Home Generator Overall dimensions of trucks permissible traffic rules. Transportation of oversized cargo. Automotive standards in the European Union

Overall dimensions of trucks permissible traffic rules. Transportation of oversized cargo. Automotive standards in the European Union

Remember the famous thesis expressed by Ostap Bender: "The car is not a luxury, but a means of movement"? Nowadays it can be supplemented with the words "people and goods".

If the rules of carriage of passengers do not arise from majority issues, then not everyone is familiar about the nuances associated with the carriage of goods. A whole section is assigned to this issue in the rules of the road.

PDA requirements

IN PDD transportation Of the goods are dedicated to Section 23, consisting of five items, in which the legislator has provided all possible situations arising from their transportation by car.

In 23.1, we are talking about the permissible values \u200b\u200bby weight of the cargo. 23.2 prescribes the driver to control its placement and fastening.

23.1. The mass of the transported cargo and the load distribution over the axes should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bestablished by the manufacturer for this vehicle.

23.2. Before starting and while driving, the driver must control accommodation, fastening and state of cargo in order to avoid its fall, creating interference for movement.

Point 23.3 PDD expands when shipping is allowed and has five paragraphs, of which it should be mentioned quite unusual for modern drivers about that many drivers forget: the accommodation of the cargo should not prevent the perception of signals supplied by hand.

23.3. Shipping is allowed upon condition that it:

  • does not limit the driver review;
  • does not comply with management and does not violate the stability of the vehicle;
  • does not close external light devices and light printors, registration and identification signs, and also does not prevent the perception of signals supplied by hand;
  • does not create noise, not dust, does not pollute the road and the environment.

If the condition and accommodation of cargo do not meet the specified requirements, the driver is obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the transferred rules of transport or stop further movement.

Permissible cargo dimensions for transportation by road

What is considered large cargo, the carriage of which does not require special permits, but has strictly defined rules for the carriage specified in traffic rules?

23.4. Cargo serving the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind more than 1 m or on the side of more than 0.4 m from the outer edge overall firemust be marked with the identification signs "Large load", and in dark time day and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, in front - lantern or retroreflector white color, Behind - with a lantern or red-factor of red.

By lenght

If the cargo stands for the dimensions of the car in front and behind more than 1m, but not more than 2m. It should be noted here that despite the presence of the letter "and" you can read "or". Suppose the cargo is extended by more than a meter only for the rear dimming of the car, and there is no front, it is already becoming large.

By width

It is also indicated how much load can perform in the width of the car - no more than 40cm.

ATTENTION. In contrast to the first case, where you should measure the length of the protruding part from the extreme point of the car, here the measurement is made from the edge of the rear dimming fire, which means that it will actually be somewhat less than those prescribed 40cm, since the specified flashlight is always a slightly deeper lateral side point car.

If, after measurements, at least one parameter exceeds the above norms, it should be marked by the "Large load" sign, and in the dark or when there is also insufficient visibility with lanterns or light rails: white front and red rear.

In height

Despite the fact that paragraph 23.4 of the traffic rules does not speak about the height of the cargo, it should be remembered that the cargo should not exceed four meters up from the surface of the roadway (p. 23.5 traffic rules).

Consider such a situation: the cargo does not protrude for the size of the car, and heights 3 meters of 85 centimeters from the road cannut, the "Large load" sign is not required.

Sometimes it happens.

Paragraph 23.5 PDD gives the definition of goods and vehicles for transportation or the passage of which will have to receive a special resolution:

23.5. Transportation of heavy I. dangerous cargo, vehicle movement, the overall parameters of which with a load or without it are exceeding in width of 2.55 m (2.6 m - for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), at a height of 4 m from the surface of the roadway, in length (including one trailer) 20 m, or the movement of the vehicle with a cargo, protruding for the rear point of the vehicle dimensions by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trails with two and more trailers is carried out in accordance with the special rules.

International road transport are carried out in accordance with the requirements for vehicles and transport rules established by international treaties Russian Federation.

