Home Rack The traffic police radars (DPS, traffic police), types and species, news of the radar market, frequency and range of work. Designations of ranges on antiradar: K (Kay), KA, KU, X, L All kinds of cameras on the roads

The traffic police radars (DPS, traffic police), types and species, news of the radar market, frequency and range of work. Designations of ranges on antiradar: K (Kay), KA, KU, X, L All kinds of cameras on the roads

Updated: 01/28/2019

The characteristics of any antiradar always show the ranges of its operating frequencies. The wider their ruler, the more frequencies of the antiradar will be able to catch the sources of radiation. This means that on the ranges used: K (Kay), Ka, Ku, X, L - the antiradar will signal the motorist about the presence of a radar or stationary camera fixing camera with a beep and display on the screen.

In this article, the word "antiradar" is used as a synonym for radar detector. Real anti-lands serve to create interference, impede the work of the radar, and their application is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main function of these compact electronic devices It is the identification of radar and devices emitting radio waves or laser rays, and a timely warning about the driver.

The main function of any radar is the processing of signals reflected from the moving car. The range on which the radar is capable of determining the speed of a moving vehicle is 300-500 meters.

The most important advantage of the antiradar before the radar is the use of directly reflected radiation to detect it. The range of the antiradar is 1-3 km, outside the city - up to 5 km, depending on the nature of the terrain, weather and sensitivity of the device itself.

Modern radar detectors are devices with high-performance processors that can operate at all existing frequencies equipped with GPS satellite navigation system to be fixed on the DPS stationary posts map, photovideocamers, false positive locations and other additional features.

A frequent problem when using anti-lands are false response of the device. They occur due to the work of some electronic systemsused in mechanisms and vehicles on the ranges that match the ranges of antiradar.

The ability to minimize false responses is achieved by 3 methods:

  • hardware - using the use of special filters on the receiving device;
  • software - by developing algorithms that are able to sort the radar signals from any interference;
  • manual - by independent decrease in the sensitivity of the receiving device due to the "City / Route" regime.

In the current conditions, to set the speed of the car, 2 types of radars are applied:

  • radio frequency operating on high-frequency radio signals in selected ranges;
  • laser (optical, lidars), the principle of operation of which consists in the processing of reflected laser pulses.

The task of the latest radar detectors includes identifying all radar signals operating on any ranges used.


The DPS devices use several standardized radio frequencies. The most common and the main one is considered to be 10525 MHz, called the X-range.

K, or kei band

The newest range used in the operation of the 24150 MHz carrier frequency devices.
Due to the increased number of possibilities and a reduced duration of the period of operation, the devices with the Q-range have an increased radius of action and the rate of detection and fixation. In addition, the devices have become more compact.
A more extensive bandwidth of 100 MHz reduced interference.
This frequency is used in the work of the Radar "Arrow", "Berkut", "Spark" and their transformed models. Today, K-Range is one of the most popular and used in the world.


This range with a carrier frequency of 34700 MHz at this stage has the widest perspectives. The smallest period of period and large energy capabilities give a chance to process and fix the car data at a distance of 1.5 km. The width of the bandwidth is 1,400 MHz, which ensures the absence of all sorts of interference and incredible accuracy of reading the velocity of the vehicle. Specialists call this range of Superwide, or superwatch.

Despite the pronounced advantages, in the territory of Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth, the equipment with Ka-band is only acquiring popularity.

Ku-Range (European)

A rather infrequently found range with a carrier frequency of 13450 MHz. Applies only in the few CIS countries, very popular in the Baltic States. Acquire it for operation in Russia does not make sense. The difficulties are that on the territory of the Russian Federation and some European states at this frequency are the transfer of satellite TV, and therefore, due to the huge number of interference, the correct operation of the device is impossible.

L-Range (Laser)

The functioning of devices using it is based on the reflection of the narrow-controlled laser beam. Several short laser pulses through equal periods of time are sent towards the moving object. The resulting reflected information is processed, and the distance to each of the signals is measured. According to the results of the total processing with simple algorithms and the speed of the object movement is calculated. In modern laser radar, the principle of work remained the same, only the length of the rays and the time interval between them are changing.

The main disadvantage of laser devices is the possibility of applying them only in clear weather. If there are snow, rain or fog, interference is created, eliminating the operation of such radars.

In most parts of the brands of modern antiradars there is a device for trapping laser pulses, the wavelength of which ranges from 800 nm to 1100 nm.

Other modes

VG-2, Spectre. In most part of Europe and many US states, the distribution and operation of radar detectors is not allowed at the legislative level.

Ultra-sensitive delayers acting at a frequency of 13,000 MHz were developed to identify the use of illegal devices.

Absolutely any radar detector in working condition operates with certain reference or difference frequencies. To identify such frequencies, a continuous stable signal is required, which produces heteroodine.

Radar Detector-RDD is equipped with an ultra-sensitive device capable of throwing or reference frequency, or the own frequency of the heterodyne of the operating antiradar.

RDD types VG v.1-4, Spectre v.1-4 and their analogs capture anti-pharmacies and determine their possible location.

In the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, such a frequency range is used by all transmitting devices of special communication.

If there is support for VG-2 and Spectre in the antiradar, then it is equipped with RDD pulse protection using listed modes.

Instant-ON. - pulse mode X-band.

Pop - incredibly fast range, of those that are used in radar last generation. Works in K and KA bands. When determining the speed, only one short pulse is launched. To identify radars with this mode of work only the newest radar detectors are capable of identifying.

On the territory of Russia, supporting this regime is indispensable for fixing the data of impulse radars of the Iskra type, "Berkut" and others.
F-Pop. - also has a certificate of the American standard of the highest impulse mode of operation of police radars in the X, K and KA bands. Identification of this signal with old antiradar models is impossible.

Instant-ON. (Instant switching on) is the setup of the operation of the radar, in which the radio signal is not emitted in a certain mode, it is not recognized by capturing devices. Remove this mode is only the latest generation instruments.

Ultra-K. - Radio emission in the range of K, used in the form of rapid pulses. Used when creating Radar "Berkut", "Spark-1".

Ultra-Ka. - radio emission in the RA range used in the form of pulses.

Ultra-Ku. - radio emission in the KU range used in the form of pulses.

Ultra-X. - The recording mode of radio emission emanating from the radar in the X range.

At the moment, devices operating at the X-range frequency in continuous and pulsed Ultra-X modes have long been outdated and changed by devices using other frequencies.

Signal analysis mode lowers the number of erroneous responses. Using the data-laid data (signatures), the resulting signals are processed, and erroneous are eliminated.

"Arrow" - Signal warning in advance about the operation of this radar. The "Arrow" is difficult to determine due to the use of short-pulse signals in the range, so the presence of this function in the device should pay special attention.

Mode "Track / City / Auto" Adjusts the sensitivity of the signal receiver by using a group of additional filters to eliminate erroneous signals. Each mode can have several levels. For example: city 1, city 2, city 3.

S1, S2, S3 - also manual modes for adjusting the receptivity of the receiver.

Selective Disable Ranges. On the territory of the Russian Federation, you can disable the following ranges: KA, KU, VG-2, SPECTRE 1-4, POP. In Russia, they are practically not used, and their deactivation will increase the performance of the processor and reduce false responses.

The competent operation of the radar detector is able to deliver many troubles on the way. It should be borne in mind that in some countries the use of radar detectors is categorically prohibited at the legislative level.

Rating of the best radar detectors:

ModelBest featuresRangesDetection of RadarovGPS, the base of the old men. RadarovPrice from (rub.):
SHO-ME G-700STRaccording to the reviews of the ownersK, KA, KU, X, ULTRA-K"Arrow", "robot"yes3 400
TRENDVISION DRIVE-700with GPS navigatorK, KA, X, ULTRA-K, ULTRA-X"Arrow", "robot"yes5 350

Dear car enthusiasts, you can study the police radars that are presented on this page. All of them are briefly divided into mobile (various "tripods", "hair dryers", mobile "arrows", etc.) and stationary (cordons, drapets, multiradars, etc.). The most important question is how to protect yourself from excess spending. What radar detector choose to be and not expensive and worked well in order not to cut into everything in a row?
It should be understood that the police radar is not just a box with a radar - this is a complex device that is designed not only to calculate the speed of your car, but also configured that your radar detector cannot calculate its signal (defined frequency, diet, linearity , impulse, etc.). Manufacturers of police radarians do not stand still, constantly goes the discovery race! Who will calculate someone faster - or a police radar, or a radar detector! Therefore, even the most "tricky" Chinese radar detector, which is about 3 times cheaper in the Middle Kingdom than in Russia - most likely it will be useless. You should not rely on what you're lucky you, and you will find exactly the only Chinese radar detector who will work as it should be - will not! Verified.
In our laboratory By long research in 2011, a line of radar detectors series was created Radartech Pilot.. It was pilots that were developed in Russia against Russian police radars and are repeatedly tested by the most eaten users. It was the pilots that showed themselves the most balanced radar detectors according to the price / sensitivity / noise criterion. The scientific team of the laboratory is constantly working on the improvement of the hardware, express work is underway in the field of radar detection. If you want an intelligent assistant on the way, then we recommend contacting professionals in this area - Radar detectors of the series!

Radar Arena

Preparation for work takes no more than 10 minutes. Arena is installed on a tripod, on the side of the road, 3-5 m from the edge of the controlled carriageway. The device is powered from the battery placed in a special box. All overflowing velocity threshold vehicles are automatically photographed. Data on violations accumulates in the memory of the device or immediately transmitted by radio channel to the mobile post of DPS, located at a distance of 1.5 kilometers along the movement of motor vehicles. There are mobile and stationary axes arena.

