Home Transmission Car ZIL 157 history. SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, celebrity photos and much more. "Iron" as it is

Car ZIL 157 history. SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, celebrity photos and much more. "Iron" as it is

Immediately after the start of production of the All-wheel drive army truck ZIS-151 on the Moscow Automobile Plant. I.V. Stalina (since 1956 I.D. Likhachev) began to develop its improved version of the ZIS-157. The work was headed by the chief designer A.M. Kriger. In the design, it was decided to apply a single-sided border of the rear wheels, the wheels of the increased diameter, the tire pressure control system (from BTR-152). For the first time in the world on serial car A system designed for repeated repetition of the descent-swap cycle is applied. Especially for the ZIS-157, new multi-layered wear-resistant tires were developed. Spare wheel It was decided to leave one and place it horizontally, so it became possible to move freight platform Forward and shorten the frame. Such a solution led to a more rational distribution full mass According to the axes, which also improved the permeability.

In 1956, 2 prototypes were made, distinguished by an external air supply to the tires (on serial supply was carried out through the hub) and the hood cladding. The prototype of the saddle tractor did not have a tire paging system. Experienced test samples showed better permeability compared to ZIS-151. Serial production under the designation of ZIL-157 began on September 18, 1958. In the same year at the World Exhibition in Brussels, the car was awarded the Grand Prix.

ZIL-157 has a capacitor layout. Cabin all-metal trifle with V-shaped windshield. Part of the cars was equipped with a round hatch in the roof. The body is wooden with a rear folding board, equipped with folding benches, 5 arcs and an awning. At the ZIL-157KD of late releases, the body of ZIL-131 was installed. To increase the passability, a four-wheel drive, short front and rear sinks, single-handed Oshinovka, tire pressure control system (from 0.5 to 3.5 kgf / cm2), equal to a track of all bridges are applied. Power point It consisted of a 6-cylinder row carburetor low-valve engine ZIL-157 (ZIL-157K, ZIL-157CD). Clutch one-piece dry. The gearbox is five-speed with synchronizers on II, III, IV and V transmissions. Disposal box two-stage, performed on a two-room scheme. Main transmission Single-stage conical with spiral teeth. To each bridge led his cardan Val.. The front axle is turned off, equipped with hinges of equal angular velocities TPA "Bendix-Waiss". Front suspension dependent on longitudinal semi-elliptic springs, rear - balancing. Drum brake on all wheels with separate pneumatic drive. The tire paging system obtained compressed air from 3 brake system receivers. Until 1968, the air supply to each wheel was equipped with an individual crane. Part of the machines were equipped with a label for self-drawing (installed in the front part, traction permit 5 TC) with a drive from a reversal two-stage power take-off. To drive equipment, the second power take-off can be installed.

Mostly ZIL-157 was supplied to the Soviet Army. He transported the personnel, various goods, various equipment and weapons systems were mounted on his chassis. At the airfields, the onboard truck could be used as a tractor. It was used in civil organizations. In the production process, the design was constantly finalized. On the ZIL-157 chassis, many specialized cars were developed and mastered in production.

In connection with the production of the ZIL-131 car conveyor, it was decided to transfer the production of the ZIL-157 family to the Ural Automotive Plant (Sverdlovsk-65). The first ZIL-157K of the Ural assembly went from the conveyor in 1968, but the assembly on Zele from the back of the details continued stand method Until the mid-70s. Officially removed from production in 1992, but the assembly of the detail began to continue until 1994. A total of 79,7934 vehicles of all modifications are made.

