Home Food If the ice machine launched what to do. How to drive a car in the Hollyeditsa. Regulatory framework and fixation of traces

If the ice machine launched what to do. How to drive a car in the Hollyeditsa. Regulatory framework and fixation of traces

In the period of the Hollyantic, specialists of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk call on car owners and pedestrians to be extremely careful and attentive.

According to statistics, about 40% of all accidents in the winter is caused by ice and snowfall. The underlying condition for drivers is prudency, low speed and exceptional caution. Pedestrian with ice climb two dangers - slip and fall or get under the car. With the onset of cold weather, the number of street injuries is growing: bruises, dislocations and fractures. According to doctors, on such days the number of victims increases by 2 times. To reduce the likelihood of falling, it is necessary to comply with the following rules of behavior under ice: attention and caution are the main principles of behavior that should be strictly adhered to ice.

- During moving on slippery street, do not hurry, avoid sharp movements, constantly see yourself under your feet; If you need to look around, you should not do this on the go - it is better to stop. The legs should be slightly relaxed and bent in the knees, the body is slightly tilted forward. Hold down the habit of hands in the pockets in ice dangerous: if you fall, you can hardly take them out and grab about something. Elderly people are advised to get a cane with a rubber stopper -he noted the head of the Civil Defense Department of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk Valentin Litvinenko.
A huge danger in ice is the steps; But if you still have to go down on a slippery staircase, then the leg must be put along the steps, in the event of a loss of equilibrium, this position allows you to move down, so carefully as possible in a similar situation in principle.

Rescuers advise residents to prepare small cabin shoes, attach metal widths or foam on the heels, and on the dry sole, cover the leukoplaster or insulating tape, on the dry sole and heel (make a sticker crosswise or lasska), and before going out in the sand. You can grasp the sole of sandpaper before going out.

Move into the ice should be carefully stepping on the whole sole. Feet when walking should be slightly relaxed, hands are free. If you slipped, immediately sneeze to reduce the height of the fall. Gouping up to eliminate the fall at the time, at the time of touching the Earth, roll up to soften the power of the strike.

If you feel that the fall is inevitable, sneeze and lean away, as hockey players do. The unsuccessful drop on the back is fraught with a spinal injury, and on the arms stretched forward - a turn of the shoulder or wrist, so try to grind: to press the elbows to the sides, pull the head into the shoulders, strain the muscles. If at the time of contact with the ground, you will be able to jerk (such a roll significantly reduces the strength of the strike), then, most likely, the maximum that you threaten is a bruise or a small bruise. Such actions are usually as a rule, those who are engaged in sports - regular training helps to work out the desired reaction, maintain equilibrium in an emergency situation.

First prefigure can be rendered right in place. If the limb is injured, then it must be immobilized, fix with a tire, to make a supporting bandage on the hand; To do this, it can be used objects that are always nearby: board, scarf, cake. In order to remove the edema, reduce painfulness to the bruise or the folution is desirable to attach something cold, snow for this is quite suitable. After receiving injury, it is not necessary to deal with self-medication, be sure to and immediately contact the hospital.

Memo to motorists: how to drive a car in ice

The main winter council - reduce in two or three times the intensity of your accelerations, braking and turns, and then there will be no problems on a slippery road.

It should be especially accurate when you click on the brake pedal to ice. When driven by a car equipped with an ABS system, a computer will inform you that you should unlock the wheels if you have a lock when driving on ice. However, there should be no high hopes for electronics, it is better to cope with their own.

Press on the pedal should be intermittently, then the car can be controlled confidently. If a professional, managing the machine, slows down intermittently, this can not be noticed. The brake pedal should work quickly, on the verge of blocking the wheels, but should not be too fascinated by this admission. Some drivers who already have traffic management, turn off the ABS in the Hollyeditsa. Do not do this, it is not necessary, it is possible to make a mistake when braking.

In the ice, it is customary to use the braking by the engine, without turning off the ignition and transmission. This should be done in this way: a) reset the fuel supply, without turning off the clutch, b) squeeze the clutch, turn on the lower gear, c) again turn on the clutch.

The engine will increase the revolutions and the speed of the car will gradually decrease. At the same time you can smoothly press the brake pedal. Such general braking is quite convenient.
When controlling the all-wheel drive car, braking by both methods gives almost the same results. However, if you slow down on ice at both ways at the same time, the vehicle speed does not particularly decrease. Most drivers in braking on ice still give preference to braking by the engine.

