchild of Rudolf Diesel. And then they would do ...
As you know, internal combustion engines are divided into two classes: carburetor and diesel. Neither to that, nor to another category, the steel heart "Zaporozhets" did not apply. How so? That's how. Know-how. Unique development. The prototype served as a broken single-cylinder engine "Triumph", ten years rusting at the factory courtyard and losing many details. To invent lost anew to Kichkass did not become, simplifying the design to the limit.

Not diesel - there the air-fuel mixture flames itself, from compression, there was an external ignition (in some way - a separate song). But not a carburetor - carburetor, as such, was completely absent. And the fuel pump was not - fuel sickly came from a highly located tank, and mixed with air directly in the cylinder.
What kind of fuel? But try to guess.
Kerosene? By ...
Diesel fuel, in the surprise of the diesel fuel? And what it is, Leftshies would ask, who did not have dying about Rudolph diesel.
Mazut? Not that, but already warmer ...
Who said: AI-92? Two!
"Zaporozhets" worked on oil. On raw. Neither cracking, nor cleaning - that from the well flows, in the tank. Cheap and angry.
About the design of the cabin to tell? I will not become. Cabins were not. Cabin, by and large, excess, no one else from the rain. The rigid metal seat under the open-air, made far back, the tractor driver was sitting on it, like a bird on the pranchok, - nothing, you can work. Not a single pedal - neither gas, no clutch, no brakes, - steering wheel, and that's it.
However, block a mechanical freak, nothing meaning in technical disciplines - only the beginning. But try-ka to make earn your brainchild - go, go, fly away.

So it worked! It was quite cheerfully drove - and drove, and went, and went, and went ... because it could not stop. There is no hint of the gearbox and on the clutch - the engine shaft is tightly connected to the wheels, or rather, with one leading rear wheel, "Zaporozhets" was three-wheeled. You want to stop - block the fuel faucet and drag motor, there are no other regular ways. But it will start to start as not easy ... but it is convenient - refueling on the go, and the tractor drivers are replaced by each other on the go, the benefit of the speed is always the same - a little less than four kilometers per hour. For that and the seat was rendered back, beyond the tractor, - so that, by changing, not please contact the wheel. And no downtime technique. Alternatively, a plow tractor - from one field to another, third, fourth, and there it's time to change the plow to the harrow, then on the seeder ... almost an eternal engine.
How to get, if suddenly stalls? Yes, it is not easy ... There is no starter with the battery, a clear case; There is no electrician at all (headlights based on kerosene lamps). But the crown handle will have to be twisted immediately. The ignition of the mixture in it came from the ignition head, which in front of the start of the engine 15-20 was heat off to cag. The moment of ignition was regulated by the flow of water into the cylinder, the engine was cooled with water. Due to the low efficiency and leakage for plowing one decade, 1.5 pones of ferrous oil and 5 buckets of water were consumed.
Reducer, closed into a dense metal case, prevented gears from dirt and dust. Instead of ball bearings and babbito liners, bronze bushings were used. In case of wear, they could be made in any workshop. The power from the engine to the wheels was transmitted through the friction clutch with raw skin. The tractor moved only at one speed - 3.6 km / h. True, in some limits, she still changed the impact on the pendulum regulator change in the number of revolutions.
Fantasy ... Blaster cushing with feudal gunsmiths. Glader who spoke from the walls of a carriage workshop.
But among them was a genius - there, in the Kichkiss plant ... a genius whose name we will never know ...
Because the geniuses are - among other things - two features: incredible, straight mystical intuition and no less mystical success ...
Dedal and his flight ... Myth or echoes of a real event? A primitive glider or deltaplan could be built in the Middle Ages, and even earlier, in antiquity, the material base allowed. And they built, and jumped from cliffs and bells, and broke their legs, and broke to death ... Liliental flew successfully - no idea about aerodynamics and many other disciplines for flight. Intuition and success. Genius…
There was a genius and "red progress", otherwise "Zaporozhets" from the factory yard would not have revealed. Even the place would not have moved.
The work on such a simple car as "Zaporozhets" could easily master even a small peasant and care for her as a "mechanical horse". The test protocol of the prototype (summer of 1922) stated: "The tractor with a 12-strong engine consuming about two pudders of black oil per tith, with a plowing depth to four vershs, freely removed the Earth's 65 square carriers. The tractor could plow 1.5-3 tits of land per day (depending on the depth of plowing)
And a new party order was enrolled: I launch in a series!
This is also fantasy ... What only strange devices did not give rise to human imagination for the centuries. However, on paper, in the drawings. At best, a pair of experienced copies. But to dozens, hundreds ... does not happen. Fiction.
But launched! And they launched several hundreds of hundreds for three years!
Moreover, they did not go broke, despite the entire voluntarism of the venture! Products regularly found sales, demand even exceeded the proposal, - as - in no way "red progress" became an all-Union monopolist. And the agricultural workers, and the partnerships for the joint processing of the Earth, and the rural communes (collective farms have not yet been) desired to acquire a miracle technique. And even the wealthy peasants, simply speaking, fists, - naively hoped that Bukharinsky appeal "Enrich!" It also refers to them, and recorded on the purchase of a cherished tractor.
"Zaporozhets" decided to improve and ensure its production with drawings and models. 10 tractors of the upgraded design were built. The sample arrived at the Tokmak Plant "Red Progress" on September 29, 1923. It envisaged to master its mass production. The path of almost 90 versts from the village of Kichkas "Zaporozhets" did its move without the slightest breakdowns. In the way for the peasants, the plowing of the earth "mechanical horse" was shown several times ...
"The competition" Zaporozhets "of the first release and the caterpillar tractor" Holt "of the Obukhovsky plant in the fields of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy in the fall of 1923 were held in favor of the domestic firstborn. On the plowing of the tithing land at the four-work depth of "Zaporozhets", there was an average of about 30 kg of oil. The "HOLT" tractor is 36 kg kerosene. For the original design of the tractor in relation to the conditions of the USSR, with good assembly, performance and traction efforts, the State Transfer No. 14 was honored with an honorary diploma of the I degree.
The demand for tractor brand "Zaporozhets" was big. Especially he increased after the tests held together with the American "Fordson" in the spring of 1925. Plowing tithing lands "Zaporozhets", already had 16 liters. p., finished 25 minutes earlier. At the same time, oil consumption was 17.6 kg. "Fordsod" burned 36 kg kerosene. For all the indicators, the Pet of "Red Progress" looked better than a foreign colleague. The maximum program was supposed to bring the release of Zaporozhtsev to 1924-1925 to 300 pieces per year. However, the course of further events was not in favor of "Zaporozhets". Wid the direction of mass production. By this time, the horizons of the first five-year plan were already clarified, there were ambitious tasks before the country, large enterprises were needed.