Technical Features and Benefits:

Mobility: Trenog with the radar can easily be moved in the car trunk;
- Informative: Photograph contains car image, date and time picture, speed. Additionally
The following information can be saved: the place of control and the permitted speed of movement.
- the ability to use in dark time Day: A backlight device (IR spotlight) can be included.

Maintenance specifications:

Length of control zone, m, no more 8
Width zone of control, m, no more 10
Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement range, km / h from 20 to 250
± 2.
The limits of the allowed absolute measurement error of speed measurement, km / h, no more
Data format JPG file containing a photo with a resolution of at least 640x480 pixels
The volume of the internal archive, files, not less 10 000
The probability of determining the net state signs of cars on the monitor of an external computer,%, not less 90
Radiation operating frequency, GHz 24.15 ± 0.1
Nominal supply voltage, in 12
The limit values \u200b\u200bof the supply voltage, in From 10 to 16
Power consumption IP, W, more 100
Installation time IP working mode:
- at air temperature more than 0 ºС no more than 2 minutes
- at air temperature minus 15 ºС no more than 15 minutes
- at air temperature minus 30 ºС no more than 40 minutes

Radar LEIS-2F

Laser Sighteaver LED-2F is designed to measure the velocity of vehicle movement (TC) and photofixation of the fact of violation of the vehicle of the road traffic and high-speed regime.
Constructively, the LED-2F device is made in the form of a monoblock, which can be installed on a tripod next to the patrol car.

The main advantages of LED-2F are:

Narrow-controlled laser radiation that allows you to highlight in a dense stream of machines any transport
- the presence on the monitor screen of the label pointing to the boundaries of laser radiation, which makes it unambiguous
identify vehicle, violating high-speed mode;
- the ability to print annex to the protocol on the impaired speed mode;
- the possibility of using both in manual and automatic mode;
- room on the date and time of speed disorders, as well as the value of the speed limit on this section of the road
and the value of the measured range to the vehicle;
- Photo of the TC with hands - up to 150 meters, from a tripod - 200 meters;


0 - 250 km / h
The range on which the readability of the state registration sign is ensured:
- when working with hands from 50 to 120m
- when working with a tripod from 50 to 200m
Maximum range 999 M.
Minimum range 5 M.
Distance to the car type "Zhiguli" 300 M.
RMS Speed \u200b\u200bMeasurement Error 1.5 km / h
Dance measurement error +/- (0.3 + 0.001d) m
Measuring time (typical) 0.45s
Speed \u200b\u200bshoot Shooting 6 frames for 8c
The number of frames persisted in internal non-volatile memory, not less 450
Laser radiation pattern width 0.002 x 0.003 Rad
Field of view of the trick device 6 degrees
Resource, measurement cycles 5 × 106.
PC communication interface USB
Overall dimensions, no more, mm 210 x 170 x 95
Mass, not more:
- appliance 1.4 kg
- tripod 4 kg.
Operating temperature, hail with -20 .. +50

Radar arrow-st

The newest radar complex!
The complex is based on the radar installation used in military aviation for interception and tracking goals, so the "arrows" camera starts tracking the car already for 350 meters when the driver can not see it yet. The system can overcome five lanes at the same time in approximation and deletion mode.

The road control complex Automated stationary "Route-Art" is fundamentally different from all other developed by domestic and foreign manufacturers by measuring the speed of not one, and all vehicles falling into the radar zone. This eliminates the errors for determining the vehicle speed when they are moved on one distance on different bands. In addition, it measures the speeds not at one point, but at distances up to 350 meters. Simultaneous service up to 3-4 traffic strips makes the complex, compared with other, more economically more efficient. The complex is performed in the stationary ("Arrow-Art") and mobile ("Arrow-M") options.


Signal processing immediately from all travelers (up to four) and generating a report with the speed and range of all objects;
- automatic transmission ordered data into the computer for further processing;
- automatic allocation of objects moving with speeds exceeding the installed threshold values;
- automatic command issuing (for a range of about 50 m) and the detection and disposal of the TC number;
- automatic formation of a car stop-frame - violating high-speed mode (the government is temporarily visible);

In contrast to you, the radars known to you, not only the signal having the maximum Doppler speed, but all the reflected signals, is carried out. The maximum processing rate of radar data is currently 80 ms., Which makes it possible to synchronize the references of the radar with the flow of video signals from the panoramic video camera producing countdown 12 frames per second.
As a rule, this speed is sufficient to create a visually continuous series of video data.

The system functions as follows: The pulse radar emits the pulses along the direction along the road sheet (24.15 GHz with a pulse duration of 0.5 rub \u003d 30 Nsecs with a period of repetition of pulses 25 μSEK), reflected from all TCs on the range up to 1000 meters, the signal comes On the Fourier quick conversion unit, from where after processing, data pairs are formed by the speed-range for all vehicles. At the same time there is a signal from a television digital camera aimed in the same direction. The video signal is processed by the image recognition program that highlights moving vehicles on the road and calculates the coordinates of the TC in the frame frame, builds the trajectory of the recognized image of the frame on the frame and calculates the approximate speed of the vehicle for the frame. The data from the radar and the data from the image analyzer go into the mutual correlation program that correlates objects on the television image with pairs the range of the rate obtained from the radar system. If any vehicle exceeds the specified speed threshold, after an identification of the range and the dynamics of the movement occurred, then such a TC is considered an intruder and when approaching a distance of 50 meters is photographing in the conditions of the most favorable for the subsequent launch of the number recognition program.

  • the limiting range of speeds - 1000 m;
  • the minimum range of speed measurement is 50 m;
  • range of measured speeds - from 5 to 180 km / h;
  • accuracy of speed measurement - 2 km / h;
  • accuracy of range measurement - no more than 5 m;
  • video recording - not less than 8 frames per second,
  • the number of simultaneously processed bands - 4;
  • data range: - VOLS - up to 30 km, by radio channel up to 5 km;
  • operating conditions: - Range of operating temperatures from minus 40 to 60 degrees. FROM,
  • humidity 98%,
  • mechanical blow - 5d,
  • corpus in "vandalization" performance;
  • dimensions: - radar - 200x200x130 mm,
  • the management subsystem, video processing and communication - no more than 400x400x500 mm.

Radar Spark-1

Radar Iskra-1 is today one of the most common radars. Serial supplies in the traffic police are produced since November 1997. From that time were different modifications Iskra-1: Spark-1, Spark-1D and improved spark 1D (LUX). Externally, the devices are absolutely the same. Belonging to a particular modification defines the serial number of the product. Also exists: Spark video 2MD (spark meter DA40), and spark-video 2 mR (radis meter).

Main functions and opportunities:

Selection of goals in the direction of movement;
- measuring the speed of the fastest goal from the flow;
- adjustment of the measurement range;
- manual or automatic mode of operation from a stationary position;
- control of velocity from a moving car;
- installation of the speed threshold;
- indication of microwave radiation, power source status, selected operation modes;
- memory for storing data on two intruders;

Distinctive features and advantages *:

1. Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries: provide offline at least 16 hours of continuous operation. It is possible to recharge the batteries from the onboard network of the car without interrupting work;
2. Energy saving functions: with a long simple switching to "sleep mode";
3. High accuracy and speed: The pulse measurement method used in this radar provides high speed. Less than one second, the Radar managed to make a multiple measurement of both its own speed and target rate, eliminate possible errors and errors, statistically process the measurement results, and display them on the scoreboard or computer.
4. Operating frequency: 24.15 GHz (K-Range): a narrow radiation diagram with small antenna sizes, increases reliability in adverse weather conditions (rain, snow, etc.).
5. Bright informative scoreboard: The timer speed and testimony data is automatically displayed on the scoreboard. Secondary information is displayed on an additional query, which facilitates reading data and eliminates errors.

The main technical characteristics for Spark-1:

Spark-video2 (in both modifications) also operate in the K-band, but have some features of the work (the number of color cameras in memory, the maximum permissible speed values, etc.).

Radar Vizir

The "Vizir" speed meter is a new generation device, it not only measures the speed of moving cars, but also allows you to make a photo and video of the violators, which is indisputable proof when solving conflict situations. The radar allows you to measure the speed in the stationary and patrol mode at a distance of at least 400 m. There is also a modification "Vizir 2M". The fundamental difference between these models is only on the screen.

