Home Torkemose Classification of motor oils. Motor oils Motor oil with access code A3 B4

Classification of motor oils. Motor oils Motor oil with access code A3 B4

Motor oils by definition cannot comply with the Unified Standard. Various engines and types of gearboxes, operating conditions - all these factors are forced to produce technical fluids with different parameters.

To consumers (automobile owners and car owners) are not combined in compatibility supplies With aggregates, it was decided to create a quality standards system.

Initially, oils were classified only by viscosity (SAE). Then the system was created quality API (American Petroleum Institute), which was used in North America.

Immediately after its introduction, a similar classification was developed by the Association of European Engineers aCEA oils, for the European market. Both standards exist in parallel, not conflicting with each other.

What does the standard say

The classification of motor oil on ACEA was designed to lobby the interests of European automakers. In addition, several concerns from the United States with branches in Europe entered the "support group".

Here is an incomplete list of founders of the Standard: BMW, Volkswagen AG, Porshe, Daimler, Land Rover., Jaguar, Fiat, PSA, Renault, Ford-Europe, GM-Europe, Crysler-Europe, Toyota, Man, Volvo, Saab-Scania, Daf. As deciphered (more precisely, what information does the standard carries in itself)?

What to pay attention to when buying a motor oil - Video Consultation

If the SAE abbreviation speaks only viscosity, then in ACEA compatibility data is laid with specific engines. Moreover, lists of compatible units are agreed with car concerns - participants of the certification program.

In classification according to the ASE standard, minimal basic requirements for oil quality are laid. That is, their observance (in contrast to the selection by SAE), guarantees the trouble-free operation of the motor or gearbox. In addition, this classification provides information on the following parameters and properties:

  • basic base;
  • a set of additional additives;
  • chemical composition;
  • physical properties;
  • purpose (type of fuel, load on the engine, operating conditions of the aggregate).

Marking and their meanings

The classification of motor oils by ACEA can be applied to packaging along with other standards, such as API, ILSAC and GOST.

Important! From the point of view of the consumer, this particular certificate guarantees high quality. Conditions for testing oils To obtain the ACEA specification, significantly higher, in comparison with the rest of the standards. European requirements of tougher North American, Asian and Russian.

Despite the compactness of the classifier (for example, AEA A1 / B1), there is enough voluminous information into the abbreviation. During the existence of the standard (starting since 1996), the layout of characters changed several times.

The first certification options assumed a separate labeling for gasoline and diesel engines (ACEA A or ACEA B). Starting from 2004, all oils presented to obtain admission are simultaneously tested for all types of fuel.

It makes no sense to remember abbreviations with mono tolerance, such consumables are no longer produced.

Modern oils certified at once for all types of fuel are labeled with an indication of the class by fraction: for example, ACEA A1 / B1.

Main classification of oils according to ACEA standard (including outdated)

  1. Class A - certified compatibility with power plants operating only on gasoline. The content of sulfur and sulfate ash is higher than modern EURO environmental safety standards.
  2. Class B - admission is suitable for heavy fuel engines. Load class of diesel power unit: "Light Duty", that is, light and medium. The percentage of sulfate ash is reduced to modern norms, the sulfur content is quite high.
  3. Class C - Standard is designed for a fairly large line of motors. It works with gasoline engines equipped with a catalytic neutralizer, as well as with diesel engines equipped with a sump filter. It is characterized by the average and low content of sulfate ash and sulfur, oil meets the high requirements of environmental safety.
  4. Class E is a fairly narrow standard, intended for the powerful diesel engines working in the difficult conditions "Heavy Duty".

Detailed ACEA Classification

After 2012, ACEA introduced many additional subclasses:

  • For passenger cars equipped with diesel and gasoline engines. Measures small and average load. 4 categories of Motor Oil ACEA: A3 / B4, A1 / B1, A3 / B3, A5 / B5;
  • For commercial diesel engineering and heavy trucks of category from C1 to C4, the engine must comply with EURO 4 environmental standards;
  • For motors working on any fuel, in the presence of cleaning systems in the design exhaust gases (Catalyst, DPF) - another 4 Categories: E4, E6, E7, E9.

