Home Steering The procedure for submitting applications for maintenance by patrol cars of the traffic police. The traffic police has developed new rules for escorting the tuples. Maintenance of the traffic police patrol car

The procedure for submitting applications for maintenance by patrol cars of the traffic police. The traffic police has developed new rules for escorting the tuples. Maintenance of the traffic police patrol car

On approval of the provision on the accompaniment
Countries of state inspection
Road safety ministry
Internal affairs of the Russian Federation and
Military automotive inspection

In pursuance of subparagraph "a" of clause 2 of the presidential decree Russian Federation Of September 22, 2006 N 1042 "On priority measures to ensure security road»The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

  1. Approve the accompanying provision for escorting vehicle State Inspection Authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and military Automobile Inspectorate.
  2. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as appropriate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation within 2 months in accordance with the Regulation approved by this Decree, develop departmental regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for carrying out the maintenance of vehicles to the State Inspection Authorities Road traffic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and military automotive inspection.

Chairman of the government
Russian Federation
Decree of Government
Russian Federation
of January 17, 2007 N 20

About accompanying vehicles by cars of the State Inspectorate of Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and military Automobile Inspectorate

I. General provisions

  1. This provision determines the procedure for appropriate support, as well as a list of cases of accompaniment and the conditions for accompanying vehicles by cars of the State Inspection Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the State Automation) and Military Automobile Inspection (hereinafter referred to as Military Avtoyspection).
  2. The implementation of this Regulation does not apply to the maintenance of special-purpose vehicles, which is carried out within the framework of security activities in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Protection", as well as on supporting cars carrying special cargoes, which is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  3. The concepts used in the present position mean the following:

    "Car of accompaniment" - a vehicle of the traffic police or military auto inspection, on the outer surface of which a special colorographic scheme is applied, equipped with devices for feeding special sound signals and flashlights of blue and red and used for accompaniment;

    "Military Column" is a group of 3 - 20 mechanical vehicles and (or) units of self-propelled special techniques of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in which the Federal Law provides for military service, as well as the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation;

    "Outfit" - traffic police officers, inspectors of military auto inspectors, included in the maintenance of the accompaniment car, past special training and studied route;

    "Escort" is a set of road safety measures on the route of vehicles using accompaniment cars.

  4. The main tasks of accompaniment are:

    implementation of additional measures to prevent the route of road traffic accidents involving accompanied vehicles;

    ensuring the priority movement of accompanied vehicles on the route.

  5. Maintenance of vehicles is organized when according to the requirements of road safety in the exercise by vehicles separate species Transportation It is necessary to introduce restrictions on the movement of other vehicles.
  6. The procedure for the implementation of escorts with the use of vehicles of traffic police is determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

    The procedure for making support for roads common use With the use of military auto inspection cars, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation agreed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

II. Cases, conditions and procedure for appointment
7. Maintenance with the use of traffic police can be carried out in the following cases:

a) follow by car Member of the State Council of the Russian Federation for official purposes;

b) organized transportation of groups of children and students;

c) transportation of highly dangerous, large and (or) heavy cargo;

d) movement of the military column;

e) movement of vehicles and special equipment during measures to prevent and eliminate the effects of emergency situations;

(e) Conducting other events, if support is directly prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

8. Maintenance with the use of military auto inspection can be carried out in the following cases:

a) movement of the military column;

b) Transportation of highly dangerous, large and (or) heavy goods of defense destination.

9. Consideration of the appointment of accompaniment is carried out by territorial management bodies and departments of the traffic police, as well as military auto inspections at the place of proportion, taking into account the requirements of the relevant transport rules by road or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation:

a) when he follows by road a member of the State Council of the Russian Federation for official purposes - in the manner determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

b) with the organized transport of groups of children and students - on the basis of an application submitted in the manner determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

c) when transporting specially dangerous, bulky and (or) heavy cargo, including defense appointment, on the basis of an application submitted in the manner determined by the joint regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

d) when moving the military column - in the manner determined by the joint regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

e) when moving vehicles and special equipment during measures to prevent and eliminate the effects of emergency situations - on the basis of an application for the management body of the specified activities.

