Home Torkemose Make a stepper engine with your own hands. Wind generator from the old scanner. Windmill from Motor Wheel and Magnets

Make a stepper engine with your own hands. Wind generator from the old scanner. Windmill from Motor Wheel and Magnets

Creating a wind generator It does not necessarily mean the manufacture of a large and powerful complex capable of providing electricity whole home or consumer group. It can be made, which is, in fact, a valid model of a serious installation. The purpose of such an event may be:

  • Acquaintance with the basics of wind power.
  • Joint learning classes with children.
  • An experimental sample that anticipates the construction of a large installation.

The creation of such a windmill will not require the use of a large number of materials or tools, you can do with appliant means. It is not necessary to count on the production of serious energy volumes, but for the power of a small lamp on the LEDs can be enough. The main problem that exists when creating is a generator. It is difficult to create independently, since the size of the device is small. The easiest to use to use it in the generator mode.

Homemade stepper-based windmill

Most often, when production of low-power wind generators Use stepper electric motors. The feature of their design is in the presence of several windings. Usually, depending on the size and destination, engines are made with 2, 4 or 8 windings (phases). When the voltage is applied to them, the shaft turns accordingly to a certain angle (step).

The advantage of stepper motors is the ability to produce quite high current at low speeds. The generator from the stepper motor can be installed an impeller without any intermediate devices - gear, gearboxes, etc. Electricity generation will be made with the same efficiency as on devices of another design with the use of increases.

The difference in speeds is very significant - to obtain the same result, for example, on the collector engine, the speed of rotation is required 10 or 15 times more.

It is believed that with the help of a generator from the stepper motor, you can charge batteries or batteries of mobile phones, but in practice, positive results are extremely rare. Basically, power supplies are obtained for small lamps.

The disadvantages of stepper motors include a significant effort required to start rotation. This circumstance reduces the sensitivity of the whole that can be somewhat adjusted by increasing the area and scope of the blades.

You can find such engines in old drives for flexible media, in scanners or printers. Alternatively, you can purchase a new engine if the desired device will not be in the reserve. For a larger effect, you should choose larger engines, they are able to produce quite a lot of tension so that it can be somehow used.

Wind generator from the details from the printer

One of the appropriate options is the use of a stepper motor from the printer. It can be removed from the failed old device, in each printer at least two such engines. Alternatively, you can buy a new, non-operating. It is able to produce power about 3 watts even at low wind, typical of most regions of Russia. The voltage that can be achieved is 12 or more in, which allows you to consider the device as the ability to charge batteries.

Stepper engine Gives alternating voltage. For a user, you must first straighten it. It will be necessary to create a diode rectifier, for which 2 diode will be required for each coil. You can directly connect the LED to the conclusions of the coil, with sufficient speed of rotation, this is enough.

The rooter impeller is easiest to install directly on the motor shaft. To do this, it is necessary to make a central part capable of close to the shaft. Imaging impeller fixation is needed to drill the hole and cut the threads in it. Subsequently, a locking screw is screwed into it.

For the manufacture of blades, polypropylene sewage pipes are usually used or other suitable materials. The main condition is low weight and sufficient strength, since the blades are sometimes gaining quite a decent speed. The use of unreliable materials can create an undesirable situation when the impeller falls apart on the go.


Typically produced 2 blades, but you can make more. It must be remembered that the large area of \u200b\u200bthe blades increases the windmill cyserBut in parallel with this, the front load on the impeller transmitted by the engine shaft increases. The manufacture of small blades is also not recommended, as they will not be able to overcome the shaft sticking at the start of rotation.

For the possibility of rotating the windmill around the vertical axis, a special node must be made. The complexity in this is the need to ensure the fixability of the cable that comes from the generator. Since the device has, rather, decorative purpose, usually fit the question easier - the consumer is installed directly on the generator body, eliminating the presence of a long cable. Otherwise, you will have to mount the system like a brush manifold, which is irrational and requires a large amount of time.


The collected windmill must be installed on a height of at least 3 meters. Wind streams near the surface of the Earth have an unstable direction caused by turbulence. Lifting to some height will help get more uniform streams. For an independent installation on the wind along the axis of rotation, the tail stabilizer playing the role of the fluger is installed. It is made from any piece of plastic, aluminum plate or other progenic material.

