Home Engine Skoda truck. Liaz is the history of the truck line from Skoda. How it all began

Skoda truck. Liaz is the history of the truck line from Skoda. How it all began

The car Skoda Liaz is the product of the so-called golden era of the US-European car industry. The combination of domestic and has become a good idea. Thanks to this, the world saw, perhaps, one of the legendary Soviet Time trucks.

It all started with the fact that the reconstruction of plants began in small settlements of Czechoslovakia. Some of them merged, as a result of which a Lyubertsy Automobile Plant was formed, which became part of AZNP (the main plant of the Skoda brand).

After a year of functioning, he received complete independence in the work. But the products produced by them still went out under the double name. So the brand Skoda Liaz appeared.

Liaz Skoda

At the time of the 1970s and 1980s, such truck discharge cars were considered a breakthrough. Specifications were seriously different from the existing developments of that time.

Visual qualities were an essence of an innovative vision of design, style and practicality. But the work was not given to engineers easily. Before displaying the world, the main model line was pretty sweat over the mass of prototypes.

Skoda Liaz 100.

The truck saw the light in 1974. The machine was developed on the basis of 706mT, which hardly lost its own popularity, but needed some technical improvements. This modification has become an elelfonal style that is impressive to this day.

Skoda Liaz 100.42 Truck Specifications

The two-axis novelty weighed 19 tons, but in the composition of the road train, its weight reached 38 tons. Due to this, the technical potential of the vehicle has become much wider, and allowed to solve the mass of tasks, especially in the field of long-distance freight transportation.

There were engines with elevated, at the expense of which the car could calmly develop speed up to 98 km / h. Per 100 liters required 37 liters of fuel, which even in the present conditions is considered a moderate indicator. The checkpoint did not shine uniqueness, and was a simple but reliable 5-speed mechanism.

A few months later, the modification was replenished with tractors that received the index 100.45, and after some time - onboard trucks 100.05.

Skoda Liaz 110.

The popular model of Skoda Liaz 110, again, received a number of visual changes. From the former exterior there is practically nothing left. Another individual characteristic is the M630 brand (210 and 320 hp), the presence of an anti-lock brake system and a MAXI class cab (in configuration 110.573).

The cabin first got the opportunity to lean back. The rear pneumatic suspension also became the key point that determines the popularity of the 110th model.

Like the predecessor, was actively exported to the USSR. Tandem 100-110 was a real guarantor of the quality and reliability, which could often be found on distant roads.

Model 706.

This unit began to be supplied to the Soviet market in the 60s. Main configuration - Refrigerated road train, capable of transporting products, medicines and cosmetic products for long distances. Unlike local models, the 706th is simpler in operation, as well as adapted for tight operating conditions.

Modifications of the 706th model:

  • 706RTS, type - dump truck;
  • 706RTTN, truck tractor;
  • 706RT chassis, which was used for the production of buses, technicians of narrow special purpose, as well as onboard type trucks.

Each model was produced with a 160 liter engine. A little later, the devices began to be equipped with diesel engines and fuel injection. In terms of power, the power unit was divided into several types: 160, 180 and 210 hp

Skoda Liaz completed its way in 1985. To change, she came Liaz 100, which is described slightly higher. Visual characteristics made the device more visible, and the quality of the assembly allows the "old man" to work even now, even if it is rare.

The story ended in the late 90s. The collapse of the USSR and the inability to compete with more advanced counterparts led the company to serious financial problems. The plant, which became bankrupt, turned out the production, but left his meals forever in the history of European and domestic engineering.


If desired, the car can be bought for 200,000 - 300,000 rubles.

After the war, the management of Czechoslovakia decided to reduce the nomenclature of the country of passenger and trucks produced at various factories. As a result, the ŠKODA car plant began to build railway locomotives, and the release of trucks and buses was transferred to the Avia company in Tomany. By agreement with the developer of structures - the company ŠKODA, the previous emblem remained on the facing of their radiators and the name of the company remained.

