Home Locks In the footsteps of Wankel: the rise and fall of VAZ rotary engines. AvtoVAZ: Changes on the Rotary Front Payment Terms for Regions

In the footsteps of Wankel: the rise and fall of VAZ rotary engines. AvtoVAZ: Changes on the Rotary Front Payment Terms for Regions

Today we will tell you about our acquaintance with a new car equipped with a Wankel rotary piston engine. At the Moscow Motor Show, this car was presented in a police uniform. However, we will talk not only about it, but also about a new generation of rotary engines developed by a special design bureau of AvtoVAZ. But first - the most important thing: the new family of "rotors", unlike the previous one, is now intended not only for "arming" cars of all kinds of special services, but also for "ordinary" motorists.


So, a new family of rotary piston engines. Its basis is the VAZ-415 engine, which, unlike its predecessors, can be called universal. That is, its installation is possible on any VAZ car - front-wheel drive Samara, rear-wheel drive Zhiguli and all-wheel drive Niva. In addition, it can be used on AZLK vehicles, and in a three-section version - on the Volga. And also - on small aircraft ...

This motor combines the advantages of two models previously produced. Let us recall what kind of engines they were. First, the VAZ413 (for the Volga), the design of which was based on the concept of reliability. It "grew" in turn from the first, still one-section, BA3-311 "rotor", which at one time was equipped with the VAZ-21018 cars. Secondly, the VAZ-414 (for front-wheel drive VAZs), where the main tasks were layout issues. The newcomer had to inherit a sufficient resource from BA3-413 (its mileage on the Volga reached 300-320 thousand km without disassembly), and from the VAZ-414 engine - the ability to install on different models cars.

And the fundamental differences of the new design are as follows:

Layout solutions that allow assembling two-three-section engines, both automobile and aviation, on the same technological base;

Optimization of the design by thermal state;

Compatibility with fuel injection systems, which in the future will meet international requirements for costs and toxicity.

Note that the manufacture of parts for "rotors" is not directly related to the achievements of the military-industrial complex, but possibly at the level of general mechanical engineering. At the same time, the cost of a rotary piston engine (RPD) is supposed to be kept in the region of $ 2,500 - at the level of the famous Volkswagen engine with a capacity of 150 hp. with.

The new motors are designed for Russian fuels and lubricants, in particular, for "Zhigulevskoe" engine oil and gasoline AI-93 or A-92. There is an option designed for A-76 gasoline, and even an engine where the octane number of gasoline will be selected by the position of a special switch in the passenger compartment.

Engines can be equipped with multipoint fuel injection. The injection system is a hybrid of Bosch components and a domestic control unit. It is possible to equip with a system of aftertreatment and neutralization of exhaust gases, taking into account European and American standards.

Oil consumption "for waste" (0.4-0.5% of fuel consumption) is at the level of piston engines, and fuel consumption is 190-195 grams per one horsepower per hour, which in terms of the usual values ​​means an increase in operating costs within one liter per 100 km compared to a conventional engine of the same power.

So, the basic two-section engine VAZ-415. Maximum power - up to 150 hp. with. at 6000 rpm, and the maximum torque is 19-19.5 kgm at 4000 rpm. At the same time, it is possible to lay various characteristics torque curve by adjusting the intake system. It all depends on the location of the inlet. So, the "radial" intake allows you to get sports and aircraft engines with a good "top", and the "end" injection provides good high-torque "at the bottom".

The VAZ-416 is also a two-section engine, but with increased power (over 150 hp), and it has a forced modification capable of producing up to 240-250 hp. with.

And finally, the VAZ-426 is a three-section aircraft engine with a capacity of up to 250 hp. with.

Re-equipment of cars for new generation "rotors" is simplified as much as possible. The fact is that the attachment points of these motors are prepared in several versions, so that they can be easily installed on standard seats and VAZ2108, and VAZ-2110. and Zhiguli, and Niva.

The rotary engine is similar in size to the "eighth" gearbox and is barely visible behind the air filter

True, since such a dashing engine will allow the car to accelerate to 210-215 km / h (the acceleration time to 100 km / h will be 8-8.5 seconds), then after its installation, a significant modification of the suspension and brakes will be required to ensure reliable control at high speeds and maximum resource undercarriage units.

First, work will be done with front-wheel drive cars, but soon it will be done with the "classics" too, if, of course, rear-wheel drive Zhiguli will hold out in production for several more years.

For example, in Samara, it is planned to install 14-inch wheels and ventilated 14-inch front brake discs (from VAZ-2112), gas-filled shock absorbers, etc.

The first stage of work will be devoted to cars special purpose(popularly - "KGB machines"). The first 500 cars are planned to be produced in 1997. While such equipment will be equipped with serial transmission units.