Transportation rules

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the transportation of large-sized cargo is regulated by a number of regulatory acts, except traffic rules here include:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/15/2011 № 272 "On approval of rules for transportation of goods by road";
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2012 No. 258 "On approval of the procedure for issuing a special permit for traffic on road vehicles vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized goods";
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2014 N 7 "On approval of the rules for ensuring the safety of passenger and cargo transport by road and urban ground electric transport and a list of activities for the preparation of employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in road transport and urban ground electric transport, To safe operation and vehicles to safe operation. "

The documents are quite voluminous and informative, affecting not only the topic under consideration, so consider them in a part concerning.

You should start with the rules of loading, the basic norms of which are written in sufficient detail. This includes sorting cargo by weight, namely, heavier are located at the bottom to preserve the stability of the vehicle when driving, the cargo must be homogeneous, well fixed. It is also prescribed to prevent the gaps between the loaded products, prescribing to fill them with gaskets.

Uniform piece goods in the body of the vehicle must be stacked with the equal number of tiers and ensuring reliable fastening of the upper tier of the stack (clause 36 of the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014).

Here we are talking about the need to attract car maintenance, justifying it with an increased danger during the transport of large-sized goods (paragraph 52 of the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014).

Paragraphs 53-58 of the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014. Set the maintenance rules and the requirements for accompaniment cars. As data of vehicles, tractors and (or) cars of the traffic police (pp 53-58 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014) can be used.

Paragraphs 59 and 60 of the same order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014, give an exhaustive list of situations and conditions in which transportation of such goods is prohibited:

  • deviate from the route installed in a special resolution;
  • exceed the speed specified in the resolution;
  • carry out movement during ice, snowfall, as well as with meteorological visibility less than 100 meters;
  • carry out traffic on the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of carriage;
  • stop outside of specially designated parking lots located outside the carriageway;
  • continue transportation in the event technical malfunction Vehicle, threatening traffic safety, as well as when shifting cargo or weakening its fastening.

If, during the move, circumstances requiring changes in the movement route, the subject of transport activity is obliged to obtain a special permit on a new route in the prescribed manner.

As is denoted

Due to the increased danger to road participants, these goods must be indicated by the "Large load" sign (clause 23.4 of traffic rules). The specified mark is installed directly to the load itself in the extreme protruding point.

Consequently, if the load exceeds the established norms behind the vehicle - it is installed from behind. If in front and rear - in both places, respectively. The same applies to the designation of the protruding parts on the Bocames TS.

In addition to the sign, it may be necessary to install lights or white and red light printors, respectively, in front and rear, but this requirement is appropriate when transporting in the dark or under limited visibility conditions.

Sign "Oversized cargo" - Sizes in GOST

The sign "Oversized cargo", as he is often called drivers, in the legal field of the Russian Federation simply does not exist, since this is a spaticrous and simplified name of the identification mark "Large load".

The dimensions of the sign are determined in the form of a square with a side of 400 mm and alternating inclined stripes of red and white width each 50 mm.

The above parameters are provided for by the State Standard GOST R12.4.026-2001, therefore are mandatory for execution.

It is allowed to apply this sign to the load itself in the form of a sticker or pattern of the corresponding GOST.

IMPORTANT. The sign is made of back-growing materials!

This sign can be purchased or making yourself. The only difficulty that occurs is a sign must be averter.

Solutions of this problem have two ways. The first is to purchase a special paint that it will be easily cheaper than buying a ready sign. The second is to upset to the sticker sign and glue it to any solid foundation, for example, a sheet of fuster or PVC panel. The main thing is to keep the dimension, do not risk, do not sign less than this is provided by GOST.

Permission to transport

Until now, many motorists who have not come across the problem of transporting large-sized cargo believe that permission should be obtained in the traffic police. In fact, it is not.

With the traffic police provided for the procedure of coordination and is connected with the obligation of this service to determine whether there is a need to accompany the cargo and in the form of escort (carrier special car or service car traffic police).

The permission for transportation is issued a number of authorized bodies, depending on what roads the route is agreed by the route: international, federal significance or municipal. Recently, it also has the opportunity to receive the specified permission from the owner of the road, if it is in its property.