The last figure denotes a consistent increase in class and compatibility class. If in power installation It is prescribed to use ACEA A3 / B3 oil, then the ACEA A5 / B5 can be poured into it. No backward compatibility.

Details about Classes ACEA - Video

The most sought-after categories with decoding:

  • A1 / B1 - stable to bundle oil, are designed to prolong the replacement interval. Minor friction losses. The main use is gasoline and diesel engines working on small loads. The classifier is not universal - you should study the tolerances of the car manufacturer.
  • A3 / B3 - designed for petrol engines With a high degree of forcing, including turbine. When operating with diesel fuel, on the contrary, used on low-loaded DVS. Universal weather exploitation, increased replacement intervals.
  • A3 / B4 - Development of the previous specification: Work is allowed on turbocharged diesel engines with high forcing. Have backward compatibility with A3 / B3.
  • A5 / B5 is a relatively fresh standard that has enjoyed advantages (more precisely - requirements) of previous classifications. In addition to environmental tolerances, oil refers to the category of highly economical. In addition, the lubricant is practically not consumed "on the Ear". It has backward compatibility with previous classes. The exception is only the lack of compatibility with specific engines (indicated in the instructions for regulatory work).

Important! If there are several quality standards on packaging with motor oil, it is better to navigate exactly on ACEA.

The classification of ACEA oils takes into account the design features and modes of operation of European engines. The presence on the canister of such marking indicates that the manufacturer of the engine mixture conducted a series of tests and its products corresponds to the quality of the liquids via ACEA.

How to choose motor oil, given the classification?

Association of European Car Manufacturers (ACEA), which places more stringent requirements for motor mixtures than the API, because European power units differ from American motors. They possess the following advantages:

  • can develop a larger number of revolutions per minute;
  • little motor weight;
  • have a greater specific power;
  • develop a greater speed;
  • maintain more extreme temperature conditions of work.

According to ACEA, fluid is divided into classes:

  • A - for gasoline engines;
  • B - applicable to passenger cars;
  • C - for motors operating on gasoline or diesel, equipped with exhaust gas neutralizers;
  • E - designed for diesel cargo cars.

In this marking, there are Arabic figures, they mean the category on the operating characteristics:

  • 1 - energy-saving mixtures;
  • 2 - wide use liquids;
  • 3 - mixtures with improved properties, are characterized by a large operational period;
  • 4 - calculated for drives with direct injection;
  • 5 - the mixtures in which improved additives are applied, possess best characteristicscharacterized by high fuel economy.

Table 1. Classification of motor fluids for passenger cars operating on gasoline or dt.

A1 / B1. Motor mixtures with very low viscosity are used strictly on the recommendation of the car dealer. At very high temperatures, they dilute slowly, lead to fuel economy.
A3 / B3. All-season low-viscosity mixes. Different with high tribological characteristics. Used for high performance engines. Designed for use in extreme temperature modes.
A3 / B4. Can replace the liquids A3 / B3 of the specified specification. Designed for high-mounted power units passenger cars With direct fuel injection. Characterized by the large operational period.
A5 / B5. Provide small friction force at the highest temperature and high shift speed. There may be harm to some types of motors. Apply strictly in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer of the car.

Table 2. Classification of motor mixtures applicable in conjunction with the particulate filters and catalysts, for motors operating on gasoline or diesel.

C1 Machines for machines with particulate filters, increase the resource of this equipment, reduce the consumption of fuel by the engine. Used for high-performance engines, provide small friction force, are used for machines in which oil with low sulphate ash, small content of sulfur and phosphorus. Before use, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations of the car dealer.
C2. Malcycle, energy-saving mixtures, they can be used for vehicles equipped with the particulate filters and catalytic neutralizers three-component. Applicable in machines for which lubricant is required with a slight content of ash. Increase the resource of the particulate filters and neutralizers, lead to a decrease in fuel consumption by car.
C3. Liquids that can be used with exhaust gas neutralizers, smbed filters, plus three-component neutralizers. These mixes increase the resource of the specified machine elements. Before using them, you need to get acquainted with the instructions from the car service.
C4. Mixtures are compatible with exhaust gas neutralizers, particulate filters, plus three-component neutralizers. Extend the operational period of the specified equipment. The low sulphate ash content is characterized by a small content of phosphorus and sulfur. Before their application, you need to get acquainted with the instruction manual for the machine.

