Home Transmission Shelby Mustang GT 500 Specifications. Mustang Shelby GT500: The most powerful road Ford. Choice and purchase

Shelby Mustang GT 500 Specifications. Mustang Shelby GT500: The most powerful road Ford. Choice and purchase

Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 1967 is probably one of the most famous mascars. American classic, dream of millions of fans worldwide. That he represents himself, the story of its creation, interesting Facts - Read in this article.

Ford Mustang 1967.

Sales of the 1964 sample model began to fall under the onslaught of competitors, so the company was decided to modernize the design. The main requirements of buyers are the time to maximize powerful engine And the body is larger than it was in the line at that time. Competitors, namely: Chevrolet Camaro., Dodge Challenger, Mercury Cougar, Pontiac Firebird and Plymouth Barracuda - answered these requirements. Therefore, Ford Mustang 1967 has been constructively obtained large dimensions: the width increased by two and a half inches, and the height is half the doors. Thus, the model received a more spacious lounge and a larger trunk. In addition, the design allowed now to install huge power units.

Updated Ford Mustang 67 received three bodies: Hardtop, Fastback and Convertible.

Most of all the collectors appreciates Fastbek - see due to its forms. I agree, beautiful car. A real masterpiece of automotive design. The main difference of the new fastbeck was the roof line, falling to the rear edge of the body. It gave the external appearance of a large muscularity.

In 1967, 2 engines were available for civilian modifications: 2 engines were available:

  • an inline 6-cylinder 200 thriftpower with a volume of 3.3 liters. Power 122 hp with 4400 rpm and torque 258 nm at 2400 rpm,
  • three versions of 289 windsor V8 volume 4.7 liters. Powerful 203/228/275 hp With 4600/4800/6000 rpm and torque 382/414/423 nm at 2400/3200/3400 rpm.

Ford Mustang GT installed the most powerful 4-carburetor 289th Windsor V8 engine with Hipo index with a capacity of 275 hp and torque 423 nm. If you lacked money on a car from Shelby, or you just did not want to spend so much on the car, then this version is exactly what could realize your racing ambitions in street races.

For reference. The cost of the updated Mustang of the 67th was the above that appeared just in the market Chevrolet Camaro 1967.. Therefore, the company tried to offer its customers more "advanced" in the technological plan of the decision.


If I wanted a wigner, it was unequivocal to look in the direction of modifications from Tuning-atelier Shelby American Inc., founded in 1962 by the Rider Karroll Shelby at the time.

Ford concluded a contract with him in 1964 for the supply of exclusive machines due to increasing demand for dear cars. Modifications from Atelier were called: "Shelby Mustang".

The first Ford Mustang Shelby 1965 had the index "G.T. 350. Changes were subject to both the power unit and the chassis. Engine 289 Windsor V8 Hipo Forced from 271 to 306 hp The figure "350" in the name of the modification, apparently hints at the potential of the model. Points after each letter, most likely, were needed, first, in order to clearly make it clear that we were not a factory modification of Ford Mustang GT, and secondly - in order not to violate the copyright.

The main one a distinctive featureAt which it was possible to immediately understand that you were not a factory "sewing" in front of you - the presence of two blue longitudinal strips on the top of the body, from the hood to the trunk. The body itself was first stained exclusively in white color, later added red, blue, green and black; Accordingly, the color of the bands, if necessary, changed to white.

In 1966, on the advice of marketers, the word "Mustang" was removed from the model name. Now the car was simply called "Shelby G.T. 350. Outwardly, the car looked in the same way as a small exception: the side windows appeared instead of "Morabers".

If earlier it was an uncompromising sports car, now chic and comfort added it. Previously, only 4-speed "mechanics" was offered, now the client could choose a 3-speed automatic transmission.

Over the past year, having studied the demand, the company realized that the consumer needs even more power. Therefore, in 1966, a mechanical supercharger accelerating the motor to "crazy" 440 hp became optionally Obviously, this "monster" is now Ford Mustang Jii factory assembly and "not fit at the notes."


