Home Heating How to open car rental from scratch. Finished business plan for renting cars. Where to start your business

How to open car rental from scratch. Finished business plan for renting cars. Where to start your business

Car rental is a highly competitive industry, but with proper planning and promising thinking, you can significantly reduce your risk. Old mantra "If you do not prepare, then you are ready for failure" can not be more relevant. Therefore, you will need to make and rent a car. This article provides information on what is usually included in the business plan for renting a car and how it is structured.


There are many things to consider if you start car rental business, which will be considered before financing your company. For example, the exact location of rental stores can play a big role in your success.

Models and styles of machines that you have can also play a role, along with opportunities and subsequent marketing strategy. The budget you must manage relatively expected income. Each unique factor is combined to make a business plan for car rental and predict yield.

The location of the car rental company in Russia and not only is based on several factors, including not only demographic data on the proximity, but also the specific area within it. The location of the car at the airport is very different from the location, located a few kilometers from the city center in a residential area.

It is not necessary that the location of the car rental was in a densely populated area, the main thing is to correctly adjust the work.


There are several items that cover aspects of the company's operations that need to be included in the business plan for car rental. Most have already fulfilled the requirements for operations with everything, from brands of machines before receiving legal documents and insurance. Therefore, if you do not open a franchise, it is important to have the structure of operations in which you describe each item related to object operations. This will be discussed below.

Service cost

Factors such as car class, technical characteristics and type of transmission will affect the cost of car rental.

Price and car rental price will be as follows:

Marketing plan

First of all, the car rental is based on several key factors, including a good reputation, facilitate the process for the client and promotion, when users are looking for a rental car. The marketing section is not universal for all companies, so the use of the template or the use of a universal response to the strategy is unlikely to be successful or well-perceived by potential investors.

Car rental agency intends to conduct an extensive marketing campaign that will ensure maximum visibility for business on the target market. Below is the review and tasks of the car rental agency.

Marketing goals

  • Install relations with airports and tourist agents surrounding the target market.
  • Introduce a local company with a target market with leaflets, advertising local newspapers and advertising from mouth to mouth.
  • Develop online presence by creating and placing the name and contact information of your company in online catalogs.

Marketing strategies

Ready business Car rental plan in the city may contain a number of marketing strategies that will allow the Machine rental agency to easily orient tourists and business people to the target market.

These strategies include:

  • traditional advertisements;
  • announcements posted in search engines on the Internet.

Below is a description of how the car rental business intends to sell its services to the general public. Car rental agency will also use an Internet strategy. It is very important because many people are looking for local services, such as car rental.

Register your company in online portals so that potential customers can easily reach the business. The website should include functionality for people who ordered and pay car rental directly through the company's online platform. This marketing feature is common to most firms that rent cars for the general public.

Biographies management

In this section of the business plan of car rental, you must write a biography of two or four paragraphs about your experience, education and skill set. For each or key employee, you must provide a brief biography in this section.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

2 090 000 ₽

Starting attachments

180 000 ₽

70 000 - 130 000 ₽

Net profit

18 months

Payback period

Despite the appearance of creech, long-term rental services remain in demand. In the article, consider how to enter this business with minimal investments, and what are the options for its launch.

Recently, we have already published the material about the popularity of the mining car rental service - Carsching. However, life situations are different, and often many customers are an option for car rental for a longer period. Companies renting cars in the market quite a few, while most of them are successful in their business. Therefore, we suggest to consider the features of this niche in more detail.

Now in Russia are presented as large international companies, including AVIS and Europcar and numerous representatives of small and medium businesses. Famous brands The main emphasis on their services makes car rental at airports and hotels, while small IP (and often private traders) practice renting cars to hire under a taxi. In the first case, the rental period is usually from day to several weeks, while the delivery of the car under a taxi is usually at least a month.

Even numerous carcherling operators are now offered to the daily rental service, and therefore not avoid serious competition. However, there are at least one substantial minus in the carcharing - the daily mileage of the car is usually limited to a humble 80 kilometers. And what if the car is taken to travel on vacation or as a tool for work? And therefore, despite the new-fashioned passion for the population of the creech, traditional car rental companies and car rental are still excellent prospects. As a rule, the recent mileage limit is 300-400 kilometers per day, or is not available at all. Weight trump card, right?

Earn before
200 000 rubles. a month, having fun!