Table 3. Classification of motor mixtures for powerful diesel engines of trucks.

E4. Autosals, providing good tribological characteristics, have good dispersing, detergent properties, prevent the formation of nagar and deposits on the piston group are applicable in new types of motors designed to work in difficult conditions. For these oils, a large operating period is characteristic. They are used in motors without particulate filters, as well as in certain types of drives, removal of exhaust gases. Before use, you must familiarize yourself with the car maintenance instructions.
E6. Automas, which provide high purity piston group, prevent the formation of contaminants on the drive elements, applicable for new types of power units operating in extreme conditions. For these liquids, an increase in the mixture replacement period is characterized. Applicable for drives equipped with sump filters are designed for machines that can work on fuel with small sulfur content.
E7. Motor fluids that ensure reliable protection of the piston group from contaminants, have good anti-wear characteristics. They can be used for modern motorsWhen working in difficult conditions. Are suitable for use in force aggregatesin which there are no saw filters And for many types of engines, if they have a system of complete or partial return of the flow of exhaust gases. These oils are characterized by a large operational period. They can be used subject to the appointment of these mixtures by the auto manufacturer.
E9. Automal, providing the protection of the piston group from wear and from varnished deposits, are characterized by a stable viscosity indicator at various temperature modes, prolong the resource of the power unit, protect it from wear throughout the entire operation period. They can be used for modern engines, when working in difficult conditions. These motor mixtures can be used in motors in which there are or no particulate filters and in power units in which a system of complete or partial return of the flow of exhaust gases is present.


Before applying the car, you must familiarize yourself with the requirements of the car dealer, since certain oils will not be able to provide the necessary thickness of the protective film on the parts of the motor - this leads to a decrease in the engine resource.

Taking advantage of the 2008 classification, you can choose motor fluidcorresponding constructive features Drive your car. If you are the owner of a not new car, then you need to use the inactive reduction of the 2004 classification system.

Classification of motor oils.

The first standards and classifications of motor oils appeared already in the beginning of the twentieth century - during the time of the legendary Ford T. in the process of development and improvement car engines, I changed and requirements for oils that were reflected in the relevant specifications. Today in the automotive world there are two general standards for the classification of motor oils - the American API and european Acea.as well as many branded tolerances automakers.

Standard ACEA It is used to classify motor oils in Europe. Due to the presence of a plurality of branded tolerances of automakers, is quite common and largely basic for them. Used by Asian automakers working in the European market. IN North America Not applicable.

Standard API (American Petroleum Institute) is a valid standard for the classification of motor oils in North America. Designed with ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and SAE (Society of Automobile Engineers). In Asia received its distribution due to the history of the development of Japanese, Korean and Chinese automotive industry. Europe does not apply in Europe.

Standard ilsac The current standard, implemented and developed by the International Committee on Standardization and Testing of Motor Oils (ILSAC- International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee). The Committee was created by the American and Japanese associates of car manufacturers Aama and Jama. Distributed from American, Japanese and Korean automakers.

Due to the fact that in Europe and America various, although largely very similar standards today, oils for the European market often do not have active oligations API, and oils for the American market - ACEA oligations even if the product actually corresponds or exceeds the requirements Standard.

ACEA classification
The European Standard ACEA places higher oil requirements than the API standard of the same years. According to the classification of ACEA, engine oils are divided into three classes. A / B class: for gasoline and diesel engines passenger cars and light commercial equipment; Class C: reduced ash oil (Low Saps - Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus, Sulphur) for gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars and light commercial equipment with additional systems neutralization of exhaust gases, including eGR systems, multistage catalysts, diesel filters; Class E: for heavy trucks, construction equipment, etc. In the ACEA classification, unlike the American API, the name of the oil class does not change when the requirements for the properties of the oils or the testing methodology are changed. Changes are reflected in the class marking by year (for example, A3-04 / B4-04).

