Home Transmission Homemade mini snowmobiles on a wheeled. Homemade snowmobile on a caterpillar go with their own hands. Homemade snowmobile on caterpillars with their own hands: where to start

Homemade mini snowmobiles on a wheeled. Homemade snowmobile on a caterpillar go with their own hands. Homemade snowmobile on caterpillars with their own hands: where to start

Motoblock is called a universal professional mobile tool intended for agricultural work.

From the motoblock you can do a lot, even a snowmobile, the main cutter. Such a construction will be a useful means of movement not only in winter.

Snowmobile is unusual winter transport. Excellent permeability and maneuverability - its main features. By type, snowmobiles are workers, Sports, Tourist and Mountain.

The process of removing the motoblock in a snowmobile is a complex and not simple process, but real.

There are many ways to redo the motoblock in a snowmobile, while designs can be diverse as simple and complex. It all depends on what purpose a snowmobile is needed.

But how to remake the motoblock in a snowmobile so that the assembly is as reliable as possible? This will be discussed in this article.

Transformation of the motoblock in a snowmobile

Let's start with the question. Why motor-block? Explains everything is very easy. The autumn came and gradually all field work went to no. Motoblock, as a bear sent to winter hibernation. Until spring, it is clearly not needed, but not. In winter, he is also faithfully to serve the owner, facilitating his work. It will help in the delivery of firewood from the forest, water from the river and simply facilitate the movement on snow cover. It will make it quick and comfortable.

Why start? From the engine. As a basic unit, the motor-block of the middle class "Neva" is perfectly suitable for our snowmobile, equipped with rear travelers and manual control. Its engine at a fairly low cost, assembled from high-quality Japanese production details. In addition, equipped with forced air-cooled, which is very useful to the future snowmobile. As a result, we get an aggregate with a capacity of up to 7 hp

To independently create a snowmobile, the pipe bender, a welding machine, an angular grinding machine, a power unit and a number of purchased spare parts, which will be needed during the assembly process.

Motoblock Snowmobile: Assembly

Snowmobile assembly on the base of the motoblock should be made in stages:

  1. To design a snowmobile, you should carefully approach its sketch and provide for composite parts.

Constructive features of the device will depend on the projected tasks. The mechanism itself will consist of a slave and the leading part. The slave part is shock absorbers, and the steering column. The master includes a frame, drive and engine. To competently pick up the snowmobile details, it is better to make a layout (from cardboard, for example) a snowmobile predicted and better if it is in a kind of genuine.

It is necessary to determine the location and shape of all components of the future unit, the assembly of which is going to do with your own hands.

2. Made Rama . It is necessary to initially perform drawings, where to specify all the dimensions of the frame. For convenience, you can use the sample drawing of the snowmobile presented above. To do this, you can apply pipes, preferably pipe 25x25, since it is more reliable than for example, water supply. Thanks to the pipe bending, we make the right shape of the pipes, securing point welding.

3. Brew the joints of the inseparable seam, to the resulting frame we weld the brackets for fastening the engine, seat and steering column. As seats will be useful, for example, old chairs. It will come in handy steering from a bike.

4. As a power, we use two skis connected by hinges with a steering column. We use bolts as rotary bushings. With constant lubrication, they will serve for a very long time. In addition, due to the position of the nozzles, a snowmobile clearance can be changed. To remove the load from the caterpilts, we set the support ski with tension rollers.

5. Installation of the engine and gearbox perform on the leading part of the mechanism.

6. Determine the course of the future snowmobile. It can be a wheeled and caterpillar. In the first case, due to the small weight of the chassis, maneuverability increases, but permeability decreases, especially on loose snow. Therefore, it is appropriate for a snowmobile wheels to equip chains. In the second case, on the contrary, the caterpillars increase the permeability, but reduce maneuverability.

7. Ensure your winter-shoes aggregate is not so simple. To reduce slip, use chains. Take the chamber of the cargo car, lower the air and put on each wheel 5-6 chains, and then pump again. As a result, get the wheels adapted to winter conditions.

