Home Locks Classification of motor oils. API, ILSAC, ACEA. Brand approvals of car manufacturers. Recommendations for the selection of oil. How to correctly decipher the marking of engine oils Gf 5 decoding

Classification of motor oils. API, ILSAC, ACEA. Brand approvals of car manufacturers. Recommendations for the selection of oil. How to correctly decipher the marking of engine oils Gf 5 decoding

Lovers Toyota cars within the territory of Russian Federation so many. This is no coincidence, because the Japanese concern is one of the world's largest automakers. Everyone knows the Toyota quality. In addition, some models of this brand are assembled at the plant in Shushary, St. Petersburg region. This decision makes cars more affordable for Russians, despite the high price.

Naturally, the concern orders the production of lubricants for its cars under the name of its brand. An example of this is Toyota 5W30 API SN, ILSAC GF-5 engine oil. Exxon Mobil Yugen Kaisha Co. The Toyota engineering division is working on the formation of the formulation with further comprehensive testing in conjunction with Exxon Mobil specialists.

API decryption, ILSAC

The main characteristics, according to the standard of the Petroleum Institute (USA) - API - are defined as SN. What does it mean? The organization has existed for almost 100 years. It was formed in order to solve similar issues related to the oil and gas industry. It so happened that the institute created a classifier of the performance properties of motor oils, which is now used all over the world.

The SN level was adopted on 01.10.2010. That is, it applies to vehicles manufactured after 2010. Engine oil corresponding to this category should be low in phosphorus, as it is more environmentally friendly. This will allow the use of lubricants in conjunction with the latest neutralizing systems that purify exhaust gases from harmful impurities. Lubricants in this category are energy efficient.

The SN category is fully compatible with the previous ones - SM, SL, and so on. Only lubricants in this category have higher thermal-oxidative stability and better control of deposits and sludge.

The ILSAC Asia-America Joint Standard is for engines manufactured in these regions. The GF-5 category is also the latest accepted. For most of the characteristics that a motor substance must have, GF 5 completely coincides with the SN category of the API standard. However, oil formulations having high temperature viscosity 40 and above (50, 60) do not fall under the GF 5th level. In addition, a GF of this level requires that the oils meet not only SN class, but also Resource Conserving, that is, they must be energy efficient.

ILSAC also has additional requirements for products of the GF-5 category - motor oils must:

  • save fuel throughout the entire operating interval;
  • protect emission control systems;
  • control oxidation processes inside the engine, as well as prevent the formation of deposits, slags and sludge.

Basic information about oil

The base composition of Toyota 5W30 is made from oil by deep catalytic hydrocracking. That is, this motor lubricant belongs to the 3rd group, according to the generally accepted international classification. Thus, the Japanese do not indicate that it is synthetics or semi-synthetics. In general, they are doing the right thing, because base oil is a deeply refined mineral. It's just that SAE, under pressure from one of the largest manufacturers, decided to consider that engine oil of the 3rd group is synthetics. Therefore, the Europeans perceive it as such.

There is some truth here, because real synthetics have nothing best performance, except for one very important - thermo-oxidative stability. In hydrocracking, this indicator is worse, so this engine oil will have to be changed more often. But it also costs much less than a real synthetic one. This oil composition is only available for gasoline power units but Toyota's diesel engine lubricant is also offered to drivers.

Toyota 5W 30 API SN, ILSAC GF-5 is produced both in Japan and on the European continent. The Japanese offer customers tin containers, which are too expensive and troublesome to counterfeit, so there is no need to worry about the quality of a Japanese product. The same cannot be said about European products, which are produced in simple plastic canisters. Fakes are quite likely here. Toyota Motor Lubricant has the following positive characteristics:

Motor Toyota oil 5W-30 has an additive package designed only for engines manufactured for Toyota and Lexus. Therefore, its use in power units from other manufacturers is undesirable, as it can cause technical problems.

Toyota 5W30 SN engine oil should be changed for atmospheric multi-valve engines every 10 thousand kilometers. For turbocharged power units, the interval is halved, that is, replacement is every 5 thousand.

The composition of the additive package and the main properties

Synthetics or semi-synthetics with viscosity 5W30 for Toyota engines, according to API, has a SN category. The products have been thoroughly analyzed in laboratory conditions, and also tested to determine whether the temperature-viscosity characteristics correspond to the declared ones. Based on the results obtained, we will conduct a complete analysis of the composition and determine its main characteristics.

The kinematic viscosity that a motor lubricant has at a temperature of 40 ° C is 62.86 mm 2 / s, but it is not standardized. The same indicator at a temperature of 100 ° C is 10.59 mm 2 / s, which is quite typical for a Japanese product and fits into the norm, which is between the values ​​of 9.3 and 12.5 mm 2 / s. The viscosity index is 159 - you cannot call it very good, but it is not considered small either. Typical for hydrocracking.

The alkaline number is 8.53 mg KOH per 1 g - a low indicator, so characteristic of Asian oils designed for quality fuel... For Russian conditions the value is small, therefore, it is desirable to change the oil liquid more often, after 7-8 thousand kilometers. At this point, the supply of neutralization of the acidic environment inside the engine will just be depleted. Acid number also small - 1.53 mg KOH per 1 g, there is a good margin for growth during operation.

The sulphated ash level is very good at 0.97%, just slightly more than Mid SAPS oils. The pour point is -40 ° C, there is a margin so that the grease is good for starting the engine in a frost of -30 ° C. At the same temperature, -30 ° C, the measured dynamic viscosity gives information that the oil composition is quite liquid. The indicator is 5772 mPas, and according to the standard it should be no more than 6600.