Trend 2020. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum attachments. No additional contributions and payments. Turnkey training.

In today's material, we will pass in various areas of rental cars and will definitely pointed attention to all the features of this business. So, let's begin.

Business registration on car rental

Despite the fact that many novice entrepreneurs start with business for renting cars "under the Black Flag", we still recommend that you have an open LLC in case of payment by banknola and in order to avoid extra questions on the part of the regulatory authorities. In this case, it is necessary to register the following OKVED code:

    77.11 - Rent and leasing of passenger cars and light vehicles

In case some customers may need to rent cars with a driver, it is also better to make the appropriate code from the classifier:

    49.32 - Activity of passenger taxis and rented cars with a driver

Choosing a location of the car rental

Many entrepreneurs surrender cars for rent open a small office in the industrial complex next to the car service - to be more convenient if necessary to serve the cars "without departing from the cash register". The costs will be released a bit - about 20 000 rubles per month for parking and located next to the walk-time office.

The opening of your office at the airport or hotel complex is a completely different level of costs, so we will consider more detail the actions at the start of the business. In the future, if you feel that it is "yours" and a car rental business provides a worthy level of profit - you can think about the transition to new level. It will be possible to talk about the format with the opening of modern offices in places with good patency.

Equipment for car rental

To equip the office, all necessary is not necessary - there will be enough 2-3 laptops and ordinary modern office equipment. It is quite realistic to meet 50,000 rubles. Buying expensive equipment for servicing transport at the first time there is no need - it will be enough to conclude contracts with the nearest car services. By the way, there are often cases when an entrepreneur combines the maintenance of several businesses in parallel - holds a car service and gives cars to hire.

The main consumables in order to save, you can buy yourself. This is first automotive oils (runs are planned large), brake pads, brushes of janitors, washing liquid. At first, it will be enough to buy all the most necessary for 20-30 thousand rubles.

As a rule, the maintenance station is sold spare parts and consumables with their markup, and therefore it is better to find large wholesale distributors that can make you discounts as regular customers. Than more machines In the park - the more your savings will be.

Purchase of cars

The hottest debates flare up when it comes to decide on the choice of cars for rental. Some entrepreneurs argue that only new cars from the cabin are worth take. Such a choice is due to the fact that the standard three-year warranty will avoid at the first pores of the "headache" with possible repairs of the machine.

However, such an idea has opponents - even some major rental companies with serious investment means are deliberately buying for rent only used cars. Supporters of this choice believe that even new cars are "killed by customers quickly, and therefore we have no sense over the car from the salon.

We see that as often happens, "the truth is somewhere in the middle."

An optimal option for car rental can be 3-4 year old foreign cars in good conditionnot requiring costs and inexpensive in service. Start a business standing with such models like Hyundai Solaris., Kia Rio, VW Polo.

Again, no one denies that with the next Level-Up, you can buy more nice expensive cars. In particular, in car rental in the resort hotels are perfectly in demand. Chevrolet Camaro., Mercedes-Benz SLK or Baby Smart Fortwo Cabrio.

Suppose that at the start you have your own or borrowed budget in 2 million rubles. This will allow you to take 4-5 economy machines: a pair of budget "Koreans", one "december-option" in the form of Datsun ON-DO and something from golf class, for example Kia Ceed or Ford Focus.

Personnel car rental

Since our startup has not yet involved a large amount of investment, you can restrict a couple of people, not counting the business owner.

This is primarily a mechanic, good knowing device A car that can take on the solution of all issues with maintenance. The same employee can engage in current purchase supplies, if necessary, drive the car to the service or "paint", to do washing and dry cleaning.

The second person is a client manager who will interact with customers. These are telephone calls, reception and car rental, the signing of rental contracts, payment control and verification of drivers in the databases of traffic police and FSPP.

Foot payment of employees is usually small and amount to 30,000 rubles for each month.

Financial indicators of car rental

As we have already mentioned above, the main cost of expenses at the launch of a rental and rental business of cars will be purchased. Since we planned the purchase of used cars, it is extremely necessary to thoroughly check them. technical condition, Check for accidents and unpaid fines.

The average cost of renting a car to hire varies from the number of days to which the client takes the car. Take a car hyundai class Solaris will cost 1500 to 2000 rubles, which will allow you to earn a month from 45 000 rubles from each machine, that is, from 180,000 rubles of income when passing four cars.

