Home Chassis Big test Drive Solano 2. Test Drive Lifan Solano II: Crimean Vacation. Under a closer look

Big test Drive Solano 2. Test Drive Lifan Solano II: Crimean Vacation. Under a closer look

There is such a theory that the son should be better than his father. That is, rushing, healthier, more beautiful, etc. Well, an interesting point of view, which explains the evolution of mankind from simple to more complex. There are about the same in the automotive world. More precisely, it should be the same.

Today, as part of our large test drive in Krasnodar, we will tell about the evolution of one of the bestsellers of the Chinese car industry in the Russian automotive market - Lifan Solano. II.

Exterior of the NewSolano. Let's say right - much more predecessor predecessor. Designers related to development this carmobile has tried to enjoy it with modern lines, trends and other wisdoms from the world of design of the last two or three years. Here and sharp corners on the stern and the absence of the dodged motifs on the sides of the sedan, which pleases.

The Chinese, until recently, loved "blowing" everything around, despite the fact that such an approach has long forgotten and nobody plans to return to everything. The sharp line at the door handle level hints at the fact that the Chinese understand these very modern trends. The frontal part also changed, a new grille appeared, a bumper, a linated optics, LED running lights. Here is the originality of at least, but the balance between common sense and an Asian look at the design is not broken. Looks good. The fact that such solutions is more profitable than the previous option is one hundred percent. But, at the same time, it is not bad and the fact that in general the sedan is recognizable. He did not become something completely different, and this is already plus to the Lifan brand, which tries to make cars already like themselves and produces the client that the most gene of brand commitment.

By the way, the dimensions remained almost the same as the previous generation: length - 4620 mm (+70 mm), width - 1705 mm (the same), height - 1495 mm (the same), wheelbase - 2605 mm (no change ). Changes did not touch the front and rear tracks. We try to turn on our car. This is how convenient in the city "Solano" is convenient. So, the radius of the turn is equal to about 10 meters. That is, if you consider that according to GOST, the lane width is 3.5 meters in the city, then only three-band streets can be turned into one reception. With the dimensions of the car - a good result.

Interior of the newLifan. Solano. II. Changed radically. Designers redesigned the front panel completely. Here, of course, there is something to present the main competitor, about which below, and in general, the Chinese community in Russia, that is, to colleagues on the workshop, whose delights for the same money look in advance losses. In essence, the appearance changed, there were a little better materials and everything is completely different perception, other mood in the car. Ergonomically made everything well, without "amazing" surprises. New dashboard, climate control system. Steering wheel with multimedia control buttons are also new, three-spoke. Here without questions.

Questions, while traditionally, arise only to the seats decoration, for example. It is believed that high-quality velor is much better than the fact that the Chinese call "eco-skin." Well, why is she here? This is a question to the automaker. Open the glove box, traditionally complicated, knees interfere. I would like the designers to turn attention to it. Otherwise - all is well: the landing is comfortable, there is enough space on the back sofa, driver and passenger.

Another indisputable plus Solano II is the capacity of the luggage compartment. 650 liters of free space are the largest indicator in the class.

Under the hoodLifan. Solano. II. petrol motor The volume of 1.5 liters with a capacity of 100 horsepower at 139 nm of the maximum torque (minus two "Newton" from the predecessor), which was transferred to the enectural standard "Euro-5". Transferred - it means strangled. Here, of course, the very case when the need to match something prevents the consumer's expectations. No, driving a car in urban conditions is not bad. Let's just say the motor is enough for normal movement.

Lack of acne is compensated by the presence mechanical box Shift. Unwind motor difficulty causes. The Chinese schitri here. Be there "Avtomat", emotions would be much more meant. It is quite another thing - the fact that a version with a 1.8 liter motor will appear very soon with a capacity of 128 hp. On the "variator" from the X60 model, which is very good for sale at present. But this, indeed, is completely different.

Specifications of the new Lifan Solano II:

In the course of our large test drive in Krasnodar Lifan Solano II, we will say this: rides the car is quite worthy. With the suspension, which remained unchanged in the technical plan, you may have worked in terms of settings, as it swallows irregularities, it is more willing, both in front and rear. But, perhaps, we have become the hostages of a completely new car with another unnecessted suspension. What will happen to this suspension through thousands of 30 mileage, we will tell us taxi drivers who were very loved by the first "Solano" and, for sure, will continue to love and the second.

The sale of the car is already on a very good level, which will allow you to evaluate the car very soon to fully. It is impossible to mention the steering control, which received the electric powerlier. We will not talk about emptiness on the steering wheel, it's not a sports car and not something from the area "under the sport". The car rulits itself quite adequately and predictable, which for comfortable movement in urban conditions is enough.

