Home Generator Pleasure buggy. Pleasure strollers. Tests on the dynamics of overclocking

Pleasure buggy. Pleasure strollers. Tests on the dynamics of overclocking

If you decide to make buggy with your own hands, you should know that there are two types of drawings: sports (racing) and tourist. When assembling the design, do not forget that certain proportions must be observed, the details must correspond to one another in size, weight, load, etc. The machine collected by the machine should be light (about 300 kg).

The racing model should have a reinforced pipe frame. Reliable framework is obliged to defend the driver in the event of clashes or coup on complex distances. Such a machine make a single one. Tourist buggy "dresses" to the body and has two seats.

What tool we need

Before starting the assembly at home, you need to cook everything you need. You will need a set of tools:

Welding (For the initial setting of the frame elements and the final welding of pipes). Remember! For welding works Metal voltage occurs. Therefore, watch the framework does not lead.

Bulgarian (Pipes need to cut, and the edges are aligned under welding).

Pipe bender(They are different and priced, and in terms of work, which can perform: manual, manual hydraulic, electro-hydraulic, electric). Pipes will have to bend in different places, according to the drawing.

Attention!Buying pipe bending, ask how the diameter and thickness of the pipes it can work, what is the maximum bend angle and the accuracy of the bend angle.


Bruks and trimming boards (To raise or fix different elements during design).

Milling machine.

Metal crown.

Frame material:

Pipe (approximately 50 m tubes, diameter 40 mm, wall thickness 3 mm). Pipes can suture or seamless.

What we take the basis

It is possible to collect buggia by taking as a basis the carrier frame of the motorcycle, "Oka", "Zaporozhets", "Niva" or Vase. You need a body, frame, wheels, fuel tank, engine, brake system, shock absorber, exhaust pipe, air filter, steering wheel (you can take from the racing card), planting place (It is advisable to equip a headrest). This is not a complete list of all necessary.

IN self-made model Buggy will not be hood, trunk, doors. Windshield You will replace the metal small mesh.

Attention! Motor and fuel tank are separated from the driver's seat by a firewall from a refractory material. On the right side of the driver, the fire extinguisher is fixed (one nozzle is directed to the engine, the second - towards the driver). Fireproof should be started on both sides (from two levers).

Buggy from motorcycles

If you take the basis of an old motorcycle IL or Ural, then as a result of the assembly, a compact buggy is 300 kg, which can wheel off road at a speed of 80 km / h. To build buggy, you will need a motorcycle engine (however, it is a slightly noisy option) and details from small cars.

"Oka" - a good donor for buggy

"Oka" is a very profitable donor for Buggy. Engine "Oka" with liquid cooling, and therefore is protected from overheating, the hubs are low weight, steering Reika With a sufficient margin of strength. For your buggy, the brake system and shock absorbers from "Oka" will fit.

Attention!Viewing the car to the details for Buggy, do not forget to keep the testimony of it from accounting.

Seat from "Oka" will only suit extremals (it is too tough). It is best to search for disassembly sitting with good lateral support. At the same time, it is impossible to forget about the headrest - it is the protection of your cervical vertebrae during off-road arrival. Buggy based on "Oka" is characterized by a large crossway.

"Zaporozhets" for buggy, ready-made option

If you take the basis of "Zaporozhets", it will turn out to be a finished rear-engine model. The engine must be fastened with the backward arms (it will improve its cooling and evenly distribute the weight along the axes). The differential will have to turn over (swap the right and left side). Adjust gear shifting drive (since the KPP rod unfolds to the rear bamper from the driver - and this complicates the system of the Kulis).

Make buggy from vase

If you are afraid of problems with electronics, it is better to take the carburetor VAZ as the basis. Motor, like on all buggy, is attached to the driver from behind. Front semi-axes and hubs of the vase are used to the rear wheels for the drive. The semi-axes are attached to the cropped bridge from the VAZ 2106.