Ready ideas for your business

If you deduct the cost of fot personnel, as well as about 20,000 rubles for maintenance and replacement of consumables - there will be not so much. And therefore many entrepreneurs initially save on what it is possible - for example, few people in Russia make up employees officially.

Some at first are at all without the above personnel and they themselves are engaged in conducting customers.

Even if not leaving and opening a business for your blood htched cash, financial indicators with 4 cars look like this:

Thus, the payback period at current specified parameters will be about two and a half years. However, as we have said, many entrepreneurs "pull strap business" themselves, without using additional employees. In this case, you can count not on the conditional 70,000 rubles of profit, but by 120-130,000 rubles of income.

Such a business model of business is particularly often used by businessmen passing the car for a long period of time for taxi services - for example, in Uber or Yandex.Taxi. On the one hand, this is a plus - you do not need to engage in interaction with new customers and routine with documents every day. In this case, it is possible not only to do in the first time on its own, but also in parallel to conduct business in another niche. Promotion promotion

In the field of rental and car rental, according to representatives of this business, the placement of relevant ads on such boards as AVITO, Yula and other similar resources works well.

Those who expect to pass cars in a taxi can establish a partnership with representatives of aggregators, which are periodically addressed on the issue of employment taxi drivers.

Separate niche - corporate clients, which can be found by calling and mass distribution of commercial offers. Many companies require long-term rental for the needs of the company - so why not try your strength in the segment such as Ald Automotive? This is just one example of how the service for renting vehicles can grow to succeed and widely represented business. Some representatives of the B2B segment take a car for a short time. For example, for the period of a business trip of employees to your region - it can be a couple of days or even weeks. Payment can be coordinated even above the average market.

Submarine Stones and Possible Risks

Alas, no one is insured from scammers - it concerns this and rental areas. Some unscrupulous tenants specifically take the car for a short period of time, arranging "AvtOck". The black market of insurers, despite the constant struggle by law enforcement, is still remaining. And then if you do not want a day after the start of rent get a notice that your rental "Solaris" became a member of an accident with some Mercedes S-Class or Toyota Camry. - Thoroughly check tenants for emergency past. It is likely that he has no one dozen accidents behind him - it is better to refuse such clients to be issued to the issuance of cars. It will be more expensive.

It is not necessary to exclude the likelihood of large breakdowns - not all tenants carefully treat cars as their own and do not regret transport, chasing "in the tail and in the mane". Even the budget auto age of up to 5 years may have to raise trouble with mercury. The main "sick places" - the wear of the suspension, which starts the "MACHINE" of the engine, which kicks "automatic". For such unforeseen situations, it is always better to postpone depreciation funds from the received income - otherwise the unscheduled breakdown hurts on the wallet of the entrepreneur.

Seasonality of business

Typically, the largest stream of customers is observed in the summer and before the New Year holidays. It is not worth counting on taxi drivers and corporate customers in such a season. But wait for a large number of private traders who take the car to travel to the sea or in the mountains - to this end, it is worth agreeing in advance to the "partner" with travel agencies, which in the peak season can become your new customer receipt channel.

Let's sum up

So, if you are not a happy dwelling of sunny Sochi or Yalta - refuse at first from the cost in promotion and premium service. Competently established service of the economy class for rent will be optimal option And it will bring either a good additional income, or in intensive development will grow into a separate serious business.

7334 people studies this business today.

For 30 days, this business was interested in 474872 times.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Want to organize a business for renting cars? Then read detailed instructions From the first person from the owner of the rental point of Starikova Natalia.

Car rental - This is a business for providing vehicles for temporary use.

Subjective look

Before renting a car rental, my husband and I myself have been using the services of renting cars for many years. Whether it is Moscow in which we lived at one time, removing the apartment, St. Petersburg, the Black Sea coast, where the presence of four wheels makes the rest much more interesting and more diverse, or mine native cityWhere we periodically fly to visit.

Communicating with us with people who gave us cars, we gradually penetrated the desire to engage in this type of business, especially since the information they shared, allowed to avoid mistakes of many novice car rentals. Perhaps the idea of \u200b\u200bits own point of delivery of cars for rent and remains in the plans if it were not for circumstances.

Decree, mortgage and car loan are beautiful individually, because they mean a family, a separate apartment and new car. But all together, these three phenomena become a very heavy burden, which falls entirely on men's shoulders. Shortly before I stopped working, we bought me a car, paying for which it was to stay for three years.

