Home Salon How time is it charging. How much do the car battery need to be charged - different ways and their effectiveness. Effective online calculator

How time is it charging. How much do the car battery need to be charged - different ways and their effectiveness. Effective online calculator

Inexperienced motorists are often asked how much time you need to charge the battery. This question cannot be answered unequivocally, calling some kind of definite value in the clock. In such a situation, much depends on the state in which the battery is located, its capacity, as far as it is worn, etc. It is important to know how to charge automotive batteries, as in which situations they are used. And the charge time of the automotive battery will be determined depending on the state of the battery. In order to find out the end time of charging, there are methods of control, which will be mentioned below.

Before charging the battery you need to perform a number of actions. To start, unscrew the terminals and remove the battery from the car. On the Internet you can meet a number of tips for charging the battery right by car, without even removing the terminals. Remember what to do this should not. The battery, of course, is unclean thing, but it is better to work hard and remove it from the car to charge.

Then wipe the battery housing with a rag. When he is under the hood, dust sticks on it, dirt, oil falls, electrolyte evaporates from the cans and condenses on the lid. All this forms a conductive layer that increases the AKB self-discharge. All this we can do anything, but, it means that I rub it completely. Partially get rid of these contaminants during operation will help.

What will be needed for competent battery charging:

  • charger;
  • multimeter;
  • hydrometer.

To understand how much charge car batteryYou need to know about the basic ways of charging the battery. Conditionally, you can select three methods:

  • dock charge. This method is well suited for deep discharges of the battery. It allows the maximum to restore the battery capacity. Charging time is quite long enough;
  • the charge with constant voltage. Most of the charging devices use such a way in automatic charging mode. Easier and faster than the first way;
  • accelerated charging. This mode may be needed in a situation when there is no time to complete the battery charging. Using this method, the battery quickly gains the capacity required to start the engine.

Now consider these ways in more detail, and find out how much you need to charge the battery in each of them.

Attention! When working with the battery, do not forget about safety technician. Electrolyte is diluted sulfuric acid. Since this is a caustic substance, you need to work with it in gloves and protective glasses. Account should be charged in a well-ventilated room due to hydrogen release. Near the charge site is prohibited to carry out welding, cutting and other works associated with open flame and sparks.

How much to charge the battery direct current?

The meaning of this method of charging the battery is that the process is divided into several stages. At each stage, the constant strength of the current is maintained. The inconvenience of this option is that the process must be constantly monitored, measure the voltage and adjust the current strength. That is, "enable and forget" will not work. In addition, this will require a charger with an adjustable current.

Therefore, arrow the multimeter and act according to the following scheme:

  • first stage. The current is set 0.1 from the rated capacity of the battery. For distributed on passenger cars Akb 60 A-h should set the value of 6 amps. This current force must be maintained to a voltage of 14.4 volts. Use the multimeter to control;
  • second step. The value of 14.4 volts is not chosen by chance. Upon reaching this stress, the electrolysis of water is dramatically increasing, as a result of which water decays to oxygen and hydrogen. Therefore, at the second stage, the charge current decreases twice. In our case, up to 3 amps;
  • third stage. When the stress increases to 15 volts on the battery, the current must be reduced by 2 times (1.5 amps). At this stage, check the voltage once in 1─2 hours. If it remains constant and active gas release is observed in banks, the charging process can be stopped.

As you can see, in this case it is difficult to say how much charging the car battery. Everything will depend on how much the battery has been discharged. Also affects the age of the battery, the degree of its sulfation. This will depend on how well it will take the charge. In addition, over time, the battery loses part of its capacity due to sulfate plates. Accordingly, the smaller the battery capacity, the faster it will be charged.
We also recommend reading how it is held.

How much to charge the battery at constant voltage

Here, the essence is to supply a constant voltage to the battery conclusions. The charging process will go through the leveling of stresses on the conclusions of the battery and the terminals of the charger. Here the degree of charge will be determined from the voltage that is supplied to the battery.

This scheme is used in charging devices with automatic operation mode. As charging, the internal resistance of the battery is growing and the current is reduced. The stop occurs when the current drops to 200 mA, which corresponds to the current of the self-discharge. In the future, you can leave the battery connected to the memory. When the charge decreases, the device will turn on and recharge it. Plus, the control of human control is not required. The device independently stops charging.