10. When considering the application and decide on the appointment of support, the following conditions are taken into account:

a) the possibility of transporting vehicles without carrying out additional measures to ensure road safety;

b) the optimality of the proposed route and the follow-up schedule based on the intensity of the movement and the compliance of road conditions; safety requirements;

c) the possibility of using alternative modes of transport for transportation;

d) the need for temporary limitation or stopping vehicle movement in public roads.

11. In the event that the accompaniment requires a temporary limitation or stopping the movement of vehicles in areas of roads, the event organizer agrees an application for support with federal executive bodies, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government agencies within their competence.

12. Application for maintenance not provided for in this Regulation or not satisfying the requirements established by departmental regulatory legal acts, it is not accepted for consideration.

In the event of a negative decision on the results of consideration of the application for support, the applicant is sent by the corresponding notice in writing, indicating the reasons.

13. The decision to appoint accompaniment is accepted:

a) in the event of a total on the roads of general use - the main state inspector of the safety of the Russian Federation (his deputies), as well as the main state-owned inspectors of the safety of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities (officials who perform their duties) - within the relevant entity Of the Russian Federation, municipality;

b) in the event of a route of following the following entity of the Russian Federation - the main state-owned traffic inspector of the directory of the Russian Federation, from which the movement of accompanied vehicles begins, in coordination with the main state-owned safety inspectors of the roads of the Russian Federation in terms of territoriality in accordance with route;

c) in the case of following roads within the closed administrative and territorial education, a particularly important and regime object - the head of the traffic police department in an appropriately closed administrative and territorial education and on a particularly important and regime object;

d) in the event of a route of following the limits of closed administrative and territorial education, a particularly important and regime object - the head of the traffic police department in accordance with the appropriately closed administrative and territorial education and on a particularly important and regime object as agreed with the main state-owned safety inspectors of the roads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of territoriality in accordance with the following route;

e) when moving military columns on common roads - by the authorized head of military auto inspection, in coordination with the main state-owned safety inspectors of the roads of the Russian Federation, heads of traffic police in closed administrative and territorial entities and on particularly important and regime objects by territoriality in accordance with the route following

III. Basic security requirements for accompaniment
14. The initiators of the maintenance and owners of the accompanied vehicles are obliged to fulfill all the requirements established by regulatory legal acts on the tolerance of drivers and vehicles to participate in road movement, the requirements for labor and recreation of drivers.

15. In escorting, deviations are not allowed from the requirements of the Rules of the Road Movement of the Russian Federation, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090, associated with the exit to the side of the road, intended for the oncoming movement, to the prohibitory signal of the traffic light, Excess of the set speed of movement, movement through railway tracks.

16. In the event that the number of accompanied vehicles exceeds 10 units, not less than 2 accompaniment cars.

17. B. necessary cases Measures to regulate traffic, travel, restriction or termination of movement in certain areas of roads are envisaged.

18. Before the start of maintenance of accompaniment (if necessary, with the involvement of other officials) provides:

a) verification of the compliance of the accompanied vehicles declared composition, the presence of documents from the drivers necessary for their admission, as well as the tolerance of vehicles to participate in road traffic, the compliance of transported cargo by the accompanying documents;

b) inspection of accompanied vehicles, buses, as well as transported goods to verify the correctness of their placement, if necessary, checking vehicles in them in individuals and goods using service dogs, using accounting data provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the implementation of search measures;

c) visual inspection of vehicles in order to identify technical faultsthreatening road safety;

d) briefing drivers accompanied by vehicles.

19. The accompaniment is not carried out in the case of the identification of the outfit of the circumstances that prevent the safe movement of vehicles, and the impossibility of their elimination of the maintenance initiaries and (or) the owners of the vehicles accompanied.