8. Another low-budget version of the snowmobile.

9. As another embodiment of winter wheels, a large diameter tires from cargo transport and tractors can be used, pre-electroll make cutouts, as shown in the photo to increase the clutch with the surface of the road.

10. Make four steel wrap in diameter slightly less than a submitted camera, respectively, all snowmobile wheels. In width, they must be 2-3 times more than the appropriate wheel. Next, from the outdoor side, we weld up 7-8 plates with a thickness of 20 mm for better clutch with a canvas. After that, the cameras are lowering, install hoops and pumped again. It turns out inexpensive, but a fairly acceptable version of the wheel for the snowy road.

11. Snowmobile caterpillars can be made at home with their own hands. A conveyor belt with brucks or pieces of pipes attached on bolt joints is suitable for increasing clutch with expensive.

The frame is made of a square section of 25x25x2, a caterpillar is installed on it, an engine with a gearbox, anterior suspension and platform.

The front axle is fixed, fastened to the frame, the rear moves along the frame and the guide and the caterpillar tension is adjusted.

The caterpillars are made of conveyor belt, a tank of 40 mm with a thickness of 5 mm is used as the tracks, with a thickness of the wall of 5 mm.

In the middle installed a reference skiing, to remove the load from the caterpillars between the axes and tensioning rollers.

The leading shaft consists of a star from the Minsk motorcycle, two stars from the snowmobile "Buran", stretch drums.

Chain transmission, gear ratio 1: 3, chain and sprockets from "Minsk. Engine "Sadko" with a cylinder capacity of 200 m3, 6.5 hp With 1/2 and automatic clutch gear.

In the front suspension, the skiing was applied from a children's snowmobile "Argamak", reinforced with pipe 25x25x2. The hinges are made using the M16 threaded connection. Similarly, steering steering. The steering wheel is used from Minsk.

As a result of such an assembly, it turns out an excellent motorized means of transportation with a number from one to two passengers and a small mass of cargo.

It is worth remembering that careless snowmobile skating can be very dangerous and lead to injury and fatal outcome, so you need to adhere to security rules. It is not recommended on a snowmobile to cross frozen reservoirs.

Snowmobile with motoblock engine: more option

Reliable and fairly powerful snowmobile turn out with the engine from the monoblock. Motoblock "Neva" is perfect for the assembly of the structure with a Japanese engine.

In most cases, motor-blocks consist of 4-stroke single-cylinder gasoline engines with air cooling, but 2-stroke engines are also in demand, since they have a small mass, not a complex design, high maintainability, manual launch, etc.

70 kilometers per hour - such speed can be "squeezed" from a regular motor-block, however, only if it is necessary to approach its assembly.

From the motoblock you can make a snowmobile, like a racing car, overcoming the snowy congestion.

At this unit, you can not only plow the land, but also to go to the woods for firewood, hunting, fishing or just ride with the breeze. For residents of long winter snowmobile will be an indispensable vehicle.

Fuel is not consumed, about 2 liters per hour.

In most cases, snowmobiles are manufactured according to the scheme "2 ski ahead and 1 caterpillar behind."This design is optimally stable.

Homemade Motoblock Snowmobiles in the photo

Another snowmobile from the Motoblock with your own hands briefly

1. Take the main components of the snowmobile.

2. Install the engine on the tracked engine.

3. Freak 2 thrust to the tracked engine, which join the transverse beam with skis and the wheel.

4-5. Between the traction set the front rack and seat.

6. Krepim tracked propeller to the beam with controlled skiing and wheel.

7. We take bolts and pins and assemble all the details of the future aggregate.

8. Snowmobile ready.

The uniqueness of the snowmobile is to drive it in places where ordinary cars are just dreaming to do.

Motoblock Snowmobile Video

Video about snowmobile 2

Video number 3 About the snowmobile with your own hands (Motoblock (bison) on the caterpillars!

Pick out for you:


First follow the sketch of the intended design. At the same time, refer to the two components of the device: led and leading. The first must consist of polozov, steering column and. The second part must contain a power plant, frame, drive and driver seat. However, if necessary, you can change the design, more adapting it to the implementation of the alleged tasks.