For Lifan customers offers three configurations of the Solano II model: Basic, Comfort and Luxury. The basic version with a price tag to half a million rubles (!) Has a decent equipment, including air conditioning, four-speaker audio system, front airbags, LED running lights, ABS and EBD.

Skeptics can laugh at all that we have described here. Like which gene is a brand commitment, which lines? This is the "Chinese". Yes, gentlemen. This is the newest Chinese reality that was worthy of only smiles about 10 years ago, but it causes respect now. At least respect in class and price category, where Chinese Lifan Solano II is presented. And this is the very niche where our AvtoVAZ is present with the Vesta model.

Here, just, the case when you save the domestic sedan can only some kind of state program, for, if, in other things, then chinese car We seemed more interesting and tempting.

Automotive portal "Driving Kuban" thanks the company "Temp Auto", the official Lifan dealer in Krasnodar, for the provided car Lifan. Solano II.

Text: Evgeny Melchenko

Photos and Videos: Gennady Dyachuk

Mark Lifan - the leader among Chinese automakers in Russia is no longer the first year. Last year, showed 15 percent growth, against the background of the general fall in the market. The main cashier makes "crossovers" x50 and x60, but also Solano sedan is not deprived of attention. Recently started the second generation car, and this is perhaps the most budget sedan. Golf class in our market. Is it just attracted by Solano II and how has the new generation car changed?

The Chinese auto industry evolves and develops, not to say that seven-year steps, but quite quickly. Lifan.By the way, it is far from the forefront of technical progress among chinese marks. So why did she turn out to be the leader? Most likely, this is just a marketing strategy, Lifan was able to offer enough unpretentious cars at the most attractive prices. That's the result.

Solano II, in fact, not completely new car, and deep modernization of the predecessor. Therefore, the suspension remained unchanged, and power units (100-Strong motor and 5-speed box), and the base of the carrier body structure - door, window openings, roof. In short, all that was copied with sedana Toyota. Corolla 2000 model year. And new only design designed own forces, interior and equipment. Solano II really became more attractive and more modern, pretty lens optics with LED running lights, and the rear lights with long LED strips of "turn signals" were especially possible. The entire increase in length (70 mm) came only on the skes of the body and they are great. The length of the body is a full-fledged C-class, and the length of the base and, accordingly, the capacity is only B. Against the background of such a large body with a high hood line and a large luggage compartment, the wheel arches look too small, and the wings above them are inflated and Thick. In general, the silhouette of the car did not please the proportions. But all this taste and thing, in general, subjective. As for the musitude of the gaps and the quality of the charges of the panels, it may not be perfect here, but there were no special issues.

Doors are difficult to close the first time, you try not to clap strongly, but as a result, do not close, you have to clap stronger. And this is not just an unsuccessful movement of hand, but some pathogical property of locks. Already sitting in the cabin, and intending to go on the road, again you hear a buzzer, signing up of an unlocked door. Chlopy is stronger, no, failure. Even stronger. On the third or fourth time it is usually possible to close.

The interior of the new Solano visually completely neat, concise and modern, with amendment to the budget of the model. No Asian problems with design, everything is quite organic and familiar look at. The salon is especially good in the test maximum configuration of Luxury with a large display of the communication system and a pretty air conditioner unit. A good multicolor is not a leather, but is made of a rubberized pleasant plastics. But the door cards and armchairs are covered with ecocuses with a red stitch. The plastic finish is inexpensive, but everything is done quite carefully. It seems that everything is wonderful and even cozy. But here we smoothly approach main problem Many Chinese cars. No, it is not even quality or reliability, they may, and leave much to be desired, but reached some reasonable level. Ergonomics are the main Beach of the Chinese car at the present stage. The fact is that some cars from the Middle Kingdom are simply not designed for the inclined people, and Solano, unfortunately, no exception.

The driver's chair and the helm have adjustments in height, but they are clearly not enough. As not enough adjustment of the chair in the longitudinal direction. As a result, I am not a gigantic growth - 183 cm, I move the chair until it stops back and put it at the lowest position, and the steering wheel is in the highest. According to pedals, it turns out normally, and the instrumental scales under the rim of the steering wheel are almost visible, however, "Baranka" want to lift even higher and bring closer to yourself so that it does not lie on their knees. But this is the limit. It turns out if I could still accommodately accommodate the wheel, then the man can no longer be above me. The pillow is short, and the backdrop profile is not the most successful, flat and deprived of the adjustment of the lumbar backpage, which would not prevent here. The roundabouts of the devices are quite informative, but the curved glass, covering them, desperately glances, regardless of the position of the light source. So, the lower sector scales is constantly visible, just as located at the bottom, fuel level pointers and engine temperature, and this is almost half of the instrument block.