Precision lens with 10-fold optical zoom: clean, detailed and high-contrast image
with small distortions. High quality photos;
- work in two modes: video (photo) recording with speed measurement and control without measuring speed;
- ensures the introduction of information on the date, time and speed of the vehicle;
- storage of personnel in the non-volatile archive;
- small housing (less than 2 kg)
- work in stationary and patrol mode;

Main technical characteristics

Speed \u200b\u200bMeasurement Range, km / h from 20 to 250
The limits of the allowed absolute measurement error of speed measurement, km / h, not more than:
- in fixed mode ± 1.
- in patrol ± 2.
Maximum speed measurement range roven road by car like "Zhiguli", m, not less 400
The possibility of discrete reduction of range there is
The possibility of selection of TS in terms of speeds of their movement at the difference of speeds, km / h, not less 3
and the ratio of their effective reflective areas, not less 1:10
Installing the speed fixation threshold with discrete 1 km / h
Operating temperature range, ºС from 0 to +50
- in thermochle from -30 to +10
Photo / video mode there is
Videotype speed, frames / s 3, 6, 12
Brightness adjustment image there is
Single frame graphic resolution, pixels 640x480
The range of visual determination of the license plate, M, not less 80
The time to establish the working mode after power on, C, not more 10
Efficiency from the built-in battery block, h, not less 2
Full charge of the battery unit from an external source with a nominal voltage (12 ± 0.5 V), h, no more 3
Performance from the source of external power supply with a nominal voltage (12 ± 0.5V) there is
Current consumption at rated supply voltage, and, no more 1
External supply voltage limits, in from 9 to 16
Power consumption, W, no more 15
Radiation operating frequency, GHz 24,150 ± 0.1 (K-Range)
Mass with battery pack, kg, no more 1,5
Middle service life (before write-off), years 6

* All data taken from the manufacturer's site

Radar Binar

Binary - a manual video fixing speed meter designed to control vehicle movement speed and video defecation of traffic violations. The exceptional feature of the device is the presence of two cameras providing simultaneous recording road situation: general plan (for a wide view of the road and analysis of the situation) and a close-up (to obtain an image of the intruder with a visually distinguishable number at a high distance). The presence of two simultaneously made videos (in combination with a speed measurement) significantly simplifies the analysis of the road situation and increase the reliability of the detection of the intruder.

Basic functions and advantages:

  • Measurement of speed and video defixion of traffic rules.
  • Choosing the fastest purpose itself, selection of goals in the direction of movement.
  • Simultaneous recording of two video streams (large and general plan).
  • Output to the screen image screen with fixed speed, date, time and information about measurement modes.
  • The ability to quickly switch from one camera to another when measuring or viewing, to exclude errors.
  • The reliable definition of the violator car in the stream with the help of two simultaneously captured videos.
  • Visual distinguity of the license plate at distances up to 200 meters.
  • Enlargement of the frame when viewing, optimizing the image of the license plate.
  • Opportunity to work with hands or from patrol car, Including while driving.
  • The possibility of ring video and viewing.
  • Saving video files and data on recorded purposes in non-volatile memory (on the FLASH card of the SD format).
  • Convenient control of the device using a remote control or touch screen.
  • The ability to connect the device to a laptop using a standard interface.
  • The ability to recharging the device from the on-board network of the car.
  • Low weight, ergonomic design.

Radar radis

Radis refers to the radars of the new generation. Produced since 2005. Modifications: Radis video and radis-video.
It is a combination of compactness and versatility. It has a uniquely low weight of 230 grams, the design provides for a variety of fastening options in the car.

Distinctive features:

Extremely ergonomic;
- Wide speed control opportunities: in a stationary position, in motion, automatic or manual mode,
Choosing the most neighbor or the fastest goal;
- Maximum compatibility and functionality: Built-in USB port and radio channel for exchanging data with external
devices (cameras, computer, etc.); compatible with various video spikes, including the "frame-1" and "frame-1" to a laptop based on specialized software; Remote controller remote control Allows
At the same time, drive two radar (for example, one on the hood, and the other in the cabin on the rear window of the car).

Radar parameters "Radis"

Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.1 GHz (K-Range)
Measurement range (three levels), not less
Typical 800 M.
Guaranteed 500 meters
Range of measured speeds 10-300 km / h
Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement error, no more
stationary ± 1.0 km / h
in move ± 2.0 km / h
Discreteness of the installation of the threshold 1.0 km / h
Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement time not more than 0.3 seconds
Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement period 1 ± 0.1 sec
The difference of target and group rates when choosing a quick goal 3.0 km / h (ratio of reflected signals 1: 100)
Storage time in memory 10 min
Average power consumption no more than 2.5 W
The density of the radiation flux in the opposite direction (0.5 m) no more than 10 mkvtkv.cm
Autonomous food 7.4 V, built-in battery
Supply voltage 6-16 V ( onboard network)
Duration of work from the battery at least 24 hours

Radar Berkut

Speed \u200b\u200bmeter "Berkut" - light, compact, small-sized device.

The device is constructed using transformation technology. A bracket, handle or video spikester can be easily docked to the meter. Included with handle the device is convenient for work "with hands." In the handle embedded charger And the battery, which ensures the operation of the device for 10 hours in measurement mode without recharging.

Distinctive features and advantages:

It is easy to handle, compact, is easily mounted on the panel;
- Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement motor vehicles both in the counter and in the passing direction;
- the ability to work in patrol mode;
- the possibility of choosing a goal: the closest or fastest;
- non-volatile memory;
- equipped with backlight, which allows it to work with it in the dark day;


Operating frequency, GHz 24,15 ± 0.01 (K-Range)
Flow density of microwave power, μW / cm2, less 10
at a distance of 1 m
from the antenna in the beam
Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement mode Stationary / patrol
Range of measured speeds *, km / h from 20 to 250
Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement accuracy:
- inpattern mode, km / h ± 1.
- in patrol mode, km / h ± 2.
Range Adjustable, 3 levels.
Maximum range at least 400 m (type. 800 m)
Type of controlled goal The fastest / closest **
Controlled direction of movement counter / passing
Selectivity [with speed difference 3 km / h] 1:10
Time of unit dimension, with, no more 0,3
Measurement period 1 ± 0.1
Speed \u200b\u200bfixation threshold, km / h with discrete 1 or 5
Memory Saving settings and results of the previous measurement ***
Time indication Timer / hours

Radar Chris

The photographic complex "Chris" is an operational and technical means of controlling the high-speed mode and is intended for photo-and video confixation of traffic violations with the possibility of transmitting data from radio channel and frames to a remote mobile post. This means that the device itself can measure your speed in one place, and the violation data is transmitted within 1.5 kilometers to the next post. Modifications "Chris C" and "Chris P". The first is a stationary (permanent) installation, the second serves for mobile patrolling the traffic police carriages.

Distinctive features and advantages:

Automatic photographing of the car in the control zone and entering the speed of the movement, date and time of violation;
- remote visual control and recording of the scenes of the road environment for video phixation of various violations of traffic rules;
- Transmission in real time fixed frames and data on a mobile post laptop over a wireless communication channel up to 1.5 km;
- The ability to work at night in the absence of artificial lighting due to the built-in infrared illumination;
- forming and storing the database of fixed traffic violations, sorting and searching for various parameters, the ability to output stored print frames (for sending fines by mail);
- The complex has autonomous food and is installed on a tripod, which allows you to choose any convenient place for work. The remote control of the control zone provides the inspector the required reserve of time to stop the intruder.
- The sensor uses a radar with a flat directional antenna and a narrow pattern of the orientation, which ensures
Measurement of speed of only those goals that are in the frame.
- The complex additionally can be equipped with software and hardware for automatic recognition of state registration marks (PRS) of vehicles and inspection by various federal and regional bases.


Range of measured speeds 20-250 km / h
Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement error ± 1 km / h
Speed \u200b\u200bmeter operating frequency 24,15 ± 0.1 GHz (K-Range)
Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bThreshold 1 km / h
Focal length lens 4.0 - 88.0 mm
Visual PACZNAGE 90 %
Maximum TC license plate recognition range
- for visual definition up to 100 meters
- for automatic PRS automatic displacement using software up to 25 meters
Do you have automatic PAC composure at the corresponding PR providers GOST R 50577
- in the daytime 90 %
- in the one in the infrared illumination 90 %
The permissible corner of the CRS roll (i.e., the possibility of identification of the number with an inclined fixing of the number, maneuvering the vehicle in the control zone) ± 15˚.
The angle between the axis of the sensor and the transport movement vector in the horizontal plane 25˚ ± 1˚.
Number of persisted frames in the archive (on the hard disk of the laptop) 40 GB of free space allows you to save up to 60,000 frames
Maximum data range by radio channel at least 1500 m
Radio channel data transfer rate not less than 4 Mbps
Error of the stroke of non-volatile hours of real-time no more than 2 seconds per day
The permissible time of operation from the battery capacity of 55a * h, not less 8 ocloc'k
Supply voltage 11.5 to 15.2 V
Power consumption, no more 90 W.
Workers climatic conditions:
- ambient temperature from - 30ºС to + 50ºС
- relative humidity up to 90% (at + 30ºС)
- Atmosphere pressure from 60 to 106.7 kPa

In service with the Russian traffic police, there is a whole list of stationary and mobile techniques that fix the speed, the purpose of which to identify and fix the violation.

The main traffic police detectors of Moscow (and Russia as a whole) form a rather extensive list. The most common spark-1 supplied since 1997 and its more functional modifications of the spark-1d, spark video 2MD, spark video 2MR. A portable binary is widely used, which can also work with hands, and from the patrol machine on the go. Multifunctional devices Berkut, Vizier and Radis can be seen everywhere, but technically and morally outdated falcons-M or PKS-4 are already practically not used by the traffic police inspectors in Moscow, although in the regions they have not yet been completely removed from weapons due to their reliability and simplicity in operation . DPS Radars Rapira-1, amate and LEIS-2 laser radars are widely used. Modern radar complexes of Chris, Arena, the arrow are able to strongly turn the nerves to the participants of the movement.

Patrol services update their arsenal, car enthusiasts quickly get radar detectors that can detect new traffic police radars. But recent new items seek to lean the scales in the direction of road safety service.