Tsarfa rear axle Finish without the possibility to rotate. And the front is like on a car. The differential is blocked (for uniform transmission to bridges). If you take the front racks with springs from the 41st "Moskvich", it will increase the rigidity rear suspension. The upper part of the Baggi carcass will be welded from a water supply seamless pipe (section 30 - 50 mm).

Buggy on the basis of "Niva"

If you are going to use buggies as a transport for fishing or in the forest, you can take "Niva" as the basis. On the basis of "Niva" you can build all-wheel drive buggia. As suspension take both front suspensions from "Niva" (all the front suspension assembly weighs 130 kg). UAZ tires are put on doused discs from "Niva". To increase the stroke, you can easily lengthen the suspension levers (the track can increase to 1550 mm).

Choose suspension

Independent suspension is a great option for buggy. The levers will fit longitudinal and transverse (you can take the front suspension from Japanese cars). This is a triangular lever: one of his side is attached across the car through one silent block, and the second serves as a bodice that takes the load. On sports buggy it is recommended to put a suspension with one longitudinal lever. This option is the easiest and easy. With such a suspension, the body roll will minimize, and the weight of the machine is uniformly distributed.

Good to know! If you are planning to cut off on buggy on public roads, you will have to put the headlights, bumper, turn signs (everything is as on a regular machine to not violate the rules road).

In the independent suspension of the candle type, the elastic element protrudes the spring, which moves along the vertical guides at the end of the bridge beam. If there is an independent suspension on the leading wheels, the cardan articulation is used to transmit torque from the main transmission to the wheels. The most often used cardan with two hinges. On simple designs in the semi-axes put one cardan hinge.


The front suspension of the buggy is best done in the form of the letter "A" on long transverse levers. It is this design that gives a large move of wheels and allows you to change the angle of inclination of the spring with the shock absorber (thus, the suspension rigidity is adjusted).

When assembling a pendulum lever, pay attention to the material and quality of welding seams, because very large loads are coming on this item. Levers count on maximum width The base of the letter "A" (this will extend the life of silent blocks). The width of the lever should not interfere with the rotation of the wheel. The lack of construction is that the course of the finger of the lower ball support in its nest is limited (up or down, it will not be in the place where I would like).


For the rear suspension, the buggy is chosen a longitudinal lever that holds the wheel from the offset (the wheel on the cardan is tight). True, there is one flaw: the collapse of the wheel changes for the worse.

To achieve stability in motion, variables of the angle of inclination of the wheels are needed. Levers will allow moving in two planes. If on rear axis There is such a suspension, then the front suspension can be any. If in such a suspension through the center of the cardan of the semi-axis, the axis of the rush of the lever will be passed, it disappears the need to set the wheel of the second cardan from the wheel hub.

Buggy is a simplified version of a car-SUV. It has a relatively wide wheelbarrow with a rather short base, low gravity center. It makes the car stable and easily controlled. A sturdy and rigid frame provides it to the vitality and safety of the pilot. IN modern world Technicians There are many types and designs of Buggy.

Sports and tourist

These are the most popular buggie. These include: Krollers (crawl - crawl; unfortunately, we have established the wrong name - Craulers), Rockcrolings (Rockcrawling - crawling on the rocks), beach-sand, pleasure, cross, military and buggy for rally raids. And car maintenance can be held specialists with extensive experience in the autotech center www.jni-motors.ru

In particular, the krolrs are used to overcome artificial or natural obstacles, and cross-grades - for group races on closed tracks of arbitrary configuration without coating or bulk coating (ground, sand, stone crumb, etc.), closed to outsider. There is no intersection of the route with streams and ditches, the presence of pits on it and reservoirs. Before racing, the canvas should be cleaned from stones and foreign objects, processed by the vacuuming substance and water to water in a timely manner.