Here you can already estimate how many hours to charge the car battery, with different values \u200b\u200bof the supplied voltage:

  • voltage 14.4 volts. After 24 hours, the 12 volt battery charges about 80 percent;
  • voltage 15 volts. For 24 hours, the battery charges about 90 percent;
  • 16 volts voltage. With this voltage in 24 hours the battery can be charged almost completely.

In order not to damage the battery at the initial stage with a lot of current, the torture manufacturers make protection in their devices. The device itself reduces the current to safe values.

This battery charging method is used in cases where you need to quickly restore the capacity at least one engine start. To do this, in many modern chargers there is boost mode. When you turn on this mode, the charging is given an enlarged current. In this case, the charging time of the automotive battery required to start the motor is about 20 minutes.

If there is no such mode on your memory, but there is the ability to adjust the current, then you can make an increased value yourself. But do not put the current value more than 30% of the usual charging current. That is, with normal charging 4 ampere, do not put a current of more than 5.5 amps. This adversely affects the state of the rechargeable battery plates.

Accelerated charging should be applied only in emergency situations when it is necessary to urgently start the car. After the trip we advise you to fully charge the battery in normal mode.

Control degree of battery

When monitoring the battery voltage by a multimeter, as mentioned above, we get an approximate view of the degree of charging. To find out how much the battery is charged, the electrolyte density should be measured. To do this, you will need a carometer.

The electrolyte density needs to be measured in all banks and evaluate the degree of charging by the average value. Density in banks should be approximately the same with minor deviations. In detail about measuring the density of the electrolyte can be found in the article "".

Below you can see the electrolyte density charge compliance table.

Account degree,%
Electrolyte density, g / cm. cube (+15 gr. Celsius)Voltage, in (in the absence of load)Voltage, in (with a load of 100 a)Account degree,%Frozening temperature of electrolyte, gr. Celsius
1,11 11,7 8,4 0 -7
1,12 11,76 8,54 6 -8
1,13 11,82 8,68 12,56 -9
1,14 11,88 8,84 19 -11
1,15 11,94 9 25 -13
1,16 12 9,14 31 -14
1,17 12,06 9,3 37,5 -16
1,18 12,12 9,46 44 -18
1,19 12,18 9,6 50 -24
1,2 12,24 9,74 56 -27
1,21 12,3 9,9 62,5 -32
1,22 12,36 10,06 69 -37
1,23 12,42 10,2 75 -42
1,24 12,48 10,34 81 -46
1,25 12,54 10,5 87,5 -50
1,26 12,6 10,66 94 -55
1,27 12,66 10,8 100 -60

Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much charging the car battery. And the specific time is already determined depending on the degree of charging the battery and its condition. In conclusion, you can give a pair of recommendations.

Charging a constant current is best used in case of a strong battery discharge. So he will acquire a more complete and uniform charge. Charging at constant voltage is used with a small charging.

In addition, in the case of automatic shutdown, in this mode, the battery can be stored. In idle due to the current leakage, the battery will be discharged and the internal resistance will fall. The memory will turn on and recharge the battery. As a result, you will have a fully charged battery.

If you have questions about the topic or additions, then write in the comments below.

The need for charging a car battery occurs in many motorists. As a rule, the problem of the discharge of the battery is manifested in the cold season, because in the frost, the battery is discharged much faster. To prevent accelerated battery wear, it must charge a certain time. How much to charge charger And for what reasons it is discharged - read below.


Causes of battery discharge

It is necessary to consider the period of time that the charged device does not fail prematurely. The charge time of batteries is determined by several factors that we will tell later. And first let's see for what reasons the battery is discharged. The discharge of the battery begins from the moment when the driver includes ignition, while not a motor motor. After starting the engine, the battery will feed the generator assembly, ignifies its charge.