The difference between gasoline and diesel oils
In light gasoline and diesel engines, the same oils are used therefore oils of classes A and B (for light gasoline and light diesel engines) are combined into one class and go in pairs (A / B).

ACEA A / B Class Oil for Gasoline and Diesel Engines



Multicious energy-saving oils with reduced viscosity HHS (HTHS\u003e 2.6 MPa * C for oils sAE viscosity XW-20 and from 2.9 to 3.5 MPa * C for the rest of the viscosity classes)
Such oils are:

For engines working in difficult conditions or with elongated interservice intervals, including turbocharging. Standard viscosity HTHS\u003e 3.5 MPa * p.
Such oils are:

For engines working in difficult conditions or with elongated interservice intervals, including turbocharged and direct fuel injection, pump-nozzles or system COMMON RAIL.. Standard viscosity HTHS\u003e 3.5 MPa * p.
Such oils are:

Multicious energy-saving oils for engines working in difficult conditions or with elongated interservice intervals, including turbocharging. Reduced viscosity HHS 2.9 - 3.5 MPa * p.
Such oils are:

Oil class ACEA with reduced ash content for gasoline and diesel engines



Multicious energy-saving oils with a reduced viscosity indicator at HHS from 2.9 MPa * p. Low ash content. For engines S. modern systems Neutralization of exhaust gases.
Such oils are:

Multicious energy-saving oils with reduced hhs. Average ash content. For engines with modern neutralization systems of spent gases. HTHS reduced viscosity from 2.9 MPa * p.
Such oils are:

For engines with modern systems for neutralization of exhaust gases, working in difficult conditions or with elongated interservice intervals, including turbocharging. Low and average ash content. Standard viscosity HTHS\u003e 3.5 MPa * p.
Such oils are:

For engines with modern systems neutralization of waste gases, including turbocharged. Low ash content. Standard viscosity HTHS\u003e 3.5 MPa * p.
Such oils are:

Oil class ASEA for trucks



For diesel engines without turbocharging, working in easy conditions with standard replacement intervals. The properties correspond to the MB 227.1 specification;
Class has been canceled in 1998.

For low-loaded diesel engines without particulate filters, recirculation systems with standard replacement intervals. According to properties, MB 228.1, MAN 271 specifications.
Class canceled in 2007.
Such oil is:

For diesel engines without particulate filters and recirculation systems, which, among other things, and with elongated substitution intervals.
Class canceled in 2002

For high-breasted diesel engines of EURO I, EURO II and EURO III (without particulate filters), including in difficult conditions and with extended substitution intervals. High ash content, good antioxidant properties.
Such oils are:

For high-breasted diesel engines of EURO I, EURO II and EURO III (without particulate filters), including in difficult conditions and with extended substitution intervals. The E4 class oils differ in compliance with more stringent requirements put forward by American API standards.
Class canceled in 2002
Such oil is:

Corresponds to the class E4, however, with astiness limitations. For diesel engines of ecological classes EURO I - EURO V, including equipped with EGR recycling systems, reduce nitrogen oxide emissions and particulate filters.
Such oils are:

For diesel high-robous ecological engines EURO I - EURO IV with recycling systems (EGR) and reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, without particulate filters, including in difficult conditions and with elongated substitution intervals. Improved antioxidant and detergent properties.
Such oils are:

Corresponds to the E7 class, however, with astiness limitations. For diesel engines of ecological classes EURO I - EURO V, including equipped with EGR recycling systems and reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides, as well as scenic filters.
Such oils are:

API classification
Historically, cars and light trucks (trackers) are equipped exclusively with gasoline engines. Diesels are the lotion of extremely heavy equipment. Therefore, in the classification Motor APIs Oils are divided into two major categories: S (Service) for gasoline engines and C (Commercial) for diesel motors of commercial equipment.