On the Tractor "Zaporozhets" No. 107, for example, a tractor driver and mechanic M. I. Roskot from the Chernihiv region worked in a chance from 1924 to 1958. During the German fascist occupation, he disassembled the tractor, the nodes and details hid reliably. After liberation. "Zaporozhets" came to the aid of the ruined earth.
I do not think that buying someone disappointed. First, it was nothing to compare. Secondly, to manage with the Zaporozhette was just more complicated than with a sledgehammer: half-hour pre-sale briefing - and the steering wheel, while the oil is enough. Finally, exceptional reliability, - in the absence of service workshops and spare parts stores, the quality is very important. And breakdowns that still happen, could eliminate any rural blacksmith. The current motorists, morally and financially exhausted by car service, can well imagine, what is like riding the car, where it is easy to break. Dream…
And here is the situation: the country is being prepared by collectivization and industrialization, GRAN verses the plans of the first five-year plan. Mechanization of agriculture is not forgotten, among the priorities. Negotiations are coming with the leaders of American tractor construction: with Ford and Caterpiller companies, experienced examples are purchased - technical experts (real, high levels) are thoughtful, conducting field tests, pretend, license to manufacture which machines to buy for Krasnopouotilovsky plant in Leningrad . Everything is thorough, all according to plan.
And then the news from the deaf province, from the ripped Muhosranska: and we are already doing the tractor with might and main! And all over the country sell!
Technical specialists and those involved in the case of responsible comrades from the Tractor Commission of the EMD, to put it mildly, were surprised. At first they did not believe, but the news was confirmed. We sent the race to "Red Progress": Well, comrades progressive innovators, what did you get here? Maybe of them, the capitalists-bloodsows, we will bypass on their own and technical ideas?
So he, the tractor, rides in the yard! The messenger fell into a light stupor, did not believe: three-wheeled is the tractor?! Tractor. Plows, sow, fits. Will you buy? No, we would have a package of technical documentation for studying ... А? What package? Why did he go? We do everything in the first sample, sizes - here they are, measure, write down ...
(In fact, the series was not on the first sample, on the second. The first solemnly sent to Ilyich, in the slides.)
The light stupor of the messenger was replaced by a deep shock ...
Want to believe, you want no: there was no project documentation after two years of production! Even the minimum set of drawings - was not!
The archives survived the written request of Krasnoputilovtsev who did not believe the race. (Yes, and how to believe it?! I washed in the province in black, not otherwise ...) Send, say, comrades, drawings for study. And the proud response of "Red Progress": we have drawings with small pieces of anything, we shoot our eyes ...
The same fall, when the Moscow exhibition was held, another tractor "Zaporozhets", built in Kichitsa, was presented at the first All-German agricultural exhibition in Tehran.
The Soviet Union willingly accepted participation in it by receiving the invitation of the local government. Already in Tehran, the work of the Cartavtsev at the request of the visitors of the exhibition launched the engine "Zaporozhets", sat behind the control levers and demonstrated the work of the tractor near the pavilion. Once he left in the field. After plowing, the delight of those present was indescribable. The tractor was especially interested in local peasants. They walked behind him, as if children, tightly hiding the "miracle car" by a living ring.
So, "Zaporozhets" became the first agricultural machine, which appeared on the fields of Persia. His, as well as some other Soviet exhibits awarded gold medals, honorary diplomas, diplomas. The domestic industry has received solid orders. For the young country of advice, it is, of course, it was extremely important both from the economic and political point of view.
What was then? Then - five-year plan, the end of the NEP and relatively free market: the release of "Zaporozhets" turned into a volitional head decision. There are no plans and there is nothing here ...
Then there were newly built or recharged tractor giants - the Stalingrad Plant, Chelyabinsky, Kharkov ... There was a Pleiad of domestic, original tractors surrounding Western counterparts. And the workers are "Caporozhtsy" and the puffers on their crude oil before the war, and in some places and after it - what should it be broken, if there is nothing to break? - But in the end, everyone fell into the smelting.
Legend remained. Several hundred cars - on the huge country of a drop in the sea. Few who saw the first Soviet tractor, few people worked on it. And the stories about the ever-arable tractor with the tractor replaced on the move were transferred from mouth to mouth, fading with the most fantastic details ...

The relay of Lenin's thought

Modern agrarian policy is the Lenin Strategy and Tactics of the Party in the field of agriculture in the conditions of developed socialism.

L. I. Brezhnev. From the speech in July (1978), the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU

We will talk about the tractor. As about the subject that the story of the movement of one of the numerous Lenin ideas in himself.

In this series of ingenious predictions and plans for the world, and dreams of general literacy, and faith in the moral improvement of a person. The Lenin Plan of Goello is being implemented in the grand reality, tangible and objectively telling us about the path that makes a brilliant idea.

Lenin's view on the tractor - among such ingenious foresights.

"If we were able to give 100 thousand first-class tractors tomorrow, to provide them with gasoline, supplied them with machinists (you know perfectly well that while this is a fantasy), then the middle peasant would say; "I am for the coup" (i.e. for communism). "

Civil War. Destroy. Hunger. Time customizes events. The village does not sleep for life. The earth is waiting for a master's hand.

We look into the past. We learn amazing facts.

Annta open military intervention, invasion of Austro-German troops to Ukraine. And among the emergency cases, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin finds the time to take in the Kremlin inventor and the constructor of Tractors Ya. V. Mine. Later, in 1922, the Commissar Communication Board releases him a significant amount of money on the addition of the Balakovo Plant and commits him to Germany for purchasing the necessary machines.

On October 22, 1921, the test of a new electric storage at the Butyrsky farm near Moscow. Vladimir Ilyich goes next to Plougom. Members of the Commission "Elektroplug" ask him to move away: it is possible that a cable or plow can break through, losing stability, popping out of the furrow. But the persuasion act badly ... All day before dark, Lenin spent on the Butyrsky field and, according to a testimony of one of the members of the Commission, left displeased. The design of the plows and the entire system of plowing did not satisfy it.

November 29, 1921, Lenin takes delegates in the Kremlin I provincial agricultural congress. Carefully listens to the complaints of the peasants about the fact that during the war they launched the earth, there are a lot of shrubs, the shrub thickets, sohlo, it is difficult to plow. Vladimir Ilyich says prophetic words: "Yes, Sokh does not proact. The industry begins to produce agricultural machines - plows, seeders, boots. We think first of all to provide rental points with them to be able to serve more farms. Soon and tractors will be ... "

In those days, the tractor, having come to the aid of the peasant, become a lever of the reorganization of all agriculture to the socialist way.

In museums we see photos of those years - the village meets the first tractor, an amazing "mechanical horse", which does not even require straw - urchit, snatch, but plows. The rotor of the Motor of the first tractor announced the beginning of the technical revolution on the village.

In 1923, as a response to the Leninsky appeal, the Volnch Commission is created, which establishes that there are 220 thousand tractors with a capacity of 20 liters. from. From the wheeled tractors, American "Fordon" and "Titan" are scheduled for development, from tracked - American "Holt" and German in d. Calculations, however, show that the mass production of tractors can be quickly established only on Putilovsky factory ...

