Home Wheels What to make a frame for self-made quad bike. How to make homemade quad rod do it yourself? Rama and suspension

What to make a frame for self-made quad bike. How to make homemade quad rod do it yourself? Rama and suspension

It was going to purely for entertainment purposes, so the author was focused on industrial quad bikes and collecting their car. However, there are a number of constructive differences that have positively influenced the passability of all-terrain vehicles and significantly allocate it against the background of quad bikes of the standard configuration.

The machine has excellent quality of patency and reliability, largely due to a small weight.

During the construction of this model homemade quad bike The following details and materials were used:
1) Water pipe diameter 32 mm
2) Pipe 27 mm
3) Engine internal combustion from car an eye 11113
4) gearbox from the same Oka
5) front and rear gearboxes from classic vase
6) hubs and grenades from VAZ 2109
7) Fiberglass

Consider in more detail the stages of the construction of this all-pass:

Suspension all-terrain vehicle homemade design, It is organized with a-shaped levers, which are made of a pipe with a diameter of 27 mm.

The engine and gearbox from the OKE car was installed, the differential was welded.

Gear ratio The ratio of the front and rear gearboxes Equally 43 to 11, they were redone under the inner grenades from the Lada nine.

Hubs and disc brakes from the VAZ 2109 were installed, and the wheels were supplied 15 radius through spacers.

Initially, it was planned to make a clutch on the steering wheel like a motorcycle, but then it was still decided to make it under the left foot, despite the unusual solution for the quad bike, it turned out to be quite convenient by the author. That is, there are no problems with switching gear on the go. Moreover, the all-terrain vehicle is able to touch on any gear, even with a passenger on board, the engine power is enough. Therefore, transmissions are not switched as often, when traveling along the roadway, only the third and fourth transmission are mainly used, and the first and second of the road, respectively, are used.

Was organized transfer case The author's own design, which has become possible to turn off front Bridge. The following is a photo of the entire mechanism for turning off the front axle, where you can see the main elements of the details:

Works were performed on the rear suspension of the all-terrain vehicle:

Frame preparation Machines for fiberglass pasting machine:

The process of fixing fiberglass by car:

Then the author began to paint work By all-terrain:

A vulnerable design site, as you might notice from photos, are anthers on grenades. The author has not yet decided how to protect them from possible breaks.

In the following photo, the gear selection mechanism is excellent, as seen in the photo, the lever was slightly distinguished from the engine, since before that it was installed closer and the author often burned about the silencer, the likelihood of such an injury was taken on rear stroke. At the moment, the problem is completely eliminated by transferring the lever:

There is no photo on the radiator yet, and what exactly interests?

The radiator of all-terrain truck is hidden under the plastic right in front of the instrument shield, despite the fact that the hole that is existing is very small, it is enough to cool the machine. Although problems may occur when driving through strong dirt, since the hole is easily clogged, and the cooling from the incoming air does not work. But the fan copes with a similar load, although the all-terrain vehicle is not operated by strong dirt. In addition, the fan turns on only with truly heavy loads, which is extremely rare.

The reason for this is the fact that the device itself turned out to be quite lightweight and the engine from the Oka perfectly copes with the loads.

Below is a photo of the placement of the radiator:

Werethod has an approximate weight of about 450 kilograms.
Video tests all-terrain vehicle when driving through the snow:

If you have looked at the video, you probably paid attention to the sinking of the rear wheel already a few meters, which should say about the work of the rear differential. This all-terrain vehicle is very different from industrial, as they have rear Differential No I. rear axle Always rowing, which does not slowly interfere with the controllability of a quad bike, since the width of the car is small.

The author also wanted to initially brew the rear differential, but thought it would always be done, and decided to try to ride while differential. But since the passability of the all-terrain costs arranged and problems with the rear axle was not observed, then there was no desire to disassemble the design and brew the rear differential from the author.

That is why the all-terrain vehicle remained with the rear differential.

The only author plans to install more serious wheels on the all-terrain vehicle. Either remove the supports for disks 15, by installing disks with a breakdown of 4 per 100 from the Logan or Opel, which are superbly suitable for the VAZ hubs.