Oils of the standard API S for gasoline engines





Presented in October 2010.
Main characteristics: Improved piston protection from high-temperature sediments, more stringent salammation requirements, improved compatibility with sealing engine parts, phosphorus content limit.
Energy Saving Requirements (Fe- Fuel Economy) Oils aPI class SN comply with the requirements of the ILSAC GF-5 standard: the best fuel efficiency, turbocharger protection, exhaust toxicity reduction systems, increased resistance when used in engine motors on ethanol-containing gasoline up to E85.
Oil API. SN is close by properties with ASAA oils with amendment to high-temperature viscosity at HHS.
Such oils are:


Introduced in 2004. Compared to the previous one imposes additional requirements for antioxidant, detergent oil properties and its resource. The concept of energy-saving oils appears.
For engines issued until 2010.


Introduced in 2001. Key Features: Increased (compared to SJ) Wear protection, improvement of fuel efficiency, reduction of emission harmful substances, Increased service intervals. Tightened testing techniques. For engines released until 2004.
Such oils are:


Introduced in 1996. More stringent requirements (in comparison with SH) to emissions of harmful substances.
For engines released until 2001.


Introduced in 1993. Basic requirements correspond to the SG class, but the test method is toughened.
For engines released until 1996.


Oils are not intended for use in most gasoline engines released after 1993. May not provide the necessary protection against wear, sludgeing, have reduced countering oxidation.


Oils are not intended for use in most gasoline engines released after 1988. May not provide the necessary protection against sludgeing.


Oils are not intended for use in most gasoline engines released after 1979.


Oils are not intended for use in most gasoline engines released after 1971. Application B. modern engines It may lead to a drop in the characteristics and damage to the engine.


Oils are not intended for use in most gasoline engines released after 1967. Application in modern engines can lead to a drop in the characteristics and damage to the engine.


Oils are not intended for use in most gasoline engines released after 1951. Application in modern engines can lead to a drop in the characteristics and damage to the engine.


API C for diesel engines





For high-robbed 4-stroke engines, corresponding to the 2010 Ecological Road Standard and the Off-Road Tier 4. Oils for use in vehicles with modern systems for the neutralization of exhaust gases (including DPF particulate filters). The sulfur content in fuel is less than 0.05% (500 ppm). The use of oils of this class with a fuel with a sulfur content of more than 0.0015% (15 ppm) is not recommended. Increased protection against wear and deposits on pistons, thermal stability, improved antioxidant properties.
Excellent Oil classes of API CI-4, CI-4 Plus, CH-4, CG-4 and CF-4.
Such oil is:


Presented in 2002. For high-breasted 4-stroke engines, complying with the 2004 environmental standard (presented in 2002). For use in engines with exhaust recycling system (EGR). The sulfur content in the fuel is less than 0.5%. Excellent oils of CD, CE, CF-4, CG-4 and CH-4 classes. Some CI-4 Class Oils also correspond to the CI-4 Plus class.
Such oils are:


Presented in 1998. For high-strength 4-stroke engines that meet the 1998 environmental standard. The sulfur content in the fuel is less than 0.5%. Excellent CD, CE, CF-4 and CG-4 classes oils.
Such oils are:


Presented in 1995. For high-strength 4-stroke engines working in difficult conditions and relevant to the 1994 environmental standards. The sulfur content in the fuel is less than 0.5%. Excellent CD, CE and CF-4 classes oils.


Presented in 1990. For high-breeding 4-stroke engines, including turbocharged. Oils of this class can be used instead of CD and CE classes.
Such oil is:


Presented in 1994. For 2-stroke diesel engines working in difficult conditions. Oils of this class can be used instead of CD-II oils.


Presented in 1994. For the forkar engines, engines operating in difficult conditions and in fuel with a sulfur content of more than 0.5%. Oils of this class can be used instead of CD class oils.



Oils are not intended for use in most diesel engines released after 1994. Application in modern engines can lead to a drop in the characteristics and damage to the engine.