Buggy "Vzhik" - a common fork and main dimensions:

1 - Outdoor rearview mirror (2 pcs.); 2 Four-point seat belts (4 pcs. - 2 for each seat); 3 - front indicator of rotation (2 pcs.); 4 - headrest (2 pcs.); 5 - front overall fire (white, 2 pcs.); 6 - headlight (2 pcs.); 7 - dashboard; 8 - spare wheel; 9 additional seat; 10 - Block of the rear signal lamps (2 pcs.); 11 - the neck of the fuel tank; 12 - Farcop

The length of the track must be at least 800 meters (for juniors - at least 500 m) and no more than 2000 m. At the same time, the length of the straight-line plots should not exceed 200 m. The width of the track 12-25 m.

Military Buggy is often used during hostilities in desert areas.

After reviewing the firmware-designer magazines from 2005 to 2010, tried to identify the merits and disadvantages of the machines described. Only after that I decided to build my walking buggy. He fully answered my needs. When designing the car, took into account the level of own skills in the necessary working professions and the technological possibilities of manufacturing the design in the home workshop. Buggy was supposed to be dynamic, maneuverable, highly speed, sustainable, safe.

General data and layout

Buggy "Vzhik" was created on the basis of the old "Zhiguli" VAZ-2106, which I presented a good acquaintance. From the rotten body, only the lower part was left, with the power elements (spars, crossbar) and the nodes of fastening the chassis. Between two crossings, 500 mm bottoms, left parts are docked and cooked. To enhance old spars and the mentioned welded transverse seam, new spars were made: overhead, elongated. This made it possible to simplify the installation of the transmission. "Rotina" the threshold is replaced with a pipe of a rectangular section of 60 × 40 mm, which was another element of the body rigidity. The safety frame is made of a pipe with a diameter of 30 mm.

Buggy is a double, it has the front "Zhigulevsky" seats, rigidly attached to the floor power elements. The housing is covered with a 4-mm duralumin sheet. Four-point seat belts are made of standard (from VAZ-2106).

The road clearance of the buggy at full load is 200 mm, which allows you to move through the rough terrain, overcome the corresponding vertical obstacles. In order to avoid damage to the engine crankcase, protection is installed.

Cardan transfer

Since the base of Buggy has become shorter than 500 mm. There was a need to shorten and the cardan shaft. To do this, deleted the front (short) knee (only a slotted shank included in the checkpoint). The smooth end of the shank is flowing under the hole in an external plug pinion cardanian hinge The back of the knee, located near the node of the suspended bearing.

a - Cardan VAZ-2106 shaft; B - shortened and improved cardan shaft of Buggy, made of the "Zhigulevskaya" shaft

1 - short transmission lever; 2 - spherical bearing: 3 - traction: 4 regular gear lever; 5 - Hinge (2 pcs.)

The outer plug is planted on the shank sink with a tension ("on hot") and the details are welded. Rear knee cardanian Vala Shorten. To increase the rigidity and exclusion of the beating, the damper rubber coupling is used as a gasket between the gearbox and the cardan shaft.


Using part of the body made it possible to leave the factory steering system of the VAZ-2106 car steering, which contributes to security. To adjust the position of the steering wheel on its shaft, "Cross" is installed, that is, the shaft is made by the cardan. For the convenience of landing the driver and control of the machine, the steering wheel of smaller diameter was used.


Buggy brake system (working and parking) is also used from VAZ-2106 car. Brakes controls: foot pedal and handle parking brake, as well as the gear lever is located as well as on ordinary car. Such (habitual) arrangement of controls and internal equipment provides: convenience of controlling the car, its systems; Reducing fatigue, and the main thing is to reduce the probability of erroneous actions of the driver.

Elements brake system Easily accessible for maintenance and repair. To prevent damage to the brake hydraulic highways when moving on off-road, they paved inside the cabin.

The "Zhigulevsky" wheels are installed on the buggy. To increase the patency on the rear tires "Bulgarian" cut the accruitment protector.

Instruments and equipment

By car installed parking lights, turn signs, stop signals, factory fairy lights. Dashboard - homemade aluminum alloy, some devices of the VAZ family are mounted in it. Buggy has electronic system ignition. The electrical equipment of the buggy is simplified, which makes it suitable for repair even in the field.