Determine the parts and aggregates of the snowmobile that you cannot do yourself. Check them and approximate the location of the aggregates on, the size of the structure and its individual parts. Approaching the layout professionally, make the plasp - a snowmock of a natural value of plywood or dense cardboard. Make the layouts of all purchased parts, the layout of the frame and collect from this plas. After determine the size and location of parts that are supposed to be made on your own.

Independent framework of the frame involves the mandatory presence of pipe bending, welding equipment and appropriate skills. If all this is not, order the manufacture of the frame in the nearest workshop on the pre-drawn drawing. Make a frame yourself start from the selection of necessary pipes. Pipes removed from motorcycle frames prefer to plumbing. Special frame tubes are usually more durable.

Bend the pipes on the way it is necessary. Before collect the frame, connecting the details of point welding. Perform a preliminary fit of the frame elements and the snowmobile details attached to it. This will avoid errors in design. Conduct the final welding of a single seam, preferably without breaks and other flaws. We weld the engine mounting brackets, a wheel drive, seats, steering column and other parts.

MAKE MAKE in the form of two wide skis. Wellect the steering column and secure it with the use of scaby connections on it. A more complex option involves the use of shock absorbers in ski suspension. If the design of the snowmobile provides for widespread front ski, then the lever from the "Ural" are more suitable as shock absorbers. Directly on the steering wheel, secure the controls from any motorcycle model.

In the second part of the snowmate, secure the engine and gearbox. They also take from any light motorcycle. As a rear wheel (or wheels), apply low pressure tires for self-making. They can be made of suitable rims and pneumatic chambers of automotive tires. In the inflated state, they will be good low-pressure wheels. For movement on loose snow, snowmates are required, located along all circumference wheels (wheels).

If the snowmobile design assumes the presence of one rear wheel, perform the rear suspension by a motorcycle sample. To do this, in addition to the frame, weld the rear pendulum and attach it to the frame through the hinge. Using motorcycle shock absorbers, make a pendulum suspension. Think over and install the chain drive from the engine to the rear wheel. After fitting the drive, install the rear wheel.

If you wish, install two rear wheels, attach the leading bridge of a shortened type to the back of the frame. For this purpose, find the rear axle from the Anti-Truck Muchotrier or yourself roaming the bridge from the passenger car. When using soft low-pressure wheels, the need for rear suspension partially disappears. The use of motorcycle shock absorbers technically complicates the task. The use of car-type shock absorbers will not make the suspension soft, as they are designed for much greater weight than a snowmobile.

With the beginning of winter, especially snowy, problems associated with movement appear. Few people know that the snowmobile can be constructed from the subwoofers as an alternative vehicle in winter conditions.

At the same time, there is no need for serious costs. Moreover, if there is a large number of snow on the car you will not leave, but the snowmobile will allow moving in such conditions without any problems.

The assembly of any design begins with the development of drawings. They can accommodate all the necessary aggregates, after which it is possible to proceed to the practical implementation of the idea. Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to determine the chainsaw of which brand is suitable for the realization of the conceived.

Selection of chainsaws

In the outlets you can meet several chainsaw models. The most popular of them, it is a chainsaw "Friendship", chainsaw "Ural" and chainsaw "CHTIL". Before choosing, you should think well, comparing their specifications.

Chainsaw "Friendship"

This is the easiest chainsaw that can be used as a snowmobile engine. As a result, it turns out an elementary design without anything superfluous.

The only drawback is a big weight with relatively low power. In addition, there are no parts for fastening safety housings. In addition, this design is outdated in all indicators.


  • Power - 1 kW;
  • Weight - 12 kg;
  • Engine (two-stroke);
  • Tire length - 45 cm;
  • Fuel (gasoline).

Chainsaw "Ural"

This is a specialized model that has greater reliability, power and less weight, with respect to power. This is an environmentally friendly unit capable of working in extreme conditions.

If it is decided to use the "Ural" chainsaw, then this is a good choice. Its technical characteristics are fully compliant, declared.