Car modifications:

ZIL-157 - Basic. The engine was distinguished by a capacity of 104 hp. Produced in 1958-1961.
ZIL-157B is a truck tractor on the basis of ZIL-157. Noticed 2. fuel tanks 150 liters, the location of the spare wheel vertically for the cab. Produced in 1958-1962.
ZIL-157G - with shielded electrical equipment.
ZIL-157E - chassis for special vehicles.
ZIL-157EG - chassis with shielded electrical equipment.
ZIL-157K - upgraded. Distinguished by an engine with a capacity of 109 hp, one-piece clutch, gearbox and brake system from ZIL-131. Produced in 1961-1978.
ZIL-157KV - Sadel tractor on the basis of ZIL-157K. Produced in 1962-1978.
ZIL-157KG - with shielded electrical equipment.
ZIL-157K - Chassis based on ZIL-157K.
ZIL-157KD - upgraded. The engine has been finalized (a number of engine parts of ZIL-130 are applied), a new water pump is installed, the starter, an AC generator, a contact-resistor ignition system. The carrying capacity is increased to 5000 kg (according to the soil of 3000 kg). Designed on the UAMZ. Produced in 1978-1992.
ZIL-157QDV - Sadle tractor based on ZIL-157KD.
ZIL-157Ke - Chassis based on ZIL-157KD.
ZIL-157KE is the export version of ZIL-157K.
ZIL-157Ku - export tropical.
ZIL-157L is an experienced with a power steering.
ZIL-157U - export tropical. Distinguished the lack of a heater of the cabin and preheater.
ZIL-165 is an experienced with the cabin and the plumage of ZIL-130.
ZIL-MMZ-4510 - dump truck on the basis of ZIL-157KD. Produced since 1989.

Technical Characteristics (ZIL-157K)

Tuning car ZIL-157:

And as a bonus, a guy who served on the "Zakhar" (extra details omit):

But then I "crocodile" quite reached. "Oak" to the impossibility. True military equipment - Reliable and hardy, like an armor-piercing dwarf. I remember one case.

Curled, went, and the point was in the deaf forest. Only moved - tight snowfall, a blizzard, dark as in the cellar, not to see the ZGI. I immediately shoved the card in the glove box because of the unrequisite: it's not visible from one tree, what's the map here! And azimuth too. The magnetic compass is ordinary, Andrianovsky, without a deflector, there is no sense in the iron cabin. The gyrocompass on the loop between the trees, the jacket and shaking on Ughab soon was offended and stubbornly showed "the price of firewood in the Tiksi Bay." We drove intuitively.

"In-in, take it left! More more! In, so while you can! "The forest was kept, and the car began to throw, shake and twist, as if we were flushed into the ravine. Only a very deep something. And the wheels seem to be spinning in the air, we move to the little, where it is necessary. For a long time they hurt; Finally, there is something drove in front of the blizzard and - all we are on the track! But where, where now? Yeah, Vaughn 6th CPP "Wild Division". Kilometers on 7 missed from the calculated output point. But now - to the right, and to their all on a good road.

By the way, "Wild Division" is the "Desna" tank training division. Then she submitted directly to the minister of defense, and orders there were really wild. But what do we do to them? However, the captain with a gun, Porpor,, too, with a gun, and a couple of cadets run away with the PPC. Well, at least that the "courses" on the PPC machine guns do not give, otherwise they are there before being tested, as before the trouble is not long.

Captain with Prapor Masut, stop. We are published, the documents show, explain. We lead us to their booth, call our, those certify. It seems to be released, but the captain asks: "Why, comrade a senior sergeant, got here? You need (pokes our own card) it was necessary to cut down here on the village here! " - "From the road knocked out, Comrade Captain! Weather, you see what. And the driver (here I am unnoticed, but I'm tightly coming in Jora on your boots) inexperienced, I have not served yet. " - "The driver is inexperienced ... Yes, how do you, ... your mother, we drove there!" - "What is there anything there, Comrade Captain, in the name of Dembel of Holy, what can I drive there? To us now, urgently antidote to run and run in the Sanchast? "

The captain suddenly calms down and explains the dull voice: "You do not need antidote. And in the Sunchast is not necessary. You diagonally crossed the test tank polygon. Not educational, test. It is designed and equipped so that there the tank quickly falls apart. Sue, ... Your mother. " Zhora philosophically shakes his shoulders: "So then tank. And we have "Zakhar".

