Home Lighting Passenger trailer dump truck hydraulic with their own hands. Homemade trailer dump truck. Requirements for the automotive trailer for GOST

Passenger trailer dump truck hydraulic with their own hands. Homemade trailer dump truck. Requirements for the automotive trailer for GOST

Cars' passenger trailers are popular with rural residents, summer residents and private construction teams. These aggregates simplify the transportation of cargo of different focus. Only unload all this had a personnel shovel if neither the trailer for a passenger car dump truck. The trailer with a lifting body box will save from annoying discharge.

Features of the trailer dump truck

Trailers for passenger cars are several species and with different lifting capacity. All of them perform their basic function - the transport of things and goods. Among the extensive number of such aggregates there is a trailer dump truck for a passenger car. The front of his body rises, which makes it easier to unload bulk cargo or loading-unloading moto and special equipment.

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For some it will seem strange, since heavy trucks for truck aggregates are more often associated with a dump truck. But the technology of creating dumping trailers for passenger cars is mastered by manufacturers has already decades. These aggregates have the following characteristics:


  • Length - from 3 to 4 m.
  • Width - from 1.5 to 1.7 m.
  • Boil height - from 0.3 to 0.4 m.

Completed with additional equipment:

  • Awning or frame.
  • Snowmobile ladders.
  • Fog lights white color or triangular light printors.
  • Multifunctional. They are good when transporting solid or bulk materials for construction, machinery, furniture and other goods.
  • Suitable for transporting motorcycles.

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Body and frame with a movable (swivel) compound that prevents the body tipping when driving. Conjugation is welded to K. frame design And they are screwed to spars, the retainer is organized in front of the spinlet.

Types of dumping trailers

Dumping structures by the number of axes are:

  • Uniaxial.

  • Two-axis.

By type of lifting mechanism:

How to choose a dump truck

Before purchasing a trailer for a car dump truck, take into account the terms of use: the city, the road, off-road, since the trappers are equipped with different suspensions provided for different conditions of use:

  • Torsion with ease passes turns and not good.
  • Spring is good on the highway, off-road. Sturdy and easy when fixing, but the road is in service.

The main criteria for choosing a trailer:

A trailer for a passenger car dump truck can be:

  • Purchase Many plants produce autographs with the provided lifting mechanism. Such aggregates are created according to GOST, so state-state registration will not be difficult.
  • Collect from scratch.
  • Redo the side trailer.
  • Make yourself: a trailer dump truck for a car with your own hands is easy, but in the absence of skills, the assembly is better not to implement. If a dump truck For a car with your own hands, it is made according to the requirements, it will not give way to the analogue from the factory.

Pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Accessories (imported serve longer).
  2. Test loading-unloading, while the convenience and reliability of the opening and closing of locking mechanisms are checked.
  3. If possible, go through the test drive.
  4. If car wheels with tires were fed in the garage, as on the model being purchased, the possibility of acquiring an aggregate without wheels.
  5. Revise video, options for improving onboard models and explore the products of popular manufacturers.

Motor dump truck with your own hands

One of the options, how to make a dump truck for a car with your own hands:

  1. As for the design:
    • Selected steel for frame making square cross section 4x4 cm.
    • The running part is borrowed from the motorcycle.
    • Hydraumiters with the springs of the Ural motorcycle form the suspension.
    • Pipe ploppers connect the bridge with the frame.
  2. The unit is equipped with a regular coupling head.
  3. Body box - corners of steel 3 × 3 cm and plywood cover 1.2 cm. For fasteners, nuts with screws M6 are used.
  4. Two longitudinal spars from wood 12x3 cm fixed on the bottom.
  5. For fixing a dump truck box, a hinged mechanism is used to frame. It is welded to spars or traverses, depending on where unloading will occur.
  6. The front is organized in the form of a spinlet, eliminating tipping when driving.
  7. For the organization of pneumatics to overturn, between the spars on the bottom there are three engine chambers in a dense case of sails, tarpaulin. They are fastened with M5 screws to rings from a corner located on the frame, the bottom of the body box.
  8. With the help of threaded pipes, nuts, gaskets, the chambers are connected.
  9. The L-shaped l-shaped fitting with a stretched rubber hose is screwed to the lower chamber.
  10. Tipping is made by putting on the second end of the hose on the exhaust pipe, which will raise the body block in three minutes. Lowering - by disconnecting the hose and plug cameras.