The presence of organic tricycle molybdenum МDTC (44 units) informs that the oil liquid has such an additive as a friction modifier. The antiwear additive ZDDP (zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate) is the best at the moment, it is represented by a high content of phosphorus (907) and zinc (1028). Means, lubricating fluid has very good antiwear, extreme pressure, antioxidant and anti-corrosion properties.

Calcium level (2608) informs about the presence of neutralizing detergents - detergents. But at the same time there is practically no boron, magnesium is also very small. This means that there are either no dispersing additives at all, or they are in small quantities.

From the above, we can conclude that Toyota 5w30 oil is a completely normal product. Obviously, it is tailored for compact Japanese engines with narrow oil channels. Only it needs to be changed more often because of our fuel.

Original oil and counterfeit

The popularity of Toyota cars and the demand for them Supplies led to numerous engine oil counterfeits for Toyota, including 5W30 viscosity grease. This became possible due to the fact that Europeans produce it in plastic cans. It is the discrepancies between the original and counterfeit containers that make it possible to determine the counterfeit.

In order not to get hooked by scammers, you should follow a few simple rules.

  1. You should never be tempted by a too cheap product that is supposedly offered for a promotion or announced a sale. This is the first sign of a fake. Genuine grease cannot be cheap.
  2. Do not purchase lubricant from unknown vendors on the market. There is much more chance of getting a fake instead of the original. It is better to buy only in large specialized stores or from official dealers... Then the likelihood of getting a fake is significantly reduced.
  3. During the purchase, you should very carefully inspect the canister. As a rule, counterfeit products are clearly inferior in quality, which is noticeable to the naked eye.

We hope that our advice will help you avoid purchasing low-quality grease that can destroy an expensive motor in one fill.

Classification of motor oils. API, ILSAC, ACEA. Brand approvals of car manufacturers. Recommendations for the selection of oil.

Selection of engine oil for specific engine it's not easy. Choosing a mistake can be very expensive! The motorist has two ways here: choose it yourself or trust the car service. But the car service also employs people who can make mistakes. In order to eliminate errors in the selection of engine oil, there are standards.

There are several standardization systems for engine oils. The SAE J300 system, which regulates the only characteristic of engine oil - viscosity, was discussed earlier. Now about the operational classifications. The first international really working system was API (American Petroleum Institute). It remains the most common to this day. The simplicity and clarity of this system lies in the fact that over time, new standards are developed, and the old ones are no longer relevant. Moreover, each new classification toughens the requirements for engine oil, which means that the higher the standard, the better the oil.

API classification subdivides all engine oils into two categories:

S(Service) - oils for gasoline engines passenger cars, light trucks and minibuses.

C(Commercial) - oils for diesel engines.

Each category is broken down into classes. The higher the class, the higher the level of requirements for the oil. Thus, oil is designated by two letters. The first is the category, the second is the class. For universal oils, double markings are used, for example: SL / CF.

It makes no sense to consider outdated classifications.

For gasoline engines the following classes are used today:

SJ- oils for gasoline engines that meet high requirements in terms of oil consumption in the engine. Contributes to fuel efficiency. Designed for cars from 1997 to 2001.

SL- introduced in 2001. Tightened requirements for the protection of components that reduce harmful emissions... Improved energy saving properties of oils.

SM- this class of oils was approved on November 30, 2004. Such oils have the best detergent, dispersant and antiwear properties. They are classified as energy efficient.

SN- the classification of oils according to this standard began on October 1, 2010. As of today, this is the newest class in terms of API. He introduces norms to limit the amount of phosphorus to increase the resource of neutralization systems exhaust gases... SN class oil is resource efficient.

For diesel engines:

CF- Oil for diesel engines with a split combustion chamber and fueled with sulfur dioxide.

CF-4- the classification has replaced the obsolete CE

CG-4- designed for heavy-duty diesel engines. They have improved (in comparison with CF-4) detergent and antiwear properties. Can be used with low sulfur fuels (less than 0.05%).

CH-4- oil for diesel engines operating on low-sulfur fuel. For engines meeting US emissions regulations in 1998. This class of oil is designed for an extended service interval.

CI-4- For high-speed, four-stroke diesel engines. These oils are designed for use in engines with an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. In terms of properties, they surpass API classes CH-4, CG-4, CF-4.

CJ-4New class... Commissioned in 2006. It surpasses all previous classes in quality. Designed for diesel engines running on low sulfur fuels.

Attention! When using fuels with a sulfur content of more than 0.0015%, the service intervals must be shortened (in agreement with the vehicle manufacturer).

The downside is that the engines different manufacturers(and sometimes even one) can be quite different in technical performance. This means that the requirements for engine oil for such engines will be different.

ILSAC(International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee) - was created jointly by the American and Japanese associations of automakers. This committee publishes quality standards for motor oils for gasoline engines in passenger cars. The first two classes (GF-1 and GF-2) are obsolete and are not used today.

ILSAC GF-3- introduced in 2001. It practically duplicates API SL, but with limited high-temperature dynamic viscosity, that is, it is energy-saving.

ILSAC GF-4- oils are also energy efficient. They are compatible with exhaust gas aftertreatment systems and provide improved wear protection. Requirements level corresponds to API SM.

ILSAC GF-5- Applies from October 1, 2010 and complies with API SN. Compared to GF-4, it works with E 85 biofuels. Improved elastomer compatibility.