ZIL 157 (Zakhar):

ZIL-157 is a cargo vehicle and increased cargo, manufactured by the Likhachev plant from 1958 to 1991 and intended mainly for the army of the Soviet Union. Over the years of production, they received such nicknames from drivers: "Truman", "Colun", "Crocodile", "Mormon" and the most common "Zakhar".

On ZIL 157 (Zakhar), a cab was installed from the ZIS-151 with insignificant changes. A total of 797,834 units of ZIL 157 (Zakhar) were produced.

From 1958 to 1961, Zhar was produced as ZIL-157, from 1961 to 1978th \u200b\u200b- as ZIL-157K (in this modification, the mass distribution over the axes was changed, a new gearbox was used, a single-tone adhesion was used. , telescopic shock absorbers). In 1978, the production process was transferred to the UAMZ, there was a truck with an index of 157kd until 1991.

The massive use of ZIL 157 (Zakhar) found its place in Lespromhozah and collective farms, for the reasons of increased passability, technical non-pending and body capacity. But the special recognition of ZIL 157 (Zakhar) deserved all the same in the army, for which he actually was developed. This explains his so long mass life.

Main technical data ZIL 157: Power unit - inline, six-cylinder, gasoline, volume of 5560 cm3; Power 109. horse power at 2800 rpm; limit torque - 343nm at 1100 rpm; Load capacity ZIL 157 (Zakhar) - 2500-4500 kg; Full limit mass - 10190 kg; ground clearance - 310mm; gearbox - two to choose from, with different gear ratios, both mechanical five-speed; The maximum speed is 65km / h.

Army truck ZIL-157 got more nicknames and nicknames than everyone else soviet cars. Depending on the terrain and time, he was called "Kolun", "Truman", "Mormon", Zakhar, "Iron" and a number of other names. Sometimes you can meet the book "Polanis", hinting at the speed quality of the machine and on the American ballistic missile of those times.

Because of their off-road characteristics, unpretentious and tracting engine ZIL-157 for a long time was used in Soviet army In parallel with more modern.

History of car creation

One of the reasons for creating a freight ZIL-157 was the change of the model of a two-axis cargo car ZIL-150 to an improved ZIL-164. Truck factory ZIL with full and rear wheel drive were unified for a number of nodes, so the creation new car became an obvious step. The experience of army and civil operations ZIL-151 revealed a number of constructive flaws that managed to fix on a new model.

A number of changes aimed at eliminating the disadvantages identified during the army operation of the previous generation machines have introduced into the truck design. In particular, a four-row radiator was introduced, which reduced the thermal mode of the engine and reduced the probability of overheating.

When creating ZIL-157, it was possible to reduce the length of the car and improving the spending on the axes, which had a positive effect on the passability.

The first car samples were presented at the exhibition in Brussels in 1958, where the truck received the Grand Prix. By the end of the year, the shipment of the first parties of commercial vehicles began with the factory. Since 1977, the parallel release of cars began at the Wamz factory, located in the city of Novouralsk.

The enterprise about a year produced the version of ZIL-157K, after which he moved to the release of the modernized model ZIL-157CD. The ZIL-157CD assembly ended in Moscow in 1982 (separate parties of cars shipped until 1988), and on the UAMZ - in 1991. Ural plant College separate cars From the back of the details until 1994.


Constructively, the ZIL-157 truck was finalized, taking into account the remarks of consumers, the option of all-terning ZIL-151.

The main differences in the design:

  • application of one-wheel one with a directed off-road tread pattern;
  • using wheel disks reduced radius;
  • transfer of a spare wheel into the gap between the body floor and frame spars;
  • reducing the frame length by 25 cm due to the transfer of the spare wheel;
  • implementation of the tire pressure adjustment system with manual control from the cabin;
  • improving geometric passability;
  • the introduction of an additional tank by 65 liters of gasoline placed in the tail part of the frame;
  • the change gear ratios in the box;
  • improving materials and means of protecting transmissions.