  • Power - 3.68 kW;
  • Weight - 11.7 kg;
  • Engine (gasoline two-stroke);
  • Overall dimensions - 46x88x46 cm;

Chainsaw "CHTIL"

It is also suitable for creating a snowmobile with your own hands. This is an environmentally friendly apparatus, absolutely harmless to humans. The main advantage of chainsaws is low weight and silent in work, compared to the chainsaw "Ural", and even more so, if compared with the chainsaw "Friendship".

Making a snowmobile snowmobile diagram with their own hands

Snowmobile assembly schemes from the "Ural" chainsaw: 1 - steering wheel; 2 - fuel tank (from chainsaw "Friendship"; 3 - power unit (from the "Ural chainsaw"); 4 - a sleeve of a steering wheel skiing (pipe with a diameter of 30-2 pieces); 5 - steering ski (2 pcs.); 6 - Drive gear wheel track (Capron, Sheet S15, 2 pcs.); 7 - Caterpillar (from a snowmobile "Buran", shortened); 8 - frame; 9 - reference roller (from potato sorting, 18 pcs.); 10 - Troops Backlit backrests (pipe ½); 11 - Tensioner caterpillar (2 pcs.); 12 - Tension gear wheel caterpillar (Capron, Sheet S15, 2 pcs.); 13 - Bearing No. 80204 in the case (4 pcs.); 14 - Dog-trunk of the bottom-plywood S4, board board S20); 15 - seat (plywood cover S4, foam, leatherette); 16 - 1st chain transfer stage; 17 - 2nd Chain Transmission Stage; 18 - backrest seat (pipe ½ inches); 19 - driven asterisk of the 1st chain transmission (a large stroke of the track, intermediate shaft); z \u003d 38; 20 - the leading asterisk of the 2nd chain transmission stage (small stroke of the chaimmer), Z10; 21 - driven asterisk of the 2nd degree of chain transmission (drive asterisk of the drive shaft of the caterpillars), Z18; 22 is the leading asterisk of the 1st stage of the chain transmission (asterisk of the output shaft of the gearbox), Z12; 23 - Rotary fist lever; 24 - steering thrust (2 pcs.); 25 - steering shaft with a compartment; 26 - front axle beam (pipe diameter 30); 27 - drive shaft of the caterpillars; 28 - Tensioning axis of the caterpillar.

Without the creation of the scheme and drawing, it is unlikely to connect together the basic structures units, such as:

  • Engine;
  • Transmission;
  • Skis and caterpillars.

To simplify the design process, you should take the caterpillar from the Burand Wide. If a children's option is constructed, then there will be a skis.


Steering Ski: 1 - poloz (Capron, S20 sheet, from a children's snow science); 2 - spring (normally stretched, from the rear shock absorber of moped); 3 - Supplement springs; 4 - cut (duralumin corner 20x20); 5 - Spring cover (corner 35x35); 6 - fastening the spring to the lid (bolt M8 with a washer); 7 - reference lever (pipe 30x30); 8 - spring fastening springs - forks to the lever of the ski (steel, sheet S2); 9 - spring fastening lever to ski (steel, sheet S2); 10 - axes (bolt M8, 2 pcs.); 11 - Rotary fist stand (bicycle steering rack with crown and part of the fork); 12 - steering tower (steel, sheet S4); 13 - mounting steering tower (type M16); 14 - Fastening the springs of spring and springs of the lever to the ski (bolt M5 with a secret head, 7 pcs.); 15 - lever sleeve (steel pipe with a diameter of 30 mm); 16 - Slip bearing (Kapron sleeve, 2 pcs.); 17 - Stand bushing (steel pipe with a diameter of 30 mm). On the top view of the detail 11, 12, 13 of the swivel fist are not conditionally shown.

Snowmobile racks can be made of 3x3 cm. They are connected with each other with steel jumpers. As a result, there is a relatively not large portal. To create a pad, you need to take a sheet, 2 mm thick and combine it with the portal and the middle of the right side of the vehicle elements. This venue will serve as a place for fastening a gearbox and chain transmission shaft.

On parts of the rear portal and the middle of the snowmobile should be formalized not a great place for the design of the seating.

The front of the frame and traverse of the front bridge are connected by the beam. As a beam, there is a conventional water pipe, with a diameter of 1.5 cm. At the end of this pipe, the steering ski bushings are attached with the help of welding, and the center is mounted. The rack will serve as a support for the motor subframe.