Most widespread ILSAC classification received in Japan.

ACEA... In Europe, neither ILSAC nor API is practically used. In 1996 ACEA(European Automobile Manufacturers' Association) introduced a new classification of motor oils, which is still used today. But the structure ACEA standards differs from API and ILSAC in that outdated classifications are not replaced by new ones, but are updated and supplemented regularly. As of today, the latest revision of ACEA 2012. New editions were released in 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012. Changes in standards are dictated by the introduction of new technologies in the production of engines, and also take into account the requirements of international environmental organizations and norms. ACEA is the most complete and flexible engine oil classification system to date. It is practically not used in the Asian and American markets. Current trends are such that car manufacturers are uniting in transcontinental holdings, and it is possible that in other (non-European) markets, the role of ACEA will increase.

The ACEA system of standards classifies all engine oils into three classes:

A / B- oils for gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars.

WITH- oils for gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars that meet the latest toughened Euro IV emission standards (as amended in 2005). These oils are compatible with catalysts and particulate filters.

E- oils for highly loaded diesel engines trucks and commercial vehicles.

ACEA class A / B has four categories (A1 / B1, A3 / B3, A3 / B4, A5 / B5):

A1 / B1- Energy saving oils. Resistant to mechanical degradation, designed for use with extended drain intervals in gasoline and diesel engines passenger cars and light trucks Vehicle designed for the use of low-viscosity, friction-reducing oils with an HTHS viscosity of 2.6 mPa * s for SAE xW-20 and 2.9 to 3.5 mPa * s for other viscosity grades. These oils may not be suitable for use in some engines. The instructions of the vehicle manufacturer must be observed.

A3 / B3- Oils with high performance properties intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars and light trucks. Can be used in engines with extended drain intervals as recommended by the engine manufacturers. HTHS> 3.5

A3 / B4- Oils with stable viscosity and high performance properties. High performance oils designed for use in highly accelerated gasoline and diesel engines with direct injection fuel system Common rail or unit injectors. Also suitable for use according to A3 / B3 specification.

A5 / B5- Energy saving oils. Resistant to mechanical degradation, designed for use with extended drain intervals in high-performance gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, designed for the use of low-viscosity oils that reduce friction, with HTHS viscosity of 2.9 to 3.5 mPa * s for other classes viscosity. These oils may not be suitable for use in some engines. The recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer must be followed.

ACEA C class(Low SAPS). Oils for engines equipped with exhaust gas aftertreatment systems. This class also has four categories (as revised in 2012):

C1- Energy saving oils with low sulfur, phosphorus and low sulphated ash content (Low SAPS). Compatible with exhaust gas treatment systems (TWC and DPF). Designed for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles, which require the use of low-viscosity oils that reduce friction, and HTHS viscosity> 2.9 mPa * s. They are distinguished by the most stringent requirements among Low SAPS oils in terms of sulfur content (<0,2%), фосфора (<0,05%) и сульфатной золы (<0,05%). Эти масла увеличивают срок службы сажевых фильтров (DPF) и трехкомпонентных катализаторов (TWC), а также обеспечивают экономию топлива. Данные типы масел имеют низкий показатель SAPS и могут быть непригодны для использования в некоторых видах двигателей. Необходимо руководствоваться инструкцией по эксплуатации производителя.

C2- Energy saving oils with low sulfur, phosphorus and low sulphated ash content (Low SAPS). Compatible with exhaust gas treatment systems. Designed for use in gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars, which require the use of low-viscosity oils that reduce friction, and HTHS viscosity> 2.9 mPa * s. These oils extend the life of the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and Three-Way Catalyst (TWC) and provide fuel economy. These types of oils have low SAPS and may not be suitable for use in some types of engines. It is necessary to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.

C3- Oils of the category having stable viscosity and low content of sulfur, phosphorus and low sulphated ash (Low SAPS). Compatible with exhaust gas treatment systems. Designed for use in gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles. The most popular category among Low SAPS oils. HTHS> 3.5. These oils may not be suitable for use in some engines. It is necessary to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.

C4- Oils with stable viscosity and low sulfur, phosphorus and low sulphated ash content (Low SAPS). Compatible with exhaust gas treatment systems. Designed for use in gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles. The category was first introduced in the 2008 edition. These oils are characterized by the most stringent requirements among Low SAPS oils in terms of volatility (<11%), содержанию серы (<0,2%) и сульфатной золы (<0,05%). HTHS >3.5. These oils extend the life of the DPF and TWC. These oils have a low SAPS rating and may not be suitable for use in some types of engines. The recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer must be followed.

Classification ACEA for trucks:

E4- Oils of increased stability for use in high-speed diesel engines of trucks meeting the requirements of Euro I, Euro II, Euro III, Euro IV and Euro V, which operate under especially severe operating conditions, for example, significantly extended oil drain intervals. Provides superior piston cleanliness, reduced wear and reduced soot formation. The oils are suitable for engines without Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) and some engines equipped with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR NOx) systems to reduce the level of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases.

E6- Oils of increased stability for use in high-speed diesel engines of trucks meeting the requirements of Euro I, Euro II, Euro III, Euro IV, Euro V and Euro VI, which operate under especially severe operating conditions, for example, significantly extended oil drain intervals. Provides superior piston cleanliness, reduced wear and reduced soot formation. The oils are recommended for engines equipped with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) and operating on low sulfur fuels.