But the second stage is already general-purpose cars, they will begin to be produced in 1998, several thousand a year.


Our test was visited by the same "policeman" VAZ-2109-90, which was presented at the motor show. War paint, flashing lights. Everything is as it should be. And nothing hints that the RPD is installed on this machine.

We open the hood. Here it is! Two-section rotary engine VAZ-415. Power - 135 hp That is, the moment is 18 kgm.

In appearance, the engine itself is slightly larger than the "eighth" gearbox. It is equipped with a Solex carburetor, a dual ignition system: two switches, two coils, two candles on each section (main and afterburner).

Everything attachments- generator, gasoline pump, oil and water pumps - grouped in the area of ​​the right mudguard and easily accessible for replacement.

The car still has a serial (from the "eight") exhaust system and chassis- also serial. So we will not have to evaluate a specially prepared "rotary" car, but an almost standard "nine" with a RPD installed on it.

An additional fuel tank with a capacity of 60 liters.

We start the engine. And immediately we note two points. Unusual rattle-ringing "voice" of the exhaust system. These are the partitions of serial mufflers. The fact is that the RPD has high pressure exhaust gases, and the "eighth" exhaust system provides them with decent resistance, "eating" part of the power. A special muffler that will allow you to "remove" the maximum power from the VAZ-415 rotor.

are already developing, and now we have to listen to this mosquito-bumblebee "buzzer". By the way, it is bugged until the engine picks up three or four thousand revolutions, and then this ping turns into the noise of a regular exhaust.

The second point is the absence of vibrations. The steering wheel and gearshift lever are completely "clean", do not itch at all.

And, keeping in mind the idea that the "rotor" has no "lower classes" at all, we get under way.

First, in a calm manner. Starting off is quite light, albeit harsh, about the same as with a serial "eighty-third" engine. Second, third gear. We get to the fourth, at about sixty we turn on the fifth. On impressions, under the hood is a completely ordinary engine. Although no, there was still a difference. Engine braking is noticeably less effective than a production engine.

Now let's try a dynamic style. More gas, we drop the clutch abruptly. The car does not move, turning its wheels screeching on dry asphalt. In order for it to go, the gas has to be released a little. Now we need a jeweler's work with an accelerator, so that if the wheels slip, then only slightly.

On the first one, we easily gain 60 km / h and switch to the second. We switch rather out of habit, stereotypically, since the engine does not yet "ask" for this. Calm, even "pick up" on the second and easy, without strain, promotion to 120, 130, 135 ... Enough, turn on the third. On it, the car without any problems "draws" on the speedometer 180 and continues to accelerate. But we have not yet used the fourth and fifth!

Noteworthy is the smooth acceleration throughout the entire rev range. The impression is that the torque characteristic is located almost horizontally - no obvious peaks. The car feels a lot like an electric car.

There is an unusually "long" gas here - it seems to have already pressed decently, and spun the motor great, but no, you can still press the pedal and the motor will spin again and again. At the same time, as experts explained, the engine spins easily up to 8000 rpm. True, this should not be abused.

Now let's try to "pull" the motor. On the fourth, we reset the speed to forty. Goes! Up to thirty. Goes!

Now let's drown the accelerator to the floor. No detonation, no failures. Only the sound made by the engine becomes like a dull grunt. Overclocking is not impressive. But as soon as the speedometer needle goes beyond the number 40, the grumbling subsides. By 50 km / h, the sound of the engine is already normal, the acceleration is more intense. And then, if you keep the gas like that, you can drive the speedometer needle to the "second circle". At the same time, the lightness and some kind of routine in the operation of the motor, the absence of even a hint of tension or strain, are striking.

And if you try to get under way from the second one? When trying to smoothly release the clutch at idle, the rotor clearly intends to stall. More gas! The wheels turn screechingly and the car literally jumps forward. And if after the second turn on the fifth immediately? And she swallowed it, rides without any problems.

Yes, now we have seen from our own experience that the series gear ratios in the box for such an engine must be new. And the brakes need to be more effective, and the car's suspension needs to be worked on.

And now we can only wait for the spring of next year, when a real rotary car will be provided for ARtest, which will differ from the serial one not only by the engine. Then we will deal with this machine more seriously, first of all - research of dynamic characteristics and controllability.

Where "according to the state" it was supposed to be "spare wheel", now installedadditional gas tank. As a result, taking into account the police special tool and the "spare wheel" that migrated from its place, the capacity of the trunk was practically reduced to zero

How the Wankel engine works

Rotary piston engine VAZ411 consists of two sections, each of which works as follows (see diagram).

