Home Engine The list of the main regulatory documents regulating the quality of work (provision of services) for the maintenance and repair of passenger cars. GOST in the field of operation of the vehicle GOST technical maintenance and repair of cars

The list of the main regulatory documents regulating the quality of work (provision of services) for the maintenance and repair of passenger cars. GOST in the field of operation of the vehicle GOST technical maintenance and repair of cars

GOST 21624-81

Group T51



Requirements for the operational manufacturability and maintainability of products

Motor vehicle maintenance and repair system.
Requirments for maintainability and repairability of items

OKP 45 1000

Date of introduction 1983-01-01

By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of December 24, 1981 N 5619, the introduction period was established from 1983-01-01

Instead of GOST 21624-76

Reissue. June 1987

This standard establishes requirements for products to ensure a given level of operational manufacturability (ET) and maintainability (RP), as well as the values ​​of ET and RP indicators provided for by GOST 20334-81, for products automotive engineering- all-wheel drive and not four-wheel drive vehicles(trucks, cars and buses), trailers and semi-trailers (hereinafter - products).

The standard does not apply to special and specialized automotive products.

Requirements for ET and RP of products should be included in technical task for the development or modernization of a product and a technical level card.

The terms used in this standard and the explanations to them are given in the informative annex 1.



1.1. Requirements for the provision of electronic equipment and RP for automotive products are aimed at reducing the time, labor and funds spent on Maintenance and repair and increasing the efficiency of their use during operation.

1.2. This standard regulates the values ​​of the standardized indicators of ET and RP of automotive products.

1.3. Indicators of ET and RP of products should be specified in the form of values:

the frequency of the types of maintenance in kilometers of the product's mileage;

specific operational labor intensity of maintenance (without daily) in man-hours per 1000 km of the product run;

specific operational labor intensity maintenance in man-hours per 1000 km of run of the product.

1.4. The values ​​of all indicators of ET and RP during maintenance and repair are set for the first category of operating conditions and climatic regions with a correction factor of 1.0.

1.5. The frequency of maintenance (except daily), as well as the specific operational labor intensity of maintenance and current repairs for other categories of operating conditions and other climatic regions are established taking into account the correction factors given in the recommended Appendix 2.


2.1. The design and layout of the product and its component parts must ensure that all operations of maintenance (MOT) and routine repair (TR) are carried out with the lowest possible labor and material costs.

2.2. The general requirements for the provision of EE and RP for automotive products are:

increase in the frequency of maintenance of products;

increasing the reliability of the product and its components;

ensuring accessibility to the component parts of the product that require maintenance and repair;

ensuring easy removability of the component parts of the product;

standardization and unification of component parts of the product and operating materials;

reducing the number of product items requiring regular maintenance;

reduction of the nomenclature and standard sizes of fasteners;

improvement of anti-corrosion protection of the product, its components and fasteners;

providing access to components requiring anti-corrosion protection in operation;

ensuring traceability when used for its intended purpose, maintenance and repair;

ensuring the suitability of the product for washing, fastening, adjusting, lubricating, control and diagnostic and repair work;

ensuring adaptability to the performance of fine-tuning and control and measuring works;

ensuring the possibility of using original design solutions and new materials;

ensuring full geometric and functional interchangeability of the same type of components during maintenance and repair;

reducing the number of maintenance personnel and the need for specialists with a high level of qualifications by reducing and simplifying dismantling, assembly, adjustment and other works.


3.1. The values ​​of the frequency of daily (EO), first (TO-1) and second (TO-2) maintenance, specified in the technical documentation, and TO according to service books are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Frequency of maintenance of automotive products
(I category of operating conditions)

Item type

Maintenance intervals

THAT according to service books

km, not less

Passenger cars

Once a working day, regardless of the number of work shifts


Trucks, buses on the base trucks or using their main aggregates

Trailers and semi-trailers

Four-wheel drive cars

Note. The specified maintenance intervals do not apply to the break-in period of a new vehicle or unit, for which lower intervals may be set.

3.2. When establishing other types of maintenance, their frequency should not be less than the frequency of the second maintenance.

3.3. Seasonal maintenance (SA) is performed twice during calendar year before the start of the autumn-winter and spring-summer operation and combined with the next MOT.

The numerical value of the CO periodicity is determined by the ratio annual mileage to the number of completed CRMs.

The specific operational labor intensity of seasonal maintenance is included in the indicator of the specific operational labor intensity of maintenance.

3.4. The values ​​of the standardized indicators of ET and RP of non-four-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles are given in Tables 2-6.

table 2

Labor intensity of maintenance and current repair of passenger cars
with a wheel arrangement 4x2

Vehicle class

Engine displacement, l

Weight (dry), kg

Operational complexity




person-h / thous. km

no more

Extra small

St. 1.2 to 1.8

St. 850 to 1150


St. 1.8 to 3.5

St. 1150 to 1500

Table 3

Labor intensity of maintenance and routine repair of buses

Length, m

Operational complexity

one-time daily maintenance, man-h




person-h / thous. km

no more

Extra small



Table 4

Labor intensity of maintenance and routine repair of trucks
general purpose with wheel arrangement 4x2 and 6x4

Carrying capacity

Operational complexity

one-time daily maintenance, man-h




person-h / thous. km

no more

Especially small



Especially large

Table 5

Labor intensity of maintenance and repair of trailers and semi-trailers

Operational complexity


Carrying capacity

one-time daily maintenance, man-h



person-h / thous. km

no more

Single axle trailers

Small and medium

Two-axle trailers

Medium and large

Especially large

8.0 and more

Single axle semi-trailers

Medium and large

Especially large

8.0 and more

Multi-axle semi-trailers (two-axle and more)

Especially large

8.0 to 16.0

Table 6

Labor intensity of maintenance and current repair of cars
all-wheel drive single-sided with wheel arrangement 4x4 and 6x6

Carrying capacity

Operational complexity

one-time daily maintenance, man-h




person-h / thous. km

no more

Especially small

St. 0.3 to 1.0

St. 1.0 to 3.0


St. 3.0 to 4.0

St. 4.0 to 6.0


St. 6.0 to 8.0

3.5. The values ​​of the one-time labor intensity EO and the specific labor intensity of the TR, as well as the specific operational labor intensity of TO (without daily), specified in the technical documentation for basic models of general-purpose automotive products in the first category of operating conditions, should not exceed the values ​​given in Table 2-5 ...