1 - Right turn pointer: 2 overall lights; 3 left turn signs; 4 - headlights: 5 - beep; C - generator; 7 - starter; 8 - a subwoofer; 9 - temperature sensor; 10 - oil pressure sensor; 11 - headlights relay; 12 - headlight on toggle switch; 13 Stop Signal Sensor: 14 - turning relays; 15 "Bobin"; 16 - switch; 17 - rubber; 18 Safety shoe; 19 ignition toggle switch; 20 starter launch flag; 21 plug socket for connecting a portable lamp; 22 battery; 23 Mass Switch; 24 - right back light; 25 - left rear lamp; 26 - coolant temperature pointer; 27 - speedometer; 28 -etometer; 29- voltmeter; thirty - control lamp headlights; 31 - control lamp of the rotation indicator; 32 - warning lamp of gabaria lights; 33 Oil pressure test lamp; 34 Battery Charging Control Lamp

The machine has a rearview mirror: two side and one central. Mounting mirrors provide their regulation and reliable fixation.

Due to the preventing device of the buggy, a car trailer can be towed with a total weight of up to 550 kg. This allows you to use it to perform internal work.

Release system

The resonator and silencer "Zhigulevskaya" system of output of exhaust gases replaced on a homemade direct-flow muffler, sharpening it to a regular receiving pipe.

Short speed gear shift system

The factory shift box of VAZ-2106 gear, in my opinion, has a number of shortcomings. One of them is the long moves of the gear lever, which makes it difficult to control the machine in extreme roads off-road. I decided to establish a short switching system. To do this, the additional lever associated with the standard lever of the Kulisa was mounted. This made it possible to make the control of the PPC more efficient.

Running tests

To test buggy for strength and vitality, the movement was carried out mainly in forest, field roads and rough terrain. During the trial, "Vzhik" showed good maneuverability, high passability, overcoming the biases to 45 °. Small weight I. powerful engine Provide "Vzhiku" excellent overclocking dynamics.

The maximum speed that buggy developed was 110 km / h. Further increase in speed negatively affected manageability. This is associated with a very short base. The car is very easy to control.

During participation in the regional ecological and local history expedition, which is regularly held in the Vagaysky district, for Buggy made mileage of 130 km.

Testing the brake system

To test the brake system, I used the method described in GOST R 51709. The tests were carried out at several control sections: asphalt, crushed stone, dirt road with a length of 500 m. The initial braking rate during checks in road conditions was 40 km / h.

When crossing the control strip at this speed, a sharp braking was made to the stop and the braking path was measured. At the same time, Buggy did not leave the regulatory corridor three meters wide (the car did not enjoy). The test was repeated five times on each type of road surface (or without it). As a result, the average braking path was: on asphalt - about 5.1 m, on the gravel coating - just over 5.6 m, on a dirt road - 5.9 m.

To check the performance of the parking brake, the car was installed on the road with a slope of 16 ° and included "handbrake". The equipped car remained motionless.

Tests for high-speed maneuverability

Tests for high-speed maneuverability were carried out on a motorway with a highway with a length of 800 m, designed by their own hands, located near the house. Radius of rotation -35 m. The route has several stages (start, "snake", turn, "eight", turn and finish).

Due to the fact that the autodrome is on rough terrain and riding on passenger cars There was impossible, comparative races of buggy and all-wheel drive chinese SUV. Great Wall 3. According to the results of the arrival "Vzhik" showed a smaller time of passing the route than Hover, due to the greater average speed.

When moving along broken forest roads, Buggy also wins, in comparison with the SUV. Places there. Where Great Wall barely plead, "Vzhik" slipped due to low weight, good manageability, maneuverability, relatively large clearance and short base (road clearance).

The machine is equipped with a Shant tool (saw, ax, jack, hand winch). It helps "Vzhikh" to wade through difficulty areas of the terrain and pull out the stuffing machines from dirt, even more powerful.