In the inner cavity of the engine there is a triangular rotor-piston 2, which, during the working cycle, performs a complex rotational movement simultaneously around two axes: its own longitudinal and the axis of the power take-off shaft - the rotor is installed on it with eccentricity, and the possibility of mutual rotation is provided by ball bearings (in the figures, the eccentric shaft is not shown because it is located on the other side of the rotor).

The rotation dependence is as follows. In one revolution around its axis, the rotor makes three revolutions on the eccentric shaft, and the kinematic dependence of these rotations is set by a gear planetary pair: gear (3) with external engagement is fixed on the engine housing 1 motionless, and the role of the part mating with it is played by the inner gear rim 4 itself rotor.

The areas of the rotor edges perceive the forces of gas pressure and transfer them to the eccentric shaft, causing it to rotate.

When the rotor is in the position shown in position I, in the volume 1, limited by the edge BC of the rotor, the mixture burns and the gases expand, that is, the working stroke is performed.

With further rotation of the rotor, its edge CA overlaps the outlet and inlet channels, and in volume 2, the outlet ends. In this case, the intake process begins in volume 3, and in volume 4, bounded by the face AB, the mixture is compressed.

Position II shows the position of the rotor at which the expansion of the combustion products ends in the volume and the release begins. When the rotor passes the position shown in position III, its apex C is located between the outlet and inlet channels, and an electric spark, jumping between the electrodes of the candles, ignites the mixture compressed in the volume limited by the edge BA.

Position IV shows the position of the rotor corresponding to the beginning of the working stroke in the volume.

Thus, in a rotary piston engine with a triangular rotor, in each of its three working chambers, inlet, compression, working stroke and outlet occur sequentially. All these processes are performed in one rotor revolution.

Gas distribution in the engine is carried out by the rotor closing the exhaust and inlet channels of each section of the engine.

What is RAP?

In a classic four-stroke engine, the same cylinder is used for various operations - injection, compression, combustion and exhaust. In a rotary engine, each process is performed in a separate compartment of the chamber. The effect is not much different from dividing the cylinder into four compartments for each of the operations.

In a piston engine, the pressure generated by the combustion of the mixture forces the pistons to move back and forth in their cylinders. Connecting rods and crankshaft converting this pushing motion into a rotational motion necessary for the car to move.

In a rotary engine, there is no rectilinear motion that would have to be converted into rotary motion. Pressure builds up in one of the chamber compartments causing the rotor to rotate, which reduces vibration and increases the potential RPM of the engine. The result is greater efficiency and smaller dimensions for the same power as a conventional piston engine.

How does RAP work?

The function of the piston in the RPD is performed by a three-vertex rotor, which converts the force of gas pressure into the rotary motion of the eccentric shaft. The movement of the rotor relative to the stator (outer casing) is provided by a pair of gears, one of which is rigidly fixed to the rotor, and the second to the side cover of the stator. The gear itself is fixed to the motor housing. With it, the rotor gear is in mesh, which, with a gear wheel, rolls around it, as it were.

The shaft rotates in bearings placed on the housing and has a cylindrical eccentric on which the rotor rotates. The interaction of these gears provides an expedient movement of the rotor relative to the housing, as a result of which three separate chambers of variable volume are formed. The gear ratio is 2: 3, therefore, for one revolution of the eccentric shaft, the rotor turns 120 degrees, and for a full revolution of the rotor, a full four-stroke cycle is performed in each of the chambers.

Gas exchange is regulated by the top of the rotor as it passes through the inlet and outlet ports. This design allows for a 4-stroke cycle without the use of a special valve timing mechanism.

Sealing of chambers is provided by radial and end sealing plates pressed against the cylinder by centrifugal forces, gas pressure and tape springs. The torque is obtained as a result of the action of gas forces through the rotor on the shaft eccentric Mixing, ignition, lubrication, cooling, start-up are basically the same as in a conventional piston internal combustion engine

Advantages and disadvantages of RAP

All parts of a rotary engine constantly rotate in the same direction, which does not create vibration associated with the alternating direction of movement of the pistons inherent in conventional engines.

Along with the undoubted advantages of the Wankel engine, there are also serious design flaws, which are extremely difficult to overcome.

The combustion chamber of a rotary engine has a sickle shape in plan. Therefore, with the same volume as a cylindrical chamber of a conventional motor, its surface area is much larger.

The consequence is a high thermal load of the engine and a lower thermal efficiency.

In addition, the crescent shape does not allow for vortex filling of the combustion chamber in order to achieve complete combustion of the air-fuel mixture.

Hence, the worst, in comparison with piston motors, efficiency and problems with the emission of harmful substances.