E7- Oils with stable viscosity and high performance properties that ensure piston cleanliness and prevent polishing of the cylinder walls. The oils also provide improved protection against wear and soot formation and stability of lubricating properties. Recommended for use in high-speed diesel engines meeting the requirements of Euro I, Euro II, Euro III, Euro IV and Euro V. The oils are suitable for engines without diesel particulate filters (DPF), as well as for most engines equipped with an exhaust gas recirculation system ( EGR) and a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR NOx) system to reduce the level of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gas.

E9- Oils of increased stability for use in high-speed diesel engines of trucks meeting the requirements of Euro I, Euro II, Euro III, Euro IV, Euro V and Euro VI, which operate under especially severe operating conditions, for example, significantly extended oil drain intervals. They can be used in engines with or without diesel particulate filters (DPF), as well as for most recirculation systems (EGR) and systems for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions (SCR NOx). Recommended for low sulfur fuels.

Even the most detailed, general classifications cannot always take into account the design features of a particular engine, therefore, car manufacturers are left with the right to put forward their own requirements or additions to general standards. Such requirements are usually called personalized or branded approvals of car manufacturers. The presence of such tolerances can indicate both the design features and the materials used, and the desire of the equipment manufacturer to control the quality of engine oils. In addition, the existence of these requirements enables car manufacturing companies to earn extra money by issuing approvals for engine oils.

Today, all European car manufacturers have formulated their requirements for engine oils.

For oil manufacturers, testing products and obtaining approval from the automaker comes with additional costs. Therefore, oil manufacturers often introduce a line of so-called OEM oils into their assortment, focused on specific car manufacturers.

In the vehicle operating manual, the consumer can find indications of both general, international standards and manufacturer's proprietary approvals. In addition, there are always recommendations for oil viscosity.

In practice, it can be difficult to understand the abundance of tolerances and recommendations. Still, there are some rules when choosing a motor oil.

The starting point in the selection of engine oil for a specific car is the manufacturer's recommendations. They are spelled out in the vehicle manual. If there is none, you can try to find it on the Internet (taking into account the reliability of the source) or directly ask your regional dealer. Branded car services also have such information. Why is it important? No one knows the characteristics of an engine better than its manufacturer. For car owners who are under warranty, ignoring the requirements may result in the loss of the right to warranty repairs. As a rule, the recommendations contain an indication of the optimal and recommended oil viscosity and oil quality level according to one of the international standardization systems (ACEA, API, ILSAC, etc.). If the car manufacturer has its own system of company approvals, he will definitely indicate the number of the corresponding approval.

Engines with wear require a more viscous oil. Recently, there have been recommendations from car manufacturers to use low-viscosity oils for some models, for example 0W-20. Only in some cases is this dictated by the design features of the engine, otherwise it is a struggle for fuel economy and the environment. It is customary to keep silent about the reduced resource of such engines. When choosing such an oil, make sure that your engine really needs it. If using 0W-20 - use quality oil! XENUM NIPPON ENERGY has an ultra strong oil film! Additional protection will not be superfluous: for example, the XENUM VX500 ester-ceramic complex.

Operating conditions include climatic features and modes in which the car is used. The more severe the operating conditions, the higher quality oil you need to use. In addition, you need to shorten the service intervals.

There are features of the selection of oil for hybrid vehicles. The main idea of ​​the designers when creating them is energy efficiency. In addition, the peak loads on these motors are smoothed out. This is ensured by connecting electric motors during acceleration. This means that the requirements for the resistance of the oil film are not so important for them. But energy saving is in the foreground. The engines of such machines were originally designed for low-viscosity oils.

In Russia, the owners of cars equipped with systems for additional cleaning of exhaust gases (particulate filters, multi-stage neutralizers) find themselves in a difficult situation. For such machines, the use of engine oils with reduced ash content is mandatory. If this requirement is ignored, then excess ash quickly clogs the pores of the particulate filter and blocks the active elements of the neutralizer. The electronics will quickly report a malfunction, the elimination of which is a very expensive procedure. Such oil, as a rule, has a low base number, which is highly undesirable for our conditions and our fuel. The owners of these machines need to change the oil almost twice as often.

Special attention should be paid to cars for sports or street racing, off-road vehicles, which are used for their intended purpose. The engine protection of such vehicles should be maximized. Oil for such machines should be used with a higher viscosity and, preferably, on a synthetic basis (it is less susceptible to mechanical degradation). It is necessary to use additional engine protection in the form of solid lubricants (microceramics, carbon-graphite) or oil-soluble antiwear additives.

Thus, in the conditions of Russia, only high-quality oil is able to work out the recommended interval without damage to the engine. Only such oil is proudly presented on the Russian market by the XENUM company.

At the end of 2010, two new classes of motor API oils SN and ILSAC GF5. Licensing began in October 2010. Products with new classes appeared on our market at the beginning of 2011.

The new SM class was created by the American Petroleum Institute (API) in conjunction with the American professional association ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). The differences between the API SN class and the previous SM specification are much larger than the differences between the SM class and SL. The main difference between API SN and previous API classifications is in limiting the phosphorus content for compatibility with modern exhaust gas aftertreatment systems, as well as comprehensive energy savings. That is, oils classified by API SN will approximately correspond to ACEA C2, C3, C4, without correction for high temperature viscosity. For the new API SN category, the Lubricants Committee proposed to follow the same development path as for the earlier API and ILSAC categories. This means that all API and ILSAC engine oil performance will be equivalent, except that the proposed API SN requirements do not include Sequence IIIG wear protection tests on aged oils. These Tests and Sequence VID Fuel Economy Tests are important benchmarks for oils applying for ILSAC GF-5 compliance.