The sensor screen of the communication system does not shine the response speed and graphics. On a sunny day, it is also visible in the best way, the sound of the radio is medium, and the navigation into our system was not loaded. The picture from the rear review camcorder is quite clear, but the "dynamic" lines - butafory, they do not move. I liked the air conditioner's console, everything is clearly and logical, the round handles are not luftyt. Below under the lid are the ashtray and cigarette lighter. On the central tunnel - the cup holders and the heating buttons of the front armchairs. The rectangular box of the mid-size armrest box, in it the connectors of the USB and AUX, and the cover, skin-sheat, is fixed reliably, not the bellows and does not hang out how it happened on most Chinese cars in the past. To the left of the steering wheel block with the remote control of the rear view mirrors, the opening button of the trunk and the headlight corrector wheel, under which the little compartment for smallers. On the ceiling panel, except illumination, there is a voice.

According to modern standards, the equipment is not too rich: besides the listed, there are electrical windows in front and rear, heated rear-view mirrors, two front airbags, ABS and EBD. There is no stabilization system in any of the packages. At the rear sofa, I was located with a minimum place of place in my legs, but the head rests on the ceiling. So these places are designed for people with growth not higher than average. It will be uncomfortable to the third passenger in the center, the central part of the sofa opens, and the tunnel interferes under his feet. There is a retractable armrest with cupcakes, but for my growth, he, again, is unsuitable, located low, so that it has to be touched. From additional amenities - nothing remarkable, there are pockets in the doors, and the cut front chairs are such that the pockets in the backs are so small that they are in need, perhaps, only a brochure or pack of napkins.

But the trunk is really big, although, not confident in the reality of passports 650 l. There are no pockets, hooks and loops for fixing the cargo. Rear sofa transformation Standard - the back of parts is folded into the horizontal. Panel floor, sheathed with a porous cloth, thin and too compliant. Under it "Open" on a stamped disk and no organizers. In a word, the trunk is rustled in the finish and there are no additional amenities. Even closing handles on inner side The covers are not provided.

The clutch is not informative, "woven", and when starting, they involuntarily fure in order not to stall. In this sense, a small adaptation is required. Overclocking at the initial stage is sufficiently dynamic, as well as slip, but then itches, and at high speeds, the thrust is already not enough, as well as elasticity. To maintain a vigorous rate of driving, you have to go to reduced transfers earlier than you expect. Not surprisingly, nowhere in specifications I could not find data on acceleration to "hundreds". Apparently, they are not impressive, and the Chinese simply did not bring them to them. But in general, if you go measured, then the tandem engine-transmission, quite normal. No revelations, but in the stream are holding without problems, the box works quite clearly.

Review and brake quality - no complaints. Noise insulation peculiar. While you are going not quickly, at urban speeds, it seems that everything is in order, not noisy, the engine is clearly audible only with intense acceleration. But then at speeds under 80 and higher, the salon is filled with a hum, here and aerodynamic noises, and seeded tires under the asphalt. Everything merges into a single hum that accompanies constantly. And what else is interesting, even when the heater fan is turned off, there is a complete feeling that it is included on the full, so Gulko snaps something in the front panel. It is impossible to say that all this caocophony presses too much on the ears, but in a long road, when you go for hours without a break, I think it will not be very comfortable.

But the suspension, surprisingly, omnivorous and smoothness pleases, in this sense, the car is well adapted for our operating conditions. This, perhaps, is generally one of the most strong Parties Solano II. It suits both energy intensity in combination with sufficient clearance. I measured the molecule clearance, yes, about it is - 165 mm, as the manufacturer declares. It is for regions with unimportant roads or at all for rural Solano primers and is best suited.

But on the highway roads, where controllability is important, everything is different. The direct Solano holds, maybe well, but to control and correct this steering wheel is not in the best way, because in the incomplete zone, it is completely devoid of informativeness and reactive effort. Maneuvering, you can turn the steering wheel by 90 degrees, in this position it will remain if it is forced to return it to zero, although there is no clear zero. Therefore, there is no reliable connection with the car by car. Only at the speed appears at least some kind of informativeness. And the more reject "Baranka" to the side, the more informativeness, paradox, but in steep energetic turns you feel more confident than on a straight line. Perhaps I have never had to meet a car with a kind of original steering setting. In order to "nauseate" in the "traffic jams", yes, it is not rushing in the city, maybe nothing. Maneuverability, again, good, the radius of the turn is small. But drivers with driver vendor such manageability without a clear feedback, I think it will be not to taste. It seems that Chinese engineers still develop the chassis on the principle - as it turns out, and the driving characteristics set at random. Since, consciously come to this result seems extremely unlikely.