20. In carrying out accompaniment, accompaniment takes measures to prevent road accidents with the participation of accompanied vehicles and to ensure the priority movement of accompanied vehicles (taking into account the established restrictions) on the route.

21. If necessary, the internal affairs bodies are developing and implementing additional measures to ensure public security in the stopping places of accompanied vehicles for recreation, nutrition, sleeping and other purposes.

3.1. The tasks of the crews of patrol cars of the traffic police, when accompanied by special-purpose vehicles are the release of bands from the movement on them other vehicles to ensure that the federal security and unimpeded travel authorities of the Federal Security Authority of the Federal Security Service of the Safety and Unhindered Travel adjacent to the route of the territories, overtaking of the price, the designation of the direction of entry to the objects of the visit.

The crews of patrol cars of the traffic police pre-examine the routes of movement and access roads to the objects of the visit, the organization of movement on them, the venues of the tavern.

3.2. Maintenance of special-purpose cars, depending on the composition of the cortex, is performed by one - four patrol cars of the traffic police with increased dynamic characteristics, the crews of which are usually among the two employees of the traffic police.

Notes. 1. When accompanied by one or more special-purpose vehicles on the route of their constant retention by one patrol car, it moves ahead of the accompanied vehicle.

2. When accompanied by several special-purpose vehicles on the routes of constant following their following patrol cars, one of them moves ahead of the accompanied vehicles, the second - closes the motorcade.

3. When accompanied by special-purpose cars by episodic routes, three patrol cars ("signal") should be deleted from the accompanied vehicles, the second - moves ahead of the cortex, the third - closes the tuple.

4. When accompanied by a special-purpose car cortex with four patrol cars, one of them ("signal") should be deleted from the accompanied vehicles, two are moving ahead of the cortex, the third - closes the tuple.

5. When accompanied by special-purpose vehicles in accordance with paragraph 3 and 4 in the cortex can follow the patrol car without color coloring. In the case of a high length of the route of the specified cars in the tavern, the reserve crew of escort is envisaged.

3.3. Senior accompaniment Specifies the route with the senior cortex, the scheme of building vehicles in the contention, communication organization and information management system, as well as speed mode Movement.

3.4. Before an intercession in the outfit for maintaining special-purpose vehicles, the crews of patrol cars are instructed by the features of the main and spare routes of state protection objects, the system of organization of communication and information transfer, the procedure for ensuring the safe and unhindered travel of special-purpose cars, as well as the procedure for the use of weapons, special Tools and patrol automobile transport to prevent the safety threats of the passage of these cars, the life and health of those in them.

3.5. Senior accompaniment coordinates the movement of patrols of escorts, the actions of the staff of the traffic police on the route of special purpose vehicles, supports a permanent connection with the senior tuple, as well as responsible employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

3.6. Upon passage of the route of the special-purpose vehicle in the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, support to the final point is carried out with the participation of the forces and means of the State Authority of the State Authority, from the territory of the service of which begins the passage of the Corgetary, as well as departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

Passengers during the carriage of the bus can be not only adult people, but also children. To ensure the maximum degree of security during the transport of children, special rules have been developed and adopted.

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The consideration of the rules and requirements imposed on the drivers, accompanying and vehicles used for transportation, and is dedicated to this article.

When and by whom the rules

In this situation, parents or legal representatives must independently ensure the safety of the child on the basis and rules for transporting children in the bus traffic rules 2020.

Rules of organized transport of children by buses

So, with the organized transport of small passengers, special attention is required:

  • the need to accompany the crew of the auto inspection;
  • completeness of documentation;
  • requirements for the driver and buses;
  • requirements for persons accompanying children;
  • landing rules in the vehicle.

Escort traffic police

To obtain accompanation by the auto inspection, the columns of buses consisting of 3 and more buses are required no later than two days before the start of transportation to submit a written application for support.

The document must specify:

  • the time period in which support is required;
  • route movement column;
  • the number of children and phoeo of the accompanying group;
  • list of buses with state registration marks, surnames and details of driver certificates of all drivers.