On the ZIL-157 truck, a ribbon frame is used, equipped with amplifiers in the area of \u200b\u200binstallation of the balancing suspension axis. The side parts of the frame are made of stamped spars having a variable cross-section along the length.


A triple cabin with all-metal design was installed on the ZIL-157 truck. Access was carried out through two doors equipped with squeezed glasses. In the cabin there was an adjustable driver's seat and a double sofa. Under the pillow and behind the back of the sofa are niche for storing the tool and inventory. The walls of the cabin were trimmed with cardboard.

The ZIL-157 truck cabin was equipped with a ventilation and heating system with an electric fan, which directed the stream to the windshield. In the hot time, the windshield of the driver could be thrown back for additional ventilation (on the release machines to 12.1971).

Machines in tropical execution did not have a radiator of the heater and completed with an additional fan in the cockpit. Cleaning windshields was performed by a vacuum-driven cleaner from discharge in the engine intake manifold. The rear glass of oval shape, was equipped with a protective grid (until 1960).

For a separate order, Army trucks ZIL-157 were equipped with a cockpit roof with a folding hatch.

In the cabins cars for the army there were regular places to place the driver's armament and accompanying.


For the cabin of the ZIL-157 truck there is a wooden platform equipped with an amplifying metal puff. Only the back side, equipped with two steps with hinged fasteners, was folded. The side boards had an attachment point for folding benches designed for accommodation 16 people. On sides, five arcs could be placed to install a tarpaulin tent equipped with ventilation holes.

The sides of the side boards consisted of six narrow boards, since 1975 their number was reduced to three.

On the machines released before 1963, the front and rear side of the body were equipped with reflectors of yellow and red color, respectively. They abandoned them after the introduction of plastic diffusers on the lanterns instead of glass. Under the field of the ZIL-157 platform, two drawers for the tool are mounted.

Civilian issues of release after 1975 could be equipped with folding side sides. The latest issues of cars were equipped with a platform borrowed from the ZIL-131N truck.

Force aggregate

On the ZIL-157 trucks, a 6-cylinder carburetor motor with a liquid cooling system was used, which is the development of the engine of the freight ZIS-5.

With a working volume of 5.555 l and a compression ratio of 6.2 Motor developed 104 hp

Exporting machines could be equipped with a 107-power engine, which was completed with a carburetor of the altered design, a block of block for a compression ratio of 6.5 and was designed to operate gasoline A70.

After the modernization of 1978, which concluded in the unification of a number of nodes with the engine of type ZIL-130, the return of the motor rose to 110 hp. The use of pistons from lowered the working volume of cylinders to 5.38 liters. Low compression ratio of 6.5 units allowed to use gasoline A72 or A76.


The ZIL-157 truck was completed with a transmission consisting of a number of nodes:

  1. Double-type two-type double adhesion equipped with a drive lever from the pedal in the cockpit. Starting from 1961, the grip began to be equipped with one disk borrowed from ZIL-130.
  2. Five-speed gearbox with accelerating fifth speed. The first transmission of the synchronizer did not have.
  3. Two-speed box for the distribution of torque over bridges, and both transmissions lowered the frequency of rotation of the shafts.
  4. Cardanian Valainstalled between the main and dispensing box.
  5. Three shafts S. cardan sickles For drive gearboxes.
  6. As bridges have no passage scheme, there is an intermediate shaft between the second and third bridge.

The drive of the front controlled Bridge ZIL-157 could be disconnected. The inter-axis differential on the truck is absent. Brake mechanisms All wheels of drum type, work from the pneumatic system. The source of pressure is a 2-cylinder compressor with a drive from crankshaft Engine.

On the earlier series machines, a disk parking brake, mounted on the shaft between the main and dispensing boxes. The release machines after 1961 were equipped with a drum parking brake.