Authorities issuing transportation permit

Road categories for which route runs Authorized body
Federal significance or their sections, the territory of two or more subjects of the Russian Federation; International report Rosavtodor
Inter-municipal or regional importance or their sites, local significance located on the territory of two or more formations (districts, district municipality) Executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation
Local significance, on the territory of two and more settlements within the boundaries of the district Authority of the municipality of the municipality
Local significance, within the boundaries of one settlement Self-government authority settlement
Local city county City District Authority

To begin the procedure for obtaining a special permission, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the authorized body (see table above), a package of documents is attached to the application: on a car that will participate in transportation, cargo, route scheme. Also, the authorized body has the right to request additional documentation relating to the upcoming transportation.

The terms of consideration of the application are registered in the administrative regulations and, depending on the number of coordination and related actions (assessment of the state of the road or the need to strengthen or reconstruct) from five days to thirty.

Obtaining a special permission procedure is conditionally free. Require a fee for issuing permission authorized body is not entitled. But the applicant is obliged to pay state duty In the amount of 1600 rubles (PP.111 of paragraph 1 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part two) of August 5, 2000 No. 117-F3, as amended by Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 221-FZ).

Additionally, it may be necessary to pay for the assessment of the automotive road to the suitability of the transportation of the goods under consideration, as well as work to strengthen or reconstruct areas of the road and engineering structures (example - bridges) at the planned route. As well as reimbursement of damage caused by road and communications.

In what cases such transportation is prohibited

Transportation of large cargo is prohibited if there is an opportunity for separate transport without depriving cargo of operational properties, it is also forbidden to transport the indicated category of goods organized columns (P.51 PAZ of the Ministry of Transport dated January 15, 2014 No. 7).

The ban can be made if there is no route on the route technical opportunity For the implementation of the declared transportation.

What a penalty for violation

Responsibility for violation of the rules for transportation of goods is provided for by two articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Article 12.21 - Violation of the rules for transportation of goods. Sanction: Warning or penalty of 500 rubles.

This article applies to cargoes that do not require special permit and liability may arise in an approximate number of cases: the lack of sign "Large cargo", the cargo is noise, dust or unreliable, makes it difficult.

IMPORTANT. Sanctions of deprivation of the right to management of the vehicle is not, but according to Article.23.3 of the traffic control panel, further movement to eliminate the identified violations is prohibited, and the issuance of violation does not allow the right to continue the trip.

Article 12.21.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation provides for responsibility for violating the rules of movement of a large-sized vehicle. And here we are already talking, it is, about loads that require special permission. The entire article has 11 parts:

1. The movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the permissible vehicle dimensions by no more than 10 centimeters without special permission, or with the excess of the dimensions specified in a special resolution, by no more than 10 centimeters, or with exceeding permissible mass vehicle or permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 2, but not more than 10 percent without a special permit, or with the excess of the vehicle mass or the vehicle axis of the vehicle specified in a special resolution, by more than 2, but not more than 10 percent driver In the amount of OT. one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on the officials ten thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; on the legal entities - OT one hundred thousand to one hundred fifty thousand rubles on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand rubles.
2. The movement of heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the permissible dimensions of the vehicle by more than 10, but not more than 20 centimeters or exceeding the allowed vehicle mass or permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 10, but not more than 20 percent without special permission entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver In the amount of OT. three thousand to four thousand rubles; on officials from twenty-five thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on the legal entitiesfrom two hundred and fifty thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense working in automatic mode special technical meanshaving functions of photo and filming, video, - on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles.
3. The movement of heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the permissible dimensions of the vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 50 centimeters either with an exceedable mass of the vehicle or the permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 20, but not more than 50 percent without special permission - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver In the amount of OT. or deprivation of the right to control vehicles for a period of two to four months; on the officialsresponsible for transportation - from thirty-five thousand to forty thousand rubles; on the legal entities - from, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense, working in automatic mode with special technical means having functions of photo and filming, video recording, -
4. Movement of heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the dimensions specified in a special resolution, by magnitude more than 10, but not more than 20 centimeters or with an excess of vehicle mass or the load on the vehicle axis specified in a special resolution, by magnitude more than 10, but not more than 20 percent entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver In the amount of OT. three thousand to three thousand five hundred rubles; on the officialsresponsible for transportation - from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand rubles; on the legal entities - OT two hundred thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense, working in automatic mode with special technical means having functions of photo and filming, video recording, - on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand rubles.
5. The movement of heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the dimensions specified in a special resolution, by the amount of more than 20, but not more than 50 centimeters, either with an excess of the vehicle mass or the load on the axis of the vehicle specified in a special resolution, by magnitude more than 20, but not more than 50 percent entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver in the amount of from four thousand to five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to manage vehicles for a period of two to three months; on the officialsresponsible for transportation - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot three hundred thousand to four hundred thousand rubles, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense, working in automatic mode with special technical means having functions of photo and filming, video recording, - on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of four hundred thousand rubles.
6. The movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the permissible dimensions by the amount of more than 50 centimeters without special permission, or with the excess of the dimensions specified in a special resolution, by more than 50 centimeters, or with an exceedable vehicle mass or permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 50 percent without a special permit, or with the excess of the vehicle mass or the load on the vehicle axis specified in a special resolution, by more than 50 percent entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver vehicle in the amount of from seven thousand to ten thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to manage vehicles for a period of four to six months; on the official forty five thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on the legalpersons - Ot four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense, working in automatic mode with special technical means having functions of photo and filming, video recording, - on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of five hundred thousand rubles.
7. Violation of the rules of movement of heavy and (or) large vehicles, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 1 - 6 of this article entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver vehicle in size from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on the official persons responsible for transportation - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles
8. Providing inaccurate information about the mass or dimensions of cargo in documents for transported goods or unspecifies in the transport invoice when transporting large or heavy cargoes of information about the room, date or period of action of special permits or about the route of transportation of such a cargo if it has led to the violation provided for Part 1, 2 or 4 of this article entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens In the amount of OT. one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; on the official Persons - Ot fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles.
9. Providing inaccurate information about the mass or dimensions of cargo in documents for transported goods or disappointment in the transport invoice during the transport of large-sized or heavy freights of information about the room, the date or period of action of a special permit or on the route of transportation of such a cargo, if it caused a violation provided for Part 3, 5 or 6 of this article entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens at the rate of five thousand rubles; on the official Persons - Ot twenty-five thousand to thirty five thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot three hundred fifty thousand to four hundred thousand rubles.
10. Exceeding the permissible mass of vehicle and (or) permissible load on the vehicle axis, or vehicle mass and (or) load on the vehicle axis specified in a special resolution, or permissible vehicle size, or the dimensions specified in a special permit , legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who carried out loading in the vehicle entails the imposition of an administrative fine on individual entrepreneurs In the amount of OT. eighty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot two hundred and fifty thousand to four hundred thousand rubles.
11. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting vehicle movement, the overall actual mass of which is either the load on the axis of which exceeds road signif the movement of such vehicles is carried out without a special permission entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.
Note. For administrative offenses provided for in this article, entrepreneurial activities without education legal entityare administrative responsibility as legal entities.

As we see, the types of punishment are quite rigid, and parts of 3.5 and 6 tbsp. 12.21.1 provides for the deprivation of the management of the CU for various times.

Overall and weight limitations,
Acting in relation to vehicles
1. Requirements for vehicle size
1.1. The maximum length should not exceed:
single vehicle categories M1, N and O (trailer) - 12 m;
single two-axis vehicle categories M2 and M3 - 13.5 m;
single vehicle categories M2 and M3 with more than two axes - 15 m;
road train in the tractor and trailer (semi-trailer) - 20 m;
The articulated vehicle categories M2 and M3 - 18.75 m.
When measuring the length, the following devices mounted on a transport
Cleaning and washing devices of windshield;
Plates of front and rear registration signs and structural elements for installation
state registration marks;