Usually blowing a light breeze, but my mini windmill is periodically spinning to very large revolutions, the screw rotates at such a speed that it is practically not visible, though, with such revolutions, the bastings rocate can be rocked. Now this windmill supports in working condition an old, but the working battery so that he does not discharge. The maximum power of the windmill is only up to 100m, it may be possible to give out and more, but we usually blow with a small wind, and frozen on the usual breeze.

The design of such windmills spied on the same overseas site and decided to repeat, and this baby was born. As a generator, a stepper motor from a long time of non-working and drifting in my inkjet printer was used. Obraveling him twisted the fiberglass. Further I looked, turned it, twisted with my hands, I remembered how much it gives, I gave very little, but the volts rose above 12, which means he couldoretically charge the battery.

Next, from the transistor made a mount for the blades. The transistor drilled on the diameter of the shaft on which the gear nozzle was becoming, in general under its size. She put on the tree of the transistor, drowned glue and twisted making sure that everything is smooth. Then finally fixed with the help of epoxy. Divorced a little and flooded the hole of the transistor, additionally defended the motor from the bad weather shrouding holes in the motor. Below is the photo of this generator.

Next, from the segment of PVC pipes, with a diameter of 110mm, cut the blade, the billet was drawn on the pipe, which cut out the cutting machine. The sizes took the exemplary width turned out to be 9cm, and the scope of the screw is 48cm. Drilled holes and screwed the screw to the motor-generator with the help of small bolts.

As a basis, it used a segment of a 55-to-one PVC pipe, then cut the tail from the plywood, and added a piece from 110-TUN. Motor inserted inside the pipe. After the assembly, it turned out such a wind power station. Immediately gathered a rectifier. So, as this motor did not want to give a lot of volts on small revolutions, I collected according to the doubling scheme and turned on sequentially.

Diodes took HER307, capacitors - 3300mKF

The scheme looked into polyethylene and put a rectifier into the pipe, then the engine and tied it with a wire through the drilled holes, the space stalled with silicone. So, Silicone then stalked all the holes on top, and the bottom drilled one hole just in case, so that if the water is glass, and the condensate evaporated.

The tail secured through the bolt, the semicircular tail inserted and tied to the wire, it is so firmly held. Found the center of gravity, drilled (dia. 9mm.) I still drilled dia. 6mm Two bolts M10, through, under the axis. (M10 bolts here serve as the "bearing" of the axis) screwed on top and bottom of the M10 bolts into the pipe, smeared the long bolt M6 solidol and twisted everything, it turned out quite rustling. The bolt-axis (M6) screwed to the corner, and its stick. From above on the M10 bolt dressed on silicone cork, now the axis of the water is not afraid. All wind generator is made.

For the mast took several storces. who twisted the screws, secured the windmill and raised to the wind. Connected to the battery, charging comes, but very weak, supports the battery from a natural discharge. Since the yard is spinning, I was satisfied, at least I would know where the wind blows. This option is - as it is said on that site - Little Weekend Project, then-there is a small project for the weekend, for the pleasure of a thread to pick up, the more I am not I spent a penny ... glue is not counting. So, in theory, a couple of small LEDs will be lit, or a mobile phone in a couple of days to charge, but most likely such a weak current will take the phone for bad contact and turn off by writing a bad connection on the display.

In the future, if there is a time and a desire can make the courtyard on the lighting, that's just the second one, I will put a small battery, or several batteries. For this, one more stepper remained, only this gives a 2x20 volt from scrolling with hand, but the current is small. And the second - on the brushes, immediately stand. From hand 10 volts, KZ - 0.5 amp. And I will still torment the autogenerator, just the magnets wait.

Every year people keep searching for alternative sources. A homemade power plant from an old automotive generator will be by the way in remote areas where there is no connection to a common network. It will be able to freely charge the batteries, and will also provide the operation of several household appliances and lighting. Where to use the energy that will be developed solve you, and also collect it with your own hands or acquire from manufacturers who are in the market. In this article we will help you to deal with the wind-generator assembly scheme with their own hands from those materials that always have any owner.

Consider the principle of the wind-power plant. A rotor and screws are activated under the rapid wind stream, after the movement comes the main shaft, rotating the gearbox, and then generates. At the exit, we get electricity. Consequently, the higher the speed of rotation of the mechanism, the greater the performance. Accordingly, when locating designs, take into account the terrain, relief, know the areas of the territories where the high speed of the vortex.