The buying demand in the second mid-"wealthy" sixties of the past century constantly demanded all high capacity. There were competitors on "heels". It was in such difficult conditions that the masterpiece of the automotive world was born - Shelby GT 500, expanding the minds of fans so far.

Shelby Mustang GT 500 1967 had an excellent price / quality ratio, plus high energy accessibility. Initially, an engine 390 FE V8 with a volume of 6.4 liters was installed on the machine. With a capacity of 324 hp At 4800 rpm and torque 579 nm at 3200 rpm. Subsequently, it changed 428 V8 Cobra Jet with a volume of 7 liters. Power 340 hp At 5,200 rpm and torque 597 nm at 3400 rpm. There is information that the Atelier engineers squeezed from this engine to 500 hp. - Hence the figure in the name of the model.

At the beginning of sales, GT 500 was different from the younger model by nameplates, air intakes instead of side windows or gills (on earlier versions), the presence of original headlights far Lightlocated in the radiator lattice and horizontal lanterns - in the 350th models they were standard. Jii 500 was so in demand that was the best-selling car in his niche from 1967 to 1970. Therefore, after a while after the start of sales on marketing considerations, the Atelier leads the appearance of both modifications to a single model. Now the 350th Ford Mustang Shelby is 1967 looks the same with Jet 500.

1969 was marked by a new restyling model. The main external difference from the Mustang of the factory assembly was the presence of a longitudinal strip on the sidewall of the body with the "GT500" index in the front and the inscription "Shelby" on the back of the trunk.

In the summer of the same year, the Atelier breaks a contract with the supply company exclusive cars. Ford Mustang Shelby Jii 500 ceases to exist. Dealers remain only selling the remaining in warehouses of GT 500 1969 model yearWhat they did before the 1970s inclusive.


This is exactly what I called my "beloved" Nicholas Cage in the film "Hone in 60 seconds." In fact, there has never been any Ford Mustang Eleanor. With this name, the world first met precisely after viewing the film-mentioned film. The prototype of the Hollywood car serves SHELBY GT 500E Super Snake, not a simple item 500, as everyone thinks.

Original Ford Mustang GT 500 Super Snake aggregated 427th Fe V8 with an aluminum cylinder block. The mechanical supercharger allowed this engine to develop an impressive 525 hp. A total of 50 cars were released. Currently, the most "killed" copy is not cheaper than 65 thousand dollars, and for the car in good condition asked from 145 thousand.

Due to the fact that all original models belong to collectors and are very expensive, for filming the film was decided to use custom modifications. And that was what was done. Ten acceptable in technical condition Shelby Mustang GT500 67th model year. Their power units are replaced with high-performance engines from Super Snake recently with a capacity of 700 "horses". Chassis It was also upgraded using modern components. As a result of the upgrade, a high-tech modern internally car with an appearance in retro style.

Hollywood Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 1967 Eleonora got an exclusive color "Gray Tungsten" and several unique parts that distinguish it from the original model: bumper, thresholds, front, hood, optics. In a short time, the car has become a dream of millions of people. It is rumored that Carroll Shelby in connection with this allowed her to wear the name Shelby, although, in fact, she was not his creation. He even tried to use the name "Eleanor" for his modifications, but after trials in 2008 refused this venture.

In addition to tuning atelier Shelby American Inc. Mustang Shelby Eleonor was produced (and continues to be released) with small series of various modding studios and custom workshops, to order - for the most part. The most desirable of them are those manufactured on the basis of Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 1967. The price tag on such cars varies, on average, from 120 to 220 thousand US dollars. For those who have no such money, but still does not want to give up the dreams possess their Shelby Mustang GT 500 Eleanor, there are whale kits for the alteration of Fastback Mustang 1967 in Eleanor. Such sets, by the way, are used by stable demand in the United States in the environment of motorists.

Ford. Mustang Shelby. - Racing modification that has become a cult car Ford Mustang, created in the Atelier of the Racherler and Talented Engineer Carroll Shelby

Ford Mustang Shelby 1964-1970

Background appearance

After the release of the first Ford Mustang in 1964, truly feverish demand began on this model, but for the purposes of the company there were not only sales base modification, but also competition with other Muscle Car.