Chassis tests showed that walking buggy, having only rear drive, it is not bad overcoming the rough terrain with minor obstacles. Confidently moving on Kosoyrats: dumping on the side, and even more so - overturning did not happen.

But there are also disadvantages. When moving at high speed roven road Machine control due to its short base deteriorates.

Due to the fact that the engine is located in the front of the car, the rear axle has a mediocre grip with slippery expensive. This problem is partially solved due to additional loading equipment with the back of the buggy. Increased patency contributes to the installation of anti-skid chains.

Preferred four-wheel drive.

Tests on the dynamics of overclocking

To determine this indicator, Buggy accelerated on three sites with different road coating (asphalt, rubbed and dirt road) 100 meters long. At the same time, the highest speed on the asphalt plot was 73 km / h. According to the results of the arrivals of "Vzhik" showed high dynamics of overclocking - 100 m from the place was carried out in less than 9 s. As expected, the results on the chicken coating and the dirt road were slightly lower. Each test was repeated five times.

Choosing a method for cleaning metal from corrosion

In the manufacture of Buggy, the problem of cleaning metal surfaces from paint and oxides arose. There are several generally accepted rust and paint removal methods: chemical, electrochemical, thermal and mechanical.

I decided to check how and the faster and more efficiently clean the metal. For this, several plates were made of a rusty metal sheet, which I was cleared in several ways. A sandblasting apparatus was cleaned with a sandblasting machine (RSM) with a metal brush, an ESM with a petal circle, composition for removing rust "zincar" and a rusty metal firing was produced in the gas mountain.

After processing, I investigated the surface of the samples using a digital microscope with a webcam. Worse than all the "zincar", which is only suitable for processing purified parts to prevent further corrosion. Treatment with a petal circle requires a lot of time and consumables, but allows you to achieve good result. Sand blasting processing turned out to be the most qualitative way. The processed surface has a matte texture without traces of rust. But for this method it is necessary to professional equipment, a powerful compressor. A small homemade sandblasting machine with a compressor for pumping tires found himself as a serurate.

Methods of cleaning from rust have been very well: calcining and with an ushm with a metal brush. But when calculating, a thin metal "leads" and therefore this method is not enough. As a result, I decided to use an ush with a brush.


Buggy "Vzhik" was tested in the XXV and XXVI regional Ecological Expeditions "Chir", which took place in the Vagay district on the Lake Kryukovskoye. With the help of buggy on forest and field roads on car trailer Conducted woodwork building materials, WATER, EQUIPMENT.

There, "Vzhik" used as a training vehicle in the union "Young Driver" under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Children learned to drive a car on the road. The student noted the ease of mastering the control of the car.

In August 2016, a trip was performed on a round lake, near the village of Abramova Tobolsky district with a length of 80 km, of which 50 km - in difficult roads.

Buggy participated in the parade dedicated to the Victory Day on May 9th. The car was stylized under the self-propelled artillery installation of the Su-112a. The trunk was built-in nine clappers that we shot during the procession. The crew was dressed in the shape of the fighters of the Red Army. Stylized "Vzhik" called a storm of positive emotions. About 500 people took a picture near him. I believe that this contributed to the patriotic education of young people.


During the design of Buggy, "Vzhik", conducting challenges and numerous improvements, the features of the design of car elements were studied. The advantages and disadvantages of the design are revealed; Factors affecting strength, speed and maneuverability.

The advantages of "Virik" can include stability, maneuverability, high speed, ease of design, ease of control. Buggy attracts much attention due to their unusual mind. Those who want to ride on it are tested by a storm of positive emotions. Experienced drivers note the excellent overclocking dynamics, phenomenal for such a car and speed.

"Vzhik" is great for outdoor activities, educational ride and doing business.

The disadvantages include: uncertain control of high speed, poor adhesion of the leading wheels of the rear axle with slippery expensive, the absence of a full drive.

In the future, I plan to equip the "Vzhik" by an expedition trunk.