3.6. The values ​​of the one-time operational labor intensity of the EO, as well as the specific operational labor intensity of TO and TR for all-wheel drive vehicles, should not exceed the values ​​given in Table 6.





1. Special and specialized automotive products

According to GOST 21398-75 *

2. General purpose vehicle

According to the "General Classifier of Industrial and Agricultural Products", "Higher Classification Groupings", class 45 - "Products automotive industry". Approved by the State Planning Committee of the USSR on December 18, 1974.

3. Daily maintenance (EO), first maintenance (TO-1), second maintenance (TO-2), seasonal maintenance (CO)

Complexes of operations referred to under these names in the instructions for use of products specific brands developed by manufacturers of products in accordance with GOST 2.601-68 **

4. Current repair (TR)

According to GOST 18322-78

5. Basic model

A product conditionally taken as the main one in the development and execution of design documentation and in the organization of production

6. Operational complexity

According to GOST 21623-76

* Replaced by GOST 21398-89 GOST 21398-89 does not apply. GOST R 52280-2004 is in force;
** Replaced by GOST 2.601-95. Within the territory of Russian Federation GOST 2.601-95 is not valid. GOST 2.601-2006 is in effect. - Database manufacturer's notes.


Table 1

Characteristics of the operating conditions of products and the corresponding categories

Working conditions of products

1. Highways I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area on flat, slightly hilly and hilly terrain, with cement concrete and asphalt concrete pavements

1. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area in mountainous terrain, as well as in small towns and in the suburban area (in all types of relief, except for mountain), having cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete types of pavements.

2. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area (in all types of relief, except for mountainous ones), as well as in small towns and in the suburban area on flat terrain with a coating of bitumen-mineral mixtures.

3. Automotive road III, IV technical categories outside the suburban area, having crushed stone and gravel surfaces in all types of relief, except for mountainous and mountainous

1. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area, car roads in small towns and suburban areas (mountainous areas), as well as in large cities, with cement concrete and asphalt concrete pavements.

2. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area (mountainous terrain), highways in small towns and in the suburban area (in all types of relief, except flat), as well as in big cities (in all types of relief, except for mountain), having coatings of bitumen-mineral mixtures.

3. Highways of III, IV technical categories outside the suburban area in mountainous and mountainous terrain, highways in the suburban area and streets of small towns, streets of large cities (all types of relief, except for mountainous and mountainous), with crushed stone and gravel surfaces.

4. Highways of III, IV, V technical categories outside the suburban area, highways in the suburban area and streets of small towns, streets of large cities (flat terrain), covered with cobblestone and crushed stone, as well as coatings from soils treated with binders materials.

5. Intra-plant highways with improved coatings.

6. Winter roads

1. Streets of large cities with coatings of bitumen-mineral mixtures (mountainous terrain), crushed stone and gravel coatings (mountainous and mountainous terrain), coatings of cobblestone and crushed stone and from soils treated with binders (all types of relief, except for plain) materials.

2. Motor roads of the V technical category outside the suburban area, motor roads in the suburban area and streets of small towns (flat terrain), which have unpaved unreinforced or reinforced with local materials.

3. Timber and forestry dirt roads in good condition

1. Natural dirt roads, on-farm roads in rural areas, intra-quarry and dump roads, temporary access roads to various construction sites and places of extraction of sand, clay, stone, etc. during periods when movement is possible there

table 2

Correction factors for maintenance intervals
and the specific operational labor intensity of the current repair, depending on
from the category of operating conditions of automotive products

Correction factors

frequency of maintenance, not less

specific operational labor intensity of current repair, no more

Table 3

Correction factors for the frequency of maintenance and specific
labor intensity of the current repair, depending on the natural and climatic
areas of operation of automotive products

Natural and climatic region

Correction factor

maintenance intervals

specific labor intensity of current repair

Moderately cold

Moderately warm, moderately warm humid, warm humid

Hot dry, very hot dry

Cold (with an average temperature of January from minus 15 to minus 20 °)

Cold (with an average temperature of January from minus 20 to minus 35 °)

Very cold (with an average January temperature of minus 35 ° and below)

Note. When working products of automotive technology in conditions with high aggressiveness environment the value of the maintenance frequency is reduced by 10%, and the value of the specific labor intensity of the TR is increased by 10%.

The work of automotive products for the transportation of chemical goods that cause intense corrosion is equated to conditions with a highly aggressive environment.


1. Design of assembly units

1.1. Units and parts subject to frequent dismantling during operation must be easily removable.

1.2. Manhole covers, which are often removed, should be installed on quick-release clamps that prevent spontaneous opening.

1.3. For the cables and rods of the control drive of the product systems, provide guides made of materials that do not need lubrication.

1.4. Provide on products with pneumatic control systems the ability to inflate and inflate tires from the pneumatic system.

1.5. Ensure the installation on the wheels of heavy-duty trucks and buses signaling devices for the decrease in tire pressure to the minimum permissible value.

1.6. External body shapes passenger cars, buses, trucks such as a van, a trailer and a semi-trailer should be adapted for a mechanized external wash on brush machines.

1.7. Provide the possibility of unhindered passage of the washing brushes when mechanized car wash products by its parts and devices protruding on the surface of the body (windshield wipers, rear-view mirrors, antennas, additional headlights, signals, etc.).

1.8. Apply the types of bus flooring and the method of its fastening, which ensure the possibility of a hose cleaning of the passenger compartment without water penetration behind the panels and under the floor covering. Provide for the possibility of complete drainage of water accumulated on the floor during washing.

1.9. Provide for the design of the bus interior and its internal equipment, which provides the possibility of mechanized cleaning, including washing and special treatment with disinfectants.

1.10. On products with carburetor engines install devices that exclude the ingress of water on the electrical equipment of the engine during mechanized and hose washing.

1.11. Capacity and reservoirs, the levels of working fluids in which must be monitored (engine lubrication system, cooling system, transmission oil housings, reservoirs with brake fluid etc.), provide easily observable level indicators (probes, transparent windows, remote indicators, etc.). Provide, if necessary, the installation of built-in devices that allow you to monitor the liquid level directly on the instrument panel or make it easy and quick to control it.