The main differences between ILSAC GF-5 and the previous GF4 classification are in the ability to work with biofuels, improved protection against wear and corrosion, greater fuel efficiency, improved compatibility st impervious to sealing materials and improved sludge protection.
API SN and ILSAC GF5 requirements are fairly similar and low viscosity oils are likely to be classified together under these two classifications.

ILSAC GF-5 vs. API SN Comparison

Requirements Specific viscosity SAE ILSAC GF-5 API SN for ILSAC classes API SN for other classes API SN resource saving
Foam test method A 1 minute 1 minute 10 min 1 minute
Phosphorus, min% 0.06 minutes 0.06 minutes 0.06 minutes 0.06 minutes
Phosphorus, max. % 0.08 max - - 0.08 max
Phosphorus retention,% 79 minutes - - 79 minutes
TEOST MHT-4 mg stand 35 max 35 max 45 max 35 max
Booth TEOST 33С, mg For 0W20
Elastomer Compatibility Yes Yes Yes Yes
Setting (gelation) index 12 max 12 max - 12 max
Emulsification resistance Yes No No Yes
Sulfur,% max. 0W and 5W 0.5 max No No 0.5 max
Sulfur,% max. 10W 0.6 max No No 0.6 max
Booth ROBO Seq.IIIGA Yes Yes No Yes
Seq.VID 0W-X 2.6 / 1.2 min No - 2.6 / 1.2 min
Seq.VID 5W-X 1.9 / 0.9 min No - 1.9 / 0.9 min
Seq.VID 10W-30 1.5 / 0.6 min No - 1.5 / 0.6 min

ILSAC and API engine oil testing

ILSAC Category GF-1 GF-2 GF-3 GF-4 GF-5
API category SH SJ SL SM SN
Year of introduction 1992-93 1996 2001 2004-05 2010
Tests and parameters
Corrosion protection Seq.lllD llD Ball rust Ball rust Ball rust
Bearing corrosion, shear stability L-38 L-38 Seq.Vlll Vlll Vlll
Wear and viscosity additives Seq.lllE lllE lllF lllG & lllA lllG & ROBO
Valve wear - - Seq.lVA lVA lVA
Low temperature deposits Seq.VE VE VG VG VG
Fuel economy Seq.VI VIA VIB VIB VID
Viscosity Sae J300 Sae J300 Sae J300 Sae J300 Sae J300
Phosphorus content 0.12 max 0.10 max 0.10 max 0.06-0.08 0.06-0.08
The ability to retain phosphorus - - - - 79%
Sulfur content,% - - - 0.5-0.7 0.5-0.6

The American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) and the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) have jointly created the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC). On behalf of this committee, quality standards for oils for gasoline engines of passenger cars are issued: ILSAC GF-1, ILSAC GF-2, ILSAC GF-3, ILSAC GF-4 and ILSAC GF-5.

The main differences between oils of the ILSAC category

  • low volatility (according to NOACK or ASTM);
  • good filterability at low temperatures (General Motors test);
  • low tendency to foaming (test ASTM D892 / D6082 Sequence I-IV);
  • mandatory fuel economy (ASTM test, Sequence VIA);
  • low phosphorus content (to prevent clogging of the catalyst)

ILSAC classification for gasoline engines.

The International Committee for the Standardization and Approval of Lubricants relies heavily on API classification to classify engine oils into grades. So, there are five categories for gasoline engines, diesel engines are not included in the ILSAC classification.

Quality category Description
GF-1 Deprecated , introduced in 1996. Meets the quality requirements of API SH classification, viscosity grades SAE 0W-XX, SAE 5W-XX, SAE 10W-XX; where XX - 30, 40, 50, 60
GF-2 Deprecated , introduced in 1997. Meets the quality requirements of API SJ classification, viscosity grades SAE 0W-20, SAE 5W-20
GF-3 Introduced in 2001. Meets the quality requirements of the API SL classification. It differs from GF-2 and API SJ in significantly better antioxidant and antiwear properties, as well as less volatility. The requirements for ILSAC GF-3 and API SL classes are largely the same, but oils of the GF-3 class are necessarily energy-efficient.
GF-4 Introduced in 2004. Meets the quality requirements of the API SM classification with mandatory energy-saving properties. SAE viscosity grades 0W-20, 5W-20, 0W-30, 5W-30 and 10W-30. Differs from category GF-3 in higher oxidation resistance, improved detergency and less tendency to form deposits. In addition, the oils must be compatible with catalytic exhaust gas recovery systems.
GF-5 Introduced October 1, 2010. Meets API SN quality classification requirements. Viscosity grades SAE 0W-20, 5W-20, 0W-30, 5W-30. It differs from the GF-4 category in improved energy saving by 0.5%, enhanced antiwear properties, provides reduced sludge formation in the turbine, a tangible reduction in engine carbon deposits.
GF-6 The ILSAC GF-6 specification is currently under development and is likely to be split into two sub-specifications. ILSAC GF-6A will become fully compatible with the predecessor ILSAC GF-5, but will offer improved fuel economy, engine protection and improved properties to maintain system longevity. ILSAC GF-6B will have performance similar to ILSAC GF-5A but will accommodate lower viscosity oils like xW-16 to achieve the fuel economy offered by the new SAE 16 viscosity grade.

In our stores there are ILSAC-classified auto oils:

Products of a German refinery AVISTA OIL- lubricants ТМ MOTOR Gold.

Company Car market "KAR-GO" is the official representative of the brand MOTOR GOLD concern AVISTA OIL on Russian territory.