The list of technological shortcomings is just as extensive. In the first place is the very process of manufacturing a complex-shaped stator with a wear-resistant working surface.

The difficulty is also that the stator must successfully withstand thermal deformations: unlike a conventional motor, where a heat-loaded combustion chamber is partially cooled in the intake and compression phase with a fresh working mixture, here the combustion process always takes place in one part of the engine, and the intake - in another ...

Another problem is rotor seals. If in a piston motor the rings are in contact with the cylinder mirror with only one working edge and at a constant angle, then the seals on the rotor tops touch the stator at constantly changing angles, which leads to large loads on their edges.

In addition, these seals operate in conditions of limited lubrication and poor heat dissipation - to lubricate them, additional oil must be injected directly into the intake manifold. It is easy to guess that this also does not improve the environmental performance of the motor.

The history of the invention and the father of the engine

Felix Heinrich Wankel (German Felix Heinrich Wankel, August 13, 1902, Lar (Black Forest) - October 9, 1988, Heidelberg) - German engine designer. Co-inventor of the rotary piston engine (the so-called Wankel engine), the design of which was shown in 1957 together with the engineer of the NSU company Walter Freude (W. Froude), who had the idea of ​​this engine design. Wankel worked all his life to create another motor with a simple rotation of interacting rotors.

Together with Walter Freude and his team, he conducted extensive research on mechanical seals in rotary valves (spools). They also formulated the requirements for efficient moving seals. The important role of the W. Benzinger group of Daimler-Benz should also be noted in this area.

Biography of Wankel

Wankel's father died in the First World War; left without a father, leaving the gymnasium, Felix Wankel could neither enter the university, nor even get a working profession. Studying on my own technical disciplines, Wankel already in 1924 came up with the idea of ​​a rotary piston engine. In the 1920s, Wankel joined the NSDAP, but in 1933 he was among Hitler's opponents and spent six months in prison. In 1936 its prototype rotary engine interested in BMW; Wankel received funding, and in 1936 - his own workshop in Lindau for the development of experimental aircraft engines under the patronage of the Goering Ministry of Aviation.

In 1945, Wankel's equipment was exported to France for reparations;

In 1951, with the help of Goetze, Wankel resumed his research - first in his own home

In 1954, he finally found the optimal configuration of the RPD combustion chamber;

In 1958, NSU released the first car with a simplified version of the RPD, but the designer himself was not satisfied with this implementation.

Since 1960, Wankel has been working at the new research center in Lindau.

In 1964, the original Wankel Ro 80 engine appeared at NSU (in total, about 40,000 of these machines were produced).

In 1959-1970 the Wankel patent was acquired by all the largest automakers of the Western world, but in 2007-2008, cars with a rotary piston engine designed by Wankel and Freud were produced only under the Mazda brand.

In 1936, Wankel married Emma Kirn (1905-1975), they had no children. Wankel never had driving license, since he suffered from extreme myopia since childhood. He did not know the basics of higher mathematics, relying on his exceptional sense of space.

The history of the rotor VAZ

The year is 1974. By order of the General Director of the Volga Automobile Plant, a special design bureau for rotary piston engines was created.

The most ambitious plans are to create a rotary piston engine for VAZ cars, superior in performance to a traditional piston engine.

The core of the team was made up of university graduates and specialists from Samara aviation enterprises. They had youth and enthusiasm in their arsenal. Deputy technical director Boris Sidorovich POSPELOV was appointed head of the SKB RPD, Mikhail Alekseevich KORZHOV was appointed chief designer.

The development of the first VAZ RPDs proceeded in parallel with the study of designs of foreign samples and under the very modest technological capabilities of the experimental workshop, therefore, some of the parts were used from imported engines. The first engines did not differ either in the elegance of the layout or in their performance, and this is natural for starting work with such a complex product, but they allowed us to gain experience and identify the main problems of such a seemingly simple design. Several variants of the RPD layout in VAZ cars were made before the prototype appeared, which became the base engine and which was accepted for production preparation. This engine was a single-section RPD VAZ-311 with a power of 70 hp. with geometric parameters like the Japanese 13B. Preparations for production were carried out according to unrealistic plans simultaneously with the fine-tuning of the engine: there were more problems than solutions. Despite the lack of knowledge of the design, it was decided to release an experimental-industrial batch of VAZ-21018 vehicles with RPD. After the cars were sold, a scandal erupted, as massive defects in operation gave rise to a wave of complaints. The plant's management was forced to replace the rotary piston engines on the sold cars with serial piston engines. Organizational measures followed: the number of SKB was reduced by half, the construction of workshops and an administrative building was stopped. Many highly qualified specialists have left. So the period of adventures and fantasies ended, it was necessary to seriously assess the state of affairs.