1.12. In constructions fuel system and other devices that use special liquids or oil, provide for the possibility of complete drainage of fluid from all tanks and working volumes.

1.13. Provide easy disconnectability of hydraulic and pneumatic drives feeding the component parts of the product.

1.14. In cases when, according to the conditions of the adopted design solutions, refueling of products with fuel, water, oil and other technical fluids it is impossible from the ground level, to ensure the installation of built-in devices for access of workers to the places of refueling, as well as to the wind and rear windows.

1.15. Assembly units and mechanisms, the mass of which exceeds 30 kg, should be made adapted for removal and transportation with lifting means (provide for grippers, eyebolts, eyelets, etc.).

1.16. Methods for attaching a spare wheel to products must ensure that it can be installed and removed by one person with a required force not exceeding 500 N (50 kgf).

1.17. On products with monocoque body provide for constructively designed places that must ensure the possibility of hanging them with a jack at least at four points, as well as when performing maintenance and current repairs - with hoists; for frame products, provide the ability to hang out with lifts and jacks under bridges.

1.18. Use self-adjusting brakes on passenger cars and buses of all types.

1.19. Use easily removable brake drums, allowing inspection and maintenance of brake mechanisms without dismantling the wheel hubs.

1.20. The control body for draining the condensate of the air cylinders of the brake drive system should be located in a place convenient for control.

1.21. Provide simple and easy replacement or cleaning of the moisture / oil separator of the pneumatic brake drive system.

1.22. Provide free access to the tire valves on twin wheels by installing valve extensions.

1.23. Batteries with open inter-battery jumpers should be equipped with a cover at the place of their installation on the product, which reliably protects their upper part from dust, moisture and dirt, or placed in a closed ventilated compartment.

1.24. In the electrical system of the products, install plug connectors that allow you to remove the main components and lighting devices without unscrewing the contact connections. Concentrate connectors as grouped nodes.

1.25. Install a branched network of fuses in the electrical equipment of the products, providing easy and quick troubleshooting in the system.

1.26. In the electrical system of all types of products, use alternators of the most promising design.

1.27. Equip all types of products with battery circuit breakers.

1.28. Provide easy and quick removal of engine starting units and assemblies from the product, as well as power supply, gas release and cooling systems.

1.29. Provide free access to maintenance objects on the engine by using a tilting cab or a hinged hood-fenders block, lowering the height of the fenders, and using easily removable hood sidewalls.

1.30. Provide in the design of the product the possibility of applying and subsequent renewal in operation of the anti-corrosion coating of the external and internal surfaces of the closed cavities of the body elements subject to corrosion.

1.31. Provide the ability to remove the engine cylinder head directly on the product.

1.32. Ensure the use of magnetic shields and plugs in engine designs.

1.33. To provide for products the maximum possible reasonable degree of unification for assembly units and components, mechanisms, component equipment, for the placement of controls and instrumentation.

2. Layout of assembly units of the product

2.1. Accept the design and layout of assembly units of the product, providing free access to all devices and parts subject to maintenance and control in operation.

2.2. Place drain plugs of containers in places that provide free access to them and the ability to release liquids without loss and hitting the surface of adjacent parts of the product.

2.3. Place battery in places that provide the ability to control the level and density of electrolyte in each can directly on the product.

3. Methods of fastening assembly units, fasteners

3.1. The types of fasteners for all connections of the product should be selected based on the conditions for using the minimum number of used standard sizes of keys.

3.2. The number of standard sizes of "turnkey" places for threaded plugs of drain and filler openings of containers should be no more than three.

3.3. Provide free access with power tools or torque wrenches to fasteners with a high or standardized tightening force. Provide the necessary access to the remaining fasteners with a fastening tool.

3.4. Provide the ability to perform bolt tightening work by one person.

3.5. All fasteners that are exposed to moisture must be coated with an anti-corrosion coating.

3.6. Use plastic fasteners where possible.

3.7. Use self-locking fasteners or other means that exclude self-unscrewing in the most critical connections of the product, primarily related to ensuring traffic safety.

3.8. Observe the frequency of the frequency of fastening work and the frequency of maintenance of the product.

4. Lubrication

4.1. Provide friction units that do not require lubrication.

4.2. Number of brands used lubricants(excluding substitutes) there should be no more than four for cars and six for trucks and general buses.

4.3. Provide for the choice of type of design, location and method of installation of grease fittings, allowing the use of existing standard lubrication equipment with one type of grease tip.

4.4. The design and location of the filling holes of the crankcases of units and assemblies must ensure the possibility of sucking oil, flushing the crankcases and filling fresh butter through the filler neck.

5. Anti-corrosion protection and painting

5.1. Anticorrosive protection of cabins, bodies and their painting during manufacture should provide:

no rust on external surfaces for at least three years; *

absence of pits and through corrosion damage for at least five years. *
* For the first category of operating conditions and climatic regions with a correction factor of 1.0.

5.2. Life time paints and varnishes bodies must correspond to the resource of the car or body (cabin) up to overhaul.*
* For the first category of operating conditions and climatic regions with a correction factor of 1.0.

5.3. Provide access (openings, channels, hatches, etc.) to the internal surfaces of the body and cab, prone to corrosion, to control and carry out anti-corrosion measures in operation.

5.4. Provide for the installation of plugs, hatches and other devices to drain moisture and condensate from the body cavities.

5.5. Eliminate places of accumulation of dirt (niches, traps, etc.) on the surfaces of the body and cabins, ensure that bodies and cabins are well adapted to washing and anti-corrosion work.

5.6. All fasteners, metal pipelines, rods exposed to moisture must have an anti-corrosion coating.

6. Technical diagnostics assembly units of the product

6.1. In the designs of assembly units of the product, install special devices and devices for connecting a standard diagnostic equipment.

6.2. Position the connectors for connecting the required diagnostic equipment, installed directly on the product, so that they do not impede access to individual units and assembly units and do not interfere with the installation and dismantling work during maintenance and current repair of the product. Concentrate equipment connection points.

6.3. In the systems of hydraulic and pneumatic reinforcement of the product mechanism, provide devices that allow you to monitor the technical condition of the systems without disassembling and removing them from the product.

6.4. Adopt the type of design of the engine block head and the location of the spark plugs and injectors that provide the ability to measure the amount of compression in the cylinders on a complete product.