Parkon is a new DPS radar (traffic police), more precisely, the complex of video and photo fixation. This novelty consists of an instrument of video registration and a workstation that performs video processing. Uses unique new technology for automatic control Parking rules and traffic violations. In 2011, the model range of detectors was replenished with no analogues with a novelty - a bout device, which is capable of remotely identify pairs of ethyl alcohol, scanning a salon of any car. The list of laser radar expanded at the expense of the new fellow - LED-2F, which can measure the vehicle speed with high accuracy and fix the facts of traffic violations and high-speed mode in the photo. But the largest headache brought motorists to the newest complex of the arrow, created on the basis of a radar unit from military aviation. In its work, it is fundamentally different from all the now existing foreign and domestic analogues. 2012 Does not promise Violators of the traffic rules of anything good: the developers are completing the certification of the newest Cordon complex, which is already actively purchased from the developers from St. Petersburg by the US police and harruy on the American "colleagues" of our rules violators. New Gai radars are designed to complicate the lives of Russian illegal drivers.

Types and types of Radarov Russian traffic police

All Russian traffic police radars can be divided into two types: mobile and stationary. Mobile DPS radars can easily move and install anywhere next to the road fabric. They can be used with hands or with tripods, from a patrol car while driving. These are Iskra-1 devices, Sokol-M, Binar, Radis, Berkut, Vizier, etc. Stationary Gafed Camera Radars are hardly attached in a problem in terms of motion security, and their location does not change. Mobile complexes transmit information on the radio channel to the mobile post of DPS, where it can be viewed by the inspector directly in the car through the laptop. From stationary cameras (Arena, Chris, Rapira-1, Arrow) information can be transmitted both in stationary and mobile posts. Types of radar traffic police are selected by inspectors depending on specific conditions and tasks. Types of traffic police detectors differ on the principle of operation: radio frequency and laser. The most common today are Doppler (radio frequency) detectors. Laser radars (other names: Lidars, optical radars) are not so wide due to the high cost of their production and less stability when working in complex meteo conditions (LED-2, amate).

Radar frequencies and ranges

Radar ranges of GAI are determined by international agreements. In Russia, three ranges are certified, the frequencies of all radar used by the traffic police in our country must be within their limits.

X-range (operating frequency 10.525 GHz). The first detectors worked in this range, but today they almost completely gave way to the equipment using other frequencies, although some foreign and Russian (barrier, falcon) continue to use it.

K-range (carrier frequency 24.150 GHz). Basic for the overwhelming majority of DPS radars in the world. The devices running in it are more compact, but have a greater detection range than X-band devices.

L-range (operating frequency 700-1000 nm).

Prospective ranges of KA and KU in Russia are not yet certified, and the chamber radars of these ranges do not apply.

The only way for the driver to check whether the device is certified - to require a certificate. If the motorist stopped by the traffic police can not or refuse to present a document - this automatically means that the data obtained with it will not be sent, and the technique itself is used exclusively for extortion of money, experts believe.

However, even a certified technique can show the result of the Road Inspector. Most speed meters have several modes of operation. For example, mobile meters can operate in stationary mode and in motion mode. If the DPS car is worth it, and the mode of movement installed on it is turned on, - a completely neatly moving car can be "throwing" speed and fix the excess. Incorrectly measured speed with a sensor included in the stationary mode, in the duxtile drive machine.

Another common method of "throwing kilometers" is a change in the focal length. Any combined radar (speed meter camera) is assigned a certain focal length to the vehicle. If it is intentionally unbalanced, the camera can fall over one car, and the speed meter "catch" another. In some cases, the angle coverage of the meter is such that even moves the movement on the counter, that is, the final speed indicators depend on the inspector's experience.

The problem also consists in the fact that the recognition of the "curve" of the device is impossible on site. The only way is to consider the case in court. Here the accused in violation has the right to demand to send a request to the manufacturer: Is the radar correctly used in this case? In many cases, the plant answered: Most likely, an error of operation was allowed, so you should not trust the testimony. Only in this case, the penalty is not charged.

Ways to deal with incorrectly used technique used by traffic police, little. The exception is anti-lands or so-called. "Jewelry", active suppressors of radar that are able to prevent normal work Speed \u200b\u200bmeters, clog the testimony of the radar or force it to highlight innocuous numbers on the display ,. But their acquisition and use is officially prohibited. If the violator is caught with this device, it will have to pay a fine in the amount of from 20 to 70 minimum wages with confiscation of the radio electronic device (Article 137 of the COAP).

It is not prohibited to use a passive type radar detectors on the roads warning that a device that measures speeds, for 600 meters in the city and 2 kilometers on the highway, but many of them outdated models and do not provide guaranteed definition and protection against Modern laser speed meters, so now they are often ineffective, as well as such "folk" funds that are not formally prohibited in Russia, but not effective: so-called. "Reflective films" on the rooms, the laser disk on the mirror, foil on the disks or on the case, the radically black color of the car body, etc.

Currently, the Board of Legal Protection of Motorists will indicate the testimony of automatic devices for fixing the violations of the high-speed mode (radar - the rate meter + photovideocamera). To use them require double certification - measuring instrument and camera.

According to current legislation, evidence in the case of an administrative offense is the testimony of technical means of measurements, witnesses or an expert opinion. It follows that it is necessary to punish the driver for non-compliance with the high-speed regime on the basis of the testimony of the speed-foster, the traffic police inspector has full right. True, the speed meter used on the road "hunt" should be listed in the state register of measurement funds and have a certificate of state standard. The accuracy of the radar readings is confirmed by verification certificate, the ability to familiarize themselves with which the driver must provide on the spot or in the traffic police unit.

The procedure for issuing violations also have its subtleties. First of all, fixed speed, as well as the serial number of the radar should be listed in the administrative offense protocol. To confirm the fact of the violation, it is desirable to show two witnesses or a computer printout (photo) with a readable car number, registered speed and violation time. From a legal point of view, only such a set of "evidence" is sufficient for punishment. Otherwise, the driver can challenge the Militian verdict in court with a big if the probability of success is not a certain probability.

All models of Radarov

Radar Arrow St 01 (KKDDAS) - the best DPS detector and traffic police - stationary complex

One of the most advanced video radar in the service of the traffic police is undoubtedly the stationary radar complex of the CCDDAS Arrow 01 Art.
Many do not know people call him arrow. Until recently, this radar was used exclusively in military aviation, where he served for the speed and inconspicuous interception of military purposes, and where no anti-frame detector could detect him. However, today the Arrow of Art (as well as the latest video appliances bud, cordon and a parkclock) and actively apply DPS and traffic police officers, as well as a police patrol that needs a quick discovery of violators even at sufficiently large distances.

What is the secret of the work of the arrow?

The newest Police Complex of the CCDDAS is equipped with a unique video camera camera capable of tracking the violation at a distance of 1 kilometer. This happens when the driver cannot see the arrow (arrow), which means he does not have the opportunity to avoid responsibility for violation.

At the same time, an automated stationary device, in contrast to other radars, tracks not one vessel car, and the entire transport stream immediately, processing at the same time the entire portion of the road canvases within up to 1 km. And these are far from the only advantages of this KKDDAS!

The newest automated traffic police complex, which can work and as a stationary (Detector of the Article Version of Art), and as a mobile (version M), allows you to track at the same time up to five lanes, as well as the strip for public transport. By November 2012, it can be recognized by a number of anti-gadars.

Operating principle

1. Pulse video radar emits pulses distributed throughout the road canvase.

2. The signal reflected from cars located at a distance of 1000 m entering the rapid conversion unit, where data on the speed and range of the vehicle is generated.

3. At the same time, the television digital camera, which is equipped with a radar complex 01 of Art, transmits its signal to the image recognition program, after which it highlights moving cars and calculates their coordinates, builds the trajectory of motion and determines the approximate speed.

4. The data of the radar and the analyzer are transmitted to the mutual correlation program that correlates these indicators, after which cars are determined exceeding the speed, and with their approximation at a distance of 50 m, they are photographing.

At the same time, the radar video complex of the CCDDAS arrow 01st allows you to analyze the situation under all weather conditions (it is able to operate at temperatures from -40 and up to +60 degrees) and also withstand 98% humidity. In addition, the device is not amenable to mechanical shocks, since it is performed in an anti-vandal case.

Several videos about the police chamber video confixation violations of traffic rules Art:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of 01 st?

Employees of the traffic police and DPS consider this radar video one of the most efficient, and this is not surprising: the camera-detector Arrow Article 01 has excellent performance indicators, among which you can select the ability:

    - recognize violations Traffic rules transport means at a distance of up to 1000 m,

    - measure speeds at a minimum range of 50 m and up to 2 km / h,

    - recognize a large speed range (the CKDDAS detector distinguishes them in the range from 5 to 180 km / h),

    - to produce a camera video confixation of motorway at least 12 frames per second,

    - automatically highlight objects moving with speed impairment,

    - Automatically issue commands for detecting and recognizing the video of a vehicle at a distance of 50 m).

From the disadvantages, you can note only the price, which, taking into account the cost of attachments of video phixation, masts and lines of electricity exceeds the figure at one and a half million rubles. It is the high price of the radar Arrow of Article that the main slowdown factor in the development of the network of these high-order for police devices. But gradually it will be much more, since from January 2012 in Moscow, about a hundred additional speedgans will earn in Moscow, and the price factor will go to second place - from large income of the traffic police much easier to allocate several millions to new installation sites.

At the same time, an automated police radar The arrow detector (both mobile and stationary) completely eliminates the errors in determining the velocity of cars, believed very effective from an economic point of view. Its installation is considered quite economical (the mobile type of equipment does not even require it), and work as reliable as reliable, because the automated radar device of the series 01 does not change its indicators under the influence of any equipment (various emitters, an anti-frame detector and so on).