Once, considering how much money remains after paying all contributions, I made a site on the knee about a new car rental in our city and placed several free ads on city boards. Calls went fast enough. Naturally, I called that I explained that all the cars in acceleration, and there is only one in stock. Most were too expensive, but there were those who all arranged. A month later, I calculated the results, in 30 days the car brought one and a half of the monthly payment. After another month, we bought two used budget foreign cars, and the matter went.

True Life: car rental statistics

What is the car rental market today? What money is spinning there, and who uses car rental services?

For a long time, it was almost impossible to detect reliable information on these issues. After long searches, I found a press release of a major marketing agency in Folio Research Group, whose specialists in the first half of this year investigated the car rental market and published some results.

So, in 2012, 27,200 cars were leased in the country, of which 76% had to be in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The volume of the market amounted to 21.8 billion rubles.

It turns out that one car brought its owners on average 21 800,000,000 / 27,200 / 12 \u003d 68 thousand rubles. per month. Given that it includes expensive limousines and business class foreign cars for corporate clients, the figure looks plausible.

The proportion of individuals (who took the cars not for solemn events) among customers of rental items amounted to 16%. It turns out that outside the two capitals to the services of ordinary consumers officially proposed 27200 * (1-76%) * 16% \u003d 1044 Machines! For the whole of Russia! In my opinion, it speaks about the huge potential of the market.

As for the structure of demand, it looks like this:

Statistics are taken from the Russian Newspaper. The survey was held three years ago, but during this time a little changed. Like then, today most customers go to the car rental to take a replacement car when their own car It is in repair, or old sold, and the new has not come yet.

Car rental as a business from my point of view

I believe that renting cars is a wonderful business idea.

  1. First, she does not require high investments. You can start with a pair of cars and expand gradually. A park in 10 cars will allow you to have a sufficient level of well-being and engaged exclusively by your favorite affairs. In the absence of force majeure, you are inserted only once in the buying car itself. After that, it remains in a timely manner in terms of inspection and pay for insurance. And when the car will work out a certain amount of resources (after 2-3 years), you can sell it (in the worst part of the parts, but they also cost somehow).
  2. Secondly, she does not require high time costs. You can conduct business and work in parallel at the main job. During the day, you are responsible for calls, and after 18 hours it is enough just a couple of times to drive into the parking lot to accept and pass cars.
  3. Thirdly, she does not require unique personal qualities and professional skills. You do not have to be a talented seller, possess creativity and special ability to convince. Nowadays, the car is the subject of the necessity, so the service will sell itself.

Legal issues

Organizational form

You can register as IP or create a Ltd. For a small rental office, where one person is both the founder, and the only worker, easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. Registration in the tax service itself will be much easier, subsequently you will not have to keep accounting and comply with the procedure for conducting cash transactions. Being an IP, you can freely dispose of the received money.

Another point is associated with taxation. To withdraw money earned by LLC, you can ask yourself as a salary as the director (then you will have to pay another 13% NDFL) or as dividends (only once a quarter, in this case the NDFL rate will be 9%). OKVED code choose 71.1 "Rent of passenger cars".

More information about all organizational steps that must be done to open your business, read in our material how to open your business. And an article that it is better to open an IP or LLC will help you figure out which organizational form better suitable For your chosen activity.


Car rental services allow you to choose one of three special tax modes: USN 6%, USN 15% and patent system. If you acquire cars under the sale contract, it is more profitable to pay tax according to a scheme of 6% from income. If cars are taken into lease, it is more convenient to pay 15% from the difference between income and expenses, because leasing payments reduce the tax base. Finally, you can buy a patent, its value is set in each region separately.

I was registered in Moscow, according to the law of the city of Moscow "On Patent Taxation", the potential income from the provision of rental services was established in the amount of 900 thousand rubles. in year.

The cost of a patent will be 900,000 * 6% \u003d 54,000 rubles. in year. I show a smaller income, owing cars by ownership, so I preferably pay 6% of the income amount.

Want to know how to save on keeping tax accounting? We offer you an online review of the online service "My business", which allows the entrepreneur to independently lead all accounting, without resorting to professional accountants, and at the same time not spending a lot of strength and time on it.