In what other situations arises the importance of using the charger:

  1. Batteries are always discharged in the cold. For low temperaturesah increases a self-discharge current.
  2. If a bad alarm is used in the car. In general, the use of the anti-theft system is not particularly reflected on the discharge of the battery, however, there is still a small rank. And if you use satellite alarms, then the discharge will be even faster. So if you put on your car "tricky" signal with a large functionality, you must take care of installing a more powerful battery.
  3. The use of low-quality acoustics consuming a lot of voltage. This is especially true of Mulomanov's car owners who put amplifiers, subwoofers and other "pribluda" to obtain high-quality sound.
  4. Electrical equipment works incorrectly. If the machine is incorrectly functioning the starter, rubber, coil, all kinds of blocks, then it can also be the cause. All these components are interconnected, so the breakage of one of them will lead to the incorrect operation of others.
  5. Incorrect operation of the generator node. If the generator is wrong, the battery may be discharged significantly faster. The reasons why the node may not work correctly, there may be many, usually all of them are due to the failure of certain structural elements. For example, a breakdown of a diode bridge or brushes wear. Also, the node can badly fill the battery charge with a weakened belt.
  6. The most frequent reason for our compatriots is a violation of the rules for using the device at 55, 60, 70 Ah. A bright example - before putting the car in the parking lot, the driver rides with the oven, headlights, other consumers, the music at the same time works at full volume. If there is a lot of energy consumers, the generator will not be able to feed them all - then the battery helps him. Driving up to the parking lot, the driver is just jamming the engine, turning off all the consumers. The charge that spent the battery for their nutrition will not have time to recover. Therefore, before driving the engine, it is recommended to disable all consumers for a few minutes and ride on the machine with a disconnected stove, acoustics, if possible, you need to turn off the optics.

The principle of charging AKB

How many hours should the device should be charged for 60 or 55 Ah, why is it loaded for a long time? If you are interested in how much time it may be required to perform this task, let's understand in principle of charging. Memory by 60, 55, 70 or another ACH is a node direct currentwhich at the exit gives 14.4 volts. This is the amount of voltage used for a full charge.

In that case, if the device is 60 Ah recharges, the indicator of its resistance increases, and the current parameter, on the contrary, is reduced. When the voltage value on the device increases to 12 V, and the current will decrease to a value of 0, we can assume that the recharging process is completed (the author of the video is the battery channel).

What should be the charging time

If you are wondering how much time to charge a car battery, then we can provide recommendations that will allow you to answer the answers of this question. If you do not know how much you need to keep the memory included to the battery, then it should be paid attention to the strength of the device. This value must correspond to 10% of the volume of the device as a whole - with a capacity of about 70 Ah, the device must be charged with a current of 7 amps, in which case the task will be required for about 10 hours.

To accurately answer the question how long it is necessary to charge the device, you need to get acquainted with the service book to the memory and take into account the specifics of the battery itself - just so you can make the right output. Instructions in any case will need to be studied because it will tell you what it will be necessary to set the current to pay attention to. It should be borne in mind that each memory has its own characteristics and characteristics that may differ. On average, in order to fill the battery charge, it takes from 8 to 15 hours.

Photo gallery "Charge the battery"

Emergency charging, when there is no time to wait

There are such situations where the motorist cannot wait 8 hours until the device is fully charged. This is especially true for those car enthusiasts who have encountered the problem of completely sex batteries, as a result of which even the start of the engine will be impossible. If you hit this situation and do not know what to do, then you do not need to despair. We will tell you how to start the car engine after 10 minutes after the start of charging.

To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. First dismantle the battery from the car, turning off all the terminals and twisting the mount.
  2. Remove the battery and connect the charger to it.
  3. Then, on the device, set the value of the current strength, it should be 10% more from the tank. For example, you can take 10 amps.
  4. Then the memory must be included in the network and wait about 10-15 minutes.
  5. After this time, the battery needs to be disconnected from the charger and install in the car, securingly fixing in the installation site and connecting the terminals.

If you manage to run the engine, in the near future we recommend using the car, not including energy consumers. Of course, if it dark time The day, then without optics it will not be possible, but the stove or air conditioner is better not to include, the same applies to the audio system. This will partially fill the battery charge by the generator.

Video "What you need to know about voltage measurement?"

Detailed and visual instructions on how to measure voltage on the battery is given on the video below (the author of the roller - the VAZ channel 2101-2107 Repair and maintenance).

Modern smartphones extremely actively spend the battery energy, if you compare them with conventional push-button phones. Why? The main source of power consumption is the screen - than it is greater than the above its permission, the higher the energy consumption. And this is only the main source, and there is still a lot of extra. Accordingly, the smartphone is usually accounted for 1 time per day or two days. How much exactly should it charge?