The situation at SKB was critical. B.S. Pospelov was able to maintain composure in this difficult situation and draw the right conclusions. Evaluation of the application areas of RPDs and their technical level showed that in order to fulfill all the requirements that apply to an automobile engine, a large amount of development work, the development of new materials and technologies, and long-term tests are required. Possibility to install in VAZ car engine with a capacity of 120 ... 140 h.p. interested the special services, the requirements for resource and fuel consumption were lower than those of a general-purpose car, and they were allowed to replace the engine during operation. On their part, qualified operation and the provision of information about defects were guaranteed. For SKB, this was an ideal option. This is how a special-purpose vehicle VAZ-21019 with a two-section 120 hp engine appeared.

The situation in the SKB stabilized, a fruitful period of fine-tuning began, there was real progress towards improving the engine performance. There were positive reviews about our car and its indispensability when performing operational work. It is symbolic that those who worked on vehicles with RPD called him "Arkan".

Proposals began to arrive from other enterprises on the development of RPDs for a motorcycle, aircraft, amphibious ships, outboard boat motors... The work was carried out according to economic contracts and partially compensated for the costs of maintaining the SKB.

By the end of the 80s, it became possible to return to the project of a general-purpose car with the fulfillment of all standards. Therefore, when SKB ordered an engine for a special-purpose vehicle "Tavria", Pospelov set the task - to design an engine that, in addition to the "ZAZ" car, could be installed in a VAZ-2108 car without modifying the body and transmission. And that was done. The engine turned out to be extremely successful, the very first samples were tested without any problems in the VAZ and ZAZ vehicles. The power of this engine is 105 hp. was sufficient for "Tavria" (maximum speed over 200 km / h) and small for front wheel drive vehicles"VAZ", therefore it was planned to develop a larger engine for cars of the VAZ-2108 family. But this was not destined to happen. Boris Sidorovich Pospelov died on January 16, 1987. A constructor, an energetic and fair leader, a worthy person. At the general meeting of the SKB RPD, Vladimir Andreevich SHNYAKIN was elected head.

The main strategic direction was the creation of engines for general aviation. The automobile engine is becoming a secondary job, although the production of the outdated "classic" VAZ-21079 with the VAZ-4132 carburetor RPD continues. Work on the engine for front-wheel drive VAZ vehicles was discontinued.

Undoubtedly, in Russia, with its vast territory, it is considered strange that there is no general aviation, i.e. small 2 ... 7-seater aircraft. The prospect of being a monopolist in this still nascent market is attractive.

But behind this attractiveness lies a tremendous amount of work to create an entire industry that does not yet exist in our state. The technical problems associated with the fulfillment of specific aviation requirements, which do not occur when creating an automobile engine, are also huge.

The need to finance the services of third-party organizations does not allow completely abandoning the production of cars with RPD. This circumstance, in 1994, forces us to develop an engine with a capacity of 140 hp. for the VAZ-2108 family of cars. The work is carried out in a hurry, as a result new engine The VAZ-415 had many defects that could only be eliminated by replacing the engine. With great difficulty, it was possible to eliminate most of these defects, perform Russian norms toxicity and obtain a certificate that allows you to sell a car with RPD. And yet it was and is an 80s engine with a carburetor.

The operation of vehicles with RPD has shown the presence of a steady demand for a vehicle with enhanced dynamic qualities. Acceleration of a car with a VAZ-415 RPD to 100 km / h is 9 seconds. and the maximum speed is 190 km / h.

But today, in order to continue production, a serious modernization of the VAZ-415 RPD being produced is required. This is, first of all, the implementation of measures to meet modern toxicity standards and the adaptation of the engine to the VAZ-2110 family of cars. And oddly enough, but apart from technical problems, other difficulties also emerged.

The experience of SKB on automobile and aircraft engines simultaneously showed the incompatibility of these works for most design solutions. Partially there can be a single technological and production bases, and the developers of aircraft and automotive engines should be close, but separate. The requirements for automotive and aircraft engines are in many ways the opposite. For example, the operating modes of an automobile engine, which determine its efficiency and toxicity in the urban cycle, are not regulated at all for an aircraft engine. And vice versa: the main operating modes of an aircraft engine - "takeoff" and "cruising" - are of little importance for an automobile engine. A special problem is materials. Materials generally accepted in the automotive industry cannot be applied to an aircraft engine. Therefore, the work of designers is simultaneously on aviation and on car engines unproductive. This requires teamwork, with specific people doing a specific job.