Therefore, shortly after the car's output to the market (in April 1965) there was a presentation of the racing modification of Mustang - GT. From the basic version, it was distinguished by the modified settings of the chassis and steering, dual exhaust, the special design of the release, disc brakes on the front axle, bright body coloring and, naturally, more powerful engines.

Ford Mustang Shelby GT-350

In the same 1965, the famous Artelier of the Carrier Carroll Shelby is taken for business. As a result, a modification of the Ford Mustang Shelby GT-350, equipped with a 8-cylinder forced engine operating on gasoline, with a V-shaped cylinder layout. This made it possible to bring its power up to 306 liters. s., Moreover, so powerful car Freely sold Ford dealers - to buy it anyone could buy it. But besides, the Ford Mustang Shelby GT-350R racing version was released, the power of which was 54 liters above. from. and reached 360 liters. from.


In 1966, another serious modernization of the SHELBY modification was held. The designers left under the hood of the car former, 8-cylinder power unit, but Paxton was added to his design - the supercharger mechanical type. He significantly increased the return of the engine - up to 420-430 liters. p. However, it was reached by such a peak in a fairly narrow range of revolutions.

In addition, the SHELBY 1966 modification was equipped with an automatic transmission, and its body was chosen in one of the 4 available colors.

Photo: Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 KR (1968)

Ford Mustang Shelby GT-500 1967-1968

The appearance of this model has become real due to the breeding public, which required the most powerful and fast cars. By this time, Ford Mustang survived the restylig, as a result of which he became longer, wider and massive. A number of body panels replaced - air dividers appeared, which were added by designers to decorative air intakes placed near the rear wheels. In addition, Fastbek has changed the slope of the stern - from now on the roof and rear glass Lailed in the same plane.

Naturally, Carroll Shelby could not miss such a chance, and soon his atelier presented to the world new Ford. Mustang Shelby GT-500, equipped with a 7-liter engine with 8 cylinders, which gave 335 liters. from. It is noteworthy that for the installation of such a massive and overall power aggregate On the Mustang had a little lengthen the engine compartment.

Photo: Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Cobra (1969)

At the beginning of 1968, the model was modernized, as a result of which the car began to be equipped with 427-engines, the power of which reached 390 liters. from. But in April 1968, Ford Mustang Shelby GT-350 and Ford Mustang Shelby GT-500 are officially renamed to Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra. In addition, the version of Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra began to be sold and in the body of a convertible.

They occur their equipment with new, powerful power units - 428 Cobra Jet. They implemented the principle of RAM AIR (air intake technology), as well as valves of a special design (plates of larger area than usual). Such measures allowed to raise the power of the engine to 350 liters. p., and experts noted that it is able to develop 410 liters. from.

It is worth considering the fact that already in 1967 Carroll Shelby moves away from affairs, refusing to participate in the development of new powerful versions of Ford Mustang Shelby. As a result, he sold his right to release Ford Mustang Shelby Corporation Ford.

Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra and Ford Mustang Boss 1969-1970

These years rivalry Ford with Chevrolet Camaro. Switched to the racing plane. So, in order to draw up a decent Competition Camaro Z / 28 at the next stage of TRANS AM racing, an installation was implemented on the version of BOSS 302 429-X engines, developing power in 290 liters. from.

But very soon Ford decides to take part in the prestigious NASCAR races, for which the new Ford Mustang Boss 429 is built, equipped with the V-shaped "eight" outstanding 375 liters. from. and 611 Nm of torque, and this peak was available on average range - by 3,400 revolutions. Naturally, such measures forced to change and exterior of the model. So, Ford Mustang Boss 429 received more spectacular, extended wheeled arches, and an impressive air intake on the hood.

It is also worth noting other constructive features Ford Mustang BOSS 429. A significant part of the components of the power unit was made from light alloys. Due to the presence of so overall and heavy Engine I had to upgrade the front suspension. This manifested itself in a decrease of 25 mm double transverse levers, as well as in shifting the place of attachment of shock absorbers. Also, Ford Mustang Boss 429 acquired a new radiator (oil type), a 4-speed gearbox and a luxurious interior.