You must understand that there is no exact answer to this question, because it all depends, firstly, from the device model that you are going to charge, and secondly, from the situation in which you have to charge the gadget. What does it mean? So this is what, depending on the charging method, the gadget can be charged different times. So, if you use the corporate charger and charge the smartphone from the network, it can be charged, say, 3 hours with full discharge up to 100%. If this is done from the USB port of the computer, the specified digit can be multiplied by 1.5-2, and all because USB technology provides only a certain current strength than limits the charging speed of the device.

To speak as a whole, the complete charging of the smartphone from the network lasts, on average, 1.5-3 hours. Accordingly, if a smartphone has a battery with a capacity of 1500 mAh, he will certainly charge much faster than the smartphone with a capacity of 3000 mAh battery.

Want a more specific example? Let's take the iPhone of several generations.

That's what we did:

  • iPhone 5SE, 6, 6S: 2 hours 10 minutes
  • iPhone 6 Plus, 6s Plus: 3 hours 40 minutes
  • iPhone 7: 2 hours 20 minutes
  • iPhone 7 Plus: 3 hours 40 minutes

The above is the approximate average of the iPhone charging time from 0 to 100%, but once again remind you that these data are only approximate and may vary.

There is no such motorist, which at least once in life has not swallowed on what the light is worth the battery. Especially vigorous frosty in the morning, when it is necessary to go somewhere urgently. There is nothing to swear, in almost all cases the driver itself is to blame. And to some extent, the manufacturer and advertising disinformation, which began to teach drivers, especially the young green, to the fact that the battery is an eternal plastic box, the main thing is to buy it up and then it will be forever. Well, yes, forever. Until the next replacement, until the next bestseller "Ka-ka" or "Battery, which is beyond the time". In order not to give marketers to hang us on the ears noodles, you need to know the basic things that will save from rash shopping, will extend the life of the battery, but they will add some inevitable troubles.

What is the maintenance-free battery

The maintenance-free battery is the term that marketers invented, and it can relate only to a battery for AAA flashlight. Absolutely all car batteries, even the most "maintenance-free", necessarily require attention, otherwise two years later you will have to buy a new maintenance-free battery. The average life expectancy of the average battery is 6-7 years. This is if it devotes proper attention to him and not allow full discharge, showering plates, boiling, freezing, density drops.

All batteries that stand today on the counters are divided into three types:

  • lead, minority;
  • calcium;
  • hybrid.

Their names are determined by the composition of the plates from which the battery is typed. Leading less than all are afraid of complete discharges, but are susceptible to self-discharge. Calcium is only called so because the composition of their plates there is a small part of calcium, you can kill them literally for two - three complete discharge.

Video Tutorial on non-servant batteries

The most expensive are hybrid, and they are less than all others subject to self-discharge and are not so afraid of a complete discharge. The fact is that the term "maintenance free" is an exclusively consumer concept. The manufacturer itself does the main battery, fully seating the case and overlapping access to battery banks. In their design, the minimum possibility of loss of electrolyte density is provided, but it is simply impossible to completely exclude its bumping or evaporation. Only here to fasten the electrolyte or check its density humanly does not produce.

Service maintenance

So you are maintenance free. Charge at least the battery will have to be charged. And it is also desirable to check the density in each bank, monitor the level of electrolyte and prevent the charging current drop. Here is another mythical term, which firmly sat down in the consciousness of the motorist - the battery capacity, which is measured in amps-hours. Should disappoint you. What is served by the consumer, as a container, is actually a charge current, and in no way.

Non-servant battery - conditional name

The container is known, is measured in the Farades, and has nothing to do with the work of the current for a while. To be accurate, then 1 Farad is 1 pendant divided by 1 volt. This will tell any reference book on electrical engineering, and even serious battery manufacturers are quietly hinting about it. But we would not seriously refer to manufacturers who share amperes on the clock (a / h) and result in a container. But this so, by the way. The main thing we led to non-servant batteries It does not happen, and their at least need to be charged. Now we'll figure it out than how much.

Proper charger

Charging There is a sea - from miniature and cheap, to full-fledged battery charging stations. It is very important to keep in mind that some devices charge the battery with a constant current value, while others are constant voltage. Both the other type of devices cannot provide high-quality charge recovery. The memory with a constant value of the current is well charged by the battery, but it will definitely overheat the electrolyte, and the device with a constant voltage does not charge the battery completely. Consequently, the best, most efficient and correct will be used by the charger with the automatic current and voltage control function.