Video about the homemade lifting mechanism of the trailer body

Overview of manufacturers and models

Factory of passenger car trappers "Vector".

  1. LAV-81011V:

Trailers manufactured Laker.

  1. Heavy Duty 400:

  1. Eurarri traveler LLC 711914-Athos model, tipping back with a load capacity of 2 tons. Equipped with an electrocrust and an awning of 1.5 m. It assumes the installation of the mesh superstructure.
  2. Trailer LLC Model 829450 with a lifting capacity of 0.48 tons, body sizes - 3x1.5 m. Equipped with low or high awning, hydraulic.
  3. Plant of passenger car trappers "Vector" Model Love 81012a is a platform with a folding ladder and a spring suspension. Load capacity - 0.6 tons.
  4. Ltd Trading house "SaranskspetsTeechnika" model of the CST-7132-6k- monosocial trailer with an extended functional, loading capacity -0.54 t.

Comparison with conventional side trailers

Than a trailer dump truck for a car is more profitable:

  • A trailer for a passenger car dump truck is suitable for transporting bulk substances: sand, gravel or soil, as its design allows you to instantly unload large volumes. Dump trucks for passenger cars are perfectly manifested where it is necessary to transport a crop: grain, root; Boards, land, hay.
  • Such automotive trappers fall on the owners of self-propelled technology, since a tipping body with a folding back board provide light loading and unloading of motorcycles.
  • In the frames of the frame with the body are solid, so it overturns back the entire automotor. Disadvantage with danger, so unloading of flowering from onboard trailers is not recommended. The essence of the dumping unit lies in the moving frame of the frame with the body.

Pros and cons of the dumping trailer

Pluses of dump truck cars:

  • Simplified loading-unloading.
  • Minimum human physical efforts during unloading.
  • Control speed of lifting body.
  • Ability to work with different cargoes.
  • The mechanism is installed and personally.
  • The trailer device is not disturbed.

Video about Kurgan dump truck fastening

As for minuses. There are almost no of them:

  • Hydraulics consists of hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic pumps. It is difficult to create it yourself, but the purchase sample knocks on the pocket.
  • As well as with hydraulics and pneumatics a lot of problems and troubles.

If a frequent transportation of various cargo and technology is planned, but there is no desire to engage in modernization, buying a motor dump truck - excellent option. This choice will protect from alterations and create extra problems. It will allow you to use one trailer for the transport of the necessary goods and equipment.

Hello everyone! Friends, I understand that it is not so rarely trailers are purchased for transportation, or the same. Although the bulk of owners of automotive trappers still use them for the carriage of goods. Someone needs to collect harvest at the cottage, bring building materials, solve any questions of an agricultural nature.

What am I what? All are good, I do not argue. But it is originally this type of equipment (trailer) was focused on cargo transportation, expanding the possibilities of the car and replacing a telega with a horse. So it's just obliged to discuss the passenger trailer. Otherwise we will not understand.

Features and advantages

Transporting bulk shipping on the trailer, with their downloading special problems does not occur. But the unloading is accompanied by the need to climb into the body and start strain from there by hand, shovels or other devices.

In such a situation, the tipping mechanism becomes a real salvation. With it, the unloading is made much easier and faster.

The following benefits of such systems can be brought:

  • simplify the process of loading and unloading;
  • minimize human physical efforts;
  • the speed of unloading a bulk cargo may be monitored;
  • suitable for working with all sorts of cargo;
  • an indispensable device B. agriculture and in the country;
  • the mechanism can be installed with your own hands;
  • does not violate the design of the trailer.