Air fence devices in inlet system Engine internal combustion;
locking devices for dismantled bodies;
steps and handrails;
Elastic buffer devices or similar equipment;
lifting platforms, ramps and similar equipment in the position for movement, not
Increasing dimensions more than 300 mm, provided that the load capacity
vehicle is not increased;
Coupling and towing devices of vehicles;
Pipe graduation system;
Removable spoilers;
vehicle drivers with power supply from the contact network;
Exterior sunscreen visors.
1.2. Maximum vehicle width Categories M, N, O should not exceed 2.55
m. For isothermal bodies of vehicles allowed maximum width 2.6 m.
When measuring the width, the following devices mounted on a transport
Custom sealing and elements of its protection;
appliance devices and elements of their protection;

outer mirrors and other indirect visibility devices;
Supporting means of observation;
retractable steps;
Lighting devices and light alarm;




Categories M3, N3 and O

shown in Table 1.
Table 1

Number of axes
Permitted maximum
Mass, T.
Categories M3, N3:
2 18

Categories M3)
3 (articulated buses category M3) 28
4 (with two controlled axes) 32
Road train:
3 28
4 36
5 and more than 40

exceed the allowed values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 2.
table 2
appliance devices and elements of their protection;
tire pressure control devices;
protruding flexible parts of the system of protection against splashing from under the wheels;
For vehicles Categories M3 Entrance ramps in the position for motion, lifting
platforms and similar equipment in the position for the movement provided that these devices are not
Perform more than 10 mm for the side surface of the vehicle and the angular edges of the ramp,
directed forward and forth, have rawren radii at least 5 mm; Round radii
The remaining edges should be at least 2.5 mm;
outer mirrors and other indirect visibility devices;
Supporting means of observation;
retractable steps;
Lighting devices and light alarm;
The deforming part of the side walls of the tire directly above the point of contact with
1.3. The maximum height of the vehicle categories M, N, O should not exceed 4 m.
When measuring the height, the following devices mounted on a transport
Pantographs or current collectors in the raised position.
For vehicles with lifting axis, the influence of this should be taken into account
2. Requirements for Weighing Vehicle Parameters
Categories M3, N3 and O
2.1. The maximum mass of vehicles should not exceed the allowed values,
shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Vehicle category, general
Number of axes
Permitted maximum
Mass, T.
Single: Categories M3, N3:
2 18
3 (with the exception of articulated buses
Categories M3)
3 (articulated buses category M3)
4 (with two controlled axes)
Road train:
3 28
4 36
5 or more 40
2.2. The maximum mass arrives on the axis (axis group) of vehicles should not
exceed the allowed values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 2.

table 2

Note: The values \u200b\u200bspecified in brackets are maximum allowed for
Movement without making special permits on roads, design,
Construction and reconstruction of which were carried out under the regulatory axial load
Vehicle 10 kN.
2.3. Vertical static load on traction device Coupling car
uniaxial trailer (Railway trailer) in the exhaust state should not be more than 490 N.
vertical static load from the trailer hinge more than 490 H front support rack
must be equipped with a lower-lowering mechanism that ensures the installation of a hinge in
Coupling position (discharge) of the trailer with a tractor.
3. Procedure for registration of the approval of the type of vehicle
or certificate of safety of transport
Funds when inconsistent with the measured parameters
Requirements for this application
3.1. If the overall dimensions of the vehicle exceed the values \u200b\u200bindicated in paragraph 1
of this application, then in the approval of the type of vehicle or the certificate of
Vehicle design safety is recorded about the need for registration
Special permission for the movement of such a vehicle in the territory of states -
members of the Customs Union.
3.2. If the technically permissible maximum mass of the vehicle, or technically
permissible maximum mass of the road train, or technically permissible maximum mass,
included on the axis (axis group), exceeds the values \u200b\u200bspecified in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of this
applications, then in approval of the type of vehicle or security certificate
Vehicle designs are recorded about the need for a special
Permits for the movement of such a vehicle in the territory of Member States
Customs Union, in case of actual exceeding vehicle Installed
present technical Regulations Weight restrictions

The safety of cargo is determined by the quality of its transportation. When the property has large dimensions, to choosing the side of the carrier, you need to approach with special care. The correctly chosen transport company is safety, integrity and timely shipping shipping.