Texaco® are high-tech lubricants of the highest category (premium segment).

World renowned brand of lubricants Texaco® symbolizes high quality standards, precision, stability, reliability and perfect technology.

Idemitsu are poured into almost all engines of Japanese cars in production. Japanese brand "Idemitsu" is a well-known manufacturer all over the world.

Company Car market "KAR-GO" is the official dealer of the brand IDEMITSU on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region.

Details about ILSAC GF-5. Comparison with GF-4

GF-5 is an oil category adopted on October 1, 2010. There are many articles on this topic. Therefore, in addition to basic concepts, our company will try to highlight those data about which the least is written on the vastness of the Russian Internet.

Further, speaking of SN / GF-5 as one new concept, I would like to differentiate, since each of them carries slightly different content and requirements (more specifically, the GF-5 marking implies more stringent requirements)

Comparative diagram of the properties of oils according to the ILSAC specification

The main points that have undergone changes in the process of the so-called. Upgrade GF-4 ⇒GF-5, are the following 3 items:

Energy saving properties as well as an emphasis on extending the life of these properties.

Enhanced antiwear properties (oils for better protection) of the engine

Compatible with emission control systems.

Let's see more in ILSAC_GF-5. The most basic change is the enhanced energy-saving properties, as evidenced by the GL-5 mark. Certainly not the biggest breakthrough in technology (about 0.5% more than GF-4), so it's not easy to judge how much better it has become.

The laboratory test method has also changed from Sequence VIB to Sequence VID

That is, the type of engine used for testing has been updated. Until now, the V8 4.6L ICE of the FORD brand of 1993 was used in the tests. He, being outdated, did not fully meet the modern requirements inherent in today's cars, and also had certain deviations in the calculations that did not give the necessary accuracy.Now it was decided to use the V6 3.6L internal combustion engine of the GM brand of 2008. Thus, the degree of confidence in the test results is increased.

Complementary thermal test method for oxidation resistance

All oils of the SM category must pass the TEOST MHT-4 oxidation resistance test. In addition to this, category GF-5 implies additional test TEOST-33C.

Again, this is not a change, but an addition of one more method. Namely, during TEOST-33C, the degree of sediment reappearance in the turbine is monitored. This test shows that the oil can be used in turbo engines. Therefore, we can recommend oils of the SN / GF-5 category to the owners of such cars.

It is also worth noting that the GF-2 categories were also tested by TEOST-33C, the results of which showed a 2-fold reduction in the formation of sludge (varnish deposits on heated parts) from 60 mg to less than 30 mg.

About the content of sulfur and phosphorus

As in the case of the SM / GF-4 category, the phosphorus content is strictly limited at the level from 0.08 to 0.06%, therefore, the antiwear properties will not decrease, but at the same time, a limitation on the amount of evaporated phosphorus has been introduced. This means that phosphorus-containing additives will be more stable and will not lose their properties.

As for sulfur, there is one change only in the part of viscosity 10w-30, where its content is reduced from 0.7% to 0.6%. Other products remained unchanged with GF-4 at 0.5%. Sulfur reduction is achieved by using more advanced base oils that have a lower sulfur concentration.

Recall that an increased concentration of sulfur and phosphorus negatively affects the performance of afterburner catalysts and neutralizers, while these components are included in the most important additives. Therefore, maintaining a balance between some properties of oils, without allowing others to decrease, is a very important aspect in the light of the latest requirements for this product.

By the way, all of the above properties correspond and sometimes surpass in their performance the standards regulated by the tolerances of auto concerns. (MB 229.5: Sulfur 0.5% Phosphorus 0.11%)

The main aspect of this category is the pronounced anti-deposit properties. Perhaps this is the most noticeable change for motorists due to the increase in the category. Let us recall what this affects. Oils lose their properties after being used for a long time in harsh conditions.

The so-called process. aging oil looks like this:

In contrast to the SM category, such indicators as the formation of sludge in the engine, on the engine valve cover, on the mesh filter element, have become more demanding. Also, the requirements for the formation of carbon deposits on the piston have been tightened, which has led to improved cleaning properties in relation to this unit.

Changes in viscosity classification

Following the changes in the SAE J300 position, the minimum allowable HTHS (High Temperature High Shear Rate, i.e. high temperature - high shear strength or oil stability.), I.e. high temperature viscosity of 150 degrees and high shear rate - this indicator characterizes the work of the oil in the bearings of the crankshaft at its high rotation speed. Measured in vmPa.s

With regard to viscosities 0W, 5W, 10W-40, this figure has been increased from 2.9 to 3.5 cp. With regard to viscosities 15W and 20W, the indicator remained at the same level - 3.7cp. That is, within the SN category, oils with an upper viscosity limit of 40 must have an indicator identical to the requirements of European car manufacturers ACEA A3 (HTHS over 3.5 cp. At 150 degrees). Also, these oils began to meet the requirements of ACEA, in which compatibility with oil seals is mandatory, which is an undoubted advantage for owners of European cars.Added point of compatibility with E85 biofuel

Here is just a small description of the main changes associated with the emergence of a new category. Summing up, I note the presence of the inherent advantages of the GF-5 as well as improved qualities and compatibility with oil seals of the SN category itself.

