Home Chassis Coupling car. Coupling and coupling head: What is what and what they happen. Required documentation and nuances

Coupling car. Coupling and coupling head: What is what and what they happen. Required documentation and nuances

The hitch is a trailer coupling device (TsSU), which allows you to mount a trailer for the carriage of goods, transportation of snowmobiles, boats, quad bikes.

Farc design

Devices may vary on the principle of fastening to a car and carrying capacity. It consists of a fastening platform and hook with a ball. The diameter of the ball is always 50 mm. The fastening is happening: the clamping device on the trailer is put on the ball and is attached to special constipation.

Types of Fastening Type

By type of fastening, TSS are divided into three types:

  • removable;
  • conditionally removable;
  • stationary (non-removable).

The names of the species speak for themselves. The removable design is attached to the platform using a snap-in mechanism and implies the possibility at any time to install or remove the mount with the ball.

Conditionally removable mechanisms can also be attached and disconnected from the platform. But for this apply bolts and keys for them. That is, time and effort on manipulation with such a type of ball will need a little more.

In stationary versions, the hook is attached to the platform with welding and remove it is already impossible.

When installing a traction device, you may need to remove the bumper when installing and even cutout in the bumper. It depends on the design features of the machine and the pardon and is necessary in order for the hook to take the right position. If the work is performed in accordance with the instruction, then on the appearance of the car does not affect such a cut.

Types of hollow load

The main criterion for safe use of TSS is observing the maximum permissible trailer load. By the type of traction effort, all headquarks are divided into three classes:

  1. Small. Designed to transport a maximum of 1.5 tons.
  2. Middle. For crossovers and SUVs fit the middle class. It allows you to carry cargo to 2.5 tons.
  3. Big. This is already a device for framework SUVs and minivans. It will allow you to load a trailer up to 3.5 tons.

Farc with electrician

When installing the TSU, it is also necessary to connect an electrician to it so that the driver can duplicate the stop signals, dimensions and turn signals on the trailer. This can be done directly from the rear headlamp wires or using the matching block, the so-called Smart-Connect.

Electrician with a universal coordination unit and suitable for all models of modern machines.

Personal car is a convenient, comfortable, reliable and fast vehicle. Often the operational properties of the car laid in the regulations are not enough for the car owner if the use of the machine is provided as an aggregate to move goods or auxiliary transport structures.

Such an extension of the machine functionality is performed at the expense of a special device on it, which allows to operate transport to move goods and structures. If the car is not equipped with a trailer mechanism from the plant, the car owner must understand the legal nuances that predetermining the possibility of its installation on the machine and operation for its intended purpose. Consider in the article that it reveals a trailer for a car from the structural position, the types of mechanisms sanctioned to the installation, features of leakage of traction-coupling connectors and the punishment provided for their incorrect installation.

History of origin and decoding concept

The appearance of the first trailers for vehicles is historically recorded during the period of World War, when the technical necessity of the operational movement of heavy loads arose, with defensive goals, and there was no human opportunity for this. From those times a lot of time has passed, now trailers are actively used to solve technical and household problems.

There are three configurations of trailed elements:

Accordingly, to give an advantage when purchasing fixture mechanisms is chamber of the first or second type, taking into account the modification of the trailer and its fastener response element. Hooking hooks are less reliable, experts argue that such modifications very soon will completely withdraw from market sales. When selecting the mechanism, it is worth considering its compliance with the type of body and vehicle model.

Legislatures on the installation of "Farkopa": register or not

Each car owner, before purchasing and installing a headquart, faces a dilemma, legitimate or not there will be an installation of a device, is it possible to install a trailer device and operate on a destination with impunity? The answer to this question is to look for in the Legislative Code on the conversion of the car and the regulations of the vehicle itself. Legal regulations for transportation of transport are registered in the technical regulation "On the security of wheels", and the staff of the traffic police justify the legality of Article 12.5, registered in the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the technical regulations, the hitch is not counted for aggregates that are subject to mandatory registration in cases where the installation is regulated by the manufacturer of the machine. Most automakers authorize the admissibility of installing a trailer device for transporting a trailer to a passenger car, from the plant predetermining places for its attachment. Information on the admissibility of installing additional equipment in the form of a headquart should be spelled out in the technical documentation for the machine and in the load plate located on the driver's driver's desk or in the pumproom.

The installation of the headquart is not subject to registration under the following conditions:

  1. Installation and operation of trailed equipment is sanctioned by the manufacturer.
  2. A factory design is installed on the machine, having a certificate of conformity of the device model to a specific transport.
  3. When installing the Farkop, structural changes are not carried out, the installation is made according to the regulations of the instructions for equipment.

In situations, if there is no passenger car in the regulations for the machine, or the installation of the purchased headquart suggests welding or drilling work, the equipment must be registered in the traffic police department.

Cases when the TSU installation is prohibited by law

Most passenger cars have a mark on the TSS installation tolerance. These information can be viewed in the documentation for the acquired vehicle, or, in the absence of data, request them to a dealer company or directly on the auto-pre-manufacturing plant.

The categorical ban on the equipment of the car of the passenger category is sanctioned exclusively in those situations where the plant eliminates the possibility of using a car as a traction for transportation of goods, including trailers, by virtue of the structural and technical features of the car.

Other situations include the unpunished installation of the Farkop and its intended purpose:

  1. Without registering in the traffic police department, if the traction device provides installation without interference in the car design, and the mechanism has quality certificates and mounted according to the requirements of the automaker.
  2. With the receipt of admission when the installation of a headquart with interference in the design of the transport is envisaged.

When operating a traction device on passenger transport, it is worth considering that the mass of the trailer should not exceed the weight of the equipped car, and the total tonnage of the machine with the trailer cannot exceed 3.5.

Consider what documentation should be at the driver during the operation of the Farkop in each of the situations, how to legitimize the traction and power device, if such registration is required by law.

Required documentation and nuances

Operation of transport with TSU provides for the car owner mandatory availability of the following documents:

  1. The passport of installed equipment containing data on its installation. In the passport there must be a car service mark, where the pharg was installed on the car.
  2. Certificate for installed equipment.
  3. Act about the installation work.

Such documents will be enough for road inspection, in situations where the installed pharg is certified for use on a specific model of transport.

Otherwise, when the equipment is not specified in the user manual as permissible to use, it has features on the installation, then the car owner should take care, to avoid problems with the law, on the registration of the traction-coupling design.

Consider the algorithm in detail, which is the answer to the question, as a trailer device to be issued for operation on a passenger car, in compliance with all legislative, procedural norms.

The procedure implies the following activities:

  1. A visit to the traffic police department, where it is necessary to apply, which contains a preliminary examination with the subsequent permit for the installation of traction equipment. Together with the statement, the car owner must submit the STS, TCP and their copies, documentation for the installed unit.
  2. After receiving the "verdict" of the traffic police experts, on the basis of permission, the owner of the transport should be applied to the specified center, with the authority to carry out installation and installation of equipment on a passenger car. Confirmation of specialized installation acts acts of work performed from the contractor, declaration and certificate of compliance.
  3. The above documents give the right to contact the organization authorized to inspect the changes and issue a diagnostic card.
  4. To the Department of the traffic police to provide a car for the final examination. The car owner should present a declaration from the service center, a diagnostic list that makes up the security of changes made, documents for the car and the installed part, the original permission to install TSS from the expert commission.
  5. After the technical expertise in the traffic police department and the verification of the submitted documents, the car owner will be given a certificate, authorizing the operation of the machine with the established traction and coupling equipment.

Certificate confirming the safety of the installation is the guarantor of unpublined operation of a car with a fixed headquarter. Do not forget that legalization also requires a trailer that will be operated for transportation of goods.

Penalties for the inappropriate mounting of the Farc

Coupling for transportation of goods, although not identified in the legislative documentation as an additional accessory of the car, for inappropriate installation or installation with non-compliance with the regulations implies financial punishment for the car owner. Punishment of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which predetermines a penalty of five hundred and five thousand rubles in such situations:

  1. Lack of documents for a hitch or inconsistency of traction design standards installed automaker.
  2. TSU is set in an inappropriate place or with technical defects.
  3. Design technical malfunction.

The measure of punishment is predetermined by the criteria of the danger, which the car owner carries in operation of the machine with a TSU that does not correspond to the sample standards or with its incorrect installation.

Experts recommend to have constantly documents with them, who confirm the fact of the safety of the headquarters, otherwise, the owner of the car threatens money recovery. If the fine is not recognized, it will have to be disputed in court, which is not always beneficial with a financial position.

Let's summarize

TsSU, like any other attached or additional equipment, must be established reasonably. And the explanation in this situation lies not only in the future to meet with law enforcement agencies who can punish a fine, but also in personal safety on the road. Installation of inappropriate equipment and its operation, especially if the design of the car is disturbed, reduces the safety of the vehicle several times, which may entail precedents that threaten the health and life of the driver, passengers, random passers-by or other car owners.

If the TSU is extremely necessary, select the designs authorized by the automaker, preferring the installation work in specialized centers, which predetermines the quality of the procedure, installation with compliance with technologies and guarantee the safety of the device during operation.

The frame is the carrier system of the car. It perceives all loads arising from the movement of the car and serves as the basis on which the engine, transmission units, controls mechanisms, additional and special equipment, as well as a cabin, body, or a load-cutting container (tank) are mounted.

All trucks have a frame. Depending on the design frames (Fig. 18.1) are divided into spar (stair) and central (ridge).The greatest distribution in the automotive was the first of them. but)

Fig.18.1. Automotive frames:

a-bander; b-central

By car, KAMAZ-43U installed a stamped, adhesive frame, consisting of two alternating cross-section spars connected by five crossings, spars in the sections - a sewer type.

At the front ends of the spars installed brackets to which bolts are attached towers with fingers.

The front buffer is removable, attached bolts to towing forks.

Two buffers are installed on the rear frame

In addition, a traction coupling device is fastened to the rear cross.

The car traction device consists of a hook 2 (Fig. 18.2), the shank of which passes through the hole in the rear crossbar of the frame having an additional amplifier. The shank of the hook is inserted into the massive cylindrical housing 15, closed on one side by a protective cap, and on the other - the cover 16 of the housing.

ai Fig. 18.2. Traction Coupling:

1-Oil; 2-hook with a bubbler and a rod; 3-axis hook latch; 4-dog latch; 5-axis of the dog; 6-latch; 7 nut; 8-chain lock plot; 9-elastic element; 10-nut hook; 11-pin; 12-protective casing; 13 and 14 flanges; 15-housing; 16-Case Case

Rubber elastic element (buffer) 9, mitigating shock loads when starting the car with a trailer from a place and when driving along an uneven road, it is located between a bounted flange 13 and 14, with which the necessary preliminary tension of this buffer is created.

On the axis 3 passing through the hook, the latch is installed, a snorkeled dog 4, which does not allow the bottom of the trailer to get out of the engagement with the hook.

In the event of an axial movement of the hook after long-term operation of the car, it is necessary to disassemble the traction-hitch and, if necessary, straighten the flanges 13 and 14 and replace the worn items.

By car ZIL-131, the design of the frame and the traction and coupler device does not have the fundamental differences from the KAMAZ frame ^ sho. In the front of the frame, mudguards are installed, protecting the inconsistent space from dirt. Tow hooks are installed at the front ends of the spars. Front buffer is equipped with a folding footboard. Rear buffers when towing trailers need to be removed by installing the rear coast fastening bolts into former places. On the rear crossbar of the frame installed ry-bolts for fastening the emergency circuits of the trailer

Hydraulic shock absorbers.When the car moves, the spring fluctuations are arisible as a result of the springs, which are damped with shock absorbers. Due to the increased requirements for smoothness, the shock absorbers became one of the main elements of the suspension of modern cars. For military automotive technology, this indicator is important from the point of view of the possibility of installing on cars of weapons and military equipment, which require increased smoothness.

On vehicles, hydraulic shock absorbers were most widespread, in which resistance (internal friction) is used by a relatively viscous fluid passing through the calibrated holes of small diameters and limited sections in the valves. The full cycle of frame oscillations relative to the bridge and wheels includes two periods:

- the stroke of the spraying of the springs, when the precursory part (frame with the platform) is closer to the unsappressible part (bridges and wheels);

the movement of the remant's recoil when the trenchy part is removed from the unsappressing

Fig. 19.3.Chemem of the brake driving of the car and


1-in reflected condition; And - in the inverted state 1-compressor; 2-combined brake valve; 3-disordered car crane; 4-connecting head; 5-disconnecting trailer crane; 6-air distributor trailer; 7-air cylinders of the trailer; 9-torque chambers; 10-air car balloon

The block and head are cooled with a liquid from the engine cooling system. The liquid into the cooling system of the compressor is supplied from the water shirt of the engine inlet pipeline and merges from the head into the suction cavity of the water pump.

Disable air supply to the compressor in the pneumatic system is as follows. Upon reaching the air pressure pressure in the pneumatic system 0.73-0.77 MPa, the pressure regulator supplies compressed air through the "A" channel in the cylinder block under the plunger 26 of the unloading device, which, lifting, open the inlet valves of 21 two cylinders, thereby terminating the air supply In the pneumatic system, since the air is able to freely move from the cylinder into the cylinder.

When the air pressure decreases to 0.60-0.64 MPa, the regulator stops supplying compressed air under the plunger of the unloading device. The air from under the plunger enters the atmosphere; Plungers under the action of the rocker spring are lowered by freeing intake valves, and the compressor again begins to force the air into the pneumatic system

Fig.19.4. Air compressor:

1-lower crankcase cover; 2-front cover; 3-pulley; 4-seal of the crankshaft; 5-crankcase; 6-block of cylinders; 7-rod; 8-piston with rings; 9-piston finger with locking rings; 10-head block; 11-plug of the discharge valve; 12-spring discharge valve; 13-awkward valve; 14-seat of the discharge valve; 15-rear crankshaft bearing; 16-spring sealer; 17th crankcase cover; 18-seal; 19 crankshaft; 20-adjusting bolt; 21-inlet valve; 22-guide inlet valve; 23-rod inlet valve; 24-guide spring spring; 25-rocker; 26 plunger; 27-sealing rings; 28-nest of the ink valve rod; 29-Spler on the inlet valve

The oil to the rubbing surfaces of the compressor enters the tubes from the oil line of the engine to the back cover of the compressor crankcase and through the seal along the crankshaft channels to the connecting rod bearings. Indigenous ball bearings, piston fingers and cylinder walls are smeared by splashing.

Pressure regulator (Figure 19.5, a.)mounted on a compressor cylinder block. To increase the reliability of the pressure regulator, it is equipped with two filters: one filter is installed at the air flow site from the pneumatic system, the other is at the aircraft entry in the regulator from the compressor unloading device. The pressure regulator automatically maintains the required compressed air pressure in the system, air inlet into the discharge device of the compressor and the release of the air from it

Fig.19.5. Pressure regulator (s) and safety valve (b):

1-casing; 2-spring; 3-adjusting cap nut; 4-rod; 5-fitting; 6-stranded filter; 7-metal-ceramic filter; 8-chassis of the regulator; 9-cork; 10-ink valve; 11-exhaust valve; 12-counter nut; 13 centering balls; 14-saddle; 15-housing; 16-ball; 17-PRU-Zhina; 18-locking; 19-adjusting screw; 20-rod.

When the pressure is reached 0.73-0.77 MPa, the regulator turns off the air supply, and at a pressure of 0.60-0.64 MPa turns on it again. In the case 8 of the regulator under the casing 1, fitting 5, intake 10 and graduation 11 ball valves, loaded through the rod 4 of spring 2, and centering balls 13. The regulator has a mesh filter 6 installed at the air outlet location from the regulator in the compressor discharge device and Metal-ceramic filter 7, pressed by plug 9 at the air inlet in the regulator from the pneumatic system.

At a pressure of 0.73-0.77 MPa, compressed air, overcoming the resistance of the spring 2, opens the inlet valve 10 and enters the compressor discharge device. In the discharge device (Fig. 19.4), the compressed air presses on the plunger 26, which opens the intake valve 21. The compressor in this case, as noted above, pumps the air from one cylinder to another, i.e. it works in idle.

When the pressure decreases to 0.60-0.64 MPa, the intake valve 10 (Fig. 19.5, a) is closed and the exhaust valve 11 is closed, dropping down, under the action of spring 2, reports the discharge device of the compressor with the atmosphere. The intake valves of the unloading device are closed and the compressor begins to pump air into the pneumatic system.

Safety valve(Fig. 19.5,6) is used to prevent a pneumatic system from excessive pressure increases when the pressure regulator faults. It is screwed in its body 15, in which the ball 16 is removed, pressed to the sadder of the rod 20 under the action of the spring 17. To adjust the valve to the specified pressure, a screw 19 is installed with a lock nut 18.

The valve is installed on the right air cylinder and adjusted to the air pressure in the system, equal to 0.90-0.95 MPa. In this case, the pressure of the ball 16, overcoming the resistance of the spring 17, opens the output of the air into the atmosphere (through the hole in the side wall of the case).

Air cylinders (Receivers) 17 Fig. 18.11 Serve for storing a compressed air supply from the compressor. They have cranes for draining water and oil condensate and a safety valve is installed.

The winch is designed for self-drawing and tightening the car
Mobile and trailers through difficulty sections.

By car KAMAZ-43101, the winch is installed on two crossbars and two brackets in the back of the car frame, consists of a worm gearbox 10 (Fig. 8.12) of the drum 11 with a cable 7 and the cable-supporter 8.

1.2. Reducer (Fig. 8.13) consists of a global pair with transfer
Number 31. Wormworm 14 is glued to the hub that is movable
The coupling 3 is connected to the 10 drum shaft. The drum was put on the shaft through the shlis
Tsevoy sleeve 1 and swords 2.

On the Reducer worm, an automatic brake mechanism is installed, designed for additional braking of the shaft of the gear of the gearbox when the clutch is turned off, as well as during the cutting bolt of the cardan shaft plug in the case of overloads. The brake drum 40 is set at the end of the worm shaft. The braking of the drum is carried out with a ribbon of 8 brake mechanism with friction linings. One end of the tape is rigidly fixed with nuts 7 in the front bearing cap 38, and the other is moving in the hole of the same cover through the spring 4, which tapes the tape in the direction opposite to the rotation of the Worm shaft 34 when winding the cable of the winch on the drum. Ribbon, fascinated by the force of friction, squeezes the spring, which leads to a weakening of the press on the brake drum. With the reverse rotation of the Worm shaft, under the action of friction force, the tape self-drawing occurs, which causes the drum slowing down and prevents its rotation due to the rigid fastening of the second end of the brake ribbon. With a small frequency of rotation of the Worm, the braking force created by the automatic braking mechanism is slightly and does not interfere with the unwinding of the cable. The brake tape tension is regulated by a tightening spring. When tightening the nut 7 braking torque increases.

1.3. The winch drive is carried out by three cardan shafts 8-10 (Fig. 8.12) from the single-stage power take-off box installed on the dispensing box. On the rear cardan shaft for preventing the parts of the overload, a cutting safety bolt is mounted; front

Fig. 8.12. Swan carKAMAZ-43101:

1 - front guide rollers; 2 - first and secondsupport rollers; 3 - Wedge; 4 - Bracket clip rope clip; 5 - third support roller; 6 - rear guide roller; 7 - cable; 8 - the cable; 9 - driven asterisk; 10 - gearbox; 11 - drum winch; 12 - rear cardan shaft; 13 - intermediate cardan shaft; 14 - front cardan shaft; 15 - Turning lever Barabana shaft; 16 - lid; 17- hook; 18 - Klin.

the drive shaft has a movable slotted connection that ensures the compensation of the inaccuracies of the installation. Intermediate drive shaft is installed on two supports of the same design.

The cable train (Fig. 8.15) provides uniform and tight styling of the cable on the drum. Case 2 of the cable loader makes a reciprocating movement along the running screw 13, laying the cable on the drum. Pipe 15, rigidly connected to the housing, and roller are guides. The running screw with the left and right-hand cutting, mounted on the bearing 9 in the body 10 of the drive and two supports inside the pipe, is driven by the chain transmission from the drum shaft through the driven and the leading sprocket 7. The cable is fixed on the winch drum and passes between two rollers 1 installed. On the axes 5. The course of the hull is consistent with the rotation of the drum so that for each turnover of the drum, the case of the cable layer moves to a distance equal to one turn of the cable turn.

The winch cable (Fig. 8.12) is fixed on the hook 17 of the wedge 18. This allows you to remove the hook by knocking the wedge, and give the cable back. On the right side of the frame installed wedge 3, which serves to secure the cable at itself
pull out the car back with the block.

The winch drive control is remote, electropneumatic, is carried out by switch 12 (Fig. 1.5) installed in the cabin.

The winch drum shaft turns off from the gear mechanism by turning the shutdown lever 14 (Fig. 8.12), while the shutdown clutch comes out of the engagement with the gear wheel of the gearbox.

To turn on the KAMAZ-4310 winch, it is necessary to squeeze the clutch pedal, set the switching box switch to the neutral position, and the winch switch to the "Conference" position and release the clutch pedal. To wind the cable on the drum, turn on the first transmission in the gearbox. In case of forced unwinding the cable should be included the reverse transmission

The system of cars URAL-4320 and KAMAZ-4310 (Fig. 8.18, 8.19) consists of a compressor, a pressure control crane 3 (on a KAMAZ with limiter valves), an interbalon gearbox (URAL-4320), air constipation cranes, air supply blocks in a casing Semi-axes, pipelines and air balloon.

Fig. 8.18. Centralized air pressure regulating system in Ural-4320 tires:

The best offer is the headquarks on the car, our online store visitors can choose and buy a hitch from the presented range or order the manufacture of the required TSU.

Recently, such products, as higrants, are in great demand for almost all car owners. This is especially true for the owners of SUVs, which practically do not pose a ride without this device, since jeeps are considered excellent traction horses due to the special design of the transmission. There are quite a few life situations in which the presence of a row on a car is simply necessary: \u200b\u200bfrom effective protection of the car from the blow from behind and to solve such a task, like pulling the car from the cuvette or transportation of any cargo.

Types of suggested Farcupov

Farcs for car inexpensively in Moscow.

Currently, Factory manufacturers offer consumers several types of traction coupling devices:

Farca Conditionally removable - the hook is fastened with two bolts and is most common, has a type of ball a;

The hook is fast-release - has a removable hook, which is easy to install and remove, has a type of ball c;

Flange hook - has a forged hook and fastened on two or four bolts, has a type of ball F or G;

Welded hook - has a hook with a rigid fixed fastening, rarely occurs, has a type of ball H.

The most popular and in demand is the TSU of the first type due to the simplicity of the design and affordable cost. Its constant presence is the effective protection of the rear bumper and the possibility for trouble-free transportation of goods.

Choosing a TSU should take into account the fact that the headquarters from European producers differ from domestic analogues. This implies the features of the design of the plug outlet and the diameter of such an element like a ball. The correct selection of the coupling for the connection will provide not only a steady coordination unit, but also a reliable electrical connection.

All Parkopes presented in our online store, which you can at the most attractive cost, have certificates and documents, which confirms their originality and quality. In addition to the sale of TSU, our company offers a service - installing a headquart with a guarantee.

Although the headquarters are not scarce products, nevertheless there are cars that are quite difficult to choose a suitable device. To solve such a problem, the car owner can order our service - the manufacture of hitch. Finished products produced by our experts fully complies with all the requirements of quality and safety. To order the traction-hitch you need right now, call the phones specified on the site!

When it comes to trailers, novice motorists confidently discuss the issues of lifting capacity and maneuverability. But the issues of the traction and coupling device put on a dead end due to the definition of the concept. Whether it is a coupling device for a passenger trailer, whether the trailer hitch head, and maybe drawing is a pharg?!

The benefit of acquiring a branded headquart for the car is understandable. What is a TSU (a traction coupling device) or a hook - this is a hook with a metal ball, sticking below the bumper, to throw the coupling head on it, installed at the end of the direct or V-shaped trailer breath. When there is a need for the shipment of cargo, uncomprepresented to the salon or trunk, the choice of the trailer is accompanied by questions about the Farkop. After all, depending on the attachment, the permissible load on the car's frame is calculated. Of course, the masses are in certificates and on the back of the hood. But what to do if the hitch is not installed?


  • Look for a suitable or native brand;
  • In the absence of making to order or independently.

What is a traction coupling device

In practice, two types of TSU took place in Russia:

The advantage of this design is the possibility of equipping the trailer to the brake system, which will work using mechanical oscillations through the ball into the coupling head and ensure the leveling of high-speed drops on the road: inhibits the car, the inertia trailer presses the lever to the ball, turn on the brakes.

Homemade TSUs are trying to fit into specific destination. Otherwise it is possible to prohibit operation. There are many models in the market. All of them differ:

  • By weight classification;
  • In design;
  • Fastening method;
  • The features of the attachment of electricians.

Towing with non-standard values \u200b\u200bcan lead to poor consequences. Therefore, the classification of hooks begins with the weight load. Compliance with its group will provide long viability.

  1. For passenger cars with a permissible mass of the trailer of 1.5 tons;
  2. For universal minivans with a similar value to 2.5 tons;
  3. For minibuses, SUVs up to 3.5 tons.

TSA Classification:

European design. The difference from domestic is the size of the ball, which is marked with inches:

  • 1-7/8 is 47.6 mm;
  • 2 is 50, 8 mm;
  • 2-5 / 16 - 58.7 mm.

American design. This is a bit different story. They have the form of a quadrugina mine, which inserts a drawing tip with constipation in the form of a hook-shaped handle.

The method of attachment involves three types of devices:

Factory classification:

The traction-hitch is a meeting place for automotive electricians and trailed. A socket with 7, 13 or 15 contacts is usually mounted on the hinge, and the trailer wiring involves a similar plug. It happens, the plug and socket turn out to be with a different contact option. The advance selection of the trailer with the desired pinout will exclude the problem. But if this happened, an adapter comes to the rescue.
Manufacturers of hoppers, offering their products to the mass consumer, are responsible for the quality of the material and the resistance of the elements in the assembly, which can be checked only in the factory conditions. The requirements of OST 37.001.299 regulate the characteristics. The handicrafts of the headquarters live and successfully disguise under the original samples. Well, if the master is known for the weight distribution formula relative to the car body and installation of fasteners, but no one guarantees the reliability of the metal.

How to install Pharkop.

Montage of a headquard on a car

TSU is attached to the frame or body body. The bumper is usually removed and its role is getting the main trailer beam. In some embodiments, you have to drill a spar and install mortgage plates. But the installation of the native landarkop is simple. If the manufacturer of the car has provided a place of installation, holes and other items for installing a headquart, and there is a document (as a rule, this is a certificate when buying) with the characteristics of the original device, then the independent installation is completely legal and logical. The service will suggest a certain price. This will pay off if the drilling of additional holes or the installation is not a native headquart, but suitable according to the characteristics. The service will issue a written conclusion on the compliance.

The state of the ball and the TSU itself requires a constant verification for:

  • Promoted, torn nuts or bolts (grover prevents spinning, but not disruption);
  • Bowl lubrication;
  • Clean outlets;
  • Welded seams.

The ball is experiencing critical loads, susceptible to wear. I need to measure the diameter every 1-1.5 thousand km of mileage.

Manufacturers of traction coupling devices

Finally, you can bring a list of well-known manufacturers of TSS:

  • Bosal - 200 samples for passenger cars and trucks from Belgium;
  • Brink - leading position from Holland;
  • VFM - Russian association under the Flag of the company Bosal;
  • Westfalia is a major German firm. More than 800 items;
  • ARAGON - Spanish leader;
  • Hiddenhitch - North American company;
  • AVTOS - Russian company produces trailers and headquars;
  • Baltex is a domestic company from St. Petersburg.

Video review Bosal Farkopov

When the picture is clear, you should not waste time and invent what is already in the best possible option. A common approach to solving the carriage of cargo and a literate mounting of the Factory will definitely lead to success. And lovers of inventions should at least navigate the owners of golden hands.

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