The application is filed by the representative of the organization - the carrier to the Regional Office of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The response from the traffic police is also designated and passed to the friend in writing.

If the carriage of children is produced by one or two buses, then in the auto inspection department (as much as 2 days before the trip) is notified of the transportation of children.

The document must contain:

  • data on the company that is the organizer of transportation;
  • data about the company - carrier;
  • shipping date;
  • the route of the bus, augmented names of the initial and end items;
  • the number of children transported, indicating the age category;
  • mark and the Gosnomer of the bus making the delivery of children;
  • the data of the accompanying human group.

The notification should be made a mark that the traffic police know and allows for the transportation of children by the specified route and at the specified time.

A copy of the application for support or notification of transportation is a mandatory document that the driver must be located.


The following documents must be issued for the transport of children:

  • or carriage concluded between the organizer and the contractor;
  • a document containing information about a health care person who is obliged to accompany the group of children when the column or bus movement is moving for more than 12 hours. Previously required the presence of a health worker with the duration of carriage for more than 3 hours;
  • copy permission for transportation;
  • copies of the notification of transportation or application for maintenance;
  • list of persons who are accompanying groups. The list requires not only the name of people, but also passports, and contact phones for emergency communication;
  • list of children (name and age);
  • list of food products that can be in children during transportation. Most often, dry ducks and bottled water are included in the list. Previously, the presence of products was allowed during transportation, which was required for more than 3 hours. Since 2020, such a list should be available with any transportation, regardless of its duration;
  • document reflecting information about drivers of buses involved in the transport of children. The document should reflect: the names of the drivers, the details of driver's licenses, contact phones;
  • a document reflecting the order of planting children to the bus, indicating for each person a separate place. The document can be compiled:
    • organizer trip;
    • accompanying person;
    • medical worker, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child;
    • representative of the company - carrier, if this condition is an integral part of the contract of transportation.
  • a document containing a trip route that includes:
    • bus schedule with the definition of a temporary movement;
    • places of stops for recreation, food, excursions, indicating the name of the organization, providing the appropriate action. For example, the name of the hotel in which children should stop for recreation or names of organizations who conducted excursions. Previously, specifying specific organizations in the document was not required;
    • dates and estimated stop time for the needs of passengers.

When the buses column moves, each vehicle is assigned the sequence number, which it must stick when driving.

All documents must be transferred to the driver for one day before the transportation of children.

Requirements for drivers and transport

The driver can be allowed to organized by the transport of children if all the requirements are being implemented in the following aspects:

  • there is a driver's license category D;
  • starting management of buses belonging to category D is at least 1 year from the last 3 calendar years;
  • during the last year, the driver is not committed administrative offensesfor which the deprivation of driver's license is provided;
  • before the flight, the driver was instructed by the rules for transporting children approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
  • a medical conclusion is issued to a qualified medical professional before the flight, approving the driver's suitability for work.

New requirements for drivers are the most loyal, as it was previously required to have continuous experience for 1 year.

For example, if the driver switched from one transport organization to another, while his driver's experience was interrupted for several days, then such a person was not allowed to transport children.

The remaining requirements for drivers remained unchanged.

As for the admission of vehicles to organized by the transport of children, new requirements should be taken into force on January 1, 2020.

These include:

  • availability or talon technical inspectionconfirming the serviceable state of the bus;
  • the age of the bus should not exceed 10 years from the date of the vehicle;
  • all buses must be equipped with tachographs - special tracking devices for vehicle speed, observance of the labor and recreation of drivers (mandatory tachographs due to technical Regulationsadopted in 2010);
  • all buses must be equipped with GLONASS satellite navigation systems, which makes it possible to determine the location of the vehicle at any time.

Requirements for accompanying adults

When transporting children, accompanying persons must be prescribed, the main responsibilities of which are:

  • coordination of the movement of the bus in case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, with the deterioration of weather conditions;
  • tracking behavior, health status and nutrition of children during transportation.