The people of the country perceived the Leninist ideas of the country's indigenous reorganization of agriculture. In the distance from large industrial centers - in Kichitsa Zaporizhia province, in Balakovo Samara Province, in Kolomna - the sprouts of the local initiative originated.

Very significant was telegram:

We, workers and employees of the State Transport No. 14 in Kichitsa, in honor of the 25-year-old anniversary of the Communist Party with the Grand Solemnity of the Helmet of the Labor Gift - the peasant tractor of the first release, designed by our techniques. Proudly give your strength and labor to communist construction, facilitating the work of workers and peasants ... "

The first domestic tractor "Zaporozhets" No. 1 is a gift to Lenin. The first link on the way to turn the idea to reality!

Already seriously ill Vladimir Ilyich is wondering how things are going in tractor construction. And on October 19, 1923, the first agricultural and hand-industrial exhibition of the USSR visits the first agricultural and industrial exhibition of the USSR, on which 75 Russian tractors were exposed. Vladimir Ilyich approached the "Zaporozhets", read the characteristic tablet, gently ran his hand over the radiator. He listened to the conversation of the peasants who were asking for excursions, how much cars cost and what power is the power ...

Gleb Maksimilianovich Krzhizhanovsky in his memoirs about Lenin noted the speed with which Vladimir Ilyich was understood in very complex technical issues. "If it is true," he said, - that the true technician is primarily a significant wrestler, it is undoubted that in Vladimir Ilyce there was huge opportunities for technical creativity. "

"Zaporozhets", "Gnome", "Dwarf", "Kolomenets-1" - the firstborn of Soviet tractors. Dozens, hundreds of cars - this is not a mass release, but they have taught a lot, raised the first cadres of tractor builders, pointed out mistakes, rightfully entered the history of domestic tractor construction.

In 1973, a holiday dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the First Agricultural and History and Industrial Exhibition of the USSR was held at the USSR VDHH. At the entrance to the anniversary pavilion "Mechanization and electrification of agriculture" stood the legendary "Zaporozhets", constantly surrounded by visitors. As a memory of the first steps of tractor buildings, as a symbol of the movement of the Lenin idea!

Behind the path of 50 years. Stay.

On October 1, 1924, the first serial "Fordon-Putilovets" comes from the Putilovsky Plant conveyor. Begins to carry out the slogan "from handicraft production - to a mass tractor construction". During the first year, 74 tractors were released, in the following - 422. In 1932 - 32 thousand tractors! From October 1924 from October 1924, 49,568 cars took place from the plant conveyor. "Fordson-Putilovets" fulfilled its task, but the country passes to the full collectivization stage, the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth is mastered. We need new tractors, new specialized factories.

1930. The Stalingrad Tractor Plant named after Dzerzhinsky is introduced into operation (until 1961 - CTZ). It produces caterpillar and wheeled universal tractors.

1931 year. A specialized plant is created in Kharkov - HTZ. And in 1932, the company was awarded the first Order of Lenin.

On August 10, 1930, there is a solemn booking of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant named after V. I. Lenin. On November 7, an experienced factory is put into operation, from the gate of which a new tractor comes out of three months. On June 1, 1933, the Chtz enters into operation. One and a half years later, the workshops celebrate the first anniversary - the 10,000th tractor comes from the conveyor. Until March 31, 1937, the country received 69 thousand C-60. Soon at the international exhibition of 1937 in Paris, they were noted by the highest award - "Grand Prix".

And remember the famous Tractors of the STZ-HTZ 15/30. How many land turned 397 thousand such machines with a capacity of 32.5 liters. from.! And the wheeled, the disappearance "universals"! Before the war, they were released by the Kirov Plant in Leningrad, from 1944 to 1955 the Vladimir Tractor Plant received the baton. It was the first Soviet tractor, which began to be exported abroad.

And the first diesel S-65! The world recognition came to him even before he was put on mass production. In 1937, the Dieselization of the Domestic Tractor Park began. And twenty years later, our country in the world in the world translates the entire tractor industry to diesel.

And the elderly of the HTZT-G is a tractor on the gas generator, with bizarre turrets. How much fuel helped save it in a difficult time for the country!

Tractors like milestones in the history of the country, in the fate of people, in the movement of human thought to progress. Compare.

1928 - on the fields of the first cooperatives 27 thousand tractors with an average capacity of 20 liters. from.; 1940 - 531 thousand pcs.; 1945 - 397 thousand pcs.; 1953 - the beginning of the mastering of virginity - 744 thousand pcs.; 1960 - 1090 thousand pcs. The power of tractors increases to 100 liters. from.

1965. Martov Plenum Central Committee of the CPSU. Measures have been developed for the consistent and steady implementation of the agrarian policy of the party. The indication of Vladimir Ilyich is not forgotten about the fact that the main thing in the socialist reorganization of the entire lifestyle in the village is "the material base, technology, the use of tractors and machines in agriculture on a mass scale, electrification on a mass scale."

The army of tractors participating in the reorganization of the village grows from 1613 thousand in 1965 to 2334 thousand in 1975.

No, the tractor is not just a powerful unit, not only a complex cast iron and steel system. Behind their design, for the "horsepower", the speed and design costs much than a person building a new world lives. This is bread, and welfare, and politics. This is the desire for peace, because only a very kind and strong people can accommodate the swords on the oral. It is symbolic that the first tract of the SZZ is now in the museum of the revolution in Moscow near the legendary Tachanka, as if emphasizing all the multifaceted revolutionary struggle ...

Recall: SAZ-NATI - the winner of the "Grand Prix" at the exhibition in Paris in 1937 - he began to master the virgin. Good word Let's say about Kirovz - KD-35. In 1947, his designers were awarded the State Prize. The tractor turned out to be a rare long-lived - until 1973, its main nodes remained on the T-38 and T-38M. Isn't worthy of mentioning "Altai" T-4A - one of the most rustling tracked tractors! Its 130 l. from. Since 1969, heavy lands have adopted - virgin, sealing, artificially irrigated - Siberia, Kazakhstan, the Far East.

Now in the fields of the country, more than 2.5 million tractors of 24 brands work. Power of mobile technical means exceeds 400 million liters. from. So I want "l. from." Translate to living horses and see this huge herd. But in fact in the "Kirovse", which is produced since 1933, such "horses" 215. And with K-701 and more - 309! It is interesting to put the "Zaporozhets" and K-701. Our firstborn could hide behind the wheel of modern tractor "accelerat".

But life hurts us, inexorably cares, not giving any one to the hour a breather, as L. I. Brezhnev said in one of his speeches. We need a new and new technique.