The essence of such a car trading is that its body has a moving connection with the frame. In ordinary trailers, they are solid, because of which you maximum can knock over the entire trailer, including drawing and wheels. It is inconvenient and potentially dangerous. Therefore, from ordinary unload bulk loads, this method is strongly not recommended.

Device options

To get at your disposal of the trailer, which has a lifting (tipping) mechanism, you can go 2 ways:

  • Make with your own hands. This includes an assembly from scratch and alteration of a finished side trailer. Make an independent homemade dump truck in principle is not so difficult, since many people have enough experience and skills. I will give an example of how to make some options for mechanisms yourself. Although in the absence of experience, it is better not to take for such work;
  • Buy the finished option from the factory. Many enterprises, including the MSS (the same MSS 817710) and (Saransk) produce products where overturning mechanism is provided. it optimal solution For many, since you get 2 in 1. The trailer remains standard onboard, but further allows you to use the dump function. The design meets all the requirements and GOST, because problems with will not arise. What you can not say about homemade devices.

If you are ready to use drawings and collect the auto-dump truck for a passenger car yourself, I have nothing against it. The homemade trailer, manufactured by all canons and rules, may not yield to factory counterparts.

The only question is exactly what mechanism you will use.

In total, trailers use such options:

  • hydraulic;
  • pneumatic;
  • mechanical (manual, without hydraulics).

What to stop your choice? This is a good question, since each presented dumping mechanism has its own nuances.

Here the main thing is that the body has a moving connection with the frame. If usually they are firmly connected to each other, then a hinged connection is used here. Its mating parts weld to the frame and screw to spars. Front make a retainer on the principle of a conventional spinlet. This allows not allowing tipping in the process of moving the trailer for the car.

Before unloading, the scorehold moves out, freeing the connection between the body and the frame. It gets free movement, allowing you to unload bulk material, for example.

Factory trailers have their own characteristics of the device elements. But the principle is always reduced to overthrow only the body (loading), without affecting the drawbar and wheels. As a basis can use both uniaxial and two-axis automotive.

But the lifting mechanisms are different. Consider them separately.


If you have an ordinary passenger trailer, then I do not see the need for hydraulics. Although you decide.

Hydraulic systems are widely used on trucks And on tractors. The essence of such a device is that the drive is connected by a clutch and an oil pipe with the drive from the car itself.

The advantage of hydraulics is that it allows without the use of physical effort to overturn the body of the trailer in different directions and with a sufficiently high speed.

The main problem is the complexity of a similar mechanism.

Although there is good alternative option. To do this, use a pair of hydraulic cylinders installed on spars, as well as hydraulic pumps. Yourself do not really easily, but buying ready option Dear enough. But if there is money and they do not feel sorry to spend, take it. You will not regret.


Another option of the lifting mechanism is based on pneumatics. A good solution for homemade device. Although there are its own features.

Pneumatic drive is powered by the exhaust system of the machine. Under the bottom of the car are installed car chambers enclosed in a durable case cover. Usually use tarpaulin. The case is recorded on the bottom of the body and the frame with the help of fasteners. You can take screws, and make rings from a solid steel corner.

The chambers are connected by nozzles, nuts, gaskets and washers, set the fitting in the form of the letter L. The hose from durable rubber is stretched on it.

The essence of such a self-made mechanism is that you put on the second end of this hose on exhaust pipe And click on gas. Cameras are filled with car exhaust gas, due to which they are inflated and the body rises.

If you want to lower the trailer body, remove the hose from the exhaust and all, the cameras begin to gradually blur.


I agree that troubles and problems with pneumatics and hydraulics are quite a lot. In practice, most trailers holders are bypassing a conventional mechanical dump truck.

Here you also need a frame and a moving connection to each other. It will make the body as if partially independent and moving. Ahead will stand a manual mechanism, with which the body is tipped back.