Basic Solano II in price, at the time of testing, cost 510 thousand rubles. But such a car does not even have caps on wheels, a decorative cover of the engine, cabin lighting and immobilizer. But there is air conditioning, electric windows, two airbags, ABS, and leather on chairs. True, I told me a dealer's representative, they themselves did not see such cars, and did not try to order them. Circassian plant "Dervey" does not seek to satisfy such orders. Probably you will have to wait for a very long time, if at all it will be possible to order. So, really there is only a version of Comfort for 620 thousand and Luxury for 655 thousand. I would like to believe in the Chinese miracle, but so far, alas ... For me, with the current set of consumer qualities of Solano, to become popular, should cost cheaper than the basic 510 thousand, well, or what would they be, at least in stock and easily accessible .

Technical characteristics Lifan Solano II.(Manufacturer data)

  • Body - 4-door, carrying, steel
  • Number of seats - 5
  • Gabarites, mm.
  • Length - 4620.
  • Width - 1705.
  • Height - 1495.
  • Base - 2605.
  • Clearance - 165.
  • Curb weight, kg - 1270
  • Full weight, kg - 1580
  • Trunk volume, l - 650
  • Engine - gasoline
  • The number and location of cylinders - 4, in a row
  • Volume, l - 1.5
  • Power - 100 hp at 6000 rpm
  • Torque - 129 nm at 4000-5000 rpm
  • PPC - 5-speed mechanical
  • Drive - front
  • Front suspension - independent, spring, McPherson
  • Rear suspension - half-dependent spring
  • Maximum speed, km / h - 180
  • Access time from 0 to 100 km / h, C - ND.
  • Fuel consumption per 100 km, l
  • Urban cycle - N.D.
  • Country cycle - 6.5
  • Mixed cycle - N.D.
  • Gasoline - AI-92-95
  • Tires - 195/65 R15

Photos from Test Drive Lifan Solano II in Kazan

The car for the test drive is provided by a car dealership ""

P. Sorsky car market has already grown to many Chinese automakers and models - how many meteors flashed and went into oblivion ... Lifan as a whole and Solano in particular - among few survivors. The very fact of the existence of a Chinese car, survived in six years of sales in our country first easy restyling, and then replaced the first generation to the second - already speaks of a certain recognition. And what changed?

The body has retained all sizes except length: it has increased to a symbolic centimeter, up to 4620 mm. Width, height and wheeled base - the same: 1705 mm, 1495 mm and 2605 mm. However, all external elements of the body - doors, wings and bumpers - recycled and updated. Headlights, rear lights, turn signals in mirrors and daytime running lights obtained LED elements. The volume of the trunk is noticeably increased - from 386 to 620 liters.

It has fundamentally changed the design and decoration of the cabin - the chairs and rear sofa from artificial leather appeared in the basic version, even the simplest radio tape recorder supports USB, and the extended version of the multimedia system is navigation and rearview chamber.

The new 100-strong 1.5-liter motor changed an old 106-strong 1.6-liter: "Outdoor" meets the norms of Euro-5, and the average passport consumption of fuel, compared with the car of the previous generation, decreased by 1 liter and now declared at the level of 6.5 liters per 100 km. However, the maximum torque fell - from 149 nm to 129 nm.

At first, the car will be equipped with a manual 5-speed gearbox, but later the variator will appear. The cost of the same basic configuration Solano II, as already mentioned, starts from 500.000 rubles.

The appearance and design

Solano-2 has become longer than the previous generation of only 10 millimeters, but it is much more important that it is 23 centimeters longer than VW Polo Sedan, 25 centimeters longer Hyundai Solaris., 27 centimeters longer Renault Logan.! Basically, the increment in the dimensions gives a powerful and solid hood and a 620-liter trunk, and although the salon does not shit, the formula " more cars For the same money, "works, and works well!

Front and rear optics look solid and even to some degree noble.

1 / 4

2 / 4

3 / 4

4 / 4

Utipically moderately and appropriate in the external finish is used by chrome, which other chinese manufacturers Often abuse ...


The Torpedo architecture is very successful, everything is on the ground, everything is easily accessible. A matte black plastic is used in the decoration, a glossy black with a simulation of some natural material (not that tree, not the stone, with long rare streaks), as well as silver, a la metal. On the front panel, two classic shooting devices (speedometer and tachometer) are adjacent to the digital panel of temperature, fuel level and mileage information and consumption. In general, classic. An embarrass may except for some kind of blue edging of the "dials".

The air conditioner is controlled - completely electrified: the gearboxes are responsible for adjusting heat / cold, and for the distribution of air flows, and for turning on recirculation.

Doors and torpedoes are hard and carned plastic, which on the doors, however, is diluted with soft leatherette inserts with a pretty red stitching - as well as on the seats. The same VW would probably call it signs of "special series" and sorted a lot of money ... Sidews - from cute and durable eco-stakes, even in basic configuration; None of the competitors offer a similar one, everyone in the minimum is only "rag".

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

All four windows are electrical, plus the front - also with the mode of fast lowering with one touch. The steering wheel has an audio control key. But here the "Baranki" adjustment is allowed, alas, only in height ...