The number of accompanying persons in one bus is caused by the number of doors available for each vehicle.

That is, an adult person who is responsible for children during transportation should be among each door to avoid accidents while driving.

If there are several accompanying bus, then the responsible person coordinating the work of all adults is appointed among them.

Access to the bus

The group for transportation may include children of various age categories. The only limitation applies to children aged 7 years.

Such faces can be transported in groups exclusively at a time of movement, amounting to less than 4 hours. In other cases, the transportation of young children is prohibited by groups.

The main points of the organization of accompaniment of DPS cars are governed by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 767 of 2007 and the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 20 of 2007. Traffic police officers must fulfill necessary workincluding the exhibition of outfits providing security if the route is unregulated intersections. If the path runs through another region of the country, the local leadership of the traffic police is informed about this. The accompaniment of traffic police units is necessary in the following cases.

During the service trips of representatives of the State Council of the Russian Federation. The members of the State Council include the heads of the regions, the leaders of the Fractions of the State Duma, the Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President. The accompaniment of traffic police travel is carried out in the event that they go to the events held by the President or the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

When transporting children. If one-two buses are not required for the carriage of children, the traffic police is not required. If vehicles are greater than 2, then the accompanying traffic police is allocated to ensure the safety of the column movement. To transport children at night is strictly prohibited. Be sure to place the yellow signs "Children" in front and behind the bus.

During the transport of oversized cargo. In the event that the length or weight of the machine along with the cargo exceeds the established dimensions, their movement should be carried out when accompanied by the traffic police officers. In this way, the transportation of equipment, large parts, etc. The oversized cargo is accompanied by DPS staff and in cases where the vehicle according to the route is forced to go to the oncoming traffic, as well as if necessary to quickly adjust the existing organization of movement of travel.

During transportation dangerous cargo. Dangerous goods are subject to substances, materials or waste that can create a threat to the health and life of people, and can also damage environment, lead to destruction or damage to material values. Experting of the transport of dangerous goods by traffic police officers is appointed for autocolone, which includes from ten or more vehicles, as well as, if necessary, for the implementation of measures to regulate traffic.

When performing special equipment of some events. Maintenance by employees of the traffic police special equipment is appointed when performing work to eliminate the effects of emergency situations, localization of the destruction zones and eliminating hazardous factors. Also, accompanied by traffic police officers, work should be carried out aimed at preventing emergency situations and reducing possible damage and losses.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2007 N 767

With changes and additions from:

In order to streamline the activities of the traffic police associated with the organization and maintenance of vehicles, I order:

1. To establish that implementation in the system of internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation tasks related to the organization and implementation of vehicle accompanies with patrol cars is the exceptional competence of the traffic police.

3.1. To organize the study and fulfillment of the requirements of this order by employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, authorized to dispose of or operating service motor vehiclesequipped with special sound signals and flashing beacons.

3.2. To ensure that the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and other organizations, the citizens of the necessary information on the conditions and the procedure for carrying out support for vehicles with patrol cars of the traffic police.

3.3. Take measures to create conditions for raising the level of professional training of traffic police officers included in the composition of accompaniment.

3.4. Ensure control over the use of patrol cars of the traffic police. According to the uncomplicable use of patrol cars of the traffic police, as well as the organization of support in cases not provided for by the instructions approved by this order, conduct official inspections, based on the results of which to take on the perpetrators of disciplinary action.

4. Heads of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional and district levels specified in paragraph 3 of this order:

4.1. Provide in a two-month term development and coordination in the prescribed manner:

4.1.2. With state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education, the procedure for sending applications for support of vehicles with patrol cars of the traffic police organized transportation groups of children.

4.2. To organize interaction with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the maintenance of vehicles and special equipment during measures to prevent and eliminate the effects of emergency situations.

6. To consider the influence of 1.4 and the instructions for organizing and implementing the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Economics Instructions on the work of the road-patrol service of the State Inspection of the Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of April 20, 1999 N 297

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