I will not go into details, but such devices charge the battery in a constant value of the current to a certain value, then charging to the end with a constant voltage when the current for the current is dropped.

From the point of view of consumer qualities, there are charges of impulse and transformer. Last heavy and huge, but reliable and accurate. Impulse memory are very compact, but it is quite difficult to choose the optimal model, since the charging quality is highly dependent on the quality of the parts and the level of device execution. A cheap Chinese pulse memory you can only handle a good battery.

Charge battery good device quite simple. The main thing is to comply with the basic rules, not to confuse the terminals and in no case do not remove the battery from the car during the engine running, because it can be burned half the electrical equipment. If there is a socket in the garage, then it is not necessary to remove the battery. It is enough to turn off the terminals, and you can proceed to charging.

How much charge car battery

We did not begin the conversation with the "non-servitude" of batteries. It is at the time of charging that we need to control the level of electrolyte and ensure the free breathing of each of the cans. Some batteries hide the plugs under beautiful stickers, on some plugs under the lid. But in any case, before connecting the battery to the device, you need to check the level of the electrolyte in each bank and, if necessary, add distilled water to the maximum level. If this is not done, the plates during charging are simply burned, and the battery will be unusable. One more thing an important rule - Do not connect terminals when the memory is turned on.

Focusing in the process of charging, of course, it is possible by the device readings. Each of them has at least two LEDs - red and green. On the models of the class higher, it is necessary to control the process according to the ammeter and voltmeter. Although it is not necessary to know, but the charge current must be 10% of the claimed capacity of the AKB, which is denoted by how the ACH. Consequently, if we are dealing with a 55 hour battery, then the charge current must be 5.5 A.

Charging time, of course, depends on the degree of discharge of the battery. If the battery is completely completely, it can be charged for at least a day. But it is worth remembering that the charge is no longer able to lead more than 24-26 hours. The average charging time is 12-15 hours, but again, you need to follow the current. If the current does not decrease over the last last hours of charging - the battery is already in the charged state.

With serviced batteries, everything is much more complicated, since the level and density of the electrolyte, the air temperature at which the car is operated, of course, the type of battery is operated. Since the calcium serviced battery requires more charging current, and in the conditions of an on-board electrical system, it cannot obtain a qualitative charge, regardless of the capacity at least 55a, at least 60a, but the charging voltage in such batteries should be at least 14.7 volts.

Follow the battery, servicing it is maintenance free, then the battery will last much longer than its declared 5 years.

Correct Car Battery Charger

Over time, before each car owner, the charge of the battery is necessarily faced. Basically, the problem is exacerbated with the onset of the autumn-winter period. This is due to the fact that the discharge of the battery under conditions of low temperatures occurs significantly faster. And if it does not pay enough attention to the battery, it can deliver unpleasant moments in the future.

Battery preparation for charging

Battery designed to charge, you need to remove from the car, clean from dirt and dust. A strongly contaminated surface of the AKB may be the cause of rapid discharge. Clearing the terminal contacts of the battery can be done using sandpaper. It will remove the oxide film and make a charge better.

After cleaning the battery, it is necessary to check the presence of electrolyte in battery banks. And only on served batteries. The electrolyte must completely close the plates in the banks of the battery and be at the level of special tags. If its level is insufficient, then bring it to the norm with the help of a special pear.

Working with electrolyte, it is necessary to observe precautions. Sulfuric acid is a highly toxic substance capable of causing chemical burns. Therefore, all the work associated with acid is carried out using personal protective equipment.

Follow an important point Is checking the electrolyte density. With a fully charged battery, the density should be:
1.28 - 1.31 for cold climate.

1.23 - 1.26 for warm climate

Check is performed using a steamer representing glass flask With a scale located inside. After bringing the electrolyte density to normal by adding electrolyte or distilled water, you can move to the next step.

To get a qualitatively charged battery, it must be completely discharged. A quick discharge of the battery can be obtained if you give it a load. She can serve as a light bulb connected to battery terminals. After the bulb goes out, you can start charging the battery.