Thanks to this, the police patrol, and DPS patrols and traffic police have the opportunity not only to securely secure violations on the roads, but also to submit to the driver a reliable evidence of such violations. Moreover, such a mobile device is beneficial and for the drivers themselves: thanks to him, they can be sure that DPS employees or traffic police do not put forward false accusations, forcing you to pay fines for what they have not committed.

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Alkolser Bud (Device, Sensor-Alcotester, Radar, Detector, Camera)

The problem of driving a car in a state of intoxication every year, unfortunately, becomes increasingly relevant for Russia. In 2010, about 25 thousand russian drivers They were detained drunk driving. And the number of accidents with the participation of drunken drivers exceeded 11 thousand. In turn, only for the first 9 months of 2011, 9,000 accidents were committed, caused by the actions of a drunken driver who lost their lives about 1.5 thousand people. In Moscow alone, in six months of 2011, 163 accidents occurred, committed by the above category of drivers.

In this regard, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia seriously concerned about the problem of timely identification of such car owners. It is no secret that the number of cars on russian roads Every year significantly increases. In a large transport stream, a selective check of individual cars does not give the desired result. One of the promising ways to solve this problem is the introduction of a special device for identifying drunk drivers - the so-called alkolaser sensor bud.

The breathalyzer is an appliance, an externally resembling the usual radar-detector of the traffic police (DPS, traffic police) equipped with a camera that allows you to identify whether a pair of ethyl alcohol is contained in the cabin. The first such device that was called the name of the alkolser was represented by the general public in 2010. Established the release of two modifications of the breathalysther - stationary and mobile. However, he did not find applications, because in parallel his deep modernization was carried out. It is the upgraded version of the alkolaser sensor that the bud is likely to and will be sent for the traffic police and DPS units.

Information about the already improved alkotester Bud first presented to the public high chin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Gerasimov during the Interpolite - 2011 exhibition held in Moscow. The first prototypes of the alkolaser were manufactured by mid-2011.
How does the radar detector budget work?

The principle of operation of the laser alkotester-chamber is based on spectral analysis. The laser beam emitted by the device in real time penetrates through the surface of the windshield vehicle to determine the spectrum of ethyl alcohol in the airspace of the car. In this case, the corresponding signal comes to the remote control of the traffic police officer, on the basis of which the decision can be made on the inspection of the car. The signal transmission provides Wi-Fi wireless network.

Characteristics of the alkolaser sensor

The alkolser bouton will be able to determine the trace pairs of ethanol in a car moving at a speed of up to 120 km / h (according to some data, up to 150 km / h) at a distance of 25 m. The alkotester detector is all-weather. It is able to function for a long time without a special maintenance. For detection, the device needs order 0.01 - 0.1 s. Sensitivity ranges in the range of 100 - 150 μg / l. This means that the alkotester sensor will easily determine that people in the car drank at least 100 grams of strong alcoholic beverages or one liter beer. However, the radar camera bud is not able to determine the indicators of the concentration of alcohol vapors, and only indicates their availability or absence in the cabin. According to developers, the device does not respond to the washing glass alcohol-containing liquid.

As an additional option, the radar detector provides a function of photography of auto numbers. The mass of the device is about 10 kg.
When and where is the device "flourishing"?

In 2011, Alcotester Buton passed comprehensive tests. The adoption of his traffic police (DPS, GAI) was planned until the end of 2011. However, due to the fairly high cost of the radar alkolaser (about 300 thousand rubles), it is assumed that this sensor is used only on important and potentially dangerous areas of highways.

Radar Vizir 2m (speed meter)

Today, any driver knows what Vizier is. This speed meter operating according to the radar scheme and is one of the most dangerous tools (of course for car drivers) of the traffic police officer. A video recording speed meter Vizier allows video photography when performing traffic violations, while writing down the time and date of the perfect violation. The traffic police radars automatically record the speed and change it, the device has an option for calculating the average velocity velocity. This radar detector is characterized by accuracy of indications, resistant to temperature differences, any type of natural precipitation. At the same time, a vizier's video recorder can fix the speed or vehicle of a large size (reflective vehicle with a maximum efficient reflective surface), or a car with maximum speed. It is able to determine the speed of vehicles at the maximum distance of up to 400 meters, and it provides a threshold setting of a speed value from 20 to 150 km / h when used in stationary mode (the device is in a fixed state). The use of a speed meter is allowed in stationary (with measurement error up to 1 km / h) or patrol mode (error is 2 km / hour).

Vizier is a specific device: it is able to measure the speed of transport moving only in one direction - in a passing or counter, but not simultaneously in two directions. The speedingman provides an increase in the image in two modes: optical - 16-fold, digital - 2-fold increase.

Due to the numerous complaints and complaints of drivers on how this device works, the sharpness and truthfulness of measuring the speed of cars by the traffic police officers, and numerous court hearings, the device has been finalized and improved. A replacement Vizier in the traffic police entered a new device Vizir 2m.

The essential difference between the model 2m from the predecessor is its work in automatic mode without the intervention of the inspector. A modernized video recorder Vizier will work only in stationary mode, it is planned to install it on the posts, and warning road signs will be installed on the entrance to such a post - Warning video control.

Specifications Radar Vizier

The device has the following specifications. Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement mode - stationary / patrol. Range of measuring speeds from 20 to 250 km / h. The limits of the allowed absolute measurement error of the speed measurement: in the stationary mode, no more than ± 1 km / h, in patrol mode - no more than ± 2 km / h. The maximum range of speed measurement on a flat road along the "Zhiguli" type is at least 400 meters. It is possible to discrete range reduction. The possibility of selection of TS in terms of speeds of their movements with a speed difference is at least 3 km / h, and the ratio of their effective reflective areas, not less than 1:10. Setting the threshold for fixing speed with a discretary of 1 km / h. The operating temperature range from 0 to + 50 ° C, in thermal - from -30 to + 10 ° C. Photo / video mode. Videotype speed 3, 6, 12 frames / s. Adjusting the brightness of the image. Graphic resolution of a single frame 640x480 pixels. The range of visual definition of the license plate is at least 80 m. The time to establish the operating mode after the power on is not more than 10C. The performance of the built-in battery unit is at least 2 hours. The full charge of the battery unit from the external source with a nominal voltage (12 ± 0.5 V) is not more than 3 hours. Performance from the source of external power supply with a rated voltage (12 ± 0.5V). Current consumption at rated supply voltage not more than 1A. The limit values \u200b\u200bof the external supply voltage from 9 to 16V. Power consumption is not more than 15W. The operating frequency of radiation is 24,150 ± 0.1 GHz mass with a battery unit not more than 15 kg. The average service life (before write-off) is 6 years.

Cordon System - Radar Complex Photo-VideoFixation (Camera)

The main and main thing a distinctive feature This device from precursors is considered to be its high accuracy of determining vehicle speed and the ability to quickly transmit data on violators (photos and video captured by the camera) to the central computing center. A novelty, developed by St. Petersburg specialists, is able to simultaneously carry out reliable control of three and even four lanes in two directions. Already the first test tests showed that the all-seeing cordon speed meter window can simultaneously collect information about 32 vehicles.

Specifications of the police detector Cordon

For the most optimal view, an angle of 15-20 degrees was chosen to the highway axis. Installation of the detector camcorder is made at an altitude of 5-8 meters, which makes it possible to maximize all controlled stripes. At the same time the greatest removal installed device From the road canvase should not exceed the distance of 3 meters. The installation of the installation is carried out from the standard voltage source of 220 volts. The principle of operation of the radar is similar to the predecessors - the system in automatic mode camera fixes the violation of the speed mode and leaves in memory two photos depicting the driver of the vehicle and state number Car offender. However, in addition to exceeding the speed from the Cordon sensors, it is not able to "elude" and such violations, as departing to the oncoming lane, an unlawful violation of the robes of movement and departure to the band allotted for the movement of public transport. Thanks to such an option, as infrared illumination, the device works effectively at night.

When fixing the traffic rules, the Radar detector Cordon issues in addition to photographs of the car additionally: the date of events, the exact time, the allowed mode of movement on the controlled area, the actual value of the impairment speed, geographic coordinates and the sensor identification data laid by the manufacturer. The characteristics of the built-in GPS / GLONASS navigation unit not only allow you to avoid laying additional cable tracks, but also to quickly transmit information in real time for quite large distances. To the dignity of the photoradar cordon can also be attributed to the fact that the installation of cameras and system sensors is possible on pre-installed lighting supports and does not require expensive special farms directly over the carriageway. This solution significantly reduces the costs and maintenance of the complex with regard to similar devices already used today. To the above, you can add that the dedicated communication channel makes it possible to remotely diagnose the performance of cordon.

It should be noted that the Russian photography-video radar-detector of the traffic police (DPS, traffic police) did not remain unnoticed by foreign specialists of services that control the rule of law on the roads that highly appreciated the Russian guard of the speed regime. Test tests showed almost complete absence of equipment errors, which were previously frequent when fixing speeding. Before the video fixer, Cordon was powerless and most of the models of modern anti-lands with the most best characteristics. One hundred percent automated system now excludes direct contact of the intruder with "traffic cops", thereby not leaving the soil for appeals to manual radar speeds of inspectors. And although today the developer cannot boast to the miracle device today, the number of daily views of the Cordon video confixer complex in the world wide web exceeds many and many thousands. And this is the first indicator of increased interest, both motorists and structures designed to monitor the execution of the law on the roads.

Arena complex

To detect the facts of exceeding the permissible speed of movement, the traffic police officers (DPS, traffic police) use tens of radars and video physics complexes, one of which is the ishen. The advantages of this device are indisputable, and high working capacity has already been proven in practice. This technical tool can be used both mobile and stationary, for continuous measurement of the speed of movement of all road users.