Instructions for assembly from a car generator

To do this, you need to prepare all the components in advance. The most important element is the generator. It is best to take a tractor or bus, it is able to work out much more energy. But if there is no such possibility, it is most likely to do and more weak aggregates. To build the device you will need:
Relay battery charging
Steel for the manufacture of blades
12 volt battery
Box for wires
4 bolts with nuts and washers
Clamps for fastening

Build a home device for 220V

When everything is needed ready go to the assembly. Each options may have additional details, but they are clearly stipulated directly in the manual.
First, collect a wind wheel - the main element of the design, because this item will transform the wind energy into mechanical. It is best that he has 4 blades. Remember that the smaller their number, the more mechanical vibration and the more difficult it will be balanced. Make them of sheet steel or iron barrel. The form they must be worn out of such as you saw in old mills, but resembling a wing type. They have aerodynamic resistance much lower, and effectiveness is higher. After you with the help of a grinder, cut the windmill with blades with a diameter of 1.2-1.8 meters, it is necessary to attach it with the rotor with the axis of the generator, drill the opening and connecting the bolts.

Assembling the electrical circuit

Fix the wires and connect them directly to the battery and the voltage converter. It is required to use everything that at school in the lessons of physics you were taught to make a mastery when assembling the electrical circuit. Before starting the development, think about which kw you need. It is important to note that without subsequent alteration and the rewind of the stator are not suitable at all, the working turns are 1.2 thousand-6 thousand r / m, and this is not enough to produce energy. It is for this reason that it takes rid of the excitation coil. To raise the voltage level, rewind the stator with a thin wire. As a rule, as a result, the power will be at 10 m / s 150-300 watts. After assembly, the rotor will be good to magnetize, as if the power was connected to it.

Rotary homemade wind generators are very reliable in work and are economically beneficial, the only imperfection is the fear of severe busting of the wind. The principle of work has a simple - whirlwind through the blades causes the mechanism to spin. In the course of these intensive rotations, the energy required to you is produced. Such a power station is a very good way to provide a small house with electricity, of course, to pump water from the well of its power will not be enough, but to watch TV or turn on the light in all rooms with it is possible.

From home fan

The fan itself may be inoperative, but it takes only a few parts from it - this is a rack and screw itself. For the design, you will need a small stepper engine stitching by a diode bridge so that it gives out a constant voltage, a bottle of shampoo, a plastic plumbing tube is about 50 cm long, the plug for it and the lid from the plastic bucket.

On the machine make the sleeve and fix in the connector from the wings of the disassembled fan. The generator will be attached to this bushing. After fixing, you need to do the manufacture of the housing. Cut with a machine or manually bottom from a bottle of shampoo. During cutting, it is also required to leave the hole to 10 so that insert the axis, is turned out of an aluminum rod. Attach it with a bolt and nut to a bottle. After the soldering of all wires was performed, another hole is done in the bottle housing for the output of these wiring. We stretch them and fix them in a bottle from above on the generator. In shape, they must coincide and the bottle body must reliably hide all its parts.

Shank for our device

In order for in the future, he trampled wind streams from different sides, collect the shank, using a pre-prepared tube. The tail part will be fastened with the unscrewed covers from the shampoo. It also make a hole and, pre-put on one end of the tube plug, stretch it and fix it to the main bottle body. On the other hand, the tube is powered with hacksaw and cut out with scissors from the cover of the plastic bucket of the shank wing, it should have a round shape. All you need is simply to trim the edges of the bucket that it attached to the main capacity.

At the rear support panel, we attach a USB output and fold all the parts obtained into one. Fastening the radio or recharge the phone will be possible through this mounted USB port. Of course, it does not possess a strong power from the household fan, but still the lighting of one bulb can provide.

Wind generator with their own hands from the stepper motor

A device from a stepper motor Even with a small rotation speed produces about 3 W. Voltage can rise above 12 V, and this allows you to charge a small battery. As a generator, you can insert a stepping motor from the printer. In this mode, the stepper motor produces an alternating current, and it is easily converted to a constant using several diode bridges and capacitors. The scheme you can assemble yourself. The stabilizer is installed behind the bridges, as a result, we obtain a constant output voltage. To control the visually voltage, you can install the LED. In order to reduce the loss of 220 V, for its straightening, Schottky diodes are applied.