In addition to the power units, the SHELBY version received the FMX transmission (hydromechanical), which was distinguished by the fact that the transmission in it could be shifted both manually and automatically.

In 1970, the history of Ford Mustang Shelby, as well as the modifications of BOSS 302 and BOSS 429, are interrupted for a long time - the resumption of the SHELBY issue took place only in 2006. Of course, this does not mean that all the time Ford has not released powerful models - They were versions of Mach and Cobra.

Ford Mustang Shelby 2006 - modernity ...


2006, at this time there is a revival of SHELBY modifications. First they are sold simply as versions of the GT-Shelby GT-H racing model (in 2006 and 2007) and Shelby GT (in 2007 and 2008). Cars were completed with 8-cylinder 4.6 L SOHC "Modular" (3 valves per cylinder), developing thanks to the VCT system (changing phases of gas distribution) 300 liters. from. SHELBY configurations differ from simple GT with various design elements and minor power growth.


Already in May 2006, a Shelby GT500 comes to the market, which is completed with a 500-strong, 5.4 liter V8. She has sports chairs, natural skin and designer elements giving a car sports style.

In 2006, the Presentation of Ford Shelby GT500KR, equipped with the same 5,4-liter V8, but from 540 liters. from. Also, almost the entire body was changed (except the roof) - the exterior became more dynamic and sports.

Photo: Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Cobra (2013)

Mustang Boss 302 and Shelby GT500

And in 2012, Mustang Boss 302, equipped with an 8-cylinder Hi-PO 302 Ti-VCT, outstanding 444 liters. from. In principle, it is the same Coyote 5.0, but deeply upgraded - the weight of a number of components was significantly reduced, and the height of the lifting of the valves was significantly reduced.

And in 2012, a new version of Shelby GT500 appeared, with a new V8 of 5.8 liters and a capacity of 662 liters. from. - So far, this is a record indicator for V8. Accepted such a shelby GT500 to 320 km / h.

In 2013, Ford Shelby GT500 Cobra 2013 was created in memory of Carroll Shedbi with a power of 850

Perhaps there are not so many cars in the world that have become a real legend. At the same time, there are even more cases when the machine does not lose its popularity with the change of generations and each new model, produced under a single brand, is obviously doomed to popularity.

New Ford Mustang.

It is such a legend with full right to be called Ford Mustang - rightly one of the most famous American cars.

Legendary Ford Mustang Model Shelby GT 500 Eleonor 1967

The development of the automotive industry in the United States of America walked, one can say in its special path. This is due to the geography of this country and the peculiarities of the mentality of citizens.

Huge distances, direct Highways led to the fact that the Americans needed powerful, comfortable cars that could quickly move around the country.

However, the history of the emergence of "Mustang" is the first American Mask-Kara, is not as cloudless, as it may seem. The first prototype of the car, which is performed in European traditions, a double mid-car roadster, did not cause any interest among the public.

Nevertheless, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new car did not leave the creators, and on March 9, 1964 conveyor production of the first generation Ford. Mustang, built on the platform popular then model Falcon. By the end of the year, the manufacturer managed to sell over 263 thousand cars, which symbolized the undoubted success of the model.

Video - Ford Mustang of the first generation:

It is worth noting that the first Ford Mustang did not offer to consumers of any fantastic characteristics. Moreover, the car was uncharactertene for the overseas machines of those years, reminding more European models than huge American "dreadnights" with an abundance of chrome decor elements.

At the same time, many Ford Mustang immediately loved the possibility of tuning, since it was technically a slightly reworked model "Falcon". In particular, the car received a front suspension and a six-cylinder engine, which were crushed to 2.8 liters of working volume.

It is aggregated with a three-speed manual transmission either two or three-step. In terms of sketch characteristics, the novelty slightly exceeded Falcon and possessed drum brakes, for which a vacuum amplifier was optionally available.