I. Balin, Tobolsk, Tyumen region.


1. Rules of the Road Movement of the Russian Federation, M., Informburero, 2014, p. 66.

2. A. Egorov. The second life of the SMZ C3D, "Model-Designer" No. 12 - 2006.

3. Car device - design, structure, knots and car units.

4. GOST R 51709-2001. Motor vehicles. Security Requirements K. technical state and methods of verification (with change No. 1).

5. G.G. Holiday RU. Roar. Corrosion and struggle with it. L.: Chemistry. 1989.

Under the word Buggy hides a wide variety of car models, which are very different. When designing it is important to adhere to certain proportions so that the parts correspond to each other: by weight, size, the maximum extent of the load, etc. Consider different constructions as power increases.

How to make buggy with your own hands:

  • From motorcycle
  • From Oka.
  • From Zaporozhets.

From motorcycle

Light small buggy can be collected based on the engine of the Motorcycle IL, or Urals. It will weigh it a kilogram 300, develop speed up to 80 km / h. In such a design, motorcycle parts are used as much as possible and from small ages.

From Oka.

An excellent budget donor for Buggy is an eye. The hubs are low weight. The liquid cooling engine is protected from overheating and not so noisy as motorcycle. The steering rail is sufficient for its class margin of safety. Baggi based on Oci has a greater passability than the serial car.

From Zaporozhets.

Zaporozhets, having a rear-engine layout, in fact, already ready option Buggy. Creating the drawings of the frame, it is desirable to foresee the engine mount back in advance for better cooling and weight distribution over the axes. In this case, it is necessary to turn over the main pair (differential), changing the right and left side by places. And make a special drive of shifting gear, since the SKPP rod unfolds from the driver to the rear bumper, and this complicates the CULIS system.

Video of the construction of buggy from Zaporozhets

Shock absorbers, like the hubs for buggy, you can leave "relatives". But the suspension levers will have to make themselves, about it below.

For simplicity, it is better to take a carburetor model so that there are no unnecessary problems with electronics. Although this is a matter of personal preference, the design does not change from this. The engine is usually installed for the driver. For drive on rear wheels Front semi-axis and hubs of VAZ 2108, 09, etc. are used. To increase the rigidity of the rear suspension, you can use the front racks with springs from the 41st Moskvich, because by the machine each holds more than 300 kg.

For the all-wheel drive option, all four hubs are the front, from the VAZ 2108. The semi-axes are connected to the cropped bridge from the "classics", for example, VAZ 2106. In the rear axle, the axles are fixed without possible to rotate. And the front as on the car. Differential power aggregate, For uniform transmission of torque on the bridges, it is better to block.

With such a layout, it is worth considering that the maximum speed is reduced by the magnitude of the transfer ratio of the used bridges, since now the engine semi-axis transmit rotation to the wheels are not directly, but after another differential. This makes it possible to use the wheels of a large diameter without overloading the motor.

Homemade machines imply homemade frame. For carrier frame Buggy, you can use conventional plumbing pipes, but better if they are seamless, round or square section 30 - 50 mm in the diameter. The upper part of the frame is welded from thin pipes. It is important to consider that when tipping the frame should withstand the weight of the car and the force of impact. This concerns the buggy of any class.

To design you need to have:

  • Pipe bender
  • Bulgarian
  • Welding machine
  • Drill

At hand, it is advisable to keep trimming boards and bars, because there is always a need to raise some framework elements and fix in that position.

Start the manufacture of a frame on a flat site. Bend, according to the drawings, the pipes first stick with welding, check, and only after that fights finally. It is important to be attentive so that the frame does not behave, since the welding of metal occurs during welding. For the same reason, it is desirable not to poison, but to use one-piece pipes.

Front suspension

A suspension has proven well on long transverse levers in the form of the letter A, it provides a large move of the wheel. Even plus is that it allows you to change the angle of inclination of the shock absorber with the spring, thereby adjusting the stiffness of the suspension.

The pendulum lever during operation is exposed to large loads, so it is important to pay special attention to the materials and quality of welded seams when assembling this part.