ILSAC GF-5 vs. API SN Comparison


Specific viscosity SAE


API SN for ILSAC classes

API SN for other classes

API SN resource saving

Foam test method A

1 minute

1 minute

10 min

1 minute

Phosphorus, min%

0.06 minutes

0.06 minutes

0.06 minutes

0.06 minutes

Phosphorus, max. %

0.08 max

0.08 max

Phosphorus retention,%

79 minutes

79 minutes

TEOST MHT-4 mg stand

35 max

35 max

45 max

35 max

Booth TEOST 33С, mg

For 0W20

Elastomer compatibility





Setting (gelation) index

12 max

12 max

12 max

Emulsification resistance





Sulfur,% max.

0W and 5W

0.5 max



0.5 max

Sulfur,% max.


0.6 max



0.6 max








2.6 / 1.2 min


2.6 / 1.2 min



1.9 / 0.9 min


1.9 / 0.9 min



1.5 / 0.6 min


1.5 / 0.6 min

ILSAC and API engine oil testing











Year of introduction






Tests and parameters

Corrosion protection



Ball rust

Ball rust

Ball rust

Bearing corrosion, shear stability






Wear and viscosity additives




lllG & lllA

lllG & ROBO

Valve wear



Low temperature deposits






Fuel economy







Sae J300

Sae J300

Sae J300

Sae J300

Sae J300

Phosphorus content

0.12 max

0.10 max

0.10 max



The ability to retain phosphorus


Sulfur content,%

The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) and the American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) have jointly established the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC). The Committee publishes quality standards for oils for gasoline engines of passenger cars: ILSAC GF-1, ILSAC GF-2, ILSAC GF-3, ILSAC GF-4 and ILSAC GF-5.

The main differences between oils of the ILSAC category

  • low volatility (according to NOACK or ASTM);
  • good filterability at low temperatures (test from General Motors);
  • low tendency to foaming (test ASTM D892 / D6082 Sequence I – IV);
  • mandatory fuel economy (ASTM test, Sequence VIA);
  • low phosphorus content (to prevent clogging of the catalyst).

GF-1 (Long out of date)
Complies with API SH quality classification; with viscosity grades: SAE 0W-XX, SAE 5W-XX, SAE 10W-XX; where XX - 30, 40, 50, 60

GF-2 (Introduced since 1996)
Complies with API quality requirements - SJ, with viscosity grades in addition to GF-1: SAE 0W-20, 5W-20

GF-3 (Introduced since 2001)
Complies with API SL classification. It differs significantly from API SJ and GF-2 and is expressed by better antioxidation, antiwear, and evaporation properties.
The requirements for oils of ILSAC GF-3 and API SL classes coincide in many respects, but oils of the GF-3 class are energy-saving.

GF-4 (Introduced since 2004)
Complies with API SM classification with mandatory energy saving properties. SAE viscosity grades 0W-20, 5W-20, 0W-30, 5W-30 and 10W-30.
Differs from category GF-3 in higher oxidation resistance, improved detergency and less tendency to form deposits. In addition, the oils must be compatible with catalytic exhaust gas systems.

Today, the most modern quality class for API / ILSAC counts SN / GF-5 Is a category of oils, adopted on October 1, 2010
On the Internet, there is a lot of basic information on these classifications, for someone it is quite enough, but for completeness of information, well, for general development, let's drop this topic deeper.

The following 3 points are the main ones that have undergone changes as a result of the transition from GF-4 to GF-5:

  • Energy-saving properties and an increase in the duration of these properties.
  • Enhanced anti-wear properties for the engine.
  • Compatible with emission control systems.

First of all, the most important change in ILSAC-GF-5 is its enhanced energy saving properties. Judging by the numbers, it does not look convincing - about 0.5% more than in GF-4, but nevertheless this is a significant figure.

The laboratory test method has also changed from Sequence VIB to Sequence VID

The tests are carried out on a different, more modern motor. Prior to that, a 1993 Ford V8 4.6L engine was used in the tests. Being outdated, it did not meet modern requirements, and also gave calculation errors.

Now they use the GM V6 3.6L engine manufactured in 2008. This transition increased the credibility of the test results.

Additional method for thermal oxidation test resilience

By the way, this is not a change, but an addition of one more method. During TEOST-33C, the reappearance of sediment in the turbine is monitored. This test shows that the oil can be used in turbo engines. Therefore, we can recommend oils of the SN / GF-5 category to owners of cars with turbocharged engines.

It is also worth noting that the GF-2 categories were also tested by TEOST-33C, the results of which showed a 2-fold reduction in the formation of sludge (varnish deposits on heated parts) from 60 mg to less than 30 mg.

As in the case of the SM / GF-4 category, the phosphorus content is strictly limited at the level from 0.08% to 0.06%, therefore the antiwear properties will not decrease, but at the same time, a restriction on the amount of evaporated phosphorus has been introduced. This means that phosphorus-containing additives will be more stable and will not lose their properties.

Sulfur reduction is achieved by using more advanced base oils that have a lower sulfur concentration.

When you independently produce motor oils, keep in mind that an increased concentration of sulfur and phosphorus negatively affects the performance of afterburner catalysts and neutralizers, but you cannot do without them, because these components are included in the most important additives. Therefore, maintaining a balance between some properties of oils, preventing the reduction of others, is a very important issue in meeting the requirements for engine oils.

