Home Food Which wheels are better with or without camera. Chamber or tubeless tires? Pros and cons

Which wheels are better with or without camera. Chamber or tubeless tires? Pros and cons

Let's think about what bus tires are better, chamber or tubeless? Another 10 years ago on cars in 90% of cases, tires were installed with cameras, now with accuracy on the contrary, that is, almost 90% - without a camera. So why did it happen? Why are the cut-free options capture the car market? Let's figure it out ...

Chamber tires

The first chamber options appeared first, it was quite a long time ago, already in 1887 (it was invented by a veterinarian - John Dunlop, and even then he put them on a bike) and those chamber types are not like today. They were widely used until the 90s - 2000, then the shift came to their shift.


It consists of a rather / outside part, it is often a tire itself, which is not so tightly adjacent to the metal disk, can tend, so she needs a lower sealed outline which will keep pressure. It is such an outline that a wheel chamber that is inserted into the tire. It is clear that the whole design is dressed on a metal disk.

Pros and cons

It has a number of advantages, as well as a number of minuses, compared with the beless-free type. The advantages can be attributed - a low price, and not susceptibility to the deformation of the wheelbarrow. But, unfortunately, the advantages of this end. But there are a lot of minuses - it's much faster, it's more hot, and accordingly, the car handling is worse, also when crossing the wheels very quickly loses air.

Delicious tires

The next option is the more perfect option, which has no chamber in the structure. They appeared relatively recently, about 10 - 30 years ago. However, in widespread use used only 10 - 15 years and market market very quickly.


It consists of the top / outer part, the tires, which is the inner layer of the wheels, that is, the usual camera in such rubber is not. The inner layer consists of a special sealing rubber, which keeps the pressure inside very well (that is, two in one), fits tightly to the disk, and therefore no additional contours inside do not need. In the case of a puncture, the foreign body is enveloped. Dress up immediately on a metal wheel.

Pros and cons

Pluses a lot, it is and a long service life, much superior chamber options, and low heating due to the lack of an airbag between the tire and the camera (the best controllability), also when punctured will be longer to keep the air (than an opponent), which will allow you to get At least to the car service, and the maximum you can ride the week, pulling up the wheel, the main thing is not to take out a foreign object. But it also has consumption - the price is significantly higher than the chamber option. She also susceptible to disk deformation, if you brought the disk, flew into a large pit, then you need to go to the tireage, and straighten the disk, otherwise the cannumbal wheel will drop.

That's all in our article, I want to summarize. Of course, non-chamber options are more perfect, and the wrows with them are less, they go longer, it is if you want a step in evolution. When they puncture, they do not need to remove the tire, just screwed up the harness to the place of puncture - all! As it seems to me, the second type will soon go back the past.

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If you read this article, then you already know that there are two types of tires - chamber and tubeless, therefore, you are interested in which one is better. It is about this today and will be discussed in this article. In the heading "" We have repeatedly weighed all the "for" and "against" in a thorough controversial issue, today we will talk about tires, and if more specifically, then that. Go...

  • Marking of chamber tires - TT (from the English. Tube Type - tubular, chamber type or simply, chamber).
  • The tubeless tires are accepted to designate - (TL from the English. Tubeless - not having tubes, cameras or just beless).

What is a tubeless tire

The main question that I had when I first learned or heard about such a type of rubber was - "and how the air is held and does not go out, that is, what provides tightness of the tire connection and disk?" As it turned out, the special layer of special rubber is responsible for tightness, which is applied during production on the internal ring of tires. The disk for "tubeless" differs from the usual disk with a more complex structure and reliable fixation. There are so-called "hamps" on the trimmer of the tubeless tire, which are firmly held by the bort-ring tire in the right place.

Advantages of "Duckless"

  1. Pluses from the Cameless Tires more than enough, but the main thing is to be considered the ability to maintain normal pressure in the bus in the event of a puncture. Simply put, if you are trying a wheel with a mess, then on it you can drive a not one tens of kilometers, and if there is, then a few hundred. In addition to convenience, this advantage also provides a high degree of security, since with an instant pressure drop in the wheel, you can lose controllability and get into an accident. For example, a chamber bus in the case of a puncture almost instantly loses pressure, the cause is particularly a tire and disk, there is no durable compound and air under pressure leaves the camera through the puncture, as well as by the rim of the disc, after the air goes outside through the valve rim. The tubeless tire in the case of a puncture loses air only in the place of the puncture and the way, as a rule, only in the case of hitting this place. If the puncture is small, the pressure drops very slowly.
  1. The next advantage of the tubeless tire is weight. Beckless camera It is significantly easier than tires with a camera, therefore the load on the suspension will be lower.
  2. During the ride, the tubeless tires are less heated in the event of a quick and long ride.
  3. Increased safety and reliability of tubeless tires does not cause any doubt, due to the features of the design and high tire strength, the likelihood of rapid depressurization is almost equal to zero.
  4. Simple and fast repair. There are special pastes and sprays capable of instantly solve the puncture problem. Compared to chamber tires, the repair of which requires a lot of time and tools - the repair of the cut-iron can not even women. Meaning the repair, after which you can get home or to the nearest station for full repair.
  5. Delicious tires Have a longer service life, approximately 10-12%. This is possible to achieve due to the best temperature mode and reinforced heat transfer from the tire to the disk, as well as the stability of the internal pressure of air in the tire and the absence of any friction between the chamber and the tire.