To reduce wear of silent blocks and extend their service life, the levers need to be calculated as widely as possible. That is, the base of the letter A, in which the silent blocks are pressed, should be, as far as possible from each other, but that the lever width does not interfere with the rotation of the wheel.

Nuance, which may subsequently disappear - this is a limited course of the bottom of the lower ball support in its nest. In other words, the finger can limit the move the suspension up or down is not in the place where it was expected. It must be checked at the design stage.

Rear suspension

If you decide to use the bridge, the task in the design is simplified. But for buggy is better independent suspension. Levers can be longitudinal and transverse.

Cross lever

You can take the front suspension sample, which is used on many Japanese cars. This is a triangular lever, one side of which is located across the machine and is attached through one silent block, and the second shoulder goes forward to the center and serves as a burden that takes the load during car jerks.

Lady lever

For the successful use of longitudinal suspension levers, cross-reactive traction is needed, otherwise the buggy will be bad to keep the road. Silent blocks of longitudinal levers serve longer than on the transverse traction "Classics".

If you decide to descript at home Buggy, time will not be spent in vain. Even if nothing comes out - this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the main knotting of the car. And if it turns out - you will have a unique car.

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There is a huge amount of cars in the world: beautiful and not very, expensive and cheap, powerful and weak, their own and strangers. However, the most expensive car car alone is Ferrari 250 GTO, it is 1963 the release and only this car is considered ...

What car russian production The best, the best Russian cars.

What kind of car is the best in the history of the domestic automotive industry good cars. And the best of them choose difficult. Moreover, the criteria for which one or another model is estimated can be very different. ...

The most purchased cars in 2018-2019 in Russia

How to choose a new car? In addition to taste preferences and technical characteristics The future car can help you a list or rating of the best and most popular cars in Russia in 2016-2017. If the car is in demand, then it deserves your attention. Obvious fact Russians ...

What machines are hijacked in Moscow most often?

For the last 2017, the most hijacked cars in Moscow are Toyota Camry, Mitsubishi Lancer, Toyota Land Cruiser. 200 and Lexus RX350. The absolute leader among the stolen cars is sedan Camry.. He occupies a "high" position even, despite the fact that ...

All owners of Mountain Buggy celebrate the magnificent way quality of pleasure strollers from Mountain Buggy. The stroller goes herself, steals with one finger.

Any walking stroller Mountain Buggy, including baby Nano, a large margin of safety. Even after the most severe operation, the strollers do not creak, not luftyat.

Any stroller Mountain Buggy is compactly folded and placed even in a not very large car trunk.

Minuses of pleasure strollers Mountain Buggy
Mountain Buggy Terrain and Mountain Buggy Terrain and Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle have a wheelbase width of 63 cm. Those. In order to enter the elevator, it should open by 65 cm. Or you should have a cargo elevator in the house. The rest of the children's walking strollers Mountain Buggy are fluent in any elevator.

Differences of pleasure strollers Mountain Buggy (Mountain Buggy)
Comparison of the Mountain Buggy Wheelchairs (Mountain Buggy)

Mountain Buggy strollers ( mountain stroller)

My comrade offered to make Buggy, real on the right smile.gif slightly couch, I agreed to its provocation. Comrade for 99.9% acquired the detail on Baggukhu, and I helped welding-ideas-tools with the room and the main company (one did not do it all this)

So here is an emerged engine with a box. Heart so to speak ...

Start. So, as usual, the soul required rational solutions, so Buggy was taken as the basis of the Soviet magazine "Model designer", it was called AB-82, and had most spare parts from the best in the world of bringing the world with a motor, ZAZ 968, i.e. Zaporozhets.
What time we found the tools, made mega-cleaning in the garage and were looking for a donor. The tools (the most necessary) are found in the garage you can work (removed, the light has done and so on) purchased ZAZ 968, the rear-engine coupe of red.
So ghost we drove around the city, drives, lively. In the garage, they were separated (there is no photo of the cut, apparently we were very passionate about the process)
We arrived in the garage, removed, did the light, it seems like decent more or less working conditions left ... Bought on metal bonding the usual iron profiles, (profile tube) and started to carry the welding machine means ... art

The art crushed, first was cooked the bottom, here the drawings were respected by 90%. Made a little big sizes than in the drawings.