Special attention should be paid to the points of attaching racks. For greater reliability, the attachment points are amplified by steel brazers, 2 mm thick. This approach will strengthen the vehicle and make it more reliable and durable.


Snowmobile frame with caterpillar block: 1 - rear side of the spar (steel sheet S2, with flames, 2 pcs.); 2 - tensioning device (4 pcs.); 3 - rear portal (corner 30x30); 4 - middle side of the spar (corner 50x63, 2 pcs.); 5 - Bracket-plug Installation of the axis of support rollers (steel sheet S2, 10 pcs.); 6 - average portal (30x30 corner); 7 is a platform for fastening the gearbox of a power unit and an intermediate shaft-mud (steel sheet S2); 8 - Kosinki (steel sheet S2, 4 pcs.); 9 - front portal (30x30 corner); 10 - anterior component of the spar (steel sheet S2 with flames); 11 - axis of tension gears; 12 - Tension gear wheel caterpillar (2 pcs.); 13 - axis of support rollers (steel, circle 10, 5 pcs.); 14 - Mounting axis (nut M10 and spring washer, 20 pcs.); 15 - remote sleeve (duralum tube); 16 - rink (18 pcs.); 17 - Bearing node (4 pcs.); 18 - drive gear wheel caterpillar (2 pcs.); 19 - drive shaft of the caterpillars; 20 - drive star of the drive shaft (driven asterisk 2th degree of chain transmission), z \u003d 18; 21 - the sleeve of the swivel fist of the steering ski (pipe with a diameter of 30 mm, 2 pcs.); 22 - front axle beam (pipe with a diameter of 30 mm); 23 - Kosinki, 4 pcs.; 24 - submool rack (pipe with a diameter of 30 mm); 25 - Bandage Roller (Rubber Ring, 18 pcs.).

You can take caterpillars from the old "Buran" to build a mini-version of the snowmobile and modify it by rooting almost an entire meter. The gears can be performed from a capron leaf, 1.5 cm thick.

Drive shaft

The drive shaft of the caterpillars (tensioning shaft is the same, only pos.4, replaced by position 1): 1 - left (along) tip (steel, cylinder 22); 2 - shaft (steel pipe 0.28x20; 3 - flange of fastening of the gear wheel to the shaft (steel sheet S4, 2 pcs.); 4 - right (along) the tip of the shaft (steel, cylinder 29); 5 - gear wheel drive wheel (2 pcs.); 6 - spar frame, 2 pcs.); 7 - Bearing housing cover (steel, 2 pcs.); 8 - Bearing 80204 (2 pcs.); 9 - Bearing hull (steel, 2 pcs.); 10 - shaft drive asterisk; 11 - Fastening asterisks to the shaft (M12 nut with wide and spring washers); 12 - sword (steel 20); 13 - seal (felt, 2 pcs.); 14 - fastening the bearing housing to the spar (bolt M6, with Grover 4 sets); 15 - Fastening the bearing housing to the spar (bolt M6 with a spring washer, 4 sets).

The drive shaft is made of steel pipe, a diameter of 1.4 cm. Special flanges are attached to the shaft, to which the gears are attached. At the end of the drive shaft, through welding, the tip-axes are mounted. There should be a place for the installation of bearings on the tricks.


This unit is considered the most responsible snowmobile mechanism. Compared to other elements of the design, such as a tire or chain, the engine must work properly and without it, no snowmobile will not move. Therefore, the long-term efficiency of the device will depend on reliable and trouble-free operation of the engine. If you want to install the engine from chainsaws, imported production, then you can purchase a used "Shtil".

Another important structure of the design, on which the trouble-free operation of the snowmobile depends, the gearbox is considered.


Immediately, the fact that the right tip has a key groove for installing and fastening a chain-transmission sprocket. This is an asterisk of a crawler shaft, which is securely attached using the nut. To make the fastening it is possible, the corresponding thread is cut on the tip.

The tip of the tension shaft has the same dimensions, and the fastening of the structural elements is carried out similarly to the attachment of the crawler shaft asterisk.