Important: Ride deep snow is necessary without stopping and shifting gear. If you get stuck in the snow, do not allow the wheels for a long time to stop. Maneuvering on ice is possible, but very neatly, without making sharp movements. All sharp maneuvering, especially outside the nailed rut on the road, threatens the fact that the car can start twist. There will be an emergency, which in conditions of urban movement often leads to a serious accident. The rule says that on the road covered by by Founder, the distance between cars should correspond to the velocity of the car multiplied by two. Observe the distance!

Choosing speed, do not forget that in the snow, the braking path increases almost three times.

Near the stops of public transport and in front of traffic lights from frequent braking is formed, be especially careful here.

Following these ordinary tips, you can protect your movement by car in ice.

Winter road has always been a heavy test for the driver with any degree of preparation. Sometimes such cases occur when there is no experience nor the presence in the car of modern ABS systems, etc. It is worth noting that such "beams" sometimes help me very much. However, not everyone can afford a car equipped with the latest technology. So, for a start, it is necessary to deal with some important nuances.

What drive from your car

Everyone knows the fact that even in the most common weather, gas in turns on cars with rear leading wheels is recommended very carefully. In winter, when Ice appears on the road, owners of such cars (especially if they have no experience of driving in such conditions), it is recommended to go on the bus at all. If this does not cause you optimism, you should be very careful. Holly does not tolerate errors. You need your all your attentiveness. The most difficult for the owners of old cars, which are called "classics".

Tip! Pan, seven, penny - all vases up to 2107 inclusive, have rear-wheel drive. A little easier will be the owners of foreigners (Mercedes, BMW or Audi), on which ABS is still present.

And you pereobulsya for the winter

There is a certain category of people who neglect the most important rules of the winter driving: a change of tires. On summer tires to the ice leave - akin to suicide. No, of course, many drivers have been doing this for years, because to afford an exemplary set of rubber is difficult, but this is an extreme measure. A little more chances for a successful "outcome" with the owners of "Alps".

However, it will be about real winter tires. Ideal will be the option with spikes. For example, Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000. Shove your car in such tires, you will increase the road stability several times. Without good tires about riding a holly, you can forget.

Do not forget about the main thing

Before you go to the road, you need to start the car and warm up. This is especially true for those who have no garages, and there are many such drivers. Big problems may arise from carburetor owners - older cars.

If your battery is discharged, it is probably the smaller of all troubles. Valorous neighbors and friends will always help "pull" the car. Be sure to clean the car from snow, special attention to the rear glass and mirrors. If you plan to ride infrequently, try to start the car (warming up) at least once every three days, otherwise in the summer she will remember all the insults!

Body on Podkoga

In this case, the dimensions of the car and the body type are of great importance. Oh neither twist, but even the most simple SUVs and even urban "parcktails" with a full drive will always be safer in winter, because it is very difficult to put them into the skid. Further, sedans and universals (especially front-wheel drive) are coming, which cope with the task of the "fourth."

But the hatchbacks in this regard are a little passing positions to their "brothers". Usually, such machines are much easier and therefore lose control more often than others. However, the experienced driver is able to level this drawback and even on Daewoo Matiz easily gets from point A to point B.

Tricks and nuances

Well drive a car in an increased "snowlessness" of the streets, of course, those drivers who learned to ride in winter are able to drive. The instructor will always tell me how to better go to a particular situation. There are several general rules that you should remember:

Suffered a skid what to do

The first thing you need to immediately do is remove panic. This is not the best comrade in extreme situations. Next, turn the steering wheel toward the slip (this is the main and basic rule). Many instinctively revolve "Barank" in the opposite direction, which leads only to the deterioration of the situation. What's next? Let Golka. You can not immediately begin to slow down, it will only strengthen the skid. Press the accelerator pedal should be as smaller as possible. If you do everything correctly, the car is leveled and then you can already start lowering the revolutions and slow down to translate the spirit. It is worth a fair to make a reservation: this technique is valid for front-wheel drive machines.

With rear-wheel drive, a set of events is slightly different. After turning the steering wheel towards the drift, the gas pedal should not be pressed. Correct the car with the helm, Always exposing the wheels to the right position parallel to the drift. Under any conditions do not press the brake.