The outstanding success of the first generation Ford Mustang led to the fact that the company's managers decided to continue the release of a successful model. The emergence of the second generation of the car led to the fact that the company began issuing a number special versionsdiffering from the basic model best characteristics Power and minor modifications regarding the chassis.

However, no one did not require particularly verified manageability from the car from the car, only the power of the power unit and the high level of driving comfort were interested.

Rarity Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 Eleonor 1967

In favor of the American buyer in the company went along the way of a kind of "factory tuning", presenting the public model, who received the full name of Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 Eleanor, who made his debut in 1967.

Even now, looking at the photo Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 Eleonor, you can amaze a spectacular design. this carAnd the multiliery engine possessed the impressive characteristics of power and torque.

It is worth noting the fact that the developers initially provided for the possibility of setting under the hood "Mustang" of eight-cylinder power units, which, in fact, contributed to the suspension design borrowed from the "Falcon" used in the first generation of the car.

Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500, released in 1967, became essentially a cult car of the end of the 60s - mid-70s of the twentieth century, forever determined the vector of development of all other generations "Mustang".

Video - Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 Eleanor:

Today on the Internet you can find a lot of video on which Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 demonstrates its driving characteristics, not inferior to many modern cars. At the same time, the car became the "donor" for a variety of tuning projects, so that its popularity in the youth environment, the epoch became truly incredible.

By the way, high market success contributed to affordable price The car, thanks to which to buy a stylish sports car could have a rather large number of population.

It must be said that after decades of the Mustang of the 69th year also remains very popular in the collector environment. average price In Russia, Ford Mustang 1969 is about one hundred thousand dollars, taking into account the fact that new car According to the current rate, it was approximately 15 thousand.

Video Test Drive Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500:

Of course, to call the history of Mustang is extremely successful. There were also serious falls in it, one of which had to be in the 1980s of the last century. At that time, "Mustang" turned into quite odious three-door hatchback, which did not enjoy great love of buyers.

Only in the 90s, the leaders came close to the revival of the legendary name, and today Mustang is again the personification of the traditional American "Maskl-Kara".

Mustang and modernity

Speaking O. modern history Ford Mustang, one can safely say that the revival of the model began with the machine of the previous generation, which appeared on the market in the mid-2000s.

The debut of the car took place in 2005, and since then the Mustang of the fifth generation managed to save high popularity. Nevertheless, despite market success, the company very soon began to prepare perfectly new Ford Mustang 2015, specifications which should have been significantly improved in comparison with the predecessor.

By the way, for the first time in the history of the model, Mustang 2015 was to become a "global" model, which would officially be sold in key markets, including Europe and, for the first time, Russia.

It must be said that Ford Mustang 2015 received an appearance that evolutionally develops solutions laid down in previous generations of the model. At the same time, the design of the novelty is based on the advanced achievements of the company and in many respects it turns into the EVOS conceptual model, as well as the Fusion serial sedan, known in Europe as the Mondeo of the last generation.

The front of the car in its stylistic is similar to the concept, and the feed is made in decisions similar to those used in the machine of the previous generation. Also, all technical aspects of new items were substantially refined.

Ford Mustang Technical Specifications 2015

Speaking of technical features Ford. Mustang 2015 model year, it is necessary to note a number of changes in comparison with past generation.

In particular, a small adjustment was subjected dimensions car. Now the length of the coupe is 4,782 mm, the width is 1,893 mm, and the height is 1 394 millimeters. The length of the wheelbase in comparison with the predecessor has not changed and is 2.72 meters.

At the same time, the mass of the car was less than 180 kilograms, which the creators managed to achieve through the use of high-strength steels and technology of point welding of body panels.

Based on the first reviews of the owners of Ford Mustang new generation, a smaller mass made it possible to make the car handling at all worse than the European cars of the same class.

Nevertheless, the most revolutionary changes in the design of the new Ford Mustang occurred in the suspension and a set of force aggregates.

In particular, the car received an independent rear suspension In return for the beam used on past versions.

In addition, the car received a brand new four-cylinder power unit of the EcoBoost series with turbocharging, which is capable of developing power in 310 horse power. This aspect can be called revolutionary, because earlier all Ford Mustang cars were completed exclusively by Motors V6 and V8.