Lifan Solano II.

basic value

500 000 rubles

And, unfortunately, the volume of the cabin is somewhat dissens with impressive external dimensions The car ... Relo drivers may not have enough limit to adjust the longitudinal movement of the front seat, especially in winter clothes - it would be nice to make a running range and sewing ... However, it is partly compensated by the backrest adjustment, but with a large driver and front passenger, sitting back will have to twist, attaching his knees .


In the rich configuration, the car is equipped with a multimedia system with a touch 7-inch display and control from the steering keys. The screen, which is interesting, not capacitive, and resistive - that is, it reacts not on touch, but by pressing. The technology is outdated, but the display is very responsive and responded to any item, in addition to the finger - in the winter in a cold car, you can control the device without removing gloves.

The multimedia head unit knows how to play music from the phone via Bluetooth, from the memory card, USB flash drives, as well as an external device through a 3.5-millimeter input (its socket with a USB connector lives in the armrest). A separate MicroSD card is assigned to navigation - the software from Navitel is responsible for it. And when turned on rear transmission The image is displayed from the rear view camera installed above the license plate!

The multimedia interface is slightly slow, but everything takes on the logicality and sequence. The main menu consists of a horizontal line of large icons, and the settings menu from the vertical list; They do not even be confused by a person far from wisdom gadgets.

Plays an audio system, however, quite flat, it is inexpressive - there are no tops or bass. Although it would seem, the base for a good sound is - in the rear shelf there are large "ovals", and the front speakers in the doors are complemented by remote high-frequencies.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3


Under the hood of Solano-2 is a new one-and-liter 16-valve motor with hydrocompensators (rarity now!) And phase regulator. Motor compartment is spacious, which will appreciate lovers self-service - Access to most nodes light.

The engine is covered with a decorative slab, which is associated with noise insulation of the engine shield and the hood cover perfectly shuffling the sound of the motor in the cabin. By the way, after quite hard tests that we subjected to Solano, the metal valve cover was suitable hot, but the ignition coils, individual for all four cylinders, are simply warm. Therefore, a good thermal spit!

The main brake cylinder is tiny, for all brakes in a circle are disc, requiring the minimum stroke of the pistons and displaced fluid.

The generator is also a "baby", the size of a major grapefruit, but the specialists of the dealer center are very praised - they say, does not give failures.

On the top tank of the radiator - the bay neck. Lovers of classic solutions approve!

All the seams of the inner cavities are treated with a movile-like anticorrhea - its traces in the form of the raised droplets are clearly visible, for example, on the bottom edge of the trunk cover:

By the way, in the trunk of Solano, in addition to, actually, the 620-liter useful volume, as well as the ordinary balloon key and the jack, the owner will find a sacquer, in which the cable is placed, wire for cigarette, first aid kit, electric compressor and emergency stop sign! And on the cover from the inside dangles, on the American manner, the emergency handle of the opening.


We take the car in dealer Center Lifan in Simferopol and go to the Crimean Mountains. Switching transmissions by turnover, it seems like the corresponding majority of inexpensive sedans with 1.4-1.6 engines and power in the area of \u200b\u200bhundreds of horses - and I do not understand what is happening ... the car does not go frankly! Overclocking is practically absent; Over the city, somehow coming to speed under a hundred on the fifth gear, the gas pedal generally "disappears" - you can remove the leg with the pedal or, on the contrary, press it up to the floor - no difference ...

Overallity by the norms of Euro-5, with a non-radicalness of an electronic choke? Damn, I completely flew out of the head of the engine characteristics! This engine gives the maximum torque of 129 nm at five thousand revolutions, which is noticeably higher than the classmates. The engine loves, so that it is not embarrassed, and the gearbox with incredibly stretched second and the third play out as an experienced partner who understands with a half-clow.

Turtle from the heart, and the miracle happens - the car appears the dynamics and acne, with a correction to the low-power motor and the budget category, of course. At the same time, that is characteristic, the maximum thrust is achieved without an adsady squeal!

Acquision, though, noticeably sharpened on the fifth after 120-130 - the manufacturer dismissed the operating range of the motor and transmission to the low and medium-sized region - daccias, which need the cheerful thrust on the overloaded machine, will be satisfied, but lovers of distant intercity distilts are not very.

What is interesting, the continuous feeding of thrust on the second transmission through the Crimean serpents leading to the mountains, and the race on the third gear on the mixture of primers and the broken asphalt roads of the Ai-Petrinsky mountain range did not lead to a catastrophic consumption - the motor has driven a little more than 10 liters, which is for hard Annealing with constant accelerations and braking on low gears is simply ridiculous. And, in fact, average flow In the "City + Track" mode, the seven liters did not exceed seven liters - in the run mode, this is just amended the same 6.5 liters promised by the specification, which is less than that of the previous Solano generation.