The blades will be from PVC pipe. The workpiece is drawn on the pipe, and then cut out the cutting disk. Scope of the screw should be about 50 cm, and the width is 10 cm. It is necessary to pull the sleeve with the flange under the size of the shaft of the shd. It is planted on the motor shaft and is attached with screws, plastic "screws" will be attached directly to the flanges. Also carry out balancing - from the ends of the wings, pieces of plastic are cut off, the angle of inclination is changed by heating and bending. In the device itself insert a piece of the pipe to which it is also attached by bolts. As for the electric fee, it is better to place it downstairs, and it takes power to it. From a stepper motor over 6 wires, which correspond to two coils. For them, current rings will be needed to transmit electricity from the movable part. By connecting all parts of each other, we turn to the testing of the structure, which will begin turnover at 1 m / s.

Windmill from Motor Wheel and Magnets

Not everyone knows that the wind generator from the motor-wheel can be collected with their own hands in a short time, the main thing is to be in advance the necessary materials. For him, the Rotor of Savonius is best suited, it can be purchased ready or independently. It consists of two half-cylindrical blades and overlap, of which the axis of rotation of the rotor is obtained. Material for their product Select yourself: wood, fiberglass or PVC pipe, which is the simplest and most optimal option. We manufacture the place of connection of parts on which you need to do the mounting holes in accordance with the number of blades. A steel turning mechanism will be required so that the device can withstand any weather.

From ferrite magnets

The wind generator on magnets will be difficult to master in poorly angry masters, but you can still try. So, there must be four poles, each will be two ferrite magnets. It will cover them with a metal overlays of a thickness of a little less than a millimeter for the distribution of a more uniform stream. The main coils should be 6 pieces, rewinded with a thick wire and must be through each magnet, occupying space corresponding to the length of the field. The mounting of the winding patterns can be on the hub from the grinder, in the middle of which is installed in advance.

The flow of energy supply of the height of fixing the stator over the rotor is regulated than it is higher, the smaller the sticking, respectively, the power decreases. For a windmill, you need to weld the support of the rack, and on the stator disk fix 4 large blades that you can cut out of the old metal barrel or the cover from the plastic bucket. With an average rotation speed, it issues up to about 20 watts.

Windmill design on neodymium magnets

If you want to know about creating, you need to make the floor of the car hub with brake disks, such a choice is quite acquitted, because it is powerful, reliable and well balanced. After you see the hub from paint and dirt, go to the arrangement of neodymium magnets. They will be required by 20 pieces on the disk, the size should be 25x8 millimeters.

Magnets need to be placed, taking into account the alternation of the poles, it is better to create a paper template before gluing, or to dig lines dividing the disc on the sector to not confuse the poles. It is very important that they, standing apart opposite each other, were with different poles, that is, they attracted. Glue their super-glue. Raise borders on the edges of the discs, and in the center wound your tape or clamp a plasticine to prevent spreads. In order for the product to work with maximum return, the stator coil should be calculated correctly. An increase in the number of poles leads to an increase in the frequency of the current in the coils, due to this, the device even with a low frequency of turnover gives greater power. Winding coils is carried out by thicker wires, in order to reduce resistance in them.

When the main part is ready, the blades are made, as in the previous case, and fix them to the mast, which can be made of an ordinary plastic pipe with a diameter of 130 mm. In the end, our generator working on the principle of magnetic levitation, with a diameter of one and a half meters and six wings, 8m / s is capable of providing up to 300 W.

Disappointment or expensive vane

Today there are many options to make a device for converting wind energy, each method is effective in its own way. If you are familiar with the method of manufacturing equipment generating energy, it will not matter on the basis of which to do it, the main thing is that it will be answered by the planned scheme, and yielded good power at the output.

In this article, I will describe the entire cycle of the stepping electromotor driver for experiments. This is not a final option, it is designed to manage one electromotor and is necessary only for research, the scheme of the end-driver stepper driver will be presented in a separate article.

In order to make a stepping motor controller, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of the stepping electrical machines themselves and what they differ from other types of electric motors. And the varieties of electrical machines there are a huge set: DC, AC. AC electric motors are divided into simultaneous and asynchronous. I will not describe each type of electric motors, I will not become so, as it goes beyond the scope of this article, I will only say that each type of engine has its advantages and disadvantages. What is a stepper electric motor and how to manage?

The stepping motor is a synchronous brushless motor with several windings (usually with four), in which the current supplied to one of the stator windings causes the rotor fixation. Sequential activation of the engine windings causes discrete angular movements (steps) of the rotor. The conceptual electrical circuit of a stepper motor gives an idea of \u200b\u200bits device.