As for technology, then modern technologies and electronic systems, introduced in recent years, allow short time successfully solve all environmental, resource and fuel efficiency issues, as demonstrated by Mazda. The obvious advantages of the RPD make it possible to expand the power range of VAZ vehicles and offer the buyer, in addition to the mass car, a dynamic high-speed model, thereby demonstrating that the plant is not alien to unique technologies. And this is an image and advertising. All this is real.

The rotary piston engine has enough potential to be competitive and equal among the best. In the meantime, the production of SKB RPD continues to produce cars of the VAZ-2108 family with a rotary piston carburetor engine with a capacity of 140 hp.

Technical characteristics of the rotary piston engine (rpd) VAZ-4132 and VAZ-415


Number of sections

Engine chamber working volume, cc

Compression ratio

Rated power, kW (hp) / min-1

Maximum torque, N * m (kgf * m) / min-1

The minimum speed of the eccentric shaft at Idling, min-1

Engine weight, kg

dimensions, mm

Minimum specific fuel consumption (according to VSH), g / kW * h (g / hp * h)

Oil consumption in% of fuel consumption

Engine resource before the first overhaul, thousand km




Models produced

RPD engine

Acceleration time 0-100, sec

Maximum speed, km / h


Answer: The plant declared 125 thousand km. In reality, 10 thousand and 200 thousand km can pass. It all depends on the quality of manufacture, operation and maintenance.

2. Question: What fuel does the RPD run on?

Answer: Recommended gasoline with octane number not lower than 90 (i.e. AI-91, AI-92, AI-93, AI-95). AI-76 or AI-80 is not recommended, but it is possible. At the same time, detonation, which is possible when driving with a heavy load, in tightness and with sharp accelerations, must not be allowed. The VAZ-411 engine consumes AI-76 and AI-92 gasoline, without alterations.

3. Question: What kind of oil is used in the RPD?

Answer: Oil according to the level of performance properties API classifications not lower than SG (for forced gasoline engines). By viscosity 5W or 10W-30 - in winter and 15W-40 - in summer. An oil change is done after 10-12 thousand km. After winter operation, regardless of mileage, it is imperative to change.

4. Question: What is the normal oil consumption?

Answer: A consumption of about 700 g / 1000 km is considered the norm, in reality 1 - 1.2 liters of oil per 1000 km. So far, unfortunately, this is the case, although you can have 500 g / 1000 km.

5. Question: Can synthetic oils be added?

Answer: There were experiments, some of the motors were running normally, some were not. during the operation of the RPD, oil is supplied to the combustion chamber, and the use of synthetic oils can lead to coking of the oil reflecting rings with further failure of the RPD.

6. Question: What kind of candles are used in RPD?

A26 (Russia);

NGK BR8ET (Japan);

BR8EQ (Japan).

7. Question: Where can the RPD be repaired?

Answer: In the SKB RPD JSC "AVTOVAZ" (Togliatti). Partial repairs can be made at a specialized station Maintenance in Moscow: OOO AvtoVAZ-GUVD on the territory of the 1st battalion of the traffic police, st. Zaozernaya 15-b, (Vykhino metro station, MKAD at the intersection with the Veshnyaki-Kosino highway) Tel. 700-55-00, 700-53-75.

8. Question: Where can you buy a car with RPD produced by SKB RPD JSC "AVTOVAZ"?

Answer: In Moscow, at the moment, such a car can be purchased in the salon of the official dealer of JSC AVTOVAZ - the Lada-Favorit company.

9. Question: I heard the RPD is disposable?

Answer: No! RPD is a fully repairable engine.

10. Question: What kind of cars are there with RPD?

Answer: At the moment, this is a family of front-wheel drive vehicles VAZ-2108-91, VAZ-2109-91, VAZ-21099-91, VAZ-2115-91 (RPD-415). Previously released models:

VAZ-21018 (RPD-311);

VAZ-21019 (RPD-411);

VAZ-21059 (RPD-411 and RPD-4132);

VAZ-21079 (RPD-4132).

The GAZ-3102-8 (RPD-413) was produced by special order. Apart from single samples of cars, motorcycles, etc. Well, and, of course, Mazda RX-3, RX-7, Eunos Cosmo 800 and RX-8.

11. Question: I heard there are vehicles with RPD that consume 8 liters?

Answer: I strongly doubt that it is necessary to feed the "horses", and that says it all! As for Mazda, the second and third generation RX-7s consume a similar amount of fuel, but only in suburban mode.

12. Question... What can be done with the ignition system?

Question: In specialized service"Veshnyaki-Kosino" can carry out chip tuning, remove the speed limiter, set more "interesting" parameters of the ignition system.

13. Question... Are the ignition control units the same for the rotary-piston "classic" and the front-wheel drive family?