Time requires a new speed tractor, greater than before, power. And science develops the basics of increasing the working rates of innovative units to 9-15 km / h. The industry is ready to produce high-performance T-150 / 150K tractors, MTZ-80/82, DT-75C, K-701, which will be the basis of scientific and technical re-equipment of agriculture. The implementation of them allows to increase the performance of MTP by 1.5 times. Science again goes ahead and develops a fundamentally new technology of cultivation of crops with the use of energy tools with a capacity of up to 500 liters. from. The relay of the Leninist idea continues!

And, thinking about how it is better to perform the presenter of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, it makes sense to look back on the path traveled, to obey imports and think about the future. Moreover, the topic of the conversation is associated with the name V. I. Lenin, is inseparable from his behalf.

When, you will find yourself in the Central Museum of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in Moscow, pay attention - in different halls there are models of tractors: the STZ - 1930, Dt-54a (Million Tractor VTZ), DT-75M (half-and-half-million), Kirovets. There is a mock of auto-storage type "Russian Fowler", the model of the tractor is a gift from the museum from the winners of the workplace in honor of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, the young sequence twice the hero of the Socialist Labor P. N. Angelina.

And now we know that these exhibits are not accidental, they have the most direct attitude to Ilyich. Just like the "Zaporozhets", the model of which is also in the museum and we tell about the magazine in this issue.

V. Krylov

Second birth of tractor

Without a small one hundred years ago, in 1882, it was built on the shores of the continuous Tokmak plant of agricultural machines. To handle fertile Zaporizhia lands, you need tools. Actually, there were two plants: the German and Austrian subjects, Fuchs and Cleiner. Workers - Ukrainians, Russians, Germans, Labor surroundings - lived poorly, worked honestly.

From the early spring of 1904, the workers of Fuchs have declared a strike, and in May, they helped the taverged crust. In the big Tokmak there was a party organization, the proclamations of RSDLP were distributed. It was here that the famous appeal of the Heroes-Potemkintsev was underway; The years of the first revolution, the Stolypin reaction, the Civil War are firmly connected with the names of the revolutionaries Peter Moiseenko, P. M. Nikiforova, the Red Commander P. E. Dybrienko, Bolshevik, who later became the first Soviet director of the plant, I. T. Leppick ...

The workers were not mobilizing in the "volunteer" army of white, they supported and established the final Soviet power. Cutting "Black Barons" from his land, the inhabitants of the town continued to think not only about themselves - among other urgent cases were harvested and sent the echelon bread of starving labor Moscow ... Of course, the people's movement did not end with the establishment of power, it only gained strength. The name of the city changed, and said the plant. The once the largest topics of Tokmak - Fuchs and Kiranon plants in the 22nd year merged into one, called "Red Progress".

Years passed. The first five years. War. The plant works on the country's defense. The principle of solidarity - for everyone, for all - lives in the hearts.

Restoration. Transition to the release of diesel engines. The plant grows. Remembers the past. Nothing to forget: neither heroes or achievements. This is his character. Memorials appear in honor of the first revolutionaries and boards of honor of the contemporaries of contemporaries, the book "the traditions was born", the Plant Museum ...

At the S. M. Kirov diesel engineering plant arises: to restore the very first, "23rd year of birth" the domestic tractor. This "Zaporozhets" of the first batch was sent to Moscow to the first agricultural and hand-industrial exhibition, the predecessor of our VDNH.

It was decided: By the 110th anniversary of the birth of Ilyich, Zaporozhetsy, the first release will be standing in the nearby towns of Gorki, the Ulyanovsk Memorial and the Leningrad branch of the Central Museum of V. I. Lenin. For the right of a trip to these wonderful places for the solemn installation of the exhibits made by their own hands, the entire youth plant competed.

And how competed? Actually, the assembly of the models began in the factory workshops of Profdechilish - the guys who decided to master the profession of Tokar, the tearzer, a locksmith, a lecturer, and, having mastered it, to work at the plant (enterprise, to the Word to say, a huge and long ago, there is no agricultural inventory, but powerful diesel engines , turbines are very complex modern products).

In his free time, each participant has made one of the 3500 parts of the tractor in its workshop. And led the assembly of the old master, one of the eye-acting persons of Zain, Evgeny Grigorievich Shchurov. He was a student at the factory, when he made the "Zaporozhets", worked here, he taught youth in the factory FMU, then a retirement, but for a while: returned for the sake of business. He, eyewitnesses, recalls: An experienced model design of the engineer L. A. Unger was created nearby, in small Kichkish states and transferred to "Red Progress" for serial release.

How was he in appearance? Pretty fun for current times. Less "Fordson". The tractor driver was high, like a bike. The similarity was still the fact that the tractor was three-wheeled, with one leading rear wheel, and only this wheel had 218 details. On the corners, the car did not have even sufficient stability, sometimes overturned, but was easy to operate.

Its properties were demonstrated at the agricultural requirement in Moscow, which was examined by V. I. Lenin, in the fields of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy, and abroad, in Persia, at the first agricultural exhibition in Tehran. Then the Soviet exhibits were awarded the Gold Medal, Diplomas, Honorary Matters. The young Soviet technique caused admiration for the Persian peasants.

The eye distinguishing feature of the tractor was that he worked on crude oil, and not on gasoline, like European (a balloon, from which fuel was commissioned to the engine, was attached to the wing). It was easier and cheaper. The well-known Soviet scientist-machine-building center L. K. Martens is already in those days, speaking of "Zaporozhet", argued that "the future Russian tractor should be a simple, cheap and durable car operating on oil, and not on gasoline" ...

Old master and young workers are passionate about the recovery of the "Zaporozhets" for the future. But it is always difficult to revive the disappeared. To our days, only the "Zaporozhets" of the serial release for № 107, who was stored by the Chernihiv Museum. Began to look for. And luck. A photo from the family archive, which depicts the first tractors in the factory yard, waiting for shipments, brought a working - the son of the worker who has taken a picture. The other photos of tractors, the "brothers" of the Chernihiv exhibit that have already had 12, and 18 horsepower, and a somewhat different appearance have been found. They decided to return to the model first.

Shore for history, "says Schurov and stretches the folder with documents, structures, work drawings, painstakingly recreated according to descriptions and photographs.

His phrase sounds meaningfully and proudly. Yes, he has the right to say so ...

In the twenty-second workshop and others make only individual details on our drawings, and they come here to see what it turns out in general, Evgeny Grigorievich continues. But here the assistant is suitable for the assembly on this day Komsomolets Stanislav Dubinin. In his hands, he has just made from brass, as in ancient times, radiator.

Assembling the first tractor (and the process itself, and the competition for the right of a trip to Ulyanovsk, Moscow, Leningrad) - only the stage of the movement started earlier: restore and save for descendants the history of the plant.

Another older, the main acting face of this factory epic - Nikolai Petrovich Pine, this man began in the Tokmak with the Zaporizhzhya newspaper. Interested in the history of the city and the plant; Being a journalist, I collected and perspective collects an extensive and curious material.