Although you can do without such a mechanism. It is enough to weld in front of the backup. Then the body will turn over due to their own weight when you remove the locking device. But it is relevant only when used uniaxial trailer. Two-axis due to 4 wheels are firmly and confidently support balance, regardless of the compound with the car hook.

Plus the fact that the price of such a refinement is the lowest. And among the factory automotive models, the model with a mechanical dump truck is the most affordable. And the use of winch will be an excellent solution. Convenient, simple, and physically easier.

What to stop your choice, solve you. You can see different videos, look at the results of the improvements of ordinary side trailers, or explore the range of well-proven manufacturers.

From the position of security, reliability and convenience, I would advise you to purchase a factory dump truck. Their assortment is impressive, and price policy At a pleasant level. And with the design, there will be no difficulty.

Since we are talking about dumping trailers as a vehicle for the carriage of bulk cargo (although you can transport everything you need), pay attention to several recommendations for proper operation.

Their compliance will avoid unnecessary fines and do not make a threat on the road for other participants in the movement.

  • Bulk goods are transported only on special routes intended for such purposes. Another reason to buy, and not to collect with your own hands;
  • On top of the body stacked awning, plastic lid or other coating;
  • The absence does not allow you to carry the cargo of a bulk type above the edge of the side of the side. Operation without awning leads to loss of cargo, its rash on the road and the creation of danger to cars put on you;
  • Observe the high-speed limit when driving with a trailer;
  • Do not exceed the installed limit for automobile carrying capacity;
  • To transport bulk cargoThe trailer is obliged to be equipped with rigid sides. Preferably galvanized.

At the factory, all this is provided initially. When rewriting ordinary trailer Sometimes there are problems and difficulties.

Many farmers are interested in how to make a homemade trailer for a minitractor. Most rural residents appreciated agricultural equipment, but only more economical and compact, such as a mini-tractor. On such a vehicle, you can not only plow, loosen the garden, mow the grass and clean the snow, but also to carry various cargoes. And for this type of work, you must have a convenient and reliable trailer. Many are not solved to buy such a simple, but expensive goods on russian market, and try to do it with your own hands. But why start and how to make a tractor tractor with your own hands?

Photo: Alexhobby.ru.

How to make a mini tractor tractor

First you need to decide which agricultural work will perform a trailer or homemade trolley for a minitractor. You can simply carry various cargoes, and you can carry the manure and shut it with the help of a dump truck. Make the first version will not be done, but with the second will have to tinker. Do not hurry, you need to immediately do high quality and thoughtfully. First you need to draw the schemes. According to the drawings, homemade carts or other types of trailers and tractor equipment will be manufactured. It should be borne in mind that the trailed device must have good loading capacity and low weight. Then it should be determined which trailer to the tractor is a two-axis or uniaxial.

Consider how to make a uniaxial trailer for a minitractor with your own hands:

  1. First you need to weld the frame and reinforcing transverse crossbar.
  2. It is better to perform all the connecting elements and joints with welding. This will ensure the reliability and strength of the structure.
  3. Then you need to cook from the pipes of a smaller cross section for the seat.
  4. Now we will define the choice of wheels. Since the product is 1 axis, then 2 wheels will be required.
  5. Better to take. They are great in diameter and have a reliable composition. With the strengthened protector, the tractor will be able to perform more complex types of loads, ride in bad roads, without exposing the tires of the prolos.

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But the homemade two-axle trailer to take a little more complicated than the uniaxial, because the carts with 2 axes need to do more welding and installation work. The frame can be done as for a uniaxial trailer. With such a vehicle, if you are a fisherman, you can carry the boat.

A biaxial trailer has a more reliable design, as he has 2 axes and 2 pairs of the wheels, so it has a greater carrying capacity.

Also, the weight of the cargo being transported is distributed uniformly.