At the request of the customer on the main box of the ZIL-157 truck, the power take-off box used to drive additional nodes was mounted. Early versions of boxes had 1, 2 or three velocities that switched lever from the cab. Points of installations com distinguished depending on the number of gears.

When installing the winch, a three-speed box was used with the possibility of reverse.

After modernizing the main box, held in 1961, a single-speed reversible com was used.


Reduced compared to the machines of the 151th model dimensions Allowed to place TRADERS ZIL-157 pairly on standard railway platforms.

The main dimensions of the all-pass:

  • length - 6.684 m;
  • height - 2,360 m (onboard);
  • width - 2.315 m;
  • the base is 4.225 m (the distance from the front axle to the Balancir axis).


The front axle is installed on leaf springs, with sealing ends in rubber pillows. Spring machines with a winch are distinguished by 2 pcs. Number of sheets. In the early trucks ZIL-157, lever shock absorbers are used in the suspension, which later replaced knots with a telescopic diagram. Steering It was not equipped with a hydraulic amplifier.

In 1958, started search engines for installing an amplifier from ZIL-130, which ended with failure. The use of the amplifier caused overload front Bridgewhich led to the explosion of the spring and beams.

Rear bridges The ZIL-157 truck is equipped with a balancing suspension, supplemented with six reactive rods.

The springs are installed on the balance sheet axis on sliding bearings capable of withstanding heavy loads.


Equipped weight, kg5880 5540 6375
- 2400 -
- 3140 -
Clearance, mm.260 310 330
Maximum speed, km / h55 65 80
Fuel consumption, l / 100 km46 42 40
Load capacity on the highway, to4500 4500 5000
Load capacity on the ground, kg2500 2500 3750


In total, almost 800 thousand were collected. trucks ZIL-157, which were supplied to the army and civil service. The civilian 157s were used to transport goods and people in areas with bad roads or in off-road conditions. Based on the car, tanks, fire trucks, mobile workshops existed.

Army ZIL-157 was used to transport personnel and weapons. The chassis was used to mount the settings of the salvo fire, as well as as a saddle tractor for rocket plants of the anti-aircraft complex C-75 "Desna".

Engineering troops were equipped with drilling rigs based on a truck chassis, which were used to drill water wells with a depth of 15 m.

Safety units used ZIL-157 saddle tractors for the delivery of PPS pontoon parks. A complete set of nodes allowed to build a crossing up to 790 m long and with a carrying capacity of up to 100 tons. One set was transported to 480 cars.

On the basis of the saddle tractors, ZIL-157 was carried out to create road trails with a wheel-driven wheel drive. The army was experiencing a small-scale zil-157kv-1 tractor, which worked in a pair with a two-axis active semi-trailer for the PAU-3 model. The bundle was used to transport the transport machine 9T22, which included the tracked anti-aircraft missile complex 2K12 "Cube".

Transport car It was intended for the enjoyment of six rockets of type 3m9 located on lifes or in thermally insulated containers.


During the release of the car, it passed through several modernization cycles, after which the base chassis index changed:

  • Basic model ZIL-157, which was produced from 1958 to 1961;
  • The first modernization led to a change in the index on ZIL-157K, the car was produced from 1961 to 1978;
  • The second modernization of ZIL-157CD, release was from 1978 to 1994.

In addition to the main onboard truck, a truck was produced with the designation of ZIL-157B / 157Q / 157QDV, respectively. Saddle tractors equipped with two fuel tanks and coupling devicemounted on a frame through wooden bars. Spare wheels were installed behind the cabin, a similar scheme was applied to ZIL-151.

The tractor was equipped with two spares - one for the machine and the second for the semi-trailer. A towing device on the back of the frame was absent. In the exhaust gas release system, a silencer with a shortened nozzle was used, derived from the frame. W. trucks exhaust pipe It is displayed on the left under the floor of the platform, between the axes of the rear trolley. The saddle tractors were completed with generators with an increased up to 350 W power.