Answer: No.

14. Question. What can you do with a carburetor?

Answer: Adjust!

15. Question. What can be done with an air filter?

Answer: Replace with filter zero resistance, there are three types:

Instead of a regular filter element;

From the injector (installed on the body branch pipe air filter);

Completely original housing with filter mounted on the carburetor.

When installing the air filter, please note that the this case the filter is matched to the engine capacity of 2.6 liters. The recoil can be about 6 hp, but there will be additional noise at the inlet due to the use of zero resistance filters.

16. Question. What can be done with the exhaust system?

Answer: Improving the exhaust system is one of the most important elements tuning RPD. There are many ways to improve:

Replacement of the end part of the muffler with a direct-flow part, Remus type;

Replacing the resonator and muffler with direct-flow ones, such as Remus;

Replacement of the entire exhaust system (thermoreactor, resonator, muffler) with a dual-parallel exhaust system.

When finalizing the exhaust system, it should be remembered that the RPD is an unusual piston engine, and it has some peculiarities, namely, reverse suction (RPD with end inlet does not have phase overlap and reverse suction, this is the case with radial intake engines that were made for sports ) exhaust gases when using highly shortened exhaust systems. In principle, any reduction in resistance in the exhaust system will give an increase in power. it already "dies" about 20 hp.

17. Question... Do you need to flush the engine when changing the oil?

Answer: Yes, I, for example, flush the engine with every oil change (5000 km). Used to wash with regular flushing oil, now by "five minutes" Fenom. But there is one BUT ... some people believe that the engine is not required to be flushed, some believe that it is required. But I believe that washing in dirty water is NOT ALLOWED! The choice is yours.

18. Question... What additives can be added to the oil?

Answer: I have tested ER metal air conditioners and its Russian analogue Fenom. The purpose of these additives is to reduce the coefficient of friction of parts. This additive does not affect the stator-rotor pair due to the technological features of the coating of the stator and rotor blades with Nikosil, but the rotor gears and bearings are in its power to protect.

19. Question... Dual channel switches are rare enough, what can you do?

Answer: The ignition system can be converted to a four-channel using four single-channel switches from the VAZ-2108.

20. Question... How does the RPD start in the cold?

Answer: Just like a conventional piston engine. Rotary machines have such a button - "backup ignition". So, if, before starting the car in frost, turn the ignition key (not including the starter) and turn on the "reserve" for 10-20 seconds, the lower candles will be hardened, which will make it easier to start the engine. Mazda has a "Sub-zero start" device that injects ethylene glycol into the intake manifold at start-up to prevent the fuel from freezing.

21. Question. Can an air conditioner be installed on the RPD?

Answer: It is possible, but many owners of Mazda RX-7 dismantle the air conditioner to increase the car's power.

22. Question. How do you know if it's time to overhaul the engine?

Answer: Engine wear after which it is no longer a "tenant" and is subject to overhaul, is determined by compression - less than 4 units. and leaks in chambers up to 50%. Unstable will complement the picture idle speed, poor cold start, poor spark plug self-cleaning, very high consumption oil, fuel entering oil, strong smoke.

23. Question. I would like to know how an ordinary buyer can buy a car with RPD, as well as the pros and cons of this engine.

Answer: How to buy - see above.

The throttle response of the car is excellent!

The noise level at rpm over 3000 is lower than on a piston engine.

The car runs on AI-76 gasoline without modifications ("classic") and power loss.

The exoticism and rarity of the car (traffic police officers, examining the engine, forget why they stopped it).

The original sonorous exhaust (not loud, but original, like a "Harley").

The developed speed is a controversial issue, since there is a serial box, but in the fifth gear there is acceleration, as in the second.

Sometimes the engine "jams" (SKB RPD said that the problem was solved, and the engine has not "jerked" for a long time, but precedents have taken place before) - before that, oil and gasoline consumption increases sharply.

Each buyer receives required package documents in the central office of KARPLAZA.
The KARPLAZA company works transparently and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

We provide:

  • Sale and purchase agreement (this document is issued for registration of the 411MX11 engine when the car is registered with the traffic police;
  • sales receipt;
  • cargo customs declaration (confirms that the engine was purchased in the specified country. The current document will be needed together with the purchase and sale agreement to register a car with a 411MX11 engine with the traffic police).


  • We guarantee each customer a return, exchange of the 411MX11 engine during the entire warranty period;
  • The warranty for the engine is 30 days (when installed by our partners in the workshop, the warranty for the 411MX11 engine is 60 days);


Shipping options for the purchased engine 411MX11

  • self-pickup, each customer can pick up the engine directly at the company's warehouse at the address Moscow, Domodedovskaya metro station, 15 Aparinki village. KARPLAZ employees will independently load the engine into vehicle.
  • delivery transport company to the specified region to any city of the Russian Federation.