Dimensions (d / w / c), mm

4 620 / 1 705 / 1 495

Brakes disc and flawlessly chain - neither take away or add. Machine suspension (Front McPherson, rear Celestial beam, as "shoes" - Chinese Rubber Giti 15th diameter with a dimension of 195/60) pleasantly struck - she silently swallowed huge pits and cobblestones of the Crimean Mountains, it was never possible to break through it! The suspension is incredibly energy-intensive, it can be bold with it to dare to Russian "directions".

The steering mechanism with the electric powerlier, of course, lacks the collections to the reference criteria - with quick drives of the steering wheel, it is sensible (which may decrease when the rubber is installed from brands from the top ten instead of the regular) Yes, and the steering wheel in high speed is needed, but the serpentines are expensive On Ai-Petri Solano-2 passed quite confident and sometimes even bold. We must admit, in terms of suspension and taxiing machine, the car is excellent "Russified", sin demand from the "Chinese" larger for such a modest money, which is asked for him.

Weather - the most ungrateful topic for perekov in the regions "above the middle strip", not to participate in which it simply does not work. But for the Crimean, it is somehow not relevant. Yes, one of the local people complained to me that, they say, the current +20 and higher were to be installed a month ago. But de facto today is warm. Everything around flowers and fragrant. Grannies along the roads sell already swaying strawberries, and Sevastopol sailors tear the fragrant twigs of Lilac to please their brides, future admirals. ((Model_2780)) so I wrote about the endless charms "of our Crimea" for not yet "cut down" central heating, but the debt obliges to concentrate on another, no less interesting. "Carriage" on the roads of the 82nd and 92nd regions this time was given Lifan Solano II - a 5-seater 4,6-meter segment of the "C" segment, built on the basis of Toyota Corolla E120 series. He has a fresh, not at all Asian exterior, while traditionally good for the "Chinese" level of equipment and an absolutely affordable price tag (from 499,900 rubles). It seems that there are all the chances of consumer confession ... "Lifanovtsy" seems to have not expected that the second embodiment of the "650th" (under this index the car is known in his homeland) will be so aesthetically correct. Thanks to the guys from the Italian PinInfarina, which moved to work under the flags of Lifan and successfully put on the image of the three-unit. To the image no complaints: in moderation, frowny lighting and large, in the style of the previous generation Honda CR-V, radiator grille - front; Neat, slightly "creeping" on the trunk lid Rear lights - rear. The feed looks easy, at the same time, if you open this very "casket", we will see that with an internal volume of all the okay. ((Gallery_846)) We threw a couple of large road bags "on the wheels" in the trunk. Yes of the middle sizes of the backpack and saw that the "hugs" of the cargo branch can take as much as much. The theme of the spaciousness is traced in the cabin of the car, first of all, in the location of the driver and the front passenger. In this regard, it is very sorry for Lifan X50, a good and quite a pretty pseudo-crossover, who has the main minus - the handle behind the wheel. Solano II is a completely different story: and at the level of the shoulder, and above the place of place more than. "To witness" his concrete landing turned out quickly, even though the steering column does not have adjustment in the course of the movement. Only the chair was stripped - it looks quite solid, but for the physiological outlines of my skeletal "osteochondrosis", alas, not the most suitable: in his profile I found a complete absence of lateral support and a weakly adjacent position of the back. ((Material_116324)) "drawing" to the instrument scale, though with a hint of "Childhood", but well "readable". Now, if you still change the bending of a plastic "facade" glass, which, with frequent Crimean solar baths, it greatly glances, it would be a firm "four". And therefore, add a neat tail-minus to this assessment. There is no mirror in the driver's visor, and it would be necessary. The varnish used in the design of the central console is frankly excessively, only simplifies the perception of the workplace. "Condo" effectively copes with the cooling of the heated cabin in May, except that the noise, starting from the middle position of the "lamb". Music is medium: both sound and in the reception of signals. Navigation - with natural flamns, especially in the overgrown southern vegetation quarters of the Oreanda and Kurparat. "Work" on mirrors outside the claims - the viewability of them is optimal. But there are questions about aerodynamics in the area of \u200b\u200bthe left outer mirror. No longer at the highest speeds appear wind whistle, and this, to admit, distracts. The insulation of the interior, say, so without special complaints: sometimes you drive "110" and is ready to pay tribute to the creators of the car for the thoughtfulness of body outlines, and it happens, already on the "70" you indifferent motor compartment The roam of "fiery heart." ((Gallery_845)) ((Params_56997)) In its role we see a 4-cylinder atmospheric "actor" with a volume of 1.5 liters with a cast-iron cylinder block, a 16-valve timing and distributed fuel injection, which is in its asset 100 hp At 6,000 rpm and 129 nm of torque at 3500-4500 rpm. Indicators, as you see, so-so. However, in fact, the engine does not show itself an outsider and in some cases ready to even play the place under the hot Crimean sun. The main thing is not to give a tachometer arrow to fall below 2000 rpm - the unit is frankly choking on such positions. This is the same level that corresponds to moving on the 5th transmission with the unwrapped in the city of 70-80 km / h. We wake up with them to accelerate, boldly go to the 1-2 stage below; On the highest, you will "have" indecent long. You do not understand what