For separate orders, cars were produced in tropical versions equipped with standard and shielded electrical equipment. A distinctive feature Tropical trucks ZIL-157 is a copper radiator with improved heat transfer, as well as an additional condensation tank in the cooling system. The thermostat was not installed, as well as blinds in front of the radiator.

To install special equipment and vans, the plant supplied the chassis under the designation ZIL-157E.

The chassis was distinguished by installing on the sides of the spars of two fuel tanks with a capacity of 150 liters of fuel each and the lack of a spare wheel mounting point.

The reserve was included in the package and mounted in place by the manufacturer of add-ons. A towing hook with a lock and spring protective buffers were installed on the rear crossbar. For individual orders, the chassis was equipped with electrical equipment with protection against radio interference and there was a designation 157EG.

A short time (1989-1992) was produced by the ZIL-MMZ-4510 dump truck with a loading capacity of 3000 kg. Production was conducted on Mytishchinsky machine-building factory Using the dumping mechanism borrowed from the model 4505.

Pros and cons of the car

The ZIL-157 truck is valued by the owners for stability and high patency even without reducing tire pressure. Short raids simplify overcoming irregularities, and the regular winch has a high-length cable and easily pulls out the seeding machine.

However, due to the specifics of the transmission and an outdated engine, the ZIL-157 truck consumes a lot of fuel. Regular gas engine Frequently changes to Minsk diesel engines D-245. The minus is the lack of a hydraulic driver, which makes maneuvering on the spot of a difficult task. When driving along an uneven road, the helm's knuckles can knock out thumbs up on hand brushes.

In 1984, a single prototype sample ZIL-157kDM was released, equipped with a cab and platform from ZIL-131. Periodically, ZIL-157 trucks appear on sale without a mileage on storage on army warehouses.

In China, a Jiefang CA-30 army truck is produced, which is a copy of ZIL-157.

The car is distinguished by the front wings in the style of ZIL-131 and the grille of the radiator, similar to ZIL-150.

ZIL-157 became the first soviet car With centralized tire swap system. The tires created for the truck were used on other army cars. Attempts to improve the machines of the 157th family led to the development of improved transmissions and truck management systems with fully drive.

Modern Russian army vehicles are created taking into account the experience of the operation of previous generations of cars, including ZIL-157.

Trucks of the first issues are highly rare. The surviving machines are purchased as collectible instances for subsequent restoration. More common ZIL-157CD trucks due to its technical specifications are used in areas with bad road conditions in direct intended purpose - for the carriage of goods.


Brussels. 1958. International Exhibition automotive technology. Among the novelties issued for wide viewing and evaluating experts, a truck ZIL 157 was marked, released on Moscow automotive factory them. Stalin.

Truck ZIL 157 with his technical characteristics I liked so much and remembered that a number of modifications have undergone, afterwards he went to conquer foreign off-road and impassable forests. Until now, ZIL 157 works on logging in Finland under the close care of grateful capitalists.

ZIL 157 off-road

Excursion in the story ZIL 157

This truck did not participate in wars with Belofinnami, Germans and the Japanese. But the Red Army has always experienced a great need for a universal truck with increased patency. Available at that time ZIS 151, stopped satisfying the requirements for power, speed and passability. The army was needed a new, more passable and hardy car.

The heavy ZIS with a 90, 92 and 95 l / s, with paired rear wheels on one bridge suffering from overheating motor, the consumption of 50 (plus / minus 5) liters per 100 km was the echo developments with a light-up to trophy and American technologies. In the fall of 1946, the first prototype of the new ZIL 157 was assembled with three single-sided bridges. But then the idea won the idea to copy the "Studebeder", which threw off the Soviet designers at least one decade ago.