So far, all of the above properties correspond and sometimes surpass in their performance the standards and tolerances regulated by auto concerns. (MB 229.5: Sulfur 0.5% Phosphorus 0.11%)

SN category

The main advantage of this category of oils is the pronounced properties that prevent the formation of deposits. Perhaps this is the most tangible achievement in connection with which the category of motor oils has been increased. What does this mean? Oils lose their properties during prolonged work in conditions in which a person, of course, could not stand it))). This is a high temperature, hellish, I would say, and a lot of rubbing elements that have to be lubricated in this difficult situation. And even more to create a protective film on the lubricated surfaces. Like everything in this world, oil also ages. The aging process of engine oil looks like this:

a : Fuel → hydrocarbons → soot → sludge (soot) → oil aging

b : Fuel → sulfur → sulfuric acid derivatives → depletion of the resource of additives → sludge (carbon deposits) → oil aging

c : Oil → hydrocarbons → oxidant derivatives → depletion of the resource of additives → sludge (carbon deposits) → oil aging

d : Impurities → abrasive substances, dust, water → sludge (carbon deposits) → oil aging

In contrast to the SM category, indicators such as the formation of carbon deposits in the engine, on the engine valve cover, on the mesh filter element, have become qualitatively higher. Also, the requirements for the formation of carbon deposits on the piston system have been tightened. Improved cleaning properties for this node.

But the question logically arises: why do carbon deposits and incomprehensible black tar deposits appear in the motor (engine), including under the valve cover, which is scary to open so as not to collapse in horror from what he saw. As an experienced car service worker, I will answer this question: do not save on car repairs, do not buy cheap parts and materials, as as a result, you will invest much more in repairs, and you will have to repair more or even lose your car. When buying spare parts, oils, other materials, always check the integrity and contents of the package. It is clear that you will taste the engine oil in the store, but check that the package matches the purchased brand. Fortunately, the Internet is almost everywhere and for everyone. So it will not be difficult to find out by what parameters the original is determined.

Changes in viscosity classification

With regard to viscosities 0W, 5W, 10W-40, this figure has been increased from 2.9 to 3.5 something there. With regard to viscosities 15W and 20W, the indicator remained at the same level - 3.7. That is, within the SN category, oils with an upper viscosity limit of 40 must have an indicator identical to the requirements of European car manufacturers ACEA A3 (HTHS over 3.5 cp. At 150 degrees). Also, these oils began to meet the requirements of ACEA, in which compatibility with oil seals is mandatory. But the oil seals must also be of high quality, remember what I wrote above about saving in car repair. Quality brand gaskets and seals victor reinz

Following the changes in the SAE J300 position, the minimum acceptable value of HTHS (High Temperature High Shear Rate, i.e. high temperature - high shear strength or oil stability.), I.e. high temperature viscosity of 150 degrees and high shear rate - this indicator characterizes the work of the oil in the crankshaft bearings. Measured in vmPa.s

Added point of compatibility with E85 biofuel

Here is just a small description of the main changes associated with the emergence of a new category. Summing up, I note the presence of the inherent advantages of the GF-5 as well as improved qualities and compatibility with oil seals of the SN category itself.

Comparison of ILSAC GF-5 and API SN

Requirements Specific viscosity SAE ILSAC GF-5 API SN for ILSAC classes API SN for other classes API SN resource saving
Foam test method A 1 minute 1 minute 10 min 1 minute
Phosphorus, min% 0.06 minutes 0.06 minutes 0.06 minutes 0.06 minutes
Phosphorus, max. % 0.08 max - - 0.08 max
Phosphorus retention,% 79 minutes - - 79 minutes
TEOST MHT-4 mg stand 35 max 35 max 45 max 35 max
Booth TEOST 33С, mg For 0W20
Elastomer compatibility Yes Yes Yes Yes
Setting (gelation) index 12 max 12 max - 12 max
Emulsification resistance Yes No No Yes
Sulfur,% max. 0W and 5W 0.5 max No No 0.5 max
Sulfur,% max. 10W 0.6 max No No 0.6 max
Booth ROBO Seq.IIIGA Yes Yes No Yes
Seq.VID 0W – X 2.6 / 1.2 min No - 2.6 / 1.2 min
Seq.VID 5W – X 1.9 / 0.9 min No - 1.9 / 0.9 min
Seq.VID 10W – 30 1.5 / 0.6 min No - 1.5 / 0.6 min

ILSAC and API engine oil testing

ILSAC Category GF – 1 GF – 2 GF – 3 GF – 4 GF-5
API category SH SJ SL SM SN
Year of introduction 1992–93 1996 2001 2004–05 2010
Tests and parameters
Corrosion protection Seq.lllD llD Ball rust Ball rust Ball rust
Bearing corrosion, shear stability L – 38 L – 38 Seq.Vlll Vlll Vlll
Wear and viscosity additives Seq.lllE lllE lllF lllG & lllA lllG & ROBO
Valve wear - - Seq.lVA lVA
Low temperature deposits Seq.VE VE VG VG VG
Fuel economy Seq.VI VIA VIB VIB VID
Viscosity Sae J300 Sae J300 Sae J300 Sae J300 Sae J300
Phosphorus content 0.12 max 0.10 max 0.10 max 0.06–0.08 0.06–0.08
The ability to retain phosphorus - - - - 79%
Sulfur content,% - - - 0.5–0.7 0.5–0.6

If you have patiently read the entire article to the end, then I sincerely congratulate you and invite you to ours. We are located in the south-west of St. Petersburg - a car service with a good reputation. Call, contact, ask: + 7-952-270-56-56, we will tell you how much the repair costs, which spare parts are better to buy, it is not always by the way to spend money on expensive original spare parts, since there are high-quality analogues. I will say more, many analogs are used in the production of your car, only the badge is put on them the brand of the car and the spare part becomes "original". But that's an interesting topic for another article. Good luck to everyone on the road.

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