is happening, throw your gaze to the instrument panel - there is a speed selection attorney pictogram: it works surprisingly correctly. Almost all transmissions, the pickup begins somewhere at 2200-2400 rpm. Moreover, this activity is quite a brisk. It seems that the motor sits the turbine, and your car will "make" anyone who will "throw a glove." However, powerful heat cools quickly, and you begin to believe the factory TTX, which indicate a very modest possibilities of the sedan. To force the car to ride with a tangible acceleration after 100 km / h, we will have to not only remember the entire Chinese pedigree, but also resort to the manual reduced switching 5mcpp. And it is not only when road situationWhat is called "in a hill". The box manifests itself well - switching clear, the desired speed gently and quickly falls into their grooves, and not noticed by the "rattling" lever at high speeds and idlingWhat pleases. Pepper should throw to the clutch. His pedal is configured so that it grabs at the very top. I had to deal with a similar long course in a driver's practice, but somehow always "acclimatization" passed pretty quickly and painlessly. Here, the same 4 days was not enough in order to eventually talk with the clutch "on you." It was especially difficult starts from the place of place. Without a "handler" in such situations, well, in no way. And his tightening turned out to be effective only at the maximum "Racks". ((Gallery_848)) ((photo_text_62)) Another interesting point: when the clutch pedal survival, the left foot is the case and the case concerns the platform for recreation of this foot. Acknowledge, annoying and interferes. The site is made in a wide variant, apparently, in the calculation of the "automatic" modification, but there is no such thing on the domestic market yet. A similar situation with a hatch control keys, which are placed in the block between sunscreen visors, along with lighting beams. They, keys, are present, but the hatch, alas, is not observed. Apparently, done "about the stock". The following picture was drawn with the appetite: in areas where constant descents-lifts (SKK) prevail, Solano II consumed 8.1-8.2 l / 100 km in combination mode. In steppe distils (Sevastopol-Evpatoria), consumption fell to 7.4 l / 100 km. In the Lifan dealership center, which provided the car to the test, noticed that if desired, the "92nd" gasoline can be refilled, but I decided to pamper the car "95th". For money, the difference was serious, considering that the Crimean gas station (the legacy of Ukraine) AI-95 today costs 43 rubles. The steering wheel is very light, with a large olonulous zone. In this case, "long" - 3.5 turns of "from and to". It would seem that, good control It should not be expected. However, in "Combat" Conditions of Solano II showed himself with a young man and, above all, at 180 degrees of mountain turns. The feeling that you are after the rotating "Baranka" as it were, no "wink" on it, no. The car famously enters the blur and is not less skillfully unfolding on the close streets of the Crimean towns. ((Gallery_847)) ((photo_text_61)) suspension is slightly harsh, so the neglence of most roads and directions of the peninsula are actively broadcast to the salon. But no rolls and breakdowns - the car reacts to the managing actions with the obedience of Shaolin monk. Yes, and frank "crickets" in the cabin from constant blows and vibrations for several thousand kilometers of the test of test Solano II was not detected - russian assembly It turned out to be quite "edible." Availability visor ... After spending 4 in the Crimea festive days, We have repeatedly met in the stream various "Lifans", of which several Solano, the truth, preceding the generation. It turns out, the brand knows, he is trusted, voted for him by the ruble. How long and sweaty? The answer to this question is simple. The recommended price for Solano II sample of 2016 release begins with a mark of 499,900 rubles (Basic equipment). The second Ranger version of Comfort is estimated at 599,900 rubles. Finally, the maximum luxury is 629,900 rubles. All the same, but in relation to cars 2017 release: 509 900, 619 900 and 654,900 rubles, respectively. Geely in this segment is Emgrand 7, but it is more expensive (from 649,000 rubles), the BRILIANCE H530 has a H530 sedan, and it will cost a large amount - 579,900 rubles, in Changan - Eado, and he, forgive, for the next repeat , For money overload - from 560,000 rubles. Finally, it is impossible to discount the recently "formed" Ravon brand, in the line of which there is an old woman Gentra. We look at the price tag and see that it starts with a mark of 539,000 rubles. As can be seen, Lifan Solano II is at the crossroads of commercial interests not only of its countrymen and the Korean-Uzbek state employee, but also the same Lada Vesta. (from 515 900 rubles). If I had to vote with a wallet and common sense, would have passed by "Lada". Lifan is richer staffed, sympathetic outwardly and at the same time has a well-developed dealer network, where in the case of which they will not be promised to provide post assistance. By the way ... about 163 thousand tourists rested in the May holidays in the Crimea - this is 1.2% higher than the 2016 level. This is reported by RIA Novosti Crimea with reference to the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Strelbitsky. Crimean sanatoriums and hotels on average were loaded by a third. The most popular destination was Yalta. And the most popular types of tourism became cultural and informative, active, military historical. Tourists actively visited monuments and historical places associated with the history of the Great Patriotic War. The Ministry of Actors also calculated how many tourists spent in the Crimea during this period. The cost of a ticket to a sanatorium per person (3-4 meals a day), accommodation and basic treatment, ranged from 2,416 rubles. Accommodation in the hotel category "3 stars" - 3,559 rubles per room for two with breakfast, in a mini-hotel - 2,125 rubles.