Disadvantages of the shipless tire

  1. Disadvantages of the cut-chamber also have. For example, their installation requires special attention, special equipment and a certain skill. Damage to the side and clouds can cause the deceleration of the tubeless tire or the need to repair it.
  2. The overhaul of the Bescamine Tire is performed on special equipment by experts and it costs this "pleasure" of considerable money. Unlike chamber tires that can be independently fixed, rEPAIR OF DESIGN Requires large skills and appropriate tools.
  3. Long-term ride on a lowered tubeless tire (a request not to be confused with punctured, but rolled up to optimal pressure) is fraught with the destruction of the sealing layer and the tire as a whole.
  4. Delicious tires Frequently accused of a lack called a weak sidewall. However, my subjective view of the charges are bothering. First of all, it should be noted that the perfect tires do not exist and that the manufacturers did not rotate there, the perfect tires are still only a myth. The purpose of the manufacturer to achieve from the tire not only the strength, but also to ensure the comfort of passengers while driving. For this factor, the above-mentioned sidewall is responsible, its softness ensures a feeling of smoothness. Rigid sidewalls except the ramp. Nothing good will not give anything good, even a flat road will seem a bumpy with a "wooden" sidewall.
  5. Another significant disadvantage of tubeless tires is a vulnerability in the dock dock and tire board. If, for example, you at least a little "miss" disk (hitting a hole, or catching a border) you will have trouble, the wheel will shut instantly, almost like a chamber bus when punctured. The fact is that the disorder of the tightness of the connection, which arises due to damage to the disk, will lead to the fact that the tire pressure will begin to fall rapidly, simply speaking the wheel will lower the wheel.

Chamber tires: features, advantages and disadvantages

Chamber tiresPerhaps could still live for a very long time if they had no more advanced non-chamber successors. The latter simply displaced their predecessors and were warmly accepted by the entire global automobile community. By the way, some "Old Believers" still use chamber tires, then they have their own arguments, such as such - the camera can be replaced, repair, with their own hands - cheap and angry! In principle, in something they are right, and if you do not take into account all the dubious "advantages" of the tubeless, then differences between chamber and tubeless Only in the fact that the second in the case of breakdown will allow you to take home or to the nearest STR, without problems and danger to life. The chamber wheel, as mentioned above, will shut almost instantly.

In addition to other disadvantages, chamber tires Also are also dangerous that there is a high probability of puncture of the camera from within a worn or torn cord. As a result, you will receive a puncture of the wheels and a fixed car. Beckless chamber if it is punctured, the air does not have the ability to quickly leave the borders of the tire due to the reasons described above, as well as due to the fact that in the case of a puncture, a sharp object (screw, wire, a wooden barb, etc.), the item is shining in Tire, becomes such a cork. Blooding the hole done by him, it does not allow the air to go through the puncture.

On the other hand, you can always use the gathering and take home on it or to the service, it is not necessary to start disassembling and repair of chamber tire. Although the ages of the centuries take the chamber and disassemble the wheel was considered the "pole" case for the harsh Russian man. It is not surprising that the little girl came up with no "we", and some "Zabugorous Lipik," who did not know or did not want to mess with the jack, glue and the other tool. 🙂 But all this jokes ... In fact, the little man came up with a good clever man, thanks to the efforts of which we solve problems related to the bunch easily and simply, without losing time and strength. In addition, now developing great speed, you do not need to worry about the loss of manageability in the case of a puncture.

As you can see, in the question what is better chamber or tubeless tires, the answer will be obvious, the Bescames have a number of advantages, so buying tires, you should choose them. Thank you for your attention wishing to add this opus can do it through the comment form. To new meetings on the site website.