Organizational problems

We turn to the most important - details. As you know, it is in them hiding the devil. With regard to business, this is at first glance, minor questions, for which you sometimes do not pay attention. Communication with sales managers in Trade-in car dealerships, employees and owners of car rental points, in which I myself took the car, showed that it is usually ignoring these "little things" and leads to the collapse of business undertakings. And yes, they do not write about it in the collected Internet articles with examples of business plans written by people who do not have the slightest concept about the features of the functioning of a company of a profile.

Immediately say: I write only about what I know from the inside, that is, about the activities of a small company located in the prosperous city of district importance in Central Russia. Large metropolitan companies play by their rules that I know solely theoretically.

Choosing a car

The most important thing is to choose the models from which the backbone of your fleet will be. In solving this issue, you should focus on customer requests. People who want to take a car from us are divided into three categories. Most often wants "Something cheaper". This is understandable, considering that the monthly cost of renting the cheapest car (including all discounts) roughly coincides with the size of the average wage (according to these State Statistics Committee in April of this year, it was 29453 rubles).

Some smaller part wants "Something cheaper with a machine gun". As a rule, these are women and people of young age who traveled on mechanics only during training. Considering that they were now allowed to take the rights exam immediately on machines with a machine gun, the share of such customers will grow. Finally, interest 10 are ready to take any car regardless of the price. This is the most secured part of the clientele, accustomed to ride good carsmobile.

What cars pick up for each of these customer groups?

Another five years ago the lowest price segment was tightly occupied by cars domestic production. In the Moscow market worked very large players with parks consisting of hundreds of Vazov machines. These companies could afford to provide services for very low prices. We sometimes took a nine to the "Elex Pole" of 700-800 rubles per day, and the classics could be found for 500-600 rubles per day.

Now buy domestic cars for rental firm is unprofitable. Tariffs remained at the same level, but the price of the car has grown very much. Used Lada Grant will cost one and a half times more expensive than Daewoo Nexia of the same year of release, but you can pass it for a maximum of a thousand rubles (the reputation of the Zhiguli did not disappear anywhere).

Therefore, the backbone of the fleet is better to make up budget foreign cars. Usually for these purposes, Daewoo Nexia, Chevrolet Lanos (now it is a chance of a chance) or Reno Logan. In my opinion, the optimal model is Daewoo Nexia. At one time, we took Lanos several times and remained very dissatisfied with the voraciousness of this car (in the city he "ate" to 14 l / 100 km).

Renault Logan has now risen in price, and the "fragility" of this car makes it unreliable. Literally the other day in the salon he had listened to the story of a man who bought 15 new Loganov. All his cars did not stretch and year. Remember: People who take budget Machine, will not be preserved. Nexia - This is the most durable in the conditions of intensive operation machine.

Another point. The car is better to take used, aged 2-3 years. Three-year-old Nexia costs almost two times cheaper than a new one (after the end of the warranty period, the car dramatically loses in price), which means it will pay off twice as fast.

Budgetary Koreans are best suitable from the machines with the machine. Three-year-old Hyundai emphasis standing in the area of \u200b\u200b300 thousand, it will cost ZAZ chance with automatic box.

As for cars for expensive customers, there is a choice here. I believe that a small rental pointless to buy a car specially under this category. If a person calls, who is used to ride a good car and pay for it, then I offer him my personal car.

Subtlety doing business

In this section, I will talk about the most "problematic" moments of operation of the car rental. So, cars you chose and bought, now they should be insured. And here the surprises begin. If there are no problems with OSAGO (be sure to put in the options "unlimited number of drivers"), then make a hull for a rolling car almost impossible. Most major insurance companies officially refuse to insure cars designed to rent, and if agreeing, the tariff can reach 40% market value cars.

What to do?

Choose the cheapest contract. This year, the Supreme Court of Russia finally defended drivers from insurers and issued a resolution that the insurance company is obliged to compensate the cost of the stubborn car, regardless of where the documents on the vehicle were, and who was allowed to control the car at the time of the hijacking.

Be sure to install the tracking system in each machine. This is a device that tracks all moving the car and with a certain periodicity forwards information about its finding on your phone. The cost of such an apparatus is 5-10 thousand rubles. Depending on the model. A well-hidden beacon will not only help quickly detect a car in the event of a hijacking, but also will let you know if the client broke the territorial restriction and left, for example, to another area, which is prohibited by the contract.

Where will cars be standing?