The first post-war truck ŠKODA got a name ŠKODA 706 R.His production was established in the years from 1946 to 1951, and in June 1951, production was transferred to the plant in p. Ryrvice, now incoming in the line of Liberec. In 1952, a new plant, together with branches in the cities of Mnichovo Gradiste and Ganyov, became the center of the "Group of enterprises for the production of trucks and buses S706". In the future, this group of enterprises has become the basis of the company Liaz (Liaz - Lieberetskaya Automotive Plants).

The development of ŠKODA 706 R began in 1930, then the model was called ŠKODA 706. The post-war model from the 1930 sample was characterized by a more spacious cabin, a more powerful diesel engine and had a greater lifting capacity - 7300 kg.

The diesel engine, installed on ŠKODA 706 R, was a 6-cylinder with wet sleeves and pre-commercial mixture, possessed several structural features that significantly facilitated its repair and maintenance. The crankshaft was collected at the plant from seven parts, and it rotated in a powerful crankcase on seven roller bearings of large diameter. Pistons together with connecting rods when carrying out repair work, it was possible to remove from the block without dismantling a diesel engine from the car. Pistons made of light alloy contained four compression and one oil slim ring.

The timing camshaft with pushers and rockers was brought from crankshaft with a gear wheel drive. The diesel engine was equipped with a compressor serving a pneumatic braking system of the car, and was given a gear transmission from the crankshaft. Two filters with interchangeable paper elements were mounted in the oil highway. The launch of the cold diesel engine facilitated the incandescent candles located in each cylinder. The TNLD with a centrifugal type distributor supplied fuel on steel tubes to easily dismantled when servicing nozzles. The cooling system included a thermostat that regulates water streams in a water jacket.

The volume of diesel engine was 11.781 cm3 and possessed with a capacity of 135 hp. at 1750 rpm. The maximum speed was 53.5 km / h. In actual operating conditions, the truck speed rarely exceeded 40 km / h. The average fuel consumption was about 30 liters per 100 km. Oil consumption was also rather big - 1 l per 100 km run!

A pair with a diesel engine ŠKODA 706 R was equipped with a 5-speed manual transmission with three pairs of permanent gear gears. The steering control included the actuator type of the worm-roller, while the small force on the steering wheel was achieved by a large amount of gear ratio and a huge diameter of the steering wheel. Designers Installimatura brake (valve in the graduate manifold), the presence of which could not boast many other European diesel trucks of that time.

Cabin Trucks ŠKODA 706R was very wide - the driver and 3 passengers calmly fit in her. The frame of the cockpit was made of wood, sheed with steel sheets. In 1954, the cab was replaced for all-metal, but by 1956 it was already decided to refuse it, because In 1956, a sample was presented with a "cabin over the engine" layout. Trucks with such a cabin welded from steel elements was assigned an index 706RT.. The onboard trucks were supplied with a wooden platform with dimensions of 5000 × 2350 mm with three folding sides and a steel frame at the base of the floor.

In 1954, the 706R family trucks were upgraded: the new coating of the radiator and the wings became more technological in the manufacture, and the access to the motor for repair and maintenance was facilitated (there were small platforms to the right and left of the hood, located behind the front bumper). The maximum power of the diesel engine has increased to 145 liters. from. At 1800 rpm, which made it possible to increase the maximum speed of up to 68 km / h. Modernized models with the onboard platform were distinguished by an increased up to 7750 kg with a carrying capacity and spent 32 liters of fuel per 100 km of mileage. The production of the model 706R continued for another three years - in 1957 she was removed from production.

At the change of model 706R came ŠKODA-706MT. The model has received an updated cab, which was different from the previous one and the design of the front part. The cabin was installed on the MT family cars and on the continued to be released RT. In 1973, a double cabin was developed for cars working on short routes - until all ŠKODA-706RT / MT was equipped with a "long" cab with a sleeping place.

Simultaneously with the production of onboard versions, the assembly of dump trucks began 706RS With metal platforms that carried out unloading on three sides. Lifting capacity of the dump truck was limited to 6.5 tons with an equipped mass of 7.26 tons. The main sphere of their application was urban and suburban construction. Another version of the truck was a car ŠKODA-706ROK With anterior cabin, unified with bus. Cars, as a rule, were offered as a carrier of specialized equipment (as garbage trucks, etc.) or in the form of a van.