Of course, Pine is associated with the collectors of the first tractor. They go to him for advice. Nikolai Petrovich is the founder and public director of the factory museum. Many of his exhibits, finds helped to recreate the first tractor. Yes, and the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe revival of the car was born among the activists of the museum. These are veterans, such as Boris Nikolayevich Kiba (30 years old at the factory, 12 helps the museum), and the former secretary of the Komsomol Committee Sergey Ivakhnenko, and guides, students of Nikolai Petrovich, young workers Lyudmila Ovcharenko, Irina Marusina ... are all new Documents, evidence of the past years.

The factory workers decided to make several copies of the first model. One together with copies of the found documents will be transferred to the new urban local history museum; The other is left in the factory. They want to give the tractor and their technical cutting, where he began to comprehend the second life. They are going to put at the passage - look, they say, incoming guests, where our plant began at the beginning of the 20s ...

The current secretary of the Komsomol Committee Nikolai Krivzun said that the Committee took the Brazda reign of this kind of competition. Every month the results were summed up. In the factory newspaper "Kirovets" from the room published materials about any edge of the assembly of the historical tractor, it was described that he was new in the common cause.

Now the names of the winners are already named. In the year of the recent Leninsky anniversary, they themselves took their gifts - the models of the first domestic tractor - in Ulyanovsk, Leningrad and Moscow region slides.

L. Sergeeva

So was "Zaporozhets"

An experimental sample of the Zaporozhets tractor was created in small Kichkish states of agricultural engineering No. 14 and No. 11 under the direction of engineer L. A. Unger. The tractor was built on the basis of a 12-strong two-stroke single-cylinder oil engine "Triumph" of the production of the Bolshetokmak State Region No. 8.

The ignition of the mixture in it came from the ignition head, which in front of the start of the engine 15-20 was heat off to cag. The moment of ignition was regulated by the flow of water into the cylinder, the engine was cooled with water.

Reducer, closed into a dense metal case, prevented gears from dirt and dust. Instead of ball bearings and babbito liners, bronze bushings were used. In case of wear, they could be made in any workshop. The power from the engine to the wheels was transmitted through the friction clutch with raw skin.

The tractor moved only at one speed - 3.6 km / h. True, in some limits, she still changed the impact on the pendulum regulator change in the number of revolutions.

The tractor case in the young Soviet republic was only born, there was no speech about highly qualified mechanics, the base of exploitation and repair was limited to a rural blacksmith. The work on such a simple car as "Zaporozhets" could easily master even a small peasant and care for her as a "mechanical horse". The test protocol of the prototype (summer of 1922) stated: "The tractor with a 12-strong engine consuming about two pudders of black oil per tith, with a plowing depth to four vershs, freely removed the Earth's 65 square carriers. The tractor could plow 1.5-3 tits of land per day (depending on the depth of plowing). "

"Zaporozhets" decided to improve and ensure its production with drawings and models. 10 tractors of the upgraded design were built.

The sample arrived at the Tokmak Plant "Red Progress" on September 29, 1923. It envisaged to master its mass production. The path of almost 90 versts from the village of Kichkas "Zaporozhets" did its move without the slightest breakdowns. In the way of the length of the peasants, the plowing of the land "mechanical horse" was shown several times ...

"The competition" Zaporozhets "of the first release and the caterpillar tractor" Holt "of the Obukhovsky plant in the fields of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy in the fall of 1923 were held in favor of the domestic firstborn. On the plowing of the tithing land at the four-work depth of "Zaporozhets", there was an average of about 30 kg of oil. The "HOLT" tractor is 36 kg kerosene. For the original design of the tractor in relation to the conditions of the USSR, with good assembly, performance and traction efforts, the State Transfer N14 was honored with an honorary diploma of the I degree.

The demand for tractor brand "Zaporozhets" was big. Especially he increased after the tests held together with the American "Fordson" in the spring of 1925. Plowing tithing lands "Zaporozhets", already had 16 liters. p., finished 25 minutes earlier. At the same time, oil consumption was 17.6 kg. "Fordson" burned 36 kg kerosene. For all the indicators, the Pet of "Red Progress" looked better than a foreign colleague.

The course of further events was not in favor of the "Zaporozhets". Wid the direction of mass production. By this time, the horizons of the first five-year plan were already clarified, there were ambitious tasks before the country, large enterprises were needed.

Construction of tractors "Zaporozhets" continued until the end of 1926. They were released more than 500 pcs. (According to some data - up to 800 pcs.). But for a long time it rummaged in the fields of the first collective farms, this unassuming "three-wheeled", helping the peasants to go to "Communication".

On the Tractor "Zaporozhets" No. 107, for example, a wonderful tractor driver and a mechanic M. I. Roskot from the Chernihiv region worked nonsense from 1924 to 1958. During the German fascist occupation, he disassembled the tractor, the nodes and details hid reliably. After liberation. "Zaporozhets" came to the aid of the ruined earth.

Until now, on the territory of Germany, we can see strange structures that remained after the Second World War, there are no analogues in the USSR or in any other country.

The uninitiated is still guessing what is hidden behind the walls of high concrete towers having a ballistic rocket form. Strangely it sounds, but these unusual monuments turned out to be bomb shelters, who survived even after the most cruel raids of aviation.

By the mid-30s. The last century, when the mass preparation of Nazi Germany was in full swing to military action, the design and construction of bomb shelter for their citizens began. In addition to the fact that in some buildings with suitable basements, additional equipment was conducted, and new protective objects were built according to the standard plans. It is at this moment that the architect Leo Winkel (LEO Winkel), a construction engineer at August Thyssen AG, on a personal initiative developed a unique project of a bomb shelter-tower.

Reference: Leo Winquel (1885-1981) in September 1934 registered a patent for the air defense tower (LS-Turms von Leo Winkel), called "Winkelturme". In 1936, the construction bureau "Leo Winkel & Co" opened in Duisburg, which was engaged in the design of overhead bomb shelhes, selling projects and licenses for their construction.

Having a considerable experience in construction, Leo Winquel understood how laborious and expensive was the process of creating new underground bomb shelters. Therefore, he has matured a thought to simplify the life of the builder, to reduce the process and ... improve the security of citizens. If most of us are the first two points clear, the latter causes bewilderment, because as it is possible to be safe during bombing, being at an altitude of 5-20 m above the ground. To understand this issue, you need to compare the technical characteristics of these two structures.