In the transport service industry big choice Proposals, the main thing is not to be mistaken. In particular, the transport company "Pit Stop" exists in the market of freight transportation than 7 years old, has an excellent reputation, deserved partnerships, a fleet with a wide range of special equipment. Delivery of bulky goods to all regions of the Russian Federation is the main direction of the organization's conscientious activities.

Exist international Rules for Transportation of Large ProductsTheir compliance is governed at the legislative level of the Russian Federation. The specifics of the activities of transport companies are high-quality transportation of various types of cargo.

Overall cargo. Restrictions

Transportation of goods, according to the rules of the road, is carried out by special overall transport. The same rules spelled out permissible dimensions for the carriage of goods in accordance with established international standards.

  • Cargo weight should not be greater than recommended by the plant by the manufacturer for each type of vehicle;
  • Gruse dimensions should not limit the driver's visibility driver, interfere or limit transport management;
  • Gruse dimensions, protruding outside vehicles (in length - 1 m, in width - 0.4 m), it is necessary to designate by identification signs (reflector, lamp, flap of red or white tissue).

All transportation of extraordinary cargo (heavy, dangerous, specific sizes, etc.), which in any parameters exceed the standards, are carried out by oversized transport in the prescribed order of the rules.

Maximum permissible dimensions Cargo transported:

  • width - 2650 mm;
  • length - 22000 mm;
  • height - 4000 mm;
  • total weight - 38-40 tons.

maybe enlarge permissible gable cargo long, on the back of the vehicle by no more than 2 m. In this case, the prerequisite is the presence of identification signs (signal lights, reflector, red tissue).

In conditions exceeding permissible norms, for transportation of bulky and heavy cargo, you need to get special permission and traffic police accompaniment.

Consequences for violation of the rules of freight

Loads exceeding set standards are able to create difficult or emergency situations on the road.

For safe transport you need to consider condition of transport canvasHis correspondence to the alleged loads:

  • patency;
  • the presence and proximity of electrical wires;
  • carrying capacity of the transport canvase;
  • availability on the way of tunnels, bridges and other interferences.

For violation of the rules and rules for transporting heavy and large-sized goods from owners (companies) of vehicles, a fine is charged. The fin detail system provides for recovery of up to 500 thousand rubles.

Organization of cargo transportation

The conscientious specialists of transport companies operate in accordance with the norms of Russian legislation, which ensures the competent organization of shipping.

The cost of actual freight tariffs can be found on the website of the company Pit-stopp.ru, there is also provided with the entire range of existing techniques. Transportation of valuable, non-standard cargo needs to be trusted only by competent logistics specialists who have a good reputation and a certain experience in this form of activity. Only they can fully provide high-quality and safe transportation of goods to any region of the Russian Federation.

Transportation of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation is regulated by Chapter No. 23 of the Rules of Road. Transportation of oversized objects is additionally regulated by a number of federal laws and orders. Consider how unscrewing cargo should be transported, the rules of movement and the requirements for the transport facility.

Regulatory documents

As you can see, only the small proportion of aspects of transportation of oversized are covered by the rules of the road. The basic regulation of the transportation of oversized cargo on the roads of the Russian Federation is carried out by Federal Law No. 237-FZ. In chapter 5 of Article 31, you can find the following items:

  • transportation of large and heavy cargoes requires a special permission;
  • the procedure for obtaining specials is established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • before transporting, be sure to match the route with the owner of the roads;
  • when damage, the amount of compensation is calculated by the owner of the road.

Based on the rights listed in the above mentioned regulatory act, "Rules for the carriage of goods by road were compiled." In this document, you can find regulations regarding the procedure for organizing transportation, ensuring the safety of vehicles and containers, if there is a need, the conditions for transportation and the provision of TC for transportation.