And in this picture shows the truth table and the step of the step in full-ha-step mode. There are also other modes of operation of stepper motors (semi-adequate, microshop, etc.)

It turns out if you repeat this sequence of ABCD signals you can rotate the electromotor rotor in one direction.
How to rotate the rotor in the other direction? Yes, it is very simple, you need to change the sequence of signals with ABCD to DCBA.
And how to rotate the rotor to a specific specified angle, for example 30 degrees? Each model of the stepping electric motor has such a parameter as the number of steps. At the heads that I pulled out this parameter 200 and 52 from the matrix printers, i.e. To make a complete turn of 360 degrees in one engines, you need to pass 200 steps and to another 52. It turns out to rotate the rotor at an angle of 30 degrees, you need to go through:
-In the first case 30: (360: 200) \u003d 16,666 ... (steps) can be rounded up to 17 steps;
- In the second case, 30: (360: 52) \u003d 4.33 ... (step), you can round up to 4 steps.
As you can see there is a fairly big error, we can conclude that the more steps at the motor, the smaller the error. The error can be reduced if you use a semi-step or micro-drive mode of operation or mechanically - use a lower reducer in this case, the speed of movement suffers.
How to control the speed of rotation of the rotor? It is sufficient to change the duration of the pulses supplied to the ABCD inputs than the longer the pulses along the time axis, the less the rotation speed of the rotor.
I suppose this information will be enough to have a theoretical idea of \u200b\u200bthe operation of stepper electric motors, all other knowledge can be obtained experimenting.
And so let's go to the circuitry. How to work with a stepper engine, we dealt with, it remains to connect it to Arduino and write a control program. Unfortunately, directly connect the winding of the motor to the outputs of our microcontroller is impossible for one simple reason - the lack of power. Any electromotor passes through its windings a sufficiently high current, and the load can be connected to the microcontroller.40 MA (ARDUINOMEGA 2560 parameters). What to do if there is a need to control the load for example 10a and even voltage 220V? This problem can be solved if between the microcontroller and the stepping motor integrate the power electrical circuit, then it will be possible to control at least a three-phase electric motor that opens a multiple hatch into a rocket mine :-). In our case, the hatch in the rocket mine does not need to open, we just need to make a stepper motor work and the stepping motor driver will help us. Of course, you can buy ready-made solutions, there are a lot on the market, but I will do my own driver. To do this, I will need force key key field transistors MOSFET, as I said these transistors are ideal for interfacing Arduino with any loads.
Figure below shows the electrical concept of the stepping motor controller.

I applied as strength keys The IRF634B transistors are the maximum voltage source-flow 250V, flow current 8,1A, this is more than enough for my case. With the scheme, we will less understand the printed circuit board. Painted in the built-in Paint editor, I will say this is not the best idea, next time I will use some specialized and simple editor of printed circuit boards. Below is a drawing of a finished circuit board.