Oils are not intended for use in most diesel engines released after 1994. Application in modern engines can lead to a drop in the characteristics and damage to the engine.


Oils are not intended for use in most diesel engines released after 1990. Application in modern engines can lead to a drop in the characteristics and damage to the engine.


Oils are not intended for use in most diesel engines released after 1961. Application in modern engines can lead to a drop in the characteristics and damage to the engine.


Oils are not intended for use in most diesel engines released after 1959. Application in modern engines can lead to a drop in the characteristics and damage to the engine.

ILSAC standard oils
The ILSAC standard was developed jointly by American and Japanese automakers for the classification of low-viscosity engine oils used in modern gasoline engines. All oils of the ILSAC class have a reduced high-temperature viscosity of HHS. Today, ILSAC class oil is divided into 6 classes. Each following class places new more stringent requirements for oil properties or expands the range of possible viscosities (as a rule, towards more liquid oils).

ILSAC standard oils




The GF-6 class must be presented in 2017. The GF-6 is expected to be divided into two subclasses: ILSAC GF-6A and ILSAC GF-6B.
GF-6A class oils will provide the best engine protection, fuel efficiency and characteristic stability compared to GF-5. HHS value from 2.6 MPa * s.
The GF-6B class oil according to the characteristics complex will provide the same properties as GF-6A, however will have an even lower high-temperature viscosity of HHS. Also appear oil viscosity below 0W-20.


Presented in 2010. The GF-5 standard oil should provide better protection of the pistons from high-temperature deposits and better protection of turbocharger, have a higher compatibility with sealing engine parts, increased resistance when used in the engine on the ethanol-containing gasoline up to E85. Also more stringent chalk formation requirements. Superior GF-1, GF-2, GF-3 and GF-4.


The GF-4 standard is identical to the API SM, but requires the passage of additional tests for the fuel efficiency of VIB Fuel Economy Test (ASTM D6837).
Superior GF-1, GF-2 and GF-3.
Such oil is:


The GF-3 standard oils must comply with the requirements of the API SL and EC-II directive. Additional requirements for the persistence of a package of additives, counteracting Ugar, a tendency to deposits in the engine, the influence of oil on the system of neutralization of exhaust gases, fuel efficiency.
Superior GF-1 and GF-2.


Presented in 1996. The GF-2 standard oils must comply with the requirements of the API SJ and EC-II directive. Additional requirements for ashiness, low-temperature properties, high-temperature stability and foaming. Visitiousness permissible: 0W-30, 0W-40, 5W-20, 5W-30, 5W-40, 5W-50, 10W-30, 10W-40 and 10W-50.
Superior GF-1.


Presented in 1990, regards were submitted in 1992. GF-1 standard oils must comply with the requirements of the API SH and ENERGY CONSERVING II Directive (EC-II). It is basic requirements for oils for American and Japanese automakers.

What does ACEA mean - Classification of oils? This abbreviation is indicated by the Association of European Automakers, which includes 15 companies with the greatest volumes of production. In 2008, she developed a special standard that allows you to classify engine oils. It is similar to regulatory and regulatory documentation (like GOST). The classification of ACEA means that the oil meets the requirements of manufacturers of vehicles to the quality and characteristics of fuel and lubricants.

The classification of motor oils by ACEA includes 3 classes. The basis for their division is the type of engine. So, the lubricating liquid of grade 1 is designed for use in passenger cars, vans and minibuses. Grade 2 is focused on the use of engines whose design includes the recovery catalyst for exhaust gases. Finally, grade 3 is offered to use in high load diesels.

First grade

Each class consists of 4 types of oils indicating the corresponding alphanumeric set of characters. Grade 1 includes 4 categories: A1 / B1, A3 / B3, A3 / B4 and A5 / B5 - and focused on using gasoline and diesel typeinstalled in cars with low load, as well as minibuses.