Accumulator charging

When connecting the charger to the battery terminals, you need to follow the following sequence:
1. Connecting the charger wires to the battery terminals, in compliance with polarity.

2. Connect the charger to the network.

3. Turning on the memory.

Disconnection After the charge is completed in the reverse order. These rules require mandatory execution. When charging the battery occurs chemical reactionaccompanied by hydrogen release. Random spark can lead to fire.

For a deep discharge battery, two steps are required, the same rule applies to a new battery. At the first stage, the current is exhibited, equal to ten percent of the battery capacity. For example: if the battery has a capacity of 75 amps-hours, the current of the current is displayed on the charger must correspond to 7.5 amperes. The process continues until the voltage on the current collecting terminals reaches 14.4 volts. After that, current strength is reduced by half for new battery, and 2-3 times for newly charged.

A partially discharged battery can be charged with a single-stage way. All time charging produce in one current equal to the tenth of the battery capacity. A sign of the end of charge, as in the first case, there will be a rapid gas empowerment. The final phase of charging, except for gasmaking in banks, is characterized by the following features:
The electrolyte density remains constant for three hours.

The voltage on the terminals of the battery is 15-16 volts, which corresponds to 2.5-2.7 volts for each bank, remaining constant for three hours.

In the process of charge, it is necessary to monitor the electrolyte density, as well as to regularly check the degree of heating AB. It is impossible to be heated above forty-five degrees. If this threshold is exceeded, you need to reduce the charge indicators or stop the process for a while, until the temperature is reduced to 30 degrees. The electrolyte level should also be monitored visually.

Charge time

The charging time of the battery depends on several factors, this is the temperature of the ambient air, the degree of discharge, etc. On average, this process lasts for ten o'clock. Some car owners, based on their own experience, advise you to increase this time until fifteen hours. The process is quite long, but only such a time allows you to ensure the full battery performance.

In order to thoroughly figure out what time it is necessary for the charge, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of the charging devices. To date, the distribution received two types charger:
4. DC

5. Distant voltage

Purchases recently, the charging constant voltage recently carry out the entire cycle within five hours. As a rule, it is Chinese production, where the principle of constant voltage is applied. During the charge, this device gives more voltage than recommended. In the first hour of charging, the current is 25-30 amps. The rechargeable battery current of such strength withstands and charging occurs much more intensively, but the discharge comes much faster. The fall in the current current accounts for the first 3-4 hours of charging, the voltage remains constant for the entire remaining period. By the end of the cycle, the degree of charge is ninety percent.

The use of such memory is undesirable, except in emergency cases. High currents in the first hours of work very quickly remove the battery. The destruction of plates and closed banks are the consequence of such charging.

The advantages of such memory can include a fully automatic charge cycle, it does not require any adjustments.

The highest quality charge cycle for served by batteries is given a DC charger. Mostly these memory domestic production. They are convenient to set the necessary indicators is not problems. To complete the cycle, a long time is required, but this option will extend the operation time of theB.

Unhaperant ab.

Such rechargeable batteries Quite seriously different from previously described. They cannot determine the electrolyte level or determine the density.

Charge such AB is possible, but there are several features:
There is no ability to control boiling, as the body is completely sealed.

There is no possibility to determine the density.

Couples are removed through a special valve embedded in the housing.

The main problem is how to calculate the duration of the cycle and understand how much your battery is discharged. This can be done using a multimeter and easy computing.

A fully charged AB has a voltage of 12.7 volts, and the fully discharged indicators will be 1 volt below. If you take 1 volt per 100 percent of charging, we obtain that each 0.1 volt will be equal to ten percent of the main indicator. That is, if a voltmeter showed 12.2 volts when measured, then the discharge of the AB is fifty percent.

It is possible to determine the lost container using the calculation, on the example of a capacity of 60 amps-hours. If the category is about fifty percent of the total capacity, then 30 amp-hours remains as the basis of AB.
To replenish the missing fifty percent of the tank, you must submit 30 amps-hours. If you do this in one hour, there is an opportunity to spoil Ab. If we take as a basis the recommended number of ten percent of the tank, and it is 60 amps-hours, then the missing 30 amp-hours divided by 6 amps-hours, give us 5 hours. This is the period during which AB will restore the lost capacity.

