Home Salon Nissan Almera who producer. Weak places and basic flaws of Nissan Almera. Nissan assembly enterprises

Nissan Almera who producer. Weak places and basic flaws of Nissan Almera. Nissan assembly enterprises

More than 20 countries are manufacturing facilities, research centers, design associations and engineering enterprises of this concern. Although countries are different, but it is clear that the roots of this structure are Japanese.

Program and structure of the Concern Nissan

Japan, where Nissan Almera is collected, always associated with such concepts as hard work, decency, honesty, and this has a huge team, which includes 224 thousand employees worldwide.

The union of the two most powerful giants of Nissan and Renault at the peak of the crisis in 1999 served as an impetus to economic growth, and the ratings of the corporation were deservedly rising steadily upwards. This was accompanied by new programs that were introduced on time and competently. They gave the concern with minimal losses to survive the crisis.

The program (Nissan Production Way) is the rod of the entire production process. Being a kind of set of rules for employees of the concern, it prescribes bringing to perfection the production of each car.

This program integrates the capabilities of materials, equipment and human resources, representing the consumer who is interested in products for it.

The NPW program prescribes to explore customer needs and, combining them with material opportunities, modernize production. Thanks to this program, product quality, regardless of where the manufacturer is located, always remains great, be it Spain, England, Russia or Japan itself.

On the Japanese Islands in Yokohama, the headquarters of the Nissan Concern, designer decisions are developed in the capital of Great Britain, in the English Center for Scientific Research, Kranfild provides design and introduction of new models of Nissan. Factory facilities for the assembly of new cars are also located in the United Kingdom, in the city of Sunderland with its seaport, very convenient for deliveries to the United States and European countries.

Nissan assembly enterprises

One of the main enterprises in Europe, which produces Almera is a plant located in England in the city of Sunderland. When the shipyard and coal mines located in the north-east of Great Britain were closed at the beginning of the 80s, and the unemployment rate was dramatically, then the government decided to cooperate with Japan. Representatives of the country of the rising sun did not lose, choosing the area with a well-developed infrastructure and rich industry. On Nissan Motor Manufacturing in Sunderland, 4,000 people work, in 2004, the first million car of this brand was celebrated.

If we talk about Nissan Almer Classic, the release of such a model is currently carried out only in Japan and Russia. The British Sunderland stopped her release and moved to a more promising model - Note. Earlier, from the production of Nissan Almera Classic in 2013, the South Korean company Samsung refused, explaining it by insufficient possibilities for the delivery of finished products and a high workforce price.

For Russia, this is quite significant, from such a reliable and relatively inexpensive car Our car enthusiast is unlikely to refuse. Now in the Nissan lineup, this representative of the classic model remained in the singular.

Full budget price helped to move our Lada Kalina to the background and with Renault Logan, the Chinese amulet and as if American Chevrolet Lanos lower the sales bar russian car. Such a permutation "helped" almeral immediately acquire an opponent in the face of Kia Spectra.

Change exterior appearanceJapanese designers gave him a certain avant-garde style, after having not so original, like the former almers, and the car began to resemble Volkswagen Passat B5 with the same structure of optics, hood and form of radiator grille. Despite the impression of such a change in appearance, style Almera Classic., as before, is faithful to its classic forms that are so attracted by Russian motorists.

Russian production capacity

In 2009, our country opened the company Nissan Manufekchuring Rus, which produces the model of the Nissan Concern, which have good demand in the Russian market. Located a plant near the village of Shushary near St. Petersburg and specializes only on the release of Teana, X-Trail and Murano.

At the Volga factory in Togliatti from 2013 produced an assembly of Almer Classic. After opening the production of Nissan Almera Classic at AvtoVAZ concern, many motorists, knowing the quality of assembly in domestic enterprises, assumed that cars will be issued with shortcomers.

But our engineers were able to reverse this opinion by completing the assembly of better than British colleagues from Sunderland.

Even developed some changes that helped adapt Almeral Classic to Russian road realities.