If the total number of cars does not exceed 10, and at the same time, at least half of them are in the drive, it is best to keep unoccupied machines on an open car park from a large shopping or office center. Well, if it is located near the railway and bus station, because many customers come from neighboring cities. Another option is a rental car rental on a paid intercepting parking.

Next stage - advertisingThe firm should learn about your company. It is now assumed that the best way Small business promotion is the creation of an advertising site. Of course, the beautiful site will be a good help, but in a small town most people (including my husband), if necessary, the first work is watching the section "Services" in the local advertising newspaper.

Take an advertisement to the newspaper that every week is debated by mailboxes, pay the VIP announcement with a photo in "From hand to hand" (most of the new customers come to us from there) and at Avito. Another effective method Promotions are registration in all sorts of local "yellow pages". At least when I score in the search engine "Car rental in the city of N", urban sectoral directories are first shown.

Now that customers went to you, it is necessary to take measures to minimize risks. To do this, answer a few questions.

  • FirstlyWill you give cars to residents of other areas? Many rentals refuse to serve non-resident clients, motivating the decision by reluctance to subsequently look for their car in remote regions. In my opinion, this is a concern from the series "Boot to Water". I myself, coming to parents or on vacation, take a car for rent, for this such services and are intended. The law-abiding person will adhere to the terms of the contract under all conditions, and the potential offender will not stop the registration issue.
  • SecondlyWhat daily mileage limit do you install? Standard restriction - 200 km. This border helps to cut off taxi drivers who take the car to bomb. However, they usually warn about it immediately. Do you need such clients? If the car is old, and a person is ready to pay at an increased rate, then why not? Another nuance is a territorial limitation. By default, the machine is operated only in one region. If the client immediately warns that he needs to go to the next area, then we go to meet him, without increasing the rates.
  • ThirdlyWill you take cars with young drivers, then there are under 21 people and with a driver's experience of less than 3 years?

The last question is associated with pledge. Usually, the rental company, providing a car, keeps a certain amount from the client (5-10 thousand rubles), which serves as a key to the case of small damage due to the driver's fault and the need for payment of traffic police fines. If the client asks, we agree to provide a car without a collateral, increasing the tariff by 20%.

Penalties For violation of rules road - This is a separate conversation. We had customers, followed by three notifications for the day. Include in the contract the Tenant Responsibility Point to pay a fine within 10 days (otherwise there is an obligation to pay a penalty in the amount of 300%).

If there is a contract for fines, you can not worry at all. The administrative code says that the owner vehicle not responsible if at the time of the commission violations of traffic rules The wheel was another face.

Annually an increase in car rental in Russia is 20% per year. The average turnover of funds in this industry is about 2.5 million dollars, and the annual reaches 40 million dollars, which is not enough compared to developed countries.

That is why the need arises in the popularization of car rental, which uses a rather narrow circle of consumers.


Rent a car as a business with good income can develop only if you consider all participants in the car rental market, as well as find out the features of the services that are provided.

Companies in this area can be divided into the following main groups:

  • representatives of world leaders of car rental, which possess a fairly large fleet;
  • domestic companies with a park at least 50 cars;
  • minor firms with a small fleet (no more than 20 cars);
  • firms that offer rolling of retro cars and exclusive brands for organizing various celebrations, weddings, festivals.

What are the investment need to do?

Business on car rental requires quite large-scale costs. So, the entrepreneur should have a minimum of ten vehicles that could be leased. A good option For people who do not have the opportunity to purchase transport for their own funds, to take them into lease, paying them at the first stage to 30% of the total value.

It should be noted that considerable costs requires complimentary insurance for each car, as well as rental of the room where the machines will be placed. It is necessary to invest certain funds and for good advertising, which will help to find potential customers, as a car rental business is quite new. So, some people can constantly ride rented cars, while others only try to accumulate money to their own car, even without thinking to use the car for hire.

Despite the big investments, the profitability of this business is very high - according to statistics, the payback period is only 1-2 years. It should be noted that for efficient development, this business (car rental) requires careful planning.

Definition of client base

To optimally provide services in this field, you need to know who most often takes auto for rent. It must be said that to rent even a domestic car is quite expensive - $ 18-30 per day. So, the clients of companies that specialize in the car rental should be people with sufficient incomes. But, as a rule, they have their own car, sometimes not alone.