Experienced SIS 151-1, or ZIL 157 sample 1946

But by 1958, the Design Bureau under the leadership of A.M. Krigera managed not only to convince the leadership of the country and the army in the superiority of his brainchild over ZIS 151, but also to realize the domestic innovative ideas that were previously left without attention.

The predecessor left a lot of developments for the new ZIL 157. They were, from where to take. After all, in the fall of 1946, during the tests at the test site, the sixkown prototype of the future of the all-terrain vehicle beat the American in all respects. From 1958 to 1978, ZIL 157 was collected in Moscow, and in 1978 they settled its production at the automotive plant in the Urals, where he went off the conveyor until 1994.

Technical parameters of the army all-terrain vehicle ZIL 157 6х6

Table 1. Engine characteristics ZIL 157.

Engine, typepetrol, carburetor, four-stroke
Location Cylindersrow
Number of cylinders, pcs.6
Location valvelower
Cylinder, dimer mm101.6
Piston, diameter mm100 (after upgrading the details piston group Installed from the 130th engine)
Piston stroke, mm114.3
Volume, cm3
Power, max., L / s104 ((after upgrading - 110)

ZIL 157 was completed with a gasoline engine, but diesel engine D245-12C can be installed when replacing the rear engine support on the brackets from ZIL 130/131. But with all the compatibility of a diesel engine - with a regular box, ZIL 157 will receive an additional vibration.

Table 2. Suspension and bridges ZIL 157.

Front suspensionsemi-elliptical springs with telescopic shock absorbers
Rear suspensionbalancing on semi-elliptic springs
Bridges, pcs.5 planetary, with semi-axles and differentials (after modernization, enhanced housings)
Drive unitcardanic
Cardana, pcs.5 (1 - from the MCP to the distribution, 2 - to the front axle, 3 to the middle axis, 4.5 to the rear axle through the bearing assembly)
Clien front axis, m0.31
Clearance Central I. rear axle, M.0.35
Steering gearworm, global, with three rollers
Cylinders's movement scene1/5/3/6/2/4
Volume, cm35.38 (5.559 after modernization)
Power, max., L / s104 (after upgrading - 110)

Table 3. General characteristics ZIL 157.

Lubrication systemcentrifugal filter
CarburetorK-88Ag (after upgrading an updated head appeared)
Ignition systemcontact-transistor
Ignition coilB-114.
Interrupter-distributorP 21-10 (installed instead of a conventional time after modernization)
GeneratorLow sirum 17.3701
StarterST 230-4 (highly blurred, high power)
Battery6 ST-90
Brand gasolineA-66 (after upgrading A-72)
Fuel consumption, max., 100 km, l42 (for 36-41 km / h - 38.5 liters, after upgrading due to closed crankcase ventilation, improved pump seals, oil pump and crankshaft)
Mileage on the main tank, km510
Filling tank150 (after upgrading added 1 to 65l)
Radiatortubular, impeller with 6 blades
Fluid coolingantifreeze
Torkemosedrum, pneumatic (braking smooth, stop without jerks)
Brake path, m29 (for movement 50 km / h)
The slope of movement, max.28 degrees
Brody depth, m0.65

In the photo body scheme with dimensions

Table 4. Carrying capacity ZIL 157.

Weight, kg5540
Middle and rear wheels, kg3400
Full weight, kg8700
Load capacity, max., Kg5000 (hard coating)
3000 (on soft soil)
Mass of the trailer, max., Kg5000 (hard coating)
3600 (on soft soil)
Rotary radius, m11,2-12

The main improvements of the engine received after the transfer of production to the Urals in 1978. The last five years even installed the hydraulic agent. New hubs received 8, not 6 bolts.

In the All-Metal Cabin ZIL 157 there is a Spartan Comfort. Double passenger seat, an extra radiator with an impeller for heating salon and windshield. Systems management was put into the cabin and on the instrument panel - foot switching light headlights, ammeter, brake pneumatic pressure gauges and lubricant system, tire pressure tires, winch levers, ventilation hatch, gearbox, front bridge, dispensing, etc.