Somewhere in the process, the rear suspension appeared. These are the native Zaporozhye levers with the hubs, and on the native "ears", in advance constructingly buried from the donor body. There was an opportunity to move to me in the garage, what we did. Bettered in order to have light, order and beauty, there is nothing nakhalyava.

As it was

How it became
Pay attention to the high-tech painting technology of wall painting (thought the breather to do, the type of beauty and light is reflected) the technology is such, one chaotic colors in one place, the second in the other, the paint is unexpectedly ends (sellers they are such sellers ... promised that the entire garage 10 layers There are enough buckets .. And really ...) And on this event it is completed))

Front levers and suspension were made.
Pipes of rods - thrust from the rear suspension of the classics VAZ. With silent blocks.
The ears on the frame for silent self-made metal 2mm.
Fastening the ball from the bottom - a piece of the Vazovsky lever of the front.
Ball VAZ of course.
From above, the removal tip of the VAZ instead of the ball.
The sleeve for adjusting the collapse is welded into the top lever (the bushing of Tokary was done)
Also, Tokar was made and a spacelock under the top ball (they had different cones)
Initially put ammortizers IZHP 4, but this is too weak.
Later changed.
Rubber Which is what is to roll.

The suspension must be said was welded not from the bald. Kinematics of the levers is extinct in this way that the spooky of the touch of the tire with the road has always been maximum. Checking the stroke of the suspension. This is a very interesting moment when the design is already at least you can roll! Joy like 7 year old children.

Flame heart, engine i.e. We try. Fastening the motor and gearbox remained factory, with a small modification.

Total photo with suspension and self-made bucket of metal 0.8 According to drawings from our wonderful Internet (what would we do without it?!)

Again, erotic fantasies on the topics of the roof ... design and engineering (from the word engineer or fig?))

Time passed. Chose how beautiful will be.

Space gravitza. Snapshot intermediate is unwashed cool.

By the way, the motor mounts is closer. If anything)

Began to make pedals, fastening of tanks, cylinders. Alas of high-quality photo of the process left, or written or in the interrocate as it here. But the main gas is)) Also fixed steering rack. This moment is regulated for a long time that the balls in the steering rake were in a certain place relative to the lines of fastening the suspension. In short, that you would steal the car, and not she touched you on the bumps. Steering slack Oka (1111) Cardanners Steering Vaz 2107, very comfortable, and for safety + steering tips VAZ classic.

The first descents from the slide, the steering wheel on the stick with the tape, no seats, there are no brakes, there is nothing ... do not do it, it is dangerous for everything at all)))) the ocean joy of course. The front wheels are normal, VAZ, rear ZAZ (VAZ, temporary vessel for a photo, really on the ZAZ hub, only ZAZ Wheel)

Bottom. For the Nephik ride without it, dangerous. Metal sheet, 0.8 in my opinion. It was originally fastened to the self-tapping screws with a brown, but as practice showed - they are not suitable for these purposes, fall out of the vibration, and the ground is often cut with jumps and other things. And then another mystery who will collect them with wheels ... later the bottom was welded by points. By the way, the project was cooked with electrodes. And with moving to new housing, the machine was created only by semiautomatom CO2 and a wire 0.8mm more convenient, faster, easier, the mass of the pluses of this type of welding.

After the first tests of hopes for compact light, ammortizers were dissolved. They put two such parties, it became better, we went to them for a while, but not that. By the way, you can see the edge of your eyes that there is a gas cable, clutch tanks, brakes, brake tubes and a high-quality steering rail is fixed. This kind of moments require a lot of thinking and creativity, so about the photo forgot the campaign. On the floor of the buggy - linoleum)) of the type of oculted temporarily.

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