Dump trucks ŠKODA706RS Played a prominent role in restoring destroyed factories and cities of Czechoslovakia in the first post-war decade. Wheels with large tires (12.00-22) and a huge clearance (250 mm) in the presence of a tract diesel engine provided a loaded car with good passability, including in dirt roads. The presence of a heater, a relatively small force on the steering wheel and on the gearshift lever formed by the drivers about ŠKODA-706RS (and in general about the entire range of 706R models) as a machine on which it is convenient to work at any time of the year. The construction of the engine and transmission spent decades, the high quality of car manufacturing guaranteed their excellent reliability and durability.

Since 1969 produced series ŠKODA-706MT4. and ŠKODA-706MT5.Equipped with a new engine M634 with a capacity of 210 hp and a five-speed gearbox with a two-stranded demultipator.

In 1970, a new family of Liaz 100 trucks was created on the basis of the 706MT series. In 1974, the production of saddle tractors of a new family, and a year later, onboard trucks. This meant the end of the production of the corresponding models of the previous family. However, the production of ŠKODA-706MTS24 dump trucks, ŠKODA -706MTSP24 and ŠKODA -706MTSP27 continued until 1987

Cars of ŠKODA-706RT and -706MT families produced in Bulgaria under Liaz Madara brand from 1970 to 1981. From 1975 in Bulgaria, leading bridges were produced for these cars, which came to Czechoslovakia.

In the USSR, Cars ŠKODA-706RT appeared in the early 1960s. Then on the tests in the Soviet Union passed the saddle tractors ŠKODA-706RTTN. and Praga S5T-2TN with refrigerator semi-tramps.

Subsequently, the refrigerators became the main type of semi-trailers, with which Czech tractors worked in the USSR. According to the results of tests, ŠKODA-706RTTN has earned a high assessment, but there is no immediate delivery. Only in 1964, finally, it was decided to purchase Czech tractors, and the Skoda and Prague and Prague semi-trackers were started in the USSR.

In addition to the saddle tractor, the Soviet ŠKODA-706RT and ŠKODA-706RTS dump trucks (as well as their analogues of the ŠKODA-706MT family) arrived in the USSR.

The ŠKODA-706RT trucks have proven themselves from the best side. On the basis of the 706RT model, trucks were constructed for a variety of needs and industries: fire trucks, onboard trucks, tank trucks, truck cranes and other modifications.

They used respected for reliability and durability, as well as the comfort of the driver's workplace for the domestic producer.

Many ŠKODA-706RT worked until the middle of the nineties, and individual specimens are found on the roads and now.

In 1973, the production of trucks under the skoda brand stops and the Liaz truck production begins (although the Liaz plant has become independent in 1953, he has released trucks with the Skoda logo for another 20 years). Liaz brand debut took place at the World Fair in Brno in 1973.

In September 1995, Zavod Liaz was incorporated by ŠKODA heavy engineering concern. Buying the shares of Liaz plants and closing a number of unprofitable enterprises, he formed a new joint-stock company - Skoda-Liaz A.S, at the disposal of which there were only 4 enterprises in the cities of Jablonec Nu-Nis, Liberec, Mnikhovo Gradiste and Melnik. At first, the program included all previously produced cars that received the new trademark "Škoda-Liaz" and the modified indexation of models.

These include the series "S", "FZ", "110/150/250", "300" and "MZOO" with a full mass of 9 to 40 tons with wheel formulas from 4x2 to 8x4 and diesel engines of its own production or Austrian motors "SHATTER "(Steyr) with a capacity of 180-410 hp

And in 1996, "ŠKODA-LIAZ" released a new truck - the main tractor "HECE A 19.47TBV" (for road trains with a complete weight of up to 44 tons, headed by a new series "400".

It is equipped with a 6-cylinder engine Detroit Diesel with turbocharging (volume 12742 cm3, power 437 or 477 hp), 16-bubbage gearbox Eaton, imported bridges, front disc brakes, ABS, rear pneumatic suspension with electronic control, new spacious A cabin of multilayer fiberglass on an aluminum frame. In 2000, a new series Fox was added to him with a total weight of 19 tons with engines with a capacity of 290-330 hp. In 2003, the production of Trucks Chen A and FOX stopped.