Quad bike - actually any four-wheel transport, because in the Latin Quadro - "Four", on the SIS expanses under this title most often implies a all-wheel drive representing a motorcycle and car symbiosis. From the motorcycle, the quad bike adopted mobility, maneuverability, ease, speed, and from the car - the excellent characteristics of passability, power and controllability. As a result, it turned out unique vehicleintended for various purposes.

The domestic market provides only foreign models of quadrocycles, the cost of which is often translated. At the same time with secondary market Vehicles can easily find used motorcycles and cars at an extremely low price.

For example, a motorcycle "Ural" - big, bulky, heavy and "voracious" has a beautiful four-stroke engine with rear transmission And worth the "penny". For this reason, enthusiasts are much cheaper and more interesting to create their own structures of these SUVs.

A typical factory representative of quad bikes is a brilliant, neatly assembled, strong and powerful.

His homemade fellow, which is a little inferior to externally, and in terms of power - and suppressed.

How to make quad bike do it yourself

Before starting the assembly, you need to make a detailed list of units and parts that will be needed to create your own brainchild, develop a work plan and drawing.

Engine: optimal choice

It is logical that first of all it is necessary to find the "heart" of the future "beast" - force aggregate. It will suit absolutely any, starting from the usual motoblock and ending with six-liter V12 - there are such precedents. In most cases, motorcycle engines are used - they are economical and small-sized.

To use high gear ratios In terms of normal operation, the engine "Minsk" or "Urals" will be enough. In the summer there is a question of overheating, so you should choose the models with air cooled. Another good option is opposite engines Soviet production, an indisputable plus of which is a powerful traction and a completely unpretentious cardan transmission.

Suspension: Rear and Front

There are two most common decisions. rear suspension for quad bike.

  1. Reducer-cardan system. The design is obtained as easier and simple as possible, but there is no differential than, in principle, you can sacrifice the sake of previously mentioned advantages.
  2. Using a car bridge. The design is extremely severe, and if there is no desire to have a quad bike with a car base, you need to shorten the bridge, which is a very nontrivial occupation. Of the advantages it is worth allocating only the presence of differential, which is useful when moving along the tracks.

Huge opportunities are revealed to create anterior suspension and steering. Quadzerickel suspension levers carry a much smaller load than automotive, respectively, they can be made independently, using remedies for this. Optimal option - creation of suspension on the basis of the existing motorcycle "Ural".

Rama: drawings and alternative

The best solution is a robust design of pipes or profiles cooked with each other.

Ideal - to remove the frame from the donor motorcycle and draw the necessary elements - it eliminates problems, however, the design may be unnecessary.

Assembly of quad bike

Prepared required tools, donor vehicles and freeing time, you can start creating your own quad bike:

Thanks to a reliable design, a time-tested, excellent power and thrust, it is the "Ural" motorcycle is the most popular donor for homemade quad bikes.

Video clip: "OSA" 4x4

The video below describes the design of the self-made quad bike, its characteristics, properties and features.

Photo Overview

Photos of quad buses based on domestic motorcycles and cars:

As you can make sure, using outdated and inexpensive achievements of the Soviet Auto industry, you can create stunning devices that will sweep your pride and satisfy most of the transport tasks.

Quadrocycles have a mass gain of comparison with a car or motorcycle, so they are so popular today. It is not difficult to purchase a quad bike today, but it is rather no cheaper purchase, so many remains only to dream of such acquisition or make quad bike with your own hands.

If you have not had the necessary skill before that time, you will have to be patient, as it is not very simple to make a quad bike. But but if you still achieve your own and construct quad bike with your own hands, the video, where you drive around on your unit can become an internet decoration.

The process that you have to go through to collect quad bikes are quite time-consuming, but if you make efforts, all your efforts are rewarded by a hundredfold.

The first thing to take into account when designing an ATV, the fact that at the exit, it should be a light, maneuverable and mobile unit is not very cumbersome, but at the same time suffering. It is worth remembering that the main quality of good quad bike is its permeability, which should be taken into account when assembling it.

Homemade quad bikes do it yourself

If you decide - drawings become a starting point of work. On the Internet you can find a variety of Quad bike drawings, based on miscellaneous technology. Here you can see the photo of the Quadrocycs, who did our craftsmen with their own hands.