At the first stage of the transfer, an asterisk with the highest gear ratio (by the number of teeth) should be. On the engine chainsaw "Ural" you can count 38 teeth.


On a homemade device, you can install the steering wheel of any design and even from the bike. In this case, it is very important to take the steering wheel control of engine turnover. To hardly bother, it is better to use the steering wheel from the moped, a scooter, etc., where the engine power control mechanism is already provided. This will make the design more reliable and convenient to manage.

Brake system

Usually, such a vehicle has no brake system, and it is not necessary, since the snowmobile does not develop high speeds, the more homemade. Although, if you seriously approach this problem, you can build a primitive braking device.

Immediately, it is worth paying attention to that a homemade design, so that it is neither of themselves, it is unlikely to be able to register (legitimize) in the relevant authorities. And therefore:

  1. According to the law, the homemade snowmobile does not apply to the category of vehicles. Therefore, its further use, as well as responsibility for the consequences, fall exclusively on the person who did it. It is better if it is operated somewhere in the outback and do not come across the eyes of the relevant services.
  2. Snowmobile and floating all-terrain vehicles are absolutely different devices, although they have a certain similarity.
  3. Since the engine has a small power, then cargo transport is not desirable to transport this vehicle. It is better to move on it alone.
  4. For movement at night, the lighting (headlights) can be installed on the snowmobile. This will increase the functionality of the device and comfort when moving.


Due to the fact that most people do not have the skills of self-making any structures, they believe that it is quite difficult to collect a snowmobile. And if you manage to build something like a snowmobile, he is unlikely to go, and if he goes, it will stop very soon. And it will not be like a snowmobile at all, but on the pile of spare parts collected together. Fortunately, this is not as well as with the proper approach and the level of fantasy, you can collect a similar structure from the submitted means, which at least "PRUD" in any garage. And if there is at least any experience with these spare and infirm materials, the task is simplified at all. The principle of desire is already beginning to act here and if it is not, it is hardly possible to collect anything at all, not to mention a snowmobile.

The fact that the problem is currently in our time is not just a statement, but a belief based on the problems of today. Unfortunately, the state does not go to a meeting with wide sections of consumers, but took a course on the production of only expensive equipment designed to implement the consumer with money.

Snowmobile do it yourself - video

Modern rhythm of life contributed to the fact that the motility scooters acquired wide popularity. Thanks to the engine with a volume of 49 cm3, the ease of construction and ease of control is used by them like young people, moving in the city's property and adults, going on business, to the store or to the cottage. The minus is that with the arrival of winter ride the scooter becomes uncomfortable and dangerous, since the small diameter of the wheels, even on winter tires, does not allow you to confidently control such a vehicle on icing and snow-covered roads.

To solve this problem, install the tracked propeller on the motorcycle to the rear wheel. This will make it possible to turn the vehicle into a snowmobile that can ride in shallow snow.

Snowmobile Caterpillars do it yourself

You can use the Details of the Caterpillar Caterpillar "Buran" (Photo 1)But if such a find it will not be possible, you can purchase a new one. From one such caterpillar you will make 4 blanks. If you have friends-like-minded people, join them and already jointly buy the necessary item. In this case, the cost of the caterpillars for each participant will be noticeably lower.

I contacted the company that supplies the kits of the drivers, and got from them as a spare spare parts for plastic ski without fastening to fork and a non-trap rubber caterpillar.

From the scooter children's snowmobile do it yourself

The design of the scooter does not need to change significantly. This will allow with minimal strength and time and time to return to the standard set of vehicle with the end of winter and again use it in the warm season.

If you do not have lathe and milling machines for the manufacture of necessary parts, you can buy ready-made, or use those that are in your garage and on the disassembly of cars. Also, some elements can be done independently with simple tools and welding machine.