Related orders and regulations

In order to ensure that it is guaranteed to protect yourself from problems when making an application for a special degree and directly during the transport of oversized cargo, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the following orders:

  • №107: It is a regulation for government agencies to design permits;
  • №258: regulates the rules for issuing permits;
  • №7: Sets the rules to ensure safety during the transport of oversized.


  • №125: the procedure for scigraite control;
  • №934 + №12: The procedure for compensation for the damage to the road;
  • №125: Rules of passage of weight control;
  • №211: Sets the rules for entering the ban on freight transportation.

Penalty and punishment

To familiarize yourself with the size of penalties, relying on violations of the rules for transporting oversized cargo, read Article 12.21.1 of the Codecha of the Russian Federation. There you will find out who exactly should be punished for violations. For example, for the lack of a special degree, the driver can get a penalty of 2 thousand rubles., But, even worse, he can lose a driver's license for a period of half a year.

Which cargo is considered oversized

The cargo is considered oversized if its weight or / and size exceeds the value established by the PDD of a particular country as permissible during transportation. According to traffic rules of the Russian Federation, the load is considered oversized, which:

PDD about transportation

Point 23.5 PDD states that cars transporting such goods must be marked by the "Large load" sign. Optional in the dark (reminds that it is considered to be time from the evening twilight before the start of twilight in the morning) and in the conditions of poor visibility in the nose of the car there should be a reflective element or a white light flashlight, in the feed part - a reflective element or a light source of sufficient power of red color. This is quite enough to move on public roads.

Special requirements

Transportation of explosive, chemical or other dangerous goods, long objects or heavy cargo is governed by special standards established by the relevant government agencies. Special rules should be followed when the vehicle is moved (with a load or without), if:


Also, the special permission of the traffic police is required when transporting heavy cargo. The value of the car and the transmitted object has a value. Specific values \u200b\u200bB. different countries may differ that it is necessary to consider with the intention to cross the border. Under the definition of "heavy" in the Russian Federation fall:

Also, do not forget about the strict requirements for the load distribution over the axes. The value is not only the distance between the front axles, but also the regulatory loads road roads. When designing, construction and reconstruction of the road canvase, a permissible axial load is laid, for example, 6, 10 or 11.5 tons. That is why transportation can be held not through the shortest route, but with a choice of roads with a suitable class of permissible load.


A sign used to designate oversized cargoes:

Sign "Motor Train Long
Long vehicle.

When transporting dangerous goods, the car must be marked:

Car cover

Earlier, if the length of the labored TC was more than 24 m, but less than 30 m, and the width is more than 3.5 m, but less than 4 m, then the proper conditions for transportation could be created transport company without the participation of traffic police representatives. But since 2014, when transporting heavy and oversized cargo to ensure safety, it is necessary to use a cover of cover. Requirements for the accompanying car:

  • the presence of a yellow-orange strip;
  • the presence of flashlight beacons of yellow and orange color;
  • a reflective or light scoreboard must be installed, which will be the inscription, warning about the features of the cargo (for example, "big length").

Check out abroad and interregional transportation

If you intend to cross the border, consider that the car without a special international permission will be detained.

When the route passes along two or more territorial units of the Upper Level of the Russian Federation, an interregional permission should be obtained. As in the case of an international special degree, it is possible to apply for receipt through the site "State Service". Fill out a statement with a personal visit in the Office of the Directory Management of the Russian Federation or in subsidiaries.

How to get permission

Obtaining permission to transport oversized cargo regulates the so-called Order of 258. It is in this documents that you can find out:

  • receiving parameters and refusal conditions for submission of the application;
  • full description of the procedure for drawing up and submitting an application;
  • how should the document look like and what information in it should be specified;
  • subtlety when coordinating the transport of heavy objects;
  • deadlines for obtaining permission;
  • the procedure for issuing a special degree or obtaining refusal.

Ban for transportation

Consider in what cases the transportation of oversized is prohibited:

  • the cargo prevents the control of the car;
  • with cargo car becomes unstable. To prevent tipping a truck, it is necessary to take into account seasonal features and risk of exposure to squall winds;
  • due to the size of the object, the driver's review is limited, as a result of which it cannot adequately assess the road situation;
  • the load closes the lighting devices, reflectors, identification signs, state license plate;
  • during transportation, environmental pollution occurs.