The craftsmen do, "Iza", "Urals" or other equipment. For example, if you planned to make a quad bike from "Oka" with your own hands, you can take the motor - it will do well with a light quad bike. The gearbox can also be loving from "Oka". If you manage to deploy the engine along the frame and send the input shafts from direct from the transmission to the bridges, you can get a quad bike 4x4, but without a dispensing box.

The main stages of the quad bike

A good unit can be obtained on the basis of motorcycles of the Soviet issue. For example, if you have conceived to create a quad bike from "Ural" with your own hands, you can conditionally divide all the work into four stages:

  • Modernization of the frame;
  • Installing the engine and transmission;
  • Equipment suspension;
  • Equipment and installation of dashboard.

By the way, it is necessary to immediately decide on the type of control - it will be steering or motorcycle. In the case of a choice of motorcycle control, you already have required spare parts from "Urals", but if you have conceived steering For your horse, take care of the necessary items in advance.

At the first stage of the Urals, you will have to play with the frame in the quad bike. Although it is the Ural Frame that is most suitable for quad bickers, it almost always remains unchanged, although it is already dependent on your drawing. More often it is equipped with a system for mounting the suspension.

Next you need to think about the rear suspension and the rear axle. There are two solutions to this problem. The first is the creation of a design on the basis of a native cardan and gearbox. The output will be a light design without differential. And the second warrant is a design on the basis of a car bridge. But if you do not want to have a quad bike, the width of the car will have to shorten it. Naturally, the process is not a lung, but you will receive a differential that does not hurt on the roads.

But still the most time-consuming process is the creation of anterior suspension. Although it can be done from anything, because quad bike does not have a big weight and therefore reliable levers can be created any size.

Optional equipment

Quadrocycles are used not only for pleasure trips, but also as a reliable, hardy assistant in the subsidiary farm. They are used to transport goods, harvest or use instead small tractor in the garden. And for these needs, it is necessary to somehow place a lot of things on a quad bike. If you are quad bike, you need mainly for personal needs or trips to a picnic you can make your own coofer for a quad bike, in which you can place the necessary things. But for the utility farming, it is better to make your own trailer for a quad bike. If you have mastered the assembly of an ATV, then you will take a little time on a small trailer, but it will benefit, it will bring a lot.

Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to purchase a quad bike in the store. All over or less interesting models are now quite expensive, and buy a quad bike support is always a certain risk. In this regard, many motorists advise to make a four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle personally, I use the engine and spare parts from some old Soviet motorcycle. Previously, we already told you about how to make a quad bike from the Ural motorcycle. In today's article, we will talk about other donors that you can use if you decide to collect quad bike with your own hands.

Why should you collect quad bike with your own hands?

Collect a four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle personally, it definitely helps to solve several problems. The first reason, because of which people decide to make a homemade quad bike, this is of course a small budget. If you analyze market prices for quad bikes, it can be understood that such vehicles can be considered almost for luxury. Prices for the simplest and low-power models begin from 150 thousand rubles, for example, Yamaha Blaster YFS200. Such a single "quadric" is in principle enough, but the capacity will be lacking forever.

But the models of quad bikes with engines, 500-800 cm 3 will cost much more expensive, about 500 thousand rubles. Chinese models, such as russian manufacturer Stels, but they will have to follow well. New all-terrain vehicles of this brand will cost approximately 300-400 thousand rubles, but the engines are already much more interesting - 45-70 hp

Nuances in the operation of homemade quadric

If you definitely decided to make a quad bike with your own hands, then you should know about the intricacies of its operation. In principle, if all-terrain vessels are needed for riding on impassive places, where patrol cars never happened, then worrying, probably nothing. You will have to face problems if you are planning to ride even on small settlements, which sometimes come patrol cars. Catching you without documents for this vehicle, then with a probability of 99% will be taken from you. All the difficulty is to register a self-made quad bike, because in the traffic police, you will most likely refuse. In a good way, you can register the homemade, but it is extremely difficult to do it. Therefore, the assembly of the self-made quad bike makes sense only if you exploit it in some wilderness.