The traffic police uses this device Arena not only in Russia, but also in countries of neighboring countries, where it is valued for high wear resistance, predictability in operation, trouble-free operation. One of its most important advantages is the possibility of a quick installation near the roadway. To bring the radar complex of the Arena to the working condition, it will take 10 minutes from strength. Trenog, which comes with a stationary device, provides high stability of the device. It does not swing and does not experience negative impacts due to air fluctuations, which causes the movement of cars.

A distinctive feature that is possessed by the Arena video complex is the possibility of photographing the vehicle at the time of exceeding the speed. The battery located in the protective box allows you to provide up to 8 hours of continuous operation. Excellent quality of photography helps traffic inspectors to recognize a license plate record with an accuracy of 90 percent.

DPS uses radar detector Arena as on federal highwaysand in urban conditions. Stationary devices have small dimensions, and they are quite difficult to see during the movement. The quality of photography, which is provided by the traffic police radars are provided, such that in the picture you can even recognize the individual features of the driver: a complex, features and features of the person. Operating range, within which the device fixes the speed is 20-250 kilometers per hour.

The kit that includes the photoradar includes a hard disk, the capacity of which is enough to write several thousand images. This is quite enough for a whole day of fruitful work. The picture in the upper left corner of the photoradar fixes the exact date and time of violation, as well as the speed of the vehicle. The stationary instrument can ensure control over the three strips of movement at the same time. Thus, the DPS detector is an Arena is a powerful tool for controlling drivers. Its use is absolutely legal and legitimate, so the violator will be very difficult to prove its innocence. Such a tool as Arena Gai took on armament relatively recently, but he already enjoys unkind glory among drivers.

If you know that the Arena complex is located on the path, it is better not to risk your money and rights and slow down to the permitted parameter.

To date, there are two main types of Arena photoradar: mobile and stationary. Both the first and the second option are designed to fix speed disorders. However, the Mobile Arena Complex can be installed at the edge of the road and operate in just a few minutes. As a rule, the staff of the State Automotive Inspectorate use it to identify violators on the most "interesting" sites of the road.

Another thing is a stationary radar detector, a detector radar, which is used on certain segments of the track for a long time. It is installed on the pillars or structures outside the driver's view of the driver, and it is quite difficult to notice it from afar. In addition, such a traffic police detector (DPS) has a permanent power source, which ensures its uninterrupted operation.

Main technical characteristics

Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement range, km / h from 20 to 250
Error of speed measurement, km / h no more than 2.
Size one frame with violation, KB not more than 200
The volume of the archive on the flash map - 1GB, files at least 5000.
Availability of built-in Functions of automatic graph recognition there is
Number of lanes in which automatic aggress recognition is ensured 3
Availability of built-in functions of automatic frames of frames with questionable evidence there is
Distance of the operation of the radio channel (under the conditions of direct visibility and in the absence of industrial interference) up to 1.5 km
Availability of data protection digital signatures there is
Compatibility of data generated by a complex with software complexes there is
The time of continuous maintenance of the control of control from a fully charged battery, hours, not less 8

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Vooting Parcon

The traffic police complex to identify cars that violate parking and parking rules

The Parkon is a new generation complex, which is designed specifically to fix disorders from the unscrupulous auto owners when parking and parking. This device is a portable GPS / GLONASS combination navigation system, two camcorders and LED searchlights. Equipped with an SD memory card slot on which the record is saved during patrol. The video recorder Parkon is equipped with two camcorders not by chance: one of them is wide-angle - fixes road signs and markup, and the second is long-focused - designed to record car numbers. The searchlight also allows effective patroling even in the dark or under conditions of degraded visibility.

The principle of operation of the DVR-DVR. Parcon is simple - its task is exclusively recording, and with reference to specific coordinates. In case the car is parked incorrectly, the traffic police do not need to join the dispute with the driver. At the end of the change, the data is processed on the workstation, the data is checked, the database of violators on recognized license plates is generated, then the information enters the central post of crystal, and the operators conduct a final check and print documents on traffic violations that are sent to violators.

In the DPS car, the video recorder Parkon is fixed on the torpedo using a special bracket, but it is possible to use the device and outside the car. This feature provides an autonomous power supply, low weight and convenient instrument handle. The front side is equipped with a liquid crystal display. The bacon device is prepared for work individually for individual areas of roads, which allows him to automatically automatically process information about violations.

The instrument-complex of the Parkon is not inaccessible - it can be purchased from the manufacturer in any convenient way. The Parkon price is determined individually on the system, since it is possible to expand the functional potential of the DVR, which allows you to record not only violations of parking, taking into account and without taking into account the duration, but also to recognize other traffic violations. Thus, the traffic police (traffic police, DPS), deciding to buy a video recorder Parkon from the manufacturer contribute to the improvement of the road situation. After all, often in many areas of road traffic jams are formed precisely because of the wrong parking. The Parkon system records video in a special format, which is protected from possible interference and adjustment attempts.

Thus, it can be concluded that the traffic police system is a modern device that is not only able to positively influence the road situation in the field of settlements, but also to eliminate the possibility of conflicts between DPS employees and quick drivers who do not want to bear punishment for violations.

Radar Berkut

The K-Pulse Radio Pulse, the Berkut Speed \u200b\u200bMeasurer appeared in the traffic police arsenal relative to a long time ago. Its predecessors "Barrier", "Barrier-2M" and "Barrier 2-2m", which are still used, significantly inferior to him in its equipment and parameters, and today are morally outdated models. Radar "Berkut" does not have technical capabilities for photo and video phixations of violations of the high-speed Mode, equipped with a fiscal memory that allows the inspector on the road to record up to 700 offenses per day. This is quite enough, since the maximum limit of fixed speeds of speed for one crew of the traffic police per day is about 500. Also, the Berkut complex has the so-called "soap monitor", where you can see the fixed vehicle speed and accurate Measurement time. The ability of this radar to remember the speed measurement time for a particular car allows the inspector to stop several cars at once and browse the list of fixations for each vehicle, demonstrating the driver to the validity of the set requirements. The "Berkut" device is designed in such a way that the inspector cannot delete the recorded data from the radar. For this, there is a special computer program that is only in district traffic police. This radar has a built-in battery and is designed for autonomous work for 10-12 hours. This type of radar gives a strong (up to 40%) error when used during rain or wet snow (at night motorists). The Berkut Sensor, in contrast to its predecessors, can measure speed, both on the vehicle approaching and on its removal from a distance of 400 m. Created by CJSC Olvia, especially for traffic police inspections, Berkut became one of the most common radars.

The main characteristics of Radar Berkut

Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.01 GHz, K-range. The flux density of the microwave power at a distance of 1 m from the antenna in the beam is less than 10 μW / cm2. It can work in stationary or patrol mode for measuring speed. Range of measured speeds - from 20 to 250 km / h. The accuracy of measuring the speed in the stationary mode is ± 1 km / h, and in patrol - ± 2 km / h. The range of Radar traffic police "Berkut" is at least 400 meters, there are 3 levels of adjustment. This radar can control the speed of both the counter and in the passing flow. Selectivity with speed difference 3 km / h 1:10. The time of the unit dimension is not more than 0.3 s. Measurement period 1 ± 0.1 s. Speed \u200b\u200bfixation threshold with discrete 1 or 5 km / h.
Currently removed from production.

Rapier system

Rapyr radar is designed to measure the speed of driving passing road transport Only in stationary conditions. It can be both built into any complex, for example, "Vizier" and is used independently. The Rapiir system was created by the Russian CJSC NPP "Olvia" from St. Petersburg, the successor of one of the giants of electronics MCC of Russia - OJSC Svetlana. "Colleagues" "Rapiers" made by "Olbia" are radars "Vizir", "Berkut", "Falcon", "Arena".

"Rapier" - a device with photographing of violations, is installed at an altitude of up to 9 meters and at an angle of 25 ° above the pathway. This radar controls control in a narrow observation zone and is a radar narcoochemical speed. It works in a pulse range K. K-range used traffic police to detect exceeding vehicles by motorists, as well as meteorologists to detect clouds. The Rapier system is most often established at a significant distance from stationary DPS posts, thereby giving time to the traffic police to prepare for stopping the intruder.

The "Rapier" device on the controlled area fixes the license plates, impaired speed modes, violations of the directions of road signs and overall rules. Violations and rebuilding rules are also recorded. The Rapira-1 system allows you to respond in a timely manner to the incident, record the circumstances of the accident, helps lead violations statistics. The "Rapih" meter can be used not only to fix violations by motorists, but also can remotely manage barriers and traffic lights, collect information from meteodators.

Radar Sokol-M and Falcon-visa

The first version of the Sokol radar, for the then still traffic police, was represented by a wide circle of public in 1998. Since that time, many modernization were carried out, which, ultimately, united in two directions: Radar "Falcon" series Mt and Md. The M-D series has a higher cost, as it can be used while driving, that is, patrol has the ability to monitor simultaneously in two streams of cars, those that move towards meets, and those that move in the passing direction, while in the moving Auto. "Sokol M-C" is used exclusively at the stationary points, it is characterized by a clearly installed range and separation of motion. As well as a portable sample, it can monitor two goals at the same time. The "Falcon" detector is equipped with a screen on which the traffic police officer sees the speed data that a certain vehicle is moving and the fixation time. Also, the screen contains data on the general settings of the device. The "Falcon" radar set for the traffic police / traffic police / DPS includes the Innovation System "Stelles", which creates the effect of "invisible" for almost all existing versions of radar detectors. The equipment is equipped with a battery, which is easily installed in the handle and allows you to function in active mode for at least 12 hours. The ability to autonomous operation of the device does not bind the employee of the road patrol to the car. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the Salt Sensor The traffic police has 7 control buttons. Of these, 3 are designed to change the mode of operation, 2 lateral buttons change the value of the permissible speed, the button located in the center is responsible for the backlight, which allows you to use the technique in any time period, and the bottom - for saving data. The use of the microwave module provides a stable mode of operation even with sharp temperature drops.