6.5. In the design of the brakes of trucks and buses, provide for the possibility of visual control of the thickness of the friction linings brake pads without disassembly (hatches closed with easily removable plugs, etc.) or the presence of a signaling device about wear limit details.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks CJSC and verified by:
official publication
Moscow: Standards Publishing House, 1987

Despite the fact that in the matter of safety requirements auto Vehicle all "in the old fashioned way" refer to various GOSTs, this is not entirely correct. Indeed, GOSTs (and since 2004, in accordance with the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2004 N 4 "On National Standards of the Russian Federation", all GOSTs and interstate standards are recognized as National Standards) establish certain requirements for a particular type of product, the procedure for its production , operation, and these requirements are established in order to increase the level of safety and ensure the quality of goods and services, but one of the basic principles of standardization (as follows from Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation") is the principle voluntary application of these documents. That is, each manufacturer of goods or services, independently, on a voluntary basis and at its own discretion, decides whether to comply with the requirements of GOST or not.

Exceptions to this rule, which oblige the manufacturer of goods or services to apply a specific GOST without fail, take place only at the time of production of products (provision of services) the corresponding Technical Regulations have not yet been adopted, which determines the requirements for this kind products. In this case, GOST is mandatory, but only in terms of the requirements for the product itself, the processes of its production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, and only in the part corresponding to the goals of protecting the life and health of citizens, protecting property, protecting the environment. , animals and plants, as well as prevention of misleading consumers of such products. In other words, if a product (result of a service), due to its improper manufacture, (its improper provision), can cause harm to someone's life or health, someone's property, nature, or mislead the consumer, while the Technical Regulations establishing the requirements there is no such product (service), then the requirements of GOST are mandatory.
As for cars, in September 2010, the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles entered into force, which was valid until January 1, 2015, after which it was replaced by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles" (TR CU 018 / 2011), Thus, the main and mandatory document containing requirements for the safety of vehicles is precisely the Technical Regulations, and not GOSTs. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the provisions of the Technical Regulations largely repeat the provisions of the corresponding GOSTs.

So, at the present time, there are three main regulations, which establish the requirements for the technical condition of a vehicle in operation, these are:

1. Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (TR CU 018/2011)
2. The main provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.1993 N 1090 "On the Rules of the road")
3. Rules for the technical inspection of vehicles (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.12.2011 N 1008 "On the technical inspection of vehicles")

In principle, all three of these documents contain similar requirements for vehicles, but in a given situation one or another document applies. And despite the fact that the requirements are very similar, there are still some differences.
In particular, the Technical Regulations are generally applied by all vehicle owners, service workshops, and regulatory authorities in the supervision of the technical condition of vehicles in operation.
The main provisions are applied by drivers of vehicles, with their direct control, as well as by traffic police officers in the supervision of road traffic... It is for the presence of the malfunctions of the car specified in the Basic Provisions that the driver can be fined under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
The inspection rules are applied by the Inspection Operators at periodic technical inspection Vehicle. At the same time, they are not entitled to check the car for compliance with other parameters not specified in the Rules for conducting a technical inspection, even if such parameters are specified in the Basic Provisions, or in the Technical Regulations. But even a diagnostic card, with a mark about the health of your car, will not save you from a fine for the presence of such malfunctions.

For example, in accordance with the Basic Provisions and Technical regulations, studded and non-studded tires must not be used on the vehicle at the same time. That is, if a “non-studded” is installed on the front axle, and rear axle- Spiked tires, this is a violation. The driver can be prosecuted in the form of a fine of 500 rubles. However, during the inspection it will not be a malfunction (it should not be considered as a malfunction), the Rules for the inspection do not say anything about checking the "studding" of tires. Or, for example, if you install gas-discharge light sources ("xenon") in conventional (intended for use with halogen lamps) headlight units, then this will not affect the results of the inspection (if, of course, the adjustment angles and the intensity of the headlights are meet the requirements). That is, the very fact that a "xenon" is installed in a conventional headlamp is not a violation during the inspection. However, on the road, traffic police officers can bring you to responsibility for this, up to the deprivation of rights, since the Technical Regulations and the Basic Provisions prohibit such changes in the operating mode of lighting devices, even if the angles of adjustment and the intensity of the headlights correspond to the standards.

At the same time, the Rules for the technical inspection contain links to some points of individual GOSTs. In these cases, the requirements of these GOSTs should be applied, but only to the extent of the requirements of those points to which there is a direct reference in the Maintenance Rules. There are not many such links, below is a list of points of various GOSTs, which are referenced in the Rules for Carrying Out a Technical Inspection, and which are subject to mandatory application by Maintenance Operators when carrying out a technical inspection:

1. Clauses 4.1, 4.3.4-4.3.11, table 6a and table 10 GOST R 51709-2001 “Motor vehicles. Safety requirements for the technical condition and methods of verification "checks (see paragraph 1 of Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for Carrying Out an Inspection)
2. Section 4 GOST R “Nature protection. Atmosphere. Norms and methods for measuring the content of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in the exhaust gases of gas-cylinder vehicles "(see paragraph 32 of Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for Carrying Out a Technical Inspection)
3. Section 4 GOST R 52033-2003 "Cars with gasoline engines... Emissions of pollutants with exhaust gases. Norms and methods of control when assessing the technical condition "(see paragraph 32 of Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for conducting technical inspection)
Other GOSTs, as well as other points of the above-listed GOSTs, are not applied during technical inspection.