Determine the choice

So how to make quad bike with your own hands? When creating a homemade quad bike, we need to decide on the donor, that is, a motorcycle that will underlie our project. For the four-wheeled all-wheel drive, old soviet motorcycles. With them, we can borrow the engine with a gearbox, frame, steering wheel and if you wish, details such as a tank, seating and other elements. Since we have already had an article about homemade quad bike from the Ural motorcycle, then in this review we will talk about how to make a quad bike based on the IL motorcycle.

For our goal, we will suit almost all models of motorcycles from the Izhevsk plant. The only thing that is important to understand is the engine power. Still, the final result will be quite heavy design, so the best solution will be the use of the latest models - Izh Jupiter 5 or IL Planet 5. More interesting models, like Izh Planet Sport consider no sense, because it's not easy to find them, but if possible , it is better to restore them, because the motorcycle is quite rare and interesting. Go to the main thing, how to make a quad bike and what is needed for this.

Rear suspension

Once you have decided on the donor, in our case it is Izh Jupiter 5, you must fully disassemble the motorcycle. After disassembly, we will need a frame on which everything was holding, including the engine. It is quite logical that to increase the reliability of the design, the frame must be strengthened in several places.

Now you need to cook rear axle So that instead of the wheel on the axis, the bearing block with the chain drive can be stood. An example, you can see in the photo. As a suspension, you can use conventional shock absorbers from the motorcycle, and for the rear axle it will be details from the old car Zhiguli. You can go more complicated and install a monoamorter, but then again you will have to look for spare parts from the car, for example, with the same Zhiguli or Oka.

Front suspension

As soon as the rear suspension is completed and installed, you can move to the front of the motorcycle, in which everything is somewhat more complicated. In the case when we dealt with the rear suspension, we had the opportunity to choose how many shock absorber would be installed. When creating the front suspension, we have only one option - use two shock absorber.

The Oka car is perfectly suitable for the front part of the Quadrocycle. With it we will need shock absorbers, rotary knots and steering trapezium. However, be prepared for the fact that spare parts will still have to change, - something to weld, cut off, to refine. Also not bad and more simple optionwill install a monoblock with fixed wheel planes. Then you do not have to look for a steering trapeze, couplings, hinges and other parts.

The monoblock is a truly simple option, because it will take the installation literally time. The only minus of such a front suspension design is a heavier mechanism. Turn the steering wheel will be somewhat more complicated than when suspension with shock absorbers.


Many wondering how to make quad bike with their own hands, they understand what to start with the engine. And indeed, the main detail in the future ATV is the engine. From how powerful it will depend on the final result, and in general the whole design. Of course, you can leave the engine from the donor motorcycle, but as a result, "quadric" will not be so powerful. If you have a little more serious about creating all-terrain vehicles, then setting more powerful engine It will be an excellent solution. We hope that we answered your question about how to make a quad bike.

Quad bike is all-wheel drive car and motorcycle, bike enduro-cross, in one bottle. The peculiarities of this type of transport are compactness, tires with in-depth treads for better clutch with off-road, 1-2 seats and no roof above the head. For the first time, a similar type of transport appeared in Japan in the 1970s and conquered the hearts of many romantic off-road. Such transport will be interested in hunters, fishermen, lovers to conquer impassable terrain. Many of us dream of such a toy for adults. We will tell you how your dreams can embody your own hands.

Select the engine for quad bike

The most important detail for your all-terrain vehicle will be a power unit. Most often use motorcycle engines (they are economical and small in size). Let's say, the engine with "Urals" or "Minsk", Izh "Planet" or Izh "Jupiter". You can adapt the engine from "VAZ" or "Oka" to your quad bike. To avoid overheating of the engine in the heat, you need to choose a model with an air cooling system. The most popular option is to transfer automotive forced cooling.

Modernization of the existing frame or drawings from scratch

Before all the undertaking, a plan of action and a drawing of a design or ready frame is necessary. If you yourself are friends with mathematical calculations, you can do everything yourself. If you don't do the drawing, you can contact a specialist or search for a suitable design scheme on the Internet.

The easiest way to take the ready-made frame from the motorcycle and to fight all the missing details on it. The order of your actions is as follows: We disassemble the old motorcycle. We only leave the frame. The back of the frame with the fastening of the pendulum fork is cut off. Tubes extend the frame and weld the brought the bridge (use drives and brazers). Car bridge pre-turn over the quadric to go ahead, and not back (because on the "Uralsk" gearbox at the output direction of rotation of the opposite).