There is an indicator on non-serviced batteries, it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of performance of the battery. By itself, the indicator is an embedded outometer. It often happens that after servicing a green "light bulb" does not light up. The reason can be a dirt that fell into the middle of the ball moves. But there is not a lot of shaking the body and it will take his place. The indicator has three modes:

Green in the window, reports a fully charged battery, and it is possible to use it in normal mode.

White color signals a low level of electrolyte, the cause may be a frequent recharge and a possible gas emission through the valve.

Red color signals a critical discharge and requires mandatory maintenance.

Major faults affecting service life

The quick output of the battery is often due to improper operation and late service.

The main faults should be attributed:
Destruction of plates.

Short circuit.


Electrolyte pollution.

Intense self-discharge.


The destruction of the plates occurs in the consequence of the wrong approach to the charge of the battery. The retreat from the rules for using the memory can also lead to such a malfunction.

Short circuit - a frequent malfunction, symptoms are a decrease in density and voltage drop.

Sulfatization - this malfunction contributes to the insufficient level of electrolyte, high density., As well as long-term storage in the discharged state. With such a malfunction, it is practically not subject to recovery.

Electrolyte pollution occurs mainly due to violations of maintenance and repair rules.

Intensive self-discharge is a consequence of incorrect operation of on-board equipment, the use of equipment that is not designed for similar loads, strong contamination of the surface of the AKB.

The ignition may appear as a result of incorrect connection to the charger. If you turn on the battery to the opposite poles of the old sample, the ransom will be guaranteed.


In conclusion, it should be noted that a certain time for charging the battery with different capacity indicators does not exist, it depends on several indicators. The calculation is not much difficult. Practice shows that 5-6 hours are clearly not enough to get a fully charged battery. Unhurried charging will be a guarantee long operation And will extend the life to your battery.

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How much time do you need to charge a phone, laptop or other techniques where batteries are used? Would you like to know, but it can be calculated very quickly and just online calculator. How much should you charge across the time of the battery? The battery capacity is measured in milliamperes per hour, its manufacturers write on the body of the product, and on the charger there are also data on current generation according to this device (ml.A). If you split the container on the charging current, then you will get time in hours. But this is another non-configuration result, because the efficiency of the device should be taken into account, that is, multiply the result of the division by 1.4.

Calculating battery charging will look as follows: T \u003d 1.4 C / i. There are indicators of charging time, capacity and charge of the charger. In practice, these data may differ by interest 20, because the charging time of the battery depends on the quality of products, proper formatting and ambient temperature.

The easiest way is to use the device with automatic controlBut in this case, a slow current can occur, therefore it is not necessary to leave the battery on the charger after a complete charge.

Each such product has its own lifetime, which is determined by the number of recharging cycles. This value depends on the type of battery. Because if you constantly underwrite the device, you can significantly reduce the operation time of the product. To save it in integrity and use for a long time it is necessary to make the correct calculation of the battery charging time

Effective online calculator

It is concerned about how many hours you need to charge batteries, there is a logical and simple answer. Due to the simple formula, the result counting can be obtained in a few seconds to obtain the necessary data. To do this, enter the battery capacity and charger in the table. Press the "Calculate" button and take the ready answer.

ATTENTION: The resulting value must be multiplied by a coefficient greater than 1, because part of the energy goes into heat and is lost, especially at temperatures below zero. When calculating the battery charge of nickel batteries interest ratio 1,4.

The battery discharge voltage should not be less than 0.9V regardless of the discharge current. In most devices, the threshold value is determined automatically.

You can interrupt the charge, but the general value should not be less than the calculated. In the process of charge, the body of the device can be heated, the limiting temperature is 55 degrees. In this case, the device switches from the main charge mode in the processing. The temperature is reduced and the process is updated.

And how much do you need to charge batteries after purchased?

When buying a new device, charging was carried out half, and therefore the first three times it is necessary to fully discharge the device, until it is turned off, and then charge it full power About 12 o'clock following the invested instructions from the manufacturer. Fully the battery is charged for 3-4 hours, and at the following time it is recharged by slow current to the total limit. After three full-fledged recharge cycles, the device enters the operating mode, and there is no need to wait for its full discharge or charge.

Online calculation of the battery charging time on our site will help very quickly get required resultwhich will tell each user how much you need to charge batteries, so that they functioned smoothly for a long time.

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