1. Rules for the provision of services (performance of work) for maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.06.98, No. 639)

2. Regulation on maintenance and repair of rolling stock road transport, M., Transport, 1986
3. GOST 25478-91 “Motor vehicles. Requirements for the technical condition and traffic safety conditions. Verification methods "
4. GOST–87 “Nature protection. Atmosphere. Standards and methods for measuring the carbon and hydrocarbon content in the exhaust gases of gasoline-powered vehicles. Safety requirements"
5. GOST 21393–75 “Cars with diesel engines. Smoke in the exhaust gases. Norms and methods of measurements. Safety requirements"
6. RD 37.009.010-85 "Guidelines for the organization of diagnostics of passenger cars at the service station" Avtotekhoborudovaniya ", M., 1985
7. RD 200-RSFSR150150-81 "Diagnostic Manual technical condition rolling stock of road transport ", M., 19821
8. RD 37.009.024–92 “Acceptance and release from repair of passenger car bodies by car service enterprises”, “AvtoselkhozmashHolding”, 1992
9. GOST 9.032–74 “Paint coatings. Soils, technical requirements and designations "
10. GOST 9.10580 “Paint coatings. Classification and basic parameters of staining methods "
11. GOST 9.40280 “Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces before painting "
12. GOST 9.01080 “Compressed air for spraying paints and varnishes. Technical requirements... Control methods"
13. GOST 9.41088 “Polymer powder coatings. Typical technological processes "
14. RD 3112199017894 "Protection of the rolling stock of road transport against corrosion", Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, M., 1994
15. Operating rules car tires, Approved. Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, M., 1997
16. OST 20000195 "Tires and tubeless tires suitable for repairing local damage to tires and tubes "
17. OST 384717095 "Pneumatic tires for automobile tires and tubeless tires, remanufactured by applying a new tread"
18. OST 20000295 “Tires and tubeless tires that have undergone local damage repair. Technical conditions "
19. OST 384717195 "Pneumatic tires for automobile tires and tubeless tires suitable for retreading by applying a new tread"
20. GOST 95991 "12V lead starter batteries for automotive and motorcycle equipment. General specifications "
21. GOST 2911191 "Lead acid storage batteries. Part I. General requirements and test methods "
22. GOST 354475 “Headlights of high and low beam of cars. Technical conditions "
23. GOST 394084 “Electrical equipment for motor vehicles. General specifications "
24. GOST 436481 "Drives for pneumatic brake systems of motor vehicles"
25. GOST 696472 "External signal and lighting lanterns for cars, tractors, self-propelled machines and trailers. Technical requirements"
26. GOST 1098474 “External light signaling devices for cars, tractors, trailers and other vehicles. Light and color characteristics. Standards and test methods "
27. GOST 1869973 “Electric windshield wipers. Technical requirements"
28. GOST 22895-77 " Braking systems and the braking properties of motor vehicles. Performance standards. Technical requirements"
29. GOST 23181–78 "Drives internal combustion piston. Nomenclature of diagnostic parameters "
30. GOST 23435–79 “Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Nomenclature of diagnostic parameters "
31. GOST 2138989 “Trucks. General technical requirements "
32. NiP–94 "Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises"
33. P 11 "Sanitary requirements for the transportation of food" Approved. ch. doctor of the USSR 04.16.
34. GOST 20228–74 “Hydrotransformers for trucks, buses and tractors. Main parameters"
35. GOST 3396–90 “Leaf springs for automotive vehicles. General technical conditions "
36. GOST 29307–92 “Road transport. Motorcycles. Fuel consumption measurement methods "
37. OST 37.004.016–84 “Repaired motorcycles. General technical requirements "
39. OST 37.004.017–84 "Repaired motorcycles"
40. MU-200-RSFSR-12-0016-84 "Guidelines for the control and optimal adjustment of gas equipment supply systems for vehicles powered by LNG", NIIAT, 1994
41. RD-200-RSFSR-12-0185-87 "Manual for the operation of vehicles running on liquefied natural gas"
43. MU-200-RSFSR-12-0163-87 "Guidelines for the operation of gas-diesel vehicles running on liquefied natural gas"
44. RD-200-RSFSR-12-0111-87 “Regulations on the temporary point for the periodic inspection of automobile LNG cylinders. Classifier of defects in automobile cylinders ", NIIAT, 1997
45. IO-200-RSFSR-15-0077-83 "Typical technology of implementation routine maintenance first, second and seasonal maintenance of vehicles ZIL 138A (138I), GA3 5327, GAZ 5227 ", M, 1983
46. ​​GOST 94973 "Steel cylinders of small and medium volume for gases at Pp / 19.6 MPa (200 kg / cm2)
47. MU-200-RSFSR-12-0052-85 "Typical technology for testing fuel systems of vehicles running on compressed natural gas", NIIAT, 1985
48. RT-200-RSFSR-15-0082–84 "Temporary guidance for the current repair of vehicles ZIL 138A (138I), GA3 5227, operating on natural gas", M., 1984
49 RT-200-RSFSR-15-0087–84 "Guidelines for the current repair of vehicles running on compressed natural gas", NIIAT, 1984
50. TU 152-12-007–99 “Cars. Re-equipment of trucks, cars and specialized vehicles in gas cylinders for operation on compressed natural gas. Acceptance for re-equipment and release after re-equipment. Testing of gas fuel systems ", NIIAT, 1999
51. TU 152-12-008–99 “Cars and buses. Conversion of trucks, cars and buses into gas cylinders for operation on liquefied petroleum gases. Acceptance for re-equipment and release after re-equipment. Tests of gas cylinder systems ", NIIAT, 1999
52. RD-200-RSFSR-12-0227-88 "Manual for the conversion of trucks with diesel engines for operation on LNG ", NIIAT, 1988.
53. TU-200-RSFSR-12-538-86 “Specifications. Conversion of passenger cars running on compressed natural gas. Acceptance for re-equipment and release after re-equipment, testing of fuel systems ", NIIAT, 1986
54. RD-200-RSFSR-12-0176-87 "Guidelines for the organization and implementation of the conversion of automobile rolling stock for operation on liquefied petroleum gas", NIIAT, 1987
55. RD 3112199-0182-94 " Normative base certification of services for the re-equipment of automobile rolling stock for operation on gas fuel ", M., 1994
56. RTM-200-RSFSR-12-0014–84 "Guidelines for the organization and implementation of the conversion of automobile rolling stock to run on compressed natural gas", NIIAT, 1994
57. OST 37.001.211–78 “Safety of the vehicle structure. Interior equipment of passenger car salons and bodies. Technical requirements and test methods "
58. Law of the Russian Federation "On certification of products and services", Post. RF Armed Forces from 10.06.93, No. 51531 with amended. dated 12/27/95
59. GOST R “Certification system for maintenance and repair of AMTS. Certification rules "
60. RD 37.009.026–92 “Regulations on the maintenance and repair of vehicles owned by citizens (cars and trucks, buses, minitractors)”.

All documents presented in the catalog are not their official publication and are intended solely for informational purposes. Electronic copies of these documents can be distributed without any restrictions. You can post information from this site to any other site.




Motor vehicle maintenance and repair system.