Consider the requirements for the body. There are no strict compliance at this point, but there is a choice. The body made of metal, more durable and reliable. But the body of the tree will worsch with bad weather and collapse, even if processed with special coatings against corrosion. Material can also be chosen and the other, but aluminum and thin-leaf steel are best suited. They are very durable, withstand heavy loads and they are bypassed by corrosion. Next you need to cook the sidewalls for the trailer.

It is necessary to paint the entire frame and the body, making it more protected and reliable. Paint should be selected taking into account the material. If you chose a tree, then the paint should be for wood products. Color, of course, does not play an important role, but dark paint attracts heat to himself, which is not necessarily for the tractor. But the bright color of the trailer for the mini tractor will be just right because it repels the sun's rays.

How to make a trailer dump truck

Consider how homemade dump truck trailers are manufactured for a minitractor with their own hands. If you decide to make a trailer dump truck, then you need to decide on the choice of the lifting mechanism. There is nothing complicated here, as it seems at first glance. There are 2 options for dropping the trailer: manual self-attaching and mechanical. The first can be done with cooking to the front of the trailer of the handle. The tractor driver will raise the design. But one handle does not do here.

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You need to make a g-shaped pin, pulling out the trailer under the power of the cargo will overturn himself. Mechanical will make a little more complicated than manual. You can make a mechanism raising a trailer, from different types of lifting equipment. For example, it can be a jack or an electric motor with a battery, winch or a hydraulic system, and can be caught by the oil pump. Attach the mechanism to the body must be most convenient for you.

To attach homemade trailed equipment for minitractors to vehicleYou will need to weld the elongated beam and to attach a hitch to its end, which is suitable for your tractor. Latest strokes - It is painting the design you made, the seats covering, pumping the wheels. Then you need to check how homemade works.

Comparison of homemade and factory trailers

You can buy a factory semi-trailer or dumping trailer. Trailers for minitractors are sold in all cities of Russia. That's just the price can disappoint you. The cheapest view costs 10 thousand rubles, not to mention the design with the lifting mechanism.

Why spend cashIf you can make a reliable and durable trailer for your own hands for your equipment. It is only worth having the necessary materials for business and most importantly - desire. By the way, if you have not decided on the choice of the tractor itself, then a reliable assistant to work on agricultural landfills is the Belarus MTZ tractor. This brand of the producer differs from others with its quality and durability. Let the price above the average, but according to the characteristics it is not inferior to other devices.

Fig.1. Homemade trailer dump truck:
1 - Coupling Device, 2 - Wheel Spare, 3 - Lock, 4, 7, 10 - Borge Boron, 5 - Mudguard, 6 - Signal Lantern, 8 - Latch, 9 - Screed, 11 - Wheel, 12 - Body Slug, 13 - Lifting unit fitting, 14 - a spare wheel lodge, 15 - trailer frame, 16 - body hinge.

I offer the attention of readers a trailer dump truck with a tipping body. Making this, you can get rid of problems when unloading it.

A few words about the trailer device.

The frame of it is welded from steel pipes of a square section of 40x40 mm, the bridge - from Motocolus SDP, using spring-hydraulic shock absorbers of the Ural motorcycle. The bridge is attached to the frame with a ducts, also welded from square pipes.

Fig.2. Lifting mechanism homemade trailer:
(A - body position of the body, b - body position when unloading):
1 - connecting hose, 2 - lifting unit fitting, 3 - platform support, 4 - rings, 5 - pneumatic chambers, 6 - case.

The trailer is equipped with a standard coupling ball device designed to use a ball with a diameter of 50 mm.

Fig.3. Connection diagram Pneumocamer:
1 - cameras, 2 - nozzle of the threaded, 3 - nuts, 4 - washers.