To create a bomb shelving tower, you will need a plot of land no more than 25 m² and the extraction of the soil is not more than 300-500 cubic meters. In order to place how many people underground, you need a rectangular plot of land at least 68 m² and moving 1500-3000 cubic meters. soil;

In the preparation of the construction site for a ground construction, having a shallow foundation, take into account the location of gas water pipelines, sewage, etc. It is not required, which you can not say about the underground object;

To create a shell of the Tower "WinkelTurme" or underground bomb shelter, you will need almost the same amount of concrete and steel;

For ground construction, it is not required to create waterproofing and protection against groundwater, and for underground bomb shelter, it is one of the most problematic and expensive processes;

To designate a bomb shelter, highly standing above the ground, there is no need for special signs - they can be seen from afar, but the hidden structures during the raids unfew people are quite difficult to find;

The probability of getting bombs during airlinals to the construction of a conical form, the ground area of \u200b\u200bwhich is only 25 m² is unlikely, but to get into the rectangular section of 68 squares and damage the overlap - more chances;

In a separate facilities, there is no danger of blocking doors and the entrance of air intake pipes due to the destruction of nearby buildings, as it happens with underground shelters;

There is no danger of flooding in the tower, in case of damage to the water supply or what is worse than sewage pipes;

In the event of fires or a gas attack, people in the tower will not suffer, but under the ground they simply suffocate from the carbon monoxide or any other gas of a fluttering on the ground.

A comparative analysis showed an obvious advantage of Bomb shelter "Winkelturme", so we can consider its structure and look inside the original structure, especially since the author represented its design with advanced features. Patenting his invention, Leo Winquiel did a greater bias on military use in the form of an air defense tower with the installation of anti-transparent systems on the upper tier, and the shelter - in the middle and lower part. In the peaceful time, his structure could be used as a water tower.

The first option was not interested in the army, and the latter was not incarnated, but as a bomb shelter "WINKELTURME" was successful. For the military, in particular, to ensure security in Vünsdorf / Zosssen, where the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht's Land Forces was placed, 19 WINKELTURME bomb shelter was installed, and the remaining 15 on the territory of other strategically important objects.

Bomb shelter "WINKELTURME" is a multi-storey reinforced concrete structure, which has a cone-like species of more similar to a huge solid, or on a ballistic missile ready for the start. The main role in protecting against direct bombs hit the powerful concrete headband of the conical shape, which was installed above the truncated cone formed by the tower walls. This design is made with the calculation that if during the bombardment there will be a direct entry inhibition, it will not break, but will slide down and land at a distance, which means that due to the explosion, the construction will not suffer. Moreover, the tower has a deepening in 2 floors and strengthened, so that even a powerful strength explosive wave will only shift it.

Interesting: Before mass installation of this kind of structures, real tests took place. In 1936, on the landfill, on which it was located, a few days in a row, the JU 87 bombers dumped over 50 bombs, but not the same in the tower. After the failure of this test, it was decided to secure on the outer walls of the bomb weighing 500 and 1000 kg and explode. To get a complete picture of what can happen with alive beings inside the bunker, goats were placed there. After the explosion, the tower only swayed, and several oops were formed on the outside, but everything was left inside. The only thing that animals that were attached close to the walls of the structure, for some time they were deed. After that, the prescription was made that the shops closer closer 30 cm to the walls cannot be installed.

The bunker created by Winkell has 9 floors, 2 of which are located in the ground, it is in them and filter installations are placed, links, loudspeakers, water tanks, toilets, etc. Life support systems. The remaining 7 floors were intended for the location of people. On the sides of the object, air intakes were installed, and at the very top one more filter fettering system, started using electrical or manual drives.

In general, with full filling of the Bomb shelter "WINKELTURME" was placed from 300 to 750 people, everything depended on which there was a modification of the structure, because a little later, the architect patented a tower with a base diameter of 11.54 m (64 m²) and a height of 23 m. Despite Increased area, safety did not suffer, because the thickness of concrete walls at the base was increased to 2 m and slightly decreased to a height of 10 m.

You could get into the bunker of the first modification from two sides, one input / output was right from the ground, and the second is at the level of the 3rd floor. The enlarged model "WINKELTURME" has already 3 doors on different sides and floors of bomb shelter, which simplified the rise. Inside, any of the bunker models immediately near each entrance, sealed tambura with metal doors gateways are provided that protect the internally from the penetration of various gases and smoke. The movement of people inside the construction occurred with screw stairs. On each floor there were wooden shops installed, on which the people were located. In those places where schools were located, plants, residential neighborhoods even fastened the number of space for each person to avoid praises.

According to the editors of Novate.ru, about 130 objects were created for the entire period of creating various modifications, and only 1 of them suffered a little when the shell struck the hole in the upper part of the construction. After the war, such unusual objects tried to demolish, but it turned out not so simple and very expensive, so most of the bunkers were repurchased to the needs of the national economy, using as warehouses. Several towers were so organically fit into the architecture of cities, which became a real landmark.

1. T-28 - Mark of the Wheel Tractor, produced by the Vladimir Tractor Plant from 1958 to 1964

2. DT-20 - the marc of the wheel tractor, produced by the Kharkov Tractor Factory from 1958 to 1969

3. HTZ-7 is a universal garden tractor, produced by the Kharkov Tractor Plant from 1950 to 1956. First Soviet small-sized tractor

4. T-5 (I did not find information about the model)

5. T-38 - a universal disappearance tracked tractor produced from 1958 to 1973 (taking into account the modification of T-38M) Vladimir and Lipetsk tractor plants

6. CD-35 - a disappearance tracked tractor produced from 1947 to 1960 by the Lipetsk Tractor Plant, since 1950 by the Minsk Tractor Plant and since 1951 by the Brasovsky Tractor Plant (Brasov, Romania). CD deciphered as "Kirov Diesel"

7. Dt-75 - Crawler Agricultural General Tractor. The most massive caterpillar tractor in the USSR (today more than 2.7 million copies). In 2008, the Volgograd Tractor Plant noted the 45th anniversary of the start of DT-75 production. The tractor has acquired a good reputation due to the successful combination of good performance properties (simplicity, efficiency, maintainability) and low cost compared to other tractors of its class.

8. LTZ-120 - Tractor wheeled universal-disappearance. LTZ - Lipetsk Tractor Plant

9. SHTZ 15/30 - a marc of the wheel tractor, which has been produced since 1930 by the Stalingrad Tractor Plant and since 1931 by the Kharkov Tractor Plant. 390 thousand tractors were released. Production rolled in 1937

11. T-150 and T-150K brand of universal high-speed tractors produced by the Kharkov Tractor Plant. T-150 tractor has a tracked propulsion, and T-150K - wheels. Historically, the wheel version (T-150K) of the tractor was made later on the basis of the caterpillar, but he received much more distribution

13. Homemade tractor and T-16 (in the background). T-16 was often used in the housing and communal sphere

14. Dt-54 is a tracked agricultural tractor of general purpose. The tractor was produced from 1949 to 1963 by the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, from 1949 to 1961 by the Kharkov Tractor Plant, from 1952 to 1979 by the Altai Tractor Plant. Total built 957900 units

15. T-74 - Soviet tracked tractor traction class 3 t. Made by Kharkov Tractor Plant. Created by upgrading tractors DT-54, T-75. The tractor is designed to perform agricultural, transport work in regions with temperate climate. Produced from April 1962 to November 24, 1983

16. MTZ-50 "Belarus" - the brand of wheeled tractors of general purpose produced by the Minsk Tractor Plant from 1962 to 1985

17. T-4, T-4A, T-4AP - brands of tracked tractors produced by the Altai Tractor Plant. T-4 tractor produced from 1964 to 1970

18. Fordson-Putilovets is a wheel tractor, produced at the Red Putilovets plant in Leningrad since 1924 under the Ford license. It was a copy of the American tractor Fordson-F

Among the large number of cars used in the national economy, tractors occupy one of the first places. They help to mechanize processes in agricultural production, serve to carry out loading and unloading work, for transport purposes, digging ditch, pigs and many other works.