Radar "Falcon-visa" is intended exclusively for work in the stationary mode and, at the same time, control over the movement of cars is carried out exclusively for the oncoming direction. It represents a complex of radar and a digital camera. With the help of this equipment, the traffic police can fix not only the violation of high-speed limitations, but also travel to red light, and the intersection of a double solid strip. The evidence provided by Sokol-Visa is almost impossible to refute in court.

Sokol is a manual Doppler radar with a transistor stabilized generator, the receiver is a balance mixer, antenna horn with circular polarization. The operating frequency of the device is 10.525 ± 0.025 GHz (X-Range). The flux density of the microwave power in the beam at a distance of 1 m from the antenna is less than 10 μW / cm2. Control of movement in approximation and removal in the oncoming and passing ("Falcon M-D") direction. The range in inpatient mode is at least 350 m, in patrol mode - 350 m in the counter and 200 m in the population direction. The range of speed measurement in the stationary mode is 20-250 ± 1 km / h, in patrol - 40-250 ± 2 km / h. Selectivity with a speed difference is 5 km / h 1:10. Measurement time less than 0.4 s. Sokol is able to operate at ambient temperature from -30 to +50 ° C.

Laser radars (detectors) LISD 2M and 2F

Laser radar, (lidar or optical radar) - Laser meter speed and range of LISD, works on the principle of radiation of short laser pulses in the direction of movement of the machine, which are reflected from the car and perceived by the radar. The difference in time, between the radiation and its reception is converted by the radar computing module into the distance to the moving object. The rate is calculated (and fixed) based on the change of distance with equal time intervals.

The LEIS 2 Police Laser Radar has great advantages compared to other devices. The meter is equipped with special devices that allow one to measure the speed of a moving object (by pressing the button or receiving an external signal), to automatically detect it (in a specific direction), measure the speed and distance (with a fixation of a speed greater than the set limit), fix the event time, monitor control Radar works.

The dignity is that the LISD detector makes it possible to measure all the indicators, despite the density of the car stream, it is not a hindrance of mesmer snow, rain and fog. In addition, the device performs measurements of both approaching and removable cars.

This device has a monoblock view with a battery built into the housing. The front panel is equipped with an eyepiece-sight with an indicator, an LCD panel, interface and external power connector. The upper part of the device housing is equipped with the measurement and indicator on the indicator.

The varieties of Radar Led-2 are presented in the market models of LES 2M and 2F, each of which has its own characteristics. For example, LED-2F not only measures the speed of vehicle movement, but also has the ability to fix in the photo the fact of violation of the high-speed regime and road traffic. It seems convenient to install it on a tripod near the patrol machine. Its advantages are the narrow-controlled effect of laser radiation, which allows you to highlight any particular car in the stream of machines of any density and intensity, the ability to obtain a print message on the violation (application to the protocol) and the control of the radar in manual and automatic mode. In addition, the picture indicates the date and time of the incurredness, and the parameters of the speeds (permitted in this section and recorded). The device allows you to take photos of a car with hand - at a distance of 150 m, from a tripod - up to 200 m.
Consider the main technical characteristics of LES

Range of measured speeds from 0 to 250 km / h. The distance at which LES can "read" numbers, from 50 to 120 m, when working with hands, up to 200 meters from the tripod. The maximum range is 999 m, and the minimum is 5m. The range of validity of the car type "Zhiguli" is 300 m. The range of standard measurement error 1.5 km / h, the distance measurement error is ± 0.3 + 0.001d m. Typical measurement time 0.45 s. The shooting speed is 6 frames in 8 seconds, up to 450 frames can be stored in internal non-volatile memory. The width of the laser radiation pattern 0.002x0.003 is happy. The field of view of the visitor device is 6º. Resource, measurement cycles 5x106. The operating temperature of the environment is in the range from -20 to + 50 ºС. There is a USB interface for connecting to a PC.
Comparison of Laser Radar Ladars and Amate

Compare Laser Ladars Ladars and Amate. At the rate of "Amata" to monitor the movement of cars on the track there are two modes. Working in measurement mode, the radar measures the range and speed of the machines, and in patrol mode, the device fixes the image without measuring speed and range. Such velocity meters such as LISS 2 and amate are intended to record traffic disorders and are based on laser radiation. The basis of their design is laser meter. "Amate" performs the same actions as the LEIS-2 antiradar, but has additional functions, which is highly appreciated by the traffic police representatives, and makes it a more popular appliance. The most important of these include the ability to control the device with a remote control, navigating the navigation on the touch screen and viewing the footage on it during the preparation of the protocol. Radars LED 2M, 2F and AMATA are widely used by traffic police inspectors to monitor the movement of cars on the tracks and in large cities to maintain order and reduce the number of transport incidents.

Motorists with experience are often nostalgic for those times when drivers are warned about the "gaish" ambushes with the help of flashlights. Today it is only necessary to remember this, because the strict traffic police inspectors from now on replaced innovative technologies, such as cameras photos and video phixations, and about which, in fact, and to warn, because of their invisibility, and it is useless. In the same place they cost - the motorist accounts for only to guess and sometimes the radar detector may be a bad assistant. Below in the article will give a list of the most "harmful", from the point of view of motorists, photovidofixation chambers.


Such a unique complex can simultaneously fix 6 violations of the Rules of DD:

Wrong parking;

Ignoring traffic light signal readings;

Crossing the stop line;

Passing the intersection followed by turning to the left \\ right in place where it is prohibited;

Disrespect of people at the pedestrian crossing,

Violation of the speed mode.

Such a system as "azimuth" easily recognizes the echo from the five kilometer distance, and at the same time it is not important at all, a smooth area of \u200b\u200bthe road or winding.


The purpose of the "Odyssey" system is automatically recorded on the video and the camera of traffic violations and monitor transport crossing the control zone:

Fix violations road rules;

Determine vehicle movement speed.

Although the potential of the photovideo phyxation system and is wide, but, usually, only one function is used: to determine the car with an unsuccessful seat belt driver, passing a car to a red light or speeding.


Ladar radar catches short laser pulses reflected from the object.

It has the following advantages:

Its narrow focus of the beam makes it possible in the total stream to highlight the desired automatic;

Measure its speed;

Identify the intruder;

Take a picture of the number 200 meter distance;

And the weather does not affect it.

By type, such a device resembles binoculars.


You can see such a radar on the poles. Highly sensitive 11 megapixel camera easily recognizes the license plates of cars and the face of the driver sitting driving from a distance of 1000 meters. The camera is capable of fixing the wrong parking, departure to the oncoming and passage under the prohibitory signal of the traffic light.

The constructive feature of this device is that he sees a roadway in two "eyes". Such complexes are very common and work very successfully.


This is a unique autocontrol of parking and other violations of road rules. The basis of this technology is a video modo, which is installed in a police car and a station for processing the received video.

Parkon's appointment to identify:

Violated parking cars;

Stop or parking on the road where there is no parking;

Parking on the sidewalk;

Prohibited parking;

Stop at Zebra;

Parking to stop, lawns, children's and sports grounds.


This device differs from its predecessors - high fixation accuracy. The information received by cordon is sent over the wireless channels to the Computing Center, where the information received is analyzed. Such a radar complex is able to simultaneously keep under the supervision of four road stripes.

Here is its main features:

Autogeneration of 2 images;

Autocontrol for exceeding speed and departure to the oncoming card;

Fixation of violations with subsequent transmission to the computing center;

The complete correspondence of a certain high-speed mode of each machine in the control zone;

Availability of GPS / GLONASS;

Remote configuration.


This modern complex is equipped with video confixation chamber and it is able to track violations up to 1 km. It should be noted that this device tracks the wrong particular machine, but the entire flow of moving along the road of motor vehicles.


The task of this photorad complex fixation in the automatic mode of violations of traffic rules. In addition, the device is capable of reading car numbers and track them through databases.

Transferring information to DPS posts is carried out by phone and by GSM and through radio channel. The data transmitted by the sensor is very reliably protected by the security system built into it.


The task of such a stationary complex of the autoDocontrol is to record traffic disorders and wanted. This complex determines the vehicle speed via video frames.

Passed "caruraguan" with such characteristics:

Reading numbers during the daytime to 97%;

Recognition of dirty or damaged registration numbers;

Carries out control over road traffic;

This complex cannot "see" radar detectors;

Fixes in addition to exceeding speed and other disorders;

automatic search for databases.


This system monitors the high-speed mode via GLONASS / GPS with the photo application option. In the work of Avtodoria, two registrars are used. The first is set at the very beginning of the control station, and the second at the very end.

"Autodoria" fixes the moment of the passage of the car, records at what time and in what place he drove to the controlled site and left him. The information received is transmitted to the server where it is calculated. average speed vehicle.

If the speed is exceeded, then the resolution is formed automatically with the time and place at which this car made a violation.