Type A1 / B1 is characterized by maximum use time - mileage or period, after which it is necessary to change the oil. In addition, the substances included in this category cannot boast high viscosity. As a result, due to its turnover, such oils are not suitable for some engines. Detailed information on compatible oils is provided in the technical documentation for the car.

Type A3 / B3 is focused on using high-phosted class engines. Also, this type of lubricant can be applied all-season. Car manufacturers can recommend it to use if it is necessary to increase the interval between replacements.

The ACEA A3 type is expanded by the B4 subtype. It includes oils that are recommended for use in high-known class engines in whose design includes a system. direct injection Fuel. Their specifications are compatible with the type A3 / B3.

In type A5 / B5 enters lubricantwhich is used in high-known class engines and is designed to extend the period between replacements. However, the materials of this category are small. As a result, some engines are not intended for lubricating by these means, since they require more "dense" substances. Again, information on compatible lubricants Located in the technical documentation for the car.

Back to the category

Second class

Classification by level of operational properties by ACEA.

For high-known type engines, the construction of the exhaust gas recovery catalyst includes, the classification of motor oils by ACEA highlights a separate section. The materials included in it are certified for use in cars operating on gasoline and diesel fuel. All lubricating liquid of this category is intended for prolongation of the deadline for the use of sump filters (DPF) and 3 component catalysts (TWC).

Type C1 describes oils that contain a minimum of sulfur and phosphoric compounds (or these elements in free form), allows for minimal sulphate ash. Such materials are described as Low SAPS. In addition, the lubricating fluid of this type has a low viscosity and is designed to reduce the consumption of fuel.

In cells of type C2, the moderate sulfur and phosphorus content, and the level of sulphate ash content is higher than in the previous, despite the certification according to Low SAPS. This somewhat expands the uses of use. However, like other means of this category, they are not compatible with all engines.

Viscosity of motor oils at low temperatures.

The type C3 in its parameters is similar to C2, but the oils entering it have a slightly greater level of viscosity.

Type C4, finally, describes a motor lubricating fluid, similar to C1, which has a greater level of viscosity (like C3). Materials are still certified as Low SAPs, sulfur, phosphorus and sulphate ash content are minimal.

It is worth considering that the ACEA classification in this section describes very highly specialized oils intended for use with a single engine design. This means that they can be used exclusively in compatible vehicles. Information about suitable oil Class C for the engine or not, can be obtained from technical documentation for the car, instructions for the use or other materials provided by the manufacturer.

Back to the category

Third class

Separately, it is worth mentioning that developed ACEA Classification Oils involves the conditional name of the sections. This means that 3 class products have the same quality as out of 1, and vice versa. The difference is manifested exclusively in the operational parameters of oils and their specialization.

When choosing a new oil for the car, you need to be guided by technical documentation for vehicle and manufacturer's instructions.

Class 3 oils that are marked with the E symbol are used in diesel engines exposed to high loads. They are incompatible with gasoline or gas cars. In addition to actually lubricating functions, these materials have cleaning pistons with properties. They are used most often in engines that have passed the certification EURO-1 ... 5 (i.e. any of the 5 generations). They also allow you to prolong the interval between the substitution of fuel. Due to this, they are often recommended for use in any diesel engines, whose exploitation passes in extreme conditions.

The E4 type includes oils that allow to reduce wear of motor elements. The additives contained in their composition, in turn, reduce the volume of soot formation. Therefore, they can be used in engines that are not equipped with an appropriate diesel filter, but in the EGR and SCR design. In this case, the oil reduces the content of various nitrogen oxides in the exhaust.

The E6 class oil is similar to materials from the previous type, however, are intended for use in engines whose design still includes planting filters (DPF).

E7 have, among other things, polishing properties. They retain the inner surface of the piston cylinders smooth. They are used in engines whose design does not include soot filters. At the same time, ERG and SCR may be placed.

Universality, reliability, quality

All-season, the ability to function in a wide temperature range and extreme conditions, with any driving style, in aggregate with good cleaning properties makes Castrol Magnamek 5W30 A3 B4 by the pet for many motorists around the world.