All cars produced by the Japanese concern Nissan are beautiful and unusual cars. Even simple budget models are distinguished by an excellent design, good comfort and high-quality material. This has become possible, thanks price Policy Companies holding their price tags lower than competing firms. Nissan Almer Classic made specially for Russia is characterized by technical perfection and high-quality assembly.

It should be noted that our country is one of the leading sales markets. cars Nissan. worldwide. IN Russian Federation Autocontracene Nissan sells one and a half of its models, including Nissan Note., Almera, Tiida, Teana, Juke, Qashqai (Qashqai + 2), Murano, X-Trail, Pathfinder, Navara, Patrol, GT-R, as well as commercial vehicles NP-300 and Cabstar.

Since 2009, the first Nissan plant in Russia is functioning - "Nissan Manofechchuring Rus" - near St. Petersburg, where a number of company models are produced today - Teana, Murano and X-Trail. At the same time, about 35% of all sold cars Nissan are collected in Russia.

In general, it should be noted the plants where Nissan cars are collected for subsequent importation to Russia:

  1. Plant in Sunderland in United Kingdom
  2. Directly Plant in Japan
  3. Plant "Nissan Manfechchuring Rus" in St. Petersburg
  4. Factory AvtoVAZ in Tolyatti, where the assembly of Nissan models began after uniting autocontrace with its French competitor - Renault.

Nissan plant in St. Petersburg

Where are the Nissan Almera (Almera Classic)?

One of the best and selling state employees in our country and one of oldest models Nissan, produced since 1995, from recently (since 2012) in Russia at the factory in Togliatti at the Avtovazovsky factory, which caused a whole crowd of indignations of potential buyers of this model and should be honestly noted, it was the AvtoVAZ assembly that one part of the model lovers and brands.

But her Korean "brother" - Nissan Almera Classic, the production of which stopped back in 2013, was gathered at the Samsung Plant in South Korea.

Where are Nissan Qashqai collect?

Nissan Cascai is one of the best-selling crossovers in our country. More than two million cars have come down from the conveyor since the launch of the model in 2007. At the same time, each new Nissan Qashqai becomes wider and longer, but it is easier and more efficient, the more earlier generation. This is an excellent addition to the Russian crossover markets with such advantages as much practicality, effective engines And a pleasant interior.

Unlike the predecessor, Nissan Cascai is not yet collected in Russia - the original assembly of the model for the Russian and European market is carried out at the plant in Sunderland of Great Britain. However, only a limited number of modifications of this popular crossover comes to Russia - so, the Russians can be content with only gasoline engines.

Where are Nissan Teana?

The class of full-size vehicles was replenished in Russia in 2003, when the Teana came to Russia, which now became one of the favorite and popular models among many motorists. For a long time, Nissan Teana gathered in Japan, and "purebred" Japanese and Japanese people were supplied to Russia. However, with the launch of the auto plant on the assembly near St. Petersburg, the tan assembly for Russia rolled out here, following the trends of the modern automotive market in a similar class - Recall that Toyota of the same class as TEANA - Camry and Avensis also moved to the assembly to our country.

In addition, the assembly Nissan Teana. For a number of other markets is also held in Japan and Thailand.

Where are the Nissan Juke?

But since 2014 model year Pathfinder is collected in the same St. Petersburg factory in Russia, although the previous generations of the machine were brought to us from Spain.

Where are the Nissan Patrol?

Real SUVs without excess are becoming increasingly rare today. In fact, most buyers want appearance and the practicality of crossovers, and not an amazing behavior on the crossed terrain of the True Offrouds. But in the case of Patrol, everything is completely different - this is exactly the car that is intended for operation in the harshest conditions. A long cycle of three-and-five-door models gradually evolved into sufficiently beautiful and functional machines. The big step was made in 2004, when Nissan Patrol was equipped with a revolutionary new body, significantly upgraded the interior and included more equipment.

But the main advantage of the patrol is that in Russia this is the first truly purebred Nissan on our list - for our country, Nissan Patrol is going exclusively in Japan and more nowhere ... at least as long as.

Where are Nissan Navara collect?

But the famous Nissan Pickup, quite rarely renewed as a filling and exterior, is going for Russia in Spain (as once gathered in Spain Nissan Pathfinder).