In 1999, Skoda with Truck International AS acquired just organized by Jablonetskaya Skoda Motory, which became a subsidiary. On February 28, 2002, Skoda Motory turned into Jamot (Jablonecky Motory) and on June 17, declared itself bankrupt. From July 1, 2003, Jamot became part of the Tedom concern. In the same year, TEDOM began a Liaz bankruptcy procedure, and in 2002, the engines plant in the city of Jablonec were insolvent - the main provider of power units for the conveyors of the former Giant Skoda-Liaz. In just 50 years of its existence, Skoda-Liaz has released about 350 thousand trucks and bus chassis.

The Skoda-706RT truck can be safely called one of the most successful solutions of Czech automotors, and in the USSR "Provimazovskaya" the era was a legendary car, their main part worked in Shattransatto on international freight transportation.

The history of this car began in 1957, when the car was represented by the general public, which caused a deserved interest. The first thing that rushed into the eyes is a layout. The hood over the engine was rare in the 50s, during the time when the "Hoping" ball was still ruled in Europe. Only here the cab was not twisted, and the access to the engine was directly from the cab.

Diesel (with direct injection) six-cylinder engine with a capacity of 11.76 liters and with a capacity of 160 hp allowed to produce this truck in a variety of different modifications, the most mass of which was Skoda-706RTTN truck tractor.

The car quickly conquers popularity both in the countries of the socialist, and in Europe. It is appreciated for its endurance, unpretentiousness in maintenance, high speed, simple and high-end construction, simple in repair.

The mass supplies of SKODA-706RT in the USSR begin in the mid-60s. Basically, these were Skoda-706RTTN tractors who were working in a pair with a Czech, a uniaxial semi-trailer - a refrigerator.

It is such a car that appears in the frames of the famous Soviet film "Caucasian captive"

By the way, since it was about cinema, then you need to mention the "race with persecution", where Skoda-706RTTN actually plays one of the main roles, episodically occurs in the films "Mirage" and "Amphibian Man", "Adventures of Electronics".

Skoda-706RTTN gave the Soviet chaffin the unprecedented level of comfort, because the cabin was with a sleeping bag. The first Soviet truck with a sleeping bag was "Kolkhida", only to call the "circus horse" with a full-fledged tractor will not work with all wishes. By the way, the design of the Cattle Cabin, the designers were clearly inspired by Skoda.

In 1966, SKODA-706 receives a new engine with a capacity of 180 hp, and in 1969 even more powerful modifications of SKODA-706MT4 and SKODA-706MT5 appear, with a capacity of 210 hp. A five-speed gearbox with a divider and a small restyling. Skoda-706RT at the same time, continued to be made.

In 1973, a shortened cabin appears, without a bedroom. The cab was installed on the chassis for special equipment, dump trucks and other modifications, the operating conditions of which did not imply frequent long-distance travel.

Soviet "Dalnodobuchkov" has already been their own traggings, MAZ-500, but Skoda was still popular and loved, and in Bulgaria even began production Skoda-706rt under the Liaz Madara brand. He was produced from 1970 to 1981.

Skoda-706RT lasted in production until 1985, and SKODA-706MT in the modifications of the dump truck lasts in the production of already until 1987. About 250 thousand different modifications of SKODA-706 RT and MT truck modifications were issued. The margin of strength they had such that the car was quite common on the roads until the mid-90s. Now they are already except at the exhibitions of Oldtimerov not to meet, only a good memory remained about the car.

It all started in the year before last, in 1894, when in the city of Mlada Boleslav, local bookseller Vaclav Klelent, who was then chairman of the club of local cyclists, decided to buy a block of land and build a small bicycle repair workshop on it. Causes quickly went uphill, and Clement began to issue bikes of his own design called Slavia. A visit to the World Paris exhibition Cool changed his opinion towards mechanical means of transport - first of all, motorcycles, which a lot of cars were put in Paris. Returning home, he and his close friend of Vaclav Laurin decided to build and sell motorcycles. And where motorcycles, there are engines of internal combustion, and then, of course, light personal cars, buses and ... trucks.