Why do people still use similar services? Most often by car rental customers are those who have their own car, but for a number of reasons there is no possibility to use it. Unlike foreigners, our citizens are not yet accustomed to take a car for rent, being in a foreign city, therefore, as a rule, customers are local residents and people living in remote areas. 20% of them are persons who decided to rent a car for entertainment purposes or traveling.

Another group of consumers - people who take a car for a short period (for example, for a day to appear on a business meeting on a new car). Do not also forget about corporate clients.

Characteristics of auto parks

If someone is interested in car rental, the business plan in this area is mandatory. Before you do this type of making money, you should decide on the services that will be provided. So, there is a "cheap" segment in which companies work specializing in the rental of domestic cars. As a rule, "Zhiguli", which are characterized by the optimal ratio of quality and price.

It should be noted that domestic cars offer a limited number of large companies, because without money for the purchase of hundreds of cheap cars to reach a more expensive segment is impossible. In addition, it should be remembered that Retro car rental is also low in demand.

Most rolling companies operate in the "road" sector, offering auto average, economy, as well as business class. I work with foreign cars more often for two reasons - they are more reliable and for their leases you can take a large amount of money. Most often in fleets of rolling companies you can find Mitsubishi, Audi, Honda Accord, Volkswagen Passat. or Skoda Octavia.

Limousine rental

It should be known that when the business plan is made, limousine rental is the most expensive. As a rule, rent is not calculated in days, but by the hour. Often, such a car is taken for short time and only to a certain event, for example, for a wedding. So, take a rental, for example, Lincoln is $ 60 per hour. It should be noted that such cars are rented together with the driver. Wedding car rental is most often a limousine or another expensive or unusual car.

If customers are foreigners, then, as a rule, they wish to use the services of drivers and when leaseing "simple" cars. The familiar mark of the driver is approximately $ 60 per day. At the same time, it will work only 8 hours. To enjoy its services for a longer time, you will have to pay extra. As a rule, car rental companies in their state do not hold drivers. They are hired to serve only specific orders, although some firms can have one chauffeur for 7-10 cars.

How to get good income?

Most professionals who understand the features of the rolling market, argue that for a small company or a medium-sized company is most profitable to contain no more than 30 cars in its fleet. In addition, it is better to rent foreign cars for rent. Specialists argue that when working with domestic cars We will have to take two cars per rolling position (one for rent, and the second is on parts). That is why it is more reliable to use foreign cars and, of course, cheaper.

  • Market prospects
  • Description of services
  • Production plan
  • Select OKVED code
  • Business risks
  • Financial plan

Business plan for opening a car rental service in a tourist city.

How much money is needed for the opening of the company for the provision of car rental services

According to the calculations of the business plan, the opening of car rental will require an investment of about 5,900,000 rubles:

Capital for the opening of the case will be formed from the personal funds of the founders of the organization (40%) and borrowed funds (bank loans). The loan interest rate will be 15% per annum, and monthly payments are 45,500 rubles.

Step-by-step business opening plan

Market prospects

Car rental as a business in our country is still under development. Unlike Europe, where the car is rented mainly by tourists, in Russia renting, as a rule, at weddings and all sorts of celebration. At the same time, about 2/3 of the total rolling market falls on St. Petersburg and Moscow. According to some data, there are no more than 40 thousand cars in Russia, while they are more than 2 million units in Europe.

Car rental can not develop without the development of domestic tourism of the country. Therefore, the most promising regions to open such a business at the moment are the Krasnodar Territory (Black Sea coast), Republic of Crimea, Irkutsk Region (Oz. Baikal), Leningrad region, Moscow region, Altai Republic.

Description of services

To provide rental services, it is planned to purchase a fleet of 10 cars, including models like: Lada Granta, Chevrolet Lanos, Daewoo Nexia, Renault Logan, Chevrolet Lanos (automatic transmission), Lifan Solano, Lada Largus, Nissan Almera (automatic transmission), Peugeot 408, Chevrolet Cruze. All cars will be insured by Casco.

Factors such as the class of car, technical characteristics and type of transmission will affect the cost of rental. The price of the organization will be as follows:

  • Chevrolet Cruze - 2800 rub. \\ Day.
  • Peugeot 408 - 2800 rub. \\ Day.
  • Nissan Almera (automatic transmission) - 2800 rubles. \\ Day.
  • Lada Largus - 2200 rub. \\ Day.
  • Lifan Solano - 1700 rubles. \\ Day.
  • Chevrolet Lanos - 1700 rubles. \\ Day.
  • RENAULT LOGAN - 1500 rub. \\ Day.
  • Daewoo Nexia - 1300 rub. \\ Day.
  • Chevrolet Lanos - 1300 rub. \\ Day.
  • LADA GRANTA -1200 rub. \\ Day.