The body is assembled from the panels, each of which has a frame of steel corners of 30x30 mm and a plywood cover with a thickness of 12 mm on the screws M6 with nuts. Two side meters from a wooden bar with a cross section of 120x30 mm are attached to the bottom. Fastening the body to the frame - with the help of a hinge, matching parts of which are welded to the frame
and screwed to spars; In front of the front, there is a retainer, resembling an ordinary scorehold, with which the body tilting is excluded while driving.

Fig.4. Scheme of fastening of the lifting unit fitting:

1 - Case, 2 - Pneumatic Camera, 3 - Ring Corner, 4 - Nuts, 5 - washer, 6 - Platy support, 7 - Lifting unit fitting, 8 - connecting hose, 9 - clamp.

Now about the main thing about the design of the lifting device. It is pneumatic, driven by the engine exhaust system. Under the bottom of the body, there are three car chambers between the spars in the case of durable tissue - tarpaulin or synthetic sail attached to M5 screws to the rings from the steel corner on the bottom of the body and on the frame. All chambers are connected to each other with threaded nozzles, nuts, gaskets and washers, and the fitting, curved in the form of the letter "L", which stretches the rubber hose.

Fig.5. Homemade trailer chassis:
1- Device Coupling, 2 - Longer Rama (Steel Pipe 40x40), 3 - Ear Locking Device, 4 - Body Hinge, 5 - Rear Troop, 6 - Front Troop, 7 - Wheel, 8 - Travel Rear, 9 - Pendant Torsion Bridge , 10 - cross front, 11-bolts, nuts and washers fastening the front strut, 12 - bolts, nuts and bridge mounts, 13, 14 - docking clamps.

To lift the body, the second end of the hose is necessary to wear on the exhaust pipe of the car-towighter and "add gas". Two or three minutes - and the body will rise. To lower the body, it is enough to remove the hose from the exhaust pipe. And. Horoshevsky

Transportation of large loads is a fairly frequent need for many motorists. As practice shows, the car trunk is most often not very suitable. An ideal solution in this case will be the use of a car trailer. It is worth noting that the trailer is quite relevant not only for household needs, but also actively used by road travelers.

Requirements for the automotive trailer for GOST

The first thing you need to know a person who decided on independent manufacture Automotive trailer, this is what certain requirements are presented to it, as well as any vehicle. IN this caseAll the requirements are described in detail in GOST 37.001.220-80, which is called "Trailers to passenger cars". In order not to load motorists reading the primary source, it is worth making a sample of current information specifically on the subject discussed.

So, the car trailer must comply with the following requirements:

  1. The mass of the trailer of the passenger car should not exceed 1.8 tons. At the same time, it should also not exceed half the mass of the towing car.
  2. Static load indicator on the central part of the ball hinge coupling device Must be from 25 kgf to 100 kgf.
  3. The total length of the trailer cannot exceed eight meters, the width cannot be more than two hundred thirty centimeters, and the height limit is three meters.
  4. Road clearance of the trailer should not be less towing his car.
  5. For the trailer of a passenger car, the use of one axis is provided. A variant is possible, two parallel axes located at a distance of no more than one meter from each other.
  6. The traction coupling device for insurance is equipped with two non-removable cuts of the cable or chain, which insure the design, if the hinge disconnection occurs due to the hinge breakage.
  7. In the mandatory configuration of the operated trailer must be present for the counter-type "shoe". It is stipulated that they do not need to be factory production.
  8. The design should provide for the presence of wings and mudguards, if the body parts do not perform this function.
  9. The traction-hitch must necessarily have a factory origin and the corresponding certificate
  10. Be sure to be provided for fastenings for fixing the license plate.
  11. To connect K. on-board network The car should provide a cable with a fork, the scheme of electrical equipment at the same time regulates GOST 9209-76.

Required tools and materials

So, before starting the assembly of the desired design, it is worth preparing a number of instruments and materials that will be required at various assembly stages.