This approach allowed, and the finalization of the chassis was allowed to bring it challenges on a high-quality new level for overseas cars.

Video - Review Ford Mustang 2015:

However, the car's creators did not move away from tradition, and, along with a four-cylinder version, buyers can buy Ford Mustang 2015 with a five-liter eight-cylinder engine, which is flagship and is offered in the GT version. It develops capacity in 435 horsepower and torque in 541 nm.

For the United States market, a six-cylinder 3.7-liter version is also available, the power of which is 300 forces. At the same time, officially buy Ford Mustang 2015 in Russia, as well as European countries.

Also, buyers are available selection of transmissions in the form of a mechanical six-speed gearbox or "machine" selectshift.

In the standard version, the car has a system to control the thrust vector, and the top-level modification with a manual box has a quick start system, thanks to which the driver can quickly change the response settings of the accelerator and the steering power steering settings using special togglers located on the central console.

Comfort and convenience

Substantial refinement, in addition to the technical characteristics, in the new Ford Mustang and the level of comfort. In particular, the modern interior of the car became noticeably more ergonomic and received the most modern information and entertainment systems.

In particular, already in basic equipment "Mustang" is equipped with a Sync multimedia system with a touch display that has a diagonal of eight inches. Also, the premium class audio system is integrated into the car, which has 12 speakers.

At the International Motor Show in Detroit, the American automotive company Ford submitted a new extremal model of the Mustang Shelby GT500 2019 model year, which, according to insiders, will be able to develop the maximum speed of over 320 kilometers per hour.

Ford has long stood on the side of the recent war between the security cars Chevrolet and Dodge, but not now.

The famous American automaker confirmed that one of the most legendary power machines It is Ford Mustang Shelby GT500. It will return in 2019 model year and will have more than 700 horsepower power forces.

The history of the model development

GT500 first appeared in 1967, when Carroll Shelby still actively participated in the development of people invented ford modelswho subsequently wore his name. They became an icon of that era filled with large powerful cars. Ford revived the name of Mustang in 2007, going to meet fans and guided by the high rating of the popularity of the series.

The last GT500 was built as a model of 2013-2014. He had a 5.8-liter power unit V8 with turbocharging, which produced 662 horsepower and 855 Nm of torque. The declared maximum speed was equal to 320 km / h. Immediately after release, this model has become the desired collectibles.

The upcoming GT500 model with more than 700 horsepower will fight with a 650-strong Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, and can also compete on an equal one with a 707-strong Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat or surpass it.

But Dodge Challenger SRT Demon with a capacity of 840 horsepower, most likely will remain the most powerful american car. Dodge Demon was built exclusively for Drag racing. But the GT500 is likely to be a more diverse model.

In his ads, Ford said that the new power car will "attack tracks" focusing at speed and management. A novelty can be closer to the prototype Camaro ZL1 - a very powerful car, built according to ride on ordinary roads.

Shelby GT350 shows that the next generation Mustang can become an excellent track car. Or maybe Ford will simply try to provide maximum power as Dodge made with Hellcat.

Appearance and configuration Mustang Shelby GT500

About the appearance of the new Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 2019 Model Mustang Shelby GT500 2019, one can only be judged by the formal photo and videos.

Details on these dark teaser images, naturally, see very difficult. The only thing that can be said about the design of the exterior of the novelties is that the car has a huge radiator lattice with a logo in the form of a snake in the middle, large air intakes and bloated wings.

It remains unclear whether the production version will use the VorfaceLift headlights shown in the teaser or not. A new, more aggressive front aerodynamic package makes GT500 wider, compared to the usual Mustang model.

Enthusiasts managed to determine the size of the new tires - 305/30-Zr20 on the front axle. So it is possible that the developers use as rubber new version Pilot Sport 4s from Michelin.

Technical characteristics of the coupe

GT500 is considered as a response models Chevrolet. Camaro Zl1 and Dodge Challenger Hellcat, so everyone predicts that the car will receive a powerful power unit V8.