Next, this image in the mirror reflection is printed on paper using a laser printer. The brightness of the print is best to make the maximum, and the paper needs to use not the usual office and glossy, conventional glossy magazines are suitable. We take a leaf and typing over an existing image. Next, the resulting picture apply to a predetermined piece of foil fiberglass and a good stroke in the iron for 20 minutes. Iron need to heat up to maximum temperature.
How to prepare Textolol? Firstly, it needs to be cut into the size of the image of the printed circuit board (with the help of metal scissors or hacking for metal), secondly sanding the edges of small emery paper so that there are no burrs. It is also necessary to walk the sandpaper on the surface of the foil, remove oxides, the foil will acquire a smooth reddish tint. Next, the surface treated with emery paper should be wiped with a cottage moistened to the solvent (use 646 solvent it also stinks).
After warming up the iron, the toner from paper is baked on the surface of the foil glassstolite as an image of contact tracks. After this operation, the paper fee must be cooled to room temperature and put in the bath with water for about 30 minutes. During this time, the paper will rays and it needs to be carefully rolling with the pillows of the fingers from the surface of the textolite. On the surface will remain smooth black traces in the form of contact tracks. If you did not manage to transfer the image from paper and you have flaws, then the toner should be flushed from the surface of the textolite with a solvent and repeat everything again. I did everything from the first time.
After receiving the high-quality image of the tracks, it is necessary to raise the extra copper, for this we will need the etching solution that we will prepare themselves. Previously, for etching printed circuit boards, I used a copper vigorous and a conventional cook salt in a ratio of 0.5 liters of hot water 2 tablespoons with a slide of copper mood and a cook salt. All this was carefully stirred in water and the solution is ready. But this time I tried a different recipe, very cheap and affordable.
Recommended method for the preparation of the pools:
In 100 ml of pharmacy, 3% of hydrogen peroxide dissolves 30 g of citric acid and 2 teaspoons of a cook salt. This solution should be enough to etch the area of \u200b\u200b100 cm2. Salt in the preparation of the solution can not be sorry. Since it plays the role of the catalyst and in the etching process is practically not consumed.
After the preparation of the solution, the printed circuit board must be omitted into the container with the solution and observe the process of etching, the main thing is not to reveal. The solution will eat uncovered toner surface of copper as soon as this will take place to get and rinsed with cold water, then it needs to dry and remove the toner from the surface of the tracks using the rolling and solvent. If your board provides holes for fastening radio components or fasteners, it's time to drill them. I lowered this operation due to the fact that it is just a stepper motor dye intended for the development of new technologies for me.
We proceed to the luggage of the tracks. It must be done to make it easier for soldering. I used to be thin with solder and rosin, but I will say this "dirty" way. From rosin a lot of smoke and slag on the board that will need to wash off the solvent. I applied another method, the lentation of glycerin. Glycerin is sold in pharmacies and worth a penny. The surface of the board must be wiped with a mock-moistened in glycerin and apply fine smears with a solder. The surface of the tracks is covered with a thin layer of solder and remains clean, excess glycerin can be removed with a rut or rinse in water with soap. Unfortunately, I do not have a photo of the result obtained, after the meadow, but the resulting quality is impressive.
Next, you need to solder all radio components on a fee, I used tweezers for soldering SMD components. Glycerin used the flux. It turned out very carefully.
The result is obvious. Of course, after the manufacture, the board looked better, in the photo it is already after numerous experiments (for this it was created).

So our stepping motor driver is ready! Now go to the most interesting to practical experiments. We solder all the wires connect the power supply and write the control program for Arduino.
Arduino development environment is rich in various libraries, to work with a stepper engine there is a special STEPPER.H library, we will use it. How to enjoy the Arduino development environment and describe the syntax of the programming language I will not look at this information at http://www.arduino.cc/, there is also a description of all libraries with examples including the description of Stepper.h.

Listing programs:
* Test program for the headship
#Define Steps 200.

STEPPER STEPPER (STES, 31, 33, 35, 37);

void setup ()
stepper.setspeed (50);

void loop ()
STEPPER.Step (200);
Delay (1000);

This control program makes one full turn of the stepping motor shaft, after a break lasting in one second, repeated to infinity. It is possible to experiment with the speed of rotation, the direction of rotation as well as corners of turns.

Driving on a bike past dacha sites, I saw a working wind generator:

Large blades slowly, but rightly rotated, the fluger oriented the device in the direction of the wind.
I wanted to realize a similar design, albeit not able to produce power sufficient to ensure "serious" consumers, but still working and, for example, charging batteries or feeding LEDs.

Stepper engines

One of the most effective options for a small homemade wind power generator is to use stepper Engine (Shd) (eng. stepping (STEPPER, STEP) Motor) - In such a motor, the shaft rotation consists of small steps. The stepping motor windings are combined into phases. When the current is supplied to one of the phases, the shaft moves one step.
These engines are low-speedand the generator with such an engine can be without a gearbox connected to a wind turbine, a stirling engine or another low-speed power source. When used as a generator of a regular (collector) DC motor to achieve the same results, it would be required 10-15 times a higher speed of rotation.
A feature of the header is a fairly high moment of start (even without electrical load connected to the generator), reaching 40 grams of force on a centimeter.
The efficiency coefficient of the generator from the SD reaches 40%.

To check the performance of the stepper motor, you can connect, for example, a red LED. Rotating motor shaft, you can observe the glow of the LED. The polarity of the connection of the LED does not matter, since the engine produces an alternating current.

We store such sufficiently powerful engines are five-year-free floppy disks, as well as old printers and scanners.

Engine 1.

For example, I have a shd from the old 5.25 "drive worked as part ZX Spectrum - compatible computer "byte".
Such a drive contains two windings, from the ends and the middle of which conclusions are made - the engine is derived from the engine six Wires:

First winding (eng. cOIL 1.) - blue (eng. blue) And yellow (eng. yellow);
Second winding (eng. cOIL 2.) - Red (eng. red) And white (eng. white);
brown (eng. brown.) Wires - Conclusions from midpoints of each winding (eng. center Taps.).

disassembled stepping motor

The engine is visible to the left, on which the "striped" magnetic poles are visible - North and South. It is clearly visible a stator winding, consisting of eight coils.
Half resistance of the winding is ~ 70 ohms.