The founder of our state Vladimir Ilyich Lenin attached great importance to the tractor as the main source of mechanical energy in agricultural production.

Up to twenties, despite the fact that tractors of various types have already been produced, there were actually theories of their design. In foreign and domestic magazines appeared articles about tractors are mainly descriptive. In 1927, the book of Evgenia Dmitrievich Lvov "Tractors, design and calculation" was published, which became the desktop for engineers and scientists in our country and abroad. In this book originally by that. time, from a scientific point of view, questions of the theory and design of the tractor were interpreted. Therefore, E. D. Lviv is deservedly recognized as the founder of the new discipline "Tractor theory".

Among other Soviet scientists who have enriched the science of tractors, Vasily Nikolayevich Boltinsky occupies a prominent place, which wrote the book "AutoTractor engines", in which questions of the theory and design of internal combustion engines for tractors and cars are considered.

The history of the domestic tractor buildings goes deep into the 18th century.

1791 year. The famous self-taught mechanic Ivan Petrovich Kulibin invented a three-wheeled "self-scooter carriage" with two leading and one guide wheels. In this stroller, the inventor applied a number of mechanisms and devices that are found in a modern tractor: gearbox, steering, roller bearings, brakes, flywheel, etc.

1837 year. Dmitry Andreevich Zaglyazhsky created a propulsion, fundamentally different from the wheels. It should be assumed that this propulsion was a preamune of future caterpillar.

1879 year. The peasant village of Nikolskoe Volish county of Saratov province Fedor Abramovich Blinov received a patent for the "car with endless rails for the carriage of goods on the highway and country roads." This design is even more than the drivers' drivers, approaching the design of the tracked course of modern tractors.

1888 year. F. A. Blinov built a caterpillar tractor, driven by two steam vehicles, and demonstrated it in 1889 in Saratov, and in 1896 - in Nizhny Novgorod exhibitions.

On the frame with a length of 5 m, a steam boiler was placed, two steam machines, booth and fuel and water tanks. Rotation from each machine through gear transmissions was transmitted to the drive wheels in engaging with the tracks of the caterpillars.

Due to the imperfection of the design, the Publique tractor did not get distribution, but it had a great influence on the further development of domestic tractor construction, which was delayed due to the lack of a workable internal combustion engine.

1903 year. Talented student F. A. Blinova Yakov Vasilyevich Mamin constructed an internal combustion engine worked on heavy fuel. In this engine, the designer made an additional chamber with a thermal battery in the form of a plug-in copper stamp. The stammer before starting the engine was heated from an outside heat source, and then during the rest of the time the engine worked due to self-ignition, using crude oil as fuel.

Mother's engine received a patent in 1903. This circumstance gives the right to argue that the high-compressor high compression engine operating on heavy fuel was first built in Russia.

1911. Ya.V. Mamin made a tractor with an 18 kW engine of his own design and gave him the name "Russian tractor-2". After testing and a small alteration, a tractor with an engine with a capacity of 33 kW was created. At the Balakovo Plant, more than 100 such tractors were released before 1914.

In addition to the Balakovo Plant, shortly before the First World War, several plants of Russia (in Rostov-on-Don, Kichkiss, Barvenkov, Kharkov, Kolomna, Bryansk, etc.) began to produce tractors. But their role in the history of pre-revolutionary tractor buildings is small. The tractor-building industry practically did not exist. In 1913, there were only 165 tractors in Tsarist Russia. Until 1917, about 1,500 tractors were purchased abroad and brought to Russia.

From the first days of Soviet power, the question of the development of domestic tractor construction is acute.

1918. At the Petrograd Obukhovsky Plant began the production of tracked and wheeled tractors in the type of the American tractor of the company "HOLT" with a capacity of 55 kW. But because of the civil war, the factory only in 1921 was able to release the first tractors.

1919 year. Continuing the work on the design of new models of tractors, Ya. V. Mamin created a tractor "GNOM" with an oil engine with a capacity of 11.8 kW and a two-speed gearbox, which provides a speed of 2,93 and 4.27 km / h.

Improving the design of its tractor, Ya. V. Mamin in 1924 built a new tractor with an 8.8 kW engine in two versions: Tractor "Dwarf-1" (three-wheeled, with one transmission forward, with a speed of movement 3 ... 4 km / h) and "Dwarf-2" (four-wheeled, with one transmission and reverse).

1920. On November 2, V. I. Lenin signed the decree of the Council of People's Commissar "On Unified Tractor Economy". This decree was found to be the beginning of the creation of a single tractor farm in our country, the organization of repair and supply of spare parts, as well as the organization of test stations, training courses, masters and tractor drivers.

1922 year. At the Kolomna factory, under the leadership of one of the prosecutors of the domestic tractor construction and the founder of the science of Yevgeny Dmitrievich Tractors, Lviv was developed, and then the tractor of the original design "Kolomenets-1" was made. The tractor also produced the Bryansk plant.

In the same year, under the leadership of the engineer, A. A. Unger was designed, and then built at the plant "Red Progress" in Kichkass tractor "Zaporozhets". In order not to apply a complex differential, the designers were limited to one leading rear wheel. A two-stroke engine with a capacity of 8.8 kW with a wicked ball worked on crude oil. The tractor had only one transmission forward, developed a speed of 3.6 km / h, the power on the hook did not exceed 4.4 kW.

1923. In the Kharkov steam-employment plant, the "Communar" tracked tractors have begun with a 36.8 kW engine and a three-speed gearbox, which provided a speed of 1.8 to 7 km / h.

Almost all tractors produced at that time were imperfect in technical terms, and their engines are low and not economical enough. I needed a modern, economical tractor. And while the development of a domestic sample was established, it was decided to appeal to overseas experience. The choice fell on the simplest and cheap American tractor "Fondon".

1924. In Leningrad, the first tractor, called "Fordson - Putlivovets", came down from the conveyor "Red Putlivets". The tractor had a 14.7 kW carburetor engine, which worked on kerosene, a three-speed gearbox, developed a speed of 2.3 to 10.8 km / h, the power on the hook reached 6.6 kW. It was produced until April 1932.

Developing agricultural production required more and more tractors. There was a need for the construction of specialized tractor-building plants.