Motorists will immediately understand what we are talking about, but still explain. Very-free - this is a wheel without a camera, that is, one tire and disk wheels. The camera, logical, in addition to the tire, is equipped with a camera filled with air.
Pluses of cemering
  • It is easier that it is important for speed and maneuverability.
  • Easier to service
  • With small punctures, it is quite enough to get to the nearest tire tire, there are cases when a person has been going on the car, in the tires of which self-tapping screws. Some specifically with punctures screw the screws, treating them with a sealant, and some time the wheel really does not descend the air.
  • Faster cooled
  • When punked, it drops much slower, this happens due to the fact that the space filled with air is divided into many sections.
Cons of cemering: Very-free wheels are perfectly suitable for smooth roads without holes and Koldybin. When driving on irregularities there is a risk to remember, damage the rim of the disk, from which the vehicle can almost immediately lower (if a disc from high-quality metal, then the risk is minimal), and if it happened when turning and high speed, then such a wheel can "shoot" and The car risks turn over either flying into a ditch. With a neat ride, this risk is minimized. This can also be avoided if the discs are made of high-quality metal (it is not worth it in any case). Although, on the other hand, it's not difficult to catch Koldobin on an unfamiliar road.
Wheel with camera
Pluses of the wheel with the camera: It is believed that such a wheel is safer, in fact - this is a discussion question. Such that the camera burst from the Colds, has not yet been observed. Possible puncture, but it's easy to notice it. If the puncture was at high speed, then there is also a risk to health, and even life. But in general, this wheel is really stronger, although this parameter depends on the manufacturer. Minuses Cam ...
  • It is harder that affects speed and maneuverability.
  • Installation of more time consuming, as you need to work with the topboard.
  • Faster heats up
  • It is believed that the wheels with cameras are outdated, maybe it is so.
  • Faster "blows up"

As a result, we repeat, the main thing on the roads is a neat ride, compliance with the rules of the road. Control for purchased parts, one should not buy any self-made, but cheap things, on the road, the desire for savings may be unforgivable. In the case of wheels, the security problem will be solved with high-quality hardware on disks and high-quality rubber (this also applies to the chambers and venues).

For some motorists, the question is still relevant how to distinguish a tubeless tire from chamber. Immediately let's say, mostly interest is the owners of the elderly cars, or those who started riding 20-30 years ago. The first chamber system is interesting, because on a well used "classic" to put something particularly advanced sense of little.

The second simply do not trust new skates, considering that the former chambers were more reliable and easier in fixing. Among curious and new owners just purchased cars with mileage. The machine must be a shirt in the same tire, it becomes known to everyone at the stage of gaining rights.

Change all the wheels immediately may not enter plans; Significantly waking up for the purchase of a car, many postpone attachments also in new tires for a remote future. So urgently need to find out what we are on the discs?

How to distinguish a tubeless tire from chamber, there are certain ways. However, for a start, it is necessary to realize their fundamental differences, since at first glance they are almost identical, but the price is noticeably different.

A bit of theory

The main difference of the chamber from the tubeless - in the structure. The first type of tire consists of 2 parts: the tires and the camera nested into it, which is a rubber tube, closed into a solid ring. The canname skate is monolith. The outer circle on the sides is embedded by a seal layer, the inner sealed with a spraying that is not permeable to air. Landing in the trimmer on the rim more than dense, which is ensured by a special configuration, a shape and a smaller diameter in comparison with a similar parameter of the rims.

Such structural features give a lot of advantage of operation.
  • In the tubeless rod, the pressure inside is much greater than the stability in comparison with the chamber predecessors. This affects the best stable, and in the form of a fairly high obedience to a roll;
  • The main plus of the tubeless tires - their security. Fucking the wheel on a nail, you, of course, get a hole in a skate, but it does not burst and starts to strive the air gradually. At the driver, even at high speed, there is enough time to react and brake - the car continues to maintain controllability;

  • Minor damage in the absence of spare parts can be moved to the nearest tire. Yes, you have to pump the wheel every 5-10 km, but you will reach the help you will be able to;
  • Small disorders of integrity can be eliminated in place, carrying a tube of a special sealant in the trunk.
  • The durability of the tubeless tires exceeds the service life of chamber fellows somewhere by 20%;
  • The apparent lack of dumbfounders - in some cases the impossibility of their independent recovery is not an argument.
Tinontizes in our time are crushed along the roads almost through every kilometer, and vulcanization is not so expensive so that the person who managed to buy (and contain!) The car could not pay for a one-time elimination of the consequences of the acute subject.

The combination of listed benefits led to the fact that the tubeless skates strongly sweat the archaic variety on all fronts. Now, to find a chamber, you will have to make certain efforts and spend time, so few of them were.

(Banner_Content) It is doubtful to suggest that when buying the seller, the tires slipped the chamber of the chamber instead of the boxless, except that according to the client's personal request. However, if you need to determine what a purchased iron horse walked, it is worth remembering certain signs.

The simplest and accurate way to figure out which tires in front of you are to search the side of the skate label. The inscription "Tubeless" reports that the tire in front of you is a cannon, "Tube Type" warns that the camera is present inside the tire. There may be options for abbreviations only by first letters: T or TT..

The situation is somewhat worse if the marking erased beyond recognition. Or you caught the old wheels on which there are no symbols. The presence of TT letters exactly speaks about the chamber of the skate, but the complete absence of signs does not say anything: during the existence of only chamber tires, the marking was superfluous (however, if there are so old rocks, it is better to throw them immediately).

In these cases will have to look at Nippel. The nipple having a small height, sitting tightly and equipped with a low side of the base - belonging to the tubeless tire. On the chamber it is longer, smooth and freely walks at the landing place.

If you are not sure that I properly decided on the appearance of Nipple, you will have to resort to a more dirty and time consuming, but 100% a method, how to distinguish a tubeless tire from chamber.

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