The first one appeared in 1901 in the twenties, about 35 thousand people worked at Laurin & Klement. The plants produced everything - up to military and agricultural machinery. And the names of the owners of these plants their contemporaries were constantly compared with the names of Rolls and Royce. Inventors and talented design designers motorized all Austro-Hungarian mail and conducted many useful cases. In 1913, Laurin & Klement became the owner of Reichenberger Automobil Fabrik (RAF), which produced cars weighing 1.5 to 6 tons with four-cylinder engines and chain drive. Note, this production was located in the city of Liberec! The firm began its activities in 1906. The 1909 model had a working engine of 3,053 cm 3 and a capacity of 26 hp. Car length 4 200 mm, width 1 550 mm and height 2 350 mm. The permissible weight was 1,470 kg, and the maximum speed is 60 km / h! By the way, this year you can celebrate the 100th anniversary of this once powerful and well-known firm.

In 1925, Laurin & Klement and Skoda plants in the city of Plzen united in one huge European enterprise. Skoda began its activities during the First World War. She produced military cars and various army techniques. And from 1919 began to produce civil cars. Now in the city of Mlada Boleslav raked the name Skoda (instead of Laurine and Clement). All together decided to take exactly this brand. In 1923, the world-famous emblem of the company was registered - the winged boom in the circle. The deteriorating political situation in Europe led in the middle of the thirties to an increase in the production of weapons. Europe Burlila. What it ended, known to all. In 1945, before the end of World War II, plants in the city of Plzen, where trucks and buses were produced, were destroyed almost to the ground. And in 1947, Avia and Praga continued their release, as the folk economy needed trucks, buses and special, but now peaceful technique. And in 1951, the production of trucks was transferred to the Libereksky automotive plant with its factories in the cities of Rynvice, Jablonec and Mnikhovo.

The main production of passenger cars remained in the city of Mlada Boleslav. That this year is the year of the birth of Liaz and the Alliance Skoda-Liaz. Although the engineering and foundry division remained aside. Skoda 706 trucks and Skoda 706 RO clock buses on their modernized chassis began to be issued since 1947. Modernization was to transfer the steering column ahead and changing the position of the steering mechanism. Actually, this is so unnoticed and the story of our main character began. From January 1, 1953, the city of Jablonec officially became the owner of an independent Liaz plant, producing trucks only under the Skoda brand. Liaz trucks will appear for the first time in 1973 in the cities of Jablonec and Mnikhovo until 1953, 931 SKODA 706 (and modifications of R, RO, RS, RSCH) were made.

The production was expanded further, and next year 2,446 cars were released, and in 1954 - 4,120 trucks and buses. 1957 brought the car world a gift in the form of a truck cargo car Skoda 706 RT. This very good car made everything with new modifications every year, but two were the main ones: a two-axis saddle tractor (RTTN) and a two-axis on-board truck (RT). A truck tractor had a row 6-cylinder diesel M634 with a volume of 11 940 cm 3 with direct fuel injection. He developed the power of 210 hp A 10-speed manual transmission worked with him. Many domestic and foreign drivers remember this very successful truck. On the same chassis, Karosa from High Myto and the Polish Jelzc was also produced. A little later, Praga S5t tractors (1958) appeared with a slightly modified appearance of the driver's cabin, but with a completely the same layout. After solving the SEVA's special commission (1949-1990), the assembly of these cars was transferred to Bulgaria, Madara Shumen, where the entire range of modifications began to be produced - from the saddle tractor to the dump truck with a short cabin without a bed. At the beginning of the seventies, a new generation of trucks was prepared. Designers and designers worked, not in the hands. Many prototypes were made. In our "report" there are several pieces.

It came 1973. At the World Fair in Brno car enthusiasts, there was a pleasant surprise in the form of a truck family with the name Liaz. True, the family has so far consisted of only two cars - a saddle tractor with an index 100.05 and an on-board truck with an index of 100.45. From this point on, the triumphal march of the Liaz brand has begun throughout our planet, especially in socialism countries. But, notice, on all subsequent truck models, the front panel of the cabin was simultaneously inscription Liaz and the Skoda emblem. At the same view of the newest equipment, but in 1975 the saddle tractor (100.45) received a gold medal.

New generation cars really looked very modern, with unexpectedly competent design and styling. The cabin did not carry anything superfluous. It seemed that she was born in one breath, very quickly, and created her very talented designers, linkers and designers. She was at the right time in the right place. As for the "lightness" of its creation, then the numerous prototypes preceded by serial samples speak better about it. MS637 and MS638 engines, designed and manufactured at Liaz enterprises, are row six-cylinder diesel engines with turbocharging. They developed power 270 or 304 hp at 2000 rpm. The mounting of the engines was completely the same, so that any of them could be installed on the desired modification. The cylinders are tilted to the right on 45 o, which made it possible to lower the floor and freely complement the cabin of the middle seat. In addition, the seats have a sleeping place and a luggage regiment. The previous model, of course, was not. In general, the cabin of this generation looked beautiful and convincingly for his time. By the way, cars of these series can be found on the highway and today, however, very rarely. At the same time, Avia plants received a license from Renault to the production of low-tonnage trucks. Liaz immediately installed the Berliet French Cabin on his chassis. But this design turned out to be unsuccessful, and the continuation experiment did not have.

The "100" family has grown, there are trucks with a short cabin (without a bedroom) for construction and special equipment, three-axis modifications, four-axle, with a different lining of the radiator and other engines. It was made even an airfield tractor with a ballast based on the side truck. Did not forget here and about export. On the all-wheel drive chassis, a passenger body was specifically designed, and the car itself was named Africabus. Buyers were quite a few ... It was from this family that Skoda-Liaz participation in the most popular and older Rally Paris - Dakar began. But after all, special cars are required for these rally, sometimes so different from their "donors" that they fit to assign them independent indices. Yes, and teams need to be prepared! And so every year ... The same cabin served as a prototype for both new Tatra. Naturally, all the requirements and wishes of engineers of another firm were taken into account. The car was extremely successful and proportional. A short cabin with a racing of the radiator, specially adapted under the round emblem TATRA, high landing (the car had a wheel formula 4x4) issued high passability in it and a clearly militaristic sight and character.

Before the sickness of the block of socialist countries, the Czechs tried to bring the old cabin, although slightly and "thrown", in a divine appearance. The most interesting thing is that at this time in the Moscow Auto Plant "ZIL" the initiative project of the car with a cabin over the engine with a mass of interesting design and technical solutions was completed. The leading this project was the author of these lines. How was he surprised when, with a fully finished cabin (from metal, naturally), this project was given a post. And in the Czech Republic soon a whole family appeared similar as two drops of water, to the "Zilovskaya" cockpit of prototypes. Then there were several high-ranking ZIL officials in this country ... Believe me, it's just impossible to make a mistake! And so that the cabins still differ from each other, the Czechs decided to coalize and performed one of its variants with a large radiator grille in the form of L-i-A-Z. In addition to cars with car layout, experts worked with a capaty. Moreover, the cabins of both options were as unified as possible. In addition, the capped version was to arrange a company from Tatra. With the hard work of their trucks, the wagon layout is not suitable.

1989 brought huge changes in the status of firms included in the association. Liaz came out of the influence of Truck International AS, the suspended engineering giant Skoda AS and in 1992 formed a joint stock company. During the existence of the CCHR, the association Skoda-Liaz produced up to 18 thousand cars and buses and 23 thousand engines per year. In 1995, four families of trucks were produced at the factory in the city of Mnikhovo: S, FZ, 300 and M300. Trucks of families S and FZ refer to the middle class. They installed Austrian diesel engines Steyr WD 612.37 with a capacity of 180 hp The FZ family included chassis and dump trucks with a complete mass of up to 16 tons. The most numerous family 300 has numbered 27 (!) Basic models. These are dump trucks, trucks with a side platform, chassis for utility and building equipment and all sorts of tractors with different wheel formulas. The power of diesel engines was in the range of 230-380 hp. The M300 family, combining two saddle tractors, was intended exclusively for international transport. In the same year, Skoda acquired the remaining stocks at a well-known price and founded a new venture called Skoda Liaz as. And in 1996, at the next international exhibition in Hannover, everyone was pleased to be hit by the Skoda Liaz As Saddle tractor shown. His unusual form attracted visitors to a stand, like a magnet.

The model named 400 Xena was really good! The car equipped with the American engine Detroit Diesel with a capacity of 530 hp, was intended for work in the composition of a truck with a full weight of up to 42 tons. Over the machine worked, the famous Czech designers Jiri Shpaniel and Pavel Twishes. Unusual design and layout of the cabin, which is made of light alloys on the frame-panel principle. The car features an unusual design level and the highest comfort and interior decoration. Meet this model on the highway - a rare case. After all, in six years they were released about a hundred. Dimensions of the saddle tractor - 6 040 x 2 550 x 3 580 mm. Engine - Detroit Diesel Series 60 (S6067 GK62), working volume 12 700 cm 3. Transmission Eaton RTSO 17 316A. Rear Axle to buy a buyer: Rockwell U 180e RSX6 or Raba A 013.41-3300 with a hypoid main transmission. There were no modifications to this tractor and modernization, they simply did not have time to spend ... I found a fatal day. In 1999, at the turn of the centuries, Skoda with Truck International AS acquired just organized by Jablonets Skoda Motory, which became a subsidiary. On February 28, 2002, Skoda Motory turned into Jamot (Jablonecky Motory) and on June 17, declared itself bankrupt.

And from July 1, 2003, Jamot became part of the Tedom concern. All these events passed so rapidly that millions and billions flew to the right and left. The Exchange was not able to track all these transformations and mergers. Let's try to figure out ... The lack of decent buying demand for Trucks of the Czech brand Liaz made the leadership of the car giant known in the socialist years to make a step for himself - to close the assembly enterprise in the city of Mnikhovo. This Liaz enterprise was opened in 1951 and for more than half a century, there was about 350 thousand cargo cars and bus chassis for more than half a century. The most difficult times for the plant became the nineties and the beginning of the two thousand years, when the number of orders decreased several times. The Liaz bankruptcy procedure was initiated by Tedom four years ago, and in 2002, the engines in the city of Jablonec, the main supplier of power units for the conveyors of the former giant Skoda-Liaz was insolvent.

And the winning remained Tedom with new Fox models (with a huge number of modifications) and its own foundry, stamping and other industries. And, most importantly, without any "ballast", in which any enterprise is becoming over time. In addition, this young firm formed in 1990 has also appeared its own engine production. This is how you can get almost everything for such a short time. True, that all this was strengthened in monetary terms, no one had not yet believed ... and something else. Skoda Holding As and Skoda remained behind the skeleton in Mlada Boleslav, which belongs to the concern VW today. They don't have a direct relation to Liaz, so we did not tell them about them.

Laurin & Klement TYP MS, 1922

RAF FW25, 1909

Skoda 706, 1947

Skoda 100 Proto, 1963

Skoda 706 RTTN, 1967

Liaz 100, 1973 outside

Liaz 100, 1973 outside

... and inside (photo 2)

Liaz Proto 2 and ZIL 5350 layout, both appeared in 1987. Find differences! (Photo 1)

Liaz Proto 2 and ZIL 5350 layout, both appeared in 1987. Find differences! (photo 2)

Liaz 300, 8x4, 1995

Liaz Steyr, 1990

Tedom Fox, 2005, respectively, civil ...

... and army option

The beginning of the rank of history of the company Skoda Liaz is considered the very beginning of the 50s of the last century. It was then that Czechoslovakia's leadership decided to transfer the production of Skoda trucks from the Avia plant in the city of Tomany to the city of Liberec, which was located in the north of the then Czechoslovakia.

Birth of an enterprise

This was preceded by a number of activities for the reconstruction of small enterprises in the settlements of Rynvice, Mnikhovo Gradiste, Sviyany Lowkov and the Liberec actually. All of them entered the union "Liberec Automobile Plants", which, in turn, was part of AZNP - the main enterprise Skoda, located in the city of Mlada Boleslav. Already in the year Liaz (Liberec Automobiles) received independence, but the truck produced had a double brand - Skoda Liaz - until 1984.

Models 706 D and 706 R: Features and specifications

The base for the first truck, which began to produce an enterprise, became SKODA 706 D. Having a load capacity of 7 tons and power of 110 liters. s., Trucks during the war were produced for the needs of the Wehrmacht. Before the resumption of production in 1946, modernization was carried out. The car was equipped with a new cabin and increased power by 25 liters. from. The updated version received the 706 R index and was presented in 1949 in Moscow at the Czechoslovak automotive exhibition. At its base, they were subsequently produced vans, buses, dump trucks and special purpose machines. Using a common base greatly simplified the order of spare parts regardless of the target use of the car.

The development and production of Liaz trucks were adjusted before the war.

A diesel 6-cylinder engine was installed on the truck, whose design features allowed to extract pistons and connecting rods from a block without dismantling the entire motor. In each cylinder there were incandescent candles. The fuel pump was equipped with a centrifugal distributor feeding fuel to nozzles. The cooling water system was equipped with a thermostat.

The maximum stated vehicle speed was about 53 km / h, in fact it rarely exceeded 40 km / h with an average fuel consumption of approximately 30 liters per 100 km. The diesel engine worked in a pair with a 5-speed mechanical checkpoint.

The car was equipped with a motor brake, which was not in most diesel trucks of that time.

Cabind 706 R is spacious, the driver and three passengers and three passengers were free, and it was made of wood, covered with steel sheets.

New model - 706 RT and its modifications

In 1957, a new model came to shift 706 RT - Baby-blind RT. It was she who soon became a truly massive phenomenon on the roads of the Soviet Union. Based on this model with a 160 liter engine. from. And the direct injection of fuel produced RTS1 dump trucks (with one side unloading), RTS3 (with unloading to three sides), RTO bus chassis, Skoda Skoda tractor and other modifications.

In the 1960s, the mass supplies of the Skoda 706 RT family in the USSR began. The main type of semi-trailers, with which the Czech tractors worked in the Soviet Union were refrigerators, the procurement of which began in 1964. RT-based cars on the basis of RT have been popularly due to their reliability and endurance in work. The gearbox, the engine and the main nodes worked perfectly, and, if necessary, it was easy to find spare parts for repair.

The comfort of a driver's seat was incomplete with the fact that domestic manufacturers offered our chambers.

706 MT series

In 1966, the production of the Skoda 706 MT series with an 180 liter engine was established. p., and since 1969 - Series MT4 and MT5 with a 210-strong motor and 5-speed gearbox. The MT family, in addition, received an updated cabin, and in 1973 the release of double cabins for machines operating at short distances began.

The end of the production series was the development and release of a new model LIAZ 100, the production of which began in 1974 from the saddle tractors, and later onboard trucks. Nevertheless, Skoda 706 dump trucks were produced up to 1987.

Liaz family

Presented at the exhibition in Brno in 1973, the Liaz 100 family consisted of only two cars - the onboard truck and a saddle tractor with indexes 100.45 and 100.05, respectively. The beginning of the mass production of new models was in 1974, and the renewal of the family was presented in 1984. It included the Skoda Liaz 110 series with a folding cabin, as well as three-axis machines 122, represented by a 26-ton onboard truck 122.03 and a 62.48 tractor for 42-ton road trains.

The new generation of Czechoslovak Trucks Skoda Liaz 110 was distinguished unusually stylish and thoughtful design. This was preceded by the creation of several prototypes, which made it possible to ultimately create a truly optimal model with ideally worked fine things and unified spare parts. Lias-designed new MS638 and MS637 engines equipped with 6 cylinders with turbocharged, with a capacity of 270 and 304 liters. from. Fastening both engines was designed with such a calculation so that each of them can be installed on any modification. The tilt of cylinders by 45 degrees allowed to release more space for the middle seats and lower the floor in the cab. Also behind the seats in the cabin there was a luggage shelf and a sleeping place than the previous model could not boast.

Interestingly, at about the same time, Renault was provided by Avia plants a license for the release of low-tonnage trucks, and Liaz immediately took an attempt to establish the French Cabin on his tractors. However, this idea was unsuccessful, and the Czechs returned to their own design.

Soon the modifications of the Skoda with a shortened cabin, three- and four-axis models were developed, a four-wheel drive chassis with a passenger body (AFRICABUS model). The possibilities of cooperation were not overlooked. For example, a cabin was developed for TATRA trucks with a special lining of the radiator and a high fit.

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