Remember that in the event of a replacement, the bridge reducer should be easily removed. We are looking for spare parts from the passenger cars: 2 Front hubs, rear axle (so that the disks coincide with the fastener with the hubs), cardan Val., front suspension levers, transverse steering thrust, round tap pipe ¾ inch.

If there is no donor motorcycle, then the frame is best made from durable alloys: pipes, profiles cooked with point welding. For the carrier parts of the frame, you can buy water pipes (25 × 3.2 VGP). You must have equipment that will be flexing the pipes in the right place. For the body, we boil the frame from the pipe 70 × 40. The length should not be shorter than the springs, but the width correspond to the size of the bridge. Using driven, do not forget about the rigidity of the design to twist.

"Uralovskaya" rubber clutch connect a cardan with a box. Through the hinge crossbar flange connect the cardan with the bridge. If the donor was IL, the drive is carried out by the native chain.

If your quadric is with springs on shock absorbers, then the rear pendulum pendant leaving along with silent blocks. We breed the bridge to the fork (do not forget to strengthen the seams with wide jams so as not to break out later). Instead of cardan, use semi-axes from the eye or vase. Springs with shock absorbers leave as it is, do not touch. When the frame design is ready, proceed to the engine mount on the bottom of the frame with bolts. The engine may be rear, and in front (no difference). The silencer can be homemade, two-piece.

Now on rear wheels Qualitatively mounted the transmission so that the backlash is not formed. The drive comes along with the engine from the outdated motorcycle. Wheels on quadric can be supplied from "Niva". If you need a trunk, it can be welded from thin-walled steel pipes. Bumper can replace "kenguryatniki".

Management type

To ensure that your all-terrain vehicle is safe, you will have to take care of the type of management. On your Quad bike can be 2 types of control: the steering wheel (the basis take from the car - steering traction) and the steering wheel from the used motorcycle (lever and shaft). The steering shaft can be made from the pipe with a diameter of 20 mm and the wall thickness is 2.8 mm. At the bottom end, place the stroke limiter. Thus, at the bottom of the shaft rests on the stubborn bearing, and in the middle turns into the junction bracket-sleeve.

Suspension: Front and rear

On your Quad bike, you can install the suspension or rear or front. For the rear suspension, such a solution will fit:

1. So that the design is lightweight and simple, the gearbox-cardan system is needed. Differential in this case is absent.

2. Very hard work design, if used car Most (it has to shorten). In this case, there is a differential, which will be needed when moving.

For the front suspension, you can take the basis of the suspension from the "Ural" or Iza. The installation of the front suspension is more beneficial in time - it is faster than four-wheel drivewhere you need help professional turners, electricians, welders (there will be a certain refinement).

For fastening pendulum levers, the front of the motorcycle frame is lengthened. It is necessary to install so that the rotating wheels do not hurt the engine cylinder. Therefore, on the "Urals" frame, the wheels are fond of forward. To increase geometric patency, suspension levers must be as long as possible.(These must be made by yourself). To the steering column (made from the "Uralovsky" cardan) at the bottom we weld along the two steering bumps: on the right and left wheel. The hubs are fastened with native balls.

When installing the front rack, do not forget about the slope of the rack. This will prevent the steering wheel knocking on the bumps and help return the steering wheel in place when turning. If there is no inclination, you can fly by inertia, the return of the steering wheel in the opposite position will be very problematic.

All-wheel drive quad bike

For all-wheel drive quad bike you will need:

- Drive OT. mechanical transmission with the power selection gearbox on the front wheels;

Wheel differentials;

Steering on the front wheels (on the principle of the car);

Independent suspension (can and multi-type) or dependent suspension.

If there is no possibility to assemble all, take the suspension from the "Oka" or front-wheel drive vases. Cook the frame from scratch under the engine with "Oka". In the front suspension, leave a place for the drive gearbox of the front wheels. It can be done by himself: cutting the "stockings" of the bridge and we derive suitable semi-axes from the VAZ from the differential. The engine is deployed by the back forever. Now the semi-axes became cardanes, which lead to the movement of the front and rear axle.

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