Requirements for maintainability and repairability of items

GOST 21624-81 instead of GOST 21624-76

By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 24, 1981 No. 5619, the introduction period was established

from 01.01.83

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard establishes requirements for products to ensure a given level of operational manufacturability (ET) and maintainability (RP), as well as the values ​​of ET and RP indicators provided for by GOST 20334-81, for automotive products - all-wheel drive and non-four-wheel drive vehicles (trucks, cars and buses ), trailers and semi-trailers (hereinafter - products).

The standard does not apply to special and specialized automotive products.

Requirements for ET and RP of products should be included in the terms of reference for the development or modernization of the product and the technical level map.

The terms used in this standard and the explanations to them are given in the reference.


2.1. The design and layout of the product and its component parts must ensure that all maintenance operations (MOT) and current repairs (TR) are carried out with the lowest possible labor and material costs.

2.2. The general requirements for the provision of EE and RP for automotive products are:

increase in the frequency of maintenance of products;

increasing the reliability of the product and its components;

ensuring accessibility to the component parts of the product that require maintenance and repair;

ensuring easy removability of the component parts of the product;

standardization and unification of component parts of the product and operating materials;

reducing the number of product items requiring regular maintenance;

reduction of the nomenclature and standard sizes of fasteners;

improvement of anti-corrosion protection of the product, its components and fasteners;

providing access to components requiring anti-corrosion protection in operation;

ensuring traceability when used for its intended purpose, maintenance and repair;

ensuring the suitability of the product for washing, fastening, adjusting, lubricating, control and diagnostic and repair work;

ensuring adaptability to the performance of fine-tuning and control and measuring works;

ensuring the possibility of using original design solutions and new materials;

ensuring full geometric and functional interchangeability of the same type of components during maintenance and repair;

reducing the number of maintenance personnel and the need for specialists with a high level of qualifications by reducing and simplifying dismantling, assembly, adjustment and other works.


3.1. The values ​​of the frequency of daily (EO), first (TO-1) and second (TO-2) maintenance, specified in the technical documentation, and TO according to service books are given in table. 1.

Labor intensity of maintenance and current repair of passenger cars with 4x2 wheel arrangement

Vehicle class

Engine displacement, l

Weight (dry), kg

Operational complexity

one-time daily maintenance,





person-h / thousand km

no more

Extra small

Up to 1.2

Up to 850




St. 1.2 to 1.8

St. 850 to 1150




St. 1.8 to 3.5

St. 1150 to 1500



Table 3

Labor intensity of maintenance and routine repair of buses


Length, m

Operational complexity




person-h / thousand km

no more

Extra small

Up to 5.0




St. 6.0 to 7.5




St. 8.0 to 9.5




St. 10.5 to 12.0



Table 4

Labor intensity of maintenance and current repair of general purpose trucks with wheel arrangement 4 × 2 and 6 × 4

Carrying capacity

Operational complexity

one-time daily maintenance, man-h




person-h / thous. km

no more

Especially small

0.5 to 1.0




St. 1.0 to 3.0




St. 3.0 to 4.0



St. 4.0 to 5.0




St. 5.0 to 8.0



Especially large

St. 8.0 to 10.0



St. 10.0 to 16.0



3.6. The values ​​of the one-time operational labor intensity of the EO, as well as the specific operational labor intensity of TO and TR for all-wheel drive vehicles should not exceed the values ​​given in table. ...




1. Special and specialized automotive products

According to GOST 21398-75

2. General purpose vehicle

According to the "General Classifier of Industrial and Agricultural Products", "Higher Classification Groupings", class 45 - "Automotive Industry Products". Approved by the State Planning Committee of the USSR on December 18, 1974

3. Daily maintenance (EO), first maintenance (TO-1), second maintenance (TO-2), seasonal maintenance (CO)

Complexes of operations referred to under these names in the instructions for the operation of products of specific brands developed by manufacturers of products in accordance with GOST 2.601-68

4. Current repair (TR)

5. Basic model

A product conditionally taken as the main one in the development and execution of design documentation and in the organization of production

6. Operational complexity

According to GOST 21623-76


Table 1

Characteristics of the operating conditions of products and the corresponding categories

Working conditions of products

1. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area on flat, slightly hilly and hilly terrain, having cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete pavements

1. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area in mountainous terrain, as well as in small towns and in the suburban area (in all types of relief, except for mountain), having cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete types of pavements.

2. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area (in all types of relief, except for mountainous ones), as well as in small towns and in the suburban area on flat terrain with a coating of bitumen-mineral mixtures.

3. Highways of III, IV technical categories outside the suburban area, having crushed stone and gravel surfaces in all types of relief, except for mountainous and mountainous

1. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area, highways in small towns and in the suburban area (mountainous area), as well as in big cities, having cement concrete and asphalt concrete pavements.

2. Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area (mountainous terrain), highways in small towns and in the suburban area (in all types of relief, except flat), as well as in big cities (in all types of relief, except for mountain), having coatings of bitumen-mineral mixtures.

3. Highways of III, IV technical categories outside the suburban area in mountainous and mountainous terrain, highways in the suburban area and streets of small towns, streets of large cities (all types of relief, except for mountainous and mountainous), with crushed stone and gravel surfaces.

4. Highways of III, IV, V technical categories outside the suburban area, highways in the suburban area and streets of small towns, streets of large cities (flat terrain), covered with cobblestone and crushed stone, as well as coatings from soils treated with binders materials.

5. Intra-plant highways with improved coatings.

6. Winter roads

1. Streets of large cities with coatings of bitumen-mineral mixtures (mountainous terrain), crushed stone and gravel coatings (mountainous and mountainous terrain), coatings of cobblestone and crushed stone and from soils treated with binders (all types of relief, except for plain) materials ...

2. Motor roads of the V technical category outside the suburban area, motor roads in the suburban area and streets of small towns (flat terrain), which have unpaved unreinforced or reinforced with local materials.