Where they collect Nissan cars - Summary Table

Model Nissan. Country assembly
Nissan Micra. Great Britain
Nissan Almera. Russia (AvtoVAZ)
Nissan Almera Classic South Korea
Nissan Tiida. Mexico
Nissan Note. Great Britain
Nissan Teana. Russia
Nissan Juke United Kingdom and Japan
Nissan Qashqai. (Qashqai + 2) Great Britain
Nissan X-Trail Russia
Nissan Pathfinder. Russia
Nissan Navara. Spain
Nissan Murano. Russia, Japan
Nissan Terrano. Russia
Nissan Patrol Japan
Nissan Cube. Japan
Nissan GT-R Japan
Nissan models not supplied to Russia
Nissan Primera. Japan
Nissan Maxima. Japan
Nissan Sunny. Japan
Nissan Skyline. Japan
Nissan Tino. Japan

According to statistics of Russian analytical agencies, Nissan cars are among the most sought-after and beloved in the domestic market. And, most importantly, the Russian sales market is also the largest for the manufacturer of these vehicles.

Russia confidently enters the top three, among all sales in the world market of autocontrace. And, of course, that our citizens are interested in the question - where Nissan is collected for Russia and how high-quality is one or another complete set.

Among the models who loved our motorists, it is worth highlighting: Qashqai, Almera, Note, Murano, X-T Rail, Teana, Navara, Juke, GT-R, and others.

In addition to passenger cars, nissan company Releases and commercial models that are not less demand. On the domestic market, the Cabstar and HP-300 also have proven well.

Some of the above models are collected in Russia. But the proportion of cars made on the territory of our country does not exceed 30%. Basically, cars are supplied from abroad.

General information on Nissan cars

Before buying a new car of this brand, almost any person is asked a fair question: "Where do Nissan are produced for Russia?"

But really, buying a car for our consumer is a very significant step that requires careful preparation and collecting all information. First of all, you should know that the factories manufacturing the technique of Nissan worldwide 8, and in Russia there are 2 of them. But first things first.

Nissan Importing Plants for Russia:

    The main production located in Japan.

    Samsung plant, South Korea.

    Factory "Nissan", Spain.

    Plant located in the UK, or rather in Sunderland.

In addition to these 4 industries, other factories supplying products on the domestic market is not!

Nissan production in Russia

Since 2009, Nissan is collected for motorists in Russia in native land. It was this year that the plant opened under St. Petersburg, with the characteristic name "Nissan Manufekchuring Rus". It organizes an assembly of such models as: Teana, Murano and X -Trail.

List of companies in the Nissan Machines in Russia:

    "Nissan Manufechchuring Rus", St. Petersburg;

    Concern "AvtoVAZ", Tolyatti.

On the Volga Auto Plant The Renault-Nissan Alliance is one of the main holders of the share package.

Together with "Rosex" and Renault, japanese manufacturer Determines the concept of development, assigns top managers and distributes profits if there is such.

Well, now let's try to understand exactly where it is produced specific models Nissan for russian marketWhere the car come to dealers and car dealerships.

In total, in the domestic market in 2016, 12 manufacturer models are officially represented. The line has urban subcompact machines, classical state employees, serious crossovers and even a sports coupe.


This brand of auto refers to budget models.

The beginning of the release dates back to 1995 and continues to this day. Almer was especially loved by our citizens, primarily accessibility, simplicity of management and stylish design.

Starting, since 2012, the car is collected in Togliatti at AvtoVAZ, which did not allow her to benefit.

In the embodiment domestic assembly, Almer lost a number of details, so beneficially identifying it on the market among other cars. At one time, it caused extreme indignation among buyers.

In addition, Almera was produced until 2013 in South Korea, and many Nissan customers preferred a model of only this assembly.


And Cascai is an unconditional participant in sales ratings of all the crossovers sold in Russia and always takes up the top lines.

Since 2007, in our country, more than 2 million units of this model sold sold. The manufacturer closely monitors that the trend on high sales is preserved and therefore constantly heats the interest in the car.