Consumer goods from China Russia along the world got used to the whole world. But the car is a thinner matter. It can not be done as it fell and send straight to the production - will not save even low price. Need to try.

But in the world of industry, it is known that China is patience and pressure. And the same, patiently and with pressure, in the entryweight approached the automotive industry. China lives progress, and we have a lively confirmation in our hands.

The Lifan company appeared on the market is not too loud - a pair of nameless models, among which it turned out to be a non-zeal "Solano" - incomprehensible, and the market is not too warmth adopted. Then the prices for cars were responsible for salaries with adequacy, but now, when the car is rapidly becoming more expensive against the background of a budget ruble, the Chinese auto industry begins to show trumps.

The updated "Solano 2" meets us near the car dealership, and immediately declares that it comes to his time. It would be more - for 499 thousand rubles, the client receives a full-fledged sedan an impressive size, let and without a claim for business, but still declaring themselves, with a harmonious and competent interior and outstanding appearance.

According to Lifan Motors Rus, this is the first Chinese car, in which no design element is borrowed by any brand - absolutely all design solutions belong to the company. Here is China and begins to amaze.

But not as much as the interior. The manufacturing company company approached this issue - up to a million difficult to get any such interior - a large touchscreen display on the panel, which works quickly and clearly, finishing eco-skin with a red line, decoration of eco-skin "skirts" selector lever MCPP, and pleasant plastic under the tree.

Pleasant is when the plastic is plastic under it instead of a tree, but this does not cause any negative. With the first landing in the car, you always think that the car industry from the neighboring state again made a seven-world step forward, no one asking.

Delivered pleasure and display control buttons, and climate control buttons. Why there - the pleasure was delivered literally all the buttons that managed to felt in this car. Surprise took to the very depths - like and sit in the Chinese, and everything is done so that you will not get hung in the Middle Japanese. The quality of chrome elements and plastic no longer leaves much to be desired, it has already been the "best".

Riding on "Solano 2" also does not cause any discomfort - the car went to us just 25 kilometers of run. The dynamics of the melting motor allows you to ride around the city without problems, but on the highway of this power will be missing.

The only thing that caused inconvenience is an excessive long grip. The lack of great travel experience with such a pedal caused only grumbling and constantly arising the smell of clutch in the cabin. But when 25 kilometers of running on the panel turned into 60, I got used to each other, and mutual claims came up.

A few more pleasant little things - backlight dashboardwhich is not too bright and pleasant looks in the dark day, and fuel consumption, which will allow to go on one tank for all cases and, perhaps, have time for the city - one-and-a-liter unit with a capacity of 100 horse power Exactly not only issues a good dynamics in a pair with "Mechanics", but also pleases with a small consumption - within 10 liters on "hundred".

What is in Solano, except for upward progress, this is attention. People look at this car much more than on bright German premium sedans - while not yet causing an icon causes interest.

Gamma sets and motors "Solano", as a whole, noticate - only three variations, are all equipped with a 1.5 liter engine, everyone gives 100 forces. The sedan has a big trunk who holds everything, and even a little more, and a spacious lounge, in which five people will easily fit, and there will still be a place. The buyer of this car remains to decide, I need eco-skin and the finish "under the tree", or not.

From another pleasant one, the car is equipped with not only the rear parking sensors, but also the rear view camera, which helps a lot with the parking lot. This is important because before this technology, the car from China did not observe - the innovation will have to taste to buyers from Yekaterinburg, for which parking in the conditions of the metropolis always remains a problem.

Diode headlights, which not only look pleasant outside, but also lightly illuminate the road for those who are inside.

Prices for updated Solano 2 start from 499 thousand rubles, for maximum complete set With the electric mirror, heated seats and many others will have to pay from 599 thousand rubles.

The car for a test drive is provided by the official Lifan dealer in Onega

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