3. Timber and forestry dirt roads in good condition

1. Natural dirt roads, on-farm roads in rural areas, intra-quarry and dump roads, temporary access roads to various construction sites and places for the extraction of sand, clay, stone, etc. during periods when traffic is possible there

table 2

Correction factors for the frequency of maintenance and the specific operational labor intensity of the current repair, depending on the category of operating conditions of automotive products

Table 3

Coefficients for correcting the frequency of maintenance of the specific labor intensity of the current repair, depending on the climatic regions of operation of automotive products

Natural and climatic region

Correction factor

maintenance intervals

specific labor intensity of current repair

Moderately cold

Moderately warm, moderately warm humid, warm humid

Hot dry, very hot dry

Cold (with an average temperature of January from minus 15 to minus 20 rubles)

Cold (with an average temperature of January from minus 20 to minus 35 °)

Very cold (with an average January temperature of minus 35 ° and below)

Note . When automotive products operate in conditions with a highly aggressive environment, the value of the maintenance frequency is reduced by 10%, and the value of the specific labor intensity of the TR is increased by 10%.

The work of automotive products for the transportation of chemical goods that cause intense corrosion is equated to conditions with a highly aggressive environment.


1. Design of assembly units

1.1. Units and parts subject to frequent dismantling during operation must be easily removable.

1.2. Manhole covers that are frequently removed should be fitted with quick release clamps that prevent spontaneous opening.

1.3. For the cables and rods of the control drive of the product systems, provide guides made of materials that do not need lubrication.

1.4. Provide on products with pneumatic control systems the ability to inflate and inflate tires from the pneumatic system.

1.5. Ensure the installation on the wheels of heavy-duty trucks and buses signaling devices for reducing the pressure in tires to the minimum permissible value.

1.6. The external body shapes of cars, buses, trucks such as a van, a trailer and a semi-trailer should be adapted for a mechanized external washing on brush machines.

1.7. Provide the possibility of unhindered passage of washing brushes during mechanized washing of products along its parts and devices protruding on the surface of the body (windshield wipers, rear-view mirrors, antennas, additional headlights, signals, etc.).

1.8. Apply the types of bus flooring and the method of its fastening, which ensure the possibility of a hose cleaning of the passenger compartment without water penetration behind the panels and under the floor covering. Provide for the possibility of complete drainage of water accumulated on the floor during washing.

1.9. Provide for the design of the bus interior and its internal equipment, which provides the possibility of mechanized cleaning, including washing and special treatment with disinfectants.

1.10. On products with carburetor engines, install devices that exclude the ingress of water on the electrical equipment of the engine during mechanized and hose washing.

1.11. Containers and reservoirs, the levels of working fluids in which they should be monitored (engine lubrication system, cooling system, transmission oil crankcases, brake fluid reservoirs, etc.), should be supplied with easily observable level indicators (dipsticks, transparent windows, remote indicators, etc.) ... Provide, if necessary, the installation of built-in devices that allow you to monitor the liquid level directly on the instrument panel or make it easy and quick to control it.

1.12. In the designs of the fuel system and other devices that use special fluids or oils, provide for the possibility of complete draining of fluid from all tanks and working volumes.

1.13. Provide easy disconnectability of hydraulic and pneumatic drives feeding the component parts of the product.

1.14. In cases where, according to the conditions of the adopted design solutions, it is impossible to refuel products with fuel, water, oil and other technical fluids from the ground level, ensure the installation of built-in devices for access of workers to the filling points, as well as to the windshield and rear windows.

1.15. Assembly units and mechanisms, the mass of which exceeds 30 kg, should be made adapted for removal and transportation by lifting means (provide for grippers, eyebolts, eyelets, etc.).

1.16. Methods for attaching a spare wheel to products must ensure that it can be installed and removed by one person with a required force not exceeding 500 N (50 kgf).

1.17. On products with a monocoque body, provide structurally designed places that must ensure the possibility of hanging them with a jack at least at four points, as well as when performing maintenance and repairs - with lifts: for frame products, ensure the possibility of hanging with lifts and jacks under bridges.

1.18. Use self-adjusting brakes on passenger cars and buses of all types.

1.19. Use easily removable brake drums that allow inspection of the brake mechanisms for maintenance without dismantling the wheel hubs.

1.20. The control body for draining the condensate of the air cylinders of the brake drive system should be located in a place convenient for control.

1.21. Provide simple and easy replacement or cleaning of the moisture / oil separator of the pneumatic brake drive system.

1.22. Provide free access to the tire valves on twin wheels by installing valve extensions.

1.23. Batteries with open inter-accumulator jumpers should be equipped with a cover at the place of their installation on the product, which reliably protects their upper part from dust, moisture and dirt, or placed in a closed ventilated compartment.

1.24. In the electrical system of the products, install plug connectors that allow you to remove the main components and lighting devices without unscrewing the contact connections. Concentrate connectors as grouped nodes.

1.25. Install a branched network of fuses in the electrical equipment of the products, providing easy and quick troubleshooting in the system.

1.26. In the electrical system of all types of products, use alternators of the most promising design.

1.27. Equip all types of products with battery circuit breakers.

1.28. Provide easy and quick removal of engine starting units and assemblies from the product, as well as power supply, gas release and cooling systems.

1.29. Provide free access to maintenance objects on the engine by using a tilting cab or a hinged hood-fenders block, lowering the height of the fenders, and using easily removable hood sidewalls.

1.30. Provide in the design of the product the possibility of applying and then resuming in operation an anti-corrosion coating of the outer and inner surfaces of the closed cavities of body elements subject to corrosion.

1.31. Provide the ability to remove the engine cylinder head directly to the product.

1.32. Ensure the use of magnetic shields and plugs in engine designs.

1.33. To provide for products the maximum possible reasonable degree of unification for assembly units and components, mechanisms, component equipment, for the placement of controls and instrumentation.

2. Layout of assembly units of the product

2.1. Accept the design and layout of assembly units of the product, providing free access to all devices and parts subject to maintenance and control in operation.

2.2. Place drain plugs of containers in places that provide free access to them and the ability to release liquids without loss and hitting the surface of adjacent parts of the product.

2.3. Place the battery in places that provide the ability to control the level and density of the electrolyte in each can directly on the product.

3. Methods of fastening assembly units, fasteners

3.1. The types of fasteners for all connections of the product should be selected based on the conditions for using the minimum number of used standard sizes of keys.

3.2. The number of standard sizes of “turnkey” places for threaded plugs of drain and filling holes of containers should be no more than three.

3.3. Provide free access with a power tool or torque wrenches to fasteners with a high or normalized tightening force. Provide the necessary access to the remaining fasteners with a fastening tool.