Transportation rules

The car with an oversized cargo moving along the roads should not accelerate more than 60 km / h. At the same time, bridges should be overcome at no more than 15 km / h. Special attention should be given technical state vehicle. The trailer must be equipped not only with a good parking brake, but also a special device that guarantees the trailer stop when the air tricks are bursting pneumatic brake system, coming from the tractor. The load must be securely fixed, the integrity of the attachment must be periodically verified.

According to the rules Road The Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as traffic rules) permissible vehicle width 2 meters 60 centimeters for refreshingors and isothermal vans and 2 meters of 55 centimeters for other vehicles. The maximum vehicle height is 4 meters. The maximum length of the road train including one trailer cannot exceed 20 meters, while the length of the tractor and the length of the trailer cannot exceed 12 meters.

The permissible mass of the two-axis vehicle (hereinafter the TC) cannot exceed 18 tons, 25 tons for a 3-axis car and 32 tons for a 4-axis car. The mass of a 3-axle road train should not exceed 28 tons, 4-axis 36 tons road and a 5-axis 40 ton road trip.

An extreme axial load at a distance of more than 2 meters between the nearest axes should not exceed 10 tons per axis, at a distance of 1.65 to 2 meters inclusive, 9 tons, at a distance from 1.35 to 1.65 m. Inclusive Limit axial load It should not exceed 8 tons, with a distance from 100 to 135 cm, the maximum axial load should not exceed 7 tons and at the distance between the nearest axes the limit axial load on 1 axis should not exceed 6 tons.

All vehicles that do not fit into these restrictions are oversized and for their movement on public roads need to receive special permissions. For the management of the vehicle exceeding these dimensions on the driver, a penalty is imposed or wooed in accordance with the Code of Administrative Code.

The main problem is not understanding by drivers of these norms. So let's decompose everything for questions and answers.

Q: Machine width 2.55 + mirrors. Is it overeating?
A: No, it is envelope.

Q: Let's suggest a lot of cargo 0,4m at each side and 2 meters from behind?
A: Yes, but the width of the vehicle with a cargo cannot be more than 2.55m, and the length of the road train is not more than 20 meters.

Q: What does the phrase "struck along the axes" means.
A: For example, a 3-axis truck drives on the scales. Total weight of less than 25 tons, distance between rear axles 135 cm, but the load on the back truck is 20 tons, i.e. not 8 tons per axis, but 10. This is a little better than thatIf the truck weighed more than 25 tons.

Q: I drove tires (tires taken as an example), they collapsed on the road, put the awning and I took right. IDPS right?
A: Yes, IDPS is right as the dimensions of the vehicle are exceeded, but there are no permissions. The driver is responsible for exceeding the dimensions.

Q: The walls of the refrigerator, which on documents has a width of 2.6 m "bloated" even without cargo, will be taken right?
A: Yes, take away.

Q: Height of the vehicle on the raised pillows (meaning the axis pillow, an analogue of the springs) in the transport position is 402 cm, the rights will take?
A: Yes, the rights will take away. If in the transport position of the vehicle exceeds the envelope, then these are your problems, they do not care. Try to burst air when stopping or search for legal justifications that the measurement of your TC is not made according to GOST.

Q: According to the documents, the load of 20 tons, in the envelope fit, it turned out on the scales that there are 25 tons, who is to blame.
A: The shipper is guilty, he will pay all the "performance", but, often, it is not always possible to immediately prove it, so legal wires are possible.

As you can see, the working conditions are quite rigid and the driver almost always has a good chance to stay without documents, but it is not worth it to be afraid and give money, as the cottage of bribes is a serious article, and your fault still has to prove in court. According to the stories of those who carry oversized cargoes, there are years when they are 8-10 months a year either with rights, but with temporary resolution. The main thing is to know the laws, and not at the level "I heard somewhere", but the literal formulations and, if possible, carry a collection of laws.

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