For all-wheel drive machines and jeeps there is practically no special separate algorithm. Therefore, it is possible to follow a variant of action to derive from the drift of the front-wheel drive car, with the only difference that the gas is added very carefully, gradually increasing the engine speed.

One of the variants of the alignment of the car is a change in the intensity of the gas. To do this, you need to include increased, and then reduced transmission. Such manipulations will allow the car to gradually lose speed.

Important! Proper work of the steering wheel - the key to success. This is especially true for rear-wheel drive machines.

On traffic lights should be very vigilant. Do not rush to break off. At best, your wheels are slipping. Do not forget that a person standing in front of you can simply get stuck. Do not come from it into rage and swear. Winter road is equally applied to everyone.

For machines with an automatic transmission, things are more complicated. However, a manual brake can come to the rescue. Sometimes he can save in case of incorrect entry in turn. However, that It is recommended to do only drivers with experience.

In general, fulfilling all the recommendations exactly, riding in winter will not take you no hassle. The main thing is to remember the basic rules of behavior: distance, lowered high-speed mode, as well as a timely rebug of the car. For greater self-confidence, take a pawn in a deserted place. This is recommended to make all beginners who are going to regularly use their own car in a cold period of time.

Okoled, blizzard, snow porridge ... All this can knock out even an experienced driver from the rut. For driving driving You are hardly quickly and easily learn to wavy along our snow roads. How to ride right in winter, what rules to keep and how to avoid problems on ice?

Five main principles

1. Keep safe distance

Remember, leaving in Hollyyeditsa, observe the distance at least twice as much as in the summer.

Be particularly attentive to the sidelines and pedestrian transitions. If someone suddenly runs on the road, you will need more time to brake.

2. Tormeosi correct

What can be even worse for a motorist than ice on the road? It turns out that it is ice after rich snowfall, that is, the road covered with snow porridge. Winter tires are clinging for ice with spikes or in the case of "velcro" of the contact spots. If the ice is sprinkled with snow, the effectiveness of winter tires is noticeably reduced.

Spikes and Velcro simply slip on ice along with snow, and tight contact with the surface is not formed.

In this situation, it is recommended to brake impulse, that is, 4-5 short-term presses on the brake pedal. Such movements will not allow the ABS system, and by the way, it increases the braking path on the ice road almost twice. Sharply put pressure on the brake pedal on the ice - the most common mistake of drivers. The wheels in this case are stopped rotating, and the car rolls on a slippery surface further.

3. Lidham on ice is not a place

Only an experienced athlete can afford to make different dangerous maneuvers on the ice. But we advise us to refrain from such a ride. Do not "slip" on the yellow traffic light signal, turn through the tramways, dramatically slow down and accelerate. All this can lead to car drift.

If you are the owner of a car with automatic transmission, then a good habit for winter - keep your leg over the brake pedal, and not gas, as it is done in summer.

It often happens that in the first seconds when control over the situation is lost, the leg instinctively presses into the floor.

4. Dangerous track

Another danger, often found in winter, is the most common track. When driving a "trotted walkway", the car may begin to bring to the side even at low speed. Driving the winter rut, never keep your hands in tension.

The so-called inferior taxi is great for such situations. Just allow the machine to "hang out" to the left and right, while still controlling the steering wheel.

When on the front-wheel drive car in Kae, the back part, it is impossible to slow down, it is better to add gas. But in the case of rear-wheel drive, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the speed.

5. There are no instincts!

It is very difficult to cope with the car, which brought and start to twist. Most often, these "ice dances" end the accident. But if you are cool and not go into panic, then you can still get out of the situation. Professionals advise in emergency cases to make things that seem unnatural at first glance: keep the steering wheel directly or turn it in the direction of the drift. If the car twists, the wheels put straight will quickly stop the rotation of the body.

Does your car demolish right? Rotate the steering wheel to the right, although it will be necessary, of course, to the left.

Recall that the skid is a situation where the back of the car is trying to overtake the front part. To create a counterweight to this phenomenon, remember the following admission:

When you unfold a car on a slippery road, it leads to it directly naturally. Long turn the steering wheel toward the drift and slightly press on the brake. With light braking, the mass of the machine will shift on the front axle, so the clutch with the road will be better.

Overcome the snow road

If a snowdrift is ahead, but you still need to somehow drive, do not be lazy, leave the car and look around. Perhaps in the snow there are obstacles that you can not overcome in your car. For deep snow, it is not important that the wheels have been studded or not. Here is more important than a good protector. But if the wheel still comes to the frozen soil, the spikes will help ensure the best engagement. When snow covers are not very high, it is better not to lower the tire pressure. The puffed tires get faster to the soil and easier form a kola.