  1. Steel chawler for frame. Optimal size The channel for assembling the carcass frame is 25x40 mm. It is also allowed to use a square tube with dimensions of 40x40 mm. The length of the material is selected individually based on the design features.
  2. Sheet steel for bodyboard. Sheet steel thickness, from which the bodyboard will be made, should be about 1 mm. The dimensions of the required sheets should also be calculated on the basis of the size of the finished design.
  3. Fat plywood. It makes it the bottom, therefore, the thickness is to choose with a margin, for sufficient strength.
  4. Chassis. Here everything relies only on the imagination of enthusiasts. For example, it is quite popular to use Moskvich car suspension elements, Volga, ZAZ, etc. There are often attempts to build a trailer on the classic "Zhigulevsky" bridge.
  5. Elements of electrical equipment. Wiring, stop signals, turn signs, dimensions. On the market now often meet ready solutions It is for car trailers. At the same time not rarely used rear lights From onboard UAZ and Gazellers.
  6. Fastening elements. It all depends on the design features. It is worth noting that in order to increase strength, it is not necessary to save on bolted connections.
  7. Hand tool. The minimum set of manual tool includes the following. Hammer, Passatia, Spanners, Drill, Lobzik and Bulgarian. Depending on the features of the trailer design, the tool can be treated and be cut.
  8. Welding machine. The actual element, without which the trailer assembly will simply be impossible, it will also be necessary to find either an experienced welder, or to have the necessary skills yourself.


Step-by-step instruction of making homemade trailer

After the entire set of materials and tools will be assembled, you can move directly to the construction assembly.

The instruction will allow you to do everything quickly and efficiently.

  1. The first thing from which the trailer assembly begins is a frame, Actually, it acts as a carrier part of the structure. Accordingly, there are special requirements for strength and reliability. To begin with, the channel or pipe is cut into segments of the required length, after which the rectangular or square base is welded to which the board will be mounted. Special attention It is worth paying for the quality of welding seams, since it is in this moment, as a rule, the main problems occur homemade structures. In front of the frame, a hitch is fastened, well, and in the middle there are eyelers for shock absorbers.
  2. The body assembly begins with the sides of the sides. First, vertical racks are installed, then horizontal. Separately, it is recommended to strengthen the boards with additional ribs of rigidity, since during the movement, especially in poor roads, elements may experience high loads. Additional ribbies can be both vertical and horizontal.
  3. Setting the chassis of the trailer. This process has a large number of subtleties. For example, the axis should be shifted closer to the rear of the trailer. In general, any features when installing the chassis are caused rather constructive features Elements that preferred to experience the car owner. The glands are welded to the frame for shock absorbers and jet thrust, neglected the latter is unacceptable, since they serve as the holding elements of the bridge.
  4. The sides of the sides and the bottom is carried out at the final stages. For this purpose, sheet steel and plywood suitable. First of all, the elements of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom are cut off, their mount is carried out with bolts. Next of sheet steel is manufactured by the sides. It is noteworthy that it can be attached to both welding, for example, and aluminum rivets that are quite accessible to purchase.
  5. Installation of electrical equipment. On the rear wall of the trailer should be installed: red triangles-reflectors, highlighting the state license plate, lantern rear stroke, Stop signals, turn signs and dimensions. On the side of the orange reflectors should be located. The front wall involves the installation of white envelope and reflectors of the same color. Much more efficiently use ready-made wiring solutions. Be sure to use a protective corrugation for wires. All connections must be sealed and reliable. Fastening the wiring harness to the frame is the most convenient exercise with special plastic clamps.

  1. Anton. Collected the trailer with his own hands on the "Moskvichoy" bridge. It remained satisfied, for the village the most. Council one, if you do not know how to use the welding machine, then you should not take it, the bolted connections are inappropriate.
  2. Kirill. Collected a trailer from scratch, the rear lights came great from Gazelle, the frame was welded. The main problem was with the installation of the bridge. I had to tinker, I even went to the dealer several times to see how it was arranged " kurgan trailer" Be prepared that you will have to spend a bunch of time and strength, and thoroughly glue everything for and against.

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