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The approximate cost of sending a contract engine 411MX11 to the region of Russia up to 100 kg

Select a city from the list. Armavir: 1850 rubles. Term 3 (days) Arkhangelsk: 1710 rubles. Term 3 (days) Astrakhan: 1700 rubles. Term 3 (days) Barnaul: 2580 rubles. Term 7 (days) Belgorod: 1500 rubles. Term 2 (days) Budennovsk: 1800 rubles. Term 4 (days) Veliky Novgorod: 1370 rubles. Term 1 (days) Vladivostok: 4170 rubles. Term 12 (days) Volgograd: 1560 rubles. Term 2 (days) Vologda: 1340 rubles. Term 1 (day) Voronezh: 1380 rubles. Term 1 (days) Yekaterinburg: 1890 rubles. Term 3 (days) Izhevsk: 1680 rubles. Term 3 (days) Irkutsk: 2940 rubles. Term 10 (days) Kazan: 1590 rubles. Term 2 (days) Kaliningrad: 1640 rubles. Term 5 (days) Kemerovo: 2550 rubles. Term 7 (days) Kirov: 1580 rubles. Term 2 (days) Krasnodar: 1640 rubles. Term 2 (days) Krasnoyarsk: 2660 rubles. Term 8 (days) Kurgan: 2010 rubles. Term 4 (days) Kursk: 1440 rubles. Term 1 (day) Lipetsk: 1340 rubles. Term 1 (days) Murmansk: 1860 rubles. Term 3 (days) Naberezhnye Chelny: 1620 rubles. Term 2 (days) Nalchik: 1790 rubles. Term 3 (days) Nevinnomyssk: 1700 rubles. Term 4 (days) Neftekamsk: 1640 rubles. Term 3 (days) Nizhnekamsk: 1760 rubles. Term 3 (days) Nizhny Novgorod: 1350 rub. Term 1 (days) Nizhny Tagil: 1880 rubles. Term 4 (days) Novokuznetsk: 2640 rubles. Term 7 (days) Novorossiysk: 1730 rubles. Term 3 (days) Novosibirsk: 2430 rubles. Term 5 (days) Omsk: 2160 rubles. Term 5 (days) Oryol: 1340 rubles. Term 1 (days) Orenburg: 1730 rubles. Term 4 (days) Orsk: 1820 rubles. Term 4 (days) Penza: 1440 rubles. Term 1 (day) Perm: 1700 rubles. Term 3 (days) Petrozavodsk: 1500 rubles. Term 2 (days) Pyatigorsk: 1700 rubles. Term 3 (days) Rostov-on-Don: 1590 rubles. Term 2 (days) Samara: 1650 rubles. Term 3 (days) St. Petersburg: 1370 rubles. Term 1 (days) Saratov: 1520 rubles. Term 2 (days) Severodvinsk: 1730 rubles. Term 4 (days) Sochi (Adler): 1920 rubles. Term 3 (days) Stavropol: 1650 rubles. Term 3 (days) Sterlitamak: 1950 rubles. Term 4 (days) Surgut: 2640 rubles. Term 6 (days) Syktyvkar: 1650 rubles. Term 3 (days) Tambov: 1340 rubles. Term 1 (day) Togliatti: 1530 rubles. Term 3 (days) Tomsk: 2600 rubles. Term 7 (days) Tyumen: 2010 rubles. Term 4 (days) Ulan-Ude: 3140 rubles. Term 12 (days) Ulyanovsk: 1530 rubles. Term 2 (days) Ufa: 1730 rubles. Term 3 (days) Khabarovsk: 3660 rubles. Term 12 (days) Cheboksary: ​​1470 rubles. Term 2 (days) Chelyabinsk: 1860 rubles. Term 4 (days) Cherepovets: 1350 rubles. Term 1 (days) Chita: 3420 rubles. Term 13 (days) Yaroslavl: 1280 rubles. Term 1 (days)

Attachments are available for sale

  • air conditioning compressor from 1500 rub.
  • generator from 1000 rubles.
  • Power steering from 1000 rubles.
  • throttle from 500 rubles
  • ignition coil from 300 rubles.
  • intake manifold from 500 rubles
  • exhaust manifold from 500 rubles
  • starter from 1000 rubles.
  • Injection pump from 3000 rub.
  • distributor from 500 rubles
  • turbine from 3000 rub.
  • injectors from 500 rubles
  • ECU from 500 rubles
Transmission Major overhaul engine 411MX11. Replacement for contract.

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