When the rubber is cold, its protector is clogged with snow. On warm rubber, ice and snow melts, and the protector is cleaned faster, so in front of the storming of the snowdrifts does not hurt a small slip.

If the snow is deep, you can reduce the tire pressure to 1.5 atmospheres or even up to one. The reduced pressure improves the coupling properties, increases the contact stain with the surface and reduces the specific pressure pressure. Remember that at low pressure, you need to avoid sharp turns of the steering wheel and sharp slip.

To easily overcome the snowy area, overclocking is needed. When moving slightly turn the steering wheel to the right and left, swelling the snow in front of the wheels. Avoid turns. Otherwise, you will have to do four gauges at once.

If the car started to be stopped, to start stop, then turn on the rear transmission and hand back on the same rut. Next again overclocking and move forward. On the rammed snow of the wheel will rely better. Repeat manipulations until the machine disperses a solid surface.

Video about some rules of driving in ice:

Be careful on the road!

The article uses the image from the site news-r.ru

Denis 90 - 100km / h If the rubber allows.

Paul I drive from 100 to 140 But I have a stud trench Continental Snowviking - the best winter tire in 2009. And by the way he is deserved!
In general, it is better to drive 60. Maximum 80. And then you never know what an animal from the forest will jump out or suffers from the car.

Gennady is healthy. After 100 spikes are useless.
So I do not chase usually. I am Vaapcha like trolleybus I go)))))

Vladimir 80 km / h full-wheel drive, always time to do.

Victor and I go as much as written in signs))))

Eduard yes at least 200. If there is no mind. Are you for advice, or boast?

If the track is well viewed, clean, without cars. You can afford the speed of 80 km / h.

The average mode for ice is 60 km / h.

If on the track of the car, or other interference - then 30-40 up to 10 in circumstances.

The truth is that no one has canceled physics. Neither for hips, nor for steep machines with any drive. If you need to quickly stop, or change the lane of the movement Oleg that fuck you will do from such a speed to ice. And life is alone. And it would be nice to remember.

Yuri at Volva 740 3 FIG 140 and more. The result is only in the brake path, you never know what
and on the other not more than 120

Stepan 60-80 km / h Drive.

Anatoly would have a head with him.

Ilya with a speed safe for movement.

Andrew depends on what drive and rubber, but of course how much courage is enough.

Seven ordinary rules will help you go to ice. Original video: ...

How much do you allow you to go along the highway in winter in ice? We have 120 confidently ... | Topic author: Alexander

we drove like that 130km / h on the rose Kaneshno! (front-wheel drive! In general, it goes well!

Igor The main thing is not to slow down sharply and do not turn the wheel.

Peter 60 is no more ((

Nikita than a heavier machine, the more stable on the ice in spikes. So shipar.

Egor confidently in a pillar?)

Sasha no more than 70

Roman 120 on summer tires, provided that I am on the track one !!

Anton and I fly to ice)))))))))))))
... bird)))))))

Fedor 60 70 no more.

Leonid depends on where if on the highway, last winter and 140, for example, according to M7, and if the citizens flew to 60 in the dignity in front roads. On the turn of me and in 40 launched.

Artem in ice 120? I will not believe. 40 maximum.

Gennady If the car front-wheel drive, then this does not mean that it will be 120 to go adequately. You apparently on Pasame drove in a straight line .. But the slightest maneuver and the confidence will not remain a trace ... and one Suvorov will become less. Miracles do not happen ...

Valentine flew twice from the route, the brains got up to the spot, I recommend to see the destroyers of myths, only the trunk remains at 120

Oleg I understand you - it is Subaru .... I had a Legasy Outback - on the way Perm-Novosibirsk 160-180 went. The track was empty because of the wild ice, all the ranges were drowned in the cafes of roadside Cyril 4WD + spikes .... very soon quickly drove

Dima maximum 60-80 if pure ice, that's when it turns on ice, then you will not confidently feel at 120

High-speed highway "Moscow - Kazan" - Pro city Vladimir

16 Sep 2015 ... Railway will enclose Vladimir from the north along the line .... Magistral "Moscow-Kazan", which will be held through the territory of the region, ...

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