However, opinions dealt with exactly which V8 will use the novelty. As possible engines For GT500, V8 is considered with both ordinary turbocharging and burbed option. Many believe that a new car will receive a 5.2 liter V8 motor, similar to a power unit used in GT350, but with traditional crankshaftplaced in the transverse plane.

The American automaker promises more than 700 horsepower, which is more than twice the power of the original model of Mustang 1967 release. This means that when the Mustang Shelby GT500 arrives next year, it will become the most powerful road car Ford from all existing.

The GT500 prototype video from the Mustang6G.com fans forum shows a car that sounds very similar to GT350. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to say whether this prototype uses forced induction, therefore disputes about the engine with two turbines and superchargers are still continuing.

The upcoming GT500 model will most likely receive two transmission options: a six-speed manual transmission or an innovative decade automatic box Transmissions jointly developed by Ford and GM. The last Ford already uses in models F-150 and Mustang. What is the most interesting, it is also available in the nearest rival GT500 - Chevrolet Camaro ZL1.

Main car competitors

As already mentioned above, the main rivals of the Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 2019 model year will be CHEVROLET CAMARO ZL1 and Dodge Challenger Hellcat, which will also be updated.

The basic configuration of the CAMARO ZL1 sports car is equipped with a 2.0-liter inline-4 motor with a capacity of 275 horsepower and 400 nm of torque. The most "charged" version of the ZL1, which will become the main competitor GT500, will receive a 6.2-liter engine V-8 with a capacity of 640 horsepower and 868 Nm of torque.

The power units will work in a tandem with a standard six-speed manual transmission, an eight-speed automata or advanced ten-speed automatic transmission (ZL1).

For the ZL1 there is a special kit that adds things like an aerodynamic package, DSSV shock absorbers and "sticky" goodyear tires Eagle F1 Supercar 3R.

Sporter Dodge Challenger Hellcat 2019 model year will be built on the Alfa Romeo Giulia platform, which will make it a little easier. Under the hood, the most "charged" modification will stand turbocked motor V8 with a capacity of 707 horsepower.

As an option Hellcat, a package of improvements of Drag Pack, raising the power of the power unit to 725 horsepower. Also, in addition to AIR Grabber aerodynamics, it contains unique Nitto tires, Torque Reserve and Transbrake features.

Mustang Shelby GT500 2019: Photo

In the comments of readers, sometimes it comes to a speech about the beautiful and powerful star retro car named Eleanor, where Nicholas Cage drove, removing in the cult of cinema "to catch up for 60 seconds" (Rimeaik 2000). Every car enthusiast knows about Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Eleanor 1967, which were improved by Shelby American professionals.

Her founder is the world famous Racer Carol Shelby, the winner of "24 hours Le Mans" in 1959. He brilliantly embodied his ideas regarding the improvement of sports cars.

Specifications SHELBY MUSTANG GT 500 1967

How exactly the charged model SHELBY MUSTANG GT 500 in 1967?
On the film, everyone remembers well that this car was painted in a dark gray and decorated with two longitudinal black stripes through the entire body.

The aggressive features of the front, wings, humpback hood, wide air intakes rightly reflected the powerful characteristics of the "filling":

  • Body. Double coupe with an overall long 4.663 m is placed on a wheelbase of 2743 mm. Two doors. Mass of auto - 1.68 tons of tires 195/50-R15.
  • Engine. With turbocharged, V-shaped, 8 cylinders. Located longitudinally under the front hood. Engine operating volume - 7010 cc. The number of gears on the mechanics is 4.
  • Dynamics. Maximum speed 204 km / h. The car can accelerate to hundreds of kilometers in 4.3 seconds. The stated capacity is 350 hp, but in practice the figures in 500 horsepower forces were registered, measured explicitly in Brake HP (until 1972, the capacity in America was measured without hinged equipment).
  • Fuel. Ford Mustang 1967 consumes the 92nd AI, and spends in mixed cycle up to 21 liters per hundred km. Tank volume 61l.
  • Brake system of both pairs of wheels - disk, equipped with AVS.