Model row ZIL 157

For his glorious biography, the car ZIL 157, who in the people nicknamed "Colun", underwent a modification twice - in 1961 and in 1978. As a result of the implementation of bold engineering ideas, a rather long model range appeared.

Models of 1958:

  • ZIL 157 is the main model.
  • ZIL 157V-Thagach Sadel.
  • ZIL 157G is a model with a protective screen against radio interference and radar detection.
  • ZIL 157E is a model with an additional fuel tank.
  • ZIL 157E is a model for the participating countries of the Warsaw Treaty.
  • ZIL 157th is a model for tropics with an improved cooling system and a larger radiator.

Models of 1961:

  • ZIL 157K - modified.
  • ZIL 157KV - Sadel tractor, modified.
  • ZIL 157kg is a model with a protective screen against radio domain and radar detection tools, as well as with the additional tightness of electrical on-board equipment, modified.

Models of 1978:

  • ZIL 157KD - modified.
  • ZIL 157QDV - tractor saddle, modified.

In the service of the army and the national economy

During all the time, 797,934 units of ZIL 157 were collected. For whom he just did not have to be, what only the cargo on it did not have to transport! On the basis of the main models were issued and fire engine (with an enlarged cabin for firefighters, a tank for four and a half tons of water and a telescopic staircase), and an emergency power supply car, and a lifeguard machine for equipment (with a winch and a powerful bumper to pull any technology, even on caterpillar), and mobile command items, and special radio spells.

Modifications ZIL 157.

Dump truck about Vyodloodddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

It was well aware of ZIL 157 in engineering and construction troops. His chassis was transported drilling rigs, pontoon crossways and sets to guide bridges.

Anti-aircraft and rocket complexes, the installation of the salvo flames also installed on its good "shoulders".

ZIL 157 with a volley fire system

The tractor Sadel ZIL 157 was very widely used in the national economy, especially on the forest harvesting for transporting a rounder from the cutting section, where in principle there are no roads. Geologists, oil workers, rescuers, farmers, foresters, builders, collective farmers - this is not a complete list of grateful fans ZIL 157.

Of course, it is impossible not to mention that the most common option ZIL 157 was a model with three folding wooden sides for transportation for the carriage of goods and people. Its boards were collected from the board of 800x200 and was attached to the brackets to the wooden platform, which facilitated the overall design.

All versions of military and civilian equipment on the body ZIL 157 were distinguished by high reliability, unpretentious and high deployment speed.

ZIL 157 for traveling anywhere in the army and life

The new ZIL 157 demanded specially developed tires. They became wider, 12.00-18, had less cordic cooker, and with inner There were several layers soft rubber. This gave the opportunity to move on low wheels. For the first time, centralized pressure control in wheels through the compressor were applied. The driver could control the process from the cab and even to change the pressure up and down depending on the coating of the road.

The maximum pressure of 2.8 kg / cm2 made it possible to move along a solid coating at 60 km / h. When moving along the rugged fields and the virgin forest, the tire pressure decreased to 2.0 kg / cm2, and in the sand and at virginity after heavy rainfall - up to 1kg / cm2 maximum speed 20 km / h The speed limit of 10 km / h was used to move on the swampy and snow-covered places with a pressure of 0.5 / 0.7 kg / cm2.

ZIL 157 with the external location of the tire paging system (before modernization)

In addition, the deep directional protector reduced the risk of slipping, and the compressor allowed to move even with a puncture of off-road tire. After modernization in 1961, the paging system moved from the outside of the wheels to the inner, and since 1978 ZIL 157 had a maximum pressure in 3.5 kg / cm2 wheels for a limit speed of 65 km / h.

For 36 years, from 1958 to 1994, 797 thousand 934 cars ZIL 157 were released.

If it were not for 109 l / s, which was not enough for new army units and installations, this legendary all-wheel drive all-terrain vehicle would have been released.

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