I used this engine in the original design of my wind generator.

Engine 2.

At my disposal less powerful stepper engine T1319635 Firms Epoch Electronics Corp. From scanner HP Scanjet 2400. It has five Conclusions (Unipolar Motor):

First winding (eng. cOIL 1.) - Orange (eng. orange.) And black (eng. black.);
Second winding (eng. cOIL 2.) - brown (eng. brown.) And yellow (eng. yellow);
red (eng. red) Wire - connected together conclusions from the midpoint of each winding (eng. center Taps.).

Half resistance winding is 58 ohms, which is indicated on the engine housing.

Engine 3.

In the improved version of the wind generator, I used a stepping motor Robotron SPA 42 / 100-558produced in the GDR and the voltage designed for 12 V:

Wind turbine

There are two options for the arrangement of the axis of the impeller (turbine) of the wind generator - horizontal and vertical.

Advantage horizontal(most popular) Location The axes located in the direction of the wind is more efficient use of wind energy, disadvantage - complication of the design.

I chose vertical location axis - Vawt. (vertical Axis Wind Turbine), which significantly simplifies the design and does not require orientation in the wind . This option is more suitable for mounting on the roof, it is much more efficient in the conditions of fast and frequent changes in the direction of the wind.

I used the type of wind turbine, called the Savonius wind turbine (eng. Savonius Wind Turbine.). It was invented in 1922 Sigurd Johannes Savonius (Sigurd Johannes Savonius) From Finland.

Sigurd Johannes Savonius

The work of the Savonius wind turbine is based on the fact that resistance (eng. drag.) The airflow of the air - the wind of the concave surface of the cylinder (blades) is greater than the convex.

Aerodynamic resistance coefficients (english drag Coefficients) $ C_D $

Two-dimensional bodies:

concave half of the cylinder (1) - 2.30
Convex half of the cylinder (2) - 1.20
Flat Square Plate - 1.17
three-dimensional bodies:
concave half hemisphere (3) - 1.42
Convex half hemisphere (4) - 0.38
Sphere - 0.5
The specified values \u200b\u200bare given for Reynolds numbers (English. Reynolds Numbers) In the range of $ 10 ^ 4 - 10 ^ 6 $. The Reynolds number characterizes the behavior of the body in the medium.

Body Resistance Power Air Flow $ (F_D) \u003d ((1 \\ OVER 2) (C_D) S \\ RHO (V ^ 2)) $, where $ \\ rho $ - air density, $ V $ - Airflow speed, $ s $ - body cross section.

Such a wind turbine rotates in the same side, regardless of the direction of the wind:

A similar principle of operation is used in a cup anemometer (eng. cup Anemometer) - Device for measuring wind speed:

Such an anemometer was invented in 1846 by Irish Astronomer John Thomas Romney Robinson ( John Thomas Romney Robinson):

Robinson believed that the cups in its four-stage anemometer were moved at a speed equal to one third of the wind speed. In reality, this value varies from two to a little more than three.

Currently, three-dimensional anemometers developed by Canadian meteorologist John Patterson ( John Patterson.) In 1926:

Generators on DC collector engines with vertical microturbine are sold on eBay. For price about $ 5:

Such turbine contains four blades located along two perpendicular axes, with a diameter of a 100 mm impeller, a height of a blade of 60 mm, a length of chord 30 mm and a 11 mm segment height. The impeller is attached to the DC collector micromotor shaft with marking JQ24-125H670.. The nominal supply voltage of such an engine is 3 ... 12 V.
The energy produced by such a generator is enough for the luminescence of the "White" LED.

Savonius wind turbine rotation speed can not exceed wind speed , but this design is characterized high torque (eng. torque).

The efficiency of the wind turbine can be estimated by comparing the power generated by the wind generator with a power concluded in the wind blowing the turbine:
$ P \u003d (1 \\ Over 2) \\ Rho S (V ^ 3) $, where $ \\ rho $ is air density (about 1.225 kg / m 3 at sea level), $ s $ - oven turbine area (eng. sWEPT Area), $ V $ - wind speed.