This model involves the power steering, an audio system is installed.
Such power indicators allowed after the 1970s to include Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 1967 to the Compact Oil Group (Muscle Cars), this status significantly increases the brand's value in the eyes of collectors.

The owners call the disadvantages of this model relatively high weight, high clearance, rolling the hum of the motor. But these "minuses" are fascinated against the background of pleasure to control a wheelbarrow, which personifies the whole era of 60s, rock and roll and the flourishing of the sexual revolution.

Ford Mustang Shelby Case and Salon 1967

The aerodynamic characteristics of the housing, despite the complex and unusual external forms - impressive.
In favor of speed, everything works here a single ensemble.:
  • exhaust system connected on sides
  • air balancing rear racks;
  • extended wings, front air intake, slope fastbeck.
Two round fog lights In the center of the bumper Ford Mustang 1967 - add +20 to traffic safety and +100 to the impression of design.

Collection of photos of Mustang GT 500 pictures.

Salon fully meets the ideas about luxury in 1967, Mustang Eleanor. Almost fully covered with expensive skin from the inside. Often used wooden finishing of panels and steering beam; Brilliant aluminum elements.

The motive of two wide bands from the exterior inside the cabin also finds a continuation. The design of large soft black chairs is distinguished by a complex cut. leather Czechs - Even in appearance very comfortable. The perfect round form of headlights on the hood is repeated in the circle of instruments and other glazed devices in the interior.

History Ford Mustang 1967 Eleanor and its development in other models

The first improved company Shelby Mustang with GT-350 marking was released in 1965. Its sporty appearance and speed characteristics quickly blurred in comparison with the competitive models of other high-racing concerns. Finally, in response to the loud exit Chevrolet Camaro SS 396, Carol Shelby was obliged to answer something ambitious.

For comparison, we give the characteristics of oil-kara Chevrolet Camaro SS 396 1967: body coupe / convertible, engine V8 by 5.7 / 6.5 liters, developing power 325/375 hp .. Mechanical box Gear 3/4 of the stage or two-stage automatic. Additional technical equipment consisted of an efficient brake system and steering hydro amplifier.

Also attracted the equipment of the audio system and air conditioning. As for the body, there is an effectively looking air, the grill of the radiator, the front wings and additional light lights, then all this played more a lookout role without affecting the speed and aerodynamics. The salon was distinguished by a luxurious soft trim. Production - General Motors, USA.

In this competitive struggle, Ford Mustang 1967 Eleanor appeared, which develops 335 horsepower and possessing outstanding body forms. The 7,000-cubic V8, who was standing under the hood in the year of release of the first GT500, already in 1968 began to replace the 427th engines, which demonstrated power up to 390 horsepower. These models easily recognize connoisseurs on the simplified design of the radiator grille, which appeared just at the same time.

For a wide consumer model line Ford Mustang Shelby of 1967 developed and towards reducing power - solid sports bodies were equipped with simple six cylinder engines, which were more acceptable in urban conditions. Such an alternative to the fashionable image and reasonable price allowed numerically to increase the production of cars of this brand.

But the race for the championship in high-speed highways led to the fact that from the second quarter of 1968 the world learned about the new Ford engines, which later became the most famous. 428 Cobra Jet due to increased diameters of the plates of valves and the RAM AIR (improved air intake system) - develops more than 600 horsepower for power at the stated 550 hp.

In the same year, the GT350 and GT500 models equipped with newest engines Start named in a new way: Shelby Cobra. From the fact that cars are first completed with three-point safety belts.

The release of these cars was discontinued in 1971, but until the current days Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Eleanor 1967 inspires thousands of lovers of retro cars, which are ready to pay more than $ 100,000 for a decently preserved copy.

In the CIS, unfortunately, the retro models of Mustang do not apply. They can be purchased through international trade services, or personally search in the United States. Costs for car registration in the Russian Federation can increase cost by 7-15%.

In 2013, a modern version of the updated Ford was introduced - the Mustang GT 500 Supercar from Carroll Shelby, the speed of which reaches 325km / hour. This novelty should devote a separate article.

Publication Date: 4-01-2016, 00:03

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