In the shopping spare parts to the snowmobile store, I bought a Snowmaker's slave "Buran" trap. I purchased two more wheels from the standard Chinese scooter for kids and two small rubber wheels with roller bearings from the trolley. The transfer ratio in the transmission of the scooter is designed to operate this vehicle on good roads at a speed of up to 40-60 km / h. When moving along snow-covered roads, the load on the engine will increase, and its power may not be enough, and the speed of 40-60 km / h on snow-covered and slippery roads is generally dangerous. Therefore, I changed the gear ratio, putting a smaller diameter wheel instead of the driving wheel from the sports car map. To do this, I had to cut the brake drum with the slots for the drive shaft from the old rummy disk with slots for the driving shaft and drill in it for fastening a smaller diameter wheels. (photo 2).

So that the caterpillar does not slip and crashed from the wheel while driving, I made special hooks (photo 3)from plastic water pipes, which are included in the openings on the caterpillar. Pick up the rubber tire so that its circumference is painted in a whole number of steps of holes on the caterpillar, almost impossible. I made a bandage of the required diameter from the roofing metal strips, on which with the help of furniture bolts-delay MB with a large hat, at an equal distance from each other, with a step of the corresponding location of the holes on the caterpillar fixed the hook (photo 4). Bandage put on the wheel and attached to the tire with the same bolts (photo 5).

I have an improvised soft leading caterpillar star from the usual wheel.

The slave star I did, connecting the M8 bolts a ready-made plastic leading snowmobile star "Buran" with two rubber wheels from the cart with roller bearings. For the axis came the stud with thread M10 (photo 6).

The frame of the caterpillar propulsion made using metal corners and squares of the square cross section (photo 7). The dimensions of the frame and the various parts do not cite, since those who want to repeat the design will be focused on the brand of their scooter and the size of the caterpillars selected by them.

For my moped, I purchased a special ski from the kit for a motorcycle, but it is quite suitable for the usual wide homemade wooden skiing or plastic - from the children's snow scooter "Argamak", only from the bottom to it, it is necessary to make a metal rider (cut) to make a scooter control. Ski is attached to the front fork of the scooter through a special rack and has two degrees of freedom of motion, so that when the scooter is sloping to the left or right skiing the entire plane remains in the snow.

Plastic skewers in the frost is very fragile and also has pockets. The snow falling in them is falling in the garage, and then freezes, thereby increasing the mass of the scooter. I decided to make a minimal casing over the caterpillar, a wide platform for legs and a decorative flap on the front fork, and I install windshield for long journey to cold and windy weather.

It is easy to make the caterpillar from the fiberglass to the caterpillar, but before gluing the casing, you need to make a matrix. From the size of a piece of plexiglas, polycarbonate or any other plastics, cut the sidewall of the future casing (photo 19).

We put it on a larger sheet that serves as a different wall of the matrix, and with the help of a thermoclaus around the perimeter of the sidewall, plastic plastic corners.

Now cut off the strip of thin and flexible plastic, in width equal to the future casing. We collect the matrix, with glue attached on the corners a previously cut sidewall, bottom and large panel. Detail joints with plasticine. Thus, it turned out a matrix for cutting caterpillar cuts.

Then we cut the fiberglass into pieces of the desired size and, wrapping the epoxy resin, tightly put them in the matrix. After a day, the matrix disassemble and remove the resulting casing. It remains to cut the excess fiberglass over the contour and paint the product.

According to such technology, the foot platform, only added silver powder to epoxy resin to give it viscosity and colors.

»From the presented material you will learn how to independently assemble a snowmobile with a motor from a motor-block. A step-by-step photos of the assembly and video from the row of mini snowmobile are provided. Every avid fisherman and the hunter knows perfectly well that in winter it is not very convenient to move on skiing in a loose snow, and when it is necessary to overcome a distance of several tens of kilometers before borrowing, wintering, hunting hut, or to reservoir, then there is a "pipe)) for Snowmobile needs to overcome large distances, but prices for factory cars are not affordable to a simple person, again, repair and spare parts will be in a penny. So do it yourself, do it yourself))

This snowmobile is very compact and at the same time is quickly going and disassembled, literally in 5 minutes. It is also easily placed in a disassembled form in the luggage compartment of the passenger car.

The caterpillar is made from the Buranian caterpillar cut in half, additionally installed aluminum tracts made from the profile.

Here is such a snowmobile)

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