My wind turbine

Option 1

Initially, four blades are used in the impeller of my generator in the form of segments (halves) of cylinders cut from plastic pipes:

Size segments -
segment length - 14 cm;
segment height - 2 cm;
The length of the chord segment is 4 cm;

I installed the collected design on a high enough (6 m 70 cm) of a wooden mast from a bar attached by self-drawing to a metal frame:

Option 2.

The lack of a generator was quite high wind speed required for the promotion of the blades. To increase the surface area, I used blades cut from plastic bottles:

Size segments -
segment length - 18 cm;
segment height - 5 cm;
The length of the chord segment is 7 cm;
The distance from the start of the segment to the center of the axis of rotation is 3 cm.

Option 3.

The problem was the strength of the blades holders. At first I used perforated aluminum planks from the Soviet children's designer with a thickness of 1 mm. After a few days of operation, the strong gusts of the wind led to a breakdown of slats (1). After this failure, I decided to cut the holders of the blades from the foil textolite (2) with a thickness of 1.8 mm:

The strength of the textolite for bending is perpendicular to the plate is 204 MPa and comparable with aluminum bending strength - 275 MPa. But the aluminum elastic module $ E $ (70,000 MPa) is much larger than that of the textolite (10,000 MPa), i.e. Texolit is much more elastic aluminum. This, in my opinion, taking into account the greater thickness of the textolite holders, will ensure much greater reliability of the fastening of the wind-generator blades.
The wind generator is mounted on the mast:

Experienced operation of the new version of the wind generator showed its reliability even with severe wind gusts.

The disadvantage of the Savonius turbine is low efficiency - Only about 15% of wind energy is converted to the energy of the shaft rotation (it is much less than it can be achieved with darier wind turbine (eng. Darrieus Wind Turbine.)), using lifting force (eng. lift.). This type of wind turbine was invented by the French aircraft designer George Daria (Georges Jean Marie Darrieus) -uS Patent from 1931 No. 1,835,018 .

Georges Darier

The disadvantage of the turbine Daria is that she has a very bad self-timing (to generate a torque from wind turbine should already be promoted).

Electricity transformation generated by a stepper engine

The conclusions of the stepping motor can be connected to two bridge rectifiers collected from Schottky diodes to reduce the voltage drop on diodes.
You can apply popular Schottky diodes 1N5817. with maximum reverse voltage of 20 V, 1N5819. - 40 V and maximum direct medium straightened current 1 A. I connected rectifier outputs consistently in order to increase the output voltage.
You can also use two rectifiers with a midwater. Such a rectifier requires two times less diodes, but the output voltage decreases twice.
The pulsating voltage is then smoothed using a capacitive filter - a condenser 1000 μF by 25 V. to protect against increased generated voltage parallel to the condenser included Stabilion on 25 V.

scheme of my wind generator

electronic block of my wind generator

Application of the wind generator

The voltage generated by the wind generator depends on the size and constancy of the wind speed.

With wind, pelling thin branches of trees, the voltage reaches 2 ... 3 V.

In the wind, the pelling thick branches of trees, the voltage reaches 4 ... 5 V (with strong gusts - up to 7 V).

Connection to Joule Thief

The smoothed voltage from the wind generator capacitor can be supplied to - low-voltage DC-DC converter

Resistor resistance value R. It is experimentally selected (depending on the type of transistor) - it is advisable to use a variable resistor by 4.7 kΩ and gradually reduce its resistance, achieving stable operation of the converter.
I collected such a converter on the basis of Germany pNP.-Transistor GT308V ( Vt.) and a pulsed transformer MIT-4B (coil L1. - conclusions 2-3, L2. - Conclusions 5-6):

Charge of ionistors (supercapacitors)

Ionistor (supercapacitor, eng. supercapacitor) It is a hybrid of a capacitor and a chemical current source.
Jonistor - unpolary The element, but one of the conclusions can be marked with an "arrow" - to designate the polarity of residual voltage after it is charging at the factory.
For initial research, I used an ionistor With a capacity of 0.22 ° C voltage 5.5 V (diameter 11.5 mm, height 3.5 mm):

I connected it through a diode to the output via germanium diode D310.

To limit the maximum voltage of the charging of the ionistor, you can use a stabilion or a chain of LEDs - I use a chain from two Red LEDs:

To prevent the discharge of the already charged ionistor through restrictive LEDs HL1 and HL2. I added another diode - VD2..

To be continued

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