The minimum age of the tenant must be 24 years old, and driving experience - at least 4 years. Such a sharp restriction by age is due to the fact that to provide machines to persons under 24 years old and with small experience driving much more dangerous for the state rental cars (Young loves to quickly ride, disrupt traffic rules, etc.).

To take the car to rent from the driver, the following documents will be requested: Passport, driver's license, TIN, Pension Insurance Certificate, Health Insurance Card. The minimum rental period will be 24 hours. The overall tariff of the run per day is 600 km (everything that is paid additionally).

According to preliminary calculations, one car will work on average 25 days per month - in high season (May - October), and 16 days a month - in the low season (November - April). With the average cost of rolled products in 2000 rubles / day. Monthly revenue in the high season will be 500,000 rubles (from 10 cars), in the low season - 320,000 rubles. Thus, the annual revenue of the organization, according to preliminary calculations, will be 4,920,000 rubles.

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Production plan

For accommodation, business plan provides for rent office space 40 square meter. m. and parking area of \u200b\u200b550 square meters. m. Size rental will be 25,000 rubles. per month. The office equipment (purchase of furniture, office equipment, minor repairs, etc.) will be required about 200 thousand rubles.

On buying cars About 4,500,000 rubles will be spent. Another 650,000 rubles will go to the insurance of vehicles, the purchase of additional. Equipment and registration in the traffic police. Total investments at this stage will be 5,150,000 rubles. Acquired cars will be implemented approximately three years of work, as the wear is carried out very quickly. The realization of the car at a later date will affect the loss of vehicle value.

What taxation system to choose for the enterprise

The organizational form of the enterprise will be a limited liability company. Status legal entity It is most suitable for such a business, as it reduces the risks of loss of property, increases confidence in the organization and allows you to work more successfully with large corporate clients. As a tax system, it is planned to apply the USN-simplified tax system, 15% of the organization's profits.

For the successful functioning of the organization, it will be necessary to create a staff of first-class workers. First of all, the organization requires a mechanic (2 people), inspiring the car before renting a rental; Lawyer, decisive legal issues and a former rental contract; Operator (2 people), accepting payment and advising on rolling and managing, coordinating the work of the organization. The common staff will be 6 people, with a monthly payment foundation in 90,000 rubles. Accountant services are planned to take outsourcing.

Select OKVED code

Preparing documents for registering a company in the FTS, you must specify the codes of future activities, according to the All-Russian Classifier. IN this case, this is:

  • OKVED 71.10 - Rent of passenger cars;
  • OKVED 71.21.1 - Rent of freight vehicles.

Be sure to remember / write down the information provided.

Preparation of documents for business for rental

Solving issues on paperwork, which are necessary for the work of a firm specializing in the rental of vehicles, must begin with the choice of organizational and legal form. If you plan to organize a small firm's work, it is enough to go through the procedure of registration of the IP, and for a more serious business (with a fleet of 10 cars), more rationalize the documents of LLC.

In addition, in order to rent a car, the following papers are needed:

  • Powerports and insurance policies (both mandatory CASCO and voluntary OSAGO).
  • Vehicle lease agreement with actual acceptance act.
  • Document confirming the technical service of the car.

Practice shows that the vehicle lease agreement must be a lawyer specializing in solving such issues. Even the most experienced driver will not be able to draw up a document in such a way that it takes into account any force majeure that can happen on our roads.

Business risks

According to our assumptions, the main risks when conducting this business include:

  • Not perfect legislative base in this industry
  • Long period of return of invested funds
  • High investment capitalization
  • Increasing competition in the market

Financial plan

Let us turn to the calculation of the main indicators of business efficiency. Permanent monthly expenses of car rental expenses will include:

TOTAL - 292 500 rubles.

Annual expenses according to plan will be 3,510,000 rubles.

How much can you make money on the provision of car rental services

Thus, the net profit of the organization per month (average annual indicator) will be 99,875 rubles. The company's profitability is 34%. Taking into account the period for the promotion of the company, the payback of investments in the business will come no earlier than in 60 - 65 months of work (5 years).

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