Every year more cars appear on the roads of our country. Unfortunately, not all drivers are strictly observed by traffic rules, which often leads to various kinds of accidents. For general improvement in the road situation, as well as to reduce the traffic accident, the traffic police uses radar in its work, fixing the facts of violation of the rules of the road. Progress in this area is not standing on the spot, and new all-more advanced technical means, which are not always noticeable to anti-lands installed in cars come to replace the obsolete-sharing models of cameras. By type of installation, the radar is divided into 2 groups - mobile and stationary. We will consider varieties of the latter in this article.

Stationary chamber radar are attached in a certain place on an ongoing basis on a rigid support over the carriageway. As a rule, the data from this type of radar flock into the center of processing administrative offenses at the traffic police or the nearest stationary post of DPS. On the roads, when approaching stationary cameras, a sign 8.23 \u200b\u200b"PhotoovideoFixation" should be installed on the rules.

Arena Complex - the video device of the traffic police (DPS, GAI), radar detector mobile and stationary

Let's start consideration from the stationary radar Arena C. This device is used for a long time at certain parts of the track. This type of camera is in small sizes, is installed on pillars or structures outside the field of view of drivers. From afar while moving to notice such a radar and, therefore, it is extremely difficult to react quickly. Radar Arena produces speed measurement and "in the forehead", and "in the back". The operating range of the device is 20 - 250 km / h. Duration of measurement - up to 90 m. At the same time, the racar is arena can control up to 3 lanes. Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement frequency: 24050-24250 MHz (K-range).

The quality of the photographing of this radar cameras is high: not only the car brand and its state number, as well as the individual features of the driver are recorded. The Radar Arena signal recognizes most of the modern anti-lands, warning the driver about the danger signal. However, if you have a letter of happiness for violation of traffic rules, fixed by the Radar Arena, in the picture in the upper left corner you will see the exact date and time, as well as the speed with which they moved at the time of violation.

Radar Chris - Photorad's complex (camera, system, device, detector) for traffic police (traffic police)

The next photographic complex - Chris C, which is designed to automatically fix traffic violations. The complex allows you to form a database of violators, automatically recognize state registration marks of vehicles, check them on various federal or regional databases and transfer data to the remote DPS post or to the central server. The device is equipped with an infrared chamber, which allows it to work at night. The operating range of the device is 20 - 250 km / h. Measurement range - up to 150 m. At the same time, 1 CRIS-C radar sensor can control 1 strip of movement. Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement frequency: 24050-24250 MHz (K-range).

The complex can be used to automatically photographing and centralized treatment (if there is a central post "Crystal" C) of such offenses, as an excess of the established speed of movement; departure in violation of traffic rules to the side of the road intended for the oncoming traffic; violation of the rules of the location of the vehicle on the roadway. In the process of processing violations, the DPS inspector can additionally identify other offenses according to the fixed frame: violation of the rules for the use of seat belts; violation of the rules for using external lighting devices, for example, the lack of inclusive of the near light.

Stationary radar complex PKS-4

The stationary radar complex PKS-4 is posts to control the speed of cars. It consists of a set of camcorders combined with a radar detector, and works with a pulse mode at a 24.16 gigahertz frequency. The PCS-4 device can analyze the speed of the machines in only one row. All recorded information (Machine Photography, Speed \u200b\u200bvalue) is displayed on a special computer screen, further printed and this printout can serve as evidence of an offense. All documents received, with accurate information about the place and time of the event, send the offender.

Rapier System - Radar Meter

Rapar-1 radar is used solely in a stationary version for measuring vehicle speed at a very close distance - up to 20 m. It works both separately and together with various software packages. Radar is set at a distance of 4-9 meters from the road at an angle of 25 ° above the pathway. Due to the ultra-visual orphanage diagram, the device determines the speed of cars in a strictly limited zone of control. Range of measured speeds: 20-250 km / h. Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement frequency: 24050-24250 MHz (K-range).

The rapier system is most often established at a significant distance from stationary DPS posts, which gives employees to traffic police time to prepare for stopping the intruder. The "Rapier" device on the controlled area records the state registration marks of cars, violations of high-speed modes, violations of indication of road signs and overall rules. Violations and rebuilding rules are also recorded. The Rapira-1 system allows you to respond in a timely manner to the incident, record the circumstances of the accident, helps lead violations statistics.

Stationary radar complex KKDDAS "Arrow 01 Art"

One of the most advanced radar video in the service of the traffic police is undoubtedly the stationary radar complex of the CCDDAS "Arrow 01 Art", which is installed over the roadway and records violations in all directions. Until recently, this radar was used exclusively in military aviation. This complex is equipped with a unique video camera, which is capable of tracking the violation at a distance of 1 kilometer. This happens when the driver cannot see the arrow, which means he does not have the ability to reduce speed on time.

The automated stationary device, in contrast to other radars, is monitored from a non-one car-intruder, but the entire transport stream, which fell into the zone of its action, processing at the same time the entire portion of the road canvase is within up to 1 km. In addition, it measures the speeds not at one point, but at distances up to 350 meters. Due to this, the possibility of measuring the velocity of vehicles is eliminated when they are moved on one distance on different bands of the carriageway. The arrow allows you to track at the same time up to four lanes, as well as the band for public transport. Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement frequency: 24050-24250 MHz (K-range). Range of measured speeds: 20-300 km / h.

Radar Arrow Art Processes up to 4 lanes and generates reports with data on speed and range of all objects. Next, automatic transmission of ordered data into the computer for subsequent processing occurs. Objects moving with speeds exceeding the installed threshold values \u200b\u200bare automatically highlighted. The arrow of the station fixes the speed exceeding at a distance of up to 500 meters, then "leads" the target and at a distance of 150-50 m, when the recognition program is already able to distinguish the registration number, photographs the car of the intruder. After that, the violation data is transmitted by radio channel to the center for fixing traffic violations, in which the inspector on the basis of the data obtained issues a decree on administrative violation with the receipt for payment of the fine. A letter with a decree, called drivers as a "letter of happiness," is sent by mail at the place of registration of the owner of the car.

Robot Robot or Robot-Multiiradar

Radar Robot or Robot-Multiradar was designed and produced by the German company Jenoptik Traffic Solution Division. Previously, drivers could meet this device Only on the roads of Europe, and more recently, this radar began to apply in Russia. Radar robot can be seen already in many cities of our country, it is usually placed on the pillars, in shape it resembles a birdhouse with two holes for cameras. The main advantage of the "robot" is an automatic mode of operation, it practically does not need maintenance.

This radar is capable of monitoring simultaneously to six lanes and recognize the numbers of all vehicles in the stream. Also, the "robot" allows you to distinguish 2 types of TC (cargo and passenger) and set various thresholds for exceeding the speed for each of them in accordance with traffic rules. Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement is carried out by a radar at a frequency of 24.1 GHz (K-range), a speed of 10-250 km / h is fixed.

The high-precision camera is able to capture the number of the car and even the driver's face from the distance to 1 km. The automated photographic complex "Robot" leads a video to and after the photo scan, which provides an indisputable evidence base when fixing traffic violations. All information about offenses comes on a single internal computer network to the dispatching point. Radar robot is able to fix such violations of the rules of the road, as speeding, parking in the wrong place, travel to red light, departure to the oncoming lane, departure to the allocated strip for the movement of public transport.

Stationary hardware and software complex "Caruragan-SMM"

The stationary hardware and software complex "Caruragan-SDM" is designed to solve the tasks of identification, registration and control of the movement of vehicles in the stream of any intensity: from small car parks to multi-band motorways. The speed of each car is measured independently. Sensors of the "AutoURAGAN" are installed above the track at an altitude of 6 meters on special structures. As a rule, depending on the purpose of the track and its high-speed mode, the instrument sensors are set at a distance from 300 to 1000 meters from the DPS post so that the inspector has enough time to stop the intruders.

This complex allows you to read well as the front and rear registration numbers Cars crossing the control zone and moving at a speed of up to 150 km / h. Range of measured vehicle speeds: from 1 to 255 km / h. When a permitted speed threshold is exceeded this car marked as a violator. In the case when there are no license plates on transport, "caruragan" saves the image of the car in memory. The device can recognize even dirty and strongly damaged numbers. If the control area crosses the car, whose license plates are listed in the database, the system gives a beep, thanks to this, the traffic police respond promptly to this fact.
Automatic video monitoring system APK Auto Usm-BCM system is used to fix such traffic violations such as a violation of the speed mode, passing crossroads for a prohibitive traffic signal, departure to intersection, pass through a double solid separation line, pass through the sidewalk, parking in the stop area, parking on the pedestrian crossing , Travel railway moving, as well as for searching events.

System "Autodoria"

Now is actively introduced by another type of radar detectors - the autodore system. The principle of operation of this complex is as follows: The recorder equipped with a camera, a computing module, a GLONASS receiver, an electronic digital signature, an infrared spotlight, a 3-G modem, fixes the passing machine. The autodoria system chamber remembers the state registration number of the car, and the GLONASS receiver is the coordinates of the point where the car drove. At a distance of 500 m to 10 km from the first complex there is a second camera, which also records the travel time and the machine number. Data from these two systems is compared by dividing the distance during the following time, thus the average vehicle speed is calculated. In the case when the speed exceeds the maximum allowed on this section of the road, a penalty is prescribed to the offender.

Antiradars will not save from this system, since the autodoria does not radiate either ultrasound nor a laser signal that the antiradars notice. Autodoria just photographs the car and saves this image.

Chris, Robot, Radar Complex, Arena, Radars, traffic police, traffic police, traffic police, Rapyer system, Robot-Multiradar, KKDDAS Arrow 01 Art, PKS-4, Autodoria System

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