Description of oil

This oil from the Castrol Magnadek 5W30 family is perhaps the widest scope of application compared to its "counterparts". However, they have a common technology that underlies the production of lubricant. His name is Intelligent Molecules.

The essence of this technology is the "smart" molecules. They literally stick to the parts of the engine, creating a dense film that does not slip under any circumstances, protecting the motor as reliably as no other lubricant.

As a result, Castrol Magnatec 5W-30 A3 B4 protects the motor not only from wear and unforeseen breakdowns, but also from corrosion, oxidation, soot and nagar formation.

Application area

Castrol Magnatec 5W30 A3 B4 is recommended for using the majority of worldwide automakers. Among them Renault, BMW, Volkswagen car group. Provide such a wide scope of application Castrol Motogany 5W30 A3 B4 specifications This oil. It is suitable for most variations of gasoline and diesel engines, both modern and earlier. The unique viscosity of this product makes the scope of its use even wider.


Oil Castrol Motogany 5W30 A3 B4 Specifications:

IndicatorVerification method (ASTM)Valueunit of measurement
1 Vissedity characteristics
- Kinematic viscosity at 40 ° CASTM D445.70 mm² / C.
- Kinematic viscosity at 100 ° CASTM D445.12.1 mm² / C.
- Dynamic viscosity, CCS at -30 ° C (5W)ASTM D5293.5900 mPa * C (SP)
- Viscosity indexASTM D 2270.172
- Sulfate ash contentASTM D874.1.22 % wt.
- Density at 15ºC.ASTM D 4052.0.85 g / ml
2 Temperature characteristics
- Flash temperature (PMCC)ASTM D93.206 ° C.
- Frozen temperatureASTM D97.-45 ° C.

Tolerances and specifications

Castrol Magnadek 5W30 A3 B4 has the following tolerances and specifications:

  • ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4;
  • API SL / CF;
  • VW 502 00/505 00;
  • RENAULT RN 0710 / RN 0700;
  • MB-Approval 229.3;
  • BMW Longlife-01.

Release form and articles

Castrol Magnatec 5W30 A3 B4 have the following form of release and articles:

  1. 156ED2 Castrol Magnatec 5W-30 A3 / B4 208l
  2. 14F508 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 208l
  3. 156ED3 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 60l
  4. 14F506 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 60l
  5. 156ED5 Castrol Magnatec 5W-30 A3 / B4 4l
  6. 151b17 Castrol Magnatec 5W-30 A3 / B4 4l
  7. 156ED4 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 1l
  8. 151b18 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 1l
  1. MA5W30A3B4-B2 Castrol Magnatec 5W-30 A3 / B4 1 + 1l
  2. MA5W30A3B4-B5 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 1 + 4l
  3. MA5W30A3B4-B3 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 1 + 1 + 1l
  4. MA5W30A3B4-B8 Castrol Magnatec 5W-30 A3 / B4 4 + 4l
  5. MA5W30A3B4-B9 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 4 + 4 + 1l
  6. MA5W30A3B4-B12 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 4 + 4 + 4l
  7. MA5W30A3B4-B13 CASTROL MAGNATEC 5W-30 A3 / B4 4 + 4 + 4 + 1l

How 5W30 is decrypted

Markings marked with the letter W mean the all-season product, since the letter comes from the Winter - Winter. The numbers facing it are an indicator of winter temperatures. Figures going on, summer temperatures.

IN this case The figure 5 denotes that the oil retains its viscosity to minus 35 degrees Celsius. And the number 30 is what is suitable to plus 30. This makes the product universal for most climatic belts of the world.

Advantages and disadvantages

These positive qualities have this oil from the family Castrol Magnatec. 5W-30:

  • reliable protection from starting to start and throughout the entire use period;
  • dense enveloping all parts of the film;
  • easy engine launch in frost and stability in the heat;
  • wide temperature range of application;
  • universality of using B. different types engines and various conditions;
  • unique technology used in production;
  • highest quality.

Cons of oil is a high price (however, like any other clean synthetics) and a large number of fakes, from which no one is protected.

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