Every few years Qashqai is subjected to "tuning" or changes the generation at all. Sometimes the changes seem inconspicuous, and sometimes the car is strongly changed. However, the car market experts note that each new version The car becomes:

    more ( dimensions become a little wider and longer)



Nissan Qashqai is performed only in the UK, and only in the option with a gasoline engine.

Therefore, the domestic car enthusiast is not particularly accounted for. On the one hand, this is good - the British assembly is quite high quality. On the other hand, the localization of production could lead to a decrease in value.


Initially, the "beetle" was focused on advanced young people, who wants to stand out from the crowd, due to unusual design and design.

But, in Russia, this model has become popular and sellable among women.

Oh yes, this is probably a favorite model, quite unusual design and the expressive power of the car more and more conquers the hearts of the girls leading an active lifestyle.

It is enough to quit a quick look at the JUKE model to understand - this model is not suitable for rustic roads and steep slopes.

Despite the all-wheel drive body and the high position of the driver, the machine is designed for urban ride.

Juke is not going to Russia - it is possible to buy it only Japanese or British production.


The car "Mikra", of course, an amateur. In Russia, the model is not too much demand.

However, it is an absolute record holder among Nissan cars on sales in all over the world, as it is believing european CD.

A small, compact and incredibly economical car is manufactured in the UK and Japan. As well as the previous model, this car is very popular with female. In Japan, this car is known under the name of Nissan March.

The design of the machine was designed by Japan, and the interior of the European design studio.


From the very appearance of the model in the domestic automotive market, the car has established itself as a family, and ranked his niche among buyers. This machine is produced since 2004.

If you believe the Internet reviews - this car is quite convenient to use and, which is surprising, very accompanied.

Since 2006, Nout has been constantly improving and complemented by new technological details. It is manufactured in Britain, so it is not particularly chosen.

And yes, it is also very popular with our favorite women!


Icstrael is one of the first models of the Japanese concern.

But even now vehicle It did not lose its relevance, because it is constantly being restored and renewed generations.

Large 4x4 SUV is known worldwide. Russia also enjoys great popularity. Therefore, the interest of drivers is clear to the question where the Nissan X-Trail is collected for the Russian market.

The model is considered family and enjoys great demand in the domestic market. With each new modification, "Icstrael" undergoes "tuning": add more powerful engineImprove the appearance, improve comfort and safety.

The car is going to Russia, in the factory in St. Petersburg.

However, those who do not scare used cars, can search for Nissan X-Trail of the Japanese assembly of release until 2009.


The only pickup of the Japanese auto giant is manufactured and supplied to the domestic vehicle market from Spain. In general, this car is considered a "sporty" truck.

This machine is produced for a long time since 1997.

The model is different types Body, so we recommend with each to get acquainted separately.

According to reviews, this is a very convenient and very accommodated model, excellent option For those who live near the countryside. Ideal for many types of shipping.


The classic crossover comes from Japan or is collected in Russia (at the factory in St. Petersburg). So the domestic consumer has a choice which Murano take.

The manufacturer assures that the car is not inferior to its BMW X5 competitor, but it is much cheaper. So it is or not, everyone may appreciate, independently.

A little bit of history - you probably do not know, but the car was named after Murano Island, which is located in Italy. Judging by the reviews, the car is quite popular in Russia and in addition to everything, it is considered "fashionable".


The machine is a real "beast" specifically designed to overcome heavy country roads.

The SUV perfectly copes with any complex road conditions, works literally to "wear".

After a serious change of generations, which occurred in 2004, the technique can boast not only the patency and excellent technical characteristicsBut also the grace of lines and inland comfort.

If earlier the car was a rough and functional SUV, now it is good and quality car for all.

"Patrol" comes from Japan, where and is done for the entire world market.

Therefore, for the quality you need to experience last.


A full-sized crossover with a spacious lounge is produced since 1984, but continues to surprise with its high ratings and sales indicators.

This car is for those who are interested in a powerful and representative model for movement around the city and in conditions of minor off-road.

Until 2014, the vehicle came to dealers in Russia from Spain. But then the assembly was localized at the factory in St. Petersburg. For now special differences Not noticeable and our fellow citizens are happy to buy the Pathfinder of the domestic assembly.


Tiana - refers to sales leaders in the Russian market.

The popularity has been conquered from the moment of appearance in the domestic market (2007) and continues to grow only. Up to the launch of the conveyor assembly in St. Petersburg, Tiana was produced and supplied from the Japanese enterprise.

All cars produced until 2009 are "clean" Japanese. For other countries, Tiana is done at the plants of Japan and Thailand.

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The car has long been occupied by a leading position in the category budget sedans Not only in our country, but throughout the world. The quality of the assembly does not cause complaints. The availability of Nissan Almera makes it even more popular, although in its price segment this sedan is among the first at high costs.

Popularity raises the question of where Nissan Almera is collected. There are several plants where the large-sized assembly is made. The most demands of the Nissan Branch in Sunderland are used by the greatest demand. Almost all cars with the name of Almera are released there.

Production abroad

Production in Japan is more aimed at domestic market and the countries of the Asian and Australian regions. There are all the details, of which the branches collect ready-made cars.

Where are the Nissan Almer in Russia?

There are production facilities and in our country. In Russia, Nissan Almer is collected in Togliatti. Since the launch in 2012 in 2012, the wave of dissatisfaction with this fact swept. The car enthusiasts thought that the quality of the domestic assembly would give up English. But as practice has shown, Russian engineers are even better than English. They were able to make some changes, and the car became more adapted to the realities of our country.

There were earlier production facilities in South Korea at Samsung's squares. But now there is no assembly due to the high cost of labor and inconvenience of transportation.

It turns out that it does not matter where Nissan Almera is collected. The car is equally high-quality - both Togliatti and Sunderland.

The relevance of the question of where Nissan Almera assembled in connection with the beginning of the production of cars of this company at the production facilities of AvtoVAZ enterprise. This is not the only Nissan enterprise in Russia, but the plant in St. Petersburg produces Murano crossover models, X-Trail and Teana.

The production of Nissan Almer started in Russia for AvtoVAZ only in 2012, before that, cars were produced on one of best factories In South Korea in the city of Busan. This model is produced there now.

AvtoVAZ Avtozavod.

The technological line where Nissan Almera is produced to produce up to 70 thousand cars per year. At the same time, the production and sale of cars in 2013 did not exceed 64 thousand cars, and decreased in relation to 2012 by 20%.

Nissan expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of cars produced several times, but nowhere has not been specified the essence of these claims. Accessories are currently delivered by schedule.

Among the disadvantages of cars assembly of this plant, the following can be noted:

  • On the car of the first parties marked foreign sounds of the interior details. Later such defects were eliminated.
  • Work automatic box It may unpredictably respond to a decrease in fuel supply, providing intensive braking by the engine.
  • The car requires attention to himself immediately after the acquisition, since the premieres of the pre-sale car can be found in abundance: overflow motor oil, harpped bolts wheels, the difference in pressure of the wheels.
  • In some cases, knocks in the suspension are noted, which can be caused by the non-shock absorbers.
  • The salon blowing system may have a loose docking of air ducts;
  • When running not only slightly increased fuel consumption, but also can swim idling Engine.
  • In the car there may be missing rear wheel arches.

Also, one of the possible complaints is the inconvenient driver's seat, where the explanatory sub-project is developed, but this refers to the seats from Renault Logan. Later, perhaps the seat will be replaced.

They do not differ in the strength of the bumper, where with low clearance they suffer already after unexpected contacts with a border.

Automobile Plant Nissan in South Korea

This enterprise is a joint brainchild of Renault and Nissan companies with the Korean Samsung company. The company produces several models, including Almer. Production facilities after investment are planning to increase in 2014 to 80 thousand cars annually. Additional power can be obtained due to related production with Sang Yong.

Many cars of this manufacturer fall to us through the second hands, but there are many cars from 3 to 5 years. Owners celebrate an energy-intensive suspension, a well-assembled salon, a voluminous trunk. Force aggregate 1.6 Gasoline Motor features good reliability (for example, instead of the timing belt, a chain is installed), and moderate appetite in terms of fuel consumption.

There is no significant complaints to assembling a car.

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