1925 year. The tractor department in us was organized, which in 1946 was transformed into a Research Tractor Institute (NATO).

1928 year. According to the decision of the Soviet government approved in November with the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), the construction of a plant (STZ) on the production of a wheel tractor, which served the American tractor "International 15/30" was held in Stalingrad.

1929 year. The Council of People's Commissars decided to build a tractor factory in the city of Chelyabinsk in the Urals.

1930. On June 17, the first TRAC-15/30 tractor with a carburetor engine worked on kerosene was removed from the conveyor of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. The three-speed gearbox allowed the speed of 3.5 to 7.4 km / h. The engine power was 22 kW, and the power of the tractor on the hook - 11 kW. Wheels had steel rims with soils.

1931 year. On October 1, the Kharkov Tractor Plant (HTZ) entered into operation, which produced HTZ-15/30 tractors, similar to Tractors of STZ-15/30. Both models were produced until 1937.

1932. On April 20, the Stalingrad Tractor Plant reached the project capacity: collected 144 tractors.

1933. On June 1, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant entered into account, which produced powerful C-60 tracked tractors. A 44.2 kW carburetor engine was installed on the tractor, which operated on his ligroine. The three-speed gearbox allowed the speed from 3 to 5.9 km / h and develop the power on the hook of 36.8 kW. The tractor prototype was the American tractor of the company "Caterpiller". The tractor was produced until March 31, 1937.

1934 year. At the Kirov plant in Leningrad (the former factory "Red Putilovets"), instead of the Fordson-Putilovets tractor, the production of a more advanced Tractor "Universal" began, as a prototype of which the American tractor "Pharmoll" was taken. The "Universal" tractor had a 16.19 kW engine, operating on kerosene, and a three-speed gearbox, developed a speed of 3.4 to 7.2 km / h and the power on the hook 7.36 kW. The plant produced this model until 1940.

1937 year. Stalingrad and Kharkov Tractor plants switched to the release of crawler tractors of the SB-NATI and HTZ-NATI general purpose. These tractors had a carburetor engine with a capacity of 37 kW, operating on kerosene, and a four-speed gearbox, which allowed to obtain a speed of 3.82 to 8.04 km / h. The power on the hook was 25 kW. Since the models of tractors manufactured by both factories did not differ in the design, they were called the united brand of SHTZ-NATI. HTZ from 1938 to 1941 in parallel with Tractors SHTZ-NATI produced part of the HTZ-T2G T2G tractors with gas-generated plants worked on wood fuel.

Tractors SKTZ-NATI in 1938 at the international exhibition in Paris received the highest award - "Grand Prix".

In the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant In 1937, the production of C-65 tracked tractors (instead of C-60) of general purpose with a Diesel M-17 with a capacity of 47.8 kW The three-speed gearbox was provided with a speed of 3.6 to 6.97 km / h. The power on the hook was 36.8 kW. The plant produced these tractors until 1941.

In May 1937, at the international exhibition "The Art and Technique of Modern Life" in Paris, the Tractor C-65, collected at an experienced factory, was awarded the highest award - "Grand Prix". The C-65 tractor was the first domestic diesel tractor. From this model and the transition of the Tractor Park of the USSR on diesel tractors began. Starting from 1938, the tractor began to flow for export.

1940. The USSR was published in the first place in the world for the production of tracked tractors. Over 40% of world issuing them accounted for the Soviet Union.

1942 year. Construction of the Altai Tractor Plant (ATZ) began in Rubtsovsk, where the equipment of the Kharkov Tractor Plant was evacuated. After eight months (August 24), the first Tractors of the ATZ-Nati brand came up from the plant's assembly conveyor.

1943. It was decided to restore destroyed factories of the CTZ and HTZ and the construction of new ones in Lipetsk (LTZ) and Vladimir (VTZ).

1944 year. On January 20, the Altai Tractor Plant released the first thousand Tractors of Atz-Nati, which he produced until 1952. In total, the tractor plants in Stalingrad, Kharkov and Rubtsovsk produced 210744 tractors of ASCTZ-NATI.

In December of this year, the first prototype of the DT-54 tractor, which was a tracked tractor of general purpose with a 39.7 kW diesel engine. The tractor had a five-speed gearbox, providing a speed of movement from 3.59 to 7.9 km / h. The power on the hook was 26.5 kW. The release of this tractor in 1949 was switched out of the SBT and HTZ, and in 1952 and the Atz. Dt-54 tractors were reliable in operation and convenient to maintain and manage. They won recognition not only in our country, but also abroad. These machines were exported to 36 European countries and Asia.

1945 year. The first stage of the newly built Vladimir Tractor Plant (VTZ) came into order. The plant resumed the release of wheel tractors "Universal" and continued to produce them until 1955. In total, Vladimir and Kirov plants were issued by these tractors 209,006 pieces. The "Universal" tractor was the first Soviet tractor, in large quantities exported abroad.

1946. After the Great Patriotic War, instead of the C-65 tractor, the Kirov plant, evacuated from Leningrad to the Ural, produced the C-80 tractor with a 59.9 kW engine. After 1958, the C-80 tractor was replaced by T-100 tractors, T-100M and other modifications.

1947. From the conveyor of the newly built Lipetsk Tractor Plant, the first tracked Tractor CD-35 of the general purpose was descended, which had a diesel engine with a capacity of 27.2 kW, developed a speed of 3.81 to 9.11 km / h and had a power on a hook of 17.66 kW. This model has been produced by 1956

1953 year. On October 14, the first Wheater Tractor MTZ-2 with pneumatic tires came off from the conveyor of the Minsk Tractor Plant. The tractor engine had a power of 26.5 kW. A five-speed gearbox allowed to obtain a speed of movement from 4.56 to 12.95 km / h. The power on the hook was 17.66 kW. The plant has improved the quality all the time and increased the number of tractors produced. Tractors "Belarus" received 19 medals at international exhibitions and fairs (16 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze). Since 1985, the plant has begun to produce a more powerful tractor - MTZ-100 with a Diesel with a capacity of 73.6 kW.

1960. The production of tractors in the USSR exceeded the production of tractors in the United States or three combined European countries - England, France and Germany.

1965. The Martov Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the XXIV Congress, the CPSU set the task to the Soviet tractor builders not only to increase the number of manufactured tractors, but also significantly improve their design, quality, reliability, faster to the release of energy-saturated machines.

1977 year. Tractor builders of the Soviet Union released a decade-million tractor. Honor of assembling this jubilee tractor was provided to the first in the Soviet Tractor Building - the Volgograd Tractor Plant.

1988. One hundred years of the invention Fedor Abramovich Blinov's first tracked tractor in the world.

1998. One hundred and ten years of the invention by Fyodor Abramovich Blinov's first caterpillar tractor in the world.

The present and future of the agricultural production of Russia is inextricably linked with its equipped with high-performance modern technique.

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