3.4. Provide the ability to perform bolt tightening work by one person.

3.5. All fasteners that are exposed to moisture must be coated with an anti-corrosion coating.

3.6. Use plastic fasteners where possible.

3.7. Use self-locking fasteners or other means that exclude self-unscrewing in the most critical connections of the product, primarily related to ensuring traffic safety.

3.8. Observe the frequency of the frequency of fastening work and the frequency of maintenance of the product.

4. Lubrication

4.1. Provide friction units that do not require lubrication.

4.2. The number of brands of lubricants used (excluding substitutes) should be no more than four for cars and six for trucks and general buses.

4.3. Provide for the choice of type of design, location and method of installation of grease fittings, allowing the use of existing standard lubrication equipment with one type of grease tip.

4.4. The design and location of the filling holes of the crankcases of units and assemblies must ensure the possibility of sucking out oil, flushing the crankcases and filling with fresh oil through the filler necks.

5. Anti-corrosion protection and painting

5.1. Anticorrosive protection of cabins, bodies and their painting during manufacture should provide:

no rust on external surfaces for at least three years; *

absence of pits and through corrosion damage for at least five years. *

5.2. The service life of body paint and varnish coatings must correspond to the resource of the car or body (cabin) before overhaul. *

5.3. Provide access (openings, channels, hatches, etc.) to the internal surfaces of the body and cab, prone to corrosion, to control and carry out anti-corrosion measures in operation.

5.4. Provide for the installation of plugs, hatches and other devices to drain moisture and condensate from the body cavities.

5.5. Eliminate places of accumulation of dirt (niches, traps, etc.) on the surfaces of the body and cabins, ensure that bodies and cabins are well adapted for washing and anti-corrosion work.

5.6. All fasteners, metal pipelines, rods exposed to moisture must have an anti-corrosion coating.

6. Technical diagnostics of assembly units of the product

6.1. In the designs of assembly units of the product, install special devices and devices for connecting standard diagnostic equipment.

6.2. Position the connectors for connecting the required diagnostic equipment, installed directly on the product, so that they do not impede access to individual units and assembly units and do not interfere with the installation and dismantling work during maintenance in the current repair of the product. Concentrating places for equipment connections.

6.3. In the systems of hydraulic and pneumatic reinforcement of the product mechanism, provide devices that allow you to monitor the technical condition of the systems without disassembling and removing them from the product.

6.4. Adopt the type of design of the engine block head and the location of the spark plugs and injectors that provide the ability to measure the amount of compression in the cylinders on a complete product.

6.5. In the design of the brakes of trucks and buses, provide for the possibility of visual control of the thickness of the friction linings of the brake pads without disassembly (hatches closed with easily removable plugs, etc.) or the presence of a signaling device about the limiting wear of parts.

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Reissue. January 1991

By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 24, 1981 No. 5620, the introduction period was established

from 01.01.83

1. This standard establishes the main and additional indicators of operational manufacturability (ET) and maintainability (RP) of automotive products - half-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles (trucks, cars and buses), trailers and semi-trailers (hereinafter referred to as products) for regulated operating conditions.

2. The main indicators of the ET and RP of the product are given in the table, additional indicators are in the recommended appendix.

3. Evaluation of indicators of ET and RP of a product should be carried out at the stages of development, modernization, operation and overhaul.

4. Based on the results of evaluating the indicators of the ET and RP of the product based on the experience of their operation, the developers or manufacturers draw up a program for the provision of ET and RP in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23660-79, including the following works:

determination of the values ​​of the indicators of ET and RP of the product and analogues.

Indicator name



Maintenance frequency, thousand km

According to GOST 18322-78

One-time operational labor intensity of daily maintenance, people h

Average operational labor intensity of one daily maintenance

Specific operational labor intensity of maintenance,

According to GOST 21623-76

Specific operational labor intensity of current repair,

According to GOST 21623-76

Note. A differentiated analysis of operational manufacturability and maintainability can be carried out according to indicators determined separately for the main assembly units and systems and for the main types of maintenance (MOT) and car repair work similar to those given in GOST 27.003-90.

5. The results of the assessment of the ET and RP of the product should be included in the acts of acceptance of the products.

6. For a differentiated assessment of ET and RP of products during the study, it is allowed to use additional indicators given in the appendix.


Indicator name




Specific operational duration of overhaul 1,

According to GOST 21623-76

Specific operational labor intensity of overhaul 1,

According to GOST 21623-76

The coefficient of operational labor intensity of the overhaul of the product

TO c.r

The ratio of the average operational labor intensity of overhaul to the average operational labor intensity of manufacturing a product

Specific operational labor intensity of maintenance, referred to the nominal value of its main parameter 2,

Specific operational labor intensity of current repair, referred to the nominal value of its main parameter,

Product maintainability level for maintenance

TO u.t. about

Maintainability indicator for maintenance, defined relative to the corresponding target value or baseline maintainability indicator

Repairability level of the product for current repair

TO u.t.r

The indicator of the maintainability of the product for current repair, determined relative to the corresponding value or baseline


One-time operational labor intensity of the product for TO-1, people h

S TO-1

Average operational labor intensity of one TO-1

One-time operational labor intensity of the product for TO-2, people h

S TO-2

Average operational labor intensity of one TO-2

One-time operational labor intensity of the seasonal maintenance product, pers. h

Average operational labor intensity of one seasonal service

Product availability rate during maintenance

TO etc. about

According to GOST 21623-76

Product availability ratio during current repair

TO d.t.r

According to GOST 21623-76

Specific number of operations during product maintenance by type of work

The number of regulated operations by type of work (lubricating, fastening, adjusting), referred to 1000 km of run

Number of brands of used fuel and lubricants

The total number of brands of used fuel and lubricants recommended by the operating documentation of the manufacturer, excluding substitutes and auxiliary materials used in maintenance and repair

Number of brands of applied technical fluids

The total number of brands of applied technical fluids recommended by the operating documentation of the manufacturer, excluding substitutes and auxiliary materials used for maintenance and repair

Coefficient of applicability of the product tool

The ratio of the number of tools to the total number of points for which this tool is intended in the process of maintenance and repair

1) Indicators include specific operational duration and labor intensity of performing only disassembly and assembly operations during overhaul.

2) The main parameter should be taken as the